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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning Online Judicial Sale by People's Courts [Effective]
最高人民法院关于人民法院网络司法拍卖若干问题的规定 [现行有效]

Announcement of the Supreme People's Court 


The Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning Online Judicial Sale by People's Courts, as adopted at the 1685th Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on May 30, 2016, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2017. 《最高人民法院关于人民法院网络司法拍卖若干问题的规定》已于2016年5月30日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1685次会议通过,现予公布,自2017年1月1日起施行。
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
August 2, 2016 2016年8月2日
Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning Online Judicial Sale by People's Courts 最高人民法院关于人民法院网络司法拍卖若干问题的规定
(Interpretation No. 18 [2016] of the Supreme People's Court, adopted at the 1685th Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on May 30, 2016 and to come into force on January 1, 2017) (2016年5月30日最高人民法院审判委员会第1685次会议通过,自2017年1月1日起施行 法释〔2016〕18号)
For the purposes of regulating online judicial sale, guaranteeing open, fair, impartial, safe, and efficient online judicial sale, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of parties, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and in combination with the actual enforcement work of people's courts. 为了规范网络司法拍卖行为,保障网络司法拍卖公开、公平、公正、安全、高效,维护当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律的规定,结合人民法院执行工作的实际,制定本规定。
Article 1 For the purpose of these Provisions, online judicial sale means the act whereby people's courts publicly dispose of property by online electronic bidding through the Internet auction platform according to the law.   第一条 本规定所称的网络司法拍卖,是指人民法院依法通过互联网拍卖平台,以网络电子竞价方式公开处置财产的行为。
Article 2 A people's court that disposes of property by auction shall take the way of online judicial sale, except under the circumstance for which other disposal methods shall be taken as prescribed by any law, administrative regulation, or judicial interpretation or whereby online auction is inappropriate.   第二条 人民法院以拍卖方式处置财产的,应当采取网络司法拍卖方式,但法律、行政法规和司法解释规定必须通过其他途径处置,或者不宜采用网络拍卖方式处置的除外。
Article 3 Online judicial sale shall be disclosed to the public on the Internet auction platform during the whole process to accept social supervision.   第三条 网络司法拍卖应当在互联网拍卖平台上向社会全程公开,接受社会监督。
Article 4 The Supreme People's Court shall establish a list of national network service providers. Where a network service provider applies for being incorporated into the list, the network service provider platform provided by it shall meet the following conditions:   第四条 最高人民法院建立全国性网络服务提供者名单库。网络服务提供者申请纳入名单库的,其提供的网络司法拍卖平台应当符合下列条件:
(1) It has an interface for the comprehensive display of judicial sale information. (一)具备全面展示司法拍卖信息的界面;
(2) It has information disclosure, online registration, bidding, settlement, and other functions as required by these Provisions. (二)具备本规定要求的信息公示、网上报名、竞价、结算等功能;
(3) It has an independent system with information sharing, functionally complete, technology development, and other functions. (三)具有信息共享、功能齐全、技术拓展等功能的独立系统;
(4) It has procedures operated in a regulated manner, safe and efficient systems, and high-quality and low-price services. (四)程序运作规范、系统安全高效、服务优质价廉;
(5) It has relatively high popularity and extensive social participation across the country. (五)在全国具有较高的知名度和广泛的社会参与度。
A special review committee formed by the Supreme People's Court shall be responsible for the selection, review, and dismissal of network service providers. The Supreme People's Court shall retain a third-party evaluation institution each year to review the network service providers that have been incorporated into the list and the network service providers that file new applications for being incorporated into the list, and announce the results. 最高人民法院组成专门的评审委员会,负责网络服务提供者的选定、评审和除名。最高人民法院每年引入第三方评估机构对已纳入和新申请纳入名单库的网络服务提供者予以评审并公布结果。
Article 5 Network service providers shall be selected by an enforcement applicant from the list; and where no network service provider is selected or the network service providers selected by several enforcement applicants are different, the people's court shall designate a network service provider.   第五条 网络服务提供者由申请执行人从名单库中选择;未选择或者多个申请执行人的选择不一致的,由人民法院指定。
Article 6 In an online judicial sale, a people's court shall perform the following functions:   第六条 实施网络司法拍卖的,人民法院应当履行下列职责:
(1) It shall develop and issue an auction announcement. (一)制作、发布拍卖公告;
(2) It shall ascertain the status quo, encumbrance, and other information of the property to be auctioned, and make relevant explanations. (二)查明拍卖财产现状、权利负担等内容,并予以说明;
(3) It shall determine the auction reserve price, the amount of deposit, and tax burdens, among others. (三)确定拍卖保留价、保证金的数额、税费负担等;
(4) It shall determine the payment method of deposit and auction proceeds. (四)确定保证金、拍卖款项等支付方式;
(5) It shall notify the parties and preemptive right holders. (五)通知当事人和优先购买权人;
(6) It shall prepare the rulings of successful auctions. (六)制作拍卖成交裁定;
(7) It shall handle the delivery of property and issue a notice on assistance in enforcement of transfer of the property right certificate. (七)办理财产交付和出具财产权证照转移协助执行通知书;
(8) It shall open a special account for network judicial sale. (八)开设网络司法拍卖专用账户;
(9) Other functions to be performed by people's courts according to the law. (九)其他依法由人民法院履行的职责。
Article 7 In an online judicial sale, a people's court may entrust the following auxiliary work of auction to social institutions or organizations:   第七条 实施网络司法拍卖的,人民法院可以将下列拍卖辅助工作委托社会机构或者组织承担:
(1) Making textual descriptions, videos, photos, and other materials on the property to be sold. (一)制作拍卖财产的文字说明及视频或者照片等资料;
(2) Displaying the property to be sold, accepting consultation, guiding view, and sealing up samples. (二)展示拍卖财产,接受咨询,引领查看,封存样品等;
(3) Identification, examination, assessment, audit, warehousing, storage, transportation, etc. of the property under auction. (三)拍卖财产的鉴定、检验、评估、审计、仓储、保管、运输等;
(4) Other auxiliary work of auction that may be entrusted. (四)其他可以委托的拍卖辅助工作。
Necessary expenses paid by social institutions or organizations for undertaking the auxiliary work of online judicial sale shall be assumed by the persons subject to enforcement. 社会机构或者组织承担网络司法拍卖辅助工作所支出的必要费用由被执行人承担。
Article 8 In an online judicial sale, the following matters shall be undertaken by the network service provider:   第八条 实施网络司法拍卖的,下列事项应当由网络服务提供者承担:
(1) Providing an online judicial sale platform complying with laws, administrative regulations, and judicial interpretations, and guaranteeing its safe and normal operation. (一)提供符合法律、行政法规和司法解释规定的网络司法拍卖平台,并保障安全正常运行;
(2) Providing a safe, convenient, and compatible electronic payment butt-joint system. (二)提供安全便捷配套的电子支付对接系统;
(3) Displaying the sale information provided by the people's court and the social institution or organization entrusted thereby in a comprehensive and timely manner. (三)全面、及时展示人民法院及其委托的社会机构或者组织提供的拍卖信息;
(4) Ensuring that the information and data during the whole process of judicial sale are authentic, accurate, complete, and safe. (四)保证拍卖全程的信息数据真实、准确、完整和安全;
(5) Other work to be undertaken by the network service provider. (五)其他应当由网络服务提供者承担的工作。
Network service providers shall not set backstage manipulation functions that hinder the registration, participation, or bidding of qualified bidders and monitor the information of bidders in the judicial sale programs. 网络服务提供者不得在拍卖程序中设置阻碍适格竞买人报名、参拍、竞价以及监视竞买人信息等后台操控功能。
Services provided by network service providers shall not be interrupted without justifiable reasons. 网络服务提供者提供的服务无正当理由不得中断。
Article 9 Online judicial sale service providers' acts of engaging in activities relevant to online judicial sale shall be subject to the administration, supervision, and guidance of people's courts.   第九条 网络司法拍卖服务提供者从事与网络司法拍卖相关的行为,应当接受人民法院的管理、监督和指导。
Article 10 A reserve price shall be determined in an online judicial sale, and the reserve price shall be the starting price.   第十条 网络司法拍卖应当确定保留价,拍卖保留价即为起拍价。
The starting price shall be determined by a people's court with reference to the appraisal price; and where no appraisal is conducted, it shall be determined with reference to the market price, and the opinions of the parties shall be consulted. The starting price shall not be lower than 70% of the appraisal price or the market price. 起拍价由人民法院参照评估价确定;未作评估的,参照市价确定,并征询当事人意见。起拍价不得低于评估价或者市价的百分之七十。
Article 11 No restriction shall be imposed on the number of bidders in an online judicial sale. Where one person bids and offers a price not lower than the starting price, the sale is completed.   第十一条 网络司法拍卖不限制竞买人数量。一人参与竞拍,出价不低于起拍价的,拍卖成交。
Article 12 An online judicial sale shall be announced in advance on the online judicial sale platform, in addition to the statutory channels. In the judicial sale of movable property, an announcement shall be issued 15 days beforehand; and in the judicial sale of immovable property or other property rights, an announcement shall be issued 30 days beforehand.   第十二条 网络司法拍卖应当先期公告,拍卖公告除通过法定途径发布外,还应同时在网络司法拍卖平台发布。拍卖动产的,应当在拍卖十五日前公告;拍卖不动产或者其他财产权的,应当在拍卖三十日前公告。
An auction announcement shall include the property to be sold, price, deposit, conditions for being a bidder, known defects in the property to be sold, relevant rights and obligations, legal liabilities, auction time, network platform, court, and other information. 拍卖公告应当包括拍卖财产、价格、保证金、竞买人条件、拍卖财产已知瑕疵、相关权利义务、法律责任、拍卖时间、网络平台和拍卖法院等信息。
Article 13 In an online judicial sale, a people's court shall publicize the following information through the online judicial sale platform on the date of issuance of the auction announcement:   第十三条 实施网络司法拍卖的,人民法院应当在拍卖公告发布当日通过网络司法拍卖平台公示下列信息:
(1) The auction announcement. (一)拍卖公告;
(2) The legal instrument on which enforcement is based, except those that shall not be disclosed as prescribed in law. (二)执行所依据的法律文书,但法律规定不得公开的除外;
(3) A photocopy of the appraisal report, or the pricing basis not subject to appraisal. (三)评估报告副本,或者未经评估的定价依据;
(4) The auction time, the starting price, and the bidding rules. (四)拍卖时间、起拍价以及竞价规则;
(5) The textual descriptions, videos or photos on the ownership, possession and use, accompanying obligations, and other status quo of the property to be sold.

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