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Asset Appraisal Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国资产评估法 [现行有效]

Order of the President 


(No. 46) (第四十六号)

The Asset Appraisal Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on July 2, 2016, is hereby issued and shall come into force on December 1, 2016. 《中华人民共和国资产评估法》已由中华人民共和国第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议于2016年7月2日通过,现予公布,自2016年12月1日起施行。
President of the People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping 

  中华人民共和国主席 习近平

July 2, 2016 2016年7月2日
Asset Appraisal Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Adopted at the 21st Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on July 2, 2016) (2016年7月2日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议通过)



Table of Contents 目录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Chapter II Appraisal Professionals 第二章 评估专业人员
Chapter III Appraisal Institutions 第三章 评估机构
Chapter IV Appraisal Procedures 第四章 评估程序
Chapter V Industry Associations 第五章 行业协会
Chapter VI Supervision and Administration 第六章 监督管理
Chapter VII Legal Liability 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is developed for purposes of regulating asset appraisal, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties to asset appraisal and public interest, promoting the sound development of the asset appraisal industry, and maintaining the order of socialist market economy.   第一条 为了规范资产评估行为,保护资产评估当事人合法权益和公共利益,促进资产评估行业健康发展,维护社会主义市场经济秩序,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, “asset appraisal” (hereinafter referred to as “appraisal”) means the professional services of an appraisal institution and its appraisal professionals, including the assessment and estimates of immovable property, movable property, intangible assets, enterprise value, asset loss or other economic benefits based on authorization and issuance of appraisal reports.   第二条 本法所称资产评估(以下称评估),是指评估机构及其评估专业人员根据委托对不动产、动产、无形资产、企业价值、资产损失或者其他经济权益进行评定、估算,并出具评估报告的专业服务行为。
Article 3 Where a natural person, legal person or any other organization needs to determine the value of the appraisal object, it or he may voluntarily authorize an appraisal institution to conduct appraisal.   第三条 自然人、法人或者其他组织需要确定评估对象价值的,可以自愿委托评估机构评估。
Where the matters involving state-owned assets or public interest, among others, are subject to appraisal in accordance with laws and administrative regulations (hereinafter referred to as “statutory appraisal”), an appraisal institution shall be legally authorized to conduct appraisal. 涉及国有资产或者公共利益等事项,法律、行政法规规定需要评估的(以下称法定评估),应当依法委托评估机构评估。
Article 4 An appraisal institution and its appraisal professionals shall conduct business in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and appraisal standards, and observe the principles of independence, objectivity and impartiality.   第四条 评估机构及其评估专业人员开展业务应当遵守法律、行政法规和评估准则,遵循独立、客观、公正的原则。
The appraisal institution and its appraisal professionals that conduct business in accordance with the law shall be protected by law. 评估机构及其评估专业人员依法开展业务,受法律保护。
Article 5 Appraisal professionals that conduct appraisal shall join an appraisal institution, and may conduct business only in one appraisal institution.   第五条 评估专业人员从事评估业务,应当加入评估机构,并且只能在一个评估机构从事业务。
Article 6 Industry associations may be legally formed in the appraisal industry based on specialties, conduct self-discipline management, and accept the supervision of the relevant appraisal administrative department and social supervision.   第六条 评估行业可以按照专业领域依法设立行业协会,实行自律管理,并接受有关评估行政管理部门的监督和社会监督。
Article 7 The relevant appraisal administrative department of the State Council shall, according to its functions, conduct supervision and administration of the appraisal industry within its administration region.   第七条 国务院有关评估行政管理部门按照各自职责分工,对评估行业进行监督管理。
The relevant appraisal administrative department of the local people's government at or above the level of a districted city shall, according to its functions, conduct supervision and administration of the appraisal industry within its administrative region. 设区的市级以上地方人民政府有关评估行政管理部门按照各自职责分工,对本行政区域内的评估行业进行监督管理。
Chapter II Appraisal Professionals 

第二章 评估专业人员

Article 8 Appraisal professionals include appraisers and other appraisal practitioners with professional appraisal knowledge and practical experience.   第八条 评估专业人员包括评估师和其他具有评估专业知识及实践经验的评估从业人员。
“Appraisers” means appraisal professionals that have passed the appraiser qualification examination. The state shall determine the specialties of appraisers based on the requirements of economic and social development. 评估师是指通过评估师资格考试的评估专业人员。国家根据经济社会发展需要确定评估师专业类别。
Article 9 The relevant national appraisal industry association shall organize the national uniform appraiser qualification examination according to the provisions of the state.   第九条 有关全国性评估行业协会按照国家规定组织实施评估师资格全国统一考试。
Citizens that have an educational background of junior college or above may participate in the national uniform appraiser qualification examination. 具有高等院校专科以上学历的公民,可以参加评估师资格全国统一考试。
Article 10 The relevant national appraisal industry association shall announce the list of appraisers on its website, and update the list in real time.   第十条 有关全国性评估行业协会应当在其网站上公布评估师名单,并实时更新。
Article 11 Whoever has been given a criminal punishment due to intentional crime or criminal negligence in appraisal, finance, accounting and auditing activities shall not conduct appraisal if it has not been five years since the date of completion of the sentence.   第十一条 因故意犯罪或者在从事评估、财务、会计、审计活动中因过失犯罪而受刑事处罚,自刑罚执行完毕之日起不满五年的人员,不得从事评估业务。
Article 12 Appraisal professionals shall have the following rights:   第十二条 评估专业人员享有下列权利:
(1) Requiring the principal to provide the relevant ownership certificate, financial accounting information and other materials, and necessary assistance required for the implementation of fair appraisal procedures. (一)要求委托人提供相关的权属证明、财务会计信息和其他资料,以及为执行公允的评估程序所需的必要协助;
(2) Consulting documents, certificates and materials required for conducting business from the relevant state authority or any other organization in accordance with the law. (二)依法向有关国家机关或者其他组织查阅从事业务所需的文件、证明和资料;
(3) Rejecting illegal intervention in the appraisal and appraisal result of the principal or any other organization or individual. (三)拒绝委托人或者其他组织、个人对评估行为和评估结果的非法干预;
(4) Signing appraisal reports in accordance with the law. (四)依法签署评估报告;
(5) Other rights prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他权利。
Article 13 An appraisal professional shall perform the following obligations:   第十三条 评估专业人员应当履行下列义务:
(1) Having good faith, and legally conducting business in an independent, objective and impartial manner. (一)诚实守信,依法独立、客观、公正从事业务;
(2) Abiding by appraisal standards, performing investigation functions, conducting independent analysis and estimates, and conducting business in a diligent and prudential manner. (二)遵守评估准则,履行调查职责,独立分析估算,勤勉谨慎从事业务;
(3) Completing required continuing education, and maintaining and improving professional capability. (三)完成规定的继续教育,保持和提高专业能力;
(4) Checking and verifying the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of relevant documents, certificates and materials used in appraisal activities. (四)对评估活动中使用的有关文件、证明和资料的真实性、准确性、完整性进行核查和验证;
(5) Keeping confidential state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy to which he or she has access in appraisal activities. (五)对评估活动中知悉的国家秘密、商业秘密和个人隐私予以保密;
(6) Disqualifying himself or herself if he or she is an interested person with respect to the principal or any other relevant party or the appraisal object. (六)与委托人或者其他相关当事人及评估对象有利害关系的,应当回避;
(7) Accepting the self-discipline management of the industry association, and performing the obligation prescribed by the articles of association of the industry association. (七)接受行业协会的自律管理,履行行业协会章程规定的义务;
(8) Performing other obligations prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (八)法律、行政法规规定的其他义务。
Article 14 An appraisal professional shall not commit any of the following conduct:   第十四条 评估专业人员不得有下列行为:
(1) Accepting authorization in private to conduct business and charging fees. (一)私自接受委托从事业务、收取费用;
(2) Conducting business at two or more appraisal institutions at the same time. (二)同时在两个以上评估机构从事业务;
(3) Soliciting business by illicit means such as fraud, inducement or coercion, or disparaging or defaming any other appraisal professional. (三)采用欺骗、利诱、胁迫,或者贬损、诋毁其他评估专业人员等不正当手段招揽业务;
(4) Permitting any other person to conduct business in his or her own name, or conducting business by illegally using any other person's name. (四)允许他人以本人名义从事业务,或者冒用他人名义从事业务;
(5) Signing any appraisal report on business not undertaken by him or her. (五)签署本人未承办业务的评估报告;
(6) Demanding, accepting or demanding or accepting in any disguised form remuneration and property other than those agreed upon in contracts, or seeking other illicit benefits. (六)索要、收受或者变相索要、收受合同约定以外的酬金、财物,或者谋取其他不正当利益;
(7) Signing any false appraisal report or any other appraisal report with material omission. (七)签署虚假评估报告或者有重大遗漏的评估报告;
(8) Committing any other conduct in violation of any law or administrative regulation. (八)违反法律、行政法规的其他行为。
Chapter III Appraisal Institutions 

第三章 评估机构

Article 15 An appraisal institution shall adopt the form of partnership or corporate in accordance with the law, and retain appraisal professionals to conduct appraisal.   第十五条 评估机构应当依法采用合伙或者公司形式,聘用评估专业人员开展评估业务。
An appraisal institution of the partnership form shall have two or more appraisers. Two thirds or more of its partners shall be appraisers who have three or more years of work experience and have not been given the punishment of suspending practice in the last three years. 合伙形式的评估机构,应当有两名以上评估师;其合伙人三分之二以上应当是具有三年以上从业经历且最近三年内未受停止从业处罚的评估师。
An appraisal institution of the corporate form shall have eight or more appraisers and two or more shareholders, of whom two thirds or more shareholders shall be appraisers who have three or more years of work experience and have not been given the punishment of suspending practice in the last three years. 公司形式的评估机构,应当有八名以上评估师和两名以上股东,其中三分之二以上股东应当是具有三年以上从业经历且最近三年内未受停止从业处罚的评估师。
Where an appraisal institution has two partners or shareholders, two partners or shareholders shall be appraisers who have three or more years of work experience and have not been given the punishment of suspending practice in the last three years. 评估机构的合伙人或者股东为两名的,两名合伙人或者股东都应当是具有三年以上从业经历且最近三年内未受停止从业处罚的评估师。
Article 16 Whoever forms an appraisal institution shall file a registration application with the administrative department for industry and commerce. The appraisal institution shall undergo recordation formalities at the relevant appraisal administrative department within 30 days of receipt of the business license. The appraisal administrative department shall announce to the public the recordation of appraisal institutions in a timely manner.
   第十六条 设立评估机构,应当向工商行政管理部门申请办理登记。评估机构应当自领取营业执照之日起三十日内向有关评估行政管理部门备案。评估行政管理部门应当及时将评估机构备案情况向社会公告。

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