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Administrative Measures for Urban Living Garbage (2015 Amendment PKULAW Version) [Effective]
城市生活垃圾管理办法(2015修正) [现行有效]

Administrative Measures for Urban Living Garbage



(Issued by Order No.157 of the Ministry of Construction on April 28, 2007, and effective as of July 1, 2007; amended in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Amending the Provisions on the Administration of the Qualifications of Real Estate Development Enterprises and Other Departmental Rules by Order No.24 of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on May 4, 2015) (二○○七年四月二十八日建设部令第157号发布 自2007年7月1日起施行 根据2015年5月4日住房和城乡建设部令第24号《住房和城乡建设部关于修改<房地产开发企业资质管理规定>等部门规章的决定》修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the administration of urban living garbage and improving the city appearance and environmental sanitation, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Regulation on the Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了加强城市生活垃圾管理,改善城市市容和环境卫生,根据《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》、《城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the clearing, collection, transport, disposal of urban living garbage and the relevant administrative activities within the territory of the People Republic of China.   第二条 本办法适用于中华人民共和国境内城市生活垃圾的清扫、收集、运输、处置及相关管理活动。
Article 3 The principles of minimization, reclamation and environmentally friendly treatment and that whoever produces garbage shall bear the responsibility for the disposal thereof shall be observed in the control of urban living garbage.   第三条 城市生活垃圾的治理,实行减量化、资源化、无害化和谁产生、谁依法负责的原则。
The state shall adopt economic and technological policies and measures which are helpful to the comprehensive utilization of urban living garbage, enhance the scientific and technological level of control of urban living garbage and encourage the full recovery and reasonable utilization of urban living garbage. 国家采取有利于城市生活垃圾综合利用的经济、技术政策和措施,提高城市生活垃圾治理的科学技术水平,鼓励对城市生活垃圾实行充分回收和合理利用。
Article 4 The entities and individuals producing urban living garbage shall pay fees for the disposal thereof according to the criterions determined by urban people's government on garbage disposal fees and other relevant provisions.   第四条 产生城市生活垃圾的单位和个人,应当按照城市人民政府确定的生活垃圾处理费收费标准和有关规定缴纳城市生活垃圾处理费。
The urban garbage disposal fees shall be exclusively used for the collection, transport and disposal of urban living garbage and are strictly forbidden to be used for any other purpose. 城市生活垃圾处理费应当专项用于城市生活垃圾收集、运输和处置,严禁挪作他用。
Article 5 The construction administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of urban living garbage throughout the country.   第五条 国务院建设主管部门负责全国城市生活垃圾管理工作。
The construction administrative department of the people's government of each province or autonomous region shall be responsible for the administration of urban living garbage within its administrative area. 省、自治区人民政府建设主管部门负责本行政区域内城市生活垃圾管理工作。
The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people's government of a municipality directly under the Central Government, of a city or a county, shall be responsible for the administration of urban living garbage within its administrative area. 直辖市、市、县人民政府建设(环境卫生)主管部门负责本行政区域内城市生活垃圾的管理工作。
Article 6 Any entity or individual shall comply with the relevant provisions on the administration of urban living garbage and may expose and charge against any entity or individual in violation of these Measures.   第六条 任何单位和个人都应当遵守城市生活垃圾管理的有关规定,并有权对违反本办法的单位和个人进行检举和控告。
Chapter II Control Planning and Facilities Construction 

第二章 治理规划与设施建设

Article 7 The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people's government of a municipality directly under the Central Government, of a city or of a county, shall, jointly with the relevant departments such as the city planning department, work out a plan on the control of urban living garbage and uniformly arrange the distribution of, land to be used for and scale of facilities for the collection and disposal of urban living garbage.   第七条 直辖市、市、县人民政府建设(环境卫生)主管部门应当会同城市规划等有关部门,依据城市总体规划和本地区国民经济和社会发展计划等,制定城市生活垃圾治理规划,统筹安排城市生活垃圾收集、处置设施的布局、用地和规模。
The opinions of the general public shall be widely consulted in the formulation of a plan on the control of urban living garbage. 制定城市生活垃圾治理规划,应当广泛征求公众意见。
Article 8 The land to be used for the facilities of collection and disposal of urban living garbage shall be integrated into the urban yellow line protection range. No entity or individual may illegally occupy it or change its purpose of use.   第八条 城市生活垃圾收集、处置设施用地应当纳入城市黄线保护范围,任何单位和个人不得擅自占用或者改变其用途。
Article 9 The construction of facilities of collection and disposal of urban living garbage shall be in line with the urban living garbage control plan and the pertinent national technical standards.   第九条 城市生活垃圾收集、处置设施建设,应当符合城市生活垃圾治理规划和国家有关技术标准。
Article 10 An entity engaging in the development of a new area, rebuilding of an old area or construction and development of a residential area, or the business management entity of an airport, port, station, store or of any other public facilities or place prepare facilities for the collection of urban living garbage under the urban living garbage control plan and the criterions on the setup of environmental sanitation facilities.   第十条 从事新区开发、旧区改建和住宅小区开发建设的单位,以及机场、码头、车站、公园、商店等公共设施、场所的经营管理单位,应当按照城市生活垃圾治理规划和环境卫生设施的设置标准,配套建设城市生活垃圾收集设施。
Article 11 The relevant laws, regulations and technical standards of the state shall be strictly followed in the survey, design, construction and supervision of construction of projects of facilities for the collection and disposal of urban living garbage.   第十一条 城市生活垃圾收集、处置设施工程建设的勘察、设计、施工和监理,应当严格执行国家有关法律、法规和技术标准。
Article 12 After the completion of a project of construction of facilities for the collection or disposal of urban living garbage, the construction entity shall organize a completion-based check and shall, within 3 month thereafter, submit to the construction project archives to the construction administrative department and the environmental sanitation administrative department of the local people's government. If no completion-based check is made for the project or if the project fails to pass the check, it shall not be delivered for use.   第十二条 城市生活垃圾收集、处置设施工程竣工后,建设单位应当依法组织竣工验收,并在竣工验收后三个月内,依法向当地人民政府建设主管部门和环境卫生主管部门报送建设工程项目档案。未经验收或者验收不合格的,不得交付使用。
Article 13 No entity or individual may illicitly close down or dismantle any facilities or site for the disposal of urban living garbage or leave them idle. If it is really necessary to do so, such entity or individual shall be subject to the examination and approval of the construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the local people's government at the county level or above and shall take measures to prevent environmental pollution.   第十三条 任何单位和个人不得擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除城市生活垃圾处置设施、场所;确有必要关闭、闲置或者拆除的,必须经所在地县级以上地方人民政府建设(环境卫生)主管部门和环境保护主管部门核准,并采取措施,防止污染环境。
Article 14 An applicant shall submit the following materials if it (he) applies for closing down or dismantling any facilities or site for the disposal of urban living garbage or leaving them idle:   第十四条 申请关闭、闲置或者拆除城市生活垃圾处置设施、场所的,应当提交以下材料:
1. A written application; (一)书面申请;
2. The ownership certification materials; (二)权属关系证明材料;
3. A certification for its loss of functions or for the replacement of its functions by other facilities; (三)丧失使用功能或其使用功能被其他设施替代的证明;
4. A plan on the prevention of environmental pollution; (四)防止环境污染的方案;
5. A drawing of the present state of and a plan on the dismantlement of the facilities to be closed down, to be left idle or to be dismantled; (五)拟关闭、闲置或者拆除设施的现状图及拆除方案;
6. A design map of the new facilities to be built; (六)拟新建设施设计图;
7. For any facilities to be left idle, be closed down or dismantled due to the execution of a city plan, the approval documents of the planning and construction administrative department shall be provided as well. (七)因实施城市规划需要闲置、关闭或者拆除的,还应当提供规划、建设主管部门的批准文件。
Chapter III Clearing, Collection and Transport 

第三章 清扫、收集、运输

Article 15 Classified dumping, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall be gradually realized. The detailed measures shall be formulated by the construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of the people's government of a municipality directly under the Central Government, or of a county, according to the national standards and the local actual situation.   第十五条 城市生活垃圾应当逐步实行分类投放、收集和运输。具体办法,由直辖市、市、县人民政府建设(环境卫生)主管部门根据国家标准和本地区实际制定。
Article 16 An entity or individual shall, according to the prescribed place and time, dump the living garbage to the garbage containers or collection place as designated. The waste furniture and other large pieces of garbage shall, at the prescribed time, be put in the collection place as designated.   第十六条 单位和个人应当按照规定的地点、时间等要求,将生活垃圾投放到指定的垃圾容器或者收集场所。废旧家具等大件垃圾应当按规定时间投放在指定的收集场所。
For an area for the classified collection of urban living garbage, the entities and individuals shall, according to the classification requirements as prescribed, put the living garbage into the corresponding garbage bag and then put it into the designated garbage container or collection place. 城市生活垃圾实行分类收集的地区,单位和个人应当按照规定的分类要求,将生活垃圾装入相应的垃圾袋内,投入指定的垃圾容器或者收集场所。
Hotels, restaurants, government organs, universities, colleges and other entities shall, under the relevant provisions, separately collect and keep the kitchen garbage produced by themselves and deliver such garbage to an enterprise of collection and transport of urban living garbage, which satisfies the requirements of these Measures, for transport to prescribed place of disposal of urban living garbage. 宾馆、饭店、餐馆以及机关、院校等单位应当按照规定单独收集、存放本单位产生的餐厨垃圾,并交符合本办法要求的城市生活垃圾收集、运输企业运至规定的城市生活垃圾处理场所。
It is forbidden to dump, throw, spill or pile up urban living garbage at will. 禁止随意倾倒、抛洒或者堆放城市生活垃圾。
Article 17 An enterprise engaging in commercial clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall obtain a license for the commercial service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage.   第十七条 从事城市生活垃圾经营性清扫、收集、运输的企业,应当取得城市生活垃圾经营性清扫、收集、运输服务许可证。
Any enterprise failing to obtain a license for the commercial service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall not engage in activities of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage. 未取得城市生活垃圾经营性清扫、收集、运输服务许可证的企业,不得从事城市生活垃圾经营性清扫、收集、运输活动。
Article 18 The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of a municipality directly under the Central Government, or of a city or county, shall, by way of bid tendering or any other fair competition means, make a licensing decision about the commercial service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage and issue to the bid-winner a service of commercial clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage.   第十八条 直辖市、市、县建设(环境卫生)主管部门应当通过招投标等公平竞争方式作出城市生活垃圾经营性清扫、收集、运输许可的决定,向中标人颁发城市生活垃圾经营性清扫、收集、运输服务许可证。
The construction (environmental sanitation) administrative department of a municipality directly under the Central Government, or of a city or county, shall sign with the bid-winner an agreement on the business of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage. 直辖市、市、县建设(环境卫生)主管部门应当与中标人签订城市生活垃圾清扫、收集、运输经营协议。
The agreement on the business of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall state the time limit, service standards and other items and shall serve as an attachment to the license for the service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage. 城市生活垃圾清扫、收集、运输经营协议应当明确约定经营期限、服务标准等内容,作为城市生活垃圾清扫、收集、运输服务许可证的附件。
Article 19 An enterprise to provide the service of clearing, collection and transport of urban living garbage shall meet the following conditions:   第十九条 从事城市生活垃圾经营性清扫、收集、运输服务的企业,应当具备以下条件:
1. Its mechanical clearing capacity shall reach at least 20% of the total clearing capacity; it has mechanical clearing vehicles, including tank cars and clearing vehicles. A mechanical clearing vehicle shall have the functions such as automatic water spray, preventing dirt, preventing falling and scattering, as well as safety warning, and shall be equipped with an instrument for recording the driving and clearing courses of the vehicle; (一)机械清扫能力达到总清扫能力的20%以上,机械清扫车辆包括洒水车和清扫保洁车辆。机械清扫车辆应当具有自动洒水、防尘、防遗撒、安全警示功能,安装车辆行驶及清扫过程记录仪;
2. It shall employ completely airtight transport tools, which have the function of classified collection, to collect garbage;

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