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Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Vessel-induced Pollution to the Marine Environment (2018 Revision) [Effective]
防治船舶污染海洋环境管理条例(2018修订) [现行有效]

Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Vessel-induced Pollution to the Marine Environment 


(Promulgated by the Order No. 561 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on September 9, 2009; revised for the first time as per the Decision of the State Council on Appealing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations on July 18, 2013; revised for the second time as per the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on December 7, 2013; revised for the third time as per the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on July 29, 2014; and revised for the fourth time as per the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016; amended for the fifth time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations on March 1, 2017; and revised for the sixth time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations on March 19, 2018.)

 (2009年9月9日中华人民共和国国务院令第561号公布 根据2013年7月18日《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修订 根据2013年12月7日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第二次修订 根据2014年7月29日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第三次修订 根据2016年2月6日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第四次修订 根据2017年3月1日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》第五次修订 根据2018年3月19日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》第六次修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China for the purpose of preventing and controlling the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment.   第一条 为了防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境,根据《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Regulation shall apply to the prevention and control of pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the sea areas of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染中华人民共和国管辖海域适用本条例。
Article 3 The prevention and control of the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment shall observe the principle of giving priority to prevention and combining prevention with control.   第三条 防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境,实行预防为主、防治结合的原则。
Article 4 The transport administrative department under the State Council shall take charge of the prevention and control of the pollution to the marine environment caused by non-military vessels inside the harbor waters under its jurisdiction and by non-fishing vessels and non-military vessels outside the harbor waters under its jurisdiction.   第四条 国务院交通运输主管部门主管所辖港区水域内非军事船舶和港区水域外非渔业、非军事船舶污染海洋环境的防治工作。
The maritime administrative institutions shall, in accordance with this Regulation, be responsible for the specific supervision and administration of the prevention and control of the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment. 海事管理机构依照本条例规定具体负责防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的监督管理。
Article 5 The transport administrative department under the State Council shall, under the requirements for prevention and control of the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment, organize the preparation of the planning for the construction of the emergency response capacity of preventing and controlling the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment, which shall be promulgated and implemented upon approval by the State Council.   第五条 国务院交通运输主管部门应当根据防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的需要,组织编制防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境应急能力建设规划,报国务院批准后公布实施。
The coastal local people's governments at and above the level of cities divided into districts shall, according to the planning for the construction of the emergency response capacity of preventing and controlling the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment which is approved by the State Council and in light of the local actualities, organize the preparation of the corresponding planning for the construction of the emergency response capacity of preventing and controlling the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment. 沿海设区的市级以上地方人民政府应当按照国务院批准的防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境应急能力建设规划,并根据本地区的实际情况,组织编制相应的防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境应急能力建设规划。
Article 6 The transport administrative department under the State Council and the coastal local people's governments at and above the level of cities divided into districts shall establish and improve emergency response mechanisms for preventing and controlling the pollution caused to the marine environment by vessels and relevant operations, and formulate contingency plans for preventing and controlling the pollution caused to the marine environment by vessels and relevant operations.   第六条 国务院交通运输主管部门、沿海设区的市级以上地方人民政府应当建立健全防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境应急反应机制,并制定防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境应急预案。
Article 7 The maritime administrative institutions shall, jointly with the oceanic administrative departments, establish and improve the monitoring and surveillance mechanisms for the pollution caused to the marine environment by vessels and relevant operations according to the requirements for preventing and controlling the pollution caused by vessels and relevant operations to the marine environment so as to strengthen the monitoring and surveillance on the aforesaid pollution.   第七条 海事管理机构应当根据防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的需要,会同海洋主管部门建立健全船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的监测、监视机制,加强对船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的监测、监视。
Article 8 The transport administrative department under the State Council and the coastal local people's governments at and above the level of cities divided into districts shall, in accordance with the planning for the construction of the emergency response capacity of preventing and controlling the pollution caused to the marine environment by vessels and relevant operations, set up professional emergency response contingents and emergency equipment bases, which shall be equipped with special facilities, equipment and instruments.   第八条 国务院交通运输主管部门、沿海设区的市级以上地方人民政府应当按照防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境应急能力建设规划,建立专业应急队伍和应急设备库,配备专用的设施、设备和器材。
Article 9 Any entity or individual who finds that any vessel or relevant operations thereof have caused or are likely to cause pollution to the marine environment shall make a prompt report to the closest maritime administrative institution.   第九条 任何单位和个人发现船舶及其有关作业活动造成或者可能造成海洋环境污染的,应当立即就近向海事管理机构报告。
Chapter II General Provisions on the Prevention and Control of the Pollution Caused by Vessels and the Relevant Operations to the Marine Environment 

第二章 防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的一般规定

Article 10 The structure, equipment and instruments of a vessel shall conform to the relevant technical requirements of the state for preventing and controlling the vessel-induced pollution to the marine environment and the requirements of the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China.   第十条 船舶的结构、设备、器材应当符合国家有关防治船舶污染海洋环境的技术规范以及中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的要求。
The vessels shall, in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations, provisions of the transport administrative department under the State Council and the requirements of the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, obtain and carry on board corresponding certificates and documents relating to the prevention and control of vessel-induced pollution to the marine environment. 船舶应当依照法律、行政法规、国务院交通运输主管部门的规定以及中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的要求,取得并随船携带相应的防治船舶污染海洋环境的证书、文书。
Article 11 The owners, operators or managers of the vessels of Chinese registry shall, in accordance with the requirements of the transport administrative department under the State Council, establish and improve their management systems for safe operation and for the prevention and control of vessel-induced pollution.   第十一条 中国籍船舶的所有人、经营人或者管理人应当按照国务院交通运输主管部门的规定,建立健全安全营运和防治船舶污染管理体系。
The maritime administrative institutions shall examine the management systems for safe operation and for the prevention and control of vessel-induced pollution, and issue a certificate of compliance and a corresponding vessel safety management certificates to the vessels which have passed the examination. 海事管理机构应当对安全营运和防治船舶污染管理体系进行审核,审核合格的,发给符合证明和相应的船舶安全管理证书。
Article 12 The ports, docks, loading and unloading stations and the entities engaged in building or repair of vessels shall be equipped with the pollution monitoring facilities and pollutant receiving facilities commensurate with the categories of the cargos loaded or unloaded by them, their throughput capacities or their abilities of building or repairing vessels, and shall keep these facilities in good conditions.   第十二条 港口、码头、装卸站以及从事船舶修造的单位应当配备与其装卸货物种类和吞吐能力或者修造船舶能力相适应的污染监视设施和污染物接收设施,并使其处于良好状态。
Article 13 The ports, docks, loading and unloading stations, and the entities engaged in the building, repair, salvaging, dismantling and other operations of vessels shall formulate management systems for safe operation and pollution prevention and control, and shall, in accordance with the relevant specifications and standards of the state for preventing and controlling the pollution caused to the marine environment by vessels and the relevant operations, be equipped with corresponding equipment and instruments for pollution prevention and control.   第十三条 港口、码头、装卸站以及从事船舶修造、打捞、拆解等作业活动的单位应当制定有关安全营运和防治污染的管理制度,按照国家有关防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的规范和标准,配备相应的防治污染设备和器材。
The ports, docks, loading and unloading stations, and the entities engaged in the building, repair, salvaging, dismantling and other operations of vessels shall, on a regular basis, check and maintain the equipment and instruments equipped for pollution prevention and control so as to ensure that the equipment and instruments for pollution prevention and control meet the requirements for the prevention and control of the pollution caused to the marine environment by vessels and the relevant operations. 港口、码头、装卸站以及从事船舶修造、打捞、拆解等作业活动的单位,应当定期检查、维护配备的防治污染设备和器材,确保防治污染设备和器材符合防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的要求。
Article 14 The owners, operators or managers of vessels shall formulate contingency plans for preventing and controlling the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment, and report them to the maritime administrative institutions for recordation.   第十四条 船舶所有人、经营人或者管理人应当制定防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的应急预案,并报海事管理机构备案。
The operators of ports, docks and loading and unloading stations, and the relevant operation entities shall make contingency plans for preventing and controlling the pollution caused by vessels and the relevant operations to the marine environment, and report them to the maritime safety administrations and the environmental protection administrative departments for recordation. 港口、码头、装卸站的经营人以及有关作业单位应当制定防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的应急预案,并报海事管理机构和环境保护主管部门备案。
The vessels, ports, docks, loading and unloading stations and other relevant operation entities shall, in accordance with the contingency plans, organize drillings on a regular basis and make corresponding records. 船舶、港口、码头、装卸站以及其他有关作业单位应当按照应急预案,定期组织演练,并做好相应记录。
Chapter III Discharge and Reception of Vessel Pollutants 

第三章 船舶污染物的排放和接收

Article 15 The vessel garbage, sewage, oily waste water, waste water containing toxic and hazardous substances, waste gas and other pollutants and ballast water discharged by vessels to the ocean within the sea areas of the People's Republic of China shall meet the requirements of the laws, administrative regulations, the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, and other relevant standards.   第十五条 船舶在中华人民共和国管辖海域向海洋排放的船舶垃圾、生活污水、含油污水、含有毒有害物质污水、废气等污染物以及压载水,应当符合法律、行政法规、中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约以及相关标准的要求。
The pollutants which fail to meet the requirements for discharge as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be discharged by vessels into the receiving facilities in the ports or be received by the receiving entities of vessel pollutants. 船舶应当将不符合前款规定的排放要求的污染物排入港口接收设施或者由船舶污染物接收单位接收。
No vessel may discharge vessel pollutants to the marine natural reserves, seashore scenic spots and historic sites, important fishing waters which are delimited pursuant to law and other sea areas which need special protection. 船舶不得向依法划定的海洋自然保护区、海滨风景名胜区、重要渔业水域以及其他需要特别保护的海域排放船舶污染物。
Article 16 The vessels shall make truthful records of the disposal of pollutants in corresponding record books.   第十六条 船舶处置污染物,应当在相应的记录簿内如实记录。
The vessels shall keep on board the record books of vessel garbage which have been used up for two years; and shall keep on board for three years the record books of the oily waste water and waste water containing toxic and hazardous substances which have been used up. 船舶应当将使用完毕的船舶垃圾记录簿在船舶上保留2年;将使用完毕的含油污水、含有毒有害物质污水记录簿在船舶上保留3年。
Article 17 The receiving entities of vessel pollutants that receive vessel garbage, residual oil, oily waste water, and waste water containing toxic and hazardous substances shall develop operational plans, comply with the relevant operating rules and procedures, and take necessary anti-pollution measures. The receiving entities of vessel pollutants shall report the reception of vessel pollutants to the maritime safety administration as required.   第十七条 船舶污染物接收单位从事船舶垃圾、残油、含油污水、含有毒有害物质污水接收作业,应当编制作业方案,遵守相关操作规程,并采取必要的防污染措施。船舶污染物接收单位应当将船舶污染物接收情况按照规定向海事管理机构报告。
Article 18 When receiving vessel pollutants, the receiving entities of vessel pollutants shall issue pollutant reception certificates to the vessels, which shall be signed by the both parties for confirmation and be kept for at least two years. A pollutant reception certificate shall indicate the names of both operating parties, the starting and ending time and place of operation, and the type and quantity of the pollutants, among others. The pollutant reception certificates shall be kept by the vessels in the corresponding record books.   第十八条 船舶污染物接收单位接收船舶污染物,应当向船舶出具污染物接收单证,经双方签字确认并留存至少2年。污染物接收单证应当注明作业双方名称,作业开始和结束的时间、地点,以及污染物种类、数量等内容。船舶应当将污染物接收单证保存在相应的记录簿中。
Article 19 The receiving entities of vessel pollutants shall dispose of the received vessel pollutants in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state on the disposal of pollutants, and file the information on reception and disposal of vessel pollutants with the maritime administrative institutions monthly for archival purposes.   第十九条 船舶污染物接收单位应当按照国家有关污染物处理的规定处理接收的船舶污染物,并每月将船舶污染物的接收和处理情况报海事管理机构备案。
Chapter IV Prevention and Control of the Pollution Caused by Vessels and the Relevant Operations 

第四章 船舶有关作业活动的污染防治

Article 20 Those engaged in the clearing and washing of vessel cabins, oil supply and acceptance, loading and unloading, barging, building and repair, salvage, dismantling, packing or filling of cargos with hazardous pollutants, pollution clean-up operations, above-water and underwater construction by using vessels and other operations shall comply with the relevant operating rules, and take necessary measures for safety and pollution prevention and control.   第二十条 从事船舶清舱、洗舱、油料供受、装卸、过驳、修造、打捞、拆解,污染危害性货物装箱、充罐,污染清除作业以及利用船舶进行水上水下施工等作业活动的,应当遵守相关操作规程,并采取必要的安全和防治污染的措施。
The personnel engaged in the operations as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall possess relevant professional knowledge and skills of safety and pollution prevention and control. 从事前款规定的作业活动的人员,应当具备相关安全和防治污染的专业知识和技能。
Article 21 If a vessel fail to meet the requirements for worthiness of cargos with hazardous pollutants, it shall not carry any cargo with hazardous pollutants, and the ports and loading and unloading stations shall not carry out loading operations for the said vessel.   第二十一条 船舶不符合污染危害性货物适载要求的,不得载运污染危害性货物,码头、装卸站不得为其进行装载作业。
The directory of the cargos with hazardous pollutants shall be announced by the maritime administrative institution of the state. 污染危害性货物的名录由国家海事管理机构公布。
Article 22 For any vessel carrying cargo with a pollution hazard to enter or exit a port, the carrier, owner of the cargo, or agent thereof shall file an application with the maritime safety administration, and the vessel may enter or exit the port or make a transit stop only after the application is approved.   第二十二条 载运污染危害性货物进出港口的船舶,其承运人、货物所有人或者代理人,应当向海事管理机构提出申请,经批准方可进出港口或者过境停留。
Article 23 The vessels carrying cargos with hazardous pollutants shall conduct loading and unloading operations at the docks or loading and unloading stations which possess corresponding capabilities of safe loading and unloading and pollutant disposal as announced by the maritime administrative institutions.   第二十三条 载运污染危害性货物的船舶,应当在海事管理机构公布的具有相应安全装卸和污染物处理能力的码头、装卸站进行装卸作业。
Article 24 When delivering any cargo with hazardous pollutants to vessels for carriage, the owner of the cargo or the agent thereof shall ensure that the packaging, signs, etc. of the cargo conform to the relevant provisions on safety and pollution prevention and control, and shall accurately indicate the technical names, serial numbers, categories (nature) and quantities of the cargo, precautions, emergency response measures, etc. in the transport documents.   第二十四条 货物所有人或者代理人交付船舶载运污染危害性货物,应当确保货物的包装与标志等符合有关安全和防治污染的规定,并在运输单证上准确注明货物的技术名称、编号、类别(性质)、数量、注意事项和应急措施等内容。
The cargo with hazardous pollutants of uncertain nature to be delivered by the owner or the agent thereof to vessel for carriage shall, before being delivered to vessel, be subject to hazardous assessment by the entrust the relevant technical institutions, which shall specify the nature of hazard of the cargo and the relevant requirements for safety and pollution prevention and control. 货物所有人或者代理人交付船舶载运污染危害性不明的货物,应当委托有关技术机构进行危害性评估,明确货物的危害性质以及有关安全和防治污染要求,方可交付船舶载运。
Article 25 Where any maritime administrative institution deems that any cargo with hazardous pollutants delivered to a vessel for carriage has not been declared while they should be, or what is declared is inconsistent with the actual situation, it may, in accordance with the provisions of the transport administrative department under the State Council, open the container and inspect the cargo, etc.   第二十五条 海事管理机构认为交付船舶载运的污染危害性货物应当申报而未申报,或者申报的内容不符合实际情况的,可以按照国务院交通运输主管部门的规定采取开箱等方式查验。
When the maritime administrative institution inspects any cargo with hazardous pollutants, the owner of the cargo or the agent thereof shall be present and be responsible for moving the cargo, and removing and resealing the package of the cargo. Where the maritime administrative institution deems it necessary, it may directly inspect, re-inspect or extract samples of the cargo, and the relevant entities and individuals shall be cooperative. 海事管理机构查验污染危害性货物,货物所有人或者代理人应当到场,并负责搬移货物,开拆和重封货物的包装。海事管理机构认为必要的,可以径行查验、复验或者提取货样,有关单位和个人应当配合。
Article 26 For any vessel barging bulk liquid cargo with hazardous pollutants, the carrier, the owner of the cargo or the agent thereof shall make an application to the maritime administrative institution, notify the site of operation, and submit the barging operation plan, operation procedures, measures for pollution prevention and control and other materials.   第二十六条 进行散装液体污染危害性货物过驳作业的船舶,其承运人、货物所有人或者代理人应当向海事管理机构提出申请,告知作业地点,并附送过驳作业方案、作业程序、防治污染措施等材料。
The maritime administrative institution shall, within two workdays upon acceptance of the application, make a decision on approval or disapproval. If it fails to make a decision within two workdays, the time limit may be extended for five more workdays upon approval of the person in charge of the maritime administrative institution.

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