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Radio Regulation of the People's Republic of China (2016 Revision) [Effective]
中华人民共和国无线电管理条例(2016修订) [现行有效]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 672) (第672号)

The revised Radio Regulation of the People's Republic of China is hereby issued and shall come into force on December 1, 2016. 现公布修订后的《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》,自2016年12月1日起施行。
President of the Central Military Commission: Xi Jinping 中央军委主席 习近平
Premier of the State Council: Li Keqiang 国务院总理 李克强
November 11, 2016 2016年11月11日
Radio Regulation of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国无线电管理条例
(Issued by Order No. 128 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China on September 11, 1993 and revised by Order No. 672 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China on November 11, 2016) (1993年9月11日中华人民共和国国务院、中华人民共和国中央军事委员会令第128号发布 2016年11月11日中华人民共和国国务院、中华人民共和国中央军事委员会令第672号修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed for purposes of strengthening radio regulation, maintaining the normal transmission of radio wave in the air, effectively developing and utilizing radio spectrum resources, and guaranteeing the normal provision of all radio services.   第一条 为了加强无线电管理,维护空中电波秩序,有效开发、利用无线电频谱资源,保证各种无线电业务的正常进行,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the use of radio frequencies, the setup and use of radio stations, the development, production, import, sale and maintenance of radio transmission equipment, and the use of non-radio equipment which radiates radio wave within the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内使用无线电频率,设置、使用无线电台(站),研制、生产、进口、销售和维修无线电发射设备,以及使用辐射无线电波的非无线电设备,应当遵守本条例。
Article 3 Radio spectrum resources belong to the state. The state shall adopt the principles of uniform planning, reasonable development and paid use of radio spectrum resources.   第三条 无线电频谱资源属于国家所有。国家对无线电频谱资源实行统一规划、合理开发、有偿使用的原则。
Article 4 Radio regulation shall be conducted under the unified leadership of the State Council and the Central Military Commission with a clear division of work at different levels, and under the guidelines of scientific management, protecting resources, guaranteeing safety and promoting development.   第四条 无线电管理工作在国务院、中央军事委员会的统一领导下分工管理、分级负责,贯彻科学管理、保护资源、保障安全、促进发展的方针。
Article 5 The state encourages and supports scientific and technological research on radio spectrum resources and the popularization and application of advanced technologies, and the enhancement of utilization efficiency of radio spectrum resources.   第五条 国家鼓励、支持对无线电频谱资源的科学技术研究和先进技术的推广应用,提高无线电频谱资源的利用效率。
Article 6 No entity or individual may use radio frequencies without approval, shall not cause adverse interference into legal radio services provided in accordance with the law, and shall not conduct illegal and criminal activities by using radio stations.   第六条 任何单位或者个人不得擅自使用无线电频率,不得对依法开展的无线电业务造成有害干扰,不得利用无线电台(站)进行违法犯罪活动。
Article 7 The state may exercise radio control based on the requirements for maintaining state security, guaranteeing the performance of major tasks of the state, and handling major emergencies, among others.   第七条 根据维护国家安全、保障国家重大任务、处置重大突发事件等需要,国家可以实施无线电管制。
Chapter II Regulatory Authorities and Their Functions 

第二章 管理机构及其职责

Article 8 The radio regulatory authority of the state shall be responsible for radio regulation nationwide, and according to its functions, draft radio regulation guidelines and policies, uniformly administer radio frequencies and radio stations, be responsible for such work as radio monitoring, interference investigation and handling, and foreign-related radio regulation, and coordinate the handling of matters relating to radio regulation.   第八条 国家无线电管理机构负责全国无线电管理工作,依据职责拟订无线电管理的方针、政策,统一管理无线电频率和无线电台(站),负责无线电监测、干扰查处和涉外无线电管理等工作,协调处理无线电管理相关事宜。
Article 9 The electromagnetic spectrum regulatory authority of the Chinese People's Liberation Army shall be responsible for radio regulation of military systems, and participate in the drafting of guidelines and policies of the state on radio regulation.   第九条 中国人民解放军电磁频谱管理机构负责军事系统的无线电管理工作,参与拟订国家有关无线电管理的方针、政策。
Article 10 The radio regulatory authority of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, under the leadership of the radio regulatory authority of the state and the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, be responsible for radio regulation in fields other than military systems of its administrative region, and according to the approval authority, exercise the licensing for the use of radio frequencies, examine the construction layout and sites of radio stations, issue radio station licenses and identification codes (including call number, here and below), be responsible for radio monitoring and interference investigation and handling within its administrative region, and coordinate the handling of matters relating to radio regulation within its administrative region.   第十条 省、自治区、直辖市无线电管理机构在国家无线电管理机构和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府领导下,负责本行政区域除军事系统外的无线电管理工作,根据审批权限实施无线电频率使用许可,审查无线电台(站)的建设布局和台址,核发无线电台执照及无线电台识别码(含呼号,下同),负责本行政区域无线电监测和干扰查处,协调处理本行政区域无线电管理相关事宜。
The radio regulatory authority of a province or autonomous region may set up local offices within its administrative region as required for work. Local offices shall perform functions within the scope of authorization of the radio regulatory authority of the province or autonomous region. 省、自治区无线电管理机构根据工作需要可以在本行政区域内设立派出机构。派出机构在省、自治区无线电管理机构的授权范围内履行职责。
Article 11 Armies and civilian localities shall establish the radio regulation coordination mechanism, jointly allocate radio frequencies, and coordinate the handling of radio regulation matters involving military systems and non-military systems. Major issues on radio regulation shall be reported to the State Council and the Central Military Commission for decision-making.   第十一条 军地建立无线电管理协调机制,共同划分无线电频率,协商处理涉及军事系统与非军事系统间的无线电管理事宜。无线电管理重大问题报国务院、中央军事委员会决定。
Article 12 The radio regulatory authority of the relevant department of the State Council shall, under the business guidance of the radio regulatory authority of the state, be responsible for radio regulation of its system (industry), carry out the guidelines, policies, laws, administrative regulations and rules on radio regulation of the state, and according to the department functions prescribed by this Regulation and the State Council, administer special aviation and maritime radio frequencies allocated to its system (industry) by the radio regulatory authority of the state, make planning on the construction layout and sites of radio stations of its system (industry), and issue compulsory radio station licenses and identification codes.   第十二条 国务院有关部门的无线电管理机构在国家无线电管理机构的业务指导下,负责本系统(行业)的无线电管理工作,贯彻执行国家无线电管理的方针、政策和法律、行政法规、规章,依照本条例规定和国务院规定的部门职权,管理国家无线电管理机构分配给本系统(行业)使用的航空、水上无线电专用频率,规划本系统(行业)无线电台(站)的建设布局和台址,核发制式无线电台执照及无线电台识别码。
Chapter III Frequency Management 

第三章 频率管理

Article 13 The radio regulatory authority of the state shall be responsible for developing provisions on radio frequency allocations, and release the provisions to the public.   第十三条 国家无线电管理机构负责制定无线电频率划分规定,并向社会公布。
The opinions of relevant departments of the State Council and relevant entities of armies shall be solicited and the requirements of state security, economic, social and scientific and technological development and efficient utilization of spectrum resources shall be sufficiently considered in the formulation of provisions on radio frequency allocations. 制定无线电频率划分规定应当征求国务院有关部门和军队有关单位的意见,充分考虑国家安全和经济社会、科学技术发展以及频谱资源有效利用的需要。
Article 14 A permit shall be obtained for the use of radio frequencies, excluding the following frequencies:   第十四条 使用无线电频率应当取得许可,但下列频率除外:
(1) Frequencies of amateur radio stations, public speakerphone and compulsory radio stations. (一)业余无线电台、公众对讲机、制式无线电台使用的频率;
(2) International fixed frequencies of international security and distress systems which are used for aviation, maritime mobile services and radio navigation services. (二)国际安全与遇险系统,用于航空、水上移动业务和无线电导航业务的国际固定频率;
(3) Frequencies used by micro power short-distance radio transmission equipment prescribed by the radio regulatory authority of the state. (三)国家无线电管理机构规定的微功率短距离无线电发射设备使用的频率。
Article 15 To obtain the radio frequency use permit, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:   第十五条 取得无线电频率使用许可,应当符合下列条件:
(1) The applied radio frequency complies with the provisions on radio frequency allocations and use, and have a specific purpose. (一)所申请的无线电频率符合无线电频率划分和使用规定,有明确具体的用途;
(2) The technical plan for the use of radio frequency is feasible. (二)使用无线电频率的技术方案可行;
(3) It has corresponding professional technicians. (三)有相应的专业技术人员;
(4) It will not cause harmful interference into any other radio frequency used in accordance with the law. (四)对依法使用的其他无线电频率不会产生有害干扰。
Article 16 The radio regulatory authority shall complete examination within 20 working days as of the date when it accepts the application for the radio frequency use permit, and according to the conditions prescribed in Article 15 of this Regulation, comprehensively consider national security requirements and usable frequencies, and make the decision to approve or disapprove the application. If it grants approval, it shall issue the radio frequency use permit; or if it disapproves the application, it shall notify the applicant in writing and explain the reason for disapproval.   第十六条 无线电管理机构应当自受理无线电频率使用许可申请之日起20个工作日内审查完毕,依照本条例第十五条规定的条件,并综合考虑国家安全需要和可用频率的情况,作出许可或者不予许可的决定。予以许可的,颁发无线电频率使用许可证;不予许可的,书面通知申请人并说明理由。
The radio frequency use permit shall indicate the use of radio frequencies, use scope, use frequency requirements, use term and other matters. 无线电频率使用许可证应当载明无线电频率的用途、使用范围、使用率要求、使用期限等事项。
Article 17 The bidding and auction methods may be adopted in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations for the use permit of commercial radio frequencies such as frequencies used in ground public mobile communication.   第十七条 地面公众移动通信使用频率等商用无线电频率的使用许可,可以依照有关法律、行政法规的规定采取招标、拍卖的方式。
The radio regulatory authority shall, after determining the bid winner or buyer by bidding or auction, make the decision to grant the permit, and issue the radio frequency use permit to the bid winner or buyer in accordance with the law. 无线电管理机构采取招标、拍卖的方式确定中标人、买受人后,应当作出许可的决定,并依法向中标人、买受人颁发无线电频率使用许可证。
Article 18 The radio frequency use licensing shall be conducted by the radio regulatory authority of the state. The radio frequency use licensing within the scope determined by the radio regulatory authority of the state shall be conducted by the radio regulatory authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.   第十八条 无线电频率使用许可由国家无线电管理机构实施。国家无线电管理机构确定范围内的无线电频率使用许可,由省、自治区、直辖市无线电管理机构实施。
The licensing of special maritime radio frequencies allocated by the radio regulatory authority of the state to transport, fishery, and maritime systems (industries) shall be conducted by the local radio regulatory authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government together with competent departments respectively. The licensing of special aviation radio frequencies allocated by the radio regulatory authority of the state to civil aviation systems for use shall be conducted by the competent civil aviation department of the State Council. 国家无线电管理机构分配给交通运输、渔业、海洋系统(行业)使用的水上无线电专用频率,由所在地省、自治区、直辖市无线电管理机构分别会同相关主管部门实施许可;国家无线电管理机构分配给民用航空系统使用的航空无线电专用频率,由国务院民用航空主管部门实施许可。
Article 19 The term of a radio frequency use permit shall not exceed ten years.   第十九条 无线电频率使用许可的期限不得超过10年。
Where the radio frequency needs to be used after the expiry of the permit, an extension application shall be filed with the radio regulatory authority which makes the licensing decision at least 30 working days before the expiration of the term. The radio regulatory authority which accepts the application shall conduct examination in accordance with the provisions of Articles 15 and 16 of this Regulation and make a decision. 无线电频率使用期限届满后需要继续使用的,应当在期限届满30个工作日前向作出许可决定的无线电管理机构提出延续申请。受理申请的无线电管理机构应当依照本条例第十五条、第十六条的规定进行审查并作出决定。
Whoever plans to terminate the use of a radio frequency before the expiration of the term of the radio frequency use permit shall undergo cancellation formalities at the radio regulatory authority which makes the licensing decision in a timely manner. 无线电频率使用期限届满前拟终止使用无线电频率的,应当及时向作出许可决定的无线电管理机构办理注销手续。
Article 20 In the case of transfer of the radio frequency use right, the transferee shall comply with the conditions prescribed in Article 15 of this Regulation, submit the transfer agreement of both parties, and report it to the radio regulatory authority for approval according to the procedures prescribed in Article 16 of this Regulation.   第二十条 转让无线电频率使用权的,受让人应当符合本条例第十五条规定的条件,并提交双方转让协议,依照本条例第十六条规定的程序报请无线电管理机构批准。
Article 21 The radio frequency use fee shall be paid for the use of radio frequencies in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.   第二十一条 使用无线电频率应当按照国家有关规定缴纳无线电频率占用费。
The items and standards of radio frequency use fee shall be determined by the public finance department and the competent price department of the State Council. 无线电频率占用费的项目、标准,由国务院财政部门、价格主管部门制定。
Article 22 The radio regulatory authority of the state shall uniformly allocate to users the satellite radio frequencies allocated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to China for use according to international rules and planning.   第二十二条 国际电信联盟依照国际规则规划给我国使用的卫星无线电频率,由国家无线电管理机构统一分配给使用单位。
Applications for the use of satellite radio frequencies not covered by the planning of the ITU shall be uniformly filed through the radio regulatory authority of the state. The radio regulatory authority of the state shall, in a timely manner, organize relevant entities to conduct necessary domestic coordination, and conduct international declaration, coordination and registration according to international rules. 申请使用国际电信联盟非规划的卫星无线电频率,应当通过国家无线电管理机构统一提出申请。国家无线电管理机构应当及时组织有关单位进行必要的国内协调,并依照国际规则开展国际申报、协调、登记工作。
Article 23 Where any satellite radio frequency needs to be used for the building of a satellite communication network, the conditions prescribed in Article 15 of this Regulation shall be met, and such information as space radio stations, satellite orbit location and satellite coverage scope to be used, as well as the certification materials on the completion of domestic coordination and necessary international coordination, among others, shall also be provided.   第二十三条 组建卫星通信网需要使用卫星无线电频率的,除应当符合本条例第十五条规定的条件外,还应当提供拟使用的空间无线电台、卫星轨道位置和卫星覆盖范围等信息,以及完成国内协调并开展必要国际协调的证明材料等。
Article 24 To conduct business with the satellite radio frequency of any other country or region, the applicant shall comply with China's provisions on the administration of satellite radio frequencies, and complete the coordination with satellite radio frequencies declared by China.   第二十四条 使用其他国家、地区的卫星无线电频率开展业务,应当遵守我国卫星无线电频率管理的规定,并完成与我国申报的卫星无线电频率的协调。
Article 25 In the construction of a satellite project, the feasibility study of to-be-used satellite radio frequency shall be conducted during the project planning stage, and in the construction of a satellite project approved by the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the to-be-used satellite radio frequency shall be determined through consultation with the radio regulatory authority of the state during the project planning stage.   第二十五条 建设卫星工程,应当在项目规划阶段对拟使用的卫星无线电频率进行可行性论证;建设须经国务院、中央军事委员会批准的卫星工程,应当在项目规划阶段与国家无线电管理机构协商确定拟使用的卫星无线电频率。
Article 26 Except force majeure, if the radio frequency use permit is not used two years after it is obtained or the use rate fails to satisfy the requirements prescribed in the permit, the radio regulatory authority that makes the licensing decision has the authority to revoke the radio frequency use permit, and recover the radio frequency.   第二十六条 除因不可抗力外,取得无线电频率使用许可后超过2年不使用或者使用率达不到许可证规定要求的,作出许可决定的无线电管理机构有权撤销无线电频率使用许可,收回无线电频率。
Chapter IV Administration of Radio Stations 

第四章 无线电台(站)管理

Article 27 To set up or use a radio station, the applicant shall apply to the radio regulatory authority for the radio station license, excluding the setup and use of the following radio stations:   第二十七条 设置、使用无线电台(站)应当向无线电管理机构申请取得无线电台执照,但设置、使用下列无线电台(站)的除外:
(1) Ground public mobile communication terminals. (一)地面公众移动通信终端;
(2) Single receiving radio stations. (二)单收无线电台(站);
(3) Micro power short-distance radio stations prescribed by the radio regulatory authority of the state. (三)国家无线电管理机构规定的微功率短距离无线电台(站)。
Article 28 Except for amateur radio stations prescribed in Article 29 of this Regulation, to set up or use a radio station, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:   第二十八条 除本条例第二十九条规定的业余无线电台外,设置、使用无线电台(站),应当符合下列条件:
(1) It has usable radio frequencies. (一)有可用的无线电频率;
(2) The model confirmation certificate of the used radio transmission equipment has been obtained in accordance with the law, and the equipment satisfies product quality requirements prescribed by the state. (二)所使用的无线电发射设备依法取得无线电发射设备型号核准证且符合国家规定的产品质量要求;
(3) It has personnel who have a command of radio regulation provisions and have relevant business skills. (三)有熟悉无线电管理规定、具备相关业务技能的人员;
(4) It has specific use and a feasible technical plan.

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