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Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Fully Fulfilling Procuratorial Duties and Strengthening Judicial Protection of Property Rights [Effective]
最高人民检察院关于充分履行检察职能加强产权司法保护的意见 [现行有效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Fully Fulfilling
Procuratorial Duties and Strengthening Judicial Protection of Property


(No. 1 [2017] of the Supreme People's Procuratorate) (高检发[2017]1号)

The people's procuratorates and military procuratorates of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the military procuratorates; and the People's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院,军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院:
The Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Fully Fulfilling
Procuratorial Duties and Strengthening Judicial Protection of Property
Rights are hereby issued to you for your implementation in light of the actual situation.
Supreme Peole's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
January 6, 2017 2017年1月6日
Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Fully Fulfilling Procuratorial Duties and Strengthening Judicial Protection of Property Rights 最高人民检察院关于充分履行检察职能加强产权司法保护的意见

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee centering on Comrade Xi Jinping has attached great importance to property rights protection, and stated the protection of the property rights of organizations of various ownerships and natural persons. For purposes of implementing the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and a series of important speeches delivered by the General Secretary Xi Jinping, carrying out the arrangements and requirements of the Opinions on Improving the Property Rights Protection System and Lawfully Protecting Property Rights and the Central Economic Work Conference, fully fulfilling the procuratorial duties, and strengthening judicial protection of property rights, the following opinions are offered:


I. Recognizing in depth the significance of the property rights system, and specifying the overall requirement of property rights protection   一、深刻认识产权制度重要意义,明确产权保护的总体要求
(1) Fully recognizing the significance of strengthening judicial protection of property rights. The legal protection of property rights is the inherent requirement of the improvement of the socialist market economy system with Chinese characteristics, the general work keynote of seeking progress while keeping performance stable, and the objective need of promoting economic transformation and upgrade, comprehensively deepening reform, and finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The procuratorial departments at all levels shall bring their thoughts and actions in line with the important decisions, arrangements and requirements of the CPC Central Committee, firmly develop and implement the new development concepts, actively adapt to the new normal of economic development, practically prioritize the prevention and control of risks, and serving of development, and provide high-quality judicial services for the protection of lawful property rights of enterprises and individuals, and the promotion of the stable and sound economic development and social harmony and stability. 1.充分认识加强产权司法保护的重要意义。依法保护产权是完善中国特色社会主义市场经济体制的内在要求,是坚持稳中求进工作总基调,促进经济转型升级、全面深化改革、全面建成小康社会的客观需要。各级检察机关要把思想和行动统一到党中央重要决策、部署和要求上来,牢固树立和贯彻落实新发展理念,主动适应经济发展新常态,切实把防控风险、服务发展摆在更加突出位置,为保护企业和个人合法产权、促进经济平稳健康发展和社会和谐稳定提供优质的司法服务。
(2) Strictly implementing the overall requirement for strengthening judicial protection of property rights. The procuratorial departments at all levels shall adhere to the principle of legal protection, give full play to the procuratorial duties of punishment, prevention, supervision, education and protection, among others, and strengthen the judicial protection of property rights. The principle of equal protection shall be adhered to, the property rights of organizations of various ownerships and natural persons shall be equally protected, and the equal legal proceeding status and rights of various property right holders, the equal application of law and legal liability, and the equal legal protection and services, among others, shall be ensured. The principle of comprehensive protection shall be adhered to, various property rights such as real rights, debt, equities and intellectual property rights shall be comprehensively protected, and the lawful rights and interests of property right holders shall be protected effectively. 2.严格落实加强产权司法保护的总体要求。各级检察机关要坚持依法保护原则,充分发挥惩治、预防、监督、教育、保护等检察职能,加强对产权的司法保护。坚持平等保护原则,平等保护各种所有制组织和自然人的财产权,确保各类产权主体的诉讼地位和诉讼权利平等、法律适用和法律责任平等、法律保护和法律服务平等。坚持全面保护原则,全面保护物权、债权、股权、知识产权等各种类型的财产权,切实维护产权主体的合法权益。
II. Accurately mastering the standards of the law and policies, regulating and improving judicial actions and paying attention to the actual effect of judicial protection of property rights   二、准确把握法律政策界限,规范改进司法行为,注重产权司法保护实效
(3) Strictly grasping the standards for conviction in property rights cases. The procuratorial departments at all levels shall, when handling criminal cases relating to property rights, strictly distinguish economic disputes from economic crimes, legal enterprise funding from illegal fund-raising, disputes over property rights involved in the participation of private enterprises in the merger and restructuring of state-owned enterprises and malicious encroachment upon state-owned assets, and deviation in the implementing and making use of national policies to seek development from taking advantage of the reform loopholes to commit crimes. The principle of subjective and objective consistency shall be adhered to and objective imputation shall be averted. The economic conduct of private enterprises in manufacturing, operating and funding shall not be treated as violations of the law or crimes unless otherwise expressly prohibited in the laws and administrative regulations. In respect of a property rights-related criminal case which is being handled, where there is no definite provisions in the law or judicial interpretation, the legal standards are not express and the standards for conviction is obscure, such a case shall not be handled as a crime. 3.严格把握产权案件罪与非罪的界限标准。各级检察机关办理有关产权刑事案件,要严格区分经济纠纷与经济犯罪的界限,企业正当融资与非法集资的界限,民营企业参与国有企业兼并重组中涉及的产权纠纷与恶意侵占国有资产的界限,执行和利用国家政策谋发展中的偏差与钻改革空子实施犯罪的界限。坚持主客观相一致原则,避免客观归罪。对民营企业生产、经营、融资等经济行为,除法律、行政法规明确禁止外,不以违法犯罪对待。对于正在办理的涉产权刑事案件,法律和司法解释规定不明确、法律界限不明、罪与非罪界限不清的,不作为犯罪处理。
(4) Properly handling property rights cases formed through history in accordance with the law. The irregularities in the process of operations and development of various enterprises, especially private enterprises, since the reform and opening up shall be treated objectively from the prospective of development and properly handled in accordance with the law. The principles such as non-retroactivity of law, nulla poena sine lege, following the former provisions and imposing lighter punishment, and no punishment in doubtful cases shall be adhered to in case handling, and a misjudged or unjust case in which the facts are indeed unclear, evidence is insufficient, or application of law is erroneous shall be firmly rectified. Where there is no fact of crime or there is consistency with any of the circumstances as set out in Article 15 of the Criminal Procedure Law, or no criminal penalty is required arising out of minor criminal circumstances, or the standards of evidence for indictment is not met notwithstanding supplementary investigation, no indictment shall be filed in accordance with the law. One whose act is criminally punishable and who pleads guilty and accepts punishment shall be subject to lenient punishment in accordance with the law. A property rights case which society is strongly concerned with or is formed through history and appealed by a party for a long time shall be screened by organizing forces without delay, and, if indeed a misjudged or unjust case, firmly rectified in accordance with the law and the party shall be indemnified against his damage. 4.依法妥善处理历史形成的产权案件。以发展眼光客观看待和依法妥善处理改革开放以来各类企业,特别是民营企业经营发展过程中存在的不规范问题。办案中坚持罪刑法定、法不溯及既往、从旧兼从轻、疑罪从无原则,对于确属事实不清、证据不足、适用法律错误的错案冤案,坚决予以纠正。对于没有犯罪事实或者具有《刑事诉讼法》第十五条规定的情形之一的,或者犯罪情节轻微不需要判处刑罚的,或者经过补充侦查仍达不到起诉证据标准的,依法不起诉。对于构成犯罪但认罪认罚的,依法从宽处理。对于社会反映强烈、当事人长期申诉的历史形成的产权案件,要抓紧组织力量进行甄别,对确属错案冤案的,坚决依法纠正并赔偿当事人的损失。
(5) Regulating judicial actions, improving case-handling means and methods, and minimizing the damage and prejudice to the lawful rights and interests and normal economic activities of property right holders. The intervention into any economic dispute by criminal means shall be strictly prohibited. The use of any transport or communication device, or office equipment of a party, or the request of any entity involved in a case for benefits in enforcement in the name of case handling shall be prohibited. The intervention in the normal production and business operations of enterprises involved in cases shall be strictly prohibited. The case-handling time and means shall be prudentially chosen and compulsory measures such as search, seizure, distrainment, freezing, detention and arrest shall be used prudentially. Various property right holders suspected of any crime shall voluntarily cooperate in investigation, and shall, if having an positive attitude in pleading guilty, under relatively light criminal circumstances, and no danger to society, not be subject to compulsory measures such as detention, arrest, and residential confinement at designated residence; and money, property or any account unrelated to a case, including means of production and operation of enterprises, and the lawful property of any close relative to a case-related person shall not be seized, arrested or frozen. Where a report involving the crime of an enterprise, investor, manufacturer, operator or sci-tech innovation person is discovered to be inconsistent with the facts, facts shall be clarified in a timely manner. 5.规范自身司法行为,改进办案方式方法,最大程度减少对产权主体合法权益和正常经济活动的损害及影响。严禁以刑事手段插手经济纠纷。严禁使用当事人的交通通讯工具、办公设备,或者以办案为名到发案单位吃、拿、卡、要、报。严禁干预涉案企业正常生产经营活动。慎重选择办案时机和方式,慎重使用搜查、查封、扣押、冻结、拘留、逮捕等强制性措施。对于涉嫌犯罪的各类产权主体主动配合调查,认罪态度好,犯罪情节较轻,且没有社会危险性的,一律不采取拘留、逮捕、指定居所监视居住等强制措施;对于不涉案的款物、账户,包括企业生产经营资料、涉案人员近亲属的合法财产等,一律不查封、扣押、冻结。对于涉及企业和投资、生产、经营者、科技创新人员犯罪的举报,经查证失实的,及时澄清事实。
III. Fulfilling criminal procuratorial duties in accordance with the law, and imposing more punishment for crimes infringe on property rights   三、依法履行刑事检察职能,加大惩治侵犯产权犯罪力度
(6) Strengthening the examination of arrest and indictment request, and ensuring legal, accurate, timely and effective crackdown upon crimes infringing upon property rights. A crime undermining the market economic order, or infringing on the property rights of various property entities shall be punishable in accordance with the law, a mass-related economic crime such as illegally pooling public deposits, fund-raising fraud, and organizing and leading Ponzi schemes, a crime undermining the open market and business environment by business bribery, financial fraud, false actions, forced transaction, or any other illegal means, or that seriously detrimental to the rights and interests of investors, especially small and medium-sized investors, by insider trading, making use of undisclosed information for transaction, manipulating securities and futures markets, and other means, shall be cracked down upon in priority. The crime of infringement upon intellectual property rights and production and sale of counterfeit and inferior products shall be punishable in accordance with the law, the crime of chained and industrialized infringement upon intellectual property rights and crimes under serious circumstances such as repeated infringements, malicious infringements, internet infringements and organized infringements shall be clamped downed in priority, and the crimes related to intellectual property rights shall be better combated. A crime of serious infringements upon property rights abusing public power to seriously infringe upon private property rights, colluding with a criminal syndicate to take illegal control in a particular economic field, having many victims, or causing a mass event, among others, shall be put under public supervision, intervened in and investigated in the first time, and the criminal investigation department shall be guided in comprehensively collecting and fixing evidence so as to ensure the efficiency and quality of case handling.

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