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Presidential Statement of the Twelfth ASEM Summit "Global Partners Addressing Global Challenges" [Effective]
第十二届亚欧首脑会议“全球伙伴应对全球挑战”主席声明 [现行有效]

Presidential Statement of the Twelfth ASEM Summit "Global Partners Addressing Global Challenges" 



1. The 12th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM12) was held on 18-19 October 2018 in Brussels, Belgium, hosted by the European Union and chaired by the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The meeting was attended by the Heads of State and Government, or their high-level representatives, of 51 Asian and European countries, the President of the European Commission and the Secretary-General of ASEAN. 1.第十二届亚欧首脑会议于2018年10月18日至19日在比利时布鲁塞尔举行。会议由欧盟主办,欧洲理事会主席唐纳德·图斯克主持。来自51个亚欧国家的元首、政府首脑、高级别代表以及欧盟委员会主席、东盟秘书长出席会议。

2. Under the theme "Global Partners for Global Challenges" Leaders addressed key opportunities and challenges facing Europe and Asia in a world of accelerating change. They stressed the role of ASEM as the main platform for Europe and Asia to strengthen dialogue, foster cooperation including on multilateralism and tackle global challenges together. They recalled the main principles of ASEM - informality, flexibility, mutual respect in the spirit of consensus, equal partnership and mutual benefit - and underlined their commitment to keep the ASEM process open and further improve ASEM's functioning and enhance its impact and visibility for citizens across Europe and Asia. 2.本次会议主题为“全球伙伴应对全球挑战”。领导人讨论了亚洲和欧洲在加速变化的世界中所面临的主要机遇与挑战。强调亚欧会议对亚洲和欧洲加强对话、深化合作和维护多边主义、共同应对全球挑战的主平台作用。重申非正式性、灵活性、相互尊重、协商一致、平等合作、互利共赢等亚欧会议的主要原则,强调将致力于保持亚欧会议进程的开放性,进一步改进亚欧会议职能,并提升其在亚欧民众中的影响力和能见度。
3. Leaders stressed that recent international developments have boosted the relevance of ASEM as a building block for effective multilateralism and the rules-based international order anchored in international law and with the United Nations at its core. They expressed their resolve to work together for peace, security, sustainable development and prosperity, based on respect for international law including the promotion and protection of human rights in accordance with the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the relevant international human rights law, international humanitarian law, treaties and instruments. They highlighted the vital need of maintaining an open world economy and upholding the rules-based multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organization at its core. Leaders stressed their commitment to comply with WTO rules, cooperating on rendering its dispute settlement system more effective, and redoubling on-going efforts aimed at WTO reform. 3.领导人强调,国际形势的最新发展凸显了亚欧会议作为维护有效的多边主义机制和以国际法为基础、以联合国为核心的国际秩序组成部分的重要作用。决心共同努力,在遵守国际法基础上,推动实现和平、安全、可持续的发展与繁荣,包括根据《联合国宪章》、《世界人权宣言》及相关国际人权法、人道法等条约、法规促进和保护人权。强调维护开放型世界经济和以规则为基础、以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制至关重要。强调将遵守世界贸易组织规则,通过合作提高争端解决机制效力,加倍努力推进世界贸易组织改革。
4. Leaders noted with appreciation the outcomes of the ASEM Ministerial meetings held since the ASEM11 Summit (Ulaanbaatar, July 2016) in the areas of Economy (Seoul, September 2017), Transport (Bali, September 2017), Foreign Affairs (Nay Pyi Taw, November 2017), Education (Seoul, November 2017), Culture (Sofia, March 2018) and Finance (Sofia, April 2018). Leaders also noted the full set of recent official ASEM events and initiatives and future ministerial meetings, which taken together demonstrate the important added value that the ASEM framework brings. 4.领导人对第十一届亚欧首脑会议(乌兰巴托,2016年7月)以来在经济(首尔,2017年9月)、交通(巴厘岛,2017年9月)、外交(内比都,2017年11月)、教育(首尔,2017年11月)、文化(索菲亚,2018年3月)、财政(索菲亚,2018年4月)领域举行的部长级会议取得的成果表示赞赏。注意到近期举办的亚欧会议官方系列活动和倡议,以及即将举行的部长级会议,这展现出亚欧会议框架所带来的重要附加值。
5. Leaders stressed their commitment to implement fully the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals and Addis Ababa Action Agenda with the aim of eradicating poverty and building an inclusive and sustainable future for all, with no one left behind and a strong focus on reaching the most vulnerable. Leaders emphasised the role of young people in contributing to sustainable development and the role that various stakeholders can play in pursuing social and economic inclusion, sustainable societies and people-centred development and the importance of public-private partnerships. Leaders also underlined the significance of science, technology and innovation cooperation in accomplishing the 2030 Agenda and tackling global challenges in a sustainable way. 5. 领导人强调将致力于全面落实2030年可持续发展议程和可持续发展目标、以及亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程,以实现消除贫困、打造包容与可持续的共同命运。在这一过程中,任何人都不会落下,同时聚焦扶持最弱势群体。强调青年人在促进可持续发展方面的作用,各利益攸关方在推动包容性社会经济发展、构建可持续性社会、打造以人民为中心的发展方面的作用,以及公共私营部门合作的重要性。强调科技创新合作对以可持续方式实现2030年可持续发展议程和应对全球挑战具有重要意义。
6. Leaders expressed their resolve to tackle the growing threats to the environment and acknowledged the need to act in an ambitious and concerted manner to better ensure its protection. Leaders expressed their support for bi- regional cooperation such as that between the Danube and Mekong regions as a model of how to transform transboundary water management and food security challenges into opportunities for sustainable development. 6.领导人表达了对消除自然环境所面临的日益严峻威胁的决心,认为需要通力协作,加大保护力度。支持开展区域合作,如参照多瑙河和湄公河流域合作模式,将跨界水资源管理及食品安全挑战转化为可持续发展机遇。
7. They reiterated that gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are crucial to sustainable development and must be mainstreamed in all three pillars of ASEM (political; economic and financial; social-cultural). They agreed that women's empowerment is about the realisation of human rights for all and drives growth and poverty reduction. Leaders reiterated their determination to strengthen efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, including trafficking and other forms of exploitation. They agreed to champion female leadership, advance women's empowerment and ensure full participation of women in political and other decision-making processes. 7.领导人重申,性别平等及妇女、女童赋权对可持续发展至关重要,应充分纳入亚欧会议三大支柱领域(政治、经济金融、社会文化)。认为妇女赋权事关实现所有人的人权,并且有利于推动增长、减少贫困。重申将继续努力消除一切针对妇女、女童的暴力,包括人口贩卖和其他形式的剥削。同意倡导女性领导权,推动妇女赋权,确保女性全面参与政治和其他决策进程。
8. Leaders underlined the link between ASEM connectivity and sustainable development for achieving the 2030 Agenda. They underlined the shared interest of all ASEM partners in strengthening Europe-Asia sustainable connectivity across ASEM's three pillars, as a means of bringing countries, people and societies closer together. 8.领导人强调亚欧互联互通与实现2030年可持续发展议程关联性。强调在亚欧会议三大支柱领域加强亚欧可持续互联互通符合各成员利益,将使国家、人民和社会更加紧密相连。
Leaders welcomed the adoption at the ASEM FMM13 of the ASEM definition of Connectivity and recalled its main elements including the need to uphold market principles and agreed international rules, norms and standards. They welcomed ongoing efforts to boost ASEM connectivity including in the context of the ASEM Pathfinder Group on Connectivity, which has fulfilled its mandate. They decided that further work on connectivity should be pursued notably on the basis of the APGC final report, in the framework of the future Senior Officials' Meetings. Leaders noted the EU's work on the ASEM Sustainable Connectivity Portal, as well as the Inventory of ASEM Connectivity, as inputs to develop ASEM's role in this field. 领导人欢迎第十三届亚欧外长会议通过的亚欧会议互联互通范畴,忆及其主要要素,包括坚持市场原则和相关国际规则、规范和标准。欢迎各方为促进亚欧互联互通所作努力,包括在业已完成授权的亚欧互联互通工作组框架下开展的工作。决定下阶段互联互通工作应以工作组最终报告为主要基础,并授权在高官会框架内继续发挥作用。领导人注意到欧盟发布的亚欧可持续互联互通门户网站、亚欧会议互联互通清单,作为其对推进亚欧会议在该领域工作的建议。
9. Leaders recognised the serious challenge posed by climate change, its tremendous impact felt world-wide and the need for urgent and effective action by all countries in line with the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Leaders noted the findings of the IPCC Special Report, which unequivocally confirmed the negative impact of global warming. They expressed their profound concern that current global efforts are insufficient to meet the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Leaders emphasized that mitigation of and adaptation to climate change represent immediate and urgent priorities. Leaders reaffirmed their strong commitment to the Paris Agreement, moving swiftly towards its full implementation and completing its work programme this year at COP 24 in Katowice (Poland) – with the implementation to reflect equity and the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances. 9. 领导人认识到气候变化带来的严峻挑战以及在世界范围的重大影响,各国有必要根据联合国气候变化框架公约下通过的《巴黎协定》采取迅速、有效的行动。注意到联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会特别报告的有关内容,该报告明确确认了全球变暖的不利影响。领导人对当前全球努力不足以实现《巴黎协定》气温目标表示深切担忧。强调缓解和适应气候变化是当前紧迫和优先事项。重申坚定支持《巴黎协定》,在今年波兰卡托维兹第二十四届联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议上快速落实《巴黎协定》并完成工作日程--协定落实应体现公平,同时考虑到不同国家国情,遵循共同但有区别责任及各自能力原则。
Leaders also agreed to work together to strengthen the global response to climate change, through ambitious climate actions in clean energy, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and other low-emission technologies, industry, transportation, agriculture and forestry, innovation, mobilisation of finance, prevention of deforestation, desertification, including water scarcity, resilience, disaster management and risk reduction. 领导人同意在清洁能源(包括可再生能源、能效及其他低排放技术领域)、工业、交通、农林业、创新、资金募集、防止森林砍伐、去沙漠化、水资源匮乏、恢复力、灾害管理和风险防控等方面展开有力行动,以共同应对气候变化挑战。
10. Leaders underlined their commitment to uphold the global non-proliferation regime and to ensure the full implementation of the obligations derived from all relevant international instruments and the UN Security Council Resolutions, as well as the importance of nuclear safety. 10.领导人强调致力于维护全球核不扩散体系,确保全面落实相关国际文书和联合国安理会决议规定的义务。强调核能安全的重要性。
11. Leaders underlined that the development of inter-Korean relations, the complete denuclearisation of, and the peace regime on the Korean Peninsula are important for peace, security and stability, not only in East Asia but also for the entire world. Leaders welcomed RoK's efforts and other partners' diplomatic initiatives to achieve lasting peace and stability on a Korean Peninsula free of nuclear weapons. They welcomed recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, in particular the three inter-Korean Summits and the US-DPRK Summit. They supported the full and expeditious implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration and Pyongyang Joint Declaration, as well as of the Singapore Joint Statement by the United States and DPRK, which confirm the common goal of complete denuclearisation and the establishment of a permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.

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