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Notice by the Shanghai Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Implementation Opinions on Promoting Differentiated Transformation and High-quality Development of the Banking and Insurance Industries in Shanghai [Effective]
上海银保监局关于印发《关于推动上海银行业和保险业差异化转型高质量发展的实施意见》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the Shanghai Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Implementation Opinions on Promoting Differentiated Transformation and High-quality Development of the Banking and Insurance Industries in Shanghai 


(No. 33 [2020] of the Shanghai Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) (沪银保监通〔2020〕33号)

All banking and insurance institutions in Shanghai: 在沪各银行保险机构:
For the purposes of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”), Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Government, deepening the supply-side structural reform of the financial sector, promoting differentiated transformation and high-quality development of the banking and insurance industries in Shanghai, improving the quality and efficiency of financial services in the economic and social development of Shanghai and the implementation of national strategies, and driving the city of Shanghai to build itself into an international financial center with stronger capacity in the allocation of global resources, the Shanghai Office of CBIRC has developed the Implementation Opinions on Promoting Differentiated Transformation and High-quality Development of the Banking and Insurance Industries in Shanghai. All banking and insurance institutions in Shanghai shall, according to the requirements prescribed in the Opinions and the relevant policies, clarify specific tasks, fulfill work responsibilities, and put into practice all the requirements for differentiated transformation and high-quality development. 为贯彻落实中国银保监会和上海市委市政府的决策部署,深化金融供给侧结构性改革,推动上海银行业和保险业差异化转型高质量发展,提升金融服务上海经济社会发展和国家战略实施质效,支持上海朝着具有更强全球资源配置能力的国际金融中心迈进,我局制定了《关于推动上海银行业和保险业差异化转型高质量发展的实施意见》,请辖内各机构认真按照本意见和相关政策要求,明确具体任务,落实工作责任,将推动差异化转型高质量发展的各项要求落到实处。
September 8, 2020 2020年9月8日
Implementation Opinions on Promoting Differentiated Transformation and High-quality Development of the Banking and Insurance Industries in Shanghai 关于推动上海银行业和保险业差异化转型高质量发展的实施意见
For the purposes of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”), Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Government, deepening the supply-side structural reform of the financial sector, promoting differentiated transformation and high-quality development of the banking and insurance industries in Shanghai, improving the quality and efficiency of financial services in the economic and social development of Shanghai and the implementation of national strategies, and driving the city of Shanghai to build itself into an international financial center with stronger capacity in the allocation of global resources, the implementation opinions are hereby offered as follows in accordance with the spirit of the relevant policies and the Guiding Opinions of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Banking and Insurance Industries (No. 52 [2019], CBIRC). 为贯彻落实中国银保监会和上海市委市政府的决策部署,深化金融供给侧结构性改革,推动上海银行业和保险业差异化转型高质量发展,提升金融服务上海经济社会发展和国家战略实施质效,支持上海朝着具有更强全球资源配置能力的国际金融中心迈进,现依据《中国银保监会关于推动银行业和保险业高质量发展的指导意见》(银保监发〔2019〕52号)及相关政策精神,提出以下贯彻落实意见:
I. Heightening political awareness, addressing risks and challenges, and increasing development momentum   一、提高政治站位,直面风险挑战,增强发展动力
1. General requirements: Promoting differentiated transformation and high-quality development of the banking and insurance industries in Shanghai constitutes an important part in earnestly implementing the spirit of several keynote speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the financial work. It is also the key to further boosting the reform and innovation of the banking and insurance industries in Shanghai in a new era, and to supporting the city in building “five centers” and strengthening “four major functions” at a faster pace. All banking and insurance institutions in Shanghai shall heighten their political awareness, follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively fulfill the spirits of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, remain firm to the unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee in the financial work, keep to the notion of people-centered development, and put in place the new concept of development based on innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing. These institutions shall also, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CBIRC, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Shanghai Municipal Government, seize the valuable opportunities for the development of Shanghai in a new era, act as forerunners to establish a new core area for expanding financial openness, build a new platform for financial reform and innovation, increase financial strengths in serving the real economy, and develop a new ecosystem for the smooth development of the financial industry, so as to create a new landscape for the high-quality development of the banking and insurance industries in Shanghai. (一)总体要求。推动上海银行业和保险业差异化转型高质量发展,是深入贯彻落实习近平总书记对金融工作一系列重要讲话精神的重要内容,是进一步推进新时期上海银行业保险业改革创新发展和支持上海加快建设“五个中心”、强化“四大功能”的重要关键。辖内各银行保险机构要切实提高政治站位,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,坚持党中央对金融工作的集中统一领导,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,落实“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”新发展理念,按照中国银保监会和上海市委市政府的决策部署,抓住新时代上海发展重大机遇,以排头兵的姿态和先行者的担当,着力打造扩大金融开放的新高地,着力构筑金融改革创新的新平台,着力形成金融服务实体经济的新能级,着力构建金融良性发展的新生态,努力开创上海银行业和保险业高质量发展新局面。
2. Having a clear and overall understanding of risks and challenges: The economy of China has shifted from fast-speed growth to high-quality development. However, there is still a long way for the financial sector to meet the requirements of high-quality development, and financial enterprises are encountering significant risks and challenges in their business operations. Therefore, economic restructuring and new growth drivers will exert far-reaching impacts on business structure and capital quality of market entities. Further liberalizing interest rates will lead to an increasingly narrow net interest margin, and rapid development of the capital market will encourage the financial disintermediation of outstanding enterprises, thus possibly slowing down the growth rate of banks' traditional businesses, and widening the splits within the banking industry. The market-based reform of insurance premiums may further intensify market competitions, and possibly deteriorate the problem of extensive development that has long been plaguing the insurance industry. The rapid development of financial science and technology will bring not only opportunities but also enormous challenges to the banking and insurance industries. Furthermore, ever-more complicated global situations and interconnections between domestic and foreign financial markets will produce increasingly marked effects on the operations of market entities. (二)对风险挑战要有全面清醒认识。我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,与高质量发展要求相比,金融业发展还有较大差距,金融企业经营也面临较大风险挑战。经济结构转型升级和新旧发展动能转换,对市场主体的业务结构和资产质量会产生长期深远影响。深化利率市场化改革导致银行净息差持续收窄,资本市场快速发展增强优质企业金融脱媒趋势,银行传统业务规模增速因此可能放缓,行业内部分化会进一步加剧。保险费率市场化改革会进一步加剧市场竞争,保险业长期存在的粗放发展问题可能进一步突出。金融科技的迅速发展既为行业发展带来机遇,也带来很大挑战。外部环境日益复杂严峻以及国内外金融市场关联共振,对市场主体经营将产生日益显著影响。
3. Increasing development momentum with focus on differentiated transformation and high-quality development: In face of risks and challenges, all banking and insurance institutions shall clarify their market positions, study economic and financial trends as well as changes in market development, take into comprehensive considerations their own comparative strengths, levels of risk tolerance and other elements, highlight differences and characteristics, and promote sound and sustainable business development. They shall integrate themselves into the city's economic and social development as well as innovations in reform and opening up, provide better support for the implementation of national strategies and the construction of key projects, steadily expand the range of financial services, and foster and strengthen new engines for development by leveraging their distinctive strengths. In response to various difficulties, all banking and insurance institutions shall follow strategic guidance, prevent short-sightedness or radical behavior, remain committed to differentiated transformation and the path of high-quality development, and work unswervingly for better results. (三)以差异化转型高质量发展为抓手增强发展动力。面对风险挑战,各银行保险机构要明确市场定位,充分研判经济金融形势与市场发展变化,综合考虑自身比较优势和风险承受能力等因素,突出差异化和特色化,促进经营的可持续健康发展。要充分融入上海经济社会建设和改革开放创新大局,更好支持国家战略实施和重点项目建设,稳步拓宽金融服务边界,形成“千人千面”特色优势,培育增强发展新动能。面对各种困难,要保持战略定力,克服短视、激进行为,坚持差异化转型方向,走高质量发展道路,久久为功,善作善成。
II. Continuing to build a multi-level and differentiated system for banking and insurance institutions with wide coverage   二、持续完善多层次、广覆盖、有差异的银行保险机构体系
4. Optimizing the functions of medium-sized and large banks: Development and policy banks shall put emphasis on their policy-based functions, further increase the percentage of policy-related businesses, and make proper use of their strengths in providing medium- and long-term loans. Large commercial banks shall strive to become stronger, promote the integration of services of all business lines, intensify cooperation between branches within the same group, and improve the capacity of comprehensive financial services. Joint-stock commercial banks shall keep to their position of differentiating themselves from other types of banks in the market, provide more distinctive products and services, and continuously improve their market competitiveness. (四)优化大中型银行功能定位。开发性、政策性银行要突出政策性职能定位,进一步提高政策性业务比重,着力发挥中长期融资支持优势。大型商业银行要在“做强”上下功夫,加强各业务条线的服务整合,加强与集团内各子公司的业务联动,提高综合金融服务水平。股份制商业银行要坚持差异化市场定位,增加更具特色的产品与服务,不断提升市场竞争优势。
5. Improving the financial services of small and medium-sized banks: Small and medium-sized banks shall continue to provide services for local economic development, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as urban and rural residents. Village banks shall adhere to supporting farmers and small businesses, remain small and scattered, and create a system for micro and small-sized financial products that meets the specific needs of villages and towns in Shanghai. Financial services shall be continuously optimized in communities, and the network of financial services shall be extended by online and offline means, so as to provide residents with faster and more convenient financial services. (五)增强中小银行金融服务能力。中小银行要坚守服务上海本地经济、中小微企业和城乡居民的定位。村镇银行要坚守支农支小发展定位,坚持做小做散,打造符合上海村镇特点的微小金融产品体系。要不断优化社区金融服务,采用线上线下多种形式延伸服务网络,为居民提供更加方便快捷的金融服务。
6. Strengthening the function of insurance institutions in preventing risks: Insurance institutions shall go back to their original task of risk prevention, and continue to expand the application of their insurance products while ensuring robustness in the development of traditional businesses. More insurance products shall be supplied for epidemic prevention, disaster reduction and other vulnerable fields. The coverage of export credit insurance shall be increased, and insurance products for overseas investment shall be introduced. Stronger efforts shall be made to support shipping insurance, and the development of reinsurance market shall be promoted in Shanghai. The businesses of pension insurance and health insurance shall be accelerated so as to complement with the social security system for the elderly and medical care. The building of a new-type insurance intermediary market system shall be promoted. (六)强化保险机构风险保障功能。保险机构要回归风险保障本源,在稳健发展传统业务的基础上,不断扩大保险产品的应用领域。针对抗疫减灾等薄弱环节,增加保险产品供给。扩大出口信用保险覆盖面,积极发展海外投资保险。大力发展航运保险,推进上海再保险市场建设。加快发展养老保险和健康保险,与养老医疗社会保障体系形成有效互补。推动建设新型保险中介市场体系。
7. Encouraging the development of foreign-funded banks and insurance institutions: The strengths of the market of foreign-funded banks and insurance institutions in Shanghai shall be cemented and improved. Foreign-funded institutions shall be supported in playing a bigger role in keeping stable foreign trade and foreign investment; and they shall be encouraged to make better use of their parent banks (headquarters) in other countries, introduce new business models, new products and new services, and further participate in the construction of a financial market in Shanghai that can meet the global needs. Chinese and foreign-funded institutions shall be encouraged to cooperate with each other in products, equity, management and personnel, and continuously extend their cooperation to more areas and sectors. (七)推动外资银行保险机构发展。巩固提升上海外资银行保险市场的优势地位,支持外资机构在稳外贸、稳外资等方面发挥更大作用。鼓励外资机构发挥境外母行(公司)优势,创新业务模式,引入新产品新服务,深度参与上海建设面向国际的金融市场。鼓励中外资机构在产品、股权、管理和人才等方面开展合作,不断拓展合作的广度与深度。
8. Exploiting the strengths of non-bank financial institutions: Trust companies shall strengthen the capacity of active asset management, and actively develop service trusts, wealth management trusts and charitable trusts. Financial leasing companies shall focus on services for advanced manufacturing, and help enterprises to improve their competitive edges in international markets. Financial companies shall strengthen the centralized management of the capital within the same group; and financial companies that meet certain conditions shall be supported in extending financial businesses on the industrial chain. Financial asset management companies shall put emphasis on the main business of dealing with non-performing assets, and properly expand businesses in the capital market. Consumer finance companies shall, based on consumer demands, constantly increase the coverage of consumer finance by following the basic principles of small loans and risk reduction. Wealth management subsidiaries and specialized subsidiaries as well as financial asset investment companies and specialized subsidiaries shall be supported in investing and participating in equity investment and enterprise reorganization related to the construction of key projects, adjustments of economic structure, industrial optimization and upgrading, and coordinated development. (八)发挥非银行金融机构特色优势。信托公司要加强资产端的主动管理能力建设,积极发展服务信托、财富管理信托、慈善信托。金融租赁公司要聚焦服务先进制造业领域,帮助企业提升国际市场竞争能力。财务公司要加强集团资金集中管理,支持符合条件的财务公司延伸产业链金融业务。金融资产管理公司要做强做精不良资产处置主业,合理拓展资本市场业务。消费金融公司要立足消费本源,以小额、分散为基本原则,不断提高消费金融的普惠水平。支持理财子公司及专业子公司、金融资产投资公司及专业子公司,投资和参与与上海重点项目建设、经济结构调整、产业优化升级和协调发展相关的股权投资与企业重组业务。
III. Focusing on key fields in economic and social development in Shanghai, and improving the quality and efficiency of financial services   三、聚焦上海经济社会发展重点领域,提升金融服务质效
9. Supporting Shanghai in developing emerging industries of strategic significance, advanced manufacturing, and scientific and technological innovation centers: Medium- and long-term financial support shall be increased for emerging industries of strategic significance and advanced manufacturing in Shanghai, particularly more loans shall be granted to industries such as next-generation information infrastructure, integrated circuit, artificial intelligence, bio-medicine, civil aviation, high-end equipment, basic materials, and unique processes. Banking and insurance institutions shall be encouraged to strengthen cooperation with various guidance funds for high-tech industries according to laws and regulations. Focus shall be put on developing distinctive and specialized financial products for small and medium-sized manufacturers. The development of financial leasing businesses shall be accelerated, and the key fields in high-end equipment such as large aircrafts, civil space, advanced rail transit, oceanographic engineering equipment and high-tech vessels, and intelligent power grid equipment in complete sets shall be supported in expanding market application and increasing international competitiveness. With the establishment of the scientific and technological center, the city of Shanghai shall actively support the development of scientific and technological finance, support the construction of infrastructure for scientific research and major technological projects, support the building of “Made-in-Shanghai” brands and the layout of scientific and technological industries, support the construction of a platform for trading and transfer of specialized technologies, and support the financial needs of highly competent technical personnel. Exploration shall be conducted on promoting the positive cycle of and the interactions among finance, science and technology, and enterprises.

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