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Coast Guard Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国海警法 [现行有效]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 71) (第七十一号)

The Coast Guard Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 25th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on January 22, 2021, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on February 1, 2021. 《中华人民共和国海警法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议于2021年1月22日通过,现予公布,自2021年2月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
January 22, 2021 2021年1月22日
Coast Guard Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国海警法
(Adopted at the 25th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on January 22, 2021) (2021年1月22日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议通过)
Contents 目 录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Chapter II Agencies and Duties 第二章 机构和职责
Chapter III Maritime Security 第三章 海上安全保卫
Chapter IV Maritime Administrative Law Enforcement 第四章 海上行政执法
Chapter V Investigation of Maritime Crimes 第五章 海上犯罪侦查
Chapter VI Use of Police Equipment and Weapons 第六章 警械和武器使用
Chapter VII Guarantees and Cooperation 第七章 保障和协作
Chapter VIII International Cooperation 第八章 国际合作
Chapter IX Supervision 第九章 监督
Chapter X Legal Liability 第十章 法律责任
Chapter XI Supplemental Provisions 第十一章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of regulating and guaranteeing the performance of duties by coast guard agencies, safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and maritime rights and interests, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, and other organizations.   第一条 为了规范和保障海警机构履行职责,维护国家主权、安全和海洋权益,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,制定本法。
Article 2 The coast guard units of the People's Armed Police Force, to wit, coast guard agencies, shall uniformly perform the duties of maritime rights protection and law enforcement.   第二条 人民武装警察部队海警部队即海警机构,统一履行海上维权执法职责。
Coast guard agencies shall include the China Coast Guard, the sea area bureaus of and bureaus directly under the China Coast Guard, provincial coast guard bureaus, municipal coast guard bureaus, and coast guard workstations. 海警机构包括中国海警局及其海区分局和直属局、省级海警局、市级海警局、海警工作站。
Article 3 Where a coast guard agency conducts the activities of maritime rights protection and law enforcement on and over the waters under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "waters under the jurisdiction of China"), this Law shall apply.   第三条 海警机构在中华人民共和国管辖海域(以下简称我国管辖海域)及其上空开展海上维权执法活动,适用本法。
Article 4 Maritime rights protection and law enforcement shall be carried out by adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, implementing the overall national security concept, and complying with the principles of lawful administration, comprehensive governance, compliance, high efficiency, impartiality and decency.   第四条 海上维权执法工作坚持中国共产党的领导,贯彻总体国家安全观,遵循依法管理、综合治理、规范高效、公正文明的原则。
Article 5 The basic tasks for maritime rights protection and law enforcement are to protect maritime security, maintain maritime security order, combat maritime smuggling and illegal immigration, conduct supervisory inspection of the development and utilization of marine resources, marine ecological and environmental protection, marine fishery production operations, and other activities within the scope of duties, and prevent, stop, and punish illegal and criminal maritime activities.   第五条 海上维权执法工作的基本任务是开展海上安全保卫,维护海上治安秩序,打击海上走私、偷渡,在职责范围内对海洋资源开发利用、海洋生态环境保护、海洋渔业生产作业等活动进行监督检查,预防、制止和惩治海上违法犯罪活动。
Article 6 A coast guard agency and its employees performing their duties in accordance with the law shall be under the protection of the law, and no organization or individual may illegally interfere in, refuse, or obstruct such performance.   第六条 海警机构及其工作人员依法执行职务受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得非法干涉、拒绝和阻碍。
Article 7 The employees of a coast guard agency shall comply with the Constitution and the law, uphold honor, and be devoted to their duties, disciplined, strict in law enforcement, and of integrity.   第七条 海警机构工作人员应当遵守宪法和法律,崇尚荣誉,忠于职守,纪律严明,严格执法,清正廉洁。
Article 8 The state shall establish a scientific and efficient collaboration and cooperation mechanism for maritime rights protection and law enforcement, based on land-sea coordination and division of labor. The relevant departments of the State Council, coastal local people's governments, the relevant departments of the armed forces, and coast guard agencies shall strengthen collaboration and cooperation with each other and effectively conduct maritime rights protection and law enforcement.   第八条 国家建立陆海统筹、分工合作、科学高效的海上维权执法协作配合机制。国务院有关部门、沿海地方人民政府、军队有关部门和海警机构应当相互加强协作配合,做好海上维权执法工作。
Article 9 Any organization or individual that has made outstanding contributions to the activities of maritime rights protection and law enforcement shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.   第九条 对在海上维权执法活动中做出突出贡献的组织和个人,依照有关法律、法规的规定给予表彰和奖励。
Chapter II Agencies and Duties 

第二章 机构和职责

Article 10 The state shall establish sea area bureaus of and bureaus directly under the China Coast Guard, provincial coast guard bureaus, municipal coast guard bureaus, and coast guard workstations in coastal areas in accordance with administrative divisions and mission areas, which shall be responsible for maritime rights protection and law enforcement in their respective jurisdictions. The China Coast Guard shall direct the coast guard agencies affiliated therewith to conduct maritime rights protection and law enforcement according to the relevant provisions issued by the state.   第十条 国家在沿海地区按照行政区划和任务区域编设中国海警局海区分局和直属局、省级海警局、市级海警局和海警工作站,分别负责所管辖区域的有关海上维权执法工作。中国海警局按照国家有关规定领导所属海警机构开展海上维权执法工作。
Article 11 The jurisdictions of coast guard agencies shall be reasonably delineated and adjusted as needed for maritime rights protection and law enforcement, irrespective of administrative divisions.   第十一条 海警机构管辖区域应当根据海上维权执法工作的需要合理划定和调整,可以不受行政区划限制。
The delineation and adjustment of jurisdictions of coast guard agencies shall be disclosed to the public in a timely manner and notified to the relevant authorities. 海警机构管辖区域的划定和调整应当及时向社会公布,并通报有关机关。
Article 12 A coast guard agency shall perform the following duties according to the law:   第十二条 海警机构依法履行下列职责:
(1) Patrolling and doing guard duty in the waters under the jurisdiction of China, guarding key islands and reefs, managing and maintaining maritime boundaries, and preventing, stopping, and eliminating acts that endanger national sovereignty, security, and maritime rights and interests. (一)在我国管辖海域开展巡航、警戒,值守重点岛礁,管护海上界线,预防、制止、排除危害国家主权、安全和海洋权益的行为;
(2) Protecting the security of important maritime targets and major activities and taking necessary measures to protect the safety of key islands and reefs and of artificial islands, facilities, and structures in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. (二)对海上重要目标和重大活动实施安全保卫,采取必要措施保护重点岛礁以及专属经济区和大陆架的人工岛屿、设施和结构安全;
(3) Exercising maritime security administration, investigating and punishing maritime violations of security administration and entry and exit administration, preventing and addressing maritime terrorist activities, and maintaining maritime security order. (三)实施海上治安管理,查处海上违反治安管理、入境出境管理的行为,防范和处置海上恐怖活动,维护海上治安秩序;
(4) Examining means of transportation, or goods, articles, and persons involved in suspected maritime smuggling and investigating and punishing the violations of maritime smuggling. (四)对海上有走私嫌疑的运输工具或者货物、物品、人员进行检查,查处海上走私违法行为;
(5) Conducting supervisory inspection of the use of waters, the protection of islands and the development and utilization of uninhabited islands, the exploration and development of marine mineral resources, the laying and protection of submarine electrical or optical fiber cables and pipelines, oceanographic surveys, basic marine surveying and mapping, foreign-related marine scientific research, and other activities within the scope of its duties, and investigating and punishing violations. (五)在职责范围内对海域使用、海岛保护以及无居民海岛开发利用、海洋矿产资源勘查开发、海底电(光)缆和管道铺设与保护、海洋调查测量、海洋基础测绘、涉外海洋科学研究等活动进行监督检查,查处违法行为;
(6) Conducting supervisory inspection of marine engineering construction projects, marine pollution damage caused by dumping of wastes, and the protection and utilization of the seaward side of the coastline of nature reserves, and other activities within the scope of its duties, investigating and punishing violations, and participating in the emergency response to and investigation and handling of marine environmental pollution accidents in accordance with the prescribed authority. (六)在职责范围内对海洋工程建设项目、海洋倾倒废弃物对海洋污染损害、自然保护地海岸线向海一侧保护利用等活动进行监督检查,查处违法行为,按照规定权限参与海洋环境污染事故的应急处置和调查处理;
(7) Conducting supervisory inspection of fishery production operations in waters outside the line of closed fishing area for bottom trawl fishery by motorized fishing boats and fishing grounds for specific fishery resources, marine wildlife protection, and other activities, investigating and punishing violations, and organizing or participating in the investigation and handling of marine fishery production safety accidents and fishery production disputes. (七)对机动渔船底拖网禁渔区线外侧海域和特定渔业资源渔场渔业生产作业、海洋野生动物保护等活动进行监督检查,查处违法行为,依法组织或者参与调查处理海上渔业生产安全事故和渔业生产纠纷;
(8) Preventing, stopping, and investigating maritime criminal activities. (八)预防、制止和侦查海上犯罪活动;
(9) In accordance with the relevant division of duties established by the state, handling maritime emergencies. (九)按照国家有关职责分工,处置海上突发事件;
(10) In accordance with laws, regulations, and the international treaties concluded or acceded to by China, undertaking the relevant law enforcement tasks outside the waters under the jurisdiction of China. (十)依照法律、法规和我国缔结、参加的国际条约,在我国管辖海域以外的区域承担相关执法任务;
(11) Other duties prescribed by laws and regulations. (十一)法律、法规规定的其他职责。
The division of duties between the coast guard agencies on one side and public security, natural resources, ecology and environment, transport, fishery and fishery administration, customs, and other departments on the other side shall be governed by the relevant provisions issued by the state. 海警机构与公安、自然资源、生态环境、交通运输、渔业渔政、海关等主管部门的职责分工,按照国家有关规定执行。
Article 13 A coast guard agency that receives an urgent request for assistance arising from a natural disaster or an accident at sea shall promptly notify the relevant department and actively perform emergency rescue and assistance.   第十三条 海警机构接到因海上自然灾害、事故灾难等紧急求助,应当及时通报有关主管部门,并积极开展应急救援和救助。
Article 14 The central and state organs shall provide business guidance on maritime rights protection and law enforcement in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state.   第十四条 中央国家机关按照国家有关规定对海上维权执法工作实行业务指导。
Article 15 The China Coast Guard and its sea area bureaus shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state, coordinate and guide the law enforcement work of the maritime law enforcement teams of the coastal local people's government related to waters use, island protection and development, marine ecological and environmental protection, and marine fishery administration, among others.   第十五条 中国海警局及其海区分局按照国家有关规定,协调指导沿海地方人民政府海上执法队伍开展海域使用、海岛保护开发、海洋生态环境保护、海洋渔业管理等相关执法工作。
As needed for maritime rights protection and law enforcement, the China Coast Guard and its sea area bureaus may uniformly coordinate and organize the participation of the vessels and members of the maritime law enforcement teams of the coastal local people's governments in major operations for maritime rights protection and law enforcement. 根据海上维权执法工作需要,中国海警局及其海区分局可以统一协调组织沿海地方人民政府海上执法队伍的船舶、人员参与海上重大维权执法行动。
Chapter III Maritime Security 

第三章 海上安全保卫

Article 16 In order to maintain maritime security and order, a coast guard agency shall have the power to identify and verify any foreign vessel navigating, berthing, or operating in the waters under the jurisdiction of China in accordance with the law and ascertain the basic information on the vessel and its navigation and operations. A coast guard agency shall have the power to take measures such as tracking and surveillance with respect to any foreign vessel suspected of violating the law.   第十六条 为维护海上安全和秩序,海警机构有权依法对在我国管辖海域航行、停泊、作业的外国船舶进行识别查证,判明船舶的基本信息及其航行、作业的基本情况。对有违法嫌疑的外国船舶,海警机构有权采取跟踪监视等措施。
Article 17 For a foreign vessel that illegally enters the territorial sea of China or any waters within it, a coast guard agency shall have the power to order it to leave immediately or take measures such as detention, forcible expulsion, or forcible ejection by towing.   第十七条 对非法进入我国领海及其以内海域的外国船舶,海警机构有权责令其立即离开,或者采取扣留、强制驱离、强制拖离等措施。
Article 18 A coast guard agency that performs maritime security tasks may, in accordance with the law, go on board and inspect vessels sailing, berthing, and operating in the waters under the jurisdiction of China.   第十八条 海警机构执行海上安全保卫任务,可以对在我国管辖海域航行、停泊、作业的船舶依法登临、检查。
When going on board and inspecting a vessel, a coast guard agency shall require, by explicit instructions, the inspected vessel to stop for inspection. The inspected vessel shall stop for inspection in accordance with the instructions and provide necessary convenience; if it refuses to cooperate in the inspection, the coast guard agency may forcibly make an inspection; and if it escapes from the scene, the coast guard agency shall have the power to take necessary measures to intercept and pursue it. 海警机构登临、检查船舶,应当通过明确的指令要求被检查船舶停船接受检查。被检查船舶应当按照指令停船接受检查,并提供必要的便利;拒不配合检查的,海警机构可以强制检查;现场逃跑的,海警机构有权采取必要的措施进行拦截、紧追。
When inspecting a vessel, a coast guard agency shall have the power to examine the vessel's documents and materials related to the permission for production operations and the identity information of any person, inspect the vessel and the goods and articles on board, and investigate and collect evidence of facts of the relevant violation. 海警机构检查船舶,有权依法查验船舶和生产作业许可有关的证书、资料以及人员身份信息,检查船舶及其所载货物、物品,对有关违法事实进行调查取证。
The boarding, inspection, interception, or pursuit of a foreign vessel shall comply with the relevant provisions of any international treaty concluded or acceded to by China. 对外国船舶登临、检查、拦截、紧追,遵守我国缔结、参加的国际条约的有关规定。
Article 19 In order to meet the urgent need to handle a maritime emergency, a coast guard agency may take the following measures:   第十九条 海警机构因处置海上突发事件的紧急需要,可以采取下列措施:
(1) Ordering a vessel to stop navigation and operations. (一)责令船舶停止航行、作业;
(2) Ordering a vessel to change course or sail to a designated place. (二)责令船舶改变航线或者驶向指定地点;
(3) Ordering a person aboard a vessel to disembark, or restricting, or prohibiting a person from embarking or disembarking. (三)责令船舶上的人员下船,或者限制、禁止人员上船、下船;
(4) Ordering a vessel to unload goods, or restricting or prohibiting the vessel from unloading goods. (四)责令船舶卸载货物,或者限制、禁止船舶卸载货物;
(5) Other measures required by laws and regulations. (五)法律、法规规定的其他措施。
Article 20 Where, without the approval of a competent authority of China, a foreign organization or individual constructs a building or structure, or lays a fixed or floating device of any kind in the waters or island under the jurisdiction of China, a coast guard agency shall have the power to order the foreign organization or individual to stop the said violation or order removal within a specified period; and if the foreign organization or individual refuses to do so, the coast guard agency shall have the power to effectuate stoppage or force the removal.   第二十条 未经我国主管机关批准,外国组织和个人在我国管辖海域和岛礁建造建筑物、构筑物,以及布设各类固定或者浮动装置的,海警机构有权责令其停止上述违法行为或者限期拆除;对拒不停止违法行为或者逾期不拆除的,海警机构有权予以制止或者强制拆除。
Article 21 Where a foreign military vessel or foreign government vessel used for a non-commercial purpose violates any law or regulation of China in the waters under the jurisdiction of China, a coast guard agency shall have the power to take necessary precautionary and control measures to stop such vessel and order it to immediately leave the relevant waters; and if it refuses to leave and causes serious harm or presents a serious threat, the coast guard agency shall have the power to take such measures as forcible expulsion and forcible ejection by towing.   第二十一条 对外国军用船舶和用于非商业目的的外国政府船舶在我国管辖海域违反我国法律、法规的行为,海警机构有权采取必要的警戒和管制措施予以制止,责令其立即离开相关海域;对拒不离开并造成严重危害或者威胁的,海警机构有权采取强制驱离、强制拖离等措施。
Article 22 When the national sovereignty, sovereign rights, or jurisdiction is being illegally violated at sea by a foreign organization or individual, or is in imminent danger of illegal violation, a coast guard agency shall have the power to take all necessary measures including the use of weapons to stop the violation and eliminate the danger according to this Law and other applicable laws and regulations.   第二十二条 国家主权、主权权利和管辖权在海上正在受到外国组织和个人的不法侵害或者面临不法侵害的紧迫危险时,海警机构有权依照本法和其他相关法律、法规,采取包括使用武器在内的一切必要措施制止侵害、排除危险。
Chapter IV Maritime Administrative Law Enforcement 

第四章 海上行政执法

Article 23 A coast guard agency shall take administrative punishment, administrative compulsion, or other measures prescribed by any law or administrative regulation including restriction of personal liberty against an organization or individual that violates any law, regulation, or departmental rule in relation to maritime security, customs, development and utilization of marine resources, marine ecological and environmental protection, or administration of marine fishery, among others.   第二十三条 海警机构对违反海上治安、海关、海洋资源开发利用、海洋生态环境保护、海洋渔业管理等法律、法规、规章的组织和个人,依法实施包括限制人身自由在内的行政处罚、行政强制或者法律、法规规定的其他措施。
A coast guard agency shall supervise and inspect maritime production operation sites in accordance with the laws and regulations on the development and utilization of marine resources, marine ecological and environmental protection, and marine fishery administration, among others. 海警机构依照海洋资源开发利用、海洋生态环境保护、海洋渔业管理等法律、法规的规定,对海上生产作业现场进行监督检查。
A coast guard agency shall have the power to collect and obtain evidence from any relevant organization or individual as needed for an investigation into maritime violations. The relevant organization or individual shall truthfully provide evidence. 海警机构因调查海上违法行为的需要,有权向有关组织和个人收集、调取证据。有关组织和个人应当如实提供证据。
If a coast guard agency conducts on-the-spot challenge or inspection, or continued challenge of a person suspected of a violation or crime in order to maintain maritime security order, the People's Police Law of the People's Republic of China shall apply. 海警机构为维护海上治安秩序,对有违法犯罪嫌疑的人员进行当场盘问、检查或者继续盘问的,依照《中华人民共和国人民警察法》的规定执行。
Article 24 Where a coast guard agency needs to go on board, inspect, intercept, or pursue a related vessel as needed for administrative law enforcement, Article 18 of this Law shall apply.   第二十四条 海警机构因开展行政执法需要登临、检查、拦截、紧追相关船舶的,依照本法第十八条规定执行。
Article 25 Under any of the following circumstances, a coast guard agency at or above the level of provincial coast guard bureau may delimit a temporary maritime warning zone in the waters under the jurisdiction of China to restrict or prohibit the passage and stay of vessels and personnel:   第二十五条 有下列情形之一,省级海警局以上海警机构可以在我国管辖海域划定海上临时警戒区,限制或者禁止船舶、人员通行、停留:
(1) To meet the need of performing maritime security tasks. (一)执行海上安全保卫任务需要的;
(2) To meet the need of combating illegal and criminal maritime activities. (二)打击海上违法犯罪活动需要的;
(3) To meet the need of dealing with a maritime emergency. (三)处置海上突发事件需要的;
(4) To meet the need of protecting marine resources, ecology, and environment. (四)保护海洋资源和生态环境需要的;
(5) Other circumstances that require the delimitation of a temporary maritime warning zone. (五)其他需要划定海上临时警戒区的情形。
A coast guard agency delimiting a temporary maritime warning zone shall specify and announce the geographic scope, period, management measures, and other matters of the temporary maritime warning zone. If maritime traffic safety may be affected, the coast guard agency shall seek the opinions of the maritime administrative agency before delimitation and, in accordance with relevant provisions, apply to the maritime administrative agency for the issuance of a navigational notice or navigational warning; and if military sea use is involved, or the safety and use of a maritime military installation may be affected, the coast guard agency shall obtain the consent of the relevant military department according to the law. 划定海上临时警戒区,应当明确海上临时警戒区的区域范围、警戒期限、管理措施等事项并予以公告。其中,可能影响海上交通安全的,应当在划定前征求海事管理机构的意见,并按照相关规定向海事管理机构申请发布航行通告、航行警告;涉及军事用海或者可能影响海上军事设施安全和使用的,应当依法征得军队有关部门的同意。
If it is unnecessary to continue to restrict or prohibit the passage or stay of vessels or personnel, the coast guard agency shall promptly remove the temporary maritime warning zone and make an announcement.

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