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Measures for Pollutant Discharge Permitting Administration (For Trial Implementation) [Revised]
排污许可管理办法(试行) [已被修订]

Order of the Ministry of Environmental Protection 


(No. 48) (第48号)

The Measures for Pollutant Discharge Permitting Administration (For Trial Implementation), as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Environmental Protection on November 6, 2017, are hereby issued, and shall come into force upon issuance. 《排污许可管理办法(试行)》已于2017年11月6日由环境保护部部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Li Ganjie Minister of Environmental Protection 环境保护部部长 李干杰
January 10, 2018 2018年1月10日
Annex 附件
Measures for Pollutant Discharge Permitting Administration (For Trial Implementation) 排污许可管理办法(试 行)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the pollution discharge permitting administration, these Measures are developed under the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China, the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Implementation Plan for the Permit System for Controlling Pollutants Emission as issued by the General Office of the State Council.   第一条 为规范排污许可管理,根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》以及国务院办公厅印发的《控制污染物排放许可制实施方案》,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the application for and the issuance and enforcement of pollution discharge permits and the regulation, punishment and other conduct relating to pollutant discharge permitting.   第二条 排污许可证的申请、核发、执行以及与排污许可相关的监管和处罚等行为,适用本办法。
Article 3 The Ministry of Environmental Protection shall develop and issue according to law a classification administration list of pollutant discharge permitting for fixed pollution sources and specify the scope under pollutant discharge permitting administration and the application time limit.   第三条 环境保护部依法制定并公布固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录,明确纳入排污许可管理的范围和申领时限。
The enterprises, public institutions and other producers and businesses (hereinafter referred to as the "pollutant discharging entities") on the list shall apply for and obtain a pollutant discharge permit according to the prescribed application time limit; and those not on the list are required to do so for the time being. 纳入固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者(以下简称排污单位)应当按照规定的时限申请并取得排污许可证;未纳入固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录的排污单位,暂不需申请排污许可证。
Article 4 A pollutant discharging entity shall hold a pollutant discharge permit as legally required and discharge the pollutant as provided in the pollutant discharge permit.   第四条 排污单位应当依法持有排污许可证,并按照排污许可证的规定排放污染物。
Without a required pollutant discharge permit, no pollutant may be discharged. 应当取得排污许可证而未取得的,不得排放污染物。
Article 5 Pollution discharging entities generating or discharging high-volume pollutants or highly detrimental to the environment shall be placed under priority pollutant discharge permitting administration, and the others shall be placed under summary pollutant discharge permitting administration.   第五条 对污染物产生量大、排放量大或者环境危害程度高的排污单位实行排污许可重点管理,对其他排污单位实行排污许可简化管理。
The specific scope of pollutant discharging entities under priority pollutant discharge permitting administration or those under summary pollutant discharge permitting administration shall be governed by the classification administration list of pollutant discharge permitting for fixed pollution sources. The content and requirements of the application of priority administration and summary administration shall be governed by the relevant technical specifications and guidelines relating to pollutant discharge permitting as described in Article 11 of these Measures. 实行排污许可重点管理或者简化管理的排污单位的具体范围,依照固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录规定执行。实行重点管理和简化管理的内容及要求,依照本办法第十一条规定的排污许可相关技术规范、指南等执行。
The local environmental protection authorities at and above the level of city divided into districts shall determine the pollutant discharging entities subject to priority pollutant discharge permitting administration as priority pollutant discharging entities. 设区的市级以上地方环境保护主管部门,应当将实行排污许可重点管理的排污单位确定为重点排污单位。
Article 6 The Ministry of Environmental Protection shall be responsible for the implementation and supervision of the national pollutant discharge permitting rules. Each provincial environmental protection authority shall be responsible for the organization of the implementation and supervision of the local pollutant discharge permitting rules.   第六条 环境保护部负责指导全国排污许可制度实施和监督。各省级环境保护主管部门负责本行政区域排污许可制度的组织实施和监督。
The environmental protection authorities at the level of city divided into districts in the places of production and business of pollutant discharging entities shall be responsible for issuing pollutant discharge permits, unless otherwise provided by local rules. 排污单位生产经营场所所在地设区的市级环境保护主管部门负责排污许可证核发。地方性法规对核发权限另有规定的,从其规定。
Article 7 An pollutant discharging entity under a same corporate entity or any other organization, having more than one place of production and business, shall, in the name of the corporate entity or other organization, apply for a pollutant discharge permit with the environmental protection authority having the issuing power (hereinafter referred to as the "issuing environmental protection authority") in each of the production and business venues.   第七条 同一法人单位或者其他组织所属、位于不同生产经营场所的排污单位,应当以其所属的法人单位或者其他组织的名义,分别向生产经营场所所在地有核发权的环境保护主管部门(以下简称核发环保部门)申请排污许可证。
Where the place of production and business and the outlet are in different administrative regions, the issuing environmental protection authority in the place of production and business shall be responsible for issuing the pollutant discharge permit provided that, before doing so, it shall solicit the opinions of the environmental protection authority at the same level in the place of the outlet. 生产经营场所和排放口分别位于不同行政区域时,生产经营场所所在地核发环保部门负责核发排污许可证,并应当在核发前,征求其排放口所在地同级环境保护主管部门意见。
Article 8 As required by the relevant laws, the environmental protection authorities shall subject the discharge of water pollutants, air pollutants, and other various pollutants by pollutant discharging entities to comprehensive permitting administration.   第八条 依据相关法律规定,环境保护主管部门对排污单位排放水污染物、大气污染物等各类污染物的排放行为实行综合许可管理。
For pollutant discharging entities that have obtained construction project environmental impact assessment approval opinions on or after January 1, 2015, the main content regarding pollutant discharge in the environmental impact assessment documents and approval opinions shall be included in the pollutant discharge permits. 2015年1月1日及以后取得建设项目环境影响评价审批意见的排污单位,环境影响评价文件及审批意见中与污染物排放相关的主要内容应当纳入排污许可证。
Article 9 The Ministry of Environmental Protection shall place pollutant discharging entities subject to pollutant discharge permitting administration and their production facilities, production prevention and control facilities and outlets under unified coding administration.   第九条 环境保护部对实施排污许可管理的排污单位及其生产设施、污染防治设施和排放口实行统一编码管理。
Article 10 The Ministry of Environmental Protection shall be responsible for building, operating, maintaining and managing the National Pollution Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform.   第十条 环境保护部负责建设、运行、维护、管理全国排污许可证管理信息平台。
The application for and its acceptance, review, issuance, modification, renewal, deregistration, revocation, and re-issuance as a result of loss of a pollutant discharge permit shall be conducted on the National Pollution Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform. The self-monitoring and enforcement reports of the pollutant discharging entities and the information on the regulation and law enforcement from the environmental protection authorities shall be entered in and made public according to these Measures through the National Pollution Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform. 排污许可证的申请、受理、审核、发放、变更、延续、注销、撤销、遗失补办应当在全国排污许可证管理信息平台上进行。排污单位自行监测、执行报告及环境保护主管部门监管执法信息应当在全国排污许可证管理信息平台上记载,并按照本办法规定在全国排污许可证管理信息平台上公开。
The electronic information relating to pollutant discharge permits recorded in the National Pollution Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform shall have the same effect as the original and duplicate of pollutant discharge permits according to law. 全国排污许可证管理信息平台中记录的排污许可证相关电子信息与排污许可证正本、副本依法具有同等效力。
Article 11 The Ministry of Environmental Protection shall develop technical specifications of application and issuance of pollutant discharge permits, technical specifications of environmental management ledgers and pollutant discharge permits enforcement reports, technical guidelines on the self-monitoring by pollutant discharging entities, guidelines on feasible pollution prevention and control technologies, and other pollutant discharging permitting policies, standards and specifications.   第十一条 环境保护部制定排污许可证申请与核发技术规范、环境管理台账及排污许可证执行报告技术规范、排污单位自行监测技术指南、污染防治可行技术指南以及其他排污许可政策、标准和规范。
Chapter II Content of Pollution Discharge Permits 

第二章 排污许可证内容

Article 12 A pollutant discharge permit consists of an original and a duplicate copy, and while the original specifies the basic information, the duplicate contains the basic information, registration items, permitting items, undertaking, etc.   第十二条 排污许可证由正本和副本构成,正本载明基本信息,副本包括基本信息、登记事项、许可事项、承诺书等内容。
The local environmental protection authorities at and above the level of city divided into districts may add more contents that need to be included in the pollutant discharge permit under local environmental protection rules. 设区的市级以上地方环境保护主管部门可以根据环境保护地方性法规,增加需要在排污许可证中载明的内容。
Article 13 The following basic information shall be included in both the original and the duplicate of a pollutant discharge permit:   第十三条 以下基本信息应当同时在排污许可证正本和副本中载明:
(1) Name, registered address, legal representative or principal person in charge, persons in charge of technology, address of the place of production and business, industry category, unified social credit code, and other basic information of the pollutant discharging entity. (一)排污单位名称、注册地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人、技术负责人、生产经营场所地址、行业类别、统一社会信用代码等排污单位基本信息;
(2) The validity period, issuing authority, issuing date, serial number, QR code, and other basic information of the pollutant discharge permit. (二)排污许可证有效期限、发证机关、发证日期、证书编号和二维码等基本信息。
Article 14 The following registration items shall be declared by pollutant discharging entities and specified in the duplicate of the pollutant discharge permits:   第十四条 以下登记事项由排污单位申报,并在排污许可证副本中记录:
(1) Main production facilities, main products and capacity, and main and accessory raw materials, etc.; (一)主要生产设施、主要产品及产能、主要原辅材料等;
(2) Pollutant generating and discharging links and pollution prevention and control facilities, etc.; (二)产排污环节、污染防治设施等;
(3) Environmental impact assessment approval opinions, the total quantity control indicators of the discharge of priority pollutants broken down and assigned to the entities in accordance with the law, and the records of onerous use of and trading in the right of pollutant discharge, etc. (三)环境影响评价审批意见、依法分解落实到本单位的重点污染物排放总量控制指标、排污权有偿使用和交易记录等。
Article 15 The following permitting items shall be applied for by pollutant discharging entities and, upon the review of the issuing environmental protection authorities, specified in the duplicate of a pollutant discharge permit:   第十五条 下列许可事项由排污单位申请,经核发环保部门审核后,在排污许可证副本中进行规定:
(1) The locations and number of outlets, the manners and destination, among others, of pollutant discharge, and the locations and number of fugitive emission sources of air pollutants. (一)排放口位置和数量、污染物排放方式和排放去向等,大气污染物无组织排放源的位置和数量;
(2) The types of pollutants from outlets and fugitive emissions, permitted pollutant concentrations, and permitted quantity of pollutants discharged. (二)排放口和无组织排放源排放污染物的种类、许可排放浓度、许可排放量;
(3) Environmental management requirements which shall be complied with after the pollution discharge permit is obtained. (三)取得排污许可证后应当遵守的环境管理要求;
(4) Other permitting items as prescribed by laws and regulations. (四)法律法规规定的其他许可事项。
Article 16 The issuing environmental protection authorities shall determine the permitted concentrations of pollutants from the outlets or fugitive emissions of pollutant discharging entities according to the local and national pollutant discharging standards.   第十六条 核发环保部门应当根据国家和地方污染物排放标准,确定排污单位排放口或者无组织排放源相应污染物的许可排放浓度。
Any more stringent pollutant concentrations a pollutant discharging entity undertakes to comply with shall be specified in the duplicate of its pollution discharge permit. 排污单位承诺执行更加严格的排放浓度的,应当在排污许可证副本中规定。
Article 17 The issuing environmental protection authorities shall determine the permitted quantity of pollutant discharged by pollutant discharging entities according to the methodology to calculate the permitted quantity of industry priority pollutant discharged as described in the technical specifications of application and issuance of pollutant discharge permits and the requirements for environmental quality improvement.   第十七条 核发环保部门按照排污许可证申请与核发技术规范规定的行业重点污染物允许排放量核算方法,以及环境质量改善的要求,确定排污单位的许可排放量。
With respect to a pollutant discharging entity to which the total quantity control indicators of priority pollutants has been broken down and assigned in accordance with the law before the implementation of these Measures, the issuing environmental protection authorities shall determine the permitted quantity of pollutant discharged according to the methodology to calculate the permitted quantity of industry priority pollutant discharged, the requirements for environmental quality improvement, and total quantity control indicators of the discharge of priority pollutants. 对于本办法实施前已有依法分解落实到本单位的重点污染物排放总量控制指标的排污单位,核发环保部门应当按照行业重点污染物允许排放量核算方法、环境质量改善要求和重点污染物排放总量控制指标,从严确定许可排放量。
For a pollutant discharging entity that obtained environmental impact assessment approval opinions on or after January 1, 2015, if the quantity of pollutant discharged determined in the environmental impact assessment documents and approval opinions is more stringent than that as determined under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the issuing environmental protection authorities shall determine the quantity according to the environmental impact assessment documents and approval opinions. 2015年1月1日及以后取得环境影响评价审批意见的排污单位,环境影响评价文件和审批意见确定的排放量严于按照本条第一款、第二款确定的许可排放量的,核发环保部门应当根据环境影响评价文件和审批意见要求确定排污单位的许可排放量。
If any plan for environmental quality coming up to standard within a specified period, or the heavy air pollution response measures, developed by the local people's governments according to the law, require pollutant discharging entities to comply with more stringent total quantity control indicators of the discharge of priority pollutants, the requirements shall be specified in the duplicate of a pollutant discharge permit. 地方人民政府依法制定的环境质量限期达标规划、重污染天气应对措施要求排污单位执行更加严格的重点污染物排放总量控制指标的,应当在排污许可证副本中规定。
The environmental protection authorities shall, upon implementation of these Measures, determine the total quantity control indicators of the discharge of priority pollutants for environmental protection authorities according to the permitted quantity of pollutants discharged as specified in the pollutant discharge permits. 本办法实施后,环境保护主管部门应当按照排污许可证规定的许可排放量,确定排污单位的重点污染物排放总量控制指标。
Article 18 The following environmental management requirements shall be specified in the duplicate of a pollutant discharge permit by the issuing environmental protection authorities according to the application materials of pollutant discharging entities, the relevant technical specifications, and regulatory needs:   第十八条 下列环境管理要求由核发环保部门根据排污单位的申请材料、相关技术规范和监管需要,在排污许可证副本中进行规定:
(1) The requirements for the operation and maintenance of pollution prevention and control facilities and for the control of fugitive emissions, etc. (一)污染防治设施运行和维护、无组织排放控制等要求;
(2) Self-monitoring requirements, ledger keeping requirements, content and frequency of enforcement reporting, and other requirements. (二)自行监测要求、台账记录要求、执行报告内容和频次等要求;
(3) Requirements for disclosing the information of pollutant discharging entities to the public. (三)排污单位信息公开要求;
(4) Other items as required by laws and regulations. (四)法律法规规定的其他事项。
Article 19 A pollutant discharging entity shall, when applying for a pollutant discharge permit, prepare a self-monitoring plan according to the self-monitoring technical guidelines.   第十九条 排污单位在申请排污许可证时,应当按照自行监测技术指南,编制自行监测方案。
The self-monitoring plan shall include the following: 自行监测方案应当包括以下内容:
(1) Location and sketch of monitoring stations, monitoring indicators, and monitoring frequency. (一)监测点位及示意图、监测指标、监测频次;
(2) Adopted monitoring and analysis methodology and sampling methodology. (二)使用的监测分析方法、采样方法;
(3) Monitoring quality assurance and quality control requirements. (三)监测质量保证与质量控制要求;
(4) Requirements for recording, reorganization and archiving of the monitoring data. (四)监测数据记录、整理、存档要求等。
Article 20 A pollutant discharging entity shall, when filling in an application for pollutant discharge permit, undertake that the application materials for the pollutant discharge permit is complete, authentic and lawful; and undertake to discharge pollutants according to the pollutant discharge permit and implement the environmental management requirements contained in the pollutant discharge permit, signed or sealed by the legal representative or the principal person in charge.   第二十条 排污单位在填报排污许可证申请时,应当承诺排污许可证申请材料是完整、真实和合法的;承诺按照排污许可证的规定排放污染物,落实排污许可证规定的环境管理要求,并由法定代表人或者主要负责人签字或者盖章。
Article 21 A pollutant discharge permit shall take effect on the date when the permitting decision is made. The validity period of an emission permit issued for the first time shall be three years, and the validity period of a renewed emission permit shall be five years.   第二十一条 排污许可证自作出许可决定之日起生效。首次发放的排污许可证有效期为三年,延续换发的排污许可证有效期为五年。
For any outdated technological equipment, or outdated products, which the industry policy list issued by the comprehensive and macro economic regulation department of the State Council in conjunction with the other relevant departments of the State Council purports to eliminate, the validity period of the pollutant discharge permit shall not exceed the purported time limit for the elimination. 对列入国务院经济综合宏观调控部门会同国务院有关部门发布的产业政策目录中计划淘汰的落后工艺装备或者落后产品,排污许可证有效期不得超过计划淘汰期限。
Article 22 The environmental protection authorities shall not collect any fees for issuing pollutant discharge permits or conducting supervisory inspection of the enforcement of pollutant discharge permits.   第二十二条 环境保护主管部门核发排污许可证,以及监督检查排污许可证实施情况时,不得收取任何费用。
Chapter III Application and Issuance 

第三章 申请与核发

Article 23 The provincial environmental protection authorities shall, under Article 6 of these Measures and the classification administration list of pollution discharge licensing for fixed pollution sources, determine and announce the issuing environmental protection authorities responsible for accepting the applications for pollutant discharge permits in their respective administrative regions, application procedures, and other relevant matters.   第二十三条 省级环境保护主管部门应当根据本办法第六条和固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录,确定本行政区域内负责受理排污许可证申请的核发环保部门、申请程序等相关事项,并向社会公告。
If a region decides to subject part industries to pollutant discharge permitting administration in advance as required for the improvement of environmental quality, the provincial environmental protection authority in the region shall do so after filing with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and make an announcement. 依据环境质量改善要求,部分地区决定提前对部分行业实施排污许可管理的,该地区省级环境保护主管部门应当报环境保护部备案后实施,并向社会公告。
Article 24 A pollutant discharging entity that has already been established and discharged pollutants before the time limit as provided in the classification administration list of pollution discharge licensing for fixed pollution sources shall apply for a pollutant discharge permit within the time limit; and a pollutant discharging entity established after the time limit shall do so before launching the production facilities or discharging pollutants.   第二十四条 在固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录规定的时限前已经建成并实际排污的排污单位,应当在名录规定时限申请排污许可证;在名录规定的时限后建成的排污单位,应当在启动生产设施或者在实际排污之前申请排污许可证。
Article 25 A pollutant discharging entity under priority administration shall disclose its undertaking, basic information, and permitted items under the purported application to the public before submitting the application materials for pollutant discharge permitting. The disclosure shall be made through the National Pollution Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform or in any other manner easily accessible to the public, and the disclosure shall not last less than five working days.   第二十五条 实行重点管理的排污单位在提交排污许可申请材料前,应当将承诺书、基本信息以及拟申请的许可事项向社会公开。公开途径应当选择包括全国排污许可证管理信息平台等便于公众知晓的方式,公开时间不得少于五个工作日。
Article 26 A pollutant discharging entity shall complete and submit its application for a pollutant discharge permit on the National Pollution Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform and submit the written application package generated through the National Pollution Discharge Permits Administration Information Platform to the issuing environmental protection authority.   第二十六条 排污单位应当在全国排污许可证管理信息平台上填报并提交排污许可证申请,同时向核发环保部门提交通过全国排污许可证管理信息平台印制的书面申请材料。
The application package shall include the following: 申请材料应当包括:
(1) The application form for a pollutant discharge permit, mainly containing: the basic information of the pollutant discharging entity; main production facilities, main products and capacity, and main and accessory raw materials; exhaust gas, waste water, and other pollutant generating and discharging links and pollution prevention and control facilities; locations and number of the outlets under the application, discharging manner, and discharging destination; the types of pollutants discharged under the application by outlets, production facilities or workshops, pollutant concentrations, and quantity of pollutant discharged; and governing discharging standards. (一)排污许可证申请表,主要内容包括:排污单位基本信息,主要生产设施、主要产品及产能、主要原辅材料,废气、废水等产排污环节和污染防治设施,申请的排放口位置和数量、排放方式、排放去向,按照排放口和生产设施或者车间申请的排放污染物种类、排放浓度和排放量,执行的排放标准;
(2) The self-monitoring plan. (二)自行监测方案;
(3) The undertaking signed or sealed by the legal representative or principal person in charge of the pollutant discharging entity. (三)由排污单位法定代表人或者主要负责人签字或者盖章的承诺书;
(4) Statements regarding the standardization of outlets made by the pollutant discharging entity. (四)排污单位有关排污口规范化的情况说明;
(5) The approval document number for the construction project environmental impact assessment document, or the supporting documents relating to the disposition, rectification or regulation conducted by the local people's government according to the relevant provisions to the extent of meeting the requirements. (五)建设项目环境影响评价文件审批文号,或者按照有关国家规定经地方人民政府依法处理、整顿规范并符合要求的相关证明材料;
(6) The form of statements of the information disclosure before the application for a pollutant discharge permit. (六)排污许可证申请前信息公开情况说明表;
(7) An operating and managing entity of centralized sewage treatment facilities shall also provide the scope of sewage received, the list of sewage receiving or discharging entities, pipe networks, final destination of discharge, and other materials. (七)污水集中处理设施的经营管理单位还应当提供纳污范围、纳污排污单位名单、管网布置、最终排放去向等材料;
(8) If, for a construction, reconstruction or expansion project of a pollutant discharging entity, upon the implementation of these Measures the total quantity control indicators of the discharge of priority pollutants is obtained through substitution or reduction by maintaining or cutting the quantity of pollutants discharged, and the pollutant discharging entity alienating the total quantity control indicators of the discharge of priority pollutants has already obtained a pollutant discharge permit, providing the materials relating to the completion of the modification of the pollutant discharge permit by the pollutant discharging entity alienating the total quantity control indicators of the discharge of priority pollutants. (八)本办法实施后的新建、改建、扩建项目排污单位存在通过污染物排放等量或者减量替代削减获得重点污染物排放总量控制指标情况的,且出让重点污染物排放总量控制指标的排污单位已经取得排污许可证的,应当提供出让重点污染物排放总量控制指标的排污单位的排污许可证完成变更的相关材料;
(9) Other materials as required by any law, regulation or rules. (九)法律法规规章规定的其他材料。
The pollutant discharging entity shall indicate main production facilities, main products and capacity, or any other registration items involving a trade secret. 主要生产设施、主要产品产能等登记事项中涉及商业秘密的,排污单位应当进行标注。
Article 27 The issuing environmental protection authority shall, upon receipt of the application package submitted by a pollutant discharging entity, review the integrity and standard compliance of the materials and process it according to the following circumstances:
   第二十七条 核发环保部门收到排污单位提交的申请材料后,对材料的完整性、规范性进行审查,按照下列情形分别作出处理:

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