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Regulations on the Administration of Printing Industry (2016 Revision) [Revised]
印刷业管理条例(2016修订) [已被修订]

Regulations on the Administration of Printing Industry



(Promulgated by the Order No. 315 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on August 2, 2001; and revised as per the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016) (2001年8月2日中华人民共和国国务院令第315号公布 根据2016年2月6日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Chapter 1 General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in order to strengthen the administration of printing industry, to protect the lawful rights and interests of the operators of printing industry and the public interests of the society, and to promote the socialist spiritual civilization and material civilization.   第一条 为了加强印刷业管理,维护印刷业经营者的合法权益和社会公共利益,促进社会主义精神文明和物质文明建设,制定本条例。
Article 2 These Regulations apply to the operations of printing publications, printed matters of package and decoration, and other printed matters.   第二条 本条例适用于出版物、包装装潢印刷品和其他印刷品的印刷经营活动。
Publications referred to in these Regulations include newspapers, journals, books, maps, New Year pictures, pictures, wall calendars, picture albums and the binding and layout, and cover of audio and video recordings and electrical publications, etc. 本条例所称出版物,包括报纸、期刊、书籍、地图、年画、图片、挂历、画册及音像制品、电子出版物的装帧封面等。
Printed matters of package and decoration referred to in these Regulations include trademark signs, advertisement publicity material and the printed matters of paper, metal, plastic, etc, which are used as product package or decoration. 本条例所称包装装潢印刷品,包括商标标识、广告宣传品及作为产品包装装潢的纸、金属、塑料等的印刷品。
Other printed matters referred to in these Regulations include documents, data, charts, tickets, certificates, visiting cards, etc. 本条例所称其他印刷品,包括文件、资料、图表、票证、证件、名片等。
Operations of printing referred to in these Regulations include operational activities of typesetting, plate making, printing, binding, copying, photographic reproducing, mimeographing, etc. 本条例所称印刷经营活动,包括经营性的排版、制版、印刷、装订、复印、影印、打印等活动。
Article 3 The operators of printing industry must abide by the relevant laws, regulations and rules, and stress the social benefits.   第三条 印刷业经营者必须遵守有关法律、法规和规章,讲求社会效益。
Publications, printed matters of package and decoration and other printed matters that contain reactionary, pornographic or superstitious contents and other contents publicly prohibited by state orders shall be prohibited from printing. 禁止印刷含有反动、淫秽、迷信内容和国家明令禁止印刷的其他内容的出版物、包装装潢印刷品和其他印刷品。
Article 4 The administrative department of publishing of the State Council shall be in charge of the supervision and administration of the printing industry of the whole country. The administrative departments in charge of publishing administration of the people's governments at the county level and above (hereinafter referred to as administrative departments of publishing) shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the printing industry within their respective administrative areas.   第四条 国务院出版行政部门主管全国的印刷业监督管理工作。县级以上地方各级人民政府负责出版管理的行政部门(以下简称出版行政部门)负责本行政区域内的印刷业监督管理工作。
The public security departments, administrative departments and other relevant departments of industry and commerce of the people's governments at the county level and above shall be responsible for the relevant supervision and administration of printing industry within their respective scope of duties. 县级以上各级人民政府公安部门、工商行政管理部门及其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,负责有关的印刷业监督管理工作。
Article 5 The operators of printing industry shall establish and perfect the system of printing undertaking validation, the system of printing undertaking registration, the system of printed matter keeping, the system of printed matter delivery, and the system of destroying the shopworn and defective products produced in printing activities. The specific measures shall be formulated by the administrative department of publishing of the State Council jointly with the public security department of the State Council.   第五条 印刷业经营者应当建立、健全承印验证制度、承印登记制度、印刷品保管制度、印刷品交付制度、印刷活动残次品销毁制度等。具体办法由国务院出版行政部门会同国务院公安部门制定。
If the operators find illegal and criminal acts in the printing operations, they shall report timely to the public security departments or the administrative departments of publishing. 印刷业经营者在印刷经营活动中发现违法犯罪行为,应当及时向公安部门或者出版行政部门报告。
Article 6 The social organizations of printing industry shall, under the guidance of the administrative departments of publishing, adopt self administration according to their articles of association.   第六条 印刷行业的社会团体按照其章程,在出版行政部门的指导下,实行自律管理。
Chapter 2 Establishment of Printing Enterprises   第七条 印刷企业应当定期向出版行政部门报送年度报告。出版行政部门应当依法及时将年度报告中的有关内容向社会公示。
Article 7 A printing enterprise shall submit annual reports to the publication administrative department as scheduled. The publication administrative department shall disclose the relevant content of the annual reports to the public in a timely manner according to the law. 

第二章 印刷企业的设立

Article 8 The state adopts the license system for printing operations. No unit or individual may undertake printing operations without obtaining the license for printing operations according to these Regulations.   第八条 国家实行印刷经营许可制度。未依照本条例规定取得印刷经营许可证的,任何单位和个人不得从事印刷经营活动。
Article 9 The following conditions are required to be met where an enterprise engages in printing operations:   第九条 企业从事印刷经营活动,应当具备下列条件:
1) having the name and articles of association of the enterprise; (一)有企业的名称、章程;
2) having definite business scope; (二)有确定的业务范围;
3) having the operating place and necessary operating conditions such as fund and equipment, etc, that meet the needs of the business scope; (三)有适应业务范围需要的生产经营场所和必要的资金、设备等生产经营条件;
4) having the organizational framework and personnel that meet the needs of the business scope; and (四)有适应业务范围需要的组织机构和人员;
5) other conditions provided by the relevant laws and regulations. (五)有关法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。
In the approval of an application for engaging in printing operations, the planning of the state on the total number, structure and layout of printing enterprises shall be observed in addition to the provisions prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 审批从事印刷经营活动申请,除依照前款规定外,还应当符合国家有关印刷企业总量、结构和布局的规划。
Article 10 For the formation of an enterprise engaging in the printing of publications, an application shall be filed with the publication administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where it is located. If the application is approved, the applicant shall obtain a printing business permit, apply for registration with the administrative department for industry and commerce on the basis of the printing business permit, and obtain a business license.   第十条 设立从事出版物印刷经营活动的企业,应当向所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门提出申请。申请人经审核批准的,取得印刷经营许可证,并持印刷经营许可证向工商行政管理部门申请登记注册,取得营业执照。
To apply for engaging in the printing of printed matters for packaging and decoration and other printed matters, an enterprise shall file an application with the publication administrative department of the people's government at the level of the districted city where it is located on the basis of its business license, and if the application is approved, a printing business permit shall be issued to it. 企业申请从事包装装潢印刷品和其他印刷品印刷经营活动,应当持营业执照向所在地设区的市级人民政府出版行政部门提出申请,经审核批准的,发给印刷经营许可证。
No individual may engage in the printing of publications or printed matters for packaging and decoration; and individuals engaging in the printing of other printed matters shall undergo the approval formalities in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article. 个人不得从事出版物、包装装潢印刷品印刷经营活动;个人从事其他印刷品印刷经营活动的,依照本条第二款的规定办理审批手续。
Article 11 The publication administrative department shall, within 60 days of receipt of the application filed under Article 10 of the Regulation, make a decision to approve or disapprove the application. If the application is approved, a printing business permit shall be issued to the applicant; or if the application is disapproved, the applicant shall be notified of the decision with an explanation of the reasons for the disapproval.   第十一条 出版行政部门应当自收到依据本条例第十条提出的申请之日起60日内作出批准或者不批准的决定。批准申请的,应当发给印刷经营许可证;不批准申请的,应当通知申请人并说明理由。
The license for printing operations shall indicate the types of the printing operations that the printing enterprise is engaged in. 印刷经营许可证应当注明印刷企业所从事的印刷经营活动的种类。
The license for printing operations shall not be sold, rent, lent or transferred through other means. 印刷经营许可证不得出售、出租、出借或者以其他形式转让。
Article 12 If an operator of printing industry applies to operate concurrently or to change the printing operations of publications, printed matters of package or decoration or other printed matters, or to annex other operators of the printing industry to itself/himself, or to establish new operators of printing industry because of merger or division, he shall go through the procedures according to the provisions of Article 9 of these Regulations.   第十二条 印刷业经营者申请兼营或者变更从事出版物、包装装潢印刷品或者其他印刷品印刷经营活动,或者兼并其他印刷业经营者,或者因合并、分立而设立新的印刷业经营者,应当依照本条例第九条的规定办理手续。
Where a printing business changes its name, legal representative or person in charge, domicile or business premises, or other main registration matter or terminates its printing operations, it shall report the change to the publication administrative department that approved its formation for recordation. 印刷业经营者变更名称、法定代表人或者负责人、住所或者经营场所等主要登记事项,或者终止印刷经营活动,应当报原批准设立的出版行政部门备案。
Article 13 The state allows the establishment of Chinese and foreign equity joint printing enterprises, Chinese and foreign cooperative joint printing enterprises, and allows the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises engaged in the operations of printing printed matters of package and decoration. The specific measures shall be formulated by the administrative department of publishing of the State Council jointly with the department in charge of foreign trade and economy of the State Council.   第十三条 国家允许设立中外合资经营印刷企业、中外合作经营印刷企业,允许设立从事包装装潢印刷品印刷经营活动的外资企业。具体办法由国务院出版行政部门会同国务院对外经济贸易主管部门制定。
Article 14 If a unit wishes to establish printing factories (institutes) of its own, it must go through the procedures for registration with the administrative department of publishing of the people's government at the county level or above, and shall report to the public security department for record according to the relevant provisions of the state; if such a printing factory (institute) involves the printing of state secrets, the unit shall also go through the procedures for registration with the secrecy departments.   第十四条 单位内部设立印刷厂(所),必须向所在地县级以上地方人民政府出版行政部门办理登记手续,并按照国家有关规定向公安部门备案;单位内部设立的印刷厂(所)印刷涉及国家秘密的印件的,还应当向保密工作部门办理登记手续。
Printing factories (institutes) established inside the units may undertake printing operations; those that wish to undertake printing operations must go through the procedures according to the provisions of this chapter. 单位内部设立的印刷厂(所)不得从事印刷经营活动;从事印刷经营活动的,必须依照本章的规定办理手续。
Chapter 3 Printing of Publications 

第三章 出版物的印刷

Article 15 The state encourages the enterprises engaged in operations of printing publications to print the publications that reveal the new excellent cultural achievements of China and foreign countries, and lays stress on the printing of traditional cultural elaborate works and valuable academic works.   第十五条 国家鼓励从事出版物印刷经营活动的企业及时印刷体现国内外新的优秀文化成果的出版物,重视印刷传统文化精品和有价值的学术著作。
Article 16 The enterprises engaged in the operations of publication printing may not print the publications that are prohibited publicly by the state orders from publishing or the publications published by non-publishing units.   第十六条 从事出版物印刷经营活动的企业不得印刷国家明令禁止出版的出版物和非出版单位出版的出版物。
Article 17 To print publications, the unit that entrusts the printing shall sign the printing contract with the printing enterprise according to the relevant provisions of the state.   第十七条 印刷出版物的,委托印刷单位和印刷企业应当按照国家有关规定签订印刷合同。
Article 18 When accepting the entrustment of the publishing unit to print books and journals, a printing enterprise must validate, receive and keep the printing trust deed sealed by the publishing unit, and shall, before printing, report to the administrative department of publishing of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the publishing unit is located; if the printing enterprise accepts the entrustment of the publishing unit that is not located in the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government where the printing enterprise is located to print books and journals, the printing trust deed shall be reported to the administrative department of publishing of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government where the printing enterprise is located for record in advance. The format of the printing trust deed shall be prescribed by the administrative department of publishing of the State Council uniformly, and shall be uniformly printed by the administrative departments of publishing of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.   第十八条 印刷企业接受出版单位委托印刷图书、期刊的,必须验证并收存出版单位盖章的印刷委托书,并在印刷前报出版单位所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门备案;印刷企业接受所在地省、自治区、直辖市以外的出版单位的委托印刷图书、期刊的,印刷委托书还必须事先报印刷企业所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门备案。印刷委托书由国务院出版行政部门规定统一格式,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门统一印制。
When accepting the entrustment of the publishing unit to print newspapers, a printing enterprise must validate the license for newspaper publishing; when accepting the entrustment of the publishing unit to print additional editions, supplements of newspapers and journals, the printing enterprise must also validate the documents of administrative departments of publishing in charge that approve the publishing of the additional editions and supplements. 印刷企业接受出版单位委托印刷报纸的,必须验证报纸出版许可证;接受出版单位的委托印刷报纸、期刊的增版、增刊的,还必须验证主管的出版行政部门批准出版增版、增刊的文件。
Article 19 When accepting the entrustment to print publications of internal data, the printing enterprise must validate the printing permission issued by the administrative department of publishing of the local people's government at the county level or above.   第十九条 印刷企业接受委托印刷内部资料性出版物的,必须验证县级以上地方人民政府出版行政部门核发的准印证。
When accepting the entrustment to print publications of internal data containing religious contents, the printing enterprise must validate the approving documents of the administrative department in charge of religious affairs of the people's government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government and the printing permission issued by the administrative department of publishing of the people's government of the province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government. 印刷企业接受委托印刷宗教内容的内部资料性出版物的,必须验证省、自治区、直辖市人民政府宗教事务管理部门的批准文件和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门核发的准印证。
The administrative department of publishing shall make the decision to issue the printing permission or not within 30 days since the date of receiving the application for printing the publications of internal data or printing the publications of internal data containing religious contents, and shall notify the applicant of the decision; if no decision is made after the time limit, it is regarded that the approval has been granted. 出版行政部门应当自收到印刷内部资料性出版物或者印刷宗教内容的内部资料性出版物的申请之日起30日内作出是否核发准印证的决定,并通知申请人;逾期不作出决定的,视为同意印刷。
Article 20 When accepting entrustment to print foreign publications, a printing enterprise must, by presenting the relevant legal proving documents of copyright, obtain the approval of the administrative department of publishing of people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government; the foreign publications printed must be transported outside China and may not be issued or distributed within the borders.
   第二十条 印刷企业接受委托印刷境外的出版物的,必须持有关著作权的合法证明文件,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门批准;印刷的境外出版物必须全部运输出境,不得在境内发行、散发。

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