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Measures for the Handling of Disciplinary Violations in the National Uniform Legal Profession Qualification Examination [Effective]
国家统一法律职业资格考试违纪行为处理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Justice 


(No. 141) (第141号)

The Measures for the Handling of Disciplinary Violations in the National Uniform Legal Profession Qualification Examination, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice on September 13, 2018, are hereby issued and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《国家统一法律职业资格考试违纪行为处理办法》已经2018年9月13日司法部部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Minister: Fu Zhenghua 

部长 傅政华

September 13, 2018 2018年9月13日

Measures for the Handling of Disciplinary Violations in the National Uniform Legal Profession Qualification Examination 



Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 These Measures are developed for purposes of strengthening the administration of the national uniform legal profession qualification examination, strictly enforcing the examination disciplines, and maintaining the fair and impartial examination order.   第一条 为了加强国家统一法律职业资格考试管理,严肃考试纪律,维护公平公正的考试秩序,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the determination and handling of violations of examination management provisions and examination disciplines committed by applicants, examinees, examination staff members and other relevant personnel of the national uniform legal profession qualification examination.   第二条 国家统一法律职业资格考试报名人员、应试人员、考试工作人员以及其他相关人员,违反考试管理规定和考试纪律的认定与处理,适用本办法。
Article 3 The Ministry of Justice shall be responsible for guiding and supervising the handling of disciplinary violations in the national uniform legal profession qualification examination.   第三条 司法部负责对国家统一法律职业资格考试违纪行为处理的指导监督。
The judicial administrative authorities of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and places where examination areas are located shall be responsible for the specific handling of disciplinary violations in the examination. 省、自治区、直辖市和考区所在地司法行政机关负责对考试违纪行为的具体处理。
Invigilators shall, in accordance with the provisions of these Measures, handle relevant disciplinary violations on site, and accept the guidance and supervision of judicial administrative authorities. 监考人员根据本办法规定对有关违纪行为进行现场处理,并接受司法行政机关的指导监督。
Article 4 The disciplinary violations in the national uniform legal profession qualification examination shall be recognized and handled based on clear facts, conclusive evidence, standard procedures, and accurate application of provisions.   第四条 国家统一法律职业资格考试违纪行为的认定和处理,应当做到事实清楚、证据确凿、程序规范、适用规定准确。
Chapter II Handling of Disciplinary Violations Committed by Examination Applicants, Examinees and Other Relevant Persons 

第二章 报名人员、应试人员及其他相关人员违纪行为处理

Article 5 Where any person not qualified for signing up for the examination obtains the qualification for signing up for the examination by such means as concealing personal information and making false commitments, the judicial administrative authority at the place where the examination area is located shall make a decision that his or her application is invalid. If any person fraudulently obtains the application qualification by such means as providing forged or altered academic diploma or degree certificate or certificate, legal work experience, identity or household registration information, or obtains the application qualification by bribery, coercion or any other illicit means, the judicial administrative authority at the place where the examination area is located shall concurrently prohibit him or her from signing up for the national uniform legal professional qualification examination within two years.   第五条 不具备考试报名条件的人员通过隐瞒个人信息、虚假承诺等方式取得报名资格的,由考区所在地司法行政机关作出报名无效的决定;对通过提供伪造、变造的学历学位证书及证明书、法律工作经历、身份及户籍信息等骗取报名或者通过贿赂、胁迫等其他不正当手段取得报名资格的,由考区所在地司法行政机关一并给予其二年内不得报名参加国家统一法律职业资格考试的处理。
Where any person falls under any of the aforesaid circumstances and has already taken the examination, the judicial administrative authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall invalidate his or her examination results in the current year, and if the person has obtained the legal professional qualification, the Ministry of Justice shall make a decision to revoke the granted legal profession qualification, and cancel his or her legal profession qualification certificate. 具有上述情形,已经参加考试的,由省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关给予其当年考试成绩无效的处理;已经取得法律职业资格的,由司法部作出撤销授予法律职业资格的决定,并注销其法律职业资格证书。
Article 6 Where an examinee commits any of the following conduct, the invigilator shall give him or her an oral warning and order him or her to make correction. If the examinee fails to make correction after being given an oral warning or the circumstances are serious, the chief invigilator in charge of the examination site shall decide to terminate his or her examination and order him or her to leave the examination room, and the judicial administrative authority at the place where the examination area is located shall cancel his or her examination results.   第六条 应试人员有下列行为之一的,由监考人员给予口头警告,责令改正;经口头警告仍不改正或者情节严重的,由考点总监考决定给予其终止本场考试、责令离开考场的处理,并由考区所在地司法行政机关给予其取消本场考试成绩的处理:
(1) Carrying with him or her any article other than those specified in the examination into the examination room and failing to place such article at a designated location after being reminded. (一)携带考试规定以外的物品进入考场,经提醒后仍未放至指定位置的;
(2) Answering questions before the examination begins or continuing with the examination after the examination ends. (二)考试开始前答题或者考试结束后继续答题的;
(3) Failing to fill in or enter the name, admission ticket number or identity card number in the examination paper, answer sheet or electronic answer sheet within 30 minutes after the examination begins, or making any mark on the answer sheet or signing name at any place not for signing name. (三)考试开始三十分钟后仍未按规定在试卷、答卷、电子试题答卷页面上标明位置填涂或者录入姓名、准考证号、身份证号,在答卷上作标记或者在非署名处署名的;
(4) Switching off the test machine without approval, adjusting the display position and angle of the test machine to a large extent, moving the host, changing the keyboard, the mouse, or other equipment. (四)擅自关闭考试机、大幅度调整考试机显示屏摆放位置和角度、搬动主机箱、更换键盘和鼠标等设备的;
(5) Whispering to each other, glancing right and left or making any noise in the examination room during the examination, or staying in or near the examination room, making any noise, or otherwise affecting the examination order after handing in the examination paper. (五)考试期间在考场内交头接耳、左顾右盼、喧哗或者交卷后在考场内、考场附近逗留、喧哗等影响考试秩序的;
(6) Failing to take the examination at the designated seat or leaving the seat or entering or leaving the examination room during the examination without approval. (六)未在规定座位参加考试或者考试期间擅自离开座位、出入考场的;
(7) Intentionally destroying examination paper, answer sheet or materials distributed in the examination room, the test machine or any equipment relating to the examination. (七)故意损毁试卷、答卷或者考场配发材料、考试机等考试相关设备的;
(8) Taking the examination paper, answer sheet, draft paper or materials distributed in the examination room out of the examination room, or taking the test questions or answer information record out of the examination room. (八)将试卷、答卷、草稿纸或者考场配发材料带出考场,将试题或者本人答题信息记录并带出考场的;
(9) Any other disciplinary violation against which corresponding handling measures shall be taken. (九)有需要给予相应处理的其他违纪行为的。
Article 7 Where an examinee commits any of the following conduct, the chief invigilator shall decide to terminate his or her examination and order him or her to leave the examination room, and the judicial administrative authority at the place where the examination area is located shall decide to invalidate his or her examination results in the current year, and prohibit him or her from signing up for the national uniform legal profession qualification examination within two years.   第七条 应试人员有下列行为之一的,由总监考决定给予其终止本场考试、责令离开考场的处理,并由考区所在地司法行政机关决定给予其当年考试成绩无效、二年内不得报名参加国家统一法律职业资格考试的处理:
(1) It is found that the examinee carries any equipment with the function of sending or receiving information after the examination commences, or uses external equipment, installs cheating tools or cheating programs in a computerized examination. (一)考试开始后被查出携带具有发送或者接收信息功能的设备,或者在计算机化考试中使用外接设备、安装作弊工具、作弊程序的;
(2) Copying, viewing, or eavesdropping texts or audio-visual materials relating to the content of the examination, which are brought into the examination room in violation of the regulation. (二)抄袭、查看、偷听违规带进考场与考试内容有关的文字、视听资料的;
(3) Delivering answer information by such means as discussing or gesturing to each other; snatching or stealing any other person's paper, answer sheet or draft paper, or exchanging the examination paper, answer sheet or draft paper with any other person. (三)以讨论、打手势等方式传递答题信息,抢夺、窃取他人试卷、答卷、草稿纸或者与他人交换试卷、答卷、草稿纸的;
(4) Copying the answers of any other person, or consenting to or assisting any other person's copying of his or her answers. (四)抄袭他人答案或者同意、协助他人抄袭答案的;
(5) Other cheating acts against which corresponding handling measures shall be taken. (五)有需要给予相应处理的其他作弊行为的。
Article 8 Where an examinee commits any of the following conduct, the judicial administrative authority of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall decide to invalidate his or her examination results in the current year and prohibit him or her from signing up for the national uniform legal profession qualification examination for life. If the conduct is found on the spot, the chief invigilator in charge of the examination site shall terminate his or her examination, order him or her to leave the examination room, and the judicial administrative authority at the place where the examination area is located shall report it to the judicial administrative authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for handling in accordance with the aforesaid provisions:   第八条 应试人员有下列行为之一的,由省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关决定给予其当年考试成绩无效、终身不得报名参加国家统一法律职业资格考试的处理;当场发现的,由考点总监考给予其终止本场考试、责令离开考场的处理,并经考区所在地司法行政机关报省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关按照前述规定处理:
(1) Using forged, altered or using any other person's resident identity card, household register, admission ticket or any other certification materials to take the examination. (一)使用伪造、变造或者盗用他人的居民身份证、户口簿、准考证以及其他证明材料参加考试的;
(2) Illegally intruding into a computerized examination system or illegally obtaining, deleting, amending or adding data in the examination information system to sabotage the normal operation of the computer examination system. (二)非法侵入计算机化考试系统或者非法获取、删除、修改、增加考试信息系统数据,破坏计算机考试系统正常运行的;
(3) Organizing cheating, or providing cheating equipment or program or other assistance for any other person's organization of cheating in the examination. (三)实施组织作弊,或者为他人组织作弊提供作弊器材、程序或者其他帮助行为的;
(4) Illegally obtaining examination questions or answers or illegally selling or providing examination questions or answers to any other person so as to cheat in the examination. (四)为实施考试作弊行为,非法获取考试试题、答案或者向他人非法出售、提供考试试题、答案的;
(5) Taking an examination on behalf of any other person or enabling any other person to take an examination on behalf of himself or herself.

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