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Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国监察法 [现行有效]

Order of the President 


(No. 3) (第三号)

The Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 1st Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on March 20, 2018, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《中华人民共和国监察法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会第一次会议于2018年3月20日通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
March 20, 2018 2018年3月20日
Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国监察法
(Adopted at the 1st Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on March 20, 2018) (2018年3月20日第十三届全国人民代表大会第一次会议通过)
Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Oversight Authorities and Their Functions 第二章 监察机关及其职责
Chapter III Scope of Oversight and Jurisdiction 第三章 监察范围和管辖
Chapter IV Power of Oversight 第四章 监察权限
Chapter V Oversight Procedures 第五章 监察程序
Chapter VI International Cooperation against Corruption 第六章 反腐败国际合作
Chapter VII Supervision of Oversight Authorities and Oversight Personnel 第七章 对监察机关和监察人员的监督
Chapter VIII Legal Liability 第八章 法律责任
Chapter IX Supplemental Provisions 第九章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is developed in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of furthering the reform of the national oversight system, strengthening the supervision of all public officials exercising public power, realizing the full coverage of national oversight, conducting the anti-corruption work in an in-depth manner, and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.   第一条 为了深化国家监察体制改革,加强对所有行使公权力的公职人员的监督,实现国家监察全面覆盖,深入开展反腐败工作,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 The leadership of the Communist Party of China over the national oversight work shall be adhered to, Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era shall be taken as the guide, and a centralized, unified, authoritative and efficient national oversight system with Chinese characteristics shall be established.   第二条 坚持中国共产党对国家监察工作的领导,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,构建集中统一、权威高效的中国特色国家监察体制。
Article 3 Oversight commissions at all levels are the specialized organs responsible for exercising state oversight functions. They shall, in accordance with this Law, conduct oversight of public officials exercising public power (hereinafter referred to as “public officials”), investigate duty-related violations and crimes, build integrity and carry out the anti-corruption work, and maintain the dignity of the Constitution and the law.   第三条 各级监察委员会是行使国家监察职能的专责机关,依照本法对所有行使公权力的公职人员(以下称公职人员)进行监察,调查职务违法和职务犯罪,开展廉政建设和反腐败工作,维护宪法和法律的尊严。
Article 4 Oversight commissions shall independently exercise the power of oversight in accordance with the law, free from interference by any administrative organ, public organization or individual.   第四条 监察委员会依照法律规定独立行使监察权,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。
Oversight authorities shall, in handling duty-related violations or crimes, cooperate with judicial organs, procuratorial organs, and law enforcement organs, with mutual checks. 监察机关办理职务违法和职务犯罪案件,应当与审判机关、检察机关、执法部门互相配合,互相制约。
Where the oversight authority requires assistance in its work, the relevant organs and entities shall provide assistance in accordance with the law according to the requirements of the oversight authority. 监察机关在工作中需要协助的,有关机关和单位应当根据监察机关的要求依法予以协助。
Article 5 The oversight work of the state shall strictly comply with the Constitution and laws, take facts as the basis and laws as the criterion, equally apply laws to all parties, and guarantee the parties' lawful rights and interests. Equal consideration shall be given to power and responsibility, and strict supervision shall be conducted, and punishment shall be integrated with education and leniency shall be combined with severity.   第五条 国家监察工作严格遵照宪法和法律,以事实为根据,以法律为准绳;在适用法律上一律平等,保障当事人的合法权益;权责对等,严格监督;惩戒与教育相结合,宽严相济。
Article 6 In the oversight work of the state, equal attention to temporary and permanent solutions and comprehensive treatment shall be adhered to, supervision and accountability shall be reinforced and corruption shall be severely punished. Reform shall be deepened, the rule of law shall be improved, and power shall be effectively restricted and overseen. Education in the rule of law and ethics shall be strengthened, the excellent Chinese traditional culture shall be carried forward, and effective mechanisms shall be constructed so as to ensure that officials do not dare, are not able, and have no desire to be corrupt.   第六条 国家监察工作坚持标本兼治、综合治理,强化监督问责,严厉惩治腐败;深化改革、健全法治,有效制约和监督权力;加强法治教育和道德教育,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,构建不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐的长效机制。
Chapter II Oversight Authorities and Their Functions 

第二章 监察机关及其职责

Article 7 The National Oversight Commission of the People's Republic of China is the highest oversight authority.   第七条 中华人民共和国国家监察委员会是最高监察机关。
Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties, cities, and municipal districts shall set up oversight commissions. 省、自治区、直辖市、自治州、县、自治县、市、市辖区设立监察委员会。
Article 8 The National Oversight Commission is created by the National People's Congress, and is responsible for the oversight work nationwide.   第八条 国家监察委员会由全国人民代表大会产生,负责全国监察工作。
The National Oversight Commission is composed of one chairman, several vice-chairmen, and several members. The chairman is elected by the National People's Congress and vice-chairmen and members are appointed or removed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress as proposed by the chairman of the National Oversight Commission. 国家监察委员会由主任、副主任若干人、委员若干人组成,主任由全国人民代表大会选举,副主任、委员由国家监察委员会主任提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会任免。
The term of office of the chairman of the National Oversight Commission is the same as the term of the National People's Congress. The chairman of the National Oversight Commission shall serve not more than two consecutive terms. 国家监察委员会主任每届任期同全国人民代表大会每届任期相同,连续任职不得超过两届。
The National Oversight Commission is responsible to the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee, and accepts their supervision. 国家监察委员会对全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会负责,并接受其监督。
Article 9 Oversight commissions at various local levels are created by the people's congresses at the corresponding level, and are responsible for the oversight work within their respective administrative regions.   第九条 地方各级监察委员会由本级人民代表大会产生,负责本行政区域内的监察工作。
Oversight commissions at various local levels are composed of one chairman, several vice-chairmen, and several members. The chairman is elected by the people's congress at the corresponding level and vice-chairmen and members are appointed or removed by the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level as proposed by the chairman of the oversight commission. 地方各级监察委员会由主任、副主任若干人、委员若干人组成,主任由本级人民代表大会选举,副主任、委员由监察委员会主任提请本级人民代表大会常务委员会任免。
The term of office of the chairmen of oversight commissions at various local levels is the same as the term of the people's congresses at the corresponding level. 地方各级监察委员会主任每届任期同本级人民代表大会每届任期相同。
Oversight commissions at various local levels are responsible to the people's congresses at the corresponding level and their standing committees and to oversight commissions at the immediately higher level, and accept their supervision. 地方各级监察委员会对本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会和上一级监察委员会负责,并接受其监督。
Article 10 The National Oversight Commission directs the work of oversight commissions at various local levels, and oversight commissions at higher levels direct the work of oversight commissions at lower levels.   第十条 国家监察委员会领导地方各级监察委员会的工作,上级监察委员会领导下级监察委员会的工作。
Article 11 An oversight commission shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and relevant laws, perform the duties of supervision, investigation and disposition:   第十一条 监察委员会依照本法和有关法律规定履行监督、调查、处置职责:
(1) It shall provide integrity education to public officials, and conduct supervision and inspection of public officials' performance of functions in accordance with the law, impartial exercise of power, clean administration, and moral integrity. (一)对公职人员开展廉政教育,对其依法履职、秉公用权、廉洁从政从业以及道德操守情况进行监督检查;
(2) It shall conduct investigations of duty-related violations and crimes such as suspected corruption, bribery, abuse of power, neglect of duty, power rent-seeking, tunneling, practice of favoritism and falsification, as well as the waste of state assets. (二)对涉嫌贪污贿赂、滥用职权、玩忽职守、权力寻租、利益输送、徇私舞弊以及浪费国家资财等职务违法和职务犯罪进行调查;
(3) It shall, in accordance with the law, make decisions on government sanctions against public officials who violate any law, hold liable the leaders who fail to perform their functions in an effective manner or neglect their duties and responsibilities, transfer investigation results on suspected duty-related crimes to people's procuratorates for examination and initiating a public prosecution in accordance with the law, and offer oversight suggestions to the entities where subjects of oversight work. (三)对违法的公职人员依法作出政务处分决定;对履行职责不力、失职失责的领导人员进行问责;对涉嫌职务犯罪的,将调查结果移送人民检察院依法审查、提起公诉;向监察对象所在单位提出监察建议。
Article 12 Oversight commissions at various levels may dispatch oversight bodies and oversight commissioners to organs of the Communist Party of China, state organs, organizations and entities managing public affairs as authorized by laws and regulations or upon entrustment at the corresponding level, and administrative regions and state-owned enterprises, among others, under their jurisdictions.   第十二条 各级监察委员会可以向本级中国共产党机关、国家机关、法律法规授权或者委托管理公共事务的组织和单位以及所管辖的行政区域、国有企业等派驻或者派出监察机构、监察专员。
Oversight bodies and oversight commissioners shall be responsible to the oversight commissions dispatching them. 监察机构、监察专员对派驻或者派出它的监察委员会负责。
Article 13 Dispatched oversight bodies and oversight commissioners shall, upon authorization, legally oversee public officials according to their administration authority, offer oversight suggestions, and investigate and punish public officials in accordance with the law.   第十三条 派驻或者派出的监察机构、监察专员根据授权,按照管理权限依法对公职人员进行监督,提出监察建议,依法对公职人员进行调查、处置。
Article 14 The state shall implement a system of oversight officials, and in accordance with the law, determine the rules for the hierarchical setup, appointment and removal, assessment and promotion of oversight officials.   第十四条 国家实行监察官制度,依法确定监察官的等级设置、任免、考评和晋升等制度。
Chapter III Scope of Oversight and Jurisdiction 

第三章 监察范围和管辖

Article 15 Oversight authorities shall conduct oversight of the following public officials and relevant personnel:   第十五条 监察机关对下列公职人员和有关人员进行监察:
(1) Civil servants of organs of the Communist Party of China, organs of people's congresses and their standing committees, people's governments, oversight commissions, people's courts, people's procuratorates, organs of CPPCC commissions at all levels, organs of democratic parties and associations of industry and commerce, and personnel managed, mutatis mutandis, by the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China. (一)中国共产党机关、人民代表大会及其常务委员会机关、人民政府、监察委员会、人民法院、人民检察院、中国人民政治协商会议各级委员会机关、民主党派机关和工商业联合会机关的公务员,以及参照《中华人民共和国公务员法》管理的人员;
(2) Personnel engaged in public affairs at organizations managing public affairs upon authorization by laws or regulations or lawful entrustment by state organs. (二)法律、法规授权或者受国家机关依法委托管理公共事务的组织中从事公务的人员;
(3) Managers of state-owned enterprises. (三)国有企业管理人员;
(4) Personnel engaged in management in public entities in education, scientific research, culture, health care, and sports, among others. (四)公办的教育、科研、文化、医疗卫生、体育等单位中从事管理的人员;
(5) Personnel engaged in management at basic-level self-governing mass organizations. (五)基层群众性自治组织中从事管理的人员;
(6) Others personnel who perform public duties in accordance with the law. (六)其他依法履行公职的人员。
Article 16 Oversight authorities at all levels shall, according to the administration authority, exercise jurisdiction over oversight matters involving the persons stipulated in Article 15 of this Law within their respective jurisdictions.   第十六条 各级监察机关按照管理权限管辖本辖区内本法第十五条规定的人员所涉监察事项。
The oversight authority at a higher level may handle oversight matters under the jurisdiction of the oversight authority at the level immediately below, and when necessary, may also handle the oversight matters within the jurisdictions of the oversight authorities at all levels under its jurisdiction. 上级监察机关可以办理下一级监察机关管辖范围内的监察事项,必要时也可以办理所辖各级监察机关管辖范围内的监察事项。
Where oversight authorities have a dispute over the jurisdiction over an oversight matter, the dispute shall be determined by their common oversight authority at the higher level. 监察机关之间对监察事项的管辖有争议的,由其共同的上级监察机关确定。
Article 17 The oversight authority at a higher level may designate a oversight authority at a lower level to exercise jurisdiction over oversight matters under its jurisdiction, or may designate another oversight authority to exercise jurisdiction over oversight matters under the jurisdiction of a oversight authority at a lower level.   第十七条 上级监察机关可以将其所管辖的监察事项指定下级监察机关管辖,也可以将下级监察机关有管辖权的监察事项指定给其他监察机关管辖。
Where the oversight authority is of the opinion that the oversight matters under its jurisdiction are major or complicated and need to be subject to the jurisdiction of the oversight authority at a higher level, it may request the transfer to the oversight authority at a higher level for jurisdiction. 监察机关认为所管辖的监察事项重大、复杂,需要由上级监察机关管辖的,可以报请上级监察机关管辖。
Chapter IV Power of Oversight 

第四章 监察权限

Article 18 Oversight authorities excising their supervision and investigation functions and powers have the right to inquire of relevant entities and individuals and collect and acquire evidence from them in accordance with the law. Relevant entities and individuals shall faithfully provide the information and evidence.   第十八条 监察机关行使监督、调查职权,有权依法向有关单位和个人了解情况,收集、调取证据。有关单位和个人应当如实提供。
Oversight authorities and their functionaries shall keep confidential any state secret, trade secret or personal privacy to which they have access in the course of supervision and investigation. 监察机关及其工作人员对监督、调查过程中知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私,应当保密。
No entity or individual shall forge, conceal or destroy evidence. 任何单位和个人不得伪造、隐匿或者毁灭证据。
Article 19 For a subject of oversight who is suspected of any duty-related violation, the oversight authority may, according to the administration authority, directly or authorize the relevant organ or person to hold a talk with or require the object to explain the relevant situation.   第十九条 对可能发生职务违法的监察对象,监察机关按照管理权限,可以直接或者委托有关机关、人员进行谈话或者要求说明情况。
Article 20 During the course of investigation, the oversight authority may require the person under investigation who is suspected of any duty-related violation to give statements on the suspected violation, and when necessary, shall issue a written notice to the person under investigation.   第二十条 在调查过程中,对涉嫌职务违法的被调查人,监察机关可以要求其就涉嫌违法行为作出陈述,必要时向被调查人出具书面通知。
For the person under investigation who is suspected of corruption, bribery, neglect of duty, malfeasance in office, or any other duty-related crime, the oversight authority may conduct an interrogation and require him or her to truthfully confess to the alleged crime. 对涉嫌贪污贿赂、失职渎职等职务犯罪的被调查人,监察机关可以进行讯问,要求其如实供述涉嫌犯罪的情况。
Article 21 During the course of investigation, the oversight authority may question witnesses and other persons.   第二十一条 在调查过程中,监察机关可以询问证人等人员。
Article 22 Where the person under investigation is suspected of corruption, bribery, neglect of duty, malfeasance in office, or any other serious duty-related violation or duty-related crime, and the oversight authority has obtained some facts and evidence on the violation or crime, but needs to conduct further investigation of important issues, after examination and approval by the oversight authority in accordance with the law, the person may be detained at a specific place under any of the following circumstances:   第二十二条 被调查人涉嫌贪污贿赂、失职渎职等严重职务违法或者职务犯罪,监察机关已经掌握其部分违法犯罪事实及证据,仍有重要问题需要进一步调查,并有下列情形之一的,经监察机关依法审批,可以将其留置在特定场所:
(1) The circumstances of the case in which the person is involved are major or complicated. (一)涉及案情重大、复杂的;
(2) The person may escape or commit suicide. (二)可能逃跑、自杀的;
(3) The person may make a false confession in collusion or forge, conceal or destroy evidence.

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