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Measures of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (2018 Amendment) [Effective]
中华人民共和国海关关于《中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例》的实施办法(2018修正) [现行有效]

Measures of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights



(Promulgated by Order No.183 of the General Administration of Customs onMarch 3, 2009, andamended in accordance with the Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Certain Rules issued by the Order No. 240 of the General Administration of Customs on May 29, 2018) (2009年3月3日海关总署第183号令公布 根据2018年5月29日海关总署令第240号《海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定》修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purpose of effectively implementing the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了有效实施《中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例》(以下简称《条例》),根据《中华人民共和国海关法》以及其他法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 To ask the customs office to take measures to protect intellectual property rights, or handle the archival filing of customs protection of intellectual property rights (hereinafter referred to as the IPRs) at the General Administration of Customs (hereinafter referred to as the GAC), a domestic intellectual property right holder may file an application directly or authorize a domestic agent to do so, and an overseas intellectual property right holder shall authorize its representative office or agent in China to do so.   第二条 知识产权权利人请求海关采取知识产权保护措施或者向海关总署办理知识产权海关保护备案的,境内知识产权权利人可以直接或者委托境内代理人提出申请,境外知识产权权利人应当由其在境内设立的办事机构或者委托境内代理人提出申请。
An intellectual property right holder who, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, authorizes its (his) Chinese agent to file an application shall issue a power of attorney conforming to the prescribed format 知识产权权利人按照前款规定委托境内代理人提出申请的,应当出具规定格式的授权委托书。
Article 3 Where an intellectual property right holder or its (his) agent (hereinafter generally referred to as the IPR holder) asks the customs office to detain any goods which are to be imported or exported and which are suspected of infringement, it (he) shall, under relevant provisions of these Measures, file an application with the customs office for detaining the said goods.   第三条 知识产权权利人及其代理人(以下统称知识产权权利人)请求海关扣留即将进出口的侵权嫌疑货物的,应当根据本办法的有关规定向海关提出扣留侵权嫌疑货物的申请。
Article 4 The consignee/consignor of the goods to be imported or exported or its (his) agent (hereinafter referred to as the consignee/consignor) shall, to a reasonable extent, have the knowledge of the IPR status of the goods to be imported or exported by it (him). If the customs office requires a declaration about the IPR status of the goods to be imported or exported, the consignee/consignor shall faithfully make a declaration and submit the relevant certification documents within the time limit as prescribed by the customs office.   第四条 进出口货物的收发货人或者其代理人(以下统称收发货人)应当在合理的范围内了解其进出口货物的知识产权状况。海关要求申报进出口货物知识产权状况的,收发货人应当在海关规定的期限内向海关如实申报并提交有关证明文件。
Article 5 If the relevant documents or proofs submitted to the customs office by the IPR holder or consignee/consignor involve any business secrets, the IPR holder or consignee/consignor shall make a written explanation to the customs office.   第五条 知识产权权利人或者收发货人向海关提交的有关文件或者证据涉及商业秘密的,知识产权权利人或者收发货人应当向海关书面说明。
The customs office shall keep the business secrets of relevant parties in the implementation of customs protection of IPR, but the information which should be disclosed by the customs according to law shall be excluded. 海关实施知识产权保护,应当保守有关当事人的商业秘密,但海关应当依法公开的信息除外。
Chapter II Archival Filing of Intellectual Property Right 

第二章 知识产权备案

Article 6 Where an IPR holder intends to apply to the GAC for archival filing of customs protection of IPRs, it (he) shall submit an application to the GAC. The application shall contain:   第六条 知识产权权利人向海关总署申请知识产权海关保护备案的,应当向海关总署提交申请书。申请书应当包括以下内容:
1. the name, place of registration or nationality and mailing address of the IPR holder, and the name, telephone number, fax number and email address of the contact person; (一) 知识产权权利人的名称或者姓名、注册地或者国籍、通信地址、联系人姓名、电话和传真号码、电子邮箱地址等。
2. name of registered trademark, category and name of commodity of approved use, graphic of the trademark, valid period of registration, transfer, change and renewal of the registered trademark; name of the work, time when creation thereof is completed, category of the work, pictures of the work, transfer and change of the work; name, type, application date, transfer and change of patent right; (二) 注册商标的名称,核定使用商品的类别和商品名称,商标图形,注册有效期,注册商标的转让、变更、续展情况等;作品的名称、创作完成的时间、作品的类别、作品图片、作品转让、变更情况等;专利权的名称、类型、申请日期,专利权转让、变更情况等。
3. name of licensee, licensed commodities, term of license, etc.; (三)被许可人的名称、许可使用商品、许可期限等。
4. name, origin, customs office at the place of entry/exit, importer/exporter, main features and price of the goods for which the IPR holder exercises IPR lawfully; and (四)知识产权权利人合法行使知识产权的货物的名称、产地、进出境地海关、进出口商、主要特征、价格等。
5. manufacturer, importer/exporter, customs office at the place of entry/exit, main features and price of the goods known to be infringing IPRs; (五)已知的侵犯知识产权货物的制造商、进出口商、进出境地海关、主要特征、价格等。
The IPR holder shall submit a separate archival filing application for each IPR involved therein. If the IPR holder applies for the archival filing of an international registered trademark, it shall submit a separate application for each category of commodity involved therein. 知识产权权利人应当就其申请备案的每一项知识产权单独提交一份申请书。知识产权权利人申请国际注册商标备案的,应当就其申请的每一类商品单独提交一份申请书。
Article 7 An IPR holder shall submit an archival filing application to the GAC and accompany it by the following documents and proofs:   第七条 知识产权权利人向海关总署提交备案申请书,应当随附以下文件、证据:
1. identity certificates of intellectual property right holders; (一)知识产权权利人的身份证明文件。
2. a photocopy of the Trademark Registration Certificate signed and issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. Where an applicant is approved to modify the registration matters, renew the trademark registration or transfer the registered trademark, or applies for the archival filing of international registered trademark, it (he) shall, in addition to the aforesaid photocopies, submit a trademark registration certificate issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council, photocopy of the certificate of voluntary registration of copyrights as signed and issued by the copyright registration department and pictures of the work certified by the copyright registration department. If the applicant fails to make a voluntary registration on the copyright, it (he) shall submit a sample of the work that can prove it (he) is the copyright holder and other relevant proofs of the copyright; and a photocopy of the patent certificate signed and issued by the patent administrative department under the State Council. If the patent grant has exceeded 1 year after the date of announcement, the applicant shall also submit the duplicate of the patent register issued by the patent administrative department under the State Council within 6 months before the applicant files an application for archival filing. If the applicant applies for the archival filing of a utility model patent or patent of design, it (he) shall also submit a patent evaluation report made by the patent administrative department under the State Council. (二)国务院工商行政管理部门签发的《商标注册证》的复印件。申请人经核准变更商标注册事项、续展商标注册、转让注册商标或者申请国际注册商标备案的,还应当提交国务院工商行政管理部门出具的有关商标注册的证明;著作权登记部门签发的著作权自愿登记证明的复印件和经著作权登记部门认证的作品照片。申请人未进行著作权自愿登记的,提交可以证明申请人为著作权人的作品样品以及其他有关著作权的证据;国务院专利行政部门签发的专利证书的复印件。专利授权自公告之日起超过1年的,还应当提交国务院专利行政部门在申请人提出备案申请前6个月内出具的专利登记簿副本;申请实用新型专利或者外观设计专利备案的,还应当提交由国务院专利行政部门作出的专利权评价报告。
3. a photocopy of the licensing contract if the IPR holder signed a licensing contract to license others to use its (his) registered trademark or work or to exploit its (his) patent; if it (he) did not sign a licensing contract, a written explanation about the licensee, licensed scope, licensed period, etc.; (三)知识产权权利人许可他人使用注册商标、作品或者实施专利,签订许可合同的,提供许可合同的复印件;未签订许可合同的,提交有关被许可人、许可范围和许可期间等情况的书面说明。
4. photos of the goods to which the IPR holder lawfully exercises the IPR, and photos of the packages of the said goods; (四)知识产权权利人合法行使知识产权的货物及其包装的照片。
5. the proofs on the goods known to be infringing IPRs; if the infringement disputes between the IPR holder and others have already been handled by the people's court or by the IPR administrative department, photocopies of the relevant legal documents shall also be submitted. (五)已知的侵权货物进出口的证据。知识产权权利人与他人之间的侵权纠纷已经人民法院或者知识产权主管部门处理的,还应当提交有关法律文书的复印件。
The documents and proofs submitted to the GAC by the IPR holder under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be complete, true and valid. If the relevant documents and proofs are in a foreign language, they shall be accompanied by Chinese translations. When the GAC deems it necessary, it may require the IPR holder to submit the deed of notarization and certification for the related documents or proofs. 知识产权权利人根据前款规定向海关总署提交的文件和证据应当齐全、真实和有效。有关文件和证据为外文的,应当另附中文译本。海关总署认为必要时,可以要求知识产权权利人提交有关文件或者证据的公证、认证文书。
Article 8 Where an IPR holder applies to GAC for the archival filing of customs protection of IPRs, or re-applies for the archival filing of customs protection of IPRs after the invalidation of such archival filing, it (he) shall pay the archival filing fee. It (he) shall, via the bank, remit the archival filing fee to the account designated by the GAC. The GAC shall issue a receipt for the archival filing fee it collects. The standards on the archival filing fee shall be separately formulated and announced by the GAC in conjunction with relevant departments of the state.   第八条 知识产权权利人向海关总署申请办理知识产权海关保护备案或者在备案失效后重新向海关总署申请备案的,应当缴纳备案费。知识产权权利人应当将备案费通过银行汇至海关总署指定账号。海关总署收取备案费的,应当出具收据。备案费的收取标准由海关总署会同国家有关部门另行制定并予以公布。
An IPR holder is not required to pay the archival filing fee when it applies for renewing or modifying the archival filing. 知识产权权利人申请备案续展或者变更的,无须再缴纳备案费。
Where an IPR holder withdraws its (his) archival filing application before the examination and approval of the GAC or its (his) archival filing application is dismissed, the GAC shall refund the archival filing fee to it (him). In the case that an archival filing already examined and approved is cancelled, revoked or invalidated for other reasons, the archival filing fee already paid will not be refunded. 知识产权权利人在海关总署核准前撤回备案申请或者其备案申请被驳回的,海关总署应当退还备案费。已经海关总署核准的备案被海关总署注销、撤销或者因其他原因失效的,已缴纳的备案费不予退还。
Article 9 The archival filing of customs protection of IPR shall come into effect as of the date of the GAC's approval of the archival filing and be valid for 10 years. If the valid period of the IPR is less than 10 years from the date of the archival filing's entry into effect, the valid period of the archival filing shall be that of the IPR.   第九条 知识产权海关保护备案自海关总署核准备案之日起生效,有效期为10年。自备案生效之日起知识产权的有效期不足10年的,备案的有效期以知识产权的有效期为准。
The valid period of the archival filing or renewal approved by the GAC prior to the implementation of the Regulation shall be computed according to the original valid period. 《条例》施行前经海关总署核准的备案或者核准续展的备案的有效期仍按原有效期计算。
Article 10 An IPR holder may, within 6 months prior to the expiration of the archival filing of customs protection of IPR, submit to the GAC a written application for renewing the archival filing and accompany it by relevant documents. The GAC shall, within 10 working days after the date on which it receives all the renewal application documents, make a decision about whether to approve the renewal application and send a written notice to the IPR holder. If it disapproves the renewal application, it shall make an explanation.   第十条 在知识产权海关保护备案有效期届满前6个月内,知识产权权利人可以向海关总署提出续展备案的书面申请并随附有关文件。海关总署应当自收到全部续展申请文件之日起10个工作日内作出是否准予续展的决定,并书面通知知识产权权利人;不予续展的,应当说明理由。
The renewed archival filing shall be valid for 10 years, computing from the following day of expiration of the former archival filing. If the valid period of the IPR is less than 10 years computing from the following day of expiration of the previous archival filing, the valid period of the renewed archival filing shall be that of the IPR. 续展备案的有效期自上一届备案有效期满次日起算,有效期为10年。知识产权的有效期自上一届备案有效期满次日起不足10年的,续展备案的有效期以知识产权的有效期为准。
Article 11 If there is any change to the contents of application submitted to the GAC under Article 6 of these Measures after the GAC has examined and approved the archival filing of customs protection of IPRs, the IPR holder shall, within 30 working days after the change, file a modification application to the GAC and accompany it by relevant documents.   第十一条 知识产权海关保护备案经海关总署核准后,按照本办法第六条向海关提交的申请书内容发生改变的,知识产权权利人应当自发生改变之日起30个工作日内向海关总署提出变更备案的申请并随附有关文件。
Article 12 Where an IPR is no longer under the protection of laws and administrative regulations prior to the expiration of the valid period of archival filing, or the IPR under valid archival filing is transferred to others, the former IPR holder shall, within 30 working days from the date on which the IPR is no longer under the protection of laws and administrative regulations or on which the transfer comes into effect, file an application with the GAC for cancelling the customs protection of IPR and accompany it by relevant documents. If the IPR holder waives the archival filing within the valid period of archival filing, it/he may apply to the GAC for cancelling the archival filing.   第十二条 知识产权在备案有效期届满前不再受法律、行政法规保护或者备案的知识产权发生转让的,原知识产权权利人应当自备案的知识产权不再受法律、行政法规保护或者转让生效之日起30个工作日内向海关总署提出注销知识产权海关保护备案的申请并随附有关文件。知识产权权利人在备案有效期内放弃备案的,可以向海关总署申请注销备案。
If an IPR holder's failure to apply to the GAC for modifying or cancelling the archival filing under the provisions of Article 11 and the preceding paragraph results in serious consequences to the legitimate import and export of others, the GAC may cancel the archival filing of the relevant IPR on its own initiative or upon application of the pertinent interested parties. 未依据本办法第十一条和本条前款规定向海关总署申请变更或者注销备案,给他人合法进出口造成严重影响的,海关总署可以主动或者根据有关利害关系人的申请注销有关知识产权的备案。
When canceling an archival filing, the GAC shall give a written notice to the pertinent IPR holder. The archival filing of customs protection of IPR shall become invalid from the date of cancellation by the GAC. 海关总署注销备案,应当书面通知有关知识产权权利人,知识产权海关保护备案自海关总署注销之日起失效。
Article 13 The GAC shall give a written notice to the IPR holder when revoking the archival filing of customs protection of IPR under Article 9 of the Regulation.   第十三条 海关总署根据《条例》九条的规定撤销知识产权海关保护备案的,应当书面通知知识产权权利人。
Where an archival filing is revoked by the GAC, if the IPR holder reapplies for archival filing of the IPR covered by the revoked archival filing within 1 year after the date of revocation, the GAC may reject the said application. 海关总署撤销备案的,知识产权权利人自备案被撤销之日起1年内就被撤销备案的知识产权再次申请备案的,海关总署可以不予受理。
Chapter III Detainment upon Application 

第三章 依申请扣留

Article 14 Where an IPR holder finds any goods suspected of infringement are to be imported or exported and asks the customs office to detain them, it/he shall file an application with the customs office at the place of entry/exit of goods in pursuance of Article 13 of the Regulation. If the relevant IPRs have not been filed with the GAC, the IPR holder shall accompany the application by the documents and proofs as prescribed in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of paragraph 1 of Article 7 of these Measures.
   第十四条 知识产权权利人发现侵权嫌疑货物即将进出口并要求海关予以扣留的,应当根据《条例》十三条的规定向货物进出境地海关提交申请书。有关知识产权未在海关总署备案的,知识产权权利人还应当随附本办法第七条第一款第(一)、(二)项规定的文件、证据。

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