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Notice of the State Council on Issuing the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for National Environmental Protection [Expired]
国务院关于印发国家环境保护“十一五”规划的通知 [失效]

Notice of the State Council on Issuing the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for National Environmental Protection 


(No.37 [2007] of the State Council)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions under the State Council, and all institutions directly under the State Council:

The State Council has approved the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for National Environmental Protection (hereinafter referred to as Plan) formulated by the State Environmental Protection Administration and National Development and Reform Commission, which is hereby printed and distributed to you, please implement it in light of your actual situation.

At present, the conflict between China's social and economic development on the one hand and environment and resources on the other hand is becoming more and more prominent with each passing day. Environmental protection in China is facing with great challenges. All regions and departments shall deeply carry out the scientific view of development, transform the mode of economic development and make more efforts to solve those serious environmental problems which endanger people's health and affect sustainable social and economic development so as to build an environment-friendly society. We shall focus on realizing the objectives on the total discharge control of major pollutants as determined in the Plan, give top priority to pollution prevention and control, accelerate the restructuring process and make more efforts in pollution control so as to ensure that, by 2010, both sulfur dioxide and chemical oxygen demand decrease by 10% against 2005. At the same time, we shall speed up the pollution control in such major watersheds as Huai River, Hai Rive, Liao River, Tai Lake, Chao Lake, Tianchi and Songhuajiang and make more efforts in the disposal of urban sewage and refuse so as to ensure the safety of drinking water sources.

The people's governments at all levels shall bring environmental protection targets, tasks, measures and key engineering projects into your respective local economic and social development planning, and make sure that responsibility, measures, investment and supervision are all in position. The relevant departments under the State Council shall, according to your respective duties and functions, make more efforts in guiding and supporting the implementation of the Plan. We shall strictly enforce the law and exercise strict supervision over it, urge enterprises to perform their environmental protection duties, and mobilize all social forces to make joint efforts to environmental protection; attach high importance to investment quality and benefits, and ensure the seriousness and reasonability of the implementation of the Plan; and establish an evaluation and assessment mechanism, and publish the discharge of major pollutants in each region, the progress of key engineering projects and the environmental quality changes in key watersheds and key cities once every half year. By the end of 2008 and 2010, respectively, a mid-term evaluation and an end-term assessment will be carried out on the implementation of the Plan, and the evaluation and assessment results will be taken as an important basis for evaluating the political achievements of the local people's governments at all levels.

State Council

November 22nd, 2007

“Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for National Environmental Protection

This Plan is formulated in accordance with the Outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Decision of the State Council on Implementing the Scientific View of Development to Strengthen Environmental Protection (No.39 [2005] of the State Council). This Plan is an important component of the National Eleventh Five-Year Plan system. It aims at elaborating the targets, tasks, investment priority as well as policies and measures to be taken in the field of environmental protection during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period, clarifying the responsibilities and tasks of the people's governments and environmental protection departments at all levels and guiding and mobilizing the participation of enterprises and other social forces so as to build an environment-friendly society.

I. Environmental Situation   一、环境形势

(I). Progress made during the 10th Five-Year Plan Period. (一)“十五”期间环境保护工作取得进展。

The central leadership of the Party and the State Council attach great importance to environmental protection, deem the improvement of environmental quality as an important part of implementing the scientific view of development and building a socialist harmonious society, take environmental protection as an important means for macro-economic control, and have taken serials of important policies and measures. With the unremitting efforts of all regions and departments, some high-consumption and high-pollution facilities with backward productive capacity have been washed out, pollution control and the environmental infrastructure construction in urban areas have been accelerated, progress has been achieved in important regions, watersheds and cities, and more efforts have been made in ecological protection and pollution control. A serial of countermeasures have been adopted to meet climatic changes, market-oriented philosophy starts to be applied to environmental protection, investment in environment protection doubles that during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period, and the money invested in environmental protection accounts for more than 1% of GDP for the first time. Our capacity in environment management has been improved to a certain extent, so does our environment enforcement ability. People's awareness of and participation in environmental protection have been improved to a large extent, and their knowledge about the underlying rules in China's environmental protection has been deepened. Under the rapid development of economy and the sharp growth of heavy chemical industries, the total discharge of some major pollutants has been reduced, the aggravation of environmental pollution and ecological damage has been eased, the environmental quality in some regions and cities has been improved, and nuclear and radiation safety has been guaranteed.

(II). Environmental situation is still serious. (二)环境形势依然严峻。

Despite all the above-mentioned progress, China's environmental situation is still serious. Not all planned figures determined in the 10th Five-Year Plan have been realized, the discharge of sulfur dioxide has increased by 27.8% over 2000, and chemical oxygen demand has only decreased by 2.1% instead of the planned 10%. The planned targets on treating Huai River, Hai River and Liao River, Tai Lake, Chao Lake and Dian Lake (hereinafter referred to as three rivers and three lakes) were only realized at a discount of about 40% off. The discharge of major pollutants went far beyond environmental capacity, environmental pollution is still serious. 26% of surface water sections which are under the state's key monitoring fail to satisfy even the V Standards for water environment, and 62% of them fail to satisfy III Standards. 90% of river reaches passing urban areas are polluted to different extents, and 75% of lakes are suffering from eutrophication. The water quality of 30% of drinking water head sites in important cities fail to reach III Standards. The environmental quality in offshore areas is under threat. The air quality in 46% of cities divided into districts can't meet II Standards, and in some mid and large cities, haze days increase, and the degree of acid rain pollution remain the same.

The area of water erosion is 16.1 million sq.km, the deserted area is 1.74 million sq.km, and more than 90% of natural grassland becomes degenerated; the ecological functions of many rivers have become disordered; biodiversity is becoming less and less, and the economic losses from the intrusion of alien species are increasing; the ecological functions of some important ecological functional zones are degenerating; environmental problems in rural areas are becoming more and more prominent, and soil pollution is becoming more and more serious; and pollution from hazardous wastes, vehicle exhaust gas and persistent organic pollutants is on increase, etc. Our task of coping with climatic changes is arduous. Those environmental problems emerged in different stages of the industrialization of developed countries which lasted for hundreds of years are all emerging in China. China has entered into a stage in which pollution accidents are more than ever and contradiction is more prominent than ever.

During the 10th Five-Year Plan, in environmental protection field, no breakthrough has been made for some deep-level environmental issues, there is no fundamental change in the problems of unreasonable industrial structure and extensive growth mode of economy, environmental protection is still lagging behind economic development, the system is not perfect enough, the mechanism is not flexible enough, the input is not adequate and the capability is not strong enough, there are laws but little observation of them, it is difficult to give punishment for illegal acts, the law enforcement is slack and the supervision is not vigorous enough.

During the 10th Five-Year Plan Period, China's population increased by 40%, the urbanization process was accelerated, the total economic volume increased by 40% or above, the contradiction between social and economic development and restrictions from resources and environment is becoming more and more prominent, the pressure exerted by the international society on environmental protection will also be increased, China's environmental protection is facing with more and more stringent challenges.

Column 1: Accomplishment of Major Indicators of the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” for National Environmental Protection

No.Indicator2000Planned Objective in 20052005Increase Rate
1Discharge of sulfur dioxide (10,000 tons)19951800254927.8%
In particular, discharge in acid rain control zones and sulfur dioxide pollution control zones1316105313542.9%
2Discharge of flue gas (10,000 tons)1165110011831.5%
3Discharge of industrial dust (10,000 tons)1092900911-16.6%
4Discharge of chemical oxygen demand (10,000 tons)144513001414-2.1%
5Discharge of industrial solid waste (10,000 tons)318629001655-48.1%
6Repeating utilization factor of water for industrial use (%)/6075/
7Discharge of industrial sulfur dioxide (10,000 tons)16131450216834.5%
8Discharge of industrial flue gas (10,000 tons)953850949-0.5%
9Discharge of industrial chemical oxygen demand (10,000 tons)705650555-21.3%
10Comprehensive utilization ratio of industrial solid waste (%)51.85056.14.3 percentage points
11Ratio of cities divided into districts which reach the state secondary standards for air quality (%)36.5505417.5 percentage points
12Urban sewage processing rate (%)34.345 (domestic sewage)52.017.7 percentage points
13Percentage of greenery coverage in urban built-up areas (%)28.135334.9 percentage points
14Proportion of natural reserve area to the land area of the nation (%)9.913155.1 percentage points

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐│            专栏1“十五”环保计划主要指标完成情况               │├─┬────┬───────────────┬───────────────┬──┬────┤│序│指标名称│      2000年      │    2005年计划目标    │2005│“十五”││号│    │               │               │年│增减情况│├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│1│二氧化硫│      1995      │      1800      │2549│27.8% ││ │排放量(│               │               │  │    ││ │万吨) │               │               │  │    │├─┴────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│其中:两控区│      1316      │      1053      │1354│2.9%  ││内排放量  │               │               │  │    │├─┬────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│2│烟尘排放│      1165      │      1100      │1183│1.5%  ││ │量(万吨│               │               │  │    ││ │)   │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│3│工业粉尘│      1092      │      900       │911│-16.6% ││ │排放量(│               │               │  │    ││ │万吨) │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│4│化学需氧│      1445      │      1300      │1414│-2.1% ││ │量排放量│               │               │  │    ││ │(万吨)│               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│5│工业固体│      3186      │      2900      │1655│-48.1% ││ │废物排放│               │               │  │    ││ │量(万吨│               │               │  │    ││ │)   │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│6│工业用水│       /       │       60       │75│/   ││ │重复利用│               │               │  │    ││ │率(%)│               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│7│工业二氧│      1613      │      1450      │2168│34.5% ││ │化硫排放│               │               │  │    ││ │量(万吨│               │               │  │    ││ │)   │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│8│工业烟尘│      953       │      850       │949│-0.5% ││ │排放量(│               │               │  │    ││ │万吨) │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│9│工业化学│      705       │      650       │555│-21.3% ││ │需氧量排│               │               │  │    ││ │放量(万│               │               │  │    ││ │吨)  │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│10│工业固体│      51.8      │       50       │56.1│4.3个百││ │废物综合│               │               │  │分点  ││ │利用率(│               │               │  │    ││ │%)  │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│11│设区城市│      36.5      │       50       │54│17.5个百││ │空气质量│               │               │  │分点  ││ │达到国家│               │               │  │    ││ │二级标准│               │               │  │    ││ │比例(%│               │               │  │    ││ │)   │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│12│城市污水│      34.3      │     45(生活)     │52.0│17.7个百││ │处理率(│               │               │  │分点  ││ │%)  │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│13│城市建成│      28.1      │       35       │33│4.9个百││ │区绿化覆│               │               │  │分点  ││ │盖率(%│               │               │  │    ││ │)   │               │               │  │    │├─┼────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼──┼────┤│14│自然保护│      9.9       │       13       │15│5.1个百││ │区面积占│               │               │  │分点  ││ │国土面积│               │               │  │    ││ │比例(%│               │               │  │    ││ │)   │               │               │  │    │└─┴────┴───────────────┴───────────────┴──┴────┘

(III). Environmental protection has entered into a new stage.
The central leadership of the Party and the State Council have put environmental protection at a more important strategic position. Implementing the scientific view of development and building a socialist harmonious society provide fundamental guarantee for environmental protection. Environmental protection is facing with unprecedented opportunities. The transformation of the mode of economic growth and the acceleration of economic restructuring will provide sound foundation for settling structural and regional environmental pollution as well as ecological damages. The reinforcement of the overall strength of the nation provides more powerful material and technological supports. The deepening of the reform of economic structure and administrative system provides favorable conditions for innovating the working mechanism and system for environmental protection. The general public's awareness of environmental protection has been generally improved, which has provided powerful impetus for environmental protection. In China, the relation between environment and development is undergoing significant changes, environmental protection has become an important task for modernization, environmental capacity has become an important basis for regional layout, environmental management has become an important means for structural readjustment, environment standards have become an important precondition for market access, and environmental cost has become an important element of the price formation mechanism. All these significant changes indicate that the environmental protection work of China is entering into a new stage at which environmental protection is used to optimize economic growth, and that challenges and opportunities coexist and difficulties and hopes coexist.
II. Guiding Ideology, Basic Principles and Planning Objectives
The key of doing well the environmental protection work as specified in the 11th Five-Year Plan lies in accelerating the following historical transformations: firstly, transforming from making heavy of economic growth but making little of environmental protection to making heavy of both economic growth and environmental protection, which means that we shall take environmental protection as an important means for adjusting economic structure and transforming economic growth mode and requires us to seek development in protecting environment. Secondly, transforming from environmental protection's lagging behind economic development to keeping environmental protection and economic development side by side, which requires us to not owe any new debts, repay more old debts and change the situation that pollution first, treatment second and the situation that damages are caused at the same time of treatment. Thirdly, transforming from using administrative measures to protect environment to comprehensively using legal, economic, technical and necessary administrative measures to solve environmental issues, which requires us to follow economic rules and natural rules to improve our environmental protection level.

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