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Notice by the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice of Issuing the Measures for the Implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China (2020 Revision) [Effective]
高法院、高检院、公安部、司法部关于印发《中华人民共和国社区矫正法实施办法》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice of Issuing the Measures for the Implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 59 [2020] of the Supreme People's Court) (司发通〔2020〕59号)

The higher people's courts, the people's procuratorates, the departments (bureaus) of public security and the departments (bureaus) of justice of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Production and Construction Corps Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and the People's Procuratorate, the Public Security Bureau, the Justice Bureau and the Prison Administrative Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院、人民检察院、公安厅(局)、司法厅(局),新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院、新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院、公安局、司法局、监狱管理局:
For the purposes of effectively implementing the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China, and further promoting and regulating community correction, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice have revised the Measures for the Implementation of Community Correction, which issued on January 10, 2012, and developed the Measures for the Implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China, which is hereby issued for your diligent implementation. Please report the problems encountered during the implementation thereof to the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice respectively in a timely manner. 为做好《中华人民共和国社区矫正法》的贯彻实施,进一步推进和规范社区矫正工作,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部对2012年1月10日印发的《社区矫正实施办法》进行了修订,制定了《中华人民共和国社区矫正法实施办法》。现予以印发,请认真贯彻执行。对执行中遇到的问题,请分别及时报告最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部。
Supreme People's Court 高法院
Supreme People's Procuratorate 高检院
Ministry of Public Security 公安部
Ministry of Justice 司法部
June 18, 2020 2020年6月18日
Measures for the Implementation of the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国社区矫正法实施办法
Article 1 For the purposes of promoting and regulating community correction, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Community Correction Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws.   第一条 为了推进和规范社区矫正工作,根据《中华人民共和国刑法》、《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》、《中华人民共和国社区矫正法》等有关法律规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 In community correction, the absolute leadership of the Party shall be adhered to and the leadership system and work mechanism with the unified leadership of the Party committee and the government, the organization of implementation of judicial administrative authorities, the close cooperation of relevant departments, the extensive participation of social forces, and the legal supervision of procuratorial authorities shall be implemented.   第二条 社区矫正工作坚持党的绝对领导,实行党委政府统一领导、司法行政机关组织实施、相关部门密切配合、社会力量广泛参与、检察机关法律监督的领导体制和工作机制。
Article 3 The local people's government shall, where necessary, set up a community correction committee to be responsible for making overall plans to coordinate and direct the community corrections within its administrative region.   第三条 地方人民政府根据需要设立社区矫正委员会,负责统筹协调和指导本行政区域内的社区矫正工作。
The judicial administrative authority shall report the implementation of community correction to the community correction committee, and request the committee to coordinate the resolution of problems encountered in community corrections. 司法行政机关向社区矫正委员会报告社区矫正工作开展情况,提请社区矫正委员会协调解决社区矫正工作中的问题。
Article 4 The judicial administrative authority shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law:   第四条 司法行政机关依法履行以下职责:
(1) Taking charge of the community corrections within its administrative region; (一)主管本行政区域内社区矫正工作;
(2) Offering opinions on the establishment and revocation of community correction institutions within its administrative region; (二)对本行政区域内设置和撤销社区矫正机构提出意见;
(3) Drafting community correction development plans and management rules, and supervising and inspecting the implementation of laws, regulations and policies on community correction; (三)拟定社区矫正工作发展规划和管理制度,监督检查社区矫正法律法规和政策的执行情况;
(4) Promoting social forces' participation in community correction; (四)推动社会力量参与社区矫正工作;
(5) Guiding and supporting community correction institutions' improvement of information construction; (五)指导支持社区矫正机构提高信息化水平;
(6) Commending and rewarding the organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to community correction in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state; (六)对在社区矫正工作中作出突出贡献的组织、个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰、奖励;
(7) Coordinating and promoting the construction of a high-quality community correction work team; and (七)协调推进高素质社区矫正工作队伍建设;
(8) Other duties that shall be performed in accordance with the law. (八)其他依法应当履行的职责。
Article 5 The people's court shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law.   第五条 人民法院依法履行以下职责:
(1) Authorizing a community correction institution or a relevant social organization to investigate into and assess the danger to the society of a defendant or criminal and the impact on the community where he or she resides, and offer reference opinions for decision-making on community correction, if the defendant or criminal is to be sentenced to public surveillance or probation, or temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility as decided. (一)拟判处管制、宣告缓刑、决定暂予监外执行的,可以委托社区矫正机构或者有关社会组织对被告人或者罪犯的社会危险性和对所居住社区的影响,进行调查评估,提出意见,供决定社区矫正时参考;
(2) Examining the opinion on the investigation and assessment of the impact of the release of a criminal transferred by the execution authority on parole on the community where he or she resides, if the execution authority is requested to release the criminal on parole. (二)对执行机关报请假释的,审查执行机关移送的罪犯假释后对所居住社区影响的调查评估意见;
(3) Verifying and determining the place of execution of community correction. (三)核实并确定社区矫正执行地;
(4) Legally sentencing the defendant or the criminal to public surveillance or probation, rendering a ruling to release him or her on parole, and deciding to approve his or her temporary service of sentence outside the incarceration facility. (四)对被告人或者罪犯依法判处管制、宣告缓刑、裁定假释、决定暂予监外执行;
(5) Educating those subject to community correction, notifying them in a timely manner, and serving legal instruments. (五)对社区矫正对象进行教育,及时通知并送达法律文书;
(6) Rendering judgments or rulings or making decisions on those subject to community correction who meet the conditions for the revocation of probation or parole, or taking those temporarily serving the sentence outside the incarceration facility into custody for serving the sentence. (六)对符合撤销缓刑、撤销假释或者暂予监外执行收监执行条件的社区矫正对象,作出判决、裁定和决定;
(7) Deciding to approve arrest or not in a timely manner if the community correction institution requests arrest. (七)对社区矫正机构提请逮捕的,及时作出是否逮捕的决定;
(8) Rendering a ruling according to the proposal on the commutation of sentence offered by the community correction institution. (八)根据社区矫正机构提出的减刑建议作出裁定;
(9) Other duties that shall be performed in accordance with the law. (九)其他依法应当履行的职责。
Article 6 The people's procuratorate shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law:   第六条 人民检察院依法履行以下职责:
(1) Conducting legal supervision over the investigation and assessment activities conducted by the community correction institutions that decide on community corrections, over community correction institutions and other relevant social organizations. (一)对社区矫正决定机关、社区矫正机构或者有关社会组织的调查评估活动实行法律监督;
(2) Conducting legal supervision over the activities of the authority that decide the community corrections in sentencing the criminal to public surveillance or probation, ruling to release the criminal on parole, and deciding or approving the temporary service of a sentence outside the incarceration facility. (二)对社区矫正决定机关判处管制、宣告缓刑、裁定假释、决定或者批准暂予监外执行活动实行法律监督;
(3) Conducting legal supervision over the legal instruments on community correction and delivery of those subject to community correction for execution of sentences. (三)对社区矫正法律文书及社区矫正对象交付执行活动实行法律监督;
(4) Conducting legal supervision over the activities of supervision, administration, education and assistance of those subject to community correction. (四)对监督管理、教育帮扶社区矫正对象的活动实行法律监督;
(5) Conducting legal supervision over the modification of criminal execution, removal of corrections and termination of corrections. (五)对变更刑事执行、解除矫正和终止矫正的活动实行法律监督;
(6) Accepting appeals, complaints and reports, and safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of those subject to community correction. (六)受理申诉、控告和举报,维护社区矫正对象的合法权益;
(7) Docketing cases and investigating directly accepted cases of the relevant duty-related crimes committed by judicial staff members found in the legal supervision of community correction in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law. (七)按照刑事诉讼法的规定,在对社区矫正实行法律监督中发现司法工作人员相关职务犯罪,可以立案侦查直接受理的案件;
(8) Other duties that shall be performed in accordance with the law. (八)其他依法应当履行的职责。
Article 7 The public security authority shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law:   第七条 公安机关依法履行以下职责:
(1) Authorizing investigation and assessment, if a criminal serving the sentence in jail is approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility. (一)对看守所留所服刑罪犯拟暂予监外执行的,可以委托开展调查评估;
(2) Verifying and determining the place of execution of community correction if a criminal serving the sentence in jail is approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility; approving the temporary service of a sentence outside the incarceration facility, if the criminal meets the conditions for serving the sentence outside the incarceration facility; or deciding to take the criminal into custody for serving his or her sentence if the criminal meets the conditions for being taken into custody for serving the sentence. (二)对看守所留所服刑罪犯拟暂予监外执行的,核实并确定社区矫正执行地;对符合暂予监外执行条件的,批准暂予监外执行;对符合收监执行条件的,作出收监执行的决定;
(3) Educating the criminal serving the sentence in jail, notifying him or her in a timely manner, and serving legal instruments upon him or her, if he or she is approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility; and legally delivering those subject to community correction for execution. (三)对看守所留所服刑罪犯批准暂予监外执行的,进行教育,及时通知并送达法律文书;依法将社区矫正对象交付执行;
(4) Imposing a public security administration punishment on those subject to community correction; handling on the spot the person subject to community correction that is committing any violation of regulatory provisions or injunction of the people's court after the efforts made by the community correction institution to curb such violation are ineffective; and assisting the community correction institution in handling emergencies. (四)对社区矫正对象予以治安管理处罚;到场处置经社区矫正机构制止无效,正在实施违反监督管理规定或者违反人民法院禁止令等违法行为的社区矫正对象;协助社区矫正机构处置突发事件;
(5) Assisting the community correction institution in finding those subject to community correction that are out of contact; executing the arrest decisions made by the people's court; and pursuing the fugitives subject to community correction against whom a ruling to revoke probation or parole has been rendered or a decision to take the person into custody for execution of sentence has been made. (五)协助社区矫正机构查找失去联系的社区矫正对象;执行人民法院作出的逮捕决定;被裁定撤销缓刑、撤销假释和被决定收监执行的社区矫正对象逃跑的,予以追捕;
(6) Delivering those subject to community correction to jail or prison for serving the sentence, if a ruling is rendered to revoke the probation or parole, or a people's court or public security authority decides to approve the person's temporary service of sentence outside the incarceration facility. (六)对裁定撤销缓刑、撤销假释,或者对人民法院、公安机关决定暂予监外执行收监的社区矫正对象,送交看守所或者监狱执行;
(7) Implementing the measure of restricting the exit of persons subject to community correction from the territory. (七)执行限制社区矫正对象出境的措施;
(8) Other duties that shall be performed in accordance with the law. (八)其他依法应当履行的职责。
Article 8 The prison administrative authority and the prison shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law:   第八条 监狱管理机关以及监狱依法履行以下职责:
(1) Authorizing investigations and assessments, if a criminal in prison is to be released on parole; and may authorize investigations and assessments if the criminal in prison is approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility. (一)对监狱关押罪犯拟提请假释的,应当委托进行调查评估;对监狱关押罪犯拟暂予监外执行的,可以委托进行调查评估;
(2) Verifying and determining the place of execution of community correction in accordance with the law if the criminal in prison is approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility. The prison administrative authority shall make the decision to approve the criminal's temporary service of sentence outside the incarceration facility if he or she meets the conditions for temporarily serving the sentence outside the incarceration facility. (二)对监狱关押罪犯拟暂予监外执行的,依法核实并确定社区矫正执行地;对符合暂予监外执行条件的,监狱管理机关作出暂予监外执行决定;
(3) Educating the criminal, notifying the criminal in a timely manner, and serving legal instruments, if the criminal in prison is approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility; and legally delivering the person subject to community correction for execution. (三)对监狱关押罪犯批准暂予监外执行的,进行教育,及时通知并送达法律文书;依法将社区矫正对象交付执行;
(4) Where the prison administrative authority decides to take a criminal temporarily serving his or her sentence outside the incarceration facility into custody for serving his or her sentence, the prison where such criminal originally served his or her sentence or the prison that accepts his or her files shall immediately take the criminal into custody for serving the sentence. (四)监狱管理机关对暂予监外执行罪犯决定收监执行的,原服刑或者接收其档案的监狱应当立即将罪犯收监执行;
(5) Other duties that shall be performed in accordance with the law. (五)其他依法应当履行的职责。
Article 9 The community correction institution is the execution authority formed by the local people's government at or above the county level to take charge of the specific implementation of the community correction work. The community correction institution shall perform the following duties in accordance with the law.   第九条 社区矫正机构是县级以上地方人民政府根据需要设置的,负责社区矫正工作具体实施的执行机关。社区矫正机构依法履行以下职责:
(1) Accepting authorizations to conduct investigations and assessments, and offer assessment opinions. (一)接受委托进行调查评估,提出评估意见;
(2) Accepting those subject to community correction, verifying legal instruments, verifying identities, handling acceptance registrations, and establishing archives. (二)接收社区矫正对象,核对法律文书、核实身份、办理接收登记,建立档案;
(3) Organizing the announcement of receiving correction and removing correction, and undergoing the formalities for receiving correction and removing correction. (三)组织入矫和解矫宣告,办理入矫和解矫手续;
(4) Establishing correction groups, organizing the work of correction groups, and making and implementing their correction plans. (四)建立矫正小组、组织矫正小组开展工作,制定和落实矫正方案;
(5) Supervising and administering those subject to community correction and implementing assessments, rewards and punishments; approving such matters as receiving visitors, going out, and changing the place of execution; obtaining the information on the activities and behaviors of those subject to community correction; and organizing the search for those subject to community correction that are out of contact, and handling them, where necessary,, after the search. (五)对社区矫正对象进行监督管理,实施考核奖惩;审批会客、外出、变更执行地等事项;了解掌握社区矫正对象的活动情况和行为表现;组织查找失去联系的社区矫正对象,查找后依情形作出处理;
(6) Offering proposals on public security administration punishments, commutation of sentence, revocation of probation or parole, taking the criminal into custody for serving his or her sentence, and modification of criminal execution, and requesting arrest in accordance with the law. (六)提出治安管理处罚建议,提出减刑、撤销缓刑、撤销假释、收监执行等变更刑事执行建议,依法提请逮捕;
(7) Educating and assisting those subject to community correction, providing education on the rule of law and morality, coordinating relevant parties in such matters as providing training on vocational skills and employment guidance and organizing public welfare activities. (七)对社区矫正对象进行教育帮扶,开展法治道德等教育,协调有关方面开展职业技能培训、就业指导,组织公益活动等事项;
(8) Informing relevant authorities of the information on those subject to community correction and serving legal instruments. (八)向有关机关通报社区矫正对象情况,送达法律文书;
(9) Conducting the administration and supervision of and providing training for community correction staff members and ensuring their occupational security. (九)对社区矫正工作人员开展管理、监督、培训,落实职业保障;
(10) Other duties that shall be performed in accordance with the law. (十)其他依法应当履行的职责。
With respect to the formation and revocation of a community correction institution, the judicial administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall offer opinions and conduct approval according to the prescribed authority and procedures. The routine work of community correction shall be specifically undertaken by the community correction institution at the county level; if no community correction institution at the county level is set up, such work shall be specifically undertaken by the community correction institution at the next higher level. The community correction institutions at provincial and municipal levels shall be mainly responsible for the supervision, guidance, organization and coordination of cross-regional law enforcement, as well as the handling of cases connecting with the authorities making decisions on community correction at the same level. 设置和撤销社区矫正机构,由县级以上地方人民政府司法行政部门提出意见,按照规定的权限和程序审批。社区矫正日常工作由县级社区矫正机构具体承担;未设置县级社区矫正机构的,由上一级社区矫正机构具体承担。省、市两级社区矫正机构主要负责监督指导、跨区域执法的组织协调以及与同级社区矫正决定机关对接的案件办理工作。
Article 10 The judicial office shall undertake the work relating to community correction as authorized by the community correction institution.   第十条 司法所根据社区矫正机构的委托,承担社区矫正相关工作。
Article 11 The community correction institution shall strengthen information construction in accordance with the law and use modern information technologies to conduct supervision, administration, education and assistance.   第十一条 社区矫正机构依法加强信息化建设,运用现代信息技术开展监督管理和教育帮扶。
The departments relating to community correction shall share their information in accordance with the law, and the people's courts, people's procuratorates, public security authorities and judicial administrative authorities shall, in accordance with the law, establish and improve a platform for the exchange of community correction information, realize business collaboration and interconnection, and use modern information technologies to transmit and exchange the relevant legal instruments in a timely and accurate manner, inquire about the delivery and acceptance, supervision and administration, education and assistance, absence from regulation, receipt of public security administration punishments and compulsory measures, modification of criminal execution, and the handling of recidivism cases, etc., of those subject to community correction in real time, share the dynamic information on community correction work, and improve the construction of information systems for community correction. 社区矫正工作相关部门之间依法进行信息共享,人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关、司法行政机关依法建立完善社区矫正信息交换平台,实现业务协同、互联互通,运用现代信息技术及时准确传输交换有关法律文书,根据需要实时查询社区矫正对象交付接收、监督管理、教育帮扶、脱离监管、被治安管理处罚、被采取强制措施、变更刑事执行、办理再犯罪案件等情况,共享社区矫正工作动态信息,提高社区矫正信息化水平。
Article 12 Where community correction is to be utilized, the authority making the community correction decision shall verify the place of residence of those subject to community correction. If a person subject to community correction resides in multiple places, his or her habitual residence may be determined as the place of execution. If the person has no place of residence, or his or her place of residence or habitual residence cannot be determined or it is inappropriate for the execution of community correction, the place of execution of community correction shall be determined under the principles of facilitating the acceptance of correction by the persons subject to community correction and their integration into the society in a more effective manner. The community correction institution determined as the place of execution shall accept the person in a timely manner.   第十二条 对拟适用社区矫正的,社区矫正决定机关应当核实社区矫正对象的居住地。社区矫正对象在多个地方居住的,可以确定经常居住地为执行地。没有居住地,居住地、经常居住地无法确定或者不适宜执行社区矫正的,应当根据有利于社区矫正对象接受矫正、更好地融入社会的原则,确定社区矫正执行地。被确定为执行地的社区矫正机构应当及时接收。
The place of residence of a person subject to community correction means the county (city or district) where he or she actually resides. The habitual residence of a person subject to community correction means the county (city or district) where he or she habitually resides, has a fixed domicile and a fixed source of livelihood. 社区矫正对象的居住地是指其实际居住的县(市、区)。社区矫正对象的经常居住地是指其经常居住的,有固定住所、固定生活来源的县(市、区)。
The person subject to community correction shall truthfully provide the information on his or her residence, place of permanent residence, and provide necessary supporting materials. 社区矫正对象应如实提供其居住、户籍等情况,并提供必要的证明材料。
Article 13 Where the authority making the decision on community correction needs to investigate into the danger to the society of the defendant or criminal to be subjected to community correction and the impact on the community where he or she resides, it may authorize the community correction institution to determined the place of execution or the relevant social organization to conduct an investigation and assessment. The community correction institution or the relevant social organization shall, after receiving the authorization document, notify the people's procuratorate at the county level at the place of execution in a timely manner.   第十三条 社区矫正决定机关对拟适用社区矫正的被告人、罪犯,需要调查其社会危险性和对所居住社区影响的,可以委托拟确定为执行地的社区矫正机构或者有关社会组织进行调查评估。社区矫正机构或者有关社会组织收到委托文书后应当及时通知执行地县级人民检察院。
Article 14 The community correction institution or relevant social organization shall, after accepting the authorization, conduct an investigation and obtain information on the defendant or criminal's domicile, family and social relations, consequences and aftermath of the crime, opinions of the villagers' (residents') committee at the place of domicile and the victim, matters to be prohibited, danger to the society, the impact on the community where the defendant or criminal resides, and so forth, form its investigation and assessment opinions, and submit the opinions with relevant materials to the authorizing authority. The relevant entities, departments, villagers' (residents') committees and other organizations and individuals shall provide necessary assistance to the investigation and assessment in accordance with the law.   第十四条 社区矫正机构、有关社会组织接受委托后,应当对被告人或者罪犯的居所情况、家庭和社会关系、犯罪行为的后果和影响、居住地村(居)民委员会和被害人意见、拟禁止的事项、社会危险性、对所居住社区的影响等情况进行调查了解,形成调查评估意见,与相关材料一起提交委托机关。调查评估时,相关单位、部门、村(居)民委员会等组织、个人应当依法为调查评估提供必要的协助。
The community correction institution or the relevant social organization shall complete the investigation and assessment and submit its assessment opinion within ten working days after receiving the letter of authorization of investigation and assessment and the attached materials. For a case to which the fast-track sentencing procedure applies, investigation and assessment shall be completed and the assessment opinion shall be submitted within five working days. A copy of the assessment opinion shall be sent to the people's procuratorate at the county level at the place of execution at the same time. If it is necessary to extend the time limit for investigation and assessment, the community correction institution or the relevant social organization shall consult with the authorizing authority to complete the investigation and assessment within the term determined through negotiation. If the community correction institution or the relevant social organization is unable to conduct the investigation and assessment due to false name or place of domicile of the defendant or criminal or the unknown identity of the defendant or criminal, it shall explain the situation to the authorizing authority in a timely manner. The adoption of investigation and assessment opinions by the authority that makes the decision on community correction shall be indicated on relevant legal instruments. 社区矫正机构、有关社会组织应当自收到调查评估委托函及所附材料之日起十个工作日内完成调查评估,提交评估意见。对于适用刑事案件速裁程序的,应当在五个工作日内完成调查评估,提交评估意见。评估意见同时抄送执行地县级人民检察院。需要延长调查评估时限的,社区矫正机构、有关社会组织应当与委托机关协商,并在协商确定的期限内完成调查评估。因被告人或者罪犯的姓名、居住地不真实、身份不明等原因,社区矫正机构、有关社会组织无法进行调查评估的,应当及时向委托机关说明情况。社区矫正决定机关对调查评估意见的采信情况,应当在相关法律文书中说明。
Investigation and assessment opinions and any state secret, trade secret, personal privacy, or any other information involved in investigation shall be kept confidential and shall not be divulged. 对调查评估意见以及调查中涉及的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私等信息,应当保密,不得泄露。
Article 15 The authority making the decision on community correction shall educate the person subject to community correction, inform him or her in writing of the time limit for registering with the county-level community correction institution at the place of execution and the consequences of failure to register within the time limit or failing to register, and order him or her to register on schedule.   第十五条 社区矫正决定机关应当对社区矫正对象进行教育,书面告知其到执行地县级社区矫正机构报到的时间期限以及逾期报到或者未报到的后果,责令其按时报到。
Article 16 The authority making the decision on community correction shall notify the county-level community correction institution at the place of execution within five days from the date when a judgment, ruling or decision takes effect, serve the judgment, ruling, written decision, execution notice, and other legal instruments within 10 days upon the county-level community correction institution at the place of execution, and send a copy to the people's procuratorate at the same time. The community correction institution shall serve an acknowledgement of receipt within five days after receiving the legal instruments.   第十六条 社区矫正决定机关应当自判决、裁定或者决定生效之日起五日内通知执行地县级社区矫正机构,并在十日内将判决书、裁定书、决定书、执行通知书等法律文书送达执行地县级社区矫正机构,同时抄送人民检察院。收到法律文书后,社区矫正机构应当在五日内送达回执。
Where the county-level community correction authority at the place of execution has not received a legal instrument or the legal instruments are incomplete when the person subject to community correction registers, the community correction institution shall first record it, undergo registration and acceptance formalities for him or her, and notify the authority that made the decision on community correction to serve or supplement legal instruments within five days. 社区矫正对象前来报到时,执行地县级社区矫正机构未收到法律文书或者法律文书不齐全,应当先记录在案,为其办理登记接收手续,并通知社区矫正决定机关在五日内送达或者补齐法律文书。
Article 17 When a person subject to community correction who is sentenced to public surveillance or probation or ruled to be released on parole registers with the county-level community correction institution at the place of execution, the community correction institution shall verify the legal instruments and identity, and undergo registration and acceptance formalities. If the person subject to community correction has any special circumstance, such as inconvenience in action or any difficulty in registering on his or her own, the community correction institution may dispatch personnel to the place where he or she resides or any other place to undergo registration and acceptance formalities.   第十七条 被判处管制、宣告缓刑、裁定假释的社区矫正对象到执行地县级社区矫正机构报到时,社区矫正机构应当核对法律文书、核实身份,办理登记接收手续。对社区矫正对象存在因行动不便、自行报到确有困难等特殊情况的,社区矫正机构可以派员到其居住地等场所办理登记接收手续。
The person subject to community correction approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility shall be legally transferred by the public security authority, the prison or jail to the county-level community correction institution at the place of execution to undergo delivery and acceptance formalities. If the place where the criminal originally served his or her sentence and the place of his or her domicile are not in the same province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, and the criminal needs to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility at the place of his or her domicile, the prison administrative authority at or above the provincial level at the place where he or she served the sentence or the public security authority at or above the level of a districted city shall send a written notice to the prison administrative authority or the public security authority at the place where the prisoner resides, which shall designate a prison or jail to receive the files of the person subject to community correction, and be responsible for undergoing the formalities for taking the criminal into custody for the execution of sentence and releasing the criminal upon the completion of sentence. If a criminal serving the sentence in jail is approved to temporarily serve the sentence outside the incarceration facility, and the place where the criminal served his or her sentence heretofore and the place of his or her domicile are in the same province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, he or she is not required to transfer his or her files. 暂予监外执行的社区矫正对象,由公安机关、监狱或者看守所依法移送至执行地县级社区矫正机构,办理交付接收手续。罪犯原服刑地与居住地不在同一省、自治区、直辖市,需要回居住地暂予监外执行的,原服刑地的省级以上监狱管理机关或者设区的市一级以上公安机关应当书面通知罪犯居住地的监狱管理机关、公安机关,由其指定一所监狱、看守所接收社区矫正对象档案,负责办理其收监、刑满释放等手续。对看守所留所服刑罪犯暂予监外执行,原服刑地与居住地在同一省、自治区、直辖市的,可以不移交档案。
Article 18 The county-level community correction institution at the place of execution shall, after receiving the person subject to community correction, establish community correction files, including the following contents:   第十八条 执行地县级社区矫正机构接收社区矫正对象后,应当建立社区矫正档案,包括以下内容:
(1) Legal instruments applicable to community correction. (一)适用社区矫正的法律文书;
(2) Acceptance, approval of supervision, rewards and punishments, taking into custody for serving the sentence, removal of correction, termination of correction and other legal instruments relating to community correction enforcement activities. (二)接收、监管审批、奖惩、收监执行、解除矫正、终止矫正等有关社区矫正执行活动的法律文书;
(3) Making work records on community correction. (三)进行社区矫正的工作记录;
(4) Other materials relating to the receipt of community correction by the person subject to community correction. (四)社区矫正对象接受社区矫正的其他相关材料。
The judicial office that accepts the authorization to conduct daily management of the person subject to community correction shall establish work files. 接受委托对社区矫正对象进行日常管理的司法所应当建立工作档案。
Article 19 The county-level community correction institution at the place of execution and the authorized judicial office shall determine the correction group for the person subject to community correction, sign a correction accountability letter with the correction group, specify the responsibilities and obligations of the correction group members, and be responsible for the implementation of the correction plan.
   第十九条 执行地县级社区矫正机构、受委托的司法所应当为社区矫正对象确定矫正小组,与矫正小组签订矫正责任书,明确矫正小组成员的责任和义务,负责落实矫正方案。

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