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Regulation on the Administration of Urban Gas (2016 Revision) [Effective]
城镇燃气管理条例(2016修订) [现行有效]

Regulation on the Administration of Urban Gas 


(Promulgated by the Order NO. 583 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on Nov. 19, 2010; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016) (2010年11月19日中华人民共和国国务院令第583号公布 根据2016年2月6日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated to strengthen the administration of urban gas, guarantee gas supply, prevent and reduce gas safety accidents, safeguard the life and property safety of citizens and the public safety, protect the legitimate rights and interests of gas operators and gas users and promote the healthy development of gas enterprise. 
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to urban gas development plan and emergency guarantee, gas operation and service, gas using, gas facilities protection, prevention and disposal of gas safety accidents and the relevant administrative activities.   第一条 为了加强城镇燃气管理,保障燃气供应,防止和减少燃气安全事故,保障公民生命、财产安全和公共安全,维护燃气经营者和燃气用户的合法权益,促进燃气事业健康发展,制定本条例。
This Regulation shall not apply to the production and import of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, pipeline transmission of natural gas outside city gate stations, the use of gas as raw material for industrial production, the production and use of methane and straw gas. 
The term “gas” as mentioned in this Regulation refers to gas fuel which is used as fuel and meets certain requirements, including natural gas (including coal-bed gas), liquefied petroleum gas, manufactured gas, etc.   第二条 城镇燃气发展规划与应急保障、燃气经营与服务、燃气使用、燃气设施保护、燃气安全事故预防与处理及相关管理活动,适用本条例。
Article 3 The work concerning gas shall follow the principle of overall planning, safety assurance, supply guarantee, standard service and energy efficient. 天然气、液化石油气的生产和进口,城市门站以外的天然气管道输送,燃气作为工业生产原料的使用,沼气、秸秆气的生产和使用,不适用本条例。
Article 4 The people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen guidance to the work concerning gas and bring it into the plan for national economic and social development. 本条例所称燃气,是指作为燃料使用并符合一定要求的气体燃料,包括天然气(含煤层气)、液化石油气和人工煤气等。
Article 5 The department of housing and urban-rural development under the State Council shall be responsible for the nationwide gas administration. 
The gas administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the gas administration within their respective administrative regions.   第三条 燃气工作应当坚持统筹规划、保障安全、确保供应、规范服务、节能高效的原则。
Other relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and other relevant laws and regulations, be responsible for the relevant work of gas administration within their respective functions. 
Article 6 The state shall encourage and support gas scientific and technological research, popularize the use of safe, energy efficient and environmentally friendly new technologies, new techniques and new products of gas.   第四条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对燃气工作的领导,并将燃气工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。
Article 7 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall establish a supervision and administration system on gas safety, publicize and popularize laws, regulations and safety knowledge on gas, and raise the gas safety awareness of the whole people. 
Chapter II Gas Development Plan and Emergency Guarantee   第五条 国务院建设主管部门负责全国的燃气管理工作。
Article 8 The department of housing and urban-rural development under the State Council shall, jointly with the relevant departments under the State Council, organize to formulate the national plan for gas development in accordance with the plan for national economic and social development, the overall plan of land utilization, urban and rural planning and the energy program and in light of the balance situation of the total amount of national gas resources and organize the implementation thereof. 县级以上地方人民政府燃气管理部门负责本行政区域内的燃气管理工作。
The gas administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall, jointly with the relevant departments, organize to formulate the plan for gas development of its respective administrative region in accordance with the plan for national economic and social development, the overall plan for land utilization, the urban and rural planning, the energy program and the plan for gas development of the next higher level, organize the implementation thereof upon the approval of the people's government at the same level and file it with the gas administrative department of the people's government at the next higher level for archival purpose. 县级以上人民政府其他有关部门依照本条例和其他有关法律、法规的规定,在各自职责范围内负责有关燃气管理工作。
Article 9 The contents of a plan for gas development shall include: gas source, gas type, method and scale of gas supply, layout and construction sequence of gas facilities, land for gas facilities construction, protection scope of gas facilities, safeguard measures for gas supply, safeguard measures for gas safety, etc. 
Article 10 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall, based on the requirements of the plans for gas development, increase funds in gas facilities construction and encourage social funds to be invested in the construction of gas facilities.   第六条 国家鼓励、支持燃气科学技术研究,推广使用安全、节能、高效、环保的燃气新技术、新工艺和新产品。
Article 11 Supporting gas facilities shall be constructed or the land for gas facilities construction shall be reserved for the construction of new districts and the reconstruction of old districts in accordance with the urban and rural planning and the plan for gas development. 
As for gas facilities construction projects within the scope of the plan for gas development, the urban and rural planning administrative department shall, when issuing written proposals of location, solicit the opinions of the gas administrative department on whether the gas facilities construction conforms to the plan for gas development; where it is not necessary to issue a written proposal of location, the urban and rural planning administrative department shall, when issuing the license for construction land use planning or the permit for village construction planning, solicit the opinions of the gas administrative department on whether the gas facilities construction conforms to the plan for gas development.   第七条 县级以上人民政府有关部门应当建立健全燃气安全监督管理制度,宣传普及燃气法律、法规和安全知识,提高全民的燃气安全意识。
Upon the completion of a gas facilities construction project, the construction entity shall organize the completion acceptance in accordance with the law and file the completion acceptance information with the gas administrative department for archival purpose within 15 days as of the date on which it passes the completion acceptance. 

第二章 燃气发展规划与应急保障

Article 12 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall establish and improve the gas emergency reserve system, organize to formulate gas emergency plans, and take comprehensive measures to improve the ability of gas emergency guarantee. 
A gas emergency plan shall clarify the gas source and type in case of emergency, method of emergent supply, emergency response procedure, emergency rescue measures, etc.   第八条 国务院建设主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门,依据国民经济和社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划、城乡规划以及能源规划,结合全国燃气资源总量平衡情况,组织编制全国燃气发展规划并组织实施。
The gas administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, jointly with the relevant departments, conduct monitoring, forecast and early warning on gas supply and demand situation. 县级以上地方人民政府燃气管理部门应当会同有关部门,依据国民经济和社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划、城乡规划、能源规划以及上一级燃气发展规划,组织编制本行政区域的燃气发展规划,报本级人民政府批准后组织实施,并报上一级人民政府燃气管理部门备案。
Article 13 After the occurrence of a serious shortage of gas supply, interruption of supply or any other emergency, the local people's government at or above the county level shall timely take such emergency measures as using the reserves, intervention schedule, etc., and gas operators and other relevant entities and individuals shall cooperate and undertake the relevant emergency tasks. 
Chapter III Gas Operation and Service   第九条 燃气发展规划的内容应当包括:燃气气源、燃气种类、燃气供应方式和规模、燃气设施布局和建设时序、燃气设施建设用地、燃气设施保护范围、燃气供应保障措施和安全保障措施等。
Article 14 Gas operators shall be selected in the manner of bidding for gas facilities constructed with government investment. 
As for a gas facility constructed with social funds investment, the investor may operate it by himself, or may separately select gas operators.   第十条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据燃气发展规划的要求,加大对燃气设施建设的投入,并鼓励社会资金投资建设燃气设施。
Article 15 The state applies a licensing system to gas operation. Enterprises engaged in gas operating activities shall meet the following requirements: 
1. Meeting the requirements of the plans for gas development;   第十一条 进行新区建设、旧区改造,应当按照城乡规划和燃气发展规划配套建设燃气设施或者预留燃气设施建设用地。
2. Having gas sources and gas facilities meeting the national standards; 对燃气发展规划范围内的燃气设施建设工程,城乡规划主管部门在依法核发选址意见书时,应当就燃气设施建设是否符合燃气发展规划征求燃气管理部门的意见;不需要核发选址意见书的,城乡规划主管部门在依法核发建设用地规划许可证或者乡村建设规划许可证时,应当就燃气设施建设是否符合燃气发展规划征求燃气管理部门的意见。
3. Having a fixed place of business, a perfect safety management system and a sound operation plan; 燃气设施建设工程竣工后,建设单位应当依法组织竣工验收,并自竣工验收合格之日起15日内,将竣工验收情况报燃气管理部门备案。
4. The main principal, work safety manager and the operation, maintenance and repair personnel of enterprises being professionally trained and qualified in evaluation; and 
5. Meeting other requirements prescribed by laws and regulations.   第十二条 县级以上地方人民政府应当建立健全燃气应急储备制度,组织编制燃气应急预案,采取综合措施提高燃气应急保障能力。
An enterprise conforming to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be issued the Gas Business Certificate by the gas administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level. 燃气应急预案应当明确燃气应急气源和种类、应急供应方式、应急处置程序和应急救援措施等内容。
Article 16 Any individual is prohibited from engaging in pipeline gas operating activities. 县级以上地方人民政府燃气管理部门应当会同有关部门对燃气供求状况实施监测、预测和预警。
An individual engaged in bottled gas operating activities shall comply with the relevant provisions of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. 
Article 17 A gas operator shall supply gas which meets the national quality standards to gas users in a continuous, stable and safe way, guide them to use gas safely and economically, and regularly conduct safety inspection on gas facilities.   第十三条 燃气供应严重短缺、供应中断等突发事件发生后,县级以上地方人民政府应当及时采取动用储备、紧急调度等应急措施,燃气经营者以及其他有关单位和个人应当予以配合,承担相关应急任务。
A gas operator shall make public its business process, service commitment, charging standard, service hotline, etc., and provide services in accordance with the national gas service standard. 

第三章 燃气经营与服务

Article 18 A gas operator shall not commit any of the following conducts: 
1. Refusing to supply gas to any entity or individual that meets the gas using requirements within the coverage area of the municipal gas pipe network;   第十四条 政府投资建设的燃气设施,应当通过招标投标方式选择燃气经营者。
2. Reselling at a profit, mortgaging, leasing, lending, transferring or altering the Gas Business Certificate; 社会资金投资建设的燃气设施,投资方可以自行经营,也可以另行选择燃气经营者。
3. Suspending gas supply or adjusting gas supply amount without performing necessary informing duty, or terminating or suspending its business operations without approval; 
4. Providing gas to be used for operation to any entity or individual that has not obtained the Gas Business Certificate;   第十五条 国家对燃气经营实行许可证制度。从事燃气经营活动的企业,应当具备下列条件:
5. Storing gas in places which do not meet the relevant requirements for work safety; (一)符合燃气发展规划要求;
6. Requiring gas users to buy products designated by it or accept services provided by it; (二)有符合国家标准的燃气气源和燃气设施;
7. Filling gas in non-self-owned gas bottles without approval; (三)有固定的经营场所、完善的安全管理制度和健全的经营方案;
8. Selling bottled gas filled by unauthorized filling entities or selling bottled gas filled in non-self-owned gas bottles by filling entities without approval; or (四)企业的主要负责人、安全生产管理人员以及运行、维护和抢修人员经专业培训并考核合格;
9. Engaging in gas operation or service activities by infringing other enterprises' names or logos. (五)法律、法规规定的其他条件。
Article 19 A pipeline gas operator shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair and renovation of municipal gas facilities within its scope of gas supply and gas facilities beyond owners' exclusive parts within the building zone. 符合前款规定条件的,由县级以上地方人民政府燃气管理部门核发燃气经营许可证。
A pipeline gas operator shall, according to the stipulations of gas supply and using contract, undertake the corresponding management responsibility for gas facilities of entity gas users. 
Article 20 Where a pipeline gas operator needs to temporarily adjust the gas supply amount or suspend the gas supply due to construction, overhaul, etc., it shall make an announcement on or inform gas users in written form of the operation time and affected area 48 hours ahead, and timely resume normal gas supply in accordance with the relevant provisions; where the gas supply is affected by emergency, it shall take emergency measures and timely inform gas users.   第十六条 禁止个人从事管道燃气经营活动。
Where a gas operator terminates or suspends the business operations, it shall make appropriate arrangement for gas users' normal gas using within the scope of its gas supply in advance and report to the local gas administrative department 90 work days ahead, and it may not terminate or suspend the business operations until approval has been obtained. 个人从事瓶装燃气经营活动的,应当遵守省、自治区、直辖市的有关规定。
Article 21 Under any of the following circumstances, the gas administrative department shall take measures to guarantee gas users' normal gas using: 
1. A pipeline gas operator temporarily adjusts the gas supply amount or suspends gas supply but fails to timely resume normal gas supply;   第十七条 燃气经营者应当向燃气用户持续、稳定、安全供应符合国家质量标准的燃气,指导燃气用户安全用气、节约用气,并对燃气设施定期进行安全检查。
2. A pipeline gas operator fails to take emergency measures when the gas supply is affected by emergency; 燃气经营者应当公示业务流程、服务承诺、收费标准和服务热线等信息,并按照国家燃气服务标准提供服务。
3. A gas operator terminates or suspends its business operations without approval; or 
4. A gas administrative department legally withdraws, revokes, writes off or cancels the gas business permit.   第十八条 燃气经营者不得有下列行为:
Article 22 A gas operator shall establish and improve the system of gas quality test to ensure that the quality of gas it supplies meets the national standard. (一)拒绝向市政燃气管网覆盖范围内符合用气条件的单位或者个人供气;
The quality supervision department, industry and commerce administrative department and gas administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall, according to the division of duties, strengthen the supervision and inspection on gas quality. (二)倒卖、抵押、出租、出借、转让、涂改燃气经营许可证;
Article 23 The sale price of gas shall be reasonably determined and adjusted in due time according to the cost of gas purchase, the operating cost and the local social and economic development level. The price competent department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall, when determining and adjusting the sale price of pipeline gas, solicit the opinions of pipeline gas users, pipeline gas operators and the relevant parties concerned. (三)未履行必要告知义务擅自停止供气、调整供气量,或者未经审批擅自停业或者歇业;
Article 24 Where the gas is transported via road, waterway and railway, the relevant provisions on safety transport of dangerous goods in laws and administrative regulations and the relevant provisions of the transport department and railway department under the State Council shall be observed; where the gas is transported via road or waterway, the road transport permit or waterway transport permit for dangerous goods shall be obtained respectively in accordance with the relevant provisions on road transport and waterway transport in laws and administrative regulations. (四)向未取得燃气经营许可证的单位或者个人提供用于经营的燃气;
Article 25 A gas operator shall strengthen the administration on the personnel and vehicles engaged in bottled gas supply service and undertake the corresponding responsibilities. (五)在不具备安全条件的场所储存燃气;
Any operator engaged in the activities of filling bottled gas shall observe the relevant provisions on gas bottle filling in laws, administrative regulations and the national standard. (六)要求燃气用户购买其指定的产品或者接受其提供的服务;
Article 26 A gas operator shall conduct business according to law and in good faith and accept supervision by the public. (七)擅自为非自有气瓶充装燃气;
The gas industrial association shall strengthen self-discipline management so as to enable gas operators to improve the service quality and technological level. (八)销售未经许可的充装单位充装的瓶装燃气或者销售充装单位擅自为非自有气瓶充装的瓶装燃气;
Chapter IV Use of Gas (九)冒用其他企业名称或者标识从事燃气经营、服务活动。
Article 27 A gas user shall comply with the safety rules for the use of gas, use qualified gas appliances and bottles, timely replace gas appliances and connecting pipes expressly eliminated by the state or of which the service life expires, and pay gas expenses according to the time limit as stipulated. 
An entity gas user shall also establish and improve the safety management system so as to strengthen the training for operation and maintenance personnel on safety knowledge and operational skill.   第十九条 管道燃气经营者对其供气范围内的市政燃气设施、建筑区划内业主专有部分以外的燃气设施,承担运行、维护、抢修和更新改造的责任。
Article 28 Any gas user, relevant entity or individual shall not commit any of the following conducts: 管道燃气经营者应当按照供气、用气合同的约定,对单位燃气用户的燃气设施承担相应的管理责任。
1. Operating public gas valves without approval; 
2. Taking gas pipelines as load bearing support or ground lead;   第二十条 管道燃气经营者因施工、检修等原因需要临时调整供气量或者暂停供气的,应当将作业时间和影响区域提前48小时予以公告或者书面通知燃气用户,并按照有关规定及时恢复正常供气;因突发事件影响供气的,应当采取紧急措施并及时通知燃气用户。
3. Installing or using gas appliances which do not meet the requirements of gas source;

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