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Measures for the Administration of Organic Product Certification (2013) [Revised]
有机产品认证管理办法(2013) [已被修订]


Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine



(No. 155) (第155号)

The Measures for the Administration of Organic Product Certification, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on April 23, 2013, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on April 1, 2014. 《有机产品认证管理办法》已经2013年4月23日国家质量监督检验检疫总局局务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2014年4月1日起施行。
Director: Zhi Shuping 局 长 支树平
November 15, 2013 2013年11月15日
Measures for the Administration of Organic Product Certification 有机产品认证管理办法

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers, producers and sellers, further improve the quality of organic products, strengthen the administration of organic product certification, and promote the protection and sustainable development of the ecological environment, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation, and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了维护消费者、生产者和销售者合法权益,进一步提高有机产品质量,加强有机产品认证管理,促进生态环境保护和可持续发展,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》、《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》、《中华人民共和国认证认可条例》等法律、行政法规的规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 Those engaged in the certification of organic products or the production, processing, import and sale of certified organic products within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be governed by these Measures.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事有机产品认证以及获证有机产品生产、加工、进口和销售活动,应当遵守本办法。
Article 3 For the purpose of these Measures, the term “organic products” refers to products whose production, processing and selling courses meet the national standards and which are supplied for human consumption or as the food of animals.   第三条 本办法所称有机产品,是指生产、加工和销售符合中国有机产品国家标准的供人类消费、动物食用的产品。
For the purpose of these Measures, the term “organic product certification” refers to activities that certification agencies, under these Measures and the organic product certification rules, assess whether the production and processing processes of organic products conform to the Chinese national standards for organic products. 本办法所称有机产品认证,是指认证机构依照本办法的规定,按照有机产品认证规则,对相关产品的生产、加工和销售活动符合中国有机产品国家标准进行的合格评定活动。
Article 4 The Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (“CNCA”) shall be responsible for the unified management, supervision and overall coordination of nationwide organic product certification activities.   第四条 国家认证认可监督管理委员会(以下简称国家认监委)负责全国有机产品认证的统一管理、监督和综合协调工作。
The local quality and technology supervision departments at all levels and the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions of all regions (hereinafter collectively referred to as “local certification regulatory authorities”) shall, according to their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the supervision, inspection and administrative law enforcement of organic product certification activities within their respective jurisdictions. 地方各级质量技术监督部门和各地出入境检验检疫机构(以下统称地方认证监管部门)按照职责分工,依法负责所辖区域内有机产品认证活动的监督检查和行政执法工作。
Article 5 The state implements uniform rules, catalogue, standards, implementation rules and marks for the certification of organic products.   第五条 国家推行统一的有机产品认证制度,实行统一的认证目录、统一的标准和认证实施规则、统一的认证标志。
The CNCA shall be responsible for making and adjusting the organic product certification catalogue and the certification implementation rules, and shall disclose them to the public. 国家认监委负责制定和调整有机产品认证目录、认证实施规则,并对外公布。
Article 6 The CNCA shall organize and carry out international cooperation in organic product certification under the principles of equality and mutual benefit.   第六条 国家认监委按照平等互利的原则组织开展有机产品认证国际合作。
International mutual recognition activities of organic product certification shall be carried out under international cooperation agreements concluded by the state with foreign parties. 开展有机产品认证国际互认活动,应当在国家对外签署的国际合作协议内进行。

Chapter II Implementation of Certification 

第二章 认证实施

Article 7 Organic product certification agencies (hereinafter referred to as “certification agencies”) shall be subject to the approval of the CNCA, and may carry out organic product certification activities only after obtaining a corporate status according to law.   第七条 有机产品认证机构(以下简称认证机构)应当经国家认监委批准,并依法取得法人资格后,方可从事有机产品认证活动。
Certification agencies' ability to carry out certification activities shall conform to the relevant national standards for product certification agencies. 认证机构实施认证活动的能力应当符合有关产品认证机构国家标准的要求。
Inspectors engaging in organic product certification inspection activities shall be registered with the national certifier registration authority before engaging in organic product certification inspection activities. 从事有机产品认证检查活动的检查员,应当经国家认证人员注册机构注册后,方可从事有机产品认证检查活动。
Article 8 Organic product producers or processors (hereinafter collectively referred to as “certification clients”) may voluntarily entrust the certification agencies to certify their organic products and submitthe application materials as set forth in the organic product certification implementation rules.   第八条 有机产品生产者、加工者(以下统称认证委托人),可以自愿委托认证机构进行有机产品认证,并提交有机产品认证实施规则中规定的申请材料。
Certification agencies may not accept certification clients' application for certification of products which fail to satisfy the environmental requirements as set forth by the state for the place of production of organic products or products beyond the certification catalogue of organic products. 认证机构不得受理不符合国家规定的有机产品生产产地环境要求,以及有机产品认证目录外产品的认证委托人的认证委托。
Article 9 A certification agency shall, within ten days upon receipt of the application materials submitted by a certification client, finish examining them and make a decision of acceptance or rejection. In the case of rejection, it shall notify the certification client in writing and give reasons.   第九条 认证机构应当自收到认证委托人申请材料之日起10日内,完成材料审核,并作出是否受理的决定。对于不予受理的,应当书面通知认证委托人,并说明理由。
A certification agency shall, within five days before conducting an on-site inspection on a certification client, file the certification client, the certification inspection plan and other basic information with the information system determined by the CNCA. 认证机构应当在对认证委托人实施现场检查前5日内,将认证委托人、认证检查方案等基本信息报送至国家认监委确定的信息系统。
Article 10 After accepting a certification application, a certification agency shall, according to the relevant provisions of organic product certification implementation rules, assign certification inspectors to conduct an on-site inspection on the producing or processing site of organic products and entrust an inspection and testing institution with statutory qualifications to inspect the product to be certified.   第十条 认证机构受理认证委托后,认证机构应当按照有机产品认证实施规则的规定,由认证检查员对有机产品生产、加工场所进行现场检查,并应当委托具有法定资质的检验检测机构对申请认证的产品进行检验检测。
Where environment monitoring (detection) needs to be conducted at the production place (base) according to the provisions of the organic product certification implementation rules, a monitoring (detection) report shall be issued by a monitoring (detection) agency with statutory qualifications, or any other legal and valid environment monitoring (detection) conclusion provided by the certification client may be admitted. 按照有机产品认证实施规则的规定,需要进行产地(基地)环境监(检)测的,由具有法定资质的监(检)测机构出具监(检)测报告,或者采信认证委托人提供的其他合法有效的环境监(检)测结论。
Article 11 For a product which satisfies the organic product certification requirements, a certification agency shall issue an organic product certification document to the certification client and permit it to use the organic product certification mark of China; for a product which fails to satisfy the certification requirements, a certification agency shall notify the certification client in writing and give reasons.   第十一条 符合有机产品认证要求的,认证机构应当及时向认证委托人出具有机产品认证证书,允许其使用中国有机产品认证标志;对不符合认证要求的,应当书面通知认证委托人,并说明理由。
Certification agencies and certification personnel shall assume responsibility for certification conclusions drawn by them. 认证机构及认证人员应当对其作出的认证结论负责。
Article 12 Certification agencies shall guarantee the integrity, objectivity and authenticity of the certification process, keep complete records of the certification process, put them in archives, and ensure the traceability of the certification process and result.   第十二条 认证机构应当保证认证过程的完整、客观、真实,并对认证过程作出完整记录,归档留存,保证认证过程和结果具有可追溯性。
Product inspection and testing agencies and environment monitoring (detection) agencies shall ensure the authenticity and accuracy of inspection, testing and monitoring conclusions, keep complete records of the inspection, testing and monitoring processes, and put them in archives. Product inspection and testing agencies, environment monitoring (detection) agencies and the relevant personnel thereof shall be responsible for the contents and conclusions of inspection, testing and monitoring reports. 产品检验检测和环境监(检)测机构应当确保检验检测、监测结论的真实、准确,并对检验检测、监测过程做出完整记录,归档留存。产品检验检测、环境监测机构及其相关人员应当对其作出的检验检测、监测报告的内容和结论负责。
Records mentioned under this Article shall be retained for five years. 本条规定的记录保存期为5年。
Article 13 Certification agencies shall, according to the certification implementation rules, conduct effective follow-up inspection on the certified products and the production or processing thereof to ensure that the relevant certification conclusions remain in line with the certification requirements.   第十三条 认证机构应当按照认证实施规则的规定,对获证产品及其生产、加工过程实施有效跟踪检查,以保证认证结论能够持续符合认证要求。
Article 14 Certification agencies shall timely issue organic product sale certificates to certification clients to ensure that the type, scope and quantity of organic products sold by certification clients are identical with those indicated in the relevant certification documents.   第十四条 认证机构应当及时向认证委托人出具有机产品销售证,以保证获证产品的认证委托人所销售的有机产品类别、范围和数量与认证证书中的记载一致。
Article 15 Processed products containing 95% or more of organic ingredients (referring to the weight or liquid volume, excluding water and salt, hereinafter the same) may be labeled “organic” and affixed with the organic product certification mark on themselves or on their packages or tags only after being certified as organic products.   第十五条 有机配料含量(指重量或者液体体积,不包括水和盐,下同)等于或者高于95%的加工产品,应当在获得有机产品认证后,方可在产品或者产品包装及标签上标注“有机”字样,加施有机产品认证标志。
Article 16 No organic product certification agency may certify any processed product that contains less than 95% of organic ingredients as organic product.   第十六条 认证机构不得对有机配料含量低于95%的加工产品进行有机认证。

Chapter III Import of Organic Products 

第三章 有机产品进口

Article 17 The organic product administrative department of a country or region exporting organic products to China may apply to the CNCA for equivalence evaluation of its organic product certification system. The CNCA shall, upon acceptance of such application, organize the relevant experts to evaluate the application.   第十七条 向中国出口有机产品的国家或者地区的有机产品主管机构,可以向国家认监委提出有机产品认证体系等效性评估申请,国家认监委受理其申请,并组织有关专家对提交的申请进行评估。
Evaluation may be conducted in the form of document examination or on-site inspection. 评估可以采取文件审查、现场检查等方式进行。
Article 18 Where the organic product certification system of a country or region exporting organic products to China is equivalent to the organic product certification system of China, the CNCA may sign a memorandum with the competent authority of the country or region.   第十八条 向中国出口有机产品的国家或者地区的有机产品认证体系与中国有机产品认证体系等效的,国家认监委可以与其主管部门签署相关备忘录。
The organic products exported by the country or region to China shall be managed according to the relevant memorandum. 该国家或者地区出口至中国的有机产品,依照相关备忘录的规定实施管理。
Article 19 Where products imported by a country or region which has not signed a memorandum regarding the equivalence of its organic product certification system with the CNCA are to be exported to China as organic products, they shall conform to the relevant Chinese laws and regulations governing organic products and the Chinese national standards for organic products.   第十九条 未与国家认监委就有机产品认证体系等效性方面签署相关备忘录的国家或者地区的进口产品,拟作为有机产品向中国出口时,应当符合中国有机产品相关法律法规和中国有机产品国家标准的要求。
Article 20 Producers, distributors, importers or agents of imported products which need to be certified as organic products in China (hereinafter collectively referred to as “imported organic product certification clients”) shall submit certification applications to certification agencies approved by the CNCA.   第二十条 需要获得中国有机产品认证的进口产品生产商、销售商、进口商或者代理商(以下统称进口有机产品认证委托人),应当向经国家认监委批准的认证机构提出认证委托。
Article 21 Import organic product certification clients shall, according to the organic product certification implementation rules, submit the relevant application materials or documents to certification agencies. In particular, such application materials as application forms, investigation forms, processing flows, product formulas and input products used in the production or processing process shall be attached with Chinese translations. If the application materials fail to satisfy the prescribed requirements, certification agencies may not accept the certification applications.
   第二十一条 进口有机产品认证委托人应当按照有机产品认证实施规则的规定,向认证机构提交相关申请资料和文件,其中申请书、调查表、加工工艺流程、产品配方和生产、加工过程中使用的投入品等认证申请材料、文件,应当同时提交中文版本。申请材料不符合要求的,认证机构应当不予受理其认证委托。

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