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Water Law of the People's Republic of China (2009 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国水法(2009修正) [已被修订]

Water Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Adopted at the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on January 21, 1988, modified at the 29th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on August 29, 2002, and promulgated by Order No. 74 of the President of the People's Republic of China on August 29, 2002; amended in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Some Laws adopted at the 10th session of the eleventh Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on August 27, 2009) (1988年1月21日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过 2002年8月29日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议修订 2002年8月29日中华人民共和国主席令第七十四号公布 根据2009年8月27日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改部分法律的决定》修正)


Contents 目录

Chapter 1 General Rules 第一章 总则
Chapter 2 Planning of Water Resources 第二章 水资源规划
Chapter 3 Development and Utilization of Water Resources 第三章 水资源开发利用
Chapter 4 Protection of Water Resources, Water Areas and Water Projects 第四章 水资源、水域和水工程的保护
Chapter 5 Allocation and Economic Use of Water Resources 第五章 水资源配置和节约使用
Chapter 6 Settlement of Disputes over Water and Supervision and Inspection of Law Enforcement 第六章 水事纠纷处理与执法监督检查
Chapter 7 Legal Responsibilities 第七章 法律责任
Chapter 8 Supplementary Rules 第八章 附则
Chapter 1 General Rules 

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the rational development, utilization, preservation, and protection of water, for the prevention and control of water disasters, and for the sustainable utilization of water resources in order to meet the needs of national economic and social development.   第一条 为了合理开发、利用、节约和保护水资源,防治水害,实现水资源的可持续利用,适应国民经济和社会发展的需要,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law must be observed in the development, utilization, preservation, protection, and management of water resources and in the prevention and control of water disasters within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国领域内开发、利用、节约、保护、管理水资源,防治水害,适用本法。
The "water resources" referred to in this Law include surface water and groundwater. 本法所称水资源,包括地表水和地下水。
Article 3 Water resources shall be owned by the state. The State Council shall exercise ownership of water resources on behalf of the state. Water in the ponds of rural collective economic organizations and in the reservoirs constructed and managed by rural collective economic organizations shall be used by those organizations.   第三条 水资源属于国家所有。水资源的所有权由国务院代表国家行使。农村集体经济组织的水塘和由农村集体经济组织修建管理的水库中的水,归各该农村集体经济组织使用。
Article 4 The development, utilization, preservation, and protection of water resources and the prevention and control of water disasters shall be carried out through comprehensive planning, with all factors taken into consideration. The planning shall seek both a temporary solution and a permanent cure, with emphasis on multipurpose use and achieving maximum benefits to take advantage of the multiple functions of water resources and harmonize water use in production and the environment.   第四条 开发、利用、节约、保护水资源和防治水害,应当全面规划、统筹兼顾、标本兼治、综合利用、讲求效益,发挥水资源的多种功能,协调好生活、生产经营和生态环境用水。
Article 5 The people's governments at and above the county level shall strengthen the construction of infrastructures for water conservation that shall be included in plans for national economic and social development.   第五条 县级以上人民政府应当加强水利基础设施建设,并将其纳入本级国民经济和社会发展计划。
Article 6 The state shall encourage entities and individuals to develop and utilize water resources according to law, and to protect their legal rights and interests. The entities and individuals developing and utilizing water resources shall bear an obligation to protect water resources according to law.   第六条 国家鼓励单位和个人依法开发、利用水资源,并保护其合法权益。开发、利用水资源的单位和个人有依法保护水资源的义务。
Article 7 The state shall apply the systems of water licensing and paid use of water resources according to law, excepting collective economic organizations and their members' use of the water in the ponds and reservoirs owned by those organizations. The department of water administration under the State Council shall be responsible for organizing the water license system implementation as well as the nationwide paid use of water resource system.   第七条 国家对水资源依法实行取水许可制度和有偿使用制度。但是,农村集体经济组织及其成员使用本集体经济组织的水塘、水库中的水的除外。国务院水行政主管部门负责全国取水许可制度和水资源有偿使用制度的组织实施。
Article 8 The state shall require strict economy in the use of water, vigorously promote measures for water saving, spread new technology and techniques to conserve water, develop the water-conservation industry and agriculture and service industry, and establish a water-conservation society. The people's governments at various levels shall take measures to improve the management of water preservation, establish the development and distribution of water-conservation technology, and foster and develop water-preservation industries.   第八条 国家厉行节约用水,大力推行节约用水措施,推广节约用水新技术、新工艺,发展节水型工业、农业和服务业,建立节水型社会。各级人民政府应当采取措施,加强对节约用水的管理,建立节约用水技术开发推广体系,培育和发展节约用水产业。
Entities and individuals shall bear an obligation to save water. 单位和个人有节约用水的义务。
Article 9 The state shall protect water resources and adopt effective measures to preserve vegetation, plant trees, grow grass, conserve water sources, prevent and control soil erosion and water pollution, and improve the ecological environment.   第九条 国家保护水资源,采取有效措施,保护植被,植树种草,涵养水源,防治水土流失和水体污染,改善生态环境。
Article 10 The state shall encourage and support the research, distribution, and application of advanced technology for the development, utilization, preservation, protection, and management of water resources and the prevention and control of water disasters.   第十条 国家鼓励和支持开发、利用、节约、保护、管理水资源和防治水害的先进科学技术的研究、推广和应用。
Article 11 The people's governments shall award the entities and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in the development, utilization, preservation, protection and management of water resources and in the prevention and control of water disasters, etc.   第十一条 在开发、利用、节约、保护、管理水资源和防治水害等方面成绩显著的单位和个人,由人民政府给予奖励。
Article 12 The state shall, with respect to water resources, adopt a system that organizes the administration by watersheds as well as by administrative areas.   第十二条 国家对水资源实行流域管理与行政区域管理相结合的管理体制。
The department of water administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the unified administration and supervision of water resources of the nation. 国务院水行政主管部门负责全国水资源的统一管理和监督工作。
The watershed authorities, set up by the department of water administration under the State Council, at the important rivers and lakes (as determined by the state) (hereinafter referred to as the watershed authorities) shall, within their respective jurisdictions, exercise the water resource administration and supervision provided for by laws and regulations and authorized by the department of water administration under the State Council. 国务院水行政主管部门在国家确定的重要江河、湖泊设立的流域管理机构(以下简称流域管理机构),在所管辖的范围内行使法律、行政法规规定的和国务院水行政主管部门授予的水资源管理和监督职责。
The departments of water administration in the local people's governments at and above the county level shall, according to the prescribed limit of authorities, be in charge of the unified administration and supervision of water resources within their respective administrative areas. 县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门按照规定的权限,负责本行政区域内水资源的统一管理和监督工作。
Article 13 The relevant departments under the State Council shall be in charge of the relevant work for the development, utilization, preservation and protection of water resources.   第十三条 国务院有关部门按照职责分工,负责水资源开发、利用、节约和保护的有关工作。
The relevant departments of the local people's governments at and above the county level shall, according to the division of duties, be in charge of the relevant work to develop, utilize, preserve, and protect water resources. 县级以上地方人民政府有关部门按照职责分工,负责本行政区域内水资源开发、利用、节约和保护的有关工作。
Chapter 2 Planning of Water Resources 

第二章 水资源规划

Article 14 The state shall formulate the strategic plan for water resources of the whole country.   第十四条 国家制定全国水资源战略规划。
The development, utilization, preservation and protection of water resources, and the prevention and control of water disasters, shall be planned in a unified way on the basis of watersheds or regions. Plans are divided into watershed plans and region plans. Watershed plans include comprehensive watershed plans and special watershed plans; region plans include comprehensive region plans and special region plans. 开发、利用、节约、保护水资源和防治水害,应当按照流域、区域统一制定规划。规划分为流域规划和区域规划。流域规划包括流域综合规划和流域专业规划;区域规划包括区域综合规划和区域专业规划。
The "comprehensive plans," as used in the preceding paragraph, shall refer to the overall arrangements, formulated according to the needs of economic and social development and the present situation of the development and utilization of water resources, for the development, utilization, preservation and protection of water resources, as well as for the prevention and control of water disasters. The "special plans," as used in the preceding paragraph, shall refer to plans for prevention of floods, the control of water-logging, irrigation, navigation, water supply, hydro-electric power generation, bamboo or log rafting, fishery, water resource protection, water and soil conservation, prevention and control of sand disasters, and water preservation, etc. 前款所称综合规划,是指根据经济社会发展需要和水资源开发利用现状编制的开发、利用、节约、保护水资源和防治水害的总体部署。前款所称专业规划,是指防洪、治涝、灌溉、航运、供水、水力发电、竹木流放、渔业、水资源保护、水土保持、防沙治沙、节约用水等规划。
Article 15 The region plan within a watershed shall be subject to the watershed plan, and the special plan shall be subject to the comprehensive plan.   第十五条 流域范围内的区域规划应当服从流域规划,专业规划应当服从综合规划。
The comprehensive watershed plan and comprehensive region plan, as well as the special plan closely related to land utilization, shall be coordinated with the plan for national economic and social development, the overall plan for land utilization, the overall urban plan, and the plan for environment protection, and shall take account of the needs of the areas and industries. 流域综合规划和区域综合规划以及与土地利用关系密切的专业规划,应当与国民经济和社会发展规划以及土地利用总体规划、城市总体规划和环境保护规划相协调,兼顾各地区、各行业的需要。
Article 16 In order to draw up a plan, a comprehensive scientific survey and an investigation and assessment of water resources must be undertaken by the department of water administration of the people's government at or above the county level jointly with the relevant department at the corresponding level. The people's government at or above the county level shall improve the construction of the information system on hydrologic and water resources.   第十六条 制定规划,必须进行水资源综合科学考察和调查评价。水资源综合科学考察和调查评价,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门会同同级有关部门组织进行。
The department of water administration of the people's governments at or above the county level and the watershed authorities shall strengthen the dynamic monitoring of water resources. 县级以上人民政府应当加强水文、水资源信息系统建设。县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门和流域管理机构应当加强对水资源的动态监测。
The basic hydrologic materials shall be publicized pursuant to the relevant provisions of the state. 基本水文资料应当按照国家有关规定予以公开。
Article 17 The comprehensive watershed plans for important rivers and lakes determined by the state shall be formulated by the department of water administration under the State Council This will be in conjunction with the relevant departments under the State Council and the people's governments of the relevant provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and shall be submitted to the State Council for approval. The comprehensive watershed plans and comprehensive region plans for other rivers and lakes running across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be formulated by the relevant watershed authorities in conjunction with the departments of water administration and the relevant departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the rivers and lakes are located. After the relevant people's governments examine those plans and give their opinions, the plans shall be submitted to the department of water administration under the State Council for examination, which shall, after seeking opinions from the relevant departments under the State Council, submit the plans to the State Council or the department authorized thereby for approval.   第十七条 国家确定的重要江河、湖泊的流域综合规划,由国务院水行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门和有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府编制,报国务院批准。跨省、自治区、直辖市的其他江河、湖泊的流域综合规划和区域综合规划,由有关流域管理机构会同江河、湖泊所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府水行政主管部门和有关部门编制,分别经有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审查提出意见后,报国务院水行政主管部门审核;国务院水行政主管部门征求国务院有关部门意见后,报国务院或者其授权的部门批准。
The comprehensive watershed plans and comprehensive region plans for rivers and lakes other than those described in the preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the departments of water administration of the local people's governments at and above the county level, jointly with the relevant departments at the corresponding level and the relevant local people's governments, and shall be submitted to the corresponding people's governments or the departments authorized thereby for approval, as well as to the departments of water administration at the next higher level for record. 前款规定以外的其他江河、湖泊的流域综合规划和区域综合规划,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门会同同级有关部门和有关地方人民政府编制,报本级人民政府或者其授权的部门批准,并报上一级水行政主管部门备案。
The special plans shall be formulated by the relevant departments of the people's governments at and above the county level, and shall be submitted to the corresponding people's governments for approval after those departments seek opinions from other relevant departments at the corresponding level. Among these special plans, the formulation and approval of plans on the prevention of floods, and water and soil conservation plans, shall be carried out according to the relevant provisions of the Law on Prevention of Floods and the Law on Water and Soil Conservation. 专业规划由县级以上人民政府有关部门编制,征求同级其他有关部门意见后,报本级人民政府批准。其中,防洪规划、水土保持规划的编制、批准,依照防洪法水土保持法的有关规定执行。
Article 18 A plan shall be strictly carried out once it has been approved.   第十八条 规划一经批准,必须严格执行。
When modifying the approved plan is necessary, the modification must be approved by the original approving department in accordance with the procedures for plan formulation. 经批准的规划需要修改时,必须按照规划编制程序经原批准机关批准。
Article 19 Construction of a water project must be in conformity with the comprehensive watershed plan. With respect to the water projects constructed on the important rivers and lakes (as determined by the state) and the rivers and lakes running across provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, before the project feasibility reports are submitted for approval the relevant watershed authorities shall examine and give opinions on whether the construction of the water project is in conformity with the comprehensive watershed plan. With respect to the construction of water projects on other rivers and lakes, before the project feasibility reports are submitted for approval, the water administration departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, according to the limit of their authorities, examine and give opinions on whether the construction of water projects conforms to the comprehensive watershed plans. Where the construction of a water project involves prevention of floods, the relevant provisions of the Law on Prevention of Floods shall be observed; where other regions and industries are involved, the construction entity shall seek opinions from the relevant regions and departments in advance.   第十九条 建设水工程,必须符合流域综合规划。在国家确定的重要江河、湖泊和跨省、自治区、直辖市的江河、湖泊上建设水工程,其工程可行性研究报告报请批准前,有关流域管理机构应当对水工程的建设是否符合流域综合规划进行审查并签署意见;在其他江河、湖泊上建设水工程,其工程可行性研究报告报请批准前,县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门应当按照管理权限对水工程的建设是否符合流域综合规划进行审查并签署意见。水工程建设涉及防洪的,依照防洪法的有关规定执行;涉及其他地区和行业的,建设单位应当事先征求有关地区和部门的意见。
Chapter 3 Development and Utilization of Water Resources 

第三章 水资源开发利用

Article 20 The development and utilization of water resources shall follow the principle of promoting benefits while eliminating disasters. It shall take into consideration the interests of upstream and downstream areas, of the left and right banks, and of all regions concerned to take advantage of the comprehensive benefits of water resources; it shall also conform to the overall arrangement for the prevention of flood.   第二十条 开发、利用水资源,应当坚持兴利与除害相结合,兼顾上下游、左右岸和有关地区之间的利益,充分发挥水资源的综合效益,并服从防洪的总体安排。
Article 21 The development and utilization of water resources shall first satisfy the needs of the urban and rural inhabitants in their domestic use of water and give overall consideration to the agricultural, industrial and ecological need for water as well as to the needs of navigation.   第二十一条 开发、利用水资源,应当首先满足城乡居民生活用水,并兼顾农业、工业、生态环境用水以及航运等需要。
In dry and semi-dry areas, the development and utilization of water resources shall take into full consideration the ecological environment's need for water. 在干旱和半干旱地区开发、利用水资源,应当充分考虑生态环境用水需要。
Article 22 In case of inter-watershed diversion, an overall plan and a scientific justification must be conducted and consideration given to the demand for water in the watershed which supplies the water and in the watershed which receives it, while avoiding damages to the ecological environment.   第二十二条 跨流域调水,应当进行全面规划和科学论证,统筹兼顾调出和调入流域的用水需要,防止对生态环境造成破坏。
Article 23 The local people's governments at various levels shall, in light of the actual situations of water resources of their respective regions, rationally organize the development and comprehensive utilization of water resources according to the principles of unified management and development of surface water and groundwater. It will open up the source while regulating the flow with priority given to regulation as well as disposition and reuse of the sewage.   第二十三条 地方各级人民政府应当结合本地区水资源的实际情况,按照地表水与地下水统一调度开发、开源与节流相结合、节流优先和污水处理再利用的原则,合理组织开发、综合利用水资源。
The formulation of national economic and social development plans and overall urban plans, and the layout of major construction projects, shall be compatible with the conditions of the local water resources and the requirements of flood prevention, and scientific justification shall be undertaken. In areas where the water sources are insufficient, the scale of the urban area and the development of industrial, agricultural and service undertakings that use a large amount of water shall be restricted. 国民经济和社会发展规划以及城市总体规划的编制、重大建设项目的布局,应当与当地水资源条件和防洪要求相适应,并进行科学论证;在水资源不足的地区,应当对城市规模和建设耗水量大的工业、农业和服务业项目加以限制。
Article 24 In areas short of water resources, the state shall encourage the collection, development and utilization of rain and minor salt water and the utilization and desalination of seawater.   第二十四条 在水资源短缺的地区,国家鼓励对雨水和微咸水的收集、开发、利用和对海水的利用、淡化。
Article 25 The local people's governments at various levels shall improve the leadership over the work of irrigation, draining saturated fields, and water and soil conservation, thus promoting the development of agriculture production. In areas where brackishness or saturation is likely to take place, the governments shall take actions to control and lower the level of groundwater.   第二十五条 地方各级人民政府应当加强对灌溉、排涝、水土保持工作的领导,促进农业生产发展;在容易发生盐碱化和渍害的地区,应当采取措施,控制和降低地下水的水位。
Where a rural collective economic organization or its members invest to construct water project facilities on the collective land owned by the organization or land contracted by a member, the water project facilities and the water stored in them shall be managed and rationally used according to the principle that "the party that invests in and constructs the facilities shall be the one to manage and benefit from such facilities." 农村集体经济组织或者其成员依法在本集体经济组织所有的集体土地或者承包土地上投资兴建水工程设施的,按照谁投资建设谁管理和谁受益的原则,对水工程设施及其蓄水进行管理和合理使用。
The construction of a water reservoir by a rural collective economic organization shall be subject to the approval of the department of water administration of the local peoples' government at or above the county level. 农村集体经济组织修建水库应当经县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门批准。
Article 26 The state shall encourage the development and utilization of hydraulic power potential. On rivers with hydraulic power potential, multipurpose cascade development shall be effected in a planned way.   第二十六条 国家鼓励开发、利用水能资源。在水能丰富的河流,应当有计划地进行多目标梯级开发。
In the development of hydropower stations, the ecological environment shall be protected and the needs for flood control, water supply, irrigation, navigation, bamboo and log rafting, fishery, etc. shall be taken into account. 建设水力发电站,应当保护生态环境,兼顾防洪、供水、灌溉、航运、竹木流放和渔业等方面的需要。
Article 27 The state shall encourage the development of water transport resources. When permanent dams and sluice-gates are built on rivers which are migrating channels for aquatic creatures, or are navigable or suitable for bamboo and log rafting, the construction entity must simultaneously build facilities for the passage of fish and ships and for bamboo and log rafting or, after approval by a department authorized by the State Council, take other remedial measures. The construction entity must also make adequate arrangements for the protection of aquatic creatures, navigation, and bamboo and log rafting during the construction period and the initial water-filling period, and bear the expenses incurred thereby.   第二十七条 国家鼓励开发、利用水运资源。在水生生物洄游通道、通航或者竹木流放的河流上修建永久性拦河闸坝,建设单位应当同时修建过鱼、过船、过木设施,或者经国务院授权的部门批准采取其他补救措施,并妥善安排施工和蓄水期间的水生生物保护、航运和竹木流放,所需费用由建设单位承担。
Where a non-navigable river or man-made waterway becomes navigable after a dam or sluice-gate is built, the construction entity shall simultaneously build facilities for the passage of ships or reserve sites for such facilities. 在不通航的河流或者人工水道上修建闸坝后可以通航的,闸坝建设单位应当同时修建过船设施或者预留过船设施位置。
Article 28 No entity or individual shall, while channeling, storing, or discharging water, infringe upon public interests or the lawful rights and interests of other people.
   第二十八条 任何单位和个人引水、截(蓄)水、排水,不得损害公共利益和他人的合法权益。

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