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Regulation on the Work of Servicemen Committees of the Chinese People's Liberation Army [Effective]
中国人民解放军军人委员会工作条例 [现行有效]

Regulation on the Work of Servicemen Committees of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 


(August 19, 2008)

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated in accordance with the Regulation on the Political Work of the Chinese People's Liberation Army for the purpose of regulating and strengthening the work of servicemen committees of the military grassroots entities (hereinafter referred to as the “servicemen committees”).   第一条 为了规范和加强军队基层单位军人委员会(以下简称军人委员会)工作,根据《中国人民解放军政治工作条例》,制定本条例。

Article 2 A servicemen committee is an organization through which companies and grassroots entities at the equivalent level exercise political democracy, economic democracy and military democracy, guarantee the servicemen's exercise of their democratic rights and carry out mass activities, and an assistant for the Party branches (grassroots Party committees) to strengthen self-construction, and to unite and lead officers and soldiers to accomplish various tasks.   第二条 军人委员会是连队以及与其相当的基层单位实行政治民主、经济民主、军事民主,保障军人行使民主权利,开展群众性活动的组织,是党支部(基层党委)加强本单位建设、团结带领官兵完成各项任务的助手。

Article 3 A servicemen committee shall carry out work under the leadership of the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) and the guidance of the heads of the entity.   第三条 军人委员会在党支部(基层党委)领导和本单位首长指导下开展工作。

Article 4 A servicemen committee shall adopt collective leadership, and carry out important activities upon decision through collective deliberation, and submit the important issues to the servicemen assembly for deliberation when necessary.   第四条 军人委员会实行集体领导,开展重要活动应当经集体讨论决定,必要时提交军人大会讨论。

Article 5 A servicemen committee must take the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” as the guide for its work, thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, closely center on the full performance of the historic mission of the PLA in the new century and at the new stage, vigorously carry forward the fine traditions of obeying the Party's command, serving the people and being brave and skillful in battle, and mobilize and organize officers and soldiers to make contributions to the construction of a more revolutionary, modernized and normalized army.   第五条 军人委员会工作必须以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕全面履行新世纪新阶段我军历史使命,大力弘扬听党指挥、服务人民、英勇善战的优良传统,动员和组织官兵为建设革命化、现代化、正规化军队做贡献。

Article 6 The basic tasks of a servicemen committee are to: by centering on the central tasks of the entity, organize officers and soldiers to carry out political democracy, economic democracy and military democracy and other mass activities, play the role of an advisor in grassroots construction and completion of tasks, play the supervisory role in the maintenance of policies and disciplines and protection of legitimate rights and interests of officers and soldiers, and play the role of a bridge in connecting the relationship between officers and soldiers and between the army and civilians.   第六条 军人委员会工作的基本任务是:围绕本单位中心任务组织官兵开展政治民主、经济民主、军事民主和其他群众性活动,在基层建设和完成任务中发挥参谋作用,在维护政策纪律和官兵正当权益中发挥监督作用,在密切官兵关系和军民关系中发挥桥梁作用。

Article 7 The work of a servicemen committee must observe the following principles: upholding the Party's leadership, adhering to carrying out work around the central task, adhering to carrying out democratic activities in an organized and orderly manner, adhering to respecting the dominant position of officers and servicemen and exerting the main role of officers and soldiers, adhering to the protection of the collective interests of the entity and the legitimate rights and interest of officers and soldiers, and adhering to the combination of inheritance of fine traditions and reform and innovation.   第七条 军人委员会工作必须遵循的原则是:坚持党的领导,坚持围绕中心任务开展工作,坚持有组织有秩序地进行民主活动,坚持尊重官兵主体地位、发挥官兵主体作用,坚持维护单位集体利益和官兵正当权益,坚持继承优良传统与改革创新相结合。

Article 8 A servicemen committee shall have the right to make suggestions on the training for preparedness against war, educational management, logistical support, management of weapons and military supplies and other work of the entity; the recommendation right to raise candidates for the matters concerning the vital interests of officers and soldiers such as selection and promotion of non-commissioned officers, college enrollment of outstanding soldiers through examination or recommendation, selection and training of technical soldiers, commendation and rewards; the right to supervise the performance of duties and observance of disciplines and laws by officers and soldiers; and the right to protect the collective interests of the entity and the legitimate rights and interests of officers and soldiers.   第八条 军人委员会有对本单位战备训练、教育管理、后勤保障、武器装备管理等工作的建议权,对士官选取和晋级、优秀士兵考学和保送入学、技术兵选拔培养、表彰奖励等涉及官兵切身利益事项提出人选的推荐权,对官兵履行职责、遵纪守法的监督权,对单位集体利益、官兵正当权益的维护权。

Article 9 A servicemen committee must adapt to the requirements of accelerating the revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics, and making good preparations for military battle, focus on mobilizing the enthusiasm, imitativeness and creativity of officers and soldiers and enhancing the creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity of the army, strengthen self-construction by putting emphasis on improving the ability to organize and carry out democratic activities, and make efforts to achieve sound organization, implementation of rules, frequent activities and significant effect.   第九条 军人委员会必须适应加快中国特色军事变革、做好军事斗争准备的要求,着眼调动官兵的积极性主动性创造性、增强部队的创造力凝聚力战斗力,以提高组织开展民主活动能力为重点,加强自身建设,做到组织健全、制度落实、活动经常、作用明显。

Chapter II Organizational Settings and Duties 

第二章 组织设置与职责

Article 10 Companies, warships and flight groups and grassroots entities at the equivalent levels such as teams, stations, offices, houses and depots shall establish servicemen committees.   第十条 连队、舰艇、飞行大队及与其相当的队、站、室、所、库等基层单位,应当设立军人委员会。

The establishment of a servicemen committee must be subject to the approval of the political organ of an entity at the brigade or regiment level.

Article 11 Where the number of staff of an entity is 40 or more, the servicemen committee shall generally consist of seven people, and consist of five people if the number is less than 40. Each platoon (element) shall have one committee member.   第十一条 单位编制员额40人以上的,军人委员会一般由7人组成;不足40人的,由5人组成。每个排(分队)应当有委员1人。

Article 12 The members of a servicemen committee shall be recommended by the squads and platoons (elements) and, after being examined by the Party branch (grassroots Party committee), be elected by secret ballot and competitive election through a servicemen assembly, and be reported to the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) for approval.   第十二条 军人委员会委员由班、排(分队)推荐候选人,经党支部(基层党委)审查后,召开军人大会以无记名投票方式差额选举产生,报党支部(基层党委)批准。

The number of the candidates for members of a servicemen committee shall be more than 20% the number of members to be elected at least. The number of the servicemen present at the servicemen assembly must be more than 4/5 the number of servicemen due, and a candidate can be elected only if he or she has obtained affirmative votes of more than half of the number of the servicemen who are present at the meeting.

The term of a servicemen committee is one year. Where there are any vacancies of members, they shall be filled through by-election in a timely manner.

Article 13 A servicemen committee shall elect one director and one deputy director, and report them to the political organ of the entity at the brigade or regiment level for approval. The post of director shall generally be held by a deputy head of the entity, or by a member of the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) if there is no deputy head. The post of deputy director shall be held by a commissioned officer or a non-commissioned officer who has good military and political qualities and a high prestige among the officers and soldiers. The members shall mainly be held by the soldiers or military students who have strong work capability and enthusiastically serve the mass officers and soldiers.   第十三条 军人委员会推选主任、副主任各1人,报旅、团级单位政治机关批准。主任一般由本单位副职首长担任,不设副职的由党支部(基层党委)委员担任。副主任由军政素质好、群众威信高的军官或者士官担任。委员主要由工作能力强、热心为群众服务的士兵、学员担任。

Article 14 A servicemen committee shall consist of a political democracy team, an economic democracy team, and a military democracy team, and may also consist of a recreational and sports team and a mass work team when necessary. The head of a team shall be concurrently held by a member or deputy director of the servicemen committee. A team shall generally consist of three members, and the posts of members shall be held by the servicemen suitable for working in such team. For an entity of less than 40 servicemen, the teams may be properly combined, and the members of the teams may be reduced correspondingly.   第十四条 军人委员会下设政治民主组、经济民主组、军事民主组,根据需要还可以设文娱体育组、群众工作组。组长由军人委员会委员或者副主任兼任。组员一般为3人,由适合在该组工作的人员担任。40人以下的单位,组可以适当合并,组员可以相应减少。

Article 15 A servicemen committee shall perform the following main duties:   第十五条 军人委员会履行下列主要职责:

(1) assisting the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) and the heads of the entity in organizing and carrying out the education of democratic traditions of the PLA; (一)协助党支部(基层党委)和本单位首长组织开展我军民主传统教育;

(2) mobilizing officers and soldiers to contribute ideas so as to put forward suggestions on strengthening and improving the construction and work of the entity; (二)发动官兵出主意想办法,提出加强和改进本单位建设和工作的建议;

(3) organizing officers and soldiers to make democratic recommendation and carry out democratic appraisal to elect delegates to the servicemen congress; (三)组织官兵进行民主推荐,开展民主评议,选举出席军人代表会议代表;

(4) learning about and reflecting the opinions of officers and soldiers about leaders, assisting in the settlement of conflicts between officers and soldiers, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of officers and soldiers; (四)了解和反映官兵对领导的意见,协助解决官兵之间的矛盾,维护官兵正当权益;

(5) supervising the observance of disciplines and laws by officers and soldiers, publicizing good personalities and good deeds and criticizing bad tendencies; (五)监督官兵遵纪守法情况,宣传好人好事,批评不良倾向;

(6) inspecting and announcing the income and expenditure of funds of the entity and the custody and utilization of public goods and materials; (六)检查并公布本单位经费收支和公用物资保管使用情况;

(7) learning about and reflecting the opinions of officers and soldiers about food and other material and cultural life, reviewing the recipes and putting forward suggestions for improvement; (七)了解和反映官兵对伙食及其他物质文化生活的意见,审查食谱,提出改善的建议;

(8) mobilizing officers and soldiers to contribute ideas for the completion of various tasks centering on military training, and carrying out mass competitions in military skills; (八)发动官兵为完成以军事训练为中心的各项任务献计献策,开展群众性的比武竞赛活动;

(9) mobilizing officers and soldiers to carry out military democracy, research tactical technology, make good psychological protection and carry out warfare appraisal activities during wartime; (九)战时发动官兵开展军事民主,研究战术技术,做好心理防护,开展战评活动;

(10) organizing and carrying out mass recreational and sports activities, and keeping good custody of clubs, activity rooms and recreational and sports equipment; and (十)组织开展群众性文娱体育活动,管好俱乐部活动室和文体器材;

(11) assisting the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) and the heads of the entity in carrying out activities of supporting the government and cherishing the people and co-construction by the army and civilians, inspecting and maintaining the mass discipline and conducting well the matters related to the visiting family members of servicemen. (十一)协助党支部(基层党委)和本单位首长开展拥政爱民和军民共建活动,检查和维护群众纪律,做好来队家属工作。

The teams of political democracy, economic democracy, military democracy, recreational and sports, and mass work shall, in accordance with the division of tasks, undertake various tasks of the servicemen committee.

Article 16 The command organs, political organs, logistics (combined logistics) organs, and equipment organs, which have a considerably large number of soldiers, and the temporary entities that independently perform tasks, may establish servicemen committees according to their needs. The measures for the formation and establishment of servicemen committees and their duties shall be governed by reference to the provisions of this Chapter.   第十六条 编制士兵员额较多的司令机关、政治机关、后勤(联勤)机关、装备机关,以及独立执行任务的临时单位,根据需要可以设立军人委员会。军人委员会的组成、产生办法和职责参照本章规定执行。

Chapter III Directors and Members 

第三章 主任与委员

Article 17 The director of a servicemen committee shall be the person in charge of the daily work of the committee, be responsible for the comprehensive work of the committee under the leadership of the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) and the heads of the entity, and perform the following main duties:   第十七条 军人委员会主任是军人委员会日常工作的主持者,在党支部(基层党委)和本单位首长领导下,负责军人委员会全面工作,履行下列主要职责:

(1) holding and presiding over the meetings of the servicemen committee and relevant servicemen assembly; (一)主持召开军人委员会会议和相关军人大会;

(2) organizing the implementation of the relevant resolutions of the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) and the instructions of the heads of the entity; (二)组织落实党支部(基层党委)有关决议和本单位首长指示;

(3) organizing various democratic activities; (三)组织开展各项民主活动;

(4) learning about and reflecting the opinions and suggestions of officers and soldiers, conveying the appeals and complaints of officers and soldiers and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of officers and soldiers; (四)了解和反映官兵的意见和建议,转达官兵的申诉和控告,维护官兵的正当权益;

(5) leading the self-construction of the committee, keeping in close contact with all committee members and members of the teams to exchange information and research work, and directing and urging them to perform their duties; (五)领导军人委员会自身建设,与各委员和组员保持密切联系,交流情况,研究工作,指导和督促其履行职责;

(6) reporting work to the servicemen assembly on behalf of the servicemen committee; (六)代表军人委员会向军人大会报告工作;

(7) strengthening contact and cooperation with the Communist Youth League branch; and (七)加强与团支部的联系和协调;

(8) asking for instructions from the Party branch (grassroots Party committee) and the heads of the entity. (八)向党支部(基层党委)和本单位首长请示报告工作。

The deputy director shall assist the director in his or her work and perform duties on behalf of the director when the post becomes vacant.

Article 18 The members of a servicemen committee shall perform the following main duties:   第十八条 军人委员会委员履行下列主要职责:

(1) participating in and protecting collective leadership, participating in various activities of the servicemen committee, actively putting forward opinions on the matters deliberated and decided by the servicemen committee; (一)参与和维护集体领导,参加军人委员会各项活动,对军人委员会讨论决定的事项积极发表意见;

(2) completing the tasks assigned by the servicemen committee, and accepting inspection and supervision; (二)完成军人委员会赋予的任务,并接受检查监督;

(3) reporting work to the servicemen committee, reflecting information and putting forward comments and suggestions;

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