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Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration [Revised]
不动产登记暂行条例实施细则 [已被修订]

Order of the Ministry of Land and Resources 


(No. 63) (第63号)

The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration, as deliberated and adopted at the third executive meeting of the Ministry of Land and Resources on June 29, 2015, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《不动产登记暂行条例实施细则》已经2015年6月29日国土资源部第3次部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Minister: Jiang Daming 部长 姜大明
January 1, 2016 2016年1月1日
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration 不动产登记暂行条例实施细则
(Adopted at the third executive meeting of the Ministry of Land and Resources on June 29, 2015) (2015年6月29日国土资源部第3次部务会议通过)
Table of Content 目 录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Real Estate Register 第二章 不动产登记簿
Chapter III Registration Procedures 第三章 登记程序
Chapter IV Registration of Real Estate Rights 第四章 不动产权利登记
Section 1 General Provisions 第一节 一般规定
Section 2 Registration of Collective Land Ownership 第二节 集体土地所有权登记
Section 3 Registration of the Right to Use State-Owned Construction Land and House Ownership 第三节 国有建设用地使用权及房屋所有权登记
Section 4 Registration of the Right to Use Homestead and House Ownership 第四节 宅基地使用权及房屋所有权登记
Section 5 Registration of the Right to Use Collective Construction Land and Ownership of Buildings and Structures 第五节 集体建设用地使用权及建筑物、构筑物所有权登记
Section 6 Registration of the Right to the Contracted Management of Land 第六节 土地承包经营权登记
Section 7 Registration of the Right to Use Sea Areas 第七节 海域使用权登记
Section 8 Servitude Registration 第八节 地役权登记
Section 9 Mortgage Registration 第九节 抵押权登记
Chapter V Other Registration 第五章 其他登记
Section 1 Correction Registration 第一节 更正登记
Section 2 Dissidence Registration 第二节 异议登记
Section 3 Advance Notice Registration 第三节 预告登记
Section 4 Seizure Registration 第四节 查封登记
Chapter VI Inquiry, Protection and Utilization of Real Estate Registration Materials 第六章 不动产登记资料的查询、保护和利用
Chapter VII Legal Liability 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For purposes of regulating real estate registration, specifying rules for the uniform registration of real estate, facilitating the people's real estate registration, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of right holders, these Detailed Implementing Rules are developed in accordance with the Interim Regulation on Real Estate Registration (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”).   第一条 为规范不动产登记行为,细化不动产统一登记制度,方便人民群众办理不动产登记,保护权利人合法权益,根据《不动产登记暂行条例》(以下简称《条例》),制定本实施细则。
Article 2 Real estate registration shall be conducted based on a party's application, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law, administrative regulation or these Detailed Implementing Rules.   第二条 不动产登记应当依照当事人的申请进行,但法律、行政法规以及本实施细则另有规定的除外。
Houses and other buildings, structures, forests, woods and other fixtures and the land and sea areas to which they are attached shall be registered as a whole, and their right holders shall be the same. 房屋等建筑物、构筑物和森林、林木等定着物应当与其所依附的土地、海域一并登记,保持权利主体一致。
Article 3 Where a real estate registration authority, according to the provision of paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Regulation, consults or accepts designation to register a real estate crossing different county administrative regions, it shall, after the completion of registration, inform the right holder of the real estate and the location, boundary, area, use, right type and other registration result indicated on the real estate register to any other real estate registration authority in the area where the real estate crosses.   第三条 不动产登记机构依照《条例》七条第二款的规定,协商办理或者接受指定办理跨县级行政区域不动产登记的,应当在登记完毕后将不动产登记簿记载的不动产权利人以及不动产坐落、界址、面积、用途、权利类型等登记结果告知不动产所跨区域的其他不动产登记机构。
Article 4 The Ministry of Land and Resources shall accept, and handle jointly with the relevant departments the applications for the real estate registration of forests, woods and forest land in key state-owned forest areas determined by the State Council, and in accordance with the law, issue real estate ownership certificates to right holders.   第四条 国务院确定的重点国有林区的森林、林木和林地,由国土资源部受理并会同有关部门办理,依法向权利人核发不动产权属证书。
The Ministry of Land and Resources shall accept applications for the registration of sea areas and islands for projects approved by the State Council, and in accordance with the law, issue real estate ownership certificates to right holders. 国务院批准的项目用海、用岛的登记,由国土资源部受理,依法向权利人核发不动产权属证书。
The Ministry of Land and Resources shall, in accordance with the Measures for the Registration of Land Used by the State's Central Authorities in Beijing and other provisions of the Ministry of Land and Resources, undergo the real estate registration of state-owned land, among others, used by the state's central authorities. 中央国家机关使用的国有土地等不动产登记,依照国土资源部《在京中央国家机关用地土地登记办法》等规定办理。
Chapter II Real Estate Register 

第二章 不动产登记簿

Article 5 “Real estate unit” as mentioned in Article 8 of the Regulation means the space that is closed by ownership boundaries and has independent use value.   第五条 《条例》八条规定的不动产单元,是指权属界线封闭且具有独立使用价值的空间。
Where there are no houses and other buildings, structures, forests and wood fixtures, the real estate unit shall be the space closed by land and sea area ownership boundaries. 没有房屋等建筑物、构筑物以及森林、林木定着物的,以土地、海域权属界线封闭的空间为不动产单元。
Where there are houses and other buildings, structures, forests and wood fixtures, the real estate unit shall be the space closed by such houses, other buildings, structures, forests and wood fixtures as well as land and sea area ownership boundaries. 有房屋等建筑物、构筑物以及森林、林木定着物的,以该房屋等建筑物、构筑物以及森林、林木定着物与土地、海域权属界线封闭的空间为不动产单元。
“Houses” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph include space that form independent buildings and closed by ownership boundaries, as well as the space that is differentiated into suites, tiers and rooms, among others, may be used independently and is closed by ownership boundaries. 前款所称房屋,包括独立成幢、权属界线封闭的空间,以及区分套、层、间等可以独立使用、权属界线封闭的空间。
Article 6 The real estate register shall take a parcel of land or sea as the unit, and include all real estate units within the scope of one parcel of land or one parcel of sea in one real estate register.   第六条 不动产登记簿以宗地或者宗海为单位编成,一宗地或者一宗海范围内的全部不动产单元编入一个不动产登记簿。
Article 7 A real estate registration authority shall equip with special electronic storage facilities for real estate registration, and take information network security protection measures to ensure the safety of electronic data.   第七条 不动产登记机构应当配备专门的不动产登记电子存储设施,采取信息网络安全防护措施,保证电子数据安全。
No entity or individual shall duplicate or falsify any information on a real estate register without approval. 任何单位和个人不得擅自复制或者篡改不动产登记簿信息。
Article 8 The real estate registrars undertaking the examination of real estate registration and registers shall have command of the relevant laws and regulations, and have the expertise on real estate registration and other aspects commensurate with their posts.   第八条 承担不动产登记审核、登记簿的不动产登记工作人员应当熟悉相关法律法规,具备与其岗位相适应的不动产登记等方面的专业知识。
The Ministry of Land and Resources shall, together with the relevant departments, organize the examination of and training to real estate registrars who undertake the examination of real estate registration and registers. 国土资源部会同有关部门组织开展对承担不动产登记审核、登记簿的不动产登记工作人员的考核培训。
Chapter III Registration Procedures 

第三章 登记程序

Article 9 The applicant that applies for real estate registration shall fill out a written application for registration, and submit the identity certificate and relevant application materials.   第九条 申请不动产登记的,申请人应当填写登记申请书,并提交身份证明以及相关申请材料。
The originals of application materials shall be provided. If the originals cannot be provided due to any particular circumstance, photocopies may be provided and they shall be consistent with the originals. 申请材料应当提供原件。因特殊情况不能提供原件的,可以提供复印件,复印件应当与原件保持一致。
Article 10 The application for the registration of disposal of a co-owned real estate shall be jointly filed by co-owners in divided co-ownership who hold two thirds or more of shares or all co-owners, unless it is otherwise agreed upon by co-owners.   第十条 处分共有不动产申请登记的,应当经占份额三分之二以上的按份共有人或者全体共同共有人共同申请,但共有人另有约定的除外。
A co-owner in divided co-ownership that transfers the shares of a real estate enjoyed by him or her shall file a transfer registration application together with the transferee. 按份共有人转让其享有的不动产份额,应当与受让人共同申请转移登记。
The application for the registration of a real estate legally co-owned by all owners within a building area shall be handled in accordance with the provision of Article 36 of these Detailed Implementing Rules. 建筑区划内依法属于全体业主共有的不动产申请登记,依照本实施细则第三十六条的规定办理。
Article 11 An application for the registration of a real estate shall be filed by the guardian on behalf of a person without capacity for civil conduct or a person with limited capacity for civil conduct.   第十一条 无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人申请不动产登记的,应当由其监护人代为申请。
Where the guardian files a registration application on behalf of the person under guardianship, he or she shall provide the identification card or household register, the materials on guardianship and other materials of the guardian and the person under guardianship; and if the guardian applies for registration for the disposal of a real estate, he or she shall also provide the written commitment to protect the interest of the person under guardianship. 监护人代为申请登记的,应当提供监护人与被监护人的身份证或者户口簿、有关监护关系等材料;因处分不动产而申请登记的,还应当提供为被监护人利益的书面保证。
Where a guardian other than the parents disposes of the real estate of an adolescent, the materials on the guardianship may be legal documents of the people's court designating guardianship, notarized materials on guardianship over the person under guardianship, or other materials. 父母之外的监护人处分未成年人不动产的,有关监护关系材料可以是人民法院指定监护的法律文书、经过公证的对被监护人享有监护权的材料或者其他材料。
Article 12 A party may authorize another person to apply for the registration of a real estate on behalf of him or her.   第十二条 当事人可以委托他人代为申请不动产登记。
Where the agent applies for the registration of a real estate on behalf of the principal, the agent shall provide the power of attorney to which the principal's signature or seal is affixed to the real estate registration authority. 代理申请不动产登记的,代理人应当向不动产登记机构提供被代理人签字或者盖章的授权委托书。
Where a natural person who disposes of a real estate authorizes an agent to apply for registration, the natural person shall sign the power of attorney with the agent at the real estate registration authority, unless that the power of attorney is notarized. 自然人处分不动产,委托代理人申请登记的,应当与代理人共同到不动产登记机构现场签订授权委托书,但授权委托书经公证的除外。
Where an overseas applicant authorizes another person to undergo the registration of disposal of a real estate, the applicant's power of attorney shall be certified or notarized in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state. 境外申请人委托他人办理处分不动产登记的,其授权委托书应当按照国家有关规定办理认证或者公证。
Article 13 Where all applicants file registration revocation applications before the matters to be registered upon application are recorded in a real estate register, the registration authority shall return the written application for registration and the relevant materials to the applicant.   第十三条 申请登记的事项记载于不动产登记簿前,全体申请人提出撤回登记申请的,登记机构应当将登记申请书以及相关材料退还申请人。
Article 14 The party that applies for the registration of a real estate obtained by succession or acceptance of bequests shall submit death certification materials, the testament or the agreement of all statutory heirs on the distribution of the real estate, and the materials on kinship with the successor, among others, or may submit notarized materials or effective legal documents.   第十四条 因继承、受遗赠取得不动产,当事人申请登记的,应当提交死亡证明材料、遗嘱或者全部法定继承人关于不动产分配的协议以及与被继承人的亲属关系材料等,也可以提交经公证的材料或者生效的法律文书。
Article 15 A real estate registration authority shall also examine the following content after accepting an application for the registration of a real estate:   第十五条 不动产登记机构受理不动产登记申请后,还应当对下列内容进行查验:
(1) Whether the identification materials on the applicant and the agent and the power of attorney are consistent with the applicant. (一)申请人、委托代理人身份证明材料以及授权委托书与申请主体是否一致;
(2) Whether the ownership source materials or documents on the registration reason are consistent with the content to be registered upon application. (二)权属来源材料或者登记原因文件与申请登记的内容是否一致;
(3) Where the ownership investigation result such as the boundary, space, and area of the real estate is complete, whether the ownership is clear, whether the boundary is clear, and whether the area is accurate. (三)不动产界址、空间界限、面积等权籍调查成果是否完备,权属是否清楚、界址是否清晰、面积是否准确;
(4) Whether the duty-paid or expense payment certificates prescribed by laws and administrative regulations are complete. (四)法律、行政法规规定的完税或者缴费凭证是否齐全。
Article 16 The real estate registration authority shall mainly conduct on-site inspection of the following circumstances:   第十六条 不动产登记机构进行实地查看,重点查看下列情况:
(1) The initial registration of ownership of houses and other buildings and structures, the location of houses, the completion of construction of houses, and other circumstances. (一)房屋等建筑物、构筑物所有权首次登记,查看房屋坐落及其建造完成等情况;
(2) The registration of mortgage of buildings under construction, the location and construction of mortgaged buildings under construction, and other circumstances. (二)在建建筑物抵押权登记,查看抵押的在建建筑物坐落及其建造等情况;
(3) Deregistration led by the loss of the real estate, examination of the loss of real estate, and other circumstances. (三)因不动产灭失导致的注销登记,查看不动产灭失等情况。
Article 17 Under any of the following circumstances, the real estate registration authority shall make an announcement before recording registration matters in the register, unless that the matters involve any state secret.   第十七条 有下列情形之一的,不动产登记机构应当在登记事项记载于登记簿前进行公告,但涉及国家秘密的除外:
(1) The registration of ownership of collective land of government organizations. (一)政府组织的集体土地所有权登记;
(2) Initial registration of the homestead use right and house ownership, the right to use collective construction land and ownership of buildings and structures, the right to the contracted management of land, and other real estate rights. (二)宅基地使用权及房屋所有权,集体建设用地使用权及建筑物、构筑物所有权,土地承包经营权等不动产权利的首次登记;
(3) Correction registration based on powers. (三)依职权更正登记;
(4) Deregistration based on powers. (四)依职权注销登记;
(5) Any other circumstance prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。
The announcement shall be made on the portal website of the real estate registration authority, the place where the real estate is located, and any other designated place for not less than 15 working days. The time required for announcement shall not be calculated in the term for undergoing registration. If no objection is raised within the announcement period or if the objection is not justified, it shall be recorded in the real estate register in a timely manner. 公告应当在不动产登记机构门户网站以及不动产所在地等指定场所进行,公告期不少于15个工作日。公告所需时间不计算在登记办理期限内。公告期满无异议或者异议不成立的,应当及时记载于不动产登记簿。
Article 18 The real estate registration announcement shall cover:   第十八条 不动产登记公告的主要内容包括:
(1) the name or title of the right holder of the real estate to be registered; (一)拟予登记的不动产权利人的姓名或者名称;
(2) location, area, use, right type and other information on the real estate to be registered; (二)拟予登记的不动产坐落、面积、用途、权利类型等;
(3) the time limit for and method for raising an objection and acceptance body; and (三)提出异议的期限、方式和受理机构;
(4) other matters that need to be announced. (四)需要公告的其他事项。
Article 19 The party may decide to unilaterally apply for real estate registration based on effective legal documents of the people's court and the arbitration committee or the valid decision of the people's court.   第十九条 当事人可以持人民法院、仲裁委员会的生效法律文书或者人民政府的生效决定单方申请不动产登记。
The real estate registration authority shall directly undergo real estate registration under any of the following circumstances: 有下列情形之一的,不动产登记机构直接办理不动产登记:
(1) The people's court requires the real estate registration authority to undergo registration based on effective legal documents and an enforcement assistance notice. (一)人民法院持生效法律文书和协助执行通知书要求不动产登记机构办理登记的;
(2) The people's procuratorate or the public security authority requires seizure registration based on the seizure assistance notice according to legal provisions. (二)人民检察院、公安机关依据法律规定持协助查封通知书要求办理查封登记的;
(3) The people's court requires the real estate registration authority to undergo deregistration after the decision on expropriating or recovering real estate rights made by the people's government in accordance with the law comes into force. (三)人民政府依法做出征收或者收回不动产权利决定生效后,要求不动产登记机构办理注销登记的;
(4) Any other circumstance prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (四)法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。
Where the real estate authority is of the opinion that there is any objection on the registration matters, it shall offer an examination proposal to the relevant authority in accordance with the law. 不动产登记机构认为登记事项存在异议的,应当依法向有关机关提出审查建议。
Article 20 The real estate registration authority shall, according to the real estate register, enter and issue the real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate.   第二十条 不动产登记机构应当根据不动产登记簿,填写并核发不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明。
Except for the issuance of the real estate registration certificate in mortgage registration, servitude registration, advance notice registration and dissidence registration, the real estate registration authority shall issue the real estate ownership certificate to the right holder in accordance with the law. 除办理抵押权登记、地役权登记和预告登记、异议登记,向申请人核发不动产登记证明外,不动产登记机构应当依法向权利人核发不动产权属证书。
The special seal for registration of the real estate registration authority shall be affixed to the real estate ownership certificate and the real estate registration certificate. 不动产权属证书和不动产登记证明,应当加盖不动产登记机构登记专用章。
The format of the real estate ownership certificate and the real estate registration certificate shall be uniformly provided for by the Ministry of Land and Resources. 不动产权属证书和不动产登记证明样式,由国土资源部统一规定。
Article 21 For an application for the registration of a co-owned real estate, the real estate registration authority shall issue a real estate ownership certificate to all co-owners; and if co-owners apply for separate certificates, the authority may issue real estate ownership certificates to co-owners separately.   第二十一条 申请共有不动产登记的,不动产登记机构向全体共有人合并发放一本不动产权属证书;共有人申请分别持证的,可以为共有人分别发放不动产权属证书。
The co-owned real estate certificate shall indicate the co-ownership information, and list all co-owners. 共有不动产权属证书应当注明共有情况,并列明全体共有人。
Article 22 Where the real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate is stained or damaged, the party may apply for replacement to the real estate registration authority. If replacement conditions are met, the real estate registration authority shall reissue the certificate, and recover the original real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate.   第二十二条 不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明污损、破损的,当事人可以向不动产登记机构申请换发。符合换发条件的,不动产登记机构应当予以换发,并收回原不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明。
Where the real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate is lost or destroyed, and the right holder of the real estate applies for re-issuance, the real estate registration authority shall issue a new certificate 15 working days after publishing a loss or destruction statement of the right holder of the real estate on its portal website. 不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明遗失、灭失,不动产权利人申请补发的,由不动产登记机构在其门户网站上刊发不动产权利人的遗失、灭失声明15个工作日后,予以补发。
Where the real estate registration authority issues a new real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate, it shall record the matters on the re-issuance of the new real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate in the real estate register, and indicate the word “re-issuance” on the real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate. 不动产登记机构补发不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明的,应当将补发不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明的事项记载于不动产登记簿,并在不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明上注明“补发”字样。
Article 23 Where the real estate registration authority needs to recover the real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate due to the loss of real estate rights or any other circumstance, it shall indicate the matters on the recovery of the real estate ownership certificate or real estate registration certificate in the real estate register, and if it is indeed unrecoverable, it shall announce the certificate's annulment on the portal website of the real estate registration authority or a local publicly issued newspaper or journal.   第二十三条 因不动产权利灭失等情形,不动产登记机构需要收回不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明的,应当在不动产登记簿上将收回不动产权属证书或者不动产登记证明的事项予以注明;确实无法收回的,应当在不动产登记机构门户网站或者当地公开发行的报刊上公告作废。
Chapter IV Registration of Real Estate Rights 

第四章 不动产权利登记

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 24 The initial registration of a real estate means the initial registration of real estate rights.   第二十四条 不动产首次登记,是指不动产权利第一次登记。
Whoever fails to undergo the initial registration of a real estate shall not undergo any other type of registration of the real estate, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law or administrative regulation. 未办理不动产首次登记的,不得办理不动产其他类型登记,但法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
Article 25 A city or county people's government may, in light of its actual circumstances, organize the initial registration of the collective land ownership, homestead use right, the right to use collective construction land and the right to the contracted management of land on unregistered real estates in its administrative region.   第二十五条 市、县人民政府可以根据情况对本行政区域内未登记的不动产,组织开展集体土地所有权、宅基地使用权、集体建设用地使用权、土地承包经营权的首次登记。
The relevant department of the people's government shall organize the obtainment of registration materials such as the ownership source, and investigation, among others, required for initial registration according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 依照前款规定办理首次登记所需的权属来源、调查等登记材料,由人民政府有关部门组织获取。
Article 26 Under any of the following circumstances, the right holder of a real estate may apply to the real estate registration authority for modification registration:   第二十六条 下列情形之一的,不动产权利人可以向不动产登记机构申请变更登记:
(1) Modification of the name, title, or type or number of identity certificate of the right holder. (一)权利人的姓名、名称、身份证明类型或者身份证明号码发生变更的;
(2) Modification of the location, boundary, use, area or any other condition of the real estate. (二)不动产的坐落、界址、用途、面积等状况变更的;
(3) Change of the term, source or any other condition of real estate rights. (三)不动产权利期限、来源等状况发生变化的;
(4) The same right holder divides or combines the real estate. (四)同一权利人分割或者合并不动产的;
(5) Change of the mortgage guarantee scope, amount of principal claim, term for the performance of debts, or the sequence of mortgages. (五)抵押担保的范围、主债权数额、债务履行期限、抵押权顺位发生变化的;
(6) Change of the scope of claims guaranteed by mortgage at the maximum amount, maximum amount of claim, or claim determination period, among others. (六)最高额抵押担保的债权范围、最高债权额、债权确定期间等发生变化的;
(7) Change of the servitude utilization purpose, or method, among others. (七)地役权的利用目的、方法等发生变化的;
(8) Modification of the co-ownership nature. (八)共有性质发生变更的;
(9) Any other modification not involving the transfer of real estate rights as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (九)法律、行政法规规定的其他不涉及不动产权利转移的变更情形。
Article 27 Where the rights to a real estate are transferred under any of the following circumstances, the party may apply to the real estate registration authority for transfer registration:   第二十七条 因下列情形导致不动产权利转移的,当事人可以向不动产登记机构申请转移登记:
(1) Sale, exchange or donation of the real estate. (一)买卖、互换、赠与不动产的;
(2) Conversion of the price of the real estate (into shares). (二)以不动产作价出资(入股)的;
(3) Transfer of real estate rights arising from the combination or division of a legal person or any other organization or any other reason. (三)法人或者其他组织因合并、分立等原因致使不动产权利发生转移的;
(4) Transfer of rights arising from the division or combination of the real estate. (四)不动产分割、合并导致权利发生转移的;
(5) Transfer of rights arising from succession or acceptance of bequests. (五)继承、受遗赠导致权利发生转移的;
(6) Increase or decrease of co-owners and change of co-owned real estate shares. (六)共有人增加或者减少以及共有不动产份额变化的;
(7) Transfer of real estate rights arising from effective legal documents of the people's court or the arbitration committee. (七)因人民法院、仲裁委员会的生效法律文书导致不动产权利发生转移的;
(8) Transfer of real estate mortgage arising from the transfer of the principal claim. (八)因主债权转移引起不动产抵押权转移的;
(9) Transfer of servitude arising from the transfer of real estate rights of dominant estate. (九)因需役地不动产权利转移引起地役权转移的;
(10) Transfer of other real estate rights prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (十)法律、行政法规规定的其他不动产权利转移情形。
Article 28 The party may apply for deregistration under any of the following circumstances:   第二十八条 有下列情形之一的,当事人可以申请办理注销登记:
(1) The real estate is lost. (一)不动产灭失的;
(2) The right holder waives real estate rights. (二)权利人放弃不动产权利的;
(3) The real estate is confiscated, expropriated or recovered in accordance with the law. (三)不动产被依法没收、征收或者收回的;
(4) The effective legal documents of the people's court or arbitration committee lead to the elimination of real estate rights. (四)人民法院、仲裁委员会的生效法律文书导致不动产权利消灭的;
(5) Any other circumstance prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。
Where mortgage or servitude has been set on a real estate or advance notice registration has been undergone, and the holder of ownership or use right applies for deregistration arising from the abandonment of the right application, the applicant shall provide written materials on the consent of the mortgagee, the easement holder or the right holder of advance notice registration. 不动产上已经设立抵押权、地役权或者已经办理预告登记,所有权人、使用权人因放弃权利申请注销登记的,申请人应当提供抵押权人、地役权人、预告登记权利人同意的书面材料。
Section 2 Registration of Collective Land Ownership 

第二节 集体土地所有权登记

Article 29 An application for the registration of collective land ownership shall be filed according to the following provisions:   第二十九条 集体土地所有权登记,依照下列规定提出申请:
(1) Where the land is collectively owned by farmers in a village, the village's collective economic organization shall file an application on behalf of the farmers, and if there is no collective economic organization, the villagers' committee shall file an application on behalf of the farmers. (一)土地属于村农民集体所有的,由村集体经济组织代为申请,没有集体经济组织的,由村民委员会代为申请;
(2) Where the land is collectively owned by two or more farmers in a village, each collective economic organizations in the village shall file an application on behalf of the farmers, and if there is no collective economic organization, the villagers' group shall file an application on behalf of the farmers. (二)土地分别属于村内两个以上农民集体所有的,由村内各集体经济组织代为申请,没有集体经济组织的,由村民小组代为申请;
(3) Where the land is collectively owned by farmers in a town (township), the collective economic organization of the town (township) shall file an application on behalf of the farmers. (三)土地属于乡(镇)农民集体所有的,由乡(镇)集体经济组织代为申请。
Article 30 The following materials shall be submitted for an application for the initial registration of collective land ownership:   第三十条 申请集体土地所有权首次登记的,应当提交下列材料:
(1) Materials on the source of land ownership. (一)土地权属来源材料;
(2) A cadastral inventory, a parcel map and boundary coordinates of the land parcel. (二)权籍调查表、宗地图以及宗地界址点坐标;
(3) Other necessary materials. (三)其他必要材料。
Article 31 A farmers' collective that applies for the transfer of collective land ownership led by exchange, land adjustment or any other reason shall submit the following materials:   第三十一条 农民集体因互换、土地调整等原因导致集体土地所有权转移,申请集体土地所有权转移登记的,应当提交下列材料:
(1) Real estate ownership certificate. (一)不动产权属证书;
(2) Materials on the transfer of collective land ownership arising from exchange, or adjustment agreement, among others. (二)互换、调整协议等集体土地所有权转移的材料;
(3) Materials on the consent of two thirds or more of members or two thirds or more of villagers' representatives of the collective economic organization. (三)本集体经济组织三分之二以上成员或者三分之二以上村民代表同意的材料;
(4) Other necessary materials. (四)其他必要材料。
Article 32 The following materials shall be submitted for an application for the registration modification or deregistration of collective land ownership:   第三十二条 申请集体土地所有权变更、注销登记的,应当提交下列材料:
(1) Real estate ownership certificate. (一)不动产权属证书;
(2) Materials on the modification or elimination of collective land ownership. (二)集体土地所有权变更、消灭的材料;
(3) Other necessary materials. (三)其他必要材料。
Section 3 Registration of the Right to Use State-Owned Construction Land and House Ownership 

第三节 国有建设用地使用权及房屋所有权登记

Article 33 Whoever intends to obtain the right to use state-owned construction land in accordance with the law may file a separate application for the registration of the right to use state-owned construction land.
   第三十三条 依法取得国有建设用地使用权,可以单独申请国有建设用地使用权登记。

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