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Provisions on the Permission for the Use of Transport Airports (2019 Amendment) [Revised]
运输机场使用许可规定(2019修正) [已被修订]

Provisions on the Permission for the Use of Transport Airports



(Issued by the Ministry of Transport on Auguest 31, 2018; amended in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport to Amend the Provisions on the Permission for the Use of Transport Airports on October 21, 2019) (2018年8月31日交通运输部发布 根据2019年10月21日交通运输部《关于修改<运输机场使用许可规定>的决定》修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purpose of regulating the permission for the use of transport airports and guaranteeing the safe and normal operation of transport airports, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China, the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Administration of Civil Airports and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了规范运输机场使用许可工作,保障运输机场安全、正常运行,根据《中华人民共和国民用航空法》、《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《民用机场管理条例》和其他有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the permission for the use of transport airports (including part for civilian use of the airports that are used for both military and civilian purposes, hereinafter referred to as “airports”) and the administration of the relevant activities thereof.   第二条 本规定适用于运输机场(含军民合用机场民用部分,以下简称机场)的使用许可及其相关活动管理。
Article 3 Airports shall be subject to the use permission system. An airport may be open for use only after its airport management body obtains an airport use permit.   第三条 机场实行使用许可制度。机场管理机构取得机场使用许可证后,机场方可开放使用。
An “airport management body” means a legally formed or authorized institution with legal person status which is responsible for the safety and operation management of an airport. 机场管理机构是指依法组建的或者受委托的负责机场安全和运营管理的具有法人资格的机构。
An airport management body shall use an airport according to the scope prescribed in an airport use permit. 机场管理机构应当按照机场使用许可证规定的范围使用机场。
An airport use permit shall remain valid if it is not revoked, annulled or cancelled. 机场使用许可证在未被吊销、撤销、注销等情况下,持续有效。
Article 4 The Civil Aviation Administration of China (“CAAC”) shall be responsible for the unified supervision and administration of airport use permits nationwide and the relevant activities thereof, and shall be responsible for the approval of airport use permits with an airfield index of 4F.   第四条 中国民用航空局(以下简称民航局)负责对全国范围内的机场使用许可及其相关活动实施统一监督管理;负责飞行区指标为4F的机场使用许可审批工作。
Article 5 CAAC regional administrations shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of airport use permits within their respective jurisdictions and the relevant activities thereof, including:   第五条 民航地区管理局负责对所辖区域内的机场使用许可及其相关活动实施监督管理。包括:
(1) Being authorized by the CAAC to conduct approval of airport use permits with an airfield index of 4E or below within their respective jurisdictions. (一)受民航局委托实施辖区内飞行区指标为4E(含)以下的机场使用许可审批工作;
(2) Supervising and checking the permission for the use of an airport within their respective jurisdictions. (二)监督检查本辖区内机场使用许可的执行情况;
(3) Organizing the annual applicability inspection and the conformity assessment every five years for the airports within their respective jurisdiction which have obtained an airport use permit. (三)组织对辖区内取得使用许可证的机场进行年度适用性检查和每5年一次的符合性评价;
(4) Performing any other functions and duties as prescribed by any law or administrative regulation or as authorized by the CAAC. (四)法律、行政法规规定的以及民航局授权的其他职责。
Article 6 The administration of permission for the use of airports shall follow the principles of safety first, complete conditions, strict examination, and standard procedures.   第六条 机场使用许可管理应当遵循安全第一、条件完备、审核严格、程序规范的原则。
Chapter II Permission for the Use of Airports 

第二章 机场使用许可

Section 1 Application 

第一节 申  请

Article 7 An airport use permit shall, in accordance with these Provisions, be applied for by the airport management body to the CAAC or the CAAC regional administration at the place where the airport is located as authorized by the CAAC.   第七条 机场使用许可证应当由机场管理机构按照本规定向民航局或者受民航局委托的机场所在地民航地区管理局申请。
Article 8 An airport under application for an airport use permit shall meet the following conditions:   第八条 申请机场使用许可证的机场应当具备下列条件:
(1) It has a sound safety and operation management system, a good organizational structure and effective management rules. (一)有健全的安全运营管理体系、组织机构和管理制度;
(2) The primary person in charge of the airport management body, the person in charge of safe operation and other senior executives that need to assume the duties of safety management have the qualifications and conditions suitable for the business of the airport. (二)机场管理机构的主要负责人、分管运行安全的负责人以及其他需要承担安全管理职责的高级管理人员具备与其运营业务相适应的资质和条件;
(3) It has qualified airfield, terminal area and operating zone as well as relevant operation and service facilities, equipment and personnel which are suitable for its business. (三)有符合规定的与其运营业务相适应的飞行区、航站区、工作区以及运营、服务设施、设备及人员;
(4) It has qualified facilities, equipment and personnel for air traffic service, aeronautical information, communication and navigation surveillance, and aviation weather, among others, that can ensure flight safety. (四)有符合规定的能够保障飞行安全的空中交通服务、航空情报、通信导航监视、航空气象等设施、设备及人员;
(5) Having obtained approval in terms of airspace.Having obtained approval in terms of airspace. (五)使用空域已经批准;
(6) Its flight procedures and operation standards comply with the provisions issued by the CAAC. (六)飞行程序和运行标准符合民航局的规定;
(7) It has qualified security facilities, equipment and personnel as well as civil aviation security plans that meet the requirements. (七)有符合规定的安全保卫设施、设备、人员及民用航空安全保卫方案;
(8) It has qualified emergency rescue plans, facilities, equipment and personnel for emergencies at the airport. (八)有符合规定的机场突发事件应急救援预案、应急救援设施、设备及人员;
(9) The name of the airport has been filed with the CAAC. (九)机场名称已在民航局备案。
Article 9 To apply for an airport use permit, the following documents and materials shall be submitted:   第九条 申请机场使用许可证,应当报送下列文件资料:
(1) Written Application for the Permit for Use of a Transport Airport (Annex 1). (一)《运输机场使用许可证申请书》(附件1)。
(2) The handbook for the use of the airport (hereinafter referred to as the “handbook”). (二)机场使用手册(以下简称手册)。
(3) The qualification certificates of the primary person in charge of the airport management body, the person in charge of safe operation and other senior executives that need to assume the duties of safety management, and a list of information about the personnel relating to airport operation safety. (三)机场管理机构的主要负责人、分管运行安全的负责人以及其他需要承担安全管理职责的高级管理人员的资质证明,与机场运行安全有关的人员情况一览表。
(4) The approval document for airport construction and relevant documents for the industry acceptance check; and certification documents for the airport's property rights and authorized management. (四)机场建设的批准文件和行业验收的有关文件;机场产权和委托管理的证明文件。
(5) The approval or recordation documents for the use of facilities and equipment for communication and navigation surveillance and meteorology, among others. (五)通信导航监视、气象等设施设备开放使用的批准或者备案文件。
(6) Materials including detailed rules for the use of the airport, flight procedures, and minimum operation standards for the airport, which meet the requirements. (六)符合要求的机场使用细则、飞行程序、机场运行最低标准的材料。
(7) Civil aviation security plans and lists of staffing, facilities and equipment, which meet the requirements. (七)符合要求的民用航空安全保卫方案和人员配备、设施设备配备清单。
(8) Emergency rescue plans for emergencies at the airport. (八)机场突发事件应急救援预案。
(9) The recordation document of the airport's name in the CAAC. (九)机场名称在民航局的备案文件。
(10) Other necessary materials required by the CAAC or the CAAC regional administration. (十)民航局、民航地区管理局要求报送的其他必要材料。
The airport management body shall be responsible for the authenticity of the documents required for the application for an airport use permit. 机场管理机构应当对申请机场使用许可证文件资料的真实性负责。
Article 10 Where the application materials are incomplete or not made in the statutory forms, the CAAC regional administration shall, on the spot or within 5 working days, notify the airport management body of all necessary supplements and corrections at one time; and where it fails to notify the airport management body of the aforesaid contents within the prescribed time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been accepted from the date of receipt of the application materials.   第十条 申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,民航地区管理局应当当场或者在5个工作日内一次告知机场管理机构需要补正的全部内容,逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理。
Section 2 Issuance 

第二节 核  发

Article 11 The CAAC or the CAAC regional administration shall, after receipt of the application documents and materials for an airport use permit that satisfy the requirements, conduct examination in accordance with the following requirements:   第十一条 民航局或者民航地区管理局收到符合要求的机场使用许可申请文件资料后,应当按照下列要求进行审查:
(1) Examining the authenticity and completeness of the documents and materials. (一)对文件资料的真实性、完整性进行审核;
(2) Examining the format of the handbook and the compliance of the contents with rules and standards. (二)对手册的格式以及内容与规章、标准的符合性进行审查;
(3) Conducting on-site inspection and review of the consistency between airport facilities, equipment, personnel and management rules and the documents and materials submitted. (三)对机场设施、设备、人员及管理制度与所报文件材料的一致性进行现场检查复核。
Persons in charge of the matters mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be assigned by the CAAC or the CAAC regional administration or be held by supervisors, but only supervisors can have the right to affix their signatures to the corresponding documents. 负责前款事项的人员由民航局或者民航地区管理局指派或者监察员担任,但只有监察员有权在相应的文件上签字。
Article 12 Where the CAAC or the CAAC regional administration deems upon examination that the application of the airport management body meets the requirements of Articles 8 and 9 of these Provisions, it shall make an approval decision in the name of the CAAC within 45 working days after accepting the application, and shall submit the approval document, an airport use permit and the handbook to the airport management body within ten working days from the date of making the approval decision.   第十二条 民航局或者民航地区管理局经过审查,认为机场管理机构的申请符合本规定第八条、第九条要求的,应当在受理申请后的45个工作日内以民航局的名义作出批准决定,并自作出批准决定之日起10个工作日内将批准文件、机场使用许可证以及手册一并交与机场管理机构。
The CAAC regional administration shall, after issuing an airport use permit, file the approval document for the permit and other materials with the CAAC. 民航地区管理局颁发机场使用许可证后,应当将许可审批文件等资料报民航局备案。
Article 13 Where, upon examination, the CAAC or the CAAC regional administration deems that the documents and materials submitted by the airport management body or the actual circumstances fail to meet all of the requirements in Article 8 or Article 9 of these Provisions, it shall notify the airport management body in writing and explain reasons.   第十三条 民航局或者民航地区管理局经过审查,认为机场管理机构报送的文件资料或者实际情况不完全具备本规定第八条、第九条要求的,应当书面通知机场管理机构并说明理由。
Where the requirements cannot be satisfied after the airport management body has taken corresponding measures to fill the gaps mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the CAAC or the CAAC regional administration shall, in the name of the CAAC, make a written decision of not granting an airport use permit. 在机场管理机构采取相应措施弥补前款提及的缺陷后,仍不能满足要求的,民航局或者民航地区管理局应当以民航局的名义作出不予颁发机场使用许可证的书面决定。
Article 14 The CAAC shall uniformly print airport use permits (Annex 2), and conduct unified management of the serial numbers of the permits.   第十四条 民航局统一印制机场使用许可证(附件2),并对许可证编号实施统一管理。
Section 3 Modification 

第三节 变  更

Article 15 Where any of the following matters indicated in an airport use permit changes, the airport management body shall apply for modification in accordance with these Provisions:   第十五条 机场使用许可证载明的下列事项发生变化的,机场管理机构应当按照本规定申请变更:
(1) The name of the airport. (一)机场名称;
(2) The airport management body. (二)机场管理机构;
(3) The legal representative of the airport management body. (三)机场管理机构法定代表人;
(4) The airfield index of the airport. (四)机场飞行区指标;
(5) The conditions of the airport for visual navigation aid. (五)机场目视助航条件;
(6) Category and mode of operation of the airport runway. (六)跑道运行类别、模式;
(7) The maximum model of aircrafts that may be used at the airport. (七)机场可使用最大机型;
(8) The grade of the runway's pavement. (八)跑道道面等级号;
(9) The fire rescue grade of the airport. (九)机场消防救援等级;
(10) The emergency rescue grade of the airport. (十)机场应急救护等级。
Article 16 When applying for modifying an airport use permit, the airport management body may only submit the modification of the application materials for an airport use permit.   第十六条 申请变更机场使用许可证的,机场管理机构可以仅报送机场使用许可证申请资料的变化部分。
Section 4 Cancellation 

第四节 注  销

Article 17 Under any of the following circumstances, the CAAC or the CAAC regional administration shall handle the formalities for cancellation of an airport use permit in accordance with the law:   第十七条 有下列情况之一的,民航局或者民航地区管理局应当依法办理机场使用许可证的注销手续:
(1) After the airport has been closed, the airport no longer meets the conditions for work safety and its airport use permit is revoked. (一)机场关闭后,不再具备安全生产条件,被撤销机场使用许可的;
(2) It is decided that the airport will be closed and not be operated. (二)决定机场关闭不再运营的;
(3) The airport management body is terminated in accordance with the law. (三)机场管理机构依法终止的;
(4) The permission for use of an airport is unable to be implemented due to force majeure. (四)因不可抗力导致机场使用许可无法实施的;
(5) Any other circumstance as prescribed by any law or regulation under which the administrative permit shall be cancelled.

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