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Regulation on the Administration of the License for Water Drawing and the Levy of Water Resource Fees (2017 Amendment) [Effective]
取水许可和水资源费征收管理条例(2017修订) [现行有效]

Regulation on the Administration of the License for Water Drawing and the Levy of Water Resource Fees



(Promulgated by the Order No.460 of the State Council on February 21, 2006; and amended in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations on March 1, 2017) (2006年2月21日中华人民共和国国务院令第460号公布 根据2017年3月1日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 The present Regulation is formulated in accordance with the “Water Law of the People's Republic of China” for the purpose of strengthening the administration and protection of water resources, and promoting the conservation and reasonable exploitation and utilization of water resources.   第一条 为加强水资源管理和保护,促进水资源的节约与合理开发利用,根据《中华人民共和国水法》,制定本条例。
Article 2 The term “water drawing” as mentioned in the present Regulation shall refer to the drawing of water resources directly from rivers, lakes or underground with the use of water drawing engineering structures or facilities.   第二条 本条例所称取水,是指利用取水工程或者设施直接从江河、湖泊或者地下取用水资源。
Any entity or individual that draws water resources shall, except for the circumstances prescribed in Article 4 of the present Regulation, apply for a license certificate for water drawing, and pay water resource fees. 取用水资源的单位和个人,除本条例第四条规定的情形外,都应当申请领取取水许可证,并缴纳水资源费。
The term “water drawing engineering structures or facilities” as mentioned in the present Regulation shall refer to water gates, dams, channels, artificial watercourses, siphons, pumps, wells and hydropower stations, etc. 本条例所称取水工程或者设施,是指闸、坝、渠道、人工河道、虹吸管、水泵、水井以及水电站等。
Article 3 The water administrative departments of the people's governments at the county level or above shall, in light of the powers for graded administration, take charge of organizing, implementing, supervising and administering the institution of license for water drawing.   第三条 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门按照分级管理权限,负责取水许可制度的组织实施和监督管理。
The drainage basin authorities established by the water administrative department of the State Council at the localities of important rivers and lakes determined by the state (hereinafter referred to as the drainage basin authorities) shall, in accordance with the present Regulation and upon authorization of the water administrative department of the State Council, take charge of organizing, implementing, supervising and administering the institutions in charge of the license for water drawing within their respective jurisdictional scopes. 国务院水行政主管部门在国家确定的重要江河、湖泊设立的流域管理机构(以下简称流域管理机构),依照本条例规定和国务院水行政主管部门授权,负责所管辖范围内取水许可制度的组织实施和监督管理。
The water administrative department, the administrative department of public finance and the price administrative department of a people's government at the county level or above shall, according to the present Regulation and their scope of administrative powers, take charge of levying, administering and supervising water resource fees. 县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门、财政部门和价格主管部门依照本条例规定和管理权限,负责水资源费的征收、管理和监督。
Article 4 Under any of the following circumstances, the party concerned does not have to apply for a license certificate for water drawing:   第四条 下列情形不需要申请领取取水许可证:
(1) A rural collective economic organization or any of its members uses the water in the pond or reservoir of the said organization; (一)农村集体经济组织及其成员使用本集体经济组织的水塘、水库中的水的;
(2) A small amount of water is drawn for domestic life, or as drinking water of livestock or poultry under sporadic or enclosed breeding, etc.; (二)家庭生活和零星散养、圈养畜禽饮用等少量取水的;
(3) The water must be drawn (discharged) for responding to temporary emergencies in order to guarantee the engineering or work safety of underground structures such as mines, etc.; (三)为保障矿井等地下工程施工安全和生产安全必须进行临时应急取(排)水的;
(4) The water is drawn for responding to temporary emergencies in order to eliminate the harms endangering public safety or public interests; or (四)为消除对公共安全或者公共利益的危害临时应急取水的;
(5) The water must be drawn for to the use of temporary emergencies in order to fight an agricultural drought or maintain ecology or environment. (五)为农业抗旱和维护生态与环境必须临时应急取水的。
The limitation for drawing of a small amount of water as prescribed in Item (2) of the preceding paragraph shall be set forth by the people's government of the competent province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government; the water drawing as prescribed in Item (3) or (4) shall be timely reported to the water administrative department or the drainage basin authority of the local people's government at the county level or above for archival filing; the water drawing prescribed in Item (5) shall be subject to the consent of the water administrative department or the drainage basin authority of the people's government at the county level or above. 前款第(二)项规定的少量取水的限额,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定;第(三)项、第(四)项规定的取水,应当及时报县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构备案;第(五)项规定的取水,应当经县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构同意。
Article 5 A license for water drawing shall first satisfy the needs of the urban and rural inhabitants in their domestic use of water and give concurrent consideration to the agricultural, industrial, ecological and environmental need for water as well as to the needs of navigation.   第五条 取水许可应当首先满足城乡居民生活用水,并兼顾农业、工业、生态与环境用水以及航运等需要。
The people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government may, upon duties prescribed in the present Regulation, determine the specific sequence on the various items of water use as prescribed in the preceding paragraph within the same drainage basin or region when the actual situation so requires. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以依照本条例规定的职责权限,在同一流域或者区域内,根据实际情况对前款各项用水规定具体的先后顺序。
Article 6 A license for water drawing must conform to the water resource comprehensive planning, the drainage basin comprehensive planning, the medium and long-term planning for the supply and demand of water and the functional division of water, and be in compliance with the water allocation scheme approved in accordance with the “Water Law of the People's Republic of China”. If no water allocation scheme is formulated, the license for water drawing shall be in compliance with the agreement concluded between the relevant local people's governments.   第六条 实施取水许可必须符合水资源综合规划、流域综合规划、水中长期供求规划和水功能区划,遵守依照《中华人民共和国水法》规定批准的水量分配方案;尚未制定水量分配方案的,应当遵守有关地方人民政府间签订的协议。
Article 7 To grant a license for water drawing, the principle of giving overall consideration to surface water and ground water, and the principle of finding more water sources while saving water with priority given to water saving shall be adhered to, and the control of total amount combined with the quota-based management shall apply.   第七条 实施取水许可应当坚持地表水与地下水统筹考虑,开源与节流相结合、节流优先的原则,实行总量控制与定额管理相结合。
The total amount of water consumed upon approval for water drawing within a drainage basin shall not exceed the utilizable amount of water resources of the drainage basin concerned. 流域内批准取水的总耗水量不得超过本流域水资源可利用量。
The total amount of water approved for drawing within a jurisdiction shall not exceed the water amount allocated by the drainage basin authority or the water administrative department at the next higher level for drawing within the jurisdiction concerned; among which, the total amount of ground water approved for drawing shall not exceed the exploitable amount of ground water within the jurisdiction concerned, and shall meet the requirements of the planning on the exploitation and utilization of ground water. For making the planning on exploitation and utilization of ground water, opinions shall be solicited from the administrative department of land and resources. 行政区域内批准取水的总水量,不得超过流域管理机构或者上一级水行政主管部门下达的可供本行政区域取用的水量;其中,批准取用地下水的总水量,不得超过本行政区域地下水可开采量,并应当符合地下水开发利用规划的要求。制定地下水开发利用规划应当征求国土资源主管部门的意见。
Article 8 The license for water drawing and the levy and management of water resource fees shall be in compliance with the principles of publicity, fairness, justice, high efficiency and facilitating people.   第八条 取水许可和水资源费征收管理制度的实施应当遵循公开、公平、公正、高效和便民的原则。
Article 9 Any entity or individual is obligated to conserve and protect water resources.   第九条 任何单位和个人都有节约和保护水资源的义务。
The people's governments at the county level or above shall commend and award the entities and individuals who have made prominent contributions in conserving and protecting water resources. 对节约和保护水资源有突出贡献的单位和个人,由县级以上人民政府给予表彰和奖励。
Chapter II Applications for Water Drawing and Acceptance of the Applications 

第二章 取水的申请和受理

Article 10 An entity or individual that applies for water drawing (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) shall file an application to the approval organ having the approval power. While if it/he applies for utilizing more than one water source, and there are different approval organs regarding the licenses for drawing of water sources, it/he shall file an application to the approval organ at the top level.   第十条 申请取水的单位或者个人(以下简称申请人),应当向具有审批权限的审批机关提出申请。申请利用多种水源,且各种水源的取水许可审批机关不同的,应当向其中最高一级审批机关提出申请。
Where the scope of power to grant the license for water drawing remains with the drainage basin authority, the application shall be filed to the water administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the water intake is located. The water administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within 20 working days as of receipt of the application, propose its opinions, and transmit the opinions along with all the application materials to the drainage basin authority. The drainage basin authorities shall, after receipt of the opinions and application materials, handle the matter in accordance with Article 13 of the present Regulation. 取水许可权限属于流域管理机构的,应当向取水口所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门提出申请。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门,应当自收到申请之日起20个工作日内提出意见,并连同全部申请材料转报流域管理机构;流域管理机构收到后,应当依照本条例第十三条的规定作出处理。
Article 11 To apply for water drawing, the applicant shall submit the following materials:   第十一条 申请取水应当提交下列材料:
(1) the application letter; (一)申请书;
(2) relevant statements having an interest relationship with the third party; (二)与第三者利害关系的相关说明;
(3) relevant archived materials in case of a project for archival filing; and (三)属于备案项目的,提供有关备案材料;
(4) other materials prescribed by the water administrative department of the State Council. (四)国务院水行政主管部门规定的其他材料。
Where water drawing is needed in a construction project, the applicant shall, in addition, submit the water resource argumentation report on the construction project. The argumentation report shall include the source of water drawing, the rationality of using water, and the impacts to the ecology and environment, etc. 建设项目需要取水的,申请人还应当提交建设项目水资源论证报告书。论证报告书应当包括取水水源、用水合理性以及对生态与环境的影响等内容。
Article 12 An application letter shall include the following particulars:   第十二条 申请书应当包括下列事项:
(1) name and address of the applicant; (一)申请人的名称(姓名)、地址;
(2) reasons for application; (二)申请理由;
(3) starting time and term of water drawing; (三)取水的起始时间及期限;
(4) purpose of water drawing, amount of water for drawing, amount of water consumed in each month within the year, and so on; (四)取水目的、取水量、年内各月的用水量等;
(5) water source and place of water drawing; (五)水源及取水地点;
(6) means of water drawing, way of measurement, and water saving measures; (六)取水方式、计量方式和节水措施;
(7) location for the withdrawal of water, main pollutants contained in the water that is withdrawn, and the sewage treatment measures; and (七)退水地点和退水中所含主要污染物以及污水处理措施;
(8) other particulars prescribed by the water administrative department of the State Council. (八)国务院水行政主管部门规定的其他事项。
Article 13 The water administrative department or the drainage basin authority of a local people's government at the county level or above shall, within 5 working days as of receipt of the application for water drawing, examine the application materials, and handle the matter in light of the following different circumstances:   第十三条 县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构,应当自收到取水申请之日起5个工作日内对申请材料进行审查,并根据下列不同情形分别作出处理:
(1) If the application materials are complete and meet the legal requirement, and fall within the scope of acceptance by the present authority, it shall accept the application; (一)申请材料齐全、符合法定形式、属于本机关受理范围的,予以受理;
(2) If the submitted materials are incomplete or the contents of the application letter are not clearly filled, it shall notify the applicant to make supplements or corrections; and (二)提交的材料不完备或者申请书内容填注不明的,通知申请人补正;
(3) If the application does not fall within the scope of acceptance by the present authority, the present authority shall inform the applicant to file an application to the authority with the power of acceptance. (三)不属于本机关受理范围的,告知申请人向有受理权限的机关提出申请。
Chapter III Examination of and Decisions on the License for Water Drawing 

第三章 取水许可的审查和决定

Article 14 The licenses for water drawing shall be subject to hierarchical examination and approval.   第十四条 取水许可实行分级审批。
The water drawing under the following different circumstances shall be subject to examination and approval of the drainage basin authorities: 下列取水由流域管理机构审批:
(1) drawing water from the trunk streams of the Changjiang River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Haihe River, the Luanhe River, the Zhujiang River, the Songhua River, the Liao River, the Jinsha River and the Han River, from the Taihu Lake, or from the designated reaches of other rivers or lakes covering different provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government, which is above the limitation; (一)长江、黄河、淮河、海河、滦河、珠江、松花江、辽河、金沙江、汉江的干流和太湖以及其他跨省、自治区、直辖市河流、湖泊的指定河段限额以上的取水;
(2) drawing water from designated reaches of international trans-border rivers or international border rivers, which is above the limitation; (二)国际跨界河流的指定河段和国际边界河流限额以上的取水;
(3) drawing water from inter-provincial border rivers or lakes, which is above the limitation; (三)省际边界河流、湖泊限额以上的取水;
(4) drawing water from two or more provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government; (四)跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域的取水;
(5) drawing water for large-scale construction project approved or ratified by the State Council or the investment administrative department of the State Council; (五)由国务院或者国务院投资主管部门审批、核准的大型建设项目的取水;
(6) drawing water within the riverways (reaches) or lakes under direct administration of the drainage basin authorities. (六)流域管理机构直接管理的河道(河段)、湖泊内的取水。
In the preceding paragraph, the designated reaches, the limitations, and the riverways (reaches) or lakes under direct administration of the drainage basin authorities shall be prescribed by the water administrative department of the State Council. 前款所称的指定河段和限额以及流域管理机构直接管理的河道(河段)、湖泊,由国务院水行政主管部门规定。
The water drawing under other circumstances shall be subject to examination and approval of the water administrative department of the local people's government at the county level or above pursuant to the approval power prescribed by the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. 其他取水由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门按照省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的审批权限审批。
Article 15 The approved water allocation scheme or concluded agreement shall be the basis for determining the control of the total amount of water licensed for drawing within a drainage basin or jurisdiction.   第十五条 批准的水量分配方案或者签订的协议是确定流域与行政区域取水许可总量控制的依据。
Where no water allocation scheme is made or no agreement is concluded for a river or lake covering different provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government, the index on controlling the total amount of water licensed for drawing in the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government concerned shall be proposed by the drainage basin authority in consultation with the water administrative departments of the people's government of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government concerned according to the water resource conditions of the drainage basin, the comprehensive planning on water resources, the comprehensive planning of the drainage basin, the medium and long-term planning for the supply and demand of water, and in light of water drawing situation as well as the supplies and demands of each province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, and shall be reported to the water administrative department of the State Council for approval. The index on controlling the total amount of water licensed for drawing within the jurisdiction of a districted city or a county (city) shall be made by the water administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government according to the index on controlling the total amount of water licensed for drawing of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government concerned, and in light of water drawing situation and the supplies and demands of each locality, and shall be reported to the drainage basin authority for archival filing. 跨省、自治区、直辖市的江河、湖泊,尚未制定水量分配方案或者尚未签订协议的,有关省、自治区、直辖市的取水许可总量控制指标,由流域管理机构根据流域水资源条件,依据水资源综合规划、流域综合规划和水中长期供求规划,结合各省、自治区、直辖市取水现状及供需情况,商有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门提出,报国务院水行政主管部门批准;设区的市、县(市)行政区域的取水许可总量控制指标,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门依据本省、自治区、直辖市取水许可总量控制指标,结合各地取水现状及供需情况制定,并报流域管理机构备案。
Article 16 The water consumption amount verified according to the quota for the industrial use of water shall be the main basis for examination and approval of the amount of water for drawing.   第十六条 按照行业用水定额核定的用水量是取水量审批的主要依据。
The water administrative department and the administrative department of quality supervision and inspection of the people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall guide the making of the quotas for the industrial use of water for the jurisdictions concerned and organizing the implementation thereof. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门和质量监督检验管理部门对本行政区域行业用水定额的制定负责指导并组织实施。
Where the above-mentioned administrative departments have not yet made the quota for the industrial of water for the jurisdictions concerned, they may use the quota for the industrial of water use made by the relevant industrial administrative department of the State Council for reference. 尚未制定本行政区域行业用水定额的,可以参照国务院有关行业主管部门制定的行业用水定额执行。
Article 17 An approval organ shall, after acceptance of an application for water drawing, examine the application materials for water drawing in an all-round way, and comprehensively consider the possible impacts of water drawing to the conservation and protection of water resources as well as the economic and social development, so as to decide whether to approve the application for water drawing or not.   第十七条 审批机关受理取水申请后,应当对取水申请材料进行全面审查,并综合考虑取水可能对水资源的节约保护和经济社会发展带来的影响,决定是否批准取水申请。
Article 18 Where an approval organ holds that the water drawing involves public interests and a hearing is needed, it shall make an announcement to the general public, and hold a hearing.   第十八条 审批机关认为取水涉及社会公共利益需要听证的,应当向社会公告,并举行听证。
Where the water drawing involves the major interest relationship between the applicant and others, the approval organ shall, before making a decision on whether to approve the application for water drawing or not, inform the applicant and the interested persons. If the applicant or any of the interested persons requests a hearing, the approval organ shall organize a hearing. 取水涉及申请人与他人之间重大利害关系的,审批机关在作出是否批准取水申请的决定前,应当告知申请人、利害关系人。申请人、利害关系人要求听证的,审批机关应当组织听证。
Where the application for water drawing causes any dispute or lawsuit, the approval organ shall notify the applicant in writing to suspend the examination and approval procedures; and shall not resume the examination and approval procedures until the dispute is settled or the lawsuit is terminated.

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