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Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture on Issuing the Measures of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Administration of Government Procurement (2017 Revision) [Effective]
农业部关于印发《农业部政府采购管理办法》的通知(2017修订) [现行有效]

Notice of the Ministry of Agriculture on Issuing the Measures of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Administration of Government Procurement 


(No. 4 [2017] of the Ministry of Agriculture) (农财发〔2017〕4号)

All departments, bureaus and local offices of the Ministry of Agriculture; all entities under the Ministry of Agriculture; the General Bureau of State Farms of Heilongjiang Province; and the General Bureau of State Farms of Guangdong Province: 部机关各司局、派出机构,部属各单位,黑龙江省农垦总局、广东省农垦总局:
For the purposes of further regulating the government procurement activities of the Ministry of Agriculture, strengthening the administration of government procurement and improving the fund utilization efficiency, the Ministry of Agriculture has comprehensively revised the Measures of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Administration of Government Procurement (No. 39 [2003] of the Ministry of Agriculture). The revised Measures of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Administration of Government Procurement are hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. 为进一步规范农业部政府采购行为,加强政府采购管理,提高资金使用效益,我部对《农业部政府采购管理办法》(农财发〔2003〕39号)进行了全面修订。现将修订后的《农业部政府采购管理办法》印发给你们,请遵照执行。
Ministry of Agriculture 农业部
March 1, 2017 2017年3月1日
Measures of the Ministry of Agriculture for the Administration of Government Procurement 农业部政府采购管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the government procurement activities of the Ministry of Agriculture, strengthening the administration of government procurement, and increasing the benefits of government procurement funds, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Implementation of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions and in consideration of the work reality of the Ministry of Agriculture (“MOA”).   第一条 为了规范农业部政府采购行为,加强政府采购管理,提高政府采购资金的使用效益,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》和《中华人民共和国政府采购法实施条例》等有关规定,结合我部工作实际,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, government procurement means procurement of goods, engineering and services within the centralized government procurement lists of central budget entities determined and announced by the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the “centralized procurement lists”) or above the procurement limits by all departments, bureaus and local offices of the MOA, and all entities under the MOA (excluding enterprises, hereinafter referred to “all entities”) with fiscal funds according to the methods and procedures as prescribed in the laws, administrative regulations and rules on government procurement.   第二条 本办法所称政府采购,是指部机关各司局、派出机构、部属各单位(不含企业,以下简称各单位)按照政府采购法律、行政法规和制度规定的方式和程序,使用财政性资金采购国务院确定并公布的中央预算单位政府集中采购目录(以下简称集中采购目录)以内或者采购限额标准以上的货物、工程和服务的行为。
Fiscal funds means the funds included under budget management. Borrowed funds repaid with fiscal funds shall be deemed fiscal funds. 财政性资金是指纳入预算管理的资金。以财政性资金作为还款来源的借贷资金,视同财政性资金。
Article 3 Government procurement shall be conducted under the principles of openness and transparency, fair competition, justice, honesty and trustworthiness.   第三条 政府采购应当遵循公开透明、公平竞争、公正和诚实信用原则。
Article 4 The Department of Finance of the MOA shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the government procurement of the MOA and have the main responsibilities:   第四条 农业部财务司负责农业部政府采购的监督管理,主要职责是:
(1) It shall develop the rules on the management of government procurement of the MOA and organize the implementation under the laws, regulations and rules of the state on government procurement. (一)根据国家政府采购法律、法规及规章制度,制定农业部政府采购管理制度并组织实施;
(2) It shall develop the government procurement budget of the MOA and summarize the implementation plan, implementation information and statistical information on government procurement. (二)编报农业部政府采购预算,汇总政府采购实施计划、执行情况和统计信息;
(3) It shall direct all entities to carry out government procurement. (三)指导各单位开展政府采购工作;
(4) It shall handle relevant government procurement approval or recordation items in the system of the MOA. (四)办理农业部系统有关政府采购审批或备案事项;
(5) It shall supervise and inspect the government procurement of all entities. (五)监督、检查各单位政府采购工作;
(6) It shall be responsible for organizing the training for the government procurement management personnel of all entities. (六)负责组织各单位政府采购管理人员培训。
Article 5 All entities shall be responsible for the organization and implementation of their government procurement and the main responsibilities are:   第五条 各单位负责本单位政府采购的组织和实施工作,主要职责是:
(1) They shall strictly implement relevant provisions on government procurement and develop their measures for the administration of government procurement. (一)严格执行政府采购有关规定,制定本单位政府采购管理办法;
(2) They shall develop budgets, plans, implementation information and information statistics of their government procurement. (二)编制本单位政府采购预算、计划、执行情况和信息统计;
(3) They shall submit relevant examination and approval or recordation documents on government procurement to the Department of Finance of the MOA. (三)向农业部财务司报送政府采购有关审批审核或备案文件;
(4) They shall organize and implement their government procurement activities and implement centralized administration. (四)组织实施本单位的政府采购活动,并实施归口管理;
(5) They shall enter into government procurement contracts according to the law and be responsible for the fulfillment and acceptance of contracts. (五)依法签订本单位政府采购合同并负责合同履行验收;
(6) They shall disclose the information on their government procurement projects according to the law. (六)依法公开本单位政府采购项目信息;
(7) They shall accept the supervision and inspection by relevant departments and entities at higher levels. (七)接受上级有关部门和单位监督检查。
Article 6 The government procurement of all entities shall be conducted according to the following working procedures:   第六条 各单位政府采购应遵循以下工作程序:
(1) determining procurement needs and developing government procurement budgets; (一)确定采购需求,编报政府采购预算;
(2) determining the organizational form and developing government procurement plans; (二)确定组织形式,编报政府采购计划;
(3) determining the procurement methods and developing government procurement schemes; (三)确定采购方式,制定政府采购方案;
(4) organizing and implementing government procurement activities; (四)组织实施政府采购活动;
(5) fulfillment and acceptance of contracts on government procurement; (五)政府采购合同履行及验收;
(6) applying for funds; and (六)申请支付资金;
(7) archiving of procurement documents. (七)采购文件归档。
Article 7 All entities shall strengthen the administration of government procurement budgets and plans and achieve no procurement without budget, no procurement without plan and procurement within budget.   第七条 各单位应当加强对政府采购预算与计划的管理,做到无预算不采购、无计划不执行采购、不超预算采购。
Article 8 All entities shall diligently implement the relevant government procurement policies of the state, and promote the realization of the objectives of energy conservation, environmental protection, supporting the underdeveloped areas and ethnic minority areas, promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and other economic and social development policies of the state.   第八条 各单位应认真落实国家有关政府采购政策,推动实现节约能源、保护环境、扶持不发达地区和少数民族地区、促进中小企业发展等国家经济和社会发展政策目标。
Article 9 Government procurements shall be based on the procurement of domestic goods, projects and services. Foreign goods, projects and services required to be purchased under special circumstances shall be submitted for approval under the provisions.   第九条 政府采购应当采购本国货物、工程和服务。特殊情况需要采购非本国货物、工程和服务的,应当按规定报批。
Article 10 All departments, bureaus and local offices of the MOA and public institutions managed mutatis mutandis to the Civil Servant Law shall actively promote the government procurement of services under the relevant provisions on government procurement of services.   第十条 部机关各司局、派出机构和参照公务员法管理的事业单位,应按照政府购买服务有关规定,积极推进政府购买服务工作。
Chapter II Administration of Government Procurement Budget and Plans 

第二章 政府采购预算和计划管理

Article 11 Government procurement budget is an integral part of departmental budget. Each entity shall concurrently develop government procurement budget when developing annual departmental budget. For procurement projects with specific configuration standards, such as general office equipment and furniture, etc., government procurement budget shall be developed according to the standards prescribed; and for other projects, government procurement budget shall be developed under the principle of practicing strict economy and in consideration of the historical transaction results of projects of the same category.   第十一条 政府采购预算是部门预算的重要组成部分,各单位在编制年度部门预算时,应当同时编制政府采购预算。有明确配置标准的采购项目,如通用办公设备家具等,应按照规定的标准编制政府采购预算;其他项目应按照厉行节约的原则,结合同类项目历史成交结果编制政府采购预算。
Article 12 Where government procurement budget needs to be clarified in budget implementation due to adjustment to departmental budget funds (including increasing, reducing or structure adjustment), it shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance for approval under the relevant provisions on departmental budget management.   第十二条 预算执行中因部门预算资金调剂(包括追加、追减或调整结构)需要明确政府采购预算的,应按部门预算管理有关规定报财政部审批。
Article 13 Government procurement plans means the procurement plans that are developed by all entities according to the government procurement budget and reflect the detailed procurement needs and implementation requirements of all entities. Government procurement plans shall be developed for procurement activities carried out by all entities with fiscal funds in whole or in part. No procurement plan shall be developed temporarily for procurement projects involving secrets. However, procurement plans shall still be developed for projects with budget involving secrets but procurement involving no secret.   第十三条 政府采购计划是指由各单位依据政府采购预算编制的,反映各单位详细采购需求及实施要求的采购计划。各单位全部使用或部分使用财政性资金开展的采购活动,都应当编制政府采购计划。涉密采购项目暂不编制采购计划,但预算涉密采购不涉密的项目仍应编制采购计划。
Article 14 The procurement items, quantity, source of procurement funds and other contents in a government procurement plan shall be consistent with the government procurement budget.   第十四条 政府采购计划中的采购项目、数量和采购资金来源等内容应与政府采购预算相一致。
Article 15 For projects with budgets involving secrets but procurement involving no secret and procurement projects for which all entities increase or adjust government procurement budget in annual budget implementation, procurement plans shall be developed after relevant budget amount is entered in the government procurement plan management system (hereinafter referred to as the “plan management system”) and the approval documents of the Ministry of Finance and the information on the source of funds shall be explained (except the documents relevant to projects involving secrets).   第十五条 各单位在年度预算执行中,追加或调整政府采购预算进行的采购,以及预算涉密采购不涉密的项目,应在政府采购计划管理系统(以下简称计划管理系统)中录入相关预算金额后编制采购计划,并上传财政部批复文件或资金来源情况进行说明(涉密项目相关文件除外)。
Article 16 When developing procurement plans, all entities shall, in light of the actual procurement needs, divide the budget projects into procurement projects that may be implemented, but shall not divide projects of the same item or category under a same budget project within the same budget year into several projects below the procurement limit or standard of public bidding amount, to evade government procurement and public bidding.   第十六条 各单位在编制采购计划时,应结合实际采购需要,将预算项目细化为可执行的采购项目,但不得将同一预算年度内同一预算项目下的同一品目或者类别的项目,拆分为多个采购限额或公开招标数额标准以下的项目,规避政府采购和公开招标。
Article 17 All entities may adopt the management way of signing three-year procurement contracts for service projects with relatively fixed and sustainable procurement needs and small price variation, within the annual budget.   第十七条 各单位对于采购需求具有相对固定性、延续性且价格变化幅度小的服务项目,在年度预算能保障的前提下,可实行采购合同“一签三年”管理方式。
Article 18 All entities shall, after the end of each quarter and according to the government procurement contracts, submit the quarterly implementation information and the data of the information statistical statements through the plan management system as required in a timely manner. Where the procurement contracts are unavailable, relevant data may be submitted according to the invoices, receipts and other certificates, submit relevant data.   第十八条 各单位应于每季度结束后,依据政府采购合同,及时按要求通过计划管理系统,报送季度执行情况和信息统计报表数据。无法取得采购合同的,可依据发票、验收单等凭证,报送有关数据。
Chapter III Organizational Form of Government Procurement 

第三章 政府采购组织形式

Article 19 The organizational form of government procurement is divided into centralized procurement and decentralized procurement.   第十九条 政府采购组织形式分为集中采购和分散采购。
Article 20 The scope of centralized procurement shall be determined by the centralized procurement lists. The procurement methods mainly include bulk centralized procurement, procurement through supply by agreement, fixed procurement and other methods. Products to be procured by centralized procurement institutions shall be entrusted to centralized procurement agencies for agent procurement and shall not be entrusted to social agencies for procurement or be procured themselves.   第二十条 集中采购范围由集中采购目录确定,采购形式主要有批量集中采购、协议供货采购、定点采购等形式。集中采购机构采购项目必须按规定委托集中采购机构代理采购,不得将集中采购机构采购项目委托社会代理机构采购或者自行采购。
Article 21 For projects required by the Ministry of Finance to be procured by bulk centralized procurement, all entities shall strictly implement the following requirements:   第二十一条 按照财政部要求须实施批量集中采购的项目,各单位应严格按照以下要求执行:
(1) They shall diligently fill out and submit the bulk centralized procurement plans on time and ensure that the names of items, the configuration standards, the quantity of procurement, the place of delivery, the contact information of the end users and other contents are accurate and complete. (一)认真填写并按时报送批量集中采购计划,保证品目名称、配置标准、采购数量、配送地点和最终用户联系方式等内容准确完整。
(2) For projects for which applications are filed for procurement through supply by agreement where bulk centralized procurement is unavailable due to urgent or special reasons, they shall fill out the Recordation Form for Procurement through Supply by Agreement (Annex 1) in duplicate and may adopt procurement through supply by agreement only after obtaining approval of and undergoing the formalities of recordation with the Department of Finance of the MOA. (二)因时间紧急或特殊原因不能批量集中采购,申请采取协议供货的项目,应填制一式两份《协议供货采购备案表》(附件1),经农业部财务司审批备案后,方可采取协议供货方式购买。
Article 22 Projects to be procured through supply by agreement and by fixed procurement shall be procured according to the bid winning results and requirements announced by the centralized procurement institutions. Where the quantity of one-time purchase is relatively large, negotiations or inquiries shall be conducted once again with the bid-winning suppliers on price.   第二十二条 协议供货采购、定点采购项目应按照集中采购机构公布的中标结果和要求进行采购。其中,一次性采购批量较大的,应当与中标供应商就价格再次谈判或询价。
Article 23 For procurement projects independently entrusted to centralized procurement institutions, all entities shall enter into agency agreements before the start of centralized government procurement, to specify the entrusted matters, the rights and obligations of both parties, etc.   第二十三条 各单位单独委托集中采购机构实施的采购项目,应当在政府集中采购开始前签订委托代理协议,明确委托事项、双方的权利和义务等。
All entities may, in light of the reality, entrust centralized government procurement institutions to issue procurement information, determine bid winners, enter into contracts, conduct acceptance and handle other matters. 各单位根据情况,可委托政府集中采购机构办理采购信息发布、确定中标人、签订合同、验收等事项。
Article 24 Government procurement contract text is the legal and valid document for centralized government procurement activities and the valid voucher for the reimbursement of procurement funds.   第二十四条 政府采购合同文本是政府集中采购活动合法有效的证明文件和采购资金支付报销的有效凭证。
Article 25 Government procurement projects not included in the centralized procurement list and above the procurement limits shall be procured through decentralized procurement, and be independently procured by the budget entities according to the provisions or be entrusted to the procurement agencies for procurement. All entities shall enter into agency agreements with the procurement agencies, determine the matters entrusted according to the law and reach agreement on the rights and obligations of the both parties.   第二十五条 采购集中采购目录以外、限额标准以上的政府采购项目,实行分散采购,由预算单位按规定自行采购或者委托采购代理机构采购。各单位应当与采购代理机构签订委托代理协议,依法确定委托代理的事项,约定双方的权利义务。
Chapter IV Government Procurement Methods 

第四章 政府采购方式

Article 26 Government procurement may be conducted by any of the following methods:   第二十六条 政府采购采用以下方式:
(1) public bidding; (一)公开招标;
(2) invited bidding; (二)邀请招标;
(3) competitive negotiation; (三)竞争性谈判;
(4) single-source procurement; (四)单一来源采购;
(5) inquiry; (五)询价;
(6) competitive consultation; and (六)竞争性磋商;
(7) other procurement methods recognized by the government procurement supervision and administration department under the State Council. (七)国务院政府采购监督管理部门认定的其他采购方式。
Public bidding shall be the main procurement method for government procurement. 公开招标应作为政府采购的主要采购方式。
Article 27 Public bidding shall be adopted for goods, engineering and services with procurement amount above the limits for public bidding as prescribed by the State Council.   第二十七条 采购金额达到国务院规定的公开招标数额标准以上的货物、工程或服务项目应当采用公开招标方式。
All entities shall not avoid the public bidding by disaggregating the goods or services required to be procured by public bidding into parts or by any other means. 各单位不得将应当以公开招标方式采购的货物或服务化整为零或者以其他任何方式规避公开招标采购。
Article 28 Goods and services concerning to engineering and engineering construction procured by government by bidding shall be governed by the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulation on the Implementation of the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China; and those procured by other methods shall be governed by the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulation on the Implementation of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China.   第二十八条 政府采购工程以及与工程建设有关的货物、服务,采用招标方式采购的,适用于《中华人民共和共招投标法》及其实施条例;采用其他方式采购的,适用于《中华人民共和国政府采购法》及其实施条例。
Article 29 Procurement projects falling under one of the following circumstances may be procured by invited bidding:   第二十九条 符合下列情形之一的采购项目,可以采用邀请招标方式采购:
(1) They are so special that they may only be procured within a limited scope. (一)具有特殊性,只能从有限范围的供应商处采购的;
(2) The proportion of the expenditure for public bidding to the total value of the government procurement projects is excessively large. (二)采用公开招标的费用占政府采购项目总价值的比例过大的。
Article 30 All entities may procure one of the following goods, engineering and services by competitive negotiation, competitive consultation or single-source procurement method; and they may also procure goods by inquiry:   第三十条 各单位采购以下货物、工程和服务之一的,可以采用竞争性谈判、竞争性磋商、单一来源采购方式采购;采购货物的,还可以采用询价采购方式:
(1) goods and services not included in the legally developed centralized procurement list, above the procurement limits, and below the limits for public bidding; (一)依法制定的集中采购目录以外、采购限额标准以上,且未达到公开招标数额标准的货物、服务;
(2) goods and services above the limits for public bidding and approved to be procured by non-public bidding; and (二)达到公开招标数额标准、经批准采用非公开招标方式的货物、服务;
(3) government procurement projects other than engineering construction projects for which bidding is required to be conducted under the Bidding Law and the Regulation for the Implementation thereof. (三)按照招标投标法及其实施条例必须进行招标的工程建设项目以外的政府采购工程。
Article 31 A procurement project falling under one of the following circumstances may be procured by competitive negotiation:   第三十一条 符合下列情形之一的采购项目,可以采用竞争性谈判方式采购:
(1) After an invitation for bids is made, no supplier bids or there is no eligible bid or it is not possible to make a new invitation for bids; (一)招标后没有供应商投标或者没有合格标的或者重新招标未能成立的;
(2) The detailed specifications or specific requirements are unable to be determined due to the technical complexity or special nature. (二)技术复杂或者性质特殊,不能确定详细规格或者具体要求的;
(3) The time required for bidding invitation is unable to meet the urgent needs of the user, due to the unpredictable cause of the purchaser or reasons other than delay by the purchaser. (三)因采购人不可预见的原因或者非因采购人拖延,导致招标所需时间不能满足用户紧急需要的;
(4) It is impossible to calculate the total value, as the patents, know-how or service time and quantity are unable to be determined in advance. (四)因专利、专有技术或者因服务的时间、数量事先不能确定,导致不能事先计算出价格总额的。
Article 32 A procurement project falling under one of the following circumstances may be procured by single-source procurement method:   第三十二条 符合下列情形之一的采购项目,可以采用单一来源方式采购:
(1) a project that may only be procured from an exclusive supplier; (一)只能从唯一供应商处采购的;
(2) a project that is unable to be procured from other suppliers due to unpredictable emergencies; (二)发生不可预见的紧急情况不能从其他供应商处采购的;
(3) a project that has to be in consistency with the originally procured one so that it has to be procured from the original suppliers and whose total value of the new procurement is no more than 10% of the procurement value as stipulated in the original contract; (三)必须保证原有采购项目一致性或者服务配套的要求,需要继续从原供应商处添购,且添购资金总额不超过原合同采购金额10%的;
(4) other projects for which the single-source procurement method may be adopted as prescribed by the Ministry of Finance.

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