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Notice of the All-China Lawyers' Association on Issuing the Rules on the Handling of Criminal Cases by Lawyers [Effective]
中华全国律师协会关于印发《律师办理刑事案件规范》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the All-China Lawyers' Association on Issuing the Rules on the Handling of Criminal Cases by Lawyers 


(No. 51 [2017] of the All-China Lawyers' Association) (律发通﹝2017﹞51号)

The lawyers associations of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and the Lawyers Association of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市律师协会,新疆生产建设兵团律师协会:
The Rules on the Handling of Criminal Cases by Lawyers, as deliberated and adopted at the 8th meeting of the Ninth Executive Council of the All-China Lawyers' Association on August 27, 2017, are hereby issued for your diligent implementation. 律师办理刑事案件规范》已由第九届全国律协常务理事会第八次会议于2017年8月27日审议通过。现印发你们,请认真执行。
All-China Lawyers' Association 中华全国律师协会
September 20, 2017 2017年 9月20日
Rules on the Handling of Criminal Cases by Lawyers 律师办理刑事案件规范
(Deliberated and adopted at the 8th meeting of the Ninth Executive Council of the All-China Lawyers' Association on August 27, 2017) (2017年8月27日第九届全国律协常务理事会第八次会议审议通过)
Catalogue 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 一般规定
Section 1 General Principles 第一节 一般原则
Section 2 Case Acceptance and Case Closing 第二节 收案和结案
Section 3 Meeting and Correspondence 第三节 会见和通信
Section 4 Consultation, Excerption and Copying of Case Materials 第四节 查阅、摘抄、复制案卷材料
Section 5 Investigation and Obtaining Evidence 第五节 调查取证
Section 6 Application for Modification and Removal of Compulsory Measures 第六节 申请变更、解除强制措施
Chapter II Defense Work during the Investigation Period 第二章 侦查期间的辩护工作
Chapter III Defense Work during the Examination for Prosecution 第三章 审查起诉期间的辩护工作
Chapter IV Defense Work in Public Prosecution Cases of First Instance 第四章 公诉一审案件的辩护工作
Section 1 Pre-trial Preparation 第一节 庭前准备
Section 2 Participating in Court Investigation 第二节 参加法庭调查
Section 3 Participating in Court Debate 第三节 参加法庭辩论
Section 4 Work after the Court Session 第四节 庭后工作
Chapter V Defense Work in Public Prosecution Cases of Second Instance 第五章 公诉二审案件的辩护工作
Chapter VI Representation in Litigation of Public Prosecution Cases 第六章 公诉案件的诉讼代理工作
Chapter VII Representation and Defense Work in Cases of Private Prosecution 第七章 自诉案件的代理和辩护工作
Section 1 Representation Work in Cases of Private Prosecution 第一节 自诉案件的代理工作
Section 2 Defense Work in Cases of Private Prosecution 第二节 自诉案件的辩护工作
Chapter VIII Representation Work in Civil Actions Incidental to Criminal Proceedings 第八章 刑事附带民事诉讼的代理工作
Section 1 Representation Work for Plaintiffs in Civil Actions Incidental to Criminal Proceedings 第一节 刑事附带民事诉讼原告人的代理工作
Section 2 Representation Work for Defendants in Civil Actions Incidental to Criminal Proceedings 第二节 刑事附带民事诉讼被告人的代理工作
Chapter IX Defense Work in Summary Procedures 第九章 简易程序中的辩护工作
Chapter X Defense Work in the System for Imposing Lenient Punishments on Those Confessing to Their Crimes and Accepting Punishments 第十章 认罪认罚从宽制度中的辩护工作
Chapter XI Defense Work in Death Penalty Review Cases 第十一章 死刑复核案件的辩护工作
Chapter XII Defense and Representation Work in Cases of Minors 第十二章 未成年人案件的辩护和代理工作
Chapter XIII Defense and Representation Work in Public Prosecution Cases in Which Litigants Reconcile 第十三章 当事人和解的公诉案件的辩护和代理工作
Chapter XIV Representation Work during the Procedures for Confiscation of Illegal Gains 第十四章 违法所得没收程序中的代理工作
Chapter XV Representation Work during the Procedures for Compulsory Medical Treatment 第十五章 强制医疗程序中的代理工作
Chapter XVI Representation Work in Petition Cases 第十六章 申诉案件的代理工作
Chapter XVII Right Relief and Practicing Disciplines 第十七章 权利救济与执业纪律
Section 1 Right Relief 第一节 权利救济
Section 2 Practicing Disciplines 第二节 执业纪律
Chapter XVIII Supplemental Provisions 第十八章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 一般规定

Section 1 General Principles 

第一节 一般原则

Article 1 For the purposes of guaranteeing and directing lawyers' lawful performance of functions in the participation in the activities of criminal proceedings and regulating the handling of criminal cases by lawyers, these Rules are developed in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Criminal Procedure Law”), the Lawyers Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Lawyers Law”), and relevant laws, judicial interpretations and departmental rules, and in consideration of the practical experience in the handling of criminal cases by lawyers.   第一条 为保障和指导律师在参与刑事诉讼活动时依法履行职责,规范律师办理刑事案件行为,根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》(以下简称《刑事诉讼法》)、《中华人民共和国律师法》(以下简称《律师法》)和相关法律、司法解释、部门规章,结合律师办理刑事案件的实践经验,制定本规范。
Article 2 Lawyers participating in criminal proceedings shall insist on the principles of protecting the lawful rights and interests of litigants, ensuring the correct implementation of laws, and maintaining social fairness and justice, be loyal to their duties, and be diligent.   第二条 律师参与刑事诉讼应当坚持维护当事人的合法权益、维护法律的正确实施、维护社会公平和正义的原则,忠于职守,认真负责。
Article 3 Lawyers participating in criminal proceedings shall perform the defense and representation functions according to the law, and their personal rights and practicing rights shall not be infringed upon.   第三条 律师参与刑事诉讼依法履行辩护与代理职责,人身权利和执业权利不受侵犯。
The defense or representation opinions presented in court by a lawyer participating in criminal proceedings shall not be subject to legal prosecution, however, except speeches compromising the national security, maliciously defaming others or seriously disrupting the court order. 律师参与刑事诉讼在法庭上发表的辩护、代理意见不受法律追究。但是,发表危害国家安全、恶意诽谤他人、严重扰乱法庭秩序的言论除外。
Article 4 When participating in criminal proceedings, a lawyer shall observe the laws and regulations, and adhere to the professional ethics and practicing disciplines of lawyers.   第四条 律师参与刑事诉讼,应当遵守法律、法规,恪守律师职业道德和执业纪律。
Article 5 A lawyer serving as a defender shall independently perform his or her defense duties according to the law.   第五条 律师担任辩护人,应当依法独立履行辩护职责。
The responsibility of a lawyer is to present materials and opinions proving that a criminal suspect or defendant is innocent or is less guilty than charged or his or her criminal liability should be mitigated or relieved, on the basis of fact and law, so as to protect the procedural rights and other lawful rights and interests of the criminal suspect or defendant. 辩护人的责任是根据事实和法律,提出犯罪嫌疑人、被告人无罪、罪轻或者减轻、免除其刑事责任的材料和意见,维护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的诉讼权利和其他合法权益。
In defense activities, a lawyer shall respect the opinions of the litigants on the basis of law and fact, carry out work according to the principle of being conducive to the litigants, and shall not present any defense opinions inconducive to the litigants and contrary to the free will of the litigants. 律师在辩护活动中,应当在法律和事实的基础上尊重当事人意见,按照有利于当事人的原则开展工作,不得违背当事人的意愿提出不利于当事人的辩护意见。
Article 6 A defense lawyer shall have the right to keep confidential the relevant information on his or her client know in the law practicing activities from any entity and individual, however, except the facts and information on a crime compromising national security or public security or seriously endangering the personal safety of others, which a client or other person prepares to commit or is committing.   第六条 辩护律师对在执业活动中知悉的委托人的有关情况和信息,对任何单位和个人有权予以保密。但是,委托人或者其他人准备或者正在实施危害国家安全、公共安全以及严重危害他人人身安全的犯罪事实和信息除外。
Article 7 A lawyer participating in criminal proceedings shall not help a criminal suspect or defendant conceal, destroy, or forge evidence or make a false confession in collusion, intimidate or induce a witness into committing perjury, or otherwise interfere with the legal proceedings of the judicial authorities.   第七条 律师参与刑事诉讼活动,不得帮助犯罪嫌疑人、被告人隐匿、毁灭、伪造证据或者串供,不得威胁、引诱证人作伪证以及进行其他干扰司法机关诉讼活动的行为。
Where a case handling authority holds a lawyer criminally liable in violation of the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, a lawyer shall have the right to file a petition and accusation with the relevant authority according to the law. 办案机关违反《刑事诉讼法》的有关规定追究律师刑事责任的,律师有权依法向有关机关申诉、控告。
Section 2 Case Acceptance and Case Closing 

第二节 收案和结案

Article 8 A lawyer participating in criminal proceedings may provide the following services:   第八条 律师参与刑事诉讼,可以从事下列业务:
(1) He or she may accept representation of a criminal suspect or defendant to serve as the defender. Where a close relative, another relative or friend, or employer of a criminal suspect or defendant retains a defender on behalf the criminal suspect or defendant, it shall be confirmed by the criminal suspect or defendant. (一)接受犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的委托,担任辩护人。犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的近亲属、其他亲友或其所在单位代为委托的,须经犯罪嫌疑人、被告人确认;
(2) He or she may accept representation of a guardian or close relative of a minor or mental patient that is suspected of committing a crime to serve as the defender. (二)接受涉嫌犯罪的未成年人或精神病人的监护人、近亲属的委托,担任辩护人;
(3) He or she may accept representation of a victim in a cases of private prosecution, its statutory agent or close relative, accept representation of a private prosecutor in a public prosecution case or its statutory agent, and accept representation of a litigant in a civil action incidental to criminal proceeding or its statutory agent, to serve as the litigation representative. (三)接受公诉案件的被害人、其法定代理人或者近亲属的委托,接受自诉案件的自诉人、其法定代理人的委托,接受刑事附带民事诉讼的当事人、其法定代理人的委托,担任诉讼代理人;
(4) He or she may accept representation of a litigant in a criminal case, its statutory agent or close relative, and accept representation of a party who is not a party to a case and who has been ruled by a judgment or ruling to have infringed upon the lawful rights and interests, to serve as the lawyer in a petition case. (四)接受刑事案件当事人、其法定代理人、近亲属的委托,接受被刑事判决或裁定侵犯合法权益的案外人的委托,担任申诉案件的代理人;
(5) He or she may accept representation of a person who is not prosecuted, its statutory agent or close relative, to file a petition and accusation on its behalf. (五)接受被不起诉人、其法定代理人、近亲属的委托,代为申诉、控告;
(6) After the public security organ or the people's procuratorate makes a decision of not opening a case, dismissing a case or not initiating a prosecution, he or she may accept representation of a victim, its statutory agent or close relative, to apply for reconsideration or initiate a prosecution on a commissioned basis. (六)在公安机关、人民检察院作出不立案或撤销案件或不起诉的决定后,接受被害人、其法定代理人、近亲属的委托,代为申请复议或起诉;
(7) During the procedures for confiscation of illegal gains, he or she may accept representation of a criminal suspect, defendant, or its close relative or another interested party, to serve as the litigation representative. (七)在违法所得没收程序中,接受犯罪嫌疑人、被告人、其近亲属或其他利害关系人的委托,担任诉讼代理人;
(8) During the procedures for compulsory medical treatment, he or she may accept representation of a respondent or defendant, to serve as the litigation representative; and during the procedures of reconsideration, he or she may accept representation of a person subject to compulsory medical treatment, a victim, its statutory agent or close relative, to serve as the litigation representative. (八)在强制医疗程序中,接受被申请人或被告人的委托,担任诉讼代理人;在复议程序中,接受被决定强制医疗的人、被害人、其法定代理人、近亲属的委托,担任诉讼代理人;
(9) Other relevant services in criminal proceedings. (九)其他刑事诉讼活动中的相关业务。
Article 9 Where a lawyer accepts representation, the law firm shall undergo the following formalities:   第九条 律师接受委托,应当由律师事务所办理以下手续:
(1) The law firm shall enter into the Representation Agreement with the client. (一)律师事务所与委托人签署《委托协议》;
(2) The client shall sign the power of attorney. (二)委托人签署委托书;
(3) The law firm shall issue the relevant litigation documents required for handling a case. (三)律师事务所开具办案所需的相关诉讼文书。
For the aforesaid formalities, the law firm shall keep the original documents or copies for future reference. 上述手续,律师事务所应当留存原件或存根备查。
Article 10 Where a lawyer accepts representation to handle a criminal case, the law firm may undergo the formalities of representation respectively at the criminal investigation, examination for prosecution, trial of first instance, trial on appeal, death penalty review, petition, retrial and other litigation phases, or undergo the formalities at one time.   第十条 律师接受委托办理刑事案件,可以在侦查、审查起诉、一审、二审、死刑复核、申诉、再审等各诉讼阶段由律师事务所分别办理委托手续,也可以一次性办理。
Article 11 After accepting representation or designation, a lawyer shall contact the case handling authority in a timely manner, produce the lawyer's practicing certificate, and submit the power of attorney and the certificate issued by the law firm, or an official legal aid document   第十一条 律师接受委托或者指派后,应当及时与办案机关联系,出示律师执业证书,提交委托书和律师事务所证明或者法律援助公函。
Article 12 A lawyer handling a criminal case shall not refuse to defend or represent any client without justified reason. However, if the authorized matter violates the law, the client makes use of the services provided by the lawyer to engage in illegal activities or deliberately conceals a material fact related to the case, the lawyer shall have right to refuse to defend or represent the client.   第十二条 律师办理刑事案件,无正当理由,不得拒绝辩护或者代理。但委托事项违法、委托人利用律师提供的服务从事违法活动,或者委托人故意隐瞒与案件有关的重要事实的,律师有权拒绝辩护或者代理。
A lawyer that strongly disagrees with the litigant or the client on the defense or representation plan and can not reach an agreement may terminate the representation relationship with the client on behalf of the law firm. 律师与当事人或者委托人就辩护或代理方案产生严重分歧,不能达成一致的,可以代表律师事务所与委托人协商解除委托关系。
After the termination of the representation relationship, the lawyer shall notify the case handling authority in a timely manner. 解除委托关系后,律师应当及时告知办案机关。
Article 13 A same lawyer shall not defend two or more criminal suspects or defendants in the same case, nor defend two or more criminal suspects or defendants who are not handled in the same case but whose crimes suspected are associated.   第十三条 同一名律师不得为两名或两名以上的同案犯罪嫌疑人、被告人辩护,不得为两名或两名以上的未同案处理但涉嫌的犯罪存在关联的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人辩护。
A same law firm that accepts representation of two or more criminal suspects or defendants in a same case and respectively designates different lawyers as defenders shall notify the clients thereof and obtain the consent of the clients. 同一律师事务所在接受两名或两名以上的同案犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的委托,分别指派不同的律师担任辩护人的,须告知委托人并经其同意。
Article 14 A lawyer handling a criminal case may, jointly with a lawyer in another place, assist in the investigation, collection of evidence and meeting, and may, with consent of the litigant, undergo formalities of authorization for the assisting lawyer.   第十四条 律师办理刑事案件,可以会同异地律师协助调查、收集证据和会见,经当事人同意可以为协同工作的律师办理授权委托手续。
Where a litigant changes the lawyer in investigation, examination for prosecution, original trial, trial on appeal, death penalty review, petition or retrial case, the lawyer before the change may provide convenience in case introduction, case file materials and evidentiary materials for the lawyer after the change. 在侦查、审查起诉、一审、二审、死刑复核、申诉、再审案件中,当事人变更律师的,变更前的律师可以为变更后的律师提供案情介绍、案卷材料、证据材料等工作便利。
Article 15 A defense lawyer may take an assistant lawyer to assist in the meeting, take the assistant lawyer to assist in the consultation of the case files as required for case handling, and apply to the people's court for taking the assistant lawyer to participate in the court session.   第十五条 辩护律师可以携一名律师助理协助会见,可以根据办案需要携律师助理协助阅卷,向人民法院申请携律师助理参加庭审。
Article 16 After a criminal case handled by a lawyer is closed, the lawyer shall prepare a summary of case handling which shall be archived with the defense statements or representation statements, process and case file materials excerpted and copied, among others.   第十六条 律师办理刑事案件结案后,应当撰写办案总结,与辩护词或代理词、法律文书以及摘抄、复制的案卷材料等一并归档保存。
Article 17 Where the representation relationship is terminated in advance, a lawyer shall state the reasons in the summary of case handling, annex the relevant formalities, and review case files for archiving.   第十七条 提前解除委托关系的,律师应当在办案总结中说明原因,并附相关手续,整理案卷归档。
Section 3 Meeting and Correspondence 

第三节 会见和通信

Article 18 To meet a criminal suspect or defendant in custody, the lawyer shall produce the lawyer's practicing certificate, power of attorney and certificate issued by the law firm or official legal aid document to the jail.   第十八条 辩护律师会见在押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,应当向看守所出示律师执业证书、委托书和律师事务所证明或者法律援助公函。
A defense lawyer may meet criminal suspects and defendants under residential confinement and on bail pending trial. 辩护律师可以会见被监视居住和取保候审的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人。
An assistant lawyer attending a meeting in accompany with a defense lawyer shall produce the certificate issued by the law firm and the lawyer's practicing certificate or the intern certificate of the person applying for the practice of law. 律师助理随同辩护律师参加会见的,应当出示律师事务所证明和律师执业证书或申请律师执业人员实习证。
Article 19 Where a defense lawyer handles a criminal case endangering national security, a criminal case of terrorist activities, or an extraordinarily significant bribery case and the criminal suspect is in custody or under residential confinement, the defense lawyer shall file an application with the investigation authority for meeting in the investigation phase, and if necessary, the application shall be filed in writing. Where the investigation authority does not allow meeting, the defense lawyer may request the investigation authority to issue a written decision and state the reasons.   第十九条 辩护律师办理危害国家安全犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪、特别重大的贿赂犯罪案件,犯罪嫌疑人在押或者被监视居住的,在侦查阶段会见时应当向侦查机关提出申请,必要时应当采用书面形式申请。侦查机关不许可会见的,辩护律师可以要求其出具书面决定,并说明理由。
Article 20 A defense lawyer that needs an interpreter to assist in meeting the criminal suspect or defendant may take an interpreter permitted by the case handling authority to attend the meeting. The interpreter shall, upon strength of the written permission decision of the case handling authority and his or her identification, attend meeting in accompany with the defense lawyer.   第二十条 辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人需要翻译人员协助的,可以携经办案机关许可的翻译人员参加会见。翻译人员应当持办案机关许可决定文书和本人身份证明,随同辩护律师参加会见。
Article 21 When meeting a criminal suspect or defendant, a defense lawyer shall prepare for a meeting outline in advance, carefully listen to the statements and defense of the criminal suspect or defendant, and find out and verify the contradictions and doubts in the case facts and evidence.   第二十一条 辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人时,应当事先准备会见提纲,认真听取犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的陈述和辩解,发现、核实案件事实和证据材料中的矛盾和疑点。
Article 22 When meeting a criminal suspect or defendant, a defense lawyer shall focus on the following information:   第二十二条 辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人时应当重点向其了解下列情况:
(1) The personal information and other basic information on the criminal suspect or defendant. (一)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的个人信息等基本情况;
(2) Whether the criminal suspect or defendant has committed or participated in the alleged crime. (二)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人是否实施或参与所涉嫌的犯罪;
(3) Whether the criminal suspect or defendant has any objection to the facts investigated and the crime charged by the investigation authority, and whether the criminal suspect or defendant has any objection to the suspected or charged facts and crime as determined in the written prosecution opinion and indictment. (三)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人对侦查机关侦查的事实和罪名是否有异议,对起诉意见书、起诉书认定其涉嫌或指控的事实和罪名是否有异议;
(4) Defense on innocence of the criminal suspect or defendant or the pettiness of a crime. (四)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人无罪、罪轻的辩解;
(5) Whether the criminal suspect or defendant has voluntary surrender, meritorious act, returning illicit property, compensation and other sentencing circumstances for lighter punishment, mitigated punishment, and exemption of punishment. (五)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人有无自首、立功、退赃、赔偿等从轻、减轻或免予处罚的量刑情节;
(6) Whether the criminal suspect or defendant has preparation, discontinuance, or abortion of a crime, or any other criminal form. (六)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人有无犯罪预备、犯罪中止、犯罪未遂等犯罪形态;
(7) Whether docketing and jurisdiction comply with the provisions of the law. (七)立案、管辖是否符合法律规定;
(8) Whether the legal formalities for taking compulsory measures are complete and the procedures are lawful. (八)采取强制措施的法律手续是否完备、程序是否合法;
(9) Whether there are extortion of confession by torture and other circumstances of illegal evidence collection, and other circumstances infringing upon the personal rights and procedural rights. (九)是否存在刑讯逼供等非法取证的情况,以及其他侵犯人身权利和诉讼权利的情况;
(10) The information that the property of the criminal suspect or defendant and its relatives is seized, detained or frozen. (十)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人及其亲属的财物被查封、扣押、冻结的情况;
(11) Whether the confession and defense collected by the investigation authority are consistent with the statements made in meeting between the lawyer and the criminal suspect, whether there is any change and the reasons for the change. (十一)侦查机关收集的供述和辩解与律师会见时的陈述是否一致,有无反复以及出现反复的原因;
(12) Other information on the case required to be understood. (十二)其他需要了解的与案件有关的情况。
Article 23 When meeting a criminal suspect or defendant, a defense lawyer shall introduce the criminal proceeding procedures to the criminal suspect or defendant; notify the criminal suspect or defendant of the rights and obligations in the criminal proceeding procedures; and notify the criminal suspect or defendant of the methods of exercising rights and the possible consequences for waive of rights and violation of statutory obligations.   第二十三条 辩护律师会见时应当向犯罪嫌疑人、被告人介绍刑事诉讼程序;告知其在刑事诉讼程序中的权利、义务;告知犯罪嫌疑人、被告人权利行使方式及放弃权利和违反法定义务可能产生的后果。
Article 24 When meeting a criminal suspect or defendant, a defense lawyer shall communicate with the criminal suspect or defendant on the defense plan and defense opinions at the corresponding phases.   第二十四条 辩护律师会见时应当与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人就相应阶段的辩护方案、辩护意见进行沟通。
Article 25 From the date when a case is transferred for examination for prosecution, a defense lawyer may verify the relevant evidence with the criminal suspect or defendant.   第二十五条 自案件移送审查起诉之日起,辩护律师可以向犯罪嫌疑人、被告人核实有关证据。
Article 26 When meeting a criminal suspect or defendant in custody, a defense lawyer shall comply with the relevant provisions issued by the jail according to the law. Without permission, a defense lawyer shall not directly transmit any drug, property, food, or any other item to the criminal suspect or defendant, provide any communication tool for the criminal suspect or defendant, or take any relative or friend of a criminal suspect or defendant to meet the criminal suspect or defendant.   第二十六条 辩护律师会见在押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人应当遵守看守所依法作出的有关规定。未经允许,不得直接向犯罪嫌疑人、被告人传递药品、财物、食物等物品,不得将通讯工具提供给犯罪嫌疑人、被告人使用,不得携犯罪嫌疑人、被告人亲友会见。
A defense lawyer may accept the written materials concerning defense submitted by a criminal suspect or defendant, and may also provide written materials concerning defense for a criminal suspect or defendant. 辩护律师可以接受犯罪嫌疑人、被告人提交的与辩护有关的书面材料,也可以向犯罪嫌疑人、被告人提供与辩护有关的文件与材料。
Article 27 A defense lawyer shall, after the end of meeting, notify the supervisor of the jail or the supervisor of implementing residential surveillance in a timely manner.   第二十七条 辩护律师会见结束后应当及时告知看守所的监管人员或执行监视居住的监管人员。
Article 28 A transcript of meeting prepared by a defense lawyer when meeting a criminal suspect or defendant shall be signed by the criminal suspect or defendant.   第二十八条 辩护律师会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人制作会见笔录的,应当交其签字确认。
Article 29 A defense lawyer may, according to the circumstances of a case, rationally determine the time and times of meeting a criminal suspect or defendant.   第二十九条 辩护律师可以根据案件情况,合理确定会见犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的时间、次数。
Article 30 A defense lawyer may, according to the needs of handling a case, communicate with the criminal suspect or defendant in custody. The correspondence between a defense lawyer and a criminal suspect or defendant shall indicate the identity and correspondence address of the lawyers.   第三十条 辩护律师可以根据办理案件需要与在押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人通信。辩护律师与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人通信应当注明律师身份、通信地址。
When communicating with a criminal suspect or defendant in custody, a defense lawyer shall keep the duplicate of the correspondence and original letter of the criminal suspect or defendant, and attach them to the case file for future reference. 辩护律师与在押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人通信时,应当保留信函副本及犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的来信原件并附卷备查。
Article 31 Meeting and communication between a defense lawyer and a criminal suspect or defendant under residential confinement shall be governed by the relevant provisions of this section.   第三十一条 辩护律师同被监视居住的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人会见、通信,适用本节有关规定。
Section 4 Consultation, Excerption and Copying of Case Materials 

第四节 查阅、摘抄、复制案卷材料

Article 32 From the date of the transfer of a case for examination for prosecution, a defense lawyer or representing lawyer shall contact the people's procuratorate and the people's court in a timely manner, and handle consultation, excerption and copying of case materials and other matters.   第三十二条 自案件移送审查起诉之日起,辩护律师、代理律师应当及时与人民检察院、人民法院联系,办理查阅、摘抄、复制案卷材料等事宜。
Article 33 The case file materials include the process and evidentiary materials of a case. Where real-time audio and video recordings shall be made for the interrogation process according to the provisions of the relevant law, a defense lawyer or representing lawyer may, according to the needs of a case, request consultation and copying according to the law.   第三十三条 案卷材料包括案件的诉讼文书和证据材料。根据相关法律的规定,对讯问过程应当进行同步录音录像的,辩护律师、代理律师可以根据案件需要依法要求查阅、复制。
Article 34 The case materials may be copied by duplicating, photographing, scanning, copying of electronic data and other means. The accuracy and completeness shall be guaranteed at the time of excerption and copying.   第三十四条 复制案卷材料可以采用复印、拍照、扫描、电子数据拷贝等方式。摘抄、复制时应当保证其准确性、完整性。
Article 35 The following case materials shall be consulted and copied by a defense lawyer or representing lawyer in a timely manner:   第三十五条 对于以下案卷材料,辩护律师、代理律师应当及时查阅、复制:
(1) the evidentiary materials of further investigation by the investigation authority or procuratorial authority; (一)侦查机关、检察机关补充侦查的证据材料;
(2) the evidentiary materials on the innocence of the criminal suspect or defendant or the pettiness of a crime that have been collected during the period of investigation and examination for prosecution obtained by the people's procuratorate and the people's court from the investigation authority and the public prosecution authority according to the application of the criminal suspect, defendant or defense lawyer; and (二)人民检察院、人民法院根据犯罪嫌疑人、被告人、辩护律师的申请向侦查机关、公诉机关调取在侦查、审查起诉期间已收集的有关犯罪嫌疑人、被告人无罪、罪轻的证据材料;
(3) the evidentiary materials not submitted by the procuratorial authority and the materials on surrender, confession, meritorious acts and other sentencing circumstances concerning the defendant obtained by the people's court according to the application of the defendant or defense lawyer. (三)人民法院根据被告人、辩护律师的申请调取的检察机关未移送的证据材料以及有关被告人自首、坦白、立功等量刑情节的材料。
Article 36 A defense lawyer shall carefully study all the case files and prepare a transcript on consultation of the case files or excerption of the case files according to the needs of the case. A defense lawyer shall focus on the following matters when consulting the case files:   第三十六条 辩护律师应当认真研读全部案卷材料,根据案情需要制作阅卷笔录或案卷摘要。阅卷时应当重点了解以下事项:
(1) the personal information and other basic information on the criminal suspect or defendant; (一)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的个人信息等基本情况;
(2) the time, place, motive, purpose, means and consequences of the crime that the criminal suspect or defendant is deemed to be suspect of or is charged, and other statutory and discretionary circumstances that may affect the conviction and sentencing of the criminal suspect or defendant; (二)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被认定涉嫌或被指控犯罪的时间、地点、动机、目的、手段、后果及其他可能影响定罪量刑的法定、酌定情节等;
(3) the facts and materials on the innocence of the criminal suspect or defendant or the pettiness of a crime; (三)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人无罪、罪轻的事实和材料;
(4) the identity, competence or qualification and other relevant information on the witness, authentication expert, and person preparing the transcript on investigation and inspection; (四)证人、鉴定人、勘验检查笔录制作人的身份、资质或资格等相关情况;
(5) the personal information and other basic information on the victim; (五)被害人的个人信息等基本情况;
(6) whether the legal formalities and process during the process of investigation and examination for prosecution are lawful and complete; (六)侦查、审查起诉期间的法律手续和诉讼文书是否合法、齐备;
(7) the source of the authentication materials, authentication opinions and reasons, and whether the authentication institution has the authentication qualification, etc.; (七)鉴定材料的来源、鉴定意见及理由、鉴定机构是否具有鉴定资格等;
(8) the relevant information on the criminal suspects or defendants in a same case; (八)同案犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的有关情况;
(9) the authenticity, legitimacy and relevance of the evidence, and the contradictions and doubtful points of the evidence; (九)证据的真实性、合法性和关联性,证据之间的矛盾与疑点;
(10) whether the evidence may prove the fact of the suspected or charged crime as determined in the written prosecution opinion and written indictment; (十)证据能否证明起诉意见书、起诉书所认定涉嫌或指控的犯罪事实;
(11) whether evidence is illegally obtained; (十一)是否存在非法取证的情况;
(12) whether the legal representative or appropriate adult is present at the time of interrogation in a criminal case involving minors; (十二)未成年人刑事案件,在被讯问时法定代理人或合适成年人是否在场;
(13) the information on seizure, detainment, freezing and transfer of the property in dispute; and (十三)涉案财物查封、扣押、冻结和移送的情况;
(14) other information relevant to the case. (十四)其他与案件有关的情况。
Article 37 The case materials obtained by a lawyer participating in criminal proceedings shall not be provided for any relative or friend of the criminal suspect or defendant, or be disclosed to the media or the public without permission.   第三十七条 律师参与刑事诉讼获取的案卷材料,不得向犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的亲友以及其他单位和个人提供,不得擅自向媒体或社会公众披露。
Where the case materials to be consulted, exerpted and copied by a defense lawyer are state secrets, the consent of the people's procuratorate and the people's court shall be obtained and the provisions on confidentiality issued by the state shall be complied with. No lawyer shall, in violation of the provisions, disclose or disseminate any important case information or file materials, or use them for purposes other than defense and representation for the case. 辩护律师查阅、摘抄、复制的案卷材料属于国家秘密的,应当经过人民检察院、人民法院同意并遵守国家保密规定。律师不得违反规定,披露、散布案件重要信息和案卷材料,或者将其用于本案辩护、代理以外的其他用途。
Section 5 Investigation and Obtaining Evidence 

第五节 调查取证

Article 38 A defense lawyer may, with the consent of the witness or other relevant entities and individuals, collect evidentiary materials relevant to the case from them; and a dissenting person under investigation may apply to the people's procuratorate or the people's court for collection and consultation of relevant evidence or apply to the people's court for notifying the witness to testify in court.   第三十八条 辩护律师经证人或者其他有关单位和个人同意,可以向他们收集与案件有关的证据材料;被调查人不同意的,可以申请人民检察院、人民法院收集、调取相关证据,或者申请人民法院通知该证人出庭作证。
With the approval of the people's procuratorate or the people's court, and with the consent of the victim or his or her close relative and the witnesses provided by the victim, the defense lawyer may collect evidentiary materials relevant to the case from them. 辩护律师经人民检察院或者人民法院许可,并且经被害人或者其近亲属、被害人提供的证人同意,可以向他们收集与案件有关的证据材料。
Article 39 A defense lawyer that investigates a case, conducts investigation and obtains evidence, and verifies evidence from a witness having testified in the investigation authority or procuratorial authority according to the case needs shall generally apply to the people's court for notifying the witness of appearing in court and inquire the witness in court. If a witness is unable to testify in court, a defense lawyer shall, when directly conducting investigation of and obtaining evidence from the witness, strictly comply with the law, may also make audio and video recordings of the evidence obtaining process, and may also consult the testimony written by the witness.   第三十九条 辩护律师根据案件需要向已经在侦查机关、检察机关做过证的证人了解案件情况、调查取证、核实证据,一般应当通过申请人民法院通知该证人到庭,以当庭接受询问的方式进行。如证人不能出庭作证的,辩护律师直接向证人调查取证时,应当严格依法进行,并可以对取证过程进行录音或录像,也可以调取证人自书证言。
Article 40 A defense lawyer conducting investigation or collecting evidences relevant to a case shall hold a certificate issued by the law firm, produce a lawyer's practicing certificate, and usually be accompanied by another person.   第四十条 辩护律师调查、收集与案件有关的证据材料,应当持律师事务所证明,出示律师执业证书,一般由二人进行。
Article 41 When conducting investigation or collecting evidentiary materials, a defense lawyer may invite a person irrelevant to the case to witness according to the case needs, to ensure the authenticity of the evidentiary materials.   第四十一条 辩护律师调查、收集证据材料时,为保证证据材料的真实性,可以根据案情需要邀请与案件无关的人员在场见证。
Article 42 A defense lawyer investigating a witness shall prepare an investigation transcript. An investigation transcript shall specify the investigator, the person under investigation, the name of the recorder, the time and place of investigation, the identification of the person under investigation, the requirement of truthfully providing testimony by a witness, notes on assuming legal liability for perjury or concealing criminal evidence, the matters under investigation, etc.   第四十二条 辩护律师对证人进行调查,应当制作调查笔录。调查笔录应当载明调查人、被调查人、记录人的姓名,调查的时间、地点,被调查人的身份信息,证人如实作证的要求,作伪证或隐匿罪证应当负法律责任的说明以及被调查事项等。
Article 43 An investigation transcript prepared by a defense lawyer shall objectively and accurately record the investigation contents and be verified by theperson under investigation. A person under investigation making amendment or supplement shall affix signature and seal and make a fingerprint to the place of amendment. After an investigation transcript is checked by the person under investigation, the person under investigation shall affix signatures thereto page by page and sign the opinions that the record is correct on the last page.   第四十三条 辩护律师制作调查笔录,应当客观、准确地记录调查内容,并经被调查人核对。被调查人如有修改、补充,应当由其在修改处签字、盖章或者捺指印确认。调查笔录经被调查人核对后,应当由其在笔录上逐页签名并在末页签署记录无误的意见。
Article 44 When preparing an investigation transcript, a defense lawyer shall not mislead or induce any witness. No transcript shall be written in advance; no transcript of any criminal suspect, defendant, or any other witness shall be announced to any witness in advance; no testimony shall be written on behalf of any witness; no alteration or addition of any transcript shall be allowed; investigation of and obtaining evidence from different witnesses shall be carried out separately; and no relative or friend of any criminal suspect or defendant shall be present at the time of investigation and obtaining evidence.   第四十四条 辩护律师制作调查笔录不得误导、引诱证人。不得事先书写笔录内容;不得先行向证人宣读犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或其他证人的笔录;不得替证人代书证言;不得擅自更改、添加笔录内容;向不同的证人调查取证时应当分别进行;调查取证时犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的亲友不得在场。
Article 45 When collecting physical evidence, documentary evidence and audio-visual materials, a defense lawyer shall obtain the originals as far as possible; and may copy, photograph or videotape them, and record the places where the originals are deposited and the holders of the originals, where the originals are unable to be obtained.   第四十五条 辩护律师收集物证、书证和视听资料时,应当尽可能提取原件;无法提取原件的,可以复制、拍照或者录像,并记录原件存放地点和持有人的信息。
Article 46 A defense lawyer may apply to the people's procuratorate or the people's court for collection and obtaining of the electronic evidence relevant to the case.   第四十六条 辩护律师可以申请人民检察院、人民法院收集、调取案件有关的电子证据。
A defense lawyer may collect and fix email, electronic data interchange, online chatting records, blog, micro-blog, WeChat, SMS, electronic signatures, domains and other electronic data by copying, printing, screenshot, photographing, videotaping and other means, record the time, place, storage location of original storage media, sources of electronic data, holders and other information on copying, printing, screenshot, photographing and videotaping, and entrust an notary institution to notarize the aforesaid process if necessary. 辩护律师可以采取复制、打印、截屏、拍照或者录像等方式收集、固定电子邮件、电子数据交换、网上聊天记录、博客、微博客、微信、手机短信、电子签名、域名等电子数据,并记录复制、打印、截屏、拍照、录像的时间、地点、原始储存介质存放地点、电子数据来源、持有人等信息,必要时可以委托公证机构对上述过程进行公证。
The original storage media shall be collected as far as possible for electronic data in the storage media. Electronic data in cyberspace may be obtained from the authority or be fixed by notarization. 对于存在于存储介质中的电子数据,应当尽可能收集原始存储介质。对于存在于网络空间中的电子数据,可以通过有权方提取或通过公证形式予以固定。
Article 47 When investigating or collecting the evidentiary materials, a defense lawyer may make audio and video recordings.   第四十七条 辩护律师在调查、收集证据材料时,可以录音、录像。
Article 48 Where a defense lawyer believes that any evidence collected by the public security authority or people's procuratorate during the period of criminal investigation or examination for prosecution regarding the innocence of a criminal suspect or defendant or the pettiness of a crime has not been submitted, the defense lawyer shall have the right to apply to the people's procuratorate or people's court in writing for taking such evidence.   第四十八条 辩护律师认为在侦查、审查起诉期间公安机关、人民检察院收集的证明犯罪嫌疑人、被告人无罪或者罪轻的证据材料未提交的,应当书面申请人民检察院、人民法院调取。
Article 49 When the people's procuratorate or the people's court collects evidence according to the application, the defense lawyer may be present.   第四十九条 人民检察院、人民法院根据申请收集、调取证据时,辩护律师可以在场。
Article 50 A defense lawyer shall inform the case handling authority in a timely manner of the evidence collected regarding a criminal suspect or defendant's alibi or the fact that the criminal suspect or defendant has not attained the age for criminal liability or is a mental patient exempted from criminal liability. A defense lawyer may request the case handling authority that collects evidence to issue a receipt.   第五十条 辩护律师收集的有关犯罪嫌疑人、被告人不在犯罪现场、未达到刑事责任年龄、属于依法不负刑事责任的精神病人的证据,应当及时告知办案机关。辩护律师可以要求收取证据的办案机关出具回执。
Section 6 Application for Modification and Removal of Compulsory Measures 

第六节 申请变更、解除强制措施

Article 51 A defense lawyer believing that a criminal suspect or defendant in custody meets the following conditions for bail shall apply for bail therefor:   第五十一条 辩护律师认为被羁押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人符合下列取保候审的条件,应当为其申请取保候审:
(1) The criminal suspect or defendant may be sentenced to supervision without incarceration, limited incarceration, or an accessory penalty only. (一)可能判处管制、拘役或者独立适用附加刑的;
(2) The criminal suspect or defendant may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or a heavier penalty but will not cause danger to the society if granted bail. (二)可能判处有期徒刑以上刑罚,采取取保候审措施不致发生社会危险性的;
(3) The criminal suspect or defendant suffers a serious illness, or cannot take care of himself or herself, and will not cause danger to the society if granted bail. (三)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人患有严重疾病、生活不能自理,采取取保候审措施不致发生社会危险性的;
(4) The criminal suspect or defendant is a pregnant woman or a woman who is breastfeeding her own baby, and will not cause danger to the society if granted bail. (四)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人正在怀孕或者哺乳自己的婴儿,采取取保候审措施不致发生社会危险性的;
(5) The term of custody of the criminal suspect or defendant has expired but the case has not been closed, and a bail is necessary. (五)羁押期限届满,案件尚未办结,需要采取取保候审措施的。
Article 52 Where a criminal suspect or defendant meets the arrest conditions, but meets one of the following conditions, a defense lawyer may apply for residential surveillance for the criminal suspect or defendant:   第五十二条 犯罪嫌疑人、被告人符合逮捕条件,但具备下列条件之一,辩护律师可以为其申请监视居住:
(1) The criminal suspect or defendant suffers a serious illness or cannot take care of himself or herself. (一)患有严重疾病、生活不能自理的;
(2) The criminal suspect or defendant is a pregnant woman or a woman who is breastfeeding her own baby. (二)怀孕或者正在哺乳自己婴儿的妇女;
(3) The criminal suspect or defendant is the sole supporter of a person who cannot take care of himself or herself. (三)系生活不能自理的人的唯一抚养人;
(4) Considering the special circumstances of the case or as needed for handling the case, residential confinement is more appropriate. (四)因为案件的特殊情况或者办理案件的需要,采取监视居住措施更为适宜的;
(5) The term of custody has expired but the case has not been closed, and residential confinement is necessary. (五)羁押期限届满,案件尚未办结,需要采取监视居住措施的。
Article 53 Where a criminal suspect or defendant meets the conditions for bail but is neither able to provide a surety nor able to pay a bond, the defense lawyer may apply for residential surveillance for him or her.   第五十三条 犯罪嫌疑人、被告人符合取保候审条件,但不能提出保证人也不缴纳保证金的,辩护律师可以为其申请监视居住。
Article 54 Where a case in which the criminal suspect or defendant is in custody is not closed by the case handling authority within the term of custody as prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Law, the defense lawyer may request release of the criminal suspect or defendant, or request change in the compulsory measure.   第五十四条 犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被羁押的案件,办案机关在《刑事诉讼法》规定的羁押期限内未能办结的,辩护律师可以要求释放犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,或者要求变更强制措施。
Where a case in which the criminal suspect or defendant is granted bail or subject to residential surveillance is not closed by the case handling authority within the term of compulsory measure as prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Law, the defense lawyer may request release of the criminal suspect or defendant, or request termination of the compulsory measure. 对被采取取保候审、监视居住措施的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,办案机关在《刑事诉讼法》规定的强制措施期限内未能办结的,辩护律师可以要求解除强制措施。
Article 55 Where a criminal suspect is subject to residential confinement at the designated residence during the period of investigation on suspicion of committing a crime of endangering national security, a crime of terrorist activities, or a crime of especially serious bribery, after the the circumstance that affects investigation disappears, the defense lawyer may apply for residential confinement at the residence or bail for the criminal suspect.   第五十五条 犯罪嫌疑人因涉嫌危害国家安全犯罪、恐怖活动犯罪、特别重大贿赂犯罪在侦查期间被指定居所监视居住的,在有碍侦查的情形消失后,辩护律师可以为其申请在居所监视居住或者取保候审。
Article 56 Where a criminal suspect or defendant, and his or her legal representative or near relatives request the defense lawyer to apply for modification and termination of the compulsory measure or release of the criminal suspect or defendant and the defense lawyer believe that the conditions are met, the defense lawyer may file an application on his or her own or assist them in filing an application with the case handling authority.   第五十六条 犯罪嫌疑人、被告人及其法定代理人、近亲属要求辩护律师申请变更、解除强制措施或释放犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,辩护律师认为符合条件的,可以自行申请,也可以协助其向办案机关申请。
Article 57 A defense lawyer applying in writing to a case handling authority for modification or termination of the compulsory measure or release of a criminal suspect or defendant shall specify the name of the law firm, the name of the lawyer, the correspondence address and contact information, the name of the criminal suspect or defendant, the facts and grounds for application, ways of surety, etc.   第五十七条 辩护律师向办案机关书面申请变更、解除强制措施或者释放犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的,应当写明律师事务所名称、律师姓名、通信地址及联系方式、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人姓名和所涉嫌或指控的罪名、申请事实及理由、保证方式等。
A defense lawyer is inappropriate to serve as the surety of any criminal suspect or defendant. 辩护律师不宜为犯罪嫌疑人、被告人担任保证人。
Article 58 A defense lawyer applying for modification or termination of the compulsory measure or release of a criminal suspect or defendant may request the case handling authority to issue a reply of approval or disapproval within 3 days. Where a reply of disapproval is issued, the defense lawyer may request the authority to explain the reasons for disapproval.   第五十八条 辩护律师申请变更、解除强制措施或释放犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的,可以要求办案机关在三日内作出同意或者不同意的答复。对于不同意的,辩护律师可以要求其说明不同意的理由。
Article 59 After a criminal suspect is arrested, the criminal suspect may request the procuratorial authority to conduct examination on the necessity of custody.   第五十九条 犯罪嫌疑人被逮捕后,辩护律师可以向检察机关提出羁押必要性审查的意见。
Chapter II Defense Work during the Investigation Period 

第二章 侦查期间的辩护工作

Article 60 During the investigation period, after accepting representation, a lawyer may, from the day when the criminal suspect is interrogated for the first time or from the day when a compulsory measure is taken against the criminal suspect, learn the relevant case information from the investigation authority, including the charges against the criminal suspect, the main facts that have been ascertained, the compulsory measures taken against, and modified and terminated for the criminal suspect, extension of the investigation and custody period, etc.   第六十条 侦查期间,律师接受委托后,自犯罪嫌疑人被第一次讯问或者采取强制措施之日起,可以向侦查机关了解案件情况,包括犯罪嫌疑人涉嫌的罪名、已查明的主要事实、犯罪嫌疑人被采取、变更、解除强制措施、延长侦查羁押期限等。
Article 61 A defense lawyer providing legal consulting for a criminal suspect shall notify the criminal suspect of the basic procedural rights, mainly including the following contents:   第六十一条 辩护律师为犯罪嫌疑人提供法律咨询,应当告知其基本诉讼权利,主要包括以下内容:
(1) A criminal suspect has the right not to be forced to commit self-incrimination. (一)犯罪嫌疑人有不被强迫证实自己有罪的权利;
(2) A criminal suspect has the right to file petition and accusation for the case handling authority's infringement acts or violations of procedural law. (二)犯罪嫌疑人有对办案机关侵权行为、程序违法提出申诉和控告的权利;
(3) A criminal suspect has the right to apply for the disqualification of the investigator. (三)犯罪嫌疑人有申请侦查人员回避的权利;
(4) A criminal suspect has the right to know the expert opinions and raise objections. (四)犯罪嫌疑人有知悉鉴定意见和提出异议的权利;
(5) A criminal suspect has the right to raise an objection against the jurisdiction of a criminal case. (五)犯罪嫌疑人有对刑事案件管辖提出异议的权利;
(6) The rights concerning criminal reconciliation. (六)有关刑事和解的权利。
Article 62 A defense lawyer shall provide the criminal suspect with legal consulting on compulsory measures, mainly including the following contents:   第六十二条 辩护律师为犯罪嫌疑人提供关于强制措施的法律咨询,主要包括以下内容:
(1) the types of the compulsory measures; (一)强制措施的种类;
(2) the legal provisions on the conditions and applicable procedures of the compulsory measures; (二)强制措施的条件、适用程序的法律规定;
(3) the legal provisions on the duration of the compulsory measures; and (三)强制措施期限的法律规定;
(4) the rights and conditions of applying for changes in the compulsory measures. (四)申请变更强制措施的权利及条件。
Article 63 A defense lawyer shall provide the criminal suspect with legal consulting on interrogation by the investigation authority, mainly including the following contents:   第六十三条 辩护律师为犯罪嫌疑人提供关于侦查机关讯问方面的法律咨询,主要包括以下内容:
(1) A criminal suspect has the obligation to truthfully answer the interrogation of the investigators, and has the right to refuse to answer questions irrelevant to a case. (一)犯罪嫌疑人对侦查人员的讯问有如实回答的义务,对与本案无关的问题有拒绝回答的权利;
(2) A criminal suspect has the right to check, supplement and correct the transcript of interrogation made by the investigators, and has the obligation to affix signature to the transcript of interrogation after confirming that the transcript of interrogation is free of errors. (二)犯罪嫌疑人对侦查人员制作的讯问笔录有核对、补充、更正的权利以及在确认笔录没有错误后应当签名的义务;
(3) A criminal suspect has the right to request permission for personal writing of confession and defense. (三)犯罪嫌疑人有要求自行书写供述和辩解的权利;
(4) A criminal suspect has the right to be rendered a lenient sentence if the criminal suspect truthfully confesses his or her crime. (四)犯罪嫌疑人有如实供述犯罪事实可以获得从宽处罚的权利。
Article 64 A defense lawyer shall provide the criminal suspect with legal consulting on elements of a crime and evidence, mainly including the following contents:   第六十四条 辩护律师为犯罪嫌疑人提供关于犯罪构成与证据方面的法律咨询,主要包括以下内容:
(1) the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law and relevant judicial interpretations on the charges against the criminal suspect; (一)刑法及相关司法解释关于犯罪嫌疑人所涉嫌罪名的相关规定;
(2) the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law and relevant judicial interpretations on severer, lighter, or mitigated punishment and exemption from punishment; (二)刑法及相关司法解释关于从重、从轻、减轻以及免予处罚的相关规定;
(3) the relevant provisions on the burden of proof in criminal cases; (三)关于刑事案件的举证责任的相关规定;
(4) the relevant provisions on the meaning, type, collection and use of evidence; and (四)关于证据的含义、种类及收集、使用的相关规定;
(5) the relevant provisions on the exclusion of illegally collected evidence. (五)关于非法证据排除的相关规定。
Article 65 During the period of investigation, when collecting the evidentiary materials regarding a criminal suspect's alibi or the fact that the criminal suspect or defendant has not attained the age for criminal liability or is a mental patient exempted from criminal liability, a defense lawyer shall submit the defense opinions on innocence or not being subject to criminal liability to the investigation authority, and concurrently request the investigation authority to release the criminal suspect or change the compulsory measures against him or her.   第六十五条 侦查期间,辩护律师收集到有关犯罪嫌疑人不在犯罪现场、未达到刑事责任年龄、属于依法不负刑事责任的精神病人的证据材料时,应当及时向侦查机关提出无罪或不予追究刑事责任的辩护意见,并同时要求侦查机关释放犯罪嫌疑人或对其变更强制措施。
Article 66 During the investigation period of a case and prior to the termination of investigation, a defense lawyer that submits the defense opinions on the substantive and procedural issues to the investigation authority may submit opinions verbally or in writing.   第六十六条 在案件侦查期间和侦查终结前,辩护律师向侦查机关就实体和程序问题提出辩护意见的,可以口头或书面的方式提出。
For illegally collected evidence, a defense lawyer may submit the opinions of exclusion. 对于非法证据,辩护律师可以提出予以排除的意见。
Article 67 A defense lawyer shall examine the legality of the case jurisdiction and file an objection with the investigation authority in writing, when finding that the jurisdiction of the investigation authority violates the law.   第六十七条 辩护律师应当对案件管辖合法性进行审查,发现侦查机关管辖违反法律规定的,应当以书面方式向侦查机关提出异议。
Article 68 During the process of examination and approval of arrest, a defense lawyer believing that the criminal suspect falls under the following circumstances may submit the opinions of disapproving arrest or not arresting to the procuratorial authority:   第六十八条 在审查批捕过程中,辩护律师认为具备下列情形的,可以向检察机关提出不批准逮捕或不予逮捕的意见:
(1) The criminal suspect does not constitute a crime. (一)犯罪嫌疑人不构成犯罪;
(2) The criminal suspect may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of one year or a lighter punishment. (二)可能被判处一年有期徒刑以下刑罚的;
(3) The criminal suspect will not cause danger to the society. (三)无社会危险性;
(4) The criminal suspect is not suitable for custody. (四)不适宜羁押。
Article 69 Where an investigation authority and its staff members have the following acts, a defense lawyer may file petition or accusation with the authority:   第六十九条 辩护律师对于侦查机关及其工作人员有下列行为的,可以向该机关申诉或者控告:
(1) Upon expiry of the statutory time limit for compulsory measures, the investigation authority and its staff members do not terminate or change the compulsory measures or release the criminal suspect. (一)采取强制措施法定期限届满,不予以解除、变更强制措施或者释放犯罪嫌疑人的;
(2) The investigation authority and its staff members do not refund the bail bond that shall be refunded. (二)应当退还取保候审保证金不予退还的;
(3) The investigation authority and its staff members seize, impound, or freeze any property irrelevant to a case. (三)对与案件无关的财物采取查封、扣押、冻结措施的;
(4) The investigation authority and its staff members refuse to terminate a measure of seizing, impounding, or freezing property that shall be terminated. (四)应当解除查封、扣押、冻结不予解除的;
(5) The investigation authority and its staff members embezzle, misappropriate, distribute in private, replace, or illegally use any seized, impounded, or frozen property. (五)贪污、挪用、私分、调换或其他违反规定使用查封、扣押、冻结财物的。
A defense lawyer may request the investigation authority that accepts a petition or accusation to handle it in a timely manner, and may file a petition with the people's procuratorate at the same level, where the people's procuratorate fails to handle it in a timely manner or the defense lawyer refuses to accept the handling result; and may file a petition with the people's procuratorate at the next higher level, for a case directly accepted by the people's procuratorate. 辩护律师可以要求受理申诉或者控告的侦查机关及时处理,对不及时处理或对处理结果不服的,可以向同级人民检察院申诉;人民检察院直接受理的案件,可以向上一级人民检察院申诉。
Chapter III Defense Work during the Examination for Prosecution 

第三章 审查起诉期间的辩护工作

Article 70 During the period of examination for prosecution, a defense lawyer shall consult, exerpt and copy the case file materials in a timely manner, and meet the criminal suspect to verify evidence according to the case information.   第七十条 审查起诉期间,辩护律师应当及时查阅、摘抄、复制案卷材料,并根据案件情况会见犯罪嫌疑人核实证据。
Article 71 Failing to meet a criminal suspect during the investigation period, a defense lawyer shall meet the criminal suspect and provide consultation during the period of examination for prosecution according to the provisions from Articles 61 to 64 of these Rules.   第七十一条 辩护律师在侦查期间未能会见犯罪嫌疑人的,在审查起诉期间会见犯罪嫌疑人提供咨询的适用本规范第六十一条至第六十四条之规定。
Article 72 During the period of examination for prosecution, a defense lawyer may submit verbal or written defense opinions to the procuratorial authority from the procedural, substantive and other respects.   第七十二条 审查起诉期间,辩护律师可以从程序、实体等方面向检察机关提出口头或书面辩护意见。
For evidence collected by illegal means, a defense lawyer shall submit the opinions on the exclusion of evidence to the procuratorial authority. 对于以非法方法收集的证据,辩护律师应当及时向检察机关提出对该证据予以排除的意见。
Article 73 During the period of examination for prosecution, when collecting the evidentiary materials regarding a criminal suspect's alibi or the fact that the criminal suspect or defendant has not attained the age for criminal liability or is a mental patient exempted from criminal liability, a defense lawyer shall submit the defense opinions on innocence or not being subject to criminal liability to the procuratorial authority, and concurrently request the procuratorial authority to release the criminal suspect or change the compulsory measures against him or her.   第七十三条 审查起诉期间,辩护律师收集到有关犯罪嫌疑人不在犯罪现场、未达到刑事责任年龄、属于依法不负刑事责任的精神病人的证据材料时,应当及时向检察机关提出无罪或不予追究刑事责任的辩护意见,并同时要求检察机关释放犯罪嫌疑人或对其变更强制措施。
Article 74 During the period of examination for prosecution, a defense lawyer believing that the criminal suspect has no facts of a crime or falling under one of the circumstances as set forth in Article 15 of the Criminal Procedure Law shall submit the opinions of not initiating a public prosecution to the procuratorial authority.   第七十四条 审查起诉期间,辩护律师认为犯罪嫌疑人没有犯罪事实,或者符合《刑事诉讼法》十五条规定的情形之一的,应当向检察机关提出不起诉的意见。
Article 75 During the period of examination for prosecution, a defense lawyer believing that the circumstances of a criminal suspect's crime is minor and no criminal punishment is necessary or the criminal suspect is exempted from criminal punishment in accordance with the Criminal Law shall submit the opinions of not initiating a public prosecution to the procuratorial authority.   第七十五条 审查起诉期间,辩护律师认为犯罪嫌疑人犯罪情节轻微,依照刑法规定不需要判处刑罚或者免除刑罚的,应当向检察机关提出不起诉的意见。
Article 76 During the period of examination for prosecution, a defense lawyer believing that evidence is insufficient and the conditions for a public prosecution are not met for a case for which supplementary investigation has been conducted once or twice shall submit the opinions of not initiating a public prosecution to the procuratorial authority.   第七十六条 审查起诉期间,对于经一次或二次补充侦查的案件,辩护律师认为证据不足,不符合起诉条件的,应当向检察机关提出不起诉的意见。
Chapter IV Defense Work in Public Prosecution Cases of First Instance 

第四章 公诉一审案件的辩护工作

Section 1 Pre-trial Preparation 

第一节 庭前准备

Article 77 Before court session is held, a defense lawyer shall study the evidentiary materials, relevant laws and precedents, be familiar with the professional knowledge involved in the case, develop a defense plan, and prepare for an questioning outline, cross-examination outline, proof outline and defense outline, among others.   第七十七条 在开庭审理前,辩护律师应当研究证据材料、有关法律、判例,熟悉案件涉及的专业知识,拟定辩护方案,准备发问提纲、质证提纲、举证提纲、辩护提纲等。
Article 78 Where the people's court convenes a pretrial conference, the defense lawyer may submit opinions or file an application on the following matters:   第七十八条 人民法院召集庭前会议的,辩护律师可以就下列事项提出意见或申请:
(1) objection on case jurisdiction; (一)案件管辖异议;
(2) applying for disqualification; (二)申请回避;
(3) applying for taking evidence; (三)申请调取证据;
(4) whether the summary procedures are applicable; (四)是否适用简易程序;
(5) whether or not to hear a case in camera; (五)是否公开审理;
(6) opening time of the court session; (六)开庭时间;
(7) applying for notifying witnesses of testifying in court; (七)申请通知证人出庭作证;
(8) applying for authentication experts to testify in court; (八)申请鉴定人出庭作证;
(9) applying for personnel with specialized knowledge to appear in court; (九)申请具有专门知识的人员出庭;
(10) whether to extend the time limit for trial; (十)是否延长审限;
(11) applying for viewing the real-time audio and video recordings of the interrogation process; (十一)申请查看讯问过程的同步录音、录像;
(12) applying for exclusion of illegally collected evidence; (十二)申请非法证据排除;
(13) negotiation on the method of evidence production and cross-examination; (十三)举证、质证方式的磋商;
(14) participating in the mediation for an incidental civil action; and (十四)参与附带民事诉讼的调解;
(15) other matters relevant to trial. (十五)其他与审理相关的事项。
Article 79 Where the people's court does not hold a pretrial conference, a defense lawyer believing that there are aforesaid relevant causes may apply to the people's court for convening a pretrial conference.   第七十九条 人民法院未召开庭前会议,辩护律师认为有上述相关事由的,可以申请人民法院召开庭前会议。
Article 80 Where the people's court does not notify a defendant of attending a pretrial conference, but the contents and decisions of the pretrial conference affect the defendant's exercising of the procedural right, the defense lawyer shall apply to the people's court for notifying the defendant of attending the pretrial conference.   第八十条 人民法院没有通知被告人参加庭前会议,但庭前会议的内容和决定影响被告人行使诉讼权利的,辩护律师应当申请人民法院通知被告人参加庭前会议。
Where the defendant fails to attend a pretrial conference, the defense lawyer shall not express opinions on the substantive, evidential or procedural issues on behalf of the defendant without special authorization. 被告人未参加庭前会议的,辩护律师未经特别授权不得代表被告人对实体、证据和程序性问题发表意见。
A defense lawyer shall attend a pretrial conference in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law on pretrial conference and shall not issue opinions on the issues to be resolved in court session according to the law. 辩护律师出席庭前会议应当严格遵守《刑事诉讼法》关于庭前会议的有关规定,不得就依法应当在开庭审理过程中解决的问题发表意见。
Article 81 To apply to the people's court for notifying witnesses, authentication experts, personnel with specialized knowledge and other persons of appearing in court, a defense lawyer shall develop a list of the aforesaid personnel, indicate their identity, addresses, communication methods, etc., and specify the purpose of appearing in court.   第八十一条 辩护律师申请人民法院通知证人、鉴定人、有专门知识的人等出庭的,应当制作上述人员名单,注明身份、住址、通讯方式等,并说明出庭目的。
Article 82 For the evidence that a defense lawyer intends to pronounce, produce and play in court, the defense lawyer may develop a list and specify the facts to be proved, and submit it to the people's court before a court session is held.   第八十二条 辩护律师拟当庭宣读、出示、播放的证据,可以制作目录并说明所要证明的事实,在开庭前提交人民法院。
Article 83 A defense lawyer shall, after receiving a notice of appearance, appear in court on time, and shall make a presentation to the people's court if he or she is unable to appear in court for the following justified reasons and specify the reasons, and apply for adjusting the date of court session:   第八十三条 辩护律师接到出庭通知书后应当按时出庭,因下列正当理由不能出庭的,应当提前向人民法院提出并说明理由,申请调整开庭日期:
(1) A defense lawyer receives two or more notice of appearances, and can only attend one of them on time.

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