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Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency [Effective]
多边投资担保机构公约 [现行有效]

Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency




The Contracting States 本公约签字国,
Considering the need to strengthen international cooperation for economic development and to foster the contribution to such development of foreign investment in general and private foreign investment in particular; 考虑到有必要加强国际合作以推动经济发展,并且促进一般的外国投资、特别是外国私人投资对上述发展作出贡献;
Recognizing that the flow of foreign investment to developing countries would be facilitated and further encouraged by alleviating concerns related to non—commercial risks; 认识到通过减少与非商业性风险有关的忧虑,可促进并进一步鼓励外国投资流向发展中国家;
Desiring to enhance the flow to developing countries of capital and technology for productive purposes under conditions consistent with their development needs,policies and objectives,on the basis of fair and stable standards for the treatment of foreign investment; 希望在以公正和稳定的标准对待外国投资的基础上,在其条件与发展中国家的发展需要、政策和目标相一致的情况下,促进以生产为目的的资金和技术流向发展中国家;
Convinced that the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency can play an important role in the encouragement of foreign investment complementing national and regional investment guarantee programs and private insurers of non—commercial risk;and 确信多边投资担保机构在鼓励外国投资、补充国家性和区域性的投资担保计划,以及非商业性风险的私人保险方面能够发挥重要作用;并且
Realizing that such Agency should,to the extent possible,meet its obligations without resort to its callable capital and that such an objective would be served by continued improvement in investment conditions, 认为该机构应尽可能在不动用其催缴资本的情况下偿付其债务,通过不断改善投资条件,达到这一目标,
Have Agreed as follows: 同意如下:
Chapter Ⅰ Establishment,Status,Purposes and Definitions 

第一章 机构的建立、地位、宗旨和定义

Article 1 Establishment and Status of the Agency    第一条 机构的建立和地位
(a)There is hereby established the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (hereinafter called the Agency). 一、兹建立多边投资担保机构(以下简称机构)。
(b)The Agency shall possess full juridical personality and,in particular,the capacity to: 二、机构应有完全的法人地位,特别是有权:
(i)contract; (一)签订合同:
(ii)acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property;and (二)取得并处理不动产和动产;和
(iii)institute legal proceedings. (三)进行法律诉讼。
Article 2 Objective and Purposes    第二条 目标和宗旨
The objective of the Agency shall be to encourage the flow of investments for productive purposes among member countries,and in particular to develop member countries,thus supplementing the activities of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter referred to as the Bank),the International Finance Corporation and other international development finance institutions. 机构的目标应该是鼓励在其会员国之间、尤其是向发展中国家会员国融通生产性投资,以补充国际复兴开发银行(以下简称银行)、国际金融公司和其他国际开发金融机构的活动。
To serve its objective,the Agency shall: 为达到这些目标,机构应:
(a)issue guarantees,including coinsurance and reinsurance,against non—commercial risks in respect of investments in a member country which flow from other member countries; 一、在一会员国从其它会员国得到投资时,对投资的非商业性风险予以担保,包括再保和分保;
(b)carry out appropriate complementary activities to promote the flow of investments to and among developing member countries;and 二、开展合适的辅助性活动,以促进向发展中国家会员国和在发展中国家会员国间的投资流动;并且
(c)exercise such other incidental powers as shall be necessary or desirable in the furtherance of its objective. 三、为推进其目标,行使其他必要和适宜的附带权力。
The Agency shall be guided in all its decisions by the provisions of this Article. 机构的所有决定均应以本公约的条款为指导。
Article 3 Definitions    第三条 定义
For the purposes of this Convention: 就本公约而言:
(a)“Member” means a State with respect to which this Convention has entered into force in accordance with Article 61. 一、“会员国”指按第六十一条本公约对之生效的国家。
(b)“Host country” or“host government” means a member,its government,or any public authority of a member in whose territories,as defined in Article 66,an investment which has been guaranteed or reinsured,or is considered for guarantee or reinsurance,by the Agency is to be located. 二、“东道国”或“东道国政府”,指会员国、其政府、或其任何政府机构按第六十六条规定在其领土内将要作的投资,机构已予以担保或再保或已考虑予以担保或再保。
(c)A“developing member country” means a member which is listed as such in Schedule A hereto as this Schedule may be amended from time to time by the Council of Governors referred to in Article 30 (hereinafter called the Council). 三、“发展中国家会员国”指本公约附表一中所列的第二类会员国。第三十条中提到的理事会可以随时修改该附表。
(d)A“special majority” means an affirmative vote of not less than two—thirds of the total voting power representing not less than fifty—five percent of the subscribed shares of the capital stock of the Agency. 四、“特别多数票”指代表机构认缴股份55%以上,不少于总投票权2/3的赞成票。
(e)A“freely usable currency” means (i)any currency designated as such by the International Monetary Fund from time to time and (ii)any other freely available and effectively usable currency which the Board of Directors referred to in Article 30 (hereinafter called the Board)may designate for the purposes of this Convention after consultation with the International Monetary Fund and with the approval of the country of such currency. 五、“可自由使用货币”指:(一)国际货币基金组织指定可自由使用的任何货币;(二)第三十条中提到的董事会经与国际货币基金组织协商,并取得有关国家同意,为本公约的目的而指定的其它任何可自由获取和有效使用的货币。
Chapter Ⅱ Membership and Capital 

第二章 会员国资格和资本

Article 4 Membership    第四条 会员国资格
(a)Membership in the Agency shall be open to all members of the Bank and to Switzerland. 一、机构会员国资格应向国际复兴开发银行所有会员国和瑞士开放。
(b)Original member shall be the States which are listed in Schedule A hereto and become parties to this Convention on or before October 30,1987. 二、创始会员国应为本公约附表一中所列,并在1987年10月30日或在此之前加入本公约的国家。
Article 5 Capital    第五条 资本
(a)The authorized capital stock of the Agency shall be one billion Special Drawing Rights (SDR 1,000,000,000)The capital stock shall be divided into 100,000 shares having a par value of SDR 10,000 each,which shall be available for subscription by members.All payment obligations of members with respect to capital stock shall be settled on the basis of the average value of the SDR in terms of United States dollars for the period January 1,1981to June 30,1985,such value being 1.082 United States dollars per SDR. 一、机构法定资本为10亿特别提款权(SDR1000000000)。资本分为10万股,每股票面价值为1万特别提款权,供会员国认购。会员国认购股本的缴付义务按1981年1月1日至1985年6月30日期间以美元标价的特别提款权的平均价值结算,即每一特别提款权等于1.082美元。
(b)The capital stock shall increase on the admission of a new member to the extent that the then authorized shares are insufficient to provide the shares to be subscribed by such member pursuant to Article 6. 二、在接受一新会员国时,如现有法定股份不够供该会员国按第六条认股,则应增加资本。
(c)The Council,by special majority,may at any time increase the capital stock of the Agency. 三、理事会经特别多数票通过,可随时增加机构的资本。
Article 6 Subscription of Shares    第六条 认购股份
Each original member of the Agency shall subscribe at par to the number of shares of capital stock set forth opposite its name in Schedule A hereto.Each other member shall subscribe to such number of shares of capital stock on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Council,but in not event at an issue price of less than par.No member shall subscribe to less that fifty shares.The Council may prescribe rules by which members may subscribe to additional shares of the authorized capital stock. 机构的每一创始会员国,须按本公约附表一中该会员国名下的股份数额以票面价格认股,其他会员国将按理事会决定的资本股份数额和条件认股,但在任何情况下均不得按低于票面的发行价格认购。会员国的认股数不得少于50股。机构可制定规则,使会员国得以增加法定股本的认购份额。
Article 7 Division and Calls of Subscribed Capital    第七条 认购股份的区分和催缴
The initial subscription of each member shall be paid as follows: 每一会员国首期认购股份应按下列条件缴付:
(i)Within ninety days from the date on which this Convention enters into force with respect to such member,ten percent of the price of each share shall be paid in cash as stipulated in Section(a)of Article 8 and an additional ten percent in the form of non—negotiable,non—interest—bearing promissory notes or similar obligations to be encased pursuant to a decision of the Board in order to meet the Agency's obligations. 一、自本公约对该会员国生效之日起90天内,每股股金的10%须按第八条第一款中的规定用现金缴付,另有10%用不可转让的无息本票或类似的债券缴付,在机构需清偿其债务时,根据董事会的决定予以兑现;
(ii)The remainder shall be subject to call by the Agency when required to meet its obligations. 二、余下部分由机构在需清偿其债务时催缴。
Article 8 Payment of Subscription of Shares    第八条 认购股份的支付
(a)Payments of subscriptions shall be made in freely usable currencies except that payments by developing member countries may be made in their own currencies up to twenty—five percent of the paid—in cash portion of their subscriptions payable under Article 7 (i). 一、认购股份须用可自由使用货币支付,发展中国家会员国在按第七条第一款应缴股金的现金总分,25%可用本国货币支付。
(b)Calls on any portion of unpaid subscriptions shall be uniform on all shares. 二、未缴股份任何部分的催缴对所有股份应同等对待。
(c)If the amount received by the Agency on a call shall be insufficient to meet the obligations which have necessitated the call,the Agency may make further successive calls on unpaid subscriptions until the aggregate amount received by it shall be sufficient to meet such obligations. 三、机构为偿付债务而需要催缴,而催缴所得金额不足以偿付其债务时,机构可对未缴股份连续催缴,直至所得总数中以偿付其债务。
(d)Liability on shares shall be limited to the unpaid portion of the issue price. 四、股份承担的责任额以股份发行价格的催缴数额为限。
Article 9 Valuation of Currencies    第九条 货币的估值
Whenever it shall be necessary for the purposes of this Convention to determine the value of one currency in terms of another,such value shall be as reasonably determined by the Agency,after consultation with the International Monetary Fund. 为本公约所需而必须确定一种货币以另一种货币表示的价值时,本机构将在与国际货币基金组织协商之后,合理地确定该价值。
Article 10 Refunds    第十条 退款
(a)The Agency shall,as soon as practicable,return to members amounts paid on calls on subscribed capital if and to the extent that: 一、一旦可行,本机构将在下列情况下把催缴股份的已缴数额退还会员国:
(i)the call shall have been made to pay a claim resulting from a guarantee or reinsurance contract and thereafter the Agency shall have recovered its payment,in whole or in part,in a freely usable currency;or (一)该催缴应是用于偿付因担保或再保合同而产生的索赔,但嗣后,机构已用可自由使用货币全部或部分地收回了这笔支付;或
(ii)the call shall have been made because of a default in payment by a member and thereafter such member shall have made good such default in whole or in part;or (二)该催缴应是由于会员国未能按时缴付款项所致,但嗣后,该会员国缴付了该款项的全部或部分;或
(iii)the Council,by special majority,determines that the financial position of the Agency permits all or part of such amounts to be returned out of the Agency's revenues. (三)理事会经特别多数票确定,机构的财务状况允许用其收入把该催缴额的全部或一部分退还会员国。
(b)Any refund effected under this Article to a member shall be made in freely usable currency in the proportion of the payments made by that member to the total amount paid pursuant to calls made prior to such refund. 二、按本条向一会员国所作的任何退款应以可自由使用货币支付,其金额应是该会员国缴付数额占此类退款前催缴实付总额的比例。
(c)The equivalent of amounts refunded under this Article to a member shall become part of the callable capital obligations of the member under Article 7 (ii). 三、按本款向一会员国退款的数额,应按第七条第二款成为该会员国催缴资本义务的一部分。
Chapter Ⅲ Operations 

第三章 业务活动

Article 11 Covered Risks    第十一条 承保险别
(a)Subject to the provisions of Sections (b)and (c)below,the Agency may guarantee eligible investments against a loss resulting from one or more of the following types of risk: 一、本机构在不违反下列第二和三款规定的前提下,可为合格的投资就因以下一种或几种风险而产生的损失作担保:
(i)Currency Transfer (一)货币汇兑
any introduction attributable to the host government of restrictions on the transfer outside the host country of its currency into a freely usable currency or another currency acceptable to the holder of the guarantee,including a failure of the host government to act within a reasonable period of time on an application by such holder for such transfer; 东道国政府采取新的措施,限制其货币兑换成可自由使用货币或被保险人可接受的另一种货币,及汇出东道国境外,包括东道国政府未能在合理的时间内对该被保险人提出的此类汇兑申请作出行动;
(ii)Expropriation and Similar Measures (二)征收和类似的措施
any legislative action or administrative action or omission attributable to the host government which has the effect of depriving the holder of a guarantee of his ownership or control of,or a substantial benefit from,his investment,with the exception of non—discriminatory measures of general application which the governments normally take for the purpose of regulating economic activity in their territories; 东道国政府采取立法或行政措施,或懈怠行为,实际上剥夺了被保险人对其投资的所有权或控制权,或其应从该投资中得到的大量收益。但政府为管理其境内的经济活动而通常采取的普遍适用的非歧视性措施不在此列;
(iii)Breach of Contract (三)违约
any repudiation or breach by the host government of a contract with the holder of a guarantee,when (a)the holder of a guarantee does not have recourse to a judicial or arbitral forum to determine the claim of repudiation or breach,or (b)a decision by such forum is not rendered within such reasonable period of time as shall be prescribed in the contracts of guarantee pursuant to the Agency's regulations,or (c)such a decision cannot be enforced;and 东道国政府不履行或违反与被保险人签订的合同,并且1.被保险人无法求助于司法或仲裁机关对其提出的有关诉讼作出裁决,或2.该司法或仲裁机关未能在担保合同根据机构的条例规定的合理期限内作出裁决,或3.虽有这样的裁决但未能执行;以及
(iv)War and Civil Disturbance (四)战争和内乱
any military action or civil disturbance in any territory of the host country to which this Convention shall be applicable as provided in Article 66. 依照第六十六条本公约适用的东道国境内任何地区的任何军事行动或内乱。
(b)Upon the joint application of the investor and the host country,the Board,by special majority,may approve the extension of coverage under this Article to specific non—commercial risks other than those referred to in Section (a)above,but in no case to the risk of devaluation or depreciation of currency. 二、应投资者与东道国的联合申请,董事会经特别多数票通过,可将本公约的担保范围扩大到上述第一款中提及的风险以外的其它的非商业性风险。但在任何情况下都不包括货币的贬值或降值。
(c)Losses resulting from the following shall not be covered: 三、下列原因造成的损失,不在担保范围之列:
(i)any host government action or omission to which the holder of the guarantee has agreed or for which he has been responsible;and (一)被保险人认可或负有责任的东道国政府的任何行为或疏忽;以及
(ii)any host government action or omission or any other event occurring before the conclusion of the contract of guarantee. (二)发生在担保合同缔结之前的东道国政府的任何行为疏忽或其它任何事件。
Article 12 Eligible Investments    第十二条 合格的投资
(a)Eligible investments shall include equity interest,including medium—or long—term loans made or guaranteed by holders of equity in the enterprise concerned,and such forms of direct investment as may be determined by the Board. 一、合格的投资应包括股权投资,其中包括股权持有者为有关企业发放或担保的中长期贷款,和董事会确定的其它形式的直接投资。
(b)The Board,by special majority,may extend eligibility to any other medium—or long—term form of investment,except that loans other than those mentioned in Section (a)above may be eligible only if they are related to a specific investment covered or to be covered by the Agency. 二、董事会经特别多数票通过,可将合格的投资扩大到其它任何中长期形式的投资。但是,除上述第一款中提及的贷款外,其它贷款只有当它们同机构担保或将担保的具体投资有关时,才算合格。
(c)Guarantees shall be restricted to investments the implementation of which begins subsequent to the registration of the application for the guarantee by the Agency.Such investments may include: 三、担保限于要求机构给以担保的申请收到之后才开始执行的那些投资。这类投资包括:
(i)any transfer of foreign exchange made to modernize,expand,or develop an existing investment;and (一)为更新、扩大或发展现有投资所汇入的外汇;以及
(ii)the use of earnings from existing investments which could otherwise be transferred outside the host country. (二)现有投资产生的、本可汇出东道国的收益。
(d)In guaranteeing an investment,the Agency shall satisfy itself as to: 四、机构在担保第一项投资前,应弄清下列情况:
(i)the economic soundness of the investment and its contribution to the development of the host country; (一)该投资的经济合理性及其对东道国发展所作的贡献;
(ii)compliance of the investment with the host country's laws and regulations; (二)该投资符合东道国的法律条令;
(iii)consistency of the investment with the declared development objectives and priorities of the host country;and (三)该投资与东道国宣布的发展目标和重点相一致;以及
(iv)the investment conditions in the host country,including the availability of fair and equitable treatment and legal protection for the investment. (四)东道国的投资条件下,包括该投资将受到有公平、平等的待遇和法律保护。
Article 13 Eligible Investors    第十三条 合格的投资者
(a)Any natural person and any juridical person may be eligible to receive the Agency's guarantee provided that: 一、在下列条件,任何自然人和法人都有资格取得机构的担保;
(i)such natural person is a national of a member other than the host country; (一)该自然人是东道国以外一会员国民:
(ii)such juridical person is incorporated and has its principal place of business in a member or the majority of its capital is owned by a member or members or nationals thereof,provided that such member is not the host country in any of the above cases;and (二)该法人在一会员国注册并在该会员国设有主要业务点,或其多数资本为会员国或几个会员国或这些会员国民所有,在上述任何情况下,该会员国必须不是东道国;
(iii)such juridical person,whether or not it is privately owned,operates on a commercial basis. (三)该法人无论是否是私营,均按商业规范经营。
(b)In case the investor has more than one nationality,for the purposes of Section(a)above the nationality of a member shall prevail over the nationality of a non—member,and the nationality of the host country shall prevail over the nationality of any other member. 二、如果投资者有一个以上的国籍,就上述第一款而言,会员国国籍应先优于非会员国国籍,东道国国籍应优先于任何其它会员国国籍。
(c)Upon the join application of the investor and the host country,the Board,by special majority,may extend eligibility to a natural person who is a national of the host country or a juridical person which is incorporated in the host country or the majority of whose capital is owned by its nationals,provided that the assets invested are transferred from outside the host country. 三、根据投资者和东道国的联合申请,董事会经特别多数票通过,可将合格的投资者扩大到东道国的自然人,或在东道国注册的法人,或其多数资本为东道国国所有的法人。但是,所投资产应来自东道国境外。
Article 14 Eligible Host Countries    第十四条 合格的东道国
Investments shall be guaranteed under this Chapter only if they are to be made in the territory of a developing member country. 根据本章,只对在发展中国家会员国境内所作的投资予以担保?
Article 15 Host Country Approval    第十五条 东道国的认可
The Agency shall not conclude any contract of guarantee before the host government has approved the issuance of the guarantee by the Agency against the risks designated for cover. 在东道国政府同意机构就指定的承保风险予以担保之前,机构不得缔结任何担保合同。
Article 16 Terms and Conditions    第十六条 担保条件
The terms and conditions of each contract of guarantee shall be determined by the Agency subject to such rules and regulations as the Board shall issue,provided that the Agency shall not cover the total loss of the guaranteed investment.Contracts of guarantee shall be approved by the President under the direction of the Board. 每一担保合同的担保条件应由机构根据董事会发布的条例和规定予以确定,但机构不得担保承保投资损失的全额。担保合同就在董事会指导下由总裁批准。
Article 17 Payment of Claims    第十七条 索赔的支付
The President under the direction of the Board shall decide on the payment of claims to a holder of a guarantee in accordance with the contract of guarantee and such policies as the Board may adopt.Contracts of guarantee shall require holders of guarantees to seek,before a payment is made by the Agency,such administrative remedies as may be appropriate under the circumstances,provided that they are readily available to them under the laws of the host country.Such contracts may require the lapse of certain reasonable periods between the occurrence of events giving rise to claims and payments of claims. 总裁在董事会指导下,应根据担保合同和董事会制定的政策,决定对被保险人索赔的支付。担保合同应要求被保险人在机构支付索赔之前,寻求在当时条件下合适的、按东道国法律可随时利用的行政补求办法。担保合同可要求在引起索赔的事件发生与索赔的支付之间要有一段合理的期限间隔。
Article 18 Subrogation    第十八条 代位
(a)Upon paying or agreeing to pay compensation to a holder of a guarantee,the Agency shall be subrogate to such rights or claims related to the guaranteed investment as the holder of a guarantee may have had against the host country and other obligor.The contract of guarantee shall provide the terms and conditions of such subrogation. 一、在对被保险人支付或同意支付赔偿后,本机构应代位取得被保险人对东道国和其他债务人所拥有的有关承保投资的权利或索赔权。担保合同应包括关于代位的条款。
(b)The rights of the Agency pursuant to Section (a)above shall be recognized by all members. 二、上述第一款规定的本机构的权利,全体会员国应予承认。
(c)Amounts in the currency of the host country acquired by the Agency as subrogee pursuant to Section (a)above shall be accorded,with respect to use and conversion,treatment by the host country as favorable as the treatment to which such funds would be entitled in the hands of the holder of the guarantee.In any case,such amounts may be used by the Agency for the payment of its administrative expenditures and other costs.The Agency shall also seek to enter into arrangements with host countries on other uses of such currencies to the extent that they are not freely usable. 三、东道国对于本机构按上述第一款作为代位人所获得的东道国货币,在其使用和兑换方面给予本机构的待遇应和原被保险人取得这种资金时可得到的待遇一样。在任何情况下,机构均可将这笔资金用于支付其行政开支和其它费用;如该货币不是通过货币,机构还应设法就该货币的其它使用与东道国作出安排。
Article 19 Relationship to National and Regional Entities    第十九条 同全国性和区域性实体的关系
The Agency shall cooperate with,and seek to complement the operations of,national entities of members and regional entities the majority of whose capital is owned by members,which carry out activities similar to those of the Agency,with a view to maximizing both the efficiency of their respective services and their contribution to increased flows of foreign investment.To this end,the Agency may enter into arrangements with such entities on the details of such cooperation,including in particular the modalities of reinsurance and coinsurance. 会员国的全国性实体和多数资本为会员国拥有的区域性实体所开展的业务活动与机构活动相似。机构应与这些机构进行合作,并设法补充它们的业务。旨在使它们各自的业务发挥最大的效率,扩大它们在增加外国投资流动方面的贡献,为此目的,机构应就这类合作的细节、特别是分保和再保的方式同这些实体作出安排。
Article 20 Reinsurance of National and Regional Entities    第二十条 全国性和区域性实体的再保
(a)The Agency may issue reinsurance in respect of a specific investment against a loss resulting from one or more of the non—commercial risks underwritten by a member or agency thereof or by a regional investment guarantee agency the majority of whose capital is owned by members.The Board,by special majority,shall from time to time prescribe maximum amounts of contingent liability which may be assumed by the Agency with respect to reinsurance contracts.In respect of specific investments which have been completed more than twelve months prior to receipt of the application for reinsurance by the Agency,the maximum amount shall initially be set at ten percent of the aggregate contingent liability of the Agency under this Chapter.The conditions of eligibility specified in Articles 11 and 14 shall apply to reinsurance operations,except that the reinsured investments need not be implemented subsequent to the application for reinsurance. 一、机构对会员国或会员国机构或多数资本为会员国所有的区域性投资担保机构已就一种或一种以上非商业性风险给予保险的具体投资,可以提供再保。董事会经特别多数票通过,应随时规定机构可承担再保的最大数额。对于那些收到再保申请12个月以前经完成的具体投资,根据本章,机构允许担保的数额最初应限在机构所负债务总额的10%。第十一至十四条中规定的合格条件适用于再保业务,但是,再保的投资不必在再保申请提出之后才能进行。
(b)The mutual rights and obligations of the Agency and a reinsured member or agency shall be stated in contracts o/reinsurance subject to such rules and regulations as the Board shall issue.The Board shall approve each contract for reinsurance covering an investment which has been made prior to receipt of the application for reinsurance by the Agency,with a view to minimizing risks,assuring that the Agency receives premiums commensurate with its risk,and assuring that the reinsured entity is appropriately committed toward promoting new investment in developing member countries. 二、机构和再保会员国或再保机构双方的权利和义务应按董事会制定的规章制度在再保合同中阐明。那些机构在收到再保申请之前已经完成的投资,其各份再保合同需经董事会批准,旨在尽可能地减少担保风险,确保机构得到与其所分担的风险相适应的保险费,并确保再保实体致力于促进发展中国家的新投资。
(c)The Agency shall,to the extent possible,assure that it or the reinsured entity shall have the rights of subrogation and arbitration equivalent to those the Agency would have if it were the primary guarantor.The terms and conditions of reinsurance shall require that administrative remedies are sought in accordance with Article 17 before a payment is made by the Agency.Subrogation shall be effective with respect to the host country concerned only after its approval of the reinsurance by the Agency.The Agency shall include in the contracts of reinsurance provisions requiring the reinsured to pursue with due diligence the rights or claims related to the reinsured investment. 三、机构应尽可能确保其自身或再保实体取得与作为初始担保人所可能拥有的相等的代位和仲裁权利,在再保条件中,应要求在机构支付索赔之前,需先根据第十七条寻求行政补救方法。对有关东道国的代位,必须是该国事先同意机构再保才有效。机构在其再保合同中应有规定,要求被保险人在行使有关再保投资的权利或索赔权方面采取审慎的态度。
Article 21 Cooperation with Private Insurers and with Reinsurers    第二十一条 同私人担保人和再保人的合作
(a)The Agency may enter into arrangements with private insurers in member countries to enhance its own operations and encourage such insurers to provide coverage of non—commercial risks in developing member countries on conditions similar to those applied by the Agency.Such arrangements may include the provision of reinsurance by the Agency under the conditions and procedures specified in Article 20. 一、机构可同会员国中的私人担保人签订协议,以加强本身的业务,并鼓励私人担保人对发展中国家会员国的非商业性风险按机构所使用的相似条件提供担保。这种合作包括机构第二十条中规定的条件和程序提供再保服务。
(b)The Agency may reinsure with any appropriate reinsurance entity,in whole or in part,any guarantee or guarantees issued by it. 二、以合适的再保实体所作的担保,机构可提供部分或全部的再保。
(c)The Agency will in particular seek to guarantee investments for which comparable coverage on reasonable terms is not available from private insurers and reinsurers. 三、机构尤其要设法担保无法按合理条件得到私人担保人或再保人相应的担保的投资。
Article 22 Limits of Guarantee    第二十二条 担保的限度
(a)Unless determined otherwise by the Council by special majority,the aggregate amount of contingent liabilities which may be assumed by the Agency under this Chapter shall not exceed one hundred and fifty percent of the amount of the Agency's unimpaired subscribed capital and its reserves plus such portion of its reinsurance cover as the Board may determine.The Board shall from time to time review the risk profile of the Agency's portfolio in the light of its experience with claims,degree of risk diversification,reinsurance cover and other relevant factors with a view to ascertaining whether changes in the maximum aggregate amount of contingent liabilities should be recommended to the Council.The maximum amount determined by the Council shall not under any circumstances exceed five times the amount of the Agency's unimpaired subscribed capital,its reserves and such portion of its reinsurance cover as may be deemed appropriate. 一、除非理事会以特别多数票另作决定,本机构依本章所担保的负债总数不应超过机构未动用的认缴资本、储备金以及董事会所确定的部分再保金之和的150%。董事会应根据其在索赔、风险多样化程度、再保数额和其它有关方面的经验,经常检查由机构提供担保的各笔投资的风险状况,确定是否应向理事会建议改变机构可承保的顶限。在任何情况下理事会决定的机构可承保的总数者不得超越机构未动用的认缴资本、储备金以及再保资金中被认为是合适部分的3项之和的5倍。
(b)Without prejudice to the general limit of guarantee referred to in Section (a)above,the Board may prescribe: 二、在不违反上述第一款规定的担保顶限的前提下,董事会可规定:
(i)maximum aggregate amounts of contingent liability which may be assumed by the Agency under this Chapter for Guarantees issued to investors of each individual member.In determining such maximum amounts,the Board shall give due consideration to the share of the respective member in the capital of the Agency and the need to apply more liberal limitations in respect of investments originating in developing member countries;and (一)机构依本章对属于同一会员国的投资者可以提供的担保限额。在决定该限额时,董事会应适当考虑各会员国在机构资本中所占股份,并应对来自发展中国家会员国投资予以更宽的规定;以及
(ii)maximum aggregate amounts of contingent liability which may be assumed by the Agency with respect to such risk diversification factors as individual projects,individual host countries and types of investment or risk. (二)机构根据分散风险的各因素的情况所能承担的担保限额,这些因素包括各个项目、不同的东道国以及投资种类或风险类型。
Article 23 Investment Promotion    第二十三条 投资的促进
(a)The Agency shall carry out research,undertake activities to promote investment flows and disseminate information on investment opportunities in developing member countries,with a view to improving the environment for foreign investment flows to such countries.The Agency may,upon the request of a member,provide technical advice and assistance to improve the investment conditions in the territories of that member.In performing these activities,the Agency shall: 一、机构应为促进投资流动进行研究和开展活动,并传播有关发展中国家会员国投资机会信息,旨在改善投资环境,促进外资流向这些发展中国家。机构应会员国请求可提供技术咨询和援助以改善该会员国领土内的投资条件。在进行这些活动时,机构应:
(i)be guided by relevant investment agreements among member countries; (一)以会员国间有关的投资协定为指导;
(ii)seek to remove impediments,in both developed and developing member countries,to the flow of investment to developing member countries;and (二)努力消除在发达国家和发展中国家会员国中存在的影响投资流向发展中国家会员国的障碍;并且
(iii)coordinate with other agencies concerned with the promotion of foreign investment,and in particular the International Finance Corporation. (三)与其它促进外国投资的有关机构,尤其是与国际金融公司进行协调。
(b)The Agency also shall: 二、机构还应:
(i)encourage the amicable settlement of disputes between investors and host countries; (一)促成投资者和东道国之间争端的和解;
(ii)endeavor to conclude agreements with developing member countries,and in particular with prospective host countries,which will assure that the Agency,with respect to investment guaranteed by it,has treatment at least as favorable as that agreed by the member concerned for the most favored investment guarantee agency or State in an agreement relating to investment,such agreements to be approved by special majority of the Board;and (二)努力同发展中国家会员国、尤其是同未来的东道国缔结协议,以确保机构在其担保的投资方面,所受到的待遇不应低于有关会员国在投资协议中向享有最优惠待遇的投资担保机构或国家提供的待遇,这类协议须由董事会特别多数票批准通过;并且
(iii)promote and facilitate the conclusion of agreements,among its members,on the promotion and protection of investments. (三)推动和促进会员国之间缔结有关促进和保护投资的协定。
(c)The Agency shall give particular attention in its promotional efforts to the importance of increasing the flow of investments among developing member countries. 三、机构在发挥其促进投资的作用时,应特别注意发展中国家会员国之间增加投资融通的重要性。
Article 24 Guarantees of Sponsored Investments    第二十四条 倡议投资的担保
In addition to the guarantee operations undertaken by the Agency under this Chapter,the Agency may guarantee investments under the sponsorship arrangements provided for in Annex Ⅰto this Convention. 机构除按本章所开展的担保业务外,也可担保按本公约附件一规定的由会员国倡议所作的投资。
Chapter Ⅳ Financial Provisions 

第四章 财务条款

Article 25 Financial Management    第二十五条 财务管理
The Agency shall carry out its activities in accordance with sound business and prudent financial management practices with a view to maintaining under all circumstances its ability to meet its financial obligations. 机构应按照健全的业务和谨慎的财务管理惯例开展活动,以便在所有情况下都能保持履行其财务义务的能力。
Article 26 Premiums and Fees    第二十六条 担保费和手续费
The Agency shall establish and periodically review the rates of premiums,fees and other charges,if any applicable to each type of risk. 机构应规定并定期检查适用于各类风险的担保费率、手续费和其它收费。
Article 27 Allocation of Net Income    第二十七条 净收入的分配
(a)Without prejudice to the provisions of Section (a)(iii)of Article 10,the Agency shall allocate net income to reserves until such reserves reach five times the subscribed capital of the Agency. 一、在不违反第十条第一款(三)项的前提下,以及机构的准备金额未达到其认缴资本的5倍之前,机构应将净收入划归准备金。
(b)After the reserves of the Agency have reached the level prescribed in Section (a)above,the Council shall decide whether,and to what extent,the Agency's net income shall be allocated to reserves,be distributed to the Agency's members or be used otherwise.Any distribution of net income to the Agency's members shall be made in proportion to the share of each member in the capital of the Agency in accordance with a decision of the Council acting by special majority. 二、在机构的准备金额达到上述第一款所规定的水平后,理事会应决定机构的净收入是否以及如何划归准备金,或分配给机构的会员国,或作其它用途。分配机构会员国的净收入应依理事会特别多数票作出的决定,根据各会员国在机构资本中所占的股份按比例分配。
Article 28 Budget    第二十八条 预算
The President shall prepare an annual budget of revenues and expenditures of the Agency for approval by the Board. 总裁应编制机构的年度收支预算,提交理事会批准。
Article 29 Accounts
    第二十九条 帐户

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