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Notice of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Measures for the Capital Management of Financial Asset Management Companies (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
中国银监会关于印发金融资产管理公司资本管理办法(试行)的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Measures for the Capital Management of Financial Asset Management Companies (for Trial Implementation) 


(No. 56 [2017] of the China Banking Regulatory Commission) (银监发[2017]56号)

All financial asset management companies: 各金融资产管理公司:
The Measures for the Capital Management of Financial Asset Management Companies (for Trial Implementation) are hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. 现将金融资产管理公司资本管理办法(试行)印发给你们,请遵照执行。
December 26, 2017 2017年12月26日
Measures for the Capital Management of Financial Asset Management Companies (for Trial Implementation) 金融资产管理公司资本管理办法(试行)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the capital regulation of financial asset management companies (hereinafter referred to as “asset companies”) and maintaining the stable and sound operation of asset companies, these Measures are developed according to the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on Financial Assets Management Companies and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为加强金融资产管理公司(以下简称资产公司)资本监管,维护资产公司稳健运行,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》《金融资产管理公司条例》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 The Measures shall apply to groups composed of asset companies and their subsidiary institutions.   第二条 本办法适用于资产公司及其附属机构组成的集团。
For the purpose of these Measures, “parent company of the group” means the headquarters and branch offices of an asset company. 本办法所称集团母公司是指资产公司总部及分支机构。
For the purpose of these Measures, “subsidiary institutions” means institutions whose shares are directly or indirectly held by the parent company of a group and shall be included in the scope of capital regulation of the group under the provisions of Section 1 of Chapter III of these Measures, including subsidiary legal person institutions, special purpose entities and other subsidiary economic organizations. 本办法所称附属机构是指由集团母公司直接或间接持股的、按照本办法第三章第一节规定应当纳入集团资本监管范围的机构,包括附属法人机构以及特殊目的实体等附属经济组织。
Article 3 A group and the parent company of the group shall ensure that the capital held may resist the risks that they are confronted, including group risks, individual risks and systematic risks.   第三条 集团及集团母公司应当确保持有的资本能够抵御所面临的风险,包括集团风险、个体风险和系统性风险。
Article 4 A group and the parent company of the group shall continuously satisfy the regulatory requirements for and regulatory indicators of capital adequacy as prescribed in these Measures.   第四条 集团及集团母公司应当持续满足本办法规定的资本充足性监管要求和监管指标。
Article 5 For the purpose of these Measures, capital adequacy ratio means the ratio of capital held by the parent company of a group in compliance with the provisions of these Measures to risk-weighted assets.   第五条 本办法所称资本充足率,是指集团母公司持有的符合本办法规定的资本与风险加权资产之间的比率。
Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio means the ratio of Tier 1 capital held by the parent company of a group in compliance with the provisions of these Measures to risk-weighted assets. 一级资本充足率,是指集团母公司持有的符合本办法规定的一级资本与风险加权资产之间的比率。
Core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio means the ratio of core Tier 1 capital held by the parent company of a group in compliance with the provisions of these Measures to risk-weighted assets. 核心一级资本充足率,是指集团母公司持有的符合本办法规定的核心一级资本与风险加权资产之间的比率。
Article 6 For the purpose of these Measures, excess capital of a group means the part of net qualified capital held by a group in compliance with the provisions of these Measures exceeding the required minimum capital of the group as prescribed in these Measures.   第六条 本办法所称集团超额资本,是指集团持有的符合本办法规定的合格资本净额超出本办法规定的集团最低资本要求之上的部分。
Article 7 For the purpose of these Measures, net capital means the balance of capital after correspondingly deducting deductions (adjustments) from all tiers of capital held by the parent company of a group and the subsidiary institutions in compliance with the provisions of these Measures.   第七条 本办法所称资本净额,是指从集团母公司及附属机构持有的符合本办法规定的各级资本中对应扣除扣减项(调整项)后的资本余额。
Article 8 Besides the aforesaid regulatory requirements for excess capital of a group and capital adequacy ratio, a group and its parent company shall also satisfy the regulatory requirements for leverage ratio.   第八条 除上述集团超额资本和资本充足率监管要求外,集团及集团母公司还应当满足杠杆率监管要求。
For the purpose of these Measures, leverage ratio means the ratio of net Tier 1 capital held by the parent company of a group in compliance with the provisions of these Measures to the balance of adjusted on- and off-balance sheet assets. 本办法所称杠杆率,是指集团母公司持有的、符合本办法规定的一级资本净额与调整后的表内外资产余额的比率。
Financial leverage ratio of a group means the ratio of consolidated net assets of a group to adjusted consolidated on- and off-balance sheet assets in compliance with these Measures. 集团财务杠杆率,是指集团合并净资产与符合本办法规定的、经调整后的合并表内外资产的比率。
Article 9 The relevant regulatory indicators for capital adequacy of a group and its parent company shall be calculated on the basis of fully withdrawing the provision for impairment of assets.   第九条 集团及集团母公司资本充足性相关监管指标的计算应当建立在充分计提资产减值准备的基础之上。
Article 10 The parent company of a group shall, mutatis mutandis to the relevant provisions of the banking regulatory authority of the State Council on the capital regulation of commercial banks, establish a comprehensive risk management structure and internal capital adequacy management and evaluation procedures.   第十条 集团母公司应当参照国务院银行业监督管理机构关于商业银行资本监管的相关规定,建立全面风险管理架构和内部资本充足性管理及评估程序。
Article 11 The parent company of a group shall disclose capital adequacy information in accordance with these Measures.   第十一条 集团母公司应当按照本办法披露资本充足性信息。
Article 12 The banking regulatory authority of the State Council shall conduct routine regulation and on-site inspection of the capital adequacy, leverage ratio and capital management, among others, of a group and its parent company in accordance with these Measures, and may take the corresponding regulatory measures as the case may be.   第十二条 国务院银行业监督管理机构依照本办法对集团及集团母公司资本充足性、杠杆率、资本管理等情况进行日常监管和现场检查,可以视情况采取相应的监管措施。
Article 13 Under the leadership of the Financial Stability Development Committee of the State Council, the banking regulatory authority of the State Council shall strengthen the regulation coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, the securities regulatory authority of the State Council, the insurance regulatory authority of the State Council and other competent departments and regulatory institutions, to eliminate regulatory gaps and reduce regulatory arbitrage at a maximum.   第十三条 国务院银行业监督管理机构在国务院金融稳定发展委员会的领导下,加强与财政部、人民银行、国务院证券监督管理机构、国务院保险监督管理机构等主管部门和监管机构的监管协调和监管合作,最大限度地消除监管空白和减少监管套利。
Chapter II Capital Regulatory Requirements for Parent Companies of Groups 

第二章 集团母公司资本监管要求

Section 1 Calculation of and Regulatory Requirements for Capital Adequacy Ratio 

第一节 资本充足率计算及监管要求

Article 14 The parent company of a group shall calculate capital adequacy ratio according to the following formula:   第十四条 集团母公司应当按照以下公式计算资本充足率:
Article 15 The total capital of the parent company of a group includes core Tier 1 capital, other Tier 1 capital and Tier 2 capital. The parent company of the group shall calculate capital of all tiers and deductions under the provisions of Section 2 of this Chapter.   第十五条 集团母公司总资本包括核心一级资本、其他一级资本和二级资本。集团母公司应当按照本章第二节的规定计算各级资本和扣减项。
Article 16 Risk-weighted assets of the parent company of a group include credit risk-weighted assets, market risk-weighted assets and operational risk-weighted assets. The parent company of the group shall respectively measure credit risk-weighted assets, market risk-weighted assets and operational risk-weighted assets in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of this Chapter.   第十六条 集团母公司风险加权资产包括信用风险加权资产、市场风险加权资产和操作风险加权资产。集团母公司应当按照本章第三节的规定分别计量信用风险加权资产、市场风险加权资产和操作风险加权资产。
Article 17 The adequacy ratios of capital of all tiers of the parent company of a group shall not be lower than the following minimum requirements:   第十七条 集团母公司各级资本充足率不得低于如下最低要求:
(1) The core Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio shall not be lower than 9%. (一)核心一级资本充足率不得低于9%。
(2) The Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio shall not be lower than 10%. (二)一级资本充足率不得低于10%。
(3) The capital adequacy ratio shall not be lower than 12.5%. (三)资本充足率不得低于12.5%。
Section 2 Definition of Capital 

第二节 资本定义

Article 18 Core Tier 1 capital includes:   第十八条 核心一级资本包括:
(1) Paid-in capital or common stock. (一)实收资本或普通股。
(2) Capital reserves. (二)资本公积。
(3) Surplus reserves. (三)盈余公积。
(4) General risk provisions. (四)一般风险准备。
(5) Undistributed profits. (五)未分配利润。
(6) Other comprehensive income. (六)其他综合收益。
(7) Qualifying capital from minority interests. (七)其他可计入部分。
Article 19 Other Tier 1 capital includes:   第十九条 其他一级资本包括:
(1) Other Tier 1 capital instruments. (一)其他一级资本工具。
(2) premiums of other Tier 1 capital instruments. (二)其他一级资本工具溢价。
Article 20 Tier 2 capital includes:   第二十条 二级资本包括:
(1) Tier 2 capital instruments. (一)二级资本工具。
(2) Premiums of Tier 2 capital instruments. (二)二级资本工具溢价。
(3) Provision for impairment of assets with excess credit risk. (三)超额信用风险类资产减值准备。
(a) Where the parent company of a group measures credit risk-weighted assets by the method of weighting, the provision for impairment of assets with excess credit risk may be included in Tier 2 capital, but shall not exceed 1.25% of the credit risk-weighted assets. 1.集团母公司采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产的,超额信用风险类资产减值准备可计入二级资本,但不得超过信用风险加权资产的1.25%。
For the purpose of the preceding paragraph, provision for impairment of assets with excess credit risk means the part of the provision for impairment of credit-risk assets actually withdrawn by the parent company of a group in excess of the minimum requirement. The minimum requirement for the provision for impairment of credit-risk assets means provision for impairment of credit-risk assets corresponding to provision coverage ratio of 100% and provision for impairment of credit-risk assets to be withdrawn, whichever is larger. The standards for withdrawing the provision for impairment of credit-risk assets of the parent company of a group shall be separately developed by the banking regulatory authority of the State Council. 前款所称超额信用风险类资产减值准备是指集团母公司实际计提的信用风险类资产减值准备超过最低要求的部分。信用风险类资产减值准备最低要求是指100%拨备覆盖率对应的信用风险类资产减值准备和应计提的信用风险类资产减值准备两者中的较大者。集团母公司信用风险类资产减值准备的计提标准,由国务院银行业监督管理机构另行制定。
(b) Where the parent company of a group measures credit risk-weighted assets by the internal rating-based (IRB) approach, the provision for impairment of assets with excess credit risk may be included in Tier 2 capital, but shall not exceed 0.6% of the credit risk-weighted assets. 2.集团母公司采用内部评级法计量信用风险加权资产的,超额信用风险类资产减值准备可计入二级资本,但不得超过信用风险加权资产的0.6%。
For the purpose of the preceding paragraph, provision for impairment of assets with excess credit risk means the part of the provision for impairment of credit-risk assets actually withdrawn by the parent company of a group in excess of the expected loss. 前款所称超额信用风险类资产减值准备是指集团母公司实际计提的信用风险类资产减值准备超过预期损失的部分。
Article 21 When calculating the capital adequacy ratio, the parent company of a group shall deduct the following items in full from core Tier 1 capital:   第二十一条 计算资本充足率时,集团母公司应当从核心一级资本中全额扣除以下项目:
(1) Goodwill. (一)商誉。
(2) Other intangible assets (excluding the right to use the land). (二)其他无形资产(土地使用权除外)。
(3) Net deferred tax assets arising from operating losses. (三)由经营亏损引起的净递延税资产。
(4) Shortfall of provision for impairment of credit-risk assets. (四)信用风险类资产减值准备缺口。
(a) Where the parent company of a group measures credit risk-weighted assets by the method of measuring, the shortfall of provision for impairment of credit-risk assets means the part of the provision for impairment of credit-risk assets actually withdrawn lower than the minimum requirement for provision for impairment of credit-risk assets. 1.集团母公司采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产的,信用风险类资产减值准备缺口是指实际计提的信用风险类资产减值准备低于信用风险类资产减值准备最低要求的部分。
(b) Where the parent company of a group measures credit risk-weighted assets by the IRB approach, the shortfall of provision for impairment of credit-risk assets means the part of the provision for impairment of credit-risk assets actually withdrawn lower than the expected loss. 2.集团母公司采用内部评级法计量信用风险加权资产的,信用风险类资产减值准备缺口是指实际计提的信用风险类资产减值准备低于预期损失的部分。
(5) Sales profits from asset securitization. (五)资产证券化销售利得。
(6) Net fixed-income pension assets. (六)固定收益类的养老金资产净额。
(7) Stocks of the company held directly or indirectly. (七)直接或间接持有的本公司股票。
(8) Cash flow reserve generating from hedging of items in the balance sheet that are not measured at fair value shall be deducted, if it is positive, and shall be added back, if it is negative. (八)对资产负债表中未按公允价值计量的项目进行套期形成的现金流储备,若为正值,应予以扣除;若为负值,应予以加回。
(9) Unrealized gains and losses caused by the changes in the fair value of liabilities arising from changes in its own credit risk. (九)自身信用风险变化导致负债公允价值变化带来的未实现损益。
(10) Core Tier 1 capital investment in subsidiary institutions within the scope of capital regulation of the group. (十)对纳入集团资本监管范围的附属机构的核心一级资本投资。
Article 22 All tiers of capital instruments mutually held by the parent company of a group and other financial institutions through agreements or all tiers of capital investment deemed inflated capital by the banking regulatory authority of the State Council shall be accordingly deducted from the corresponding regulatory capital.   第二十二条 集团母公司与其他金融机构之间通过协议相互持有的各级资本工具,或国务院银行业监督管理机构认定为虚增资本的各级资本投资,应从相应的监管资本中对应扣除。
Other Tier 1 capital instruments and Tier 2 capital instruments that are directly or indirectly held by the parent company of a group and issued by the company and its subsidiary institutions shall be accordingly deducted from the corresponding regulatory capital. 集团母公司直接或间接持有本公司及附属机构发行的其他一级资本工具和二级资本工具,应从相应的监管资本中对应扣除。
Corresponding deduction means one-off full deduction from the relevant tier of capital of the parent company of the group. Where the net amount of a certain tier of capital of the parent company of the group is less than the deductible amount, the shortfall shall be deducted from the net amount of a higher tier of capital. 对应扣除是指从集团母公司自身相应层级资本中一次性全额扣除。集团母公司某级资本净额小于应扣除数额的,缺口部分应从更高一级的资本净额中扣除。
Article 23 The total small-amount minority capital investment by the parent company of a group in a financial institution not included in the group's scope of capital regulation exceeding the parent company's net core Tier 1 capital by 30% shall be accordingly deducted from all tiers of regulatory capital.   第二十三条 集团母公司对未纳入集团资本监管范围的金融机构的小额少数资本投资,合计超出本公司核心一级资本净额30%的部分,应从各级监管资本中对应扣除。
Small-amount minority capital investment means all tiers of capital investment (including direct and indirect investment) made by the parent company of the group in financial institutions accounting for less than 10% (exclusive) of the paid-in capital (common stock plus common stock premium) of the invested financial institution, and the capital investment that is not required to be included in the capital regulation scope of the group according to the provisions of Section 1, Chapter III of these Measures. 小额少数资本投资是指集团母公司对金融机构各级资本投资(包括直接和间接投资)占该被投资金融机构实收资本(普通股加普通股溢价)10%(不含)以下,且根据本办法第三章第一节规定可不纳入集团资本监管范围的资本投资。
Article 24 For large-amount minority capital investment of financial institutions not included in the capital regulation scope of the group, the parent company of a group shall deduct the total core Tire 1 capital investment exceeding 30% of the net core Tire-1 capital of the company from the core Tire-1 capital of the company; and deduct other Tire-1 capital investment and Tire-2 capital investment from the corresponding tires of capital in full.   第二十四条 集团母公司对未纳入集团资本监管范围的金融机构的大额少数资本投资中,核心一级资本投资合计超出本公司核心一级资本净额30%的部分应从本公司核心一级资本中扣除;其他一级资本投资和二级资本投资应从相应层级资本中全额扣除。
Large-amount minority capital investment means all tiers of capital investment (including direct and indirect investment) made by the parent company of the group in financial institutions accounting for more than 10% (inclusive) of the paid-in capital (common stock plus common stock premium) of the invested financial institution, and the capital investment that is not required to be included in the capital regulation scope of the group according to the provisions of Section 1, Chapter III of these Measures. 大额少数资本投资是指集团母公司对金融机构各级资本投资(包括直接和间接投资)占该被投资金融机构实收资本(普通股加普通股溢价)10%(含)以上,且根据本办法第三章第一节规定可不纳入集团资本监管范围的资本投资。
Article 25 Besides the deferred tax assets as prescribed in Article 21 of these Measures, other net deferred tax assets depending on the company's future earnings exceeding 10% of the company's net core Tier 1 capital shall be deducted from the core Tier 1 capital.   第二十五条 除本办法第二十一条规定的递延税资产外,其他依赖于本公司未来盈利的净递延税资产,超出本公司核心一级资本净额10%的部分应从核心一级资本中扣除。
Article 26 According to the provisions of Articles 24 and 25 of these Measures, the total amount of large-amount minority capital investment in financial institutions not deducted from the core Tier 1 capital of the parent company of a group and the corresponding net deferred tax assets shall not exceed 35% of the net amount of the company's net core tier 1 capital.   第二十六条 根据本办法第二十四条、第二十五条的规定,未在集团母公司核心一级资本中扣除的对金融机构的大额少数资本投资和相应的净递延税资产,合计金额不得超过本公司核心一级资本净额的35%。
Article 27 In the calculation of capital adequacy ratio, other items that shall be deducted from core Tier 1 capital, other Tier 1 capital and Tier 2 capital shall be accordingly deducted from the relevant regulatory capital.   第二十七条 计算资本充足率时,其他应在核心一级资本、其他一级资本、二级资本中扣除的项目,应从相应的监管资本中对应扣除。
Section 3 Measurement of Risk-weighted Assets 

第三节 风险加权资产计量

Article 28 The parent company of a group shall measure the credit risk-weighted assets by the method of weighting and may apply for adopting the IRB approach in light of the reality. Without approval of the banking regulatory authority of the State Council, the parent company of the group shall not change the method for measurement of credit risk-weighted assets.   第二十八条 集团母公司应采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产,并可结合实际申请采用内部评级法。未经国务院银行业监督管理机构核准,集团母公司不得变更信用风险加权资产计量方法。
Article 29 The credit risk-weighted assets under the method of weighting are the sum of the on-balance sheet credit risk-weighted assets and off-balance sheet credit risk-weighted assets.   第二十九条 权重法下信用风险加权资产为表内资产信用风险加权资产与表外项目信用风险加权资产之和。
Article 30 To measure the risk-weighted assets of various types of on-balance sheet assets of the parent company of a group, the corresponding provision for impairment shall be firstly deducted from the book value of assets and be multiplied by risk weight.   第三十条 集团母公司计量各类表内资产的风险加权资产,应首先从资产账面价值中扣除相应的减值准备,然后乘以风险权重。
The risk weights of all types of on-balance sheet assets newly added after the these Measures come into force shall be governed by the provisions of Annex 1 to these Measures, and the remaining on-balance sheet assets shall be governed by the provisions of the Notice of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Indicator System for Off-site Regulation Statements of Financial Asset Management Companies (No. 38 [2016], General Office of the CBRC) on risk weights of on-balance sheet assets of the parent company of a group. 本办法施行后新增的各类表内资产的风险权重按照本办法附件1的规定执行,存续的表内资产按照《中国银监会办公厅关于印发金融资产管理公司非现场监管报表指标体系的通知》(银监办发〔2016〕38号)规定的集团母公司表内资产的风险权重执行。
Article 31 When measuring risk-weighted assets of various off-balance sheet items, the parent company of a group shall multiply the notional amount of off-balance sheet items by the credit risk conversion coefficient to obtain the equivalent on-balance sheet assets, and then measure the risk-weighted assets according to the method of handling on-balance sheet assets.   第三十一条 集团母公司计量各类表外项目的风险加权资产,应将表外项目名义金额乘以信用风险转换系数得到等值的表内资产,再按表内资产的处理方式计量风险加权资产。
The provisions of Annex 1 to these Measures shall apply to the credit risk conversion coefficient of various off-balance sheet items. 各类表外项目的信用风险转换系数按照本办法附件1的规定执行。
The parent company of a group shall measure the credit risk-weighted assets exposed by the risk of asset securitization in accordance with the provision of Annex 2 to these Measures. 集团母公司应当按照本办法附件2的规定计量资产证券化风险暴露的信用风险加权资产。
Article 32 The parent company of a group measuring credit risk-weighted assets by the method of weighting may, according to the provisions of Annex 1 to these Measures, consider the risk mitigation role of pledge with qualified collateral or guarantee provided by qualified guarantee entities.   第三十二条 集团母公司采用权重法计量信用风险加权资产时,可按照本办法附件1的规定考虑合格质物质押或合格保证主体提供保证的风险缓释作用。
The creditors' rights of eligible pledge (including creditors' rights arising from securities financing transactions) shall obtain the risk weight that is identical with that of collateral or the risk weight that is identical with the direct creditors' rights of the collateral issuer or acceptor. For partially pledged creditors' rights (including creditors' rights arising from securities financing transactions), correspondingly relatively low risk weight shall be obtained for the part protected by collateral. 合格质物质押的债权(含证券融资类交易形成的债权),取得与质物相同的风险权重,或取得与对质物发行人或承兑人直接债权相同的风险权重。部分质押的债权(含证券融资类交易形成的债权),受质物保护的部分获得相应的较低风险权重。
For creditors' rights for which eligible guarantor provides guarantee in full, risk weight that is identical with that of direct creditors' rights of guarantor shall be obtained. For partially guaranteed creditors' rights, correspondingly relatively low risk weight shall be obtained for the guaranteed part. 合格保证主体提供全额保证的债权,取得与对保证人直接债权相同的风险权重。部分保证的债权,被保证部分获得相应的较低风险权重。
Article 33 Where the parent company of a group adopts the method of weighting and the term of a pledge or guarantee is shorter than the term of the secured claim, there is no risk mitigation role.   第三十三条 集团母公司采用权重法的,质物或保证的担保期限短于被担保债权期限的,不具备风险缓释作用。
Article 34 The parent company of a group shall adopt the standardized approach to measure the capital requirements for market risk.
   第三十四条 集团母公司应采用标准法计量市场风险资本要求。

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