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Notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of Revising the Measures for the Administration of the Pilot Program of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals (2020) [Revised]
国家外汇管理局关于修订《个人本外币兑换特许业务试点管理办法》的通知(2020) [已被修订]

Notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of Revising the Measures for the Administration of the Pilot Program of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals 


The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”) in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the branches of the SAFE in Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen and Ningbo; and all national Chinese-funded banks: 国家外汇管理局各省、自治区、直辖市分局、外汇管理部,深圳、大连、青岛、厦门、宁波市分局,各全国性中资银行:
For the purposes of promoting the compliant and sound development of franchised domestic and foreign currency exchange services for individuals (hereinafter referred to as “franchised exchange services”), the SAFE has revised the Measures for the Administration of the Pilot Program of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”) (see the Annex). You are hereby notified of the relevant issues as follows: 为促进个人本外币兑换特许业务(以下简称兑换特许业务)合规、健康发展,国家外汇管理局对《个人本外币兑换特许业务试点管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)进行了修订(见附件)。现就有关情况通知如下:
I. Foreign exchange administrative departments at all levels shall, according to the arrangements of the State Council on the simplification of administrative procedures, decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization and appropriate control, and optimization of services, strengthen the regulation of franchised institutions providing exchange services within their respective jurisdictions, adhere to the integration of convenient access and strict regulation, strengthen interim and ex post administration, and fulfill their duties of territorial financial regulation in an effective manner, so as to prevent financial risks. The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the SAFE (hereinafter referred to as “SAFE branches”) shall, before permitting the provision of franchised exchange services by non-financial institutions within their respective jurisdictions for the first time, file reports with the SAFE for recordation in light of local actual circumstances.   一、各级外汇管理部门应按照国务院简政放权、放管结合、优化服务的部署,加强对辖内兑换特许业务经营机构的监管,坚持便捷准入与严格监管相结合,加强事中事后管理,有效履行属地金融监管职责,防范金融风险。国家外汇管理局分局、外汇管理部(以下简称外汇分局)应结合当地实际情况,在首次批准辖内非金融机构开展兑换特许业务前,向国家外汇管理局备案。
II. A domestic non-financial institution or its branch, which has obtained the qualification to provide franchised exchange services before the issuance of this Notice, shall apply to the local SAFE branch for a new Permit for Providing Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals (hereinafter referred to as the “Exchange Permit”) before August 31, 2020. When the headquarters of a domestic non-financial institution applies for the Exchange Permit, it shall also submit the Letter of Undertaking concerning the Provision of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals, and materials indicating that its exchange business system has been connected to the foreign exchange business system for individuals of the SAFE via an automatic interface mode. If an institution fails to submit the materials within the prescribed time limit, the local SAFE branch shall revoke its qualification for providing franchised exchange services, and deregister the Exchange Permit.   二、本通知发布前已获得兑换特许业务经营资格的境内非金融机构及其分支机构,应于2020年8月31日前,向所在地外汇分局申请换领《个人本外币兑换特许业务经营许可证》(以下简称《兑换许可证》)。其中,境内非金融机构总部在申领《兑换许可证》时,还应提交《个人本外币兑换特许业务经营承诺书》,以及本机构兑换业务系统通过自动接口模式连接国家外汇管理局个人外汇业务系统的说明材料。逾期不提交的,所在地外汇分局应撤回其兑换特许业务经营资格,并注销《兑换许可证》。
III. Upon receipt of this Notice, all SAFE branches shall immediately forward it to central sub-branches, sub-branches, urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks, wholly foreign-owned banks, Chinese-foreign equity joint venture banks, branches of foreign banks, rural cooperative financial institutions, and franchised institutions providing exchange services within their respective jurisdictions. Upon receipt of this Notice, all national Chinese-funded banks shall forward it to their branches within their respective jurisdictions as soon as possible, convey policy requirements in an accurate manner, and conduct all work relating to the implementation of the Measures in an effective manner.   三、各外汇分局接到本通知后,应立即转发辖内中心支局、支局、城市商业银行、农村商业银行、外商独资银行、中外合资银行、外国银行分行及农村合作金融机构、兑换特许业务经营机构;各全国性中资银行接到本通知后,应尽快转发所辖分支机构,准确传导政策要求,做好《办法》实施的各项工作。
IV. This Notice shall come into force on the date of issuance, upon which the Notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of Issuing the Administrative Measures for the Pilot Program of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals (No. 27 [2012], SAFE), the Notice by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of Issues concerning the Provision of Exchange Services by Franchised Institutions of Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange for Individuals through the Internet (No. 41 [2015], SAFE), the Official Reply of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange to the Provision of Allocation and Transport of Foreign Currency Cash into or out of China and Foreign Currency Wholesale Services by Franchised Institutions of Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange for Individuals (Official Reply No. 169 [2015], SAFE), and the Notice by the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of Regulating the Matters on Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals and Foreign Currency Exchange Services (No. 38 [2015], General Affairs Department of the SAFE) shall be repealed.   四、本通知自发布之日起施行。《国家外汇管理局关于印发<个人本外币兑换特许业务试点管理办法>的通知》(汇发〔2012〕27号)、《国家外汇管理局关于个人本外币兑换特许机构通过互联网办理兑换业务有关问题的通知》(汇发〔2015〕41号)、《国家外汇管理局关于个人本外币兑换特许机构办理调运外币现钞进出境及外币批发业务的批复》(汇复〔2015〕169号)、《国家外汇管理局综合司关于规范个人本外币兑换特许业务和外币兑换业务有关事项的通知》(汇综发〔2015〕38号)同时废止。特此通知。
State Administration of Foreign Exchange 国家外汇管理局
February 13, 2020 2020年2月13日
Measures for the Administration of the Pilot Program of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals 个人本外币兑换特许业务试点管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of promoting the compliant provision of franchised domestic and foreign currency exchange services for individuals (hereinafter referred to as “franchised exchange services”), and improving small-value, convenient and rapid exchange services, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”) has developed these Measures in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration, the Measures for the Administration of Individual Foreign Exchange, and other relevant provisions.   第一条 为促进个人本外币兑换特许业务(以下简称兑换特许业务)合规经营,提升小额、便民、快捷兑换服务水平,国家外汇管理局根据《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》《个人外汇管理办法》等规定制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “franchised exchange services” means the following services provided by domestic non-financial institutions, which shall be subject to supervision and administration by the SAFE and its branches (hereinafter referred to as “foreign exchange authorities”):   第二条 本办法所称兑换特许业务是指由国家外汇管理局及其分支机构(以下简称外汇局)负责监督管理,境内非金融机构经营的下列业务:
(1) “Individual exchange services” means small-value RMB-foreign currency exchange services for domestic and overseas individuals, which are provided over the counters of fixed business premises or through electronic channels (including Internet websites and mobile terminal applications, among others, here and below) or self-service exchange machines. (一)个人兑换业务,指通过固定营业场所柜台、电子渠道(包括互联网站及移动终端应用程序等,下同)和自助兑换机具为境内外个人办理的人民币与外币间的小额兑换业务。
(2) “Wholesale and cash allocation services” means foreign currency cash purchase and sale and related services of allocating and transporting foreign currency in or out of China provided for qualified domestic institutions. (二)批发调钞业务,指为符合条件的境内机构办理的外币现钞买卖及与此相关的调运外币现钞进出境业务。
Article 3 Franchised institutions providing exchange services (hereinafter referred to as “franchised exchange institutions”) may provide relevant services only after connecting to the foreign exchange business system for individuals (hereinafter referred to as the “individual foreign exchange system”) of the SAFE. Individual exchange services provided over the counters of fixed business premises or through electronic channels shall be included in the management of annual facilitation quota for foreign exchange settlement and sale for individuals.   第三条 兑换特许业务经营机构(以下简称兑换特许机构)需连接国家外汇管理局个人外汇业务系统(以下简称个人外汇系统)后方可办理相关业务。通过固定营业场所柜台和电子渠道办理的个人兑换业务应纳入个人结售汇年度便利化额度管理。
Article 4 The Permit for Providing Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals (hereinafter referred to as the “Exchange Permit”) is a statutory document certifying that a franchised exchange institution is approved to provide services, and the Permit shall not be transferred, leased, or lent. The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the SAFE (hereinafter referred to as “SAFE branches”) shall be responsible for such work as the issuance, renewal, reissuance, and deregistration of the Exchange Permit, and see the Work Rules for the Administration of the Use of the Permit for Providing Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals (Annex 1).   第四条 《个人本外币兑换特许业务经营许可证》(以下简称《兑换许可证》)是兑换特许机构获准经营业务的法定证明文件,不得转让、出租、出借。国家外汇管理局分局、外汇管理部(以下简称外汇分局)负责《兑换许可证》的颁发、换领、补办、注销等工作,具体规定见《个人本外币兑换特许业务经营许可证使用管理工作制度》(附1)。
Article 5 Franchised exchange institutions shall strictly abide by anti-money laundering laws and regulations, conduct operations within the scope specified in the Exchange Permit, and shall not outsource franchised exchange services.   第五条 兑换特许机构应严格遵守反洗钱法规,并在《兑换许可证》载明的范围内开展经营活动,不得将兑换特许业务外包。
Chapter II Market Access 

第二章 市场准入

Article 6 A domestic non-financial institution may, in accordance with the provisions of these Measures, provide franchised exchange services only after obtaining the corresponding qualification upon application to the SAFE branch in the region implementing the pilot program of franchised exchange services.   第六条 境内非金融机构应按本办法规定,向兑换特许业务试点地区外汇分局申请取得相应资格后,方可经营兑换特许业务。
Article 7 A domestic non-financial institution intending to provide individual exchange services within the jurisdiction of the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered shall meet the following conditions:   第七条 境内非金融机构拟在注册地外汇分局辖内经营个人兑换业务,应具备以下条件:
(1) It has an independent legal person status and has a good credit status. (一)具有独立法人资格,且资信状况良好。
(2) The institutions and natural persons holding not less than 10% of its equity or right to control, as well as main beneficial owners have good credit status and no criminal records. (二)拥有10%(含)以上的股权或控制权的机构与自然人,以及主要受益所有人的资信状况良好,且无犯罪记录。
(3) Its main managers and business personnel have good credit status, have no criminal records, have relevant business work experience, and are familiar with the policies for the administration of individual foreign exchange services. (三)主要管理人员、业务人员资信状况良好,无犯罪记录,具有相关业务工作经验,熟悉个人外汇业务管理政策。
(4) It has provided foreign currency exchange services for six months or more, during which it has good operating status and has not been punished by the foreign exchange authority or any other regulator; and within six months before it applies for the qualification, it has conducted not less than 2,000 exchange transactions, of which the value is not less than the equivalent of one million US dollars. (四)经营外币代兑业务6个月以上,期间经营状况良好,未被外汇局和其他监管机构处罚;在申请资格前6个月内,办理代兑业务不少于2000笔,且兑换金额不少于等值100万美元。
(5) It has fixed business premises and facilities suitable for the operations, sound business management rules, and an operating system for exchange services (hereinafter referred to as the “operating system”). The operating system must be connected to the individual foreign exchange system with the interface mode. (五)具有适合经营的固定场所及设施,完善的业务管理制度及兑换业务操作系统(以下简称操作系统),操作系统需使用接口模式接入个人外汇系统。
(6) It undertakes that the individual exchange business volume and transactions are not lower than the minimum standards for market access. (六)承诺办理个人兑换业务量和兑换笔数不少于市场准入最低标准。
Article 8 Where a domestic non-financial institution intends to provide individual exchange services within the jurisdiction of the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered, it shall first apply to the SAFE branch for preparation, and submit the following materials:   第八条 境内非金融机构拟在注册地外汇分局辖内经营个人兑换业务,应首先向该外汇分局申请筹备,提交以下材料:
(1) An application report. (一)申请报告。
(2) Materials indicating that the institutions and natural persons holding not less than 10% of its equity or right to control, as well as main beneficial owners have good credit status and no criminal records. (二)拥有10%(含)以上的股权或控制权的机构与自然人,以及主要受益所有人的资信状况良好,且无犯罪记录的说明材料。
(3) Materials indicating that its main managers and business personnel have good credit status, have no criminal records, have relevant business work experience, and are familiar with the policies for the administration of individual foreign exchange services. (三)主要管理人员、业务人员资信状况良好,无犯罪记录,具有相关业务工作经验,熟悉个人外汇业务管理政策的说明材料。
(4) Materials certifying that it has provided foreign currency exchange services as an agent for six months or more, and within six months before filing the application, the exchange transactions and value have reached the minimum standards for market access. (四)经营外币代兑业务6个月以上,在申请前6个月内办理代兑业务达到业务准入最低兑换笔数和兑换金额标准的证明材料。
(5) A statement indicating that it has not been punished by the foreign exchange authority or any other regulator within the period of providing exchange services as an agent. (五)经营代兑业务期间未被外汇局和其他监管机构处罚的声明。
The SAFE branch shall, within 20 working days of receipt of complete application materials, make a decision to approve or disapprove the applicant's entry to the preparatory period. The preparatory period shall be three months from the date of approval. 外汇分局应自收到完整申请材料之日起20个工作日内,做出是否批准其进入筹备期的决定。筹备期为自批准之日起3个月。
Article 9 Where a domestic non-financial institution meets the conditions for launching services during the preparatory period, it shall apply to the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered before the expiry of the preparatory period, and submit the following materials:   第九条 境内非金融机构在筹备期间满足开办业务条件的,应于筹备期届满前,向注册地外汇分局申请,提交下列材料:
(1) An application report. (一)申请报告。
(2) Materials indicating that it has the premises and other facilities suitable for providing franchised exchange services, including but not limited to: the certification materials for the ownership of or right to use the business premises, computer hardware, and database equipment, high-definition video equipment for monitoring and recording franchised exchange operations on real-time in a complete manner, the equipment for the examination of valid identifications of domestic individual clients, and the equipment for displaying exchange currencies and exchange quotations in both Chinese and English in a conspicuous manner. (二)适合经营兑换特许业务的场所及其他设施的说明材料,内容包括但不限于:营业场所所有权或使用权的证明材料,电脑硬件、数据库设备情况,能够实时、完整监测与记录兑换特许业务经营活动的高清录像设备情况,审核境内个人客户有效身份证件的设备情况,以醒目中英文双语展示兑换币种和牌价的设备情况等。
(3) Explanatory materials on the operating system, including but not limited to: the real-time provision of exchange services, management of reserves, accounting, summary statistics, storage of transaction records, and other functions; as well as the function of giving risk warnings on such acts as those involving over-limits and splits according to the provisions on foreign exchange settlement and sale for individuals. (三)操作系统说明材料,内容包括但不限于:实时办理兑换业务、备付金管理、会计核算、汇总统计、存储记录交易等功能情况,以及遵照个人结售汇相关规定对超限额及分拆等行为予以风险提示的功能情况等。
(4) Business management rules, including but not limited to: business operating procedures, management of foreign currency exchange quotations, management of reserves, cash management, accounting, statistical reporting, risk and related internal control management, vouchers and archives seal management, and other rules. (四)业务管理制度,内容包括但不限于:业务操作规程,外币兑换牌价管理、备付金管理、现钞管理、会计核算、统计报告、风险及相关内控管理、凭证和档案印章管理等制度。
(5) Materials certifying that the operating system meets the technical conditions for access to the individual foreign exchange system in the interface mode. (五)操作系统满足以接口模式接入个人外汇系统技术条件的证明材料。
(6) The Letter of Undertaking concerning the Provision of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals (see Annex 2). (六)《个人本外币兑换特许业务经营承诺书》(见附2)。
The SAFE branch shall, within 20 working days of receipt of complete application materials, conduct on-site acceptance check of the conditions for launching the services, decide whether to approve or disapprove the application, and issue the Exchange Permit to the applicant if it approves the application. If the applicant fails to apply for launching the services before the expiry of the preparatory period, the preparation approval document shall be invalidated. 外汇分局应自收到完整申请材料之日起20个工作日内,对开办业务条件进行现场验收,做出是否批准的决定,并向获得批准的机构颁发《兑换许可证》。筹备期结束前未申请开办业务的,批准筹备文件失效。
Article 10 After a domestic non-financial institution obtains the qualification to provide individual exchange services within the jurisdiction of the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered, if a branch thereof within the aforesaid jurisdiction intends to provide individual exchange services, the branch shall apply to the SAFE branch for launching the services, and submit the following materials:   第十条 境内非金融机构取得在注册地外汇分局辖内经营个人兑换业务资格后,其在注册地外汇分局辖内的分支机构拟经营个人兑换业务的,该分支机构应向外汇分局申请开办业务,提交以下材料:
(1) An application report. (一)申请报告。
(2) The authorization document issued by the domestic non-financial institution approving the branch's provision of individual exchange services. (二)境内非金融机构同意该分支机构经营个人兑换业务的授权文件。
(3) A statement that the domestic non-financial institution and its subordinated franchised institutions of exchange services have good operating status in the most recent two years, and have not been punished by the foreign exchange authority or any other regulator. (三)境内非金融机构及所辖兑换特许机构近2年内经营状况良好,且未被外汇局和其他监管机构处罚的声明。
(4) Materials indicating that it satisfies the requirements of paragraph (3) of Articles 8, and paragraphs (2) to (5) of Article 9. (四)符合第八条(三),第九条(二)至(五)要求的材料。
SAFE branches shall, within 20 working days of receipt of complete application materials, conduct on-site acceptance check of the conditions for launching the services, decide whether to approve the application or not, and issue the Exchange Permit to the applicant if it approves the application. 外汇分局应自收到完整申请材料之日起20个工作日内,对开办业务条件进行现场验收,做出是否批准的决定,并向获得批准的机构颁发《兑换许可证》。
Article 11 A domestic non-financial institution intending to provide individual exchange services nationwide shall meet the following conditions:   第十一条 境内非金融机构拟在全国范围内经营个人兑换业务,应具备以下条件:
(1) It has possessed the qualification for providing individual exchange services within the jurisdiction of the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered for two years or more, and has not less than five branches approved to provide individual exchange services. (一)取得在注册地外汇分局辖内经营个人兑换业务资格2年以上,且拥有不少于5家获准经营个人兑换业务的分支机构。
(2) It and its subordinated franchised exchange institutions have good operating status in the most recent two years, have not been punished by the foreign exchange authority or any other regulator, and the transaction value of exchange for individuals handled by it within 12 months before the date of application is not less than the equivalent of 20 million US dollars. (二)自身及所辖兑换特许机构近2年内经营状况良好,未被外汇局和其他监管机构处罚,在申请之日前12个月内办理个人兑换业务金额不少于等值2000万美元。
(3) It is able to conduct unified accounting, centralized management of working capital and reserves, and submit data in a timely and accurate manner, among others, and is able to conduct the real-time monitoring of the services provided by its subordinated franchised exchange institutions. (三)具备统一会计核算,集中管理营运资金、备付金,及时准确报送数据等能力,能实时监控所辖兑换特许机构业务办理情况。
(4) It undertakes that the individual exchange business volume is not lower than the minimum standards for market access. (四)承诺办理个人兑换业务量不少于市场准入最低标准。
Article 12 A domestic non-financial institution intending to provide individual exchange services nationwide shall file an application with the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered, and submit the following materials:   第十二条 境内非金融机构拟在全国范围内经营个人兑换业务,应向注册地外汇分局申请,提交以下材料:
(1) An application report. (一)申请报告。
(2) Materials certifying that it has possessed the qualification for providing individual exchange services within the jurisdiction of the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered for two years or more, and has not less than five branches approved to provide individual exchange services. (二)取得在注册地外汇分局辖内经营个人兑换业务资格2年以上,且拥有不少于5家获准经营个人兑换业务的分支机构的证明材料。
(3) A statement that it and its subordinated franchised exchange institutions have good operating status in the most recent two years, and have not been punished by the foreign exchange authority or any other regulator. (三)自身及所辖兑换特许机构近2年内经营状况良好,且未被外汇局和其他监管机构处罚的声明。
(4) Materials certifying that the transaction value of exchange for individuals handled by it within 12 months before the date of application is not less than the equivalent of 20 million US dollars, including the financial accounting report on individual exchange services for the prior year which has been audited by an accounting firm. (四)在申请之日前12个月内办理个人兑换业务金额不少于等值2000万美元的证明材料,包括上一年度经会计师事务所审计的个人兑换业务财务会计报告。
(5) Materials certifying that it is able to conduct unified accounting, centralized management of working capital and reserves, and submit data in a timely and accurate data, among others, and is able to conduct the real-time monitoring of the services provided by its subordinated franchised exchange institutions. (五)具备统一会计核算,集中管理营运资金、备付金,及时准确报送数据等能力,能实时监控所辖兑换特许机构业务办理情况的说明材料。
(6) The Letter of Undertaking concerning the Provision of Franchised Domestic and Foreign Currency Exchange Services for Individuals. (六)《个人本外币兑换特许业务经营承诺书》。
The SAFE branch shall, within 20 working days of receipt of complete application materials, conduct on-site acceptance check of the conditions for launching the services, decide whether to approve or disapprove the application, and issue the new Exchange Permit to the applicant if it approves the application. 外汇分局应自收到完整申请材料之日起20个工作日内对开办业务条件进行现场验收,做出是否批准的决定。外汇分局应向获得批准的机构换发新《兑换许可证》。
Article 13 After a domestic non-financial institution obtains the qualification for providing individual exchange services nationwide, a branch thereof intending to provide new franchised individual exchange services shall file an application with the SAFE branch at the place where it is located, and the materials to be submitted and approval procedures are set out in Article 10. The SAFE branch responsible for approval shall send a copy of the official reply to the SAFE branch at the place where the branch's legal person is registered.   第十三条 境内非金融机构取得在全国范围内经营个人兑换业务资格后,其分支机构拟新增经营个人兑换特许业务的,该分支机构应向所在地外汇分局提交申请,提交材料及审批流程同第十条。负责审批的外汇分局应将批复文件抄送至该分支机构的法人注册地外汇分局。
Article 14 A domestic non-financial institution intending to provide wholesale and cash allocation services shall meet the following conditions:   第十四条 境内非金融机构拟经营批发调钞业务,应具备以下条件:
(1) It has possessed the qualification for providing individual exchange services nationwide for two years or more. (一)取得在全国范围内经营个人兑换业务资格2年以上。
(2) Its subordinated franchised exchange institutions provide individual exchange services within the jurisdiction of not less than three SAFE branches. (二)所辖兑换特许机构在不少于3个外汇分局辖内经营个人兑换业务。
(3) It and its subordinated franchised exchange institutions have good operating status in the most recent two years, have not been punished by the foreign exchange authority or any other regulator; and the transaction value of exchange for individuals handled by it within 12 months before the date of application is not less than the equivalent of 40 million US dollars. (三)自身及所辖兑换特许机构近2年内经营状况良好,且未被外汇局和其他监管机构处罚,在申请之日前12个月内办理个人兑换业务金额不少于等值4000万美元。
(4) It has facilities, handling systems and management rules suitable for providing wholesale and cash allocation services. (四)具有适合经营批发调钞业务的设施、办理系统及管理制度。
(5) It undertakes that the individual exchange business volume is not lower than the minimum standards for market access. (五)承诺办理个人兑换业务量不少于市场准入最低标准。
Article 15 A domestic non-financial institution intending to provide wholesale and cash allocation services shall file an application with the SAFE branch at the place where it is registered and submit the following materials:   第十五条 境内非金融机构拟经营批发调钞业务,应向注册地外汇分局申请,提交以下材料:
(1) An application report. (一)申请报告。
(2) Materials certifying that it has possessed the qualification for providing individual exchange services nationwide for two years or more, and its subordinated franchised exchange institutions provide individual exchange services within the jurisdiction of not less than three SAFE branches. (二)取得在全国范围内经营个人兑换业务资格2年以上,所辖兑换特许机构在不少于3个外汇分局辖内经营个人兑换业务的证明材料。
(3) A statement that it and its subordinated franchised exchange institutions have good operating status in the most recent two years, and have not been punished by the foreign exchange authority or any other regulator. (三)自身及所辖兑换特许机构近2年内经营状况良好,且未被外汇局和其他监管机构处罚的声明。
(4) Materials certifying that the transaction value of exchange for individuals handled by it within 12 months before the date of application is not less than the equivalent of 40 million US dollars.

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