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Provisions on the Administration of Talents Markets (2019 Revision) [Revised]
人才市场管理规定(2019修订) [已被修订]

Provisions on the Administration of Talents Markets 


(Promulgated by the Order No. 1 the Ministry of Personnel of the People's Republic of China and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China on September 11, 2001; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Personnel and State Administration for Industry and Commerce about Modifying the Provisions on the Administration of Talents Markets on March 22, 2005; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Amending Some Rules by the Order No. 24 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on April 30, 2015; and amended for the third time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Amending Certain Rules on December 9, 2019) (2001年9月11日人事部、国家工商行政管理总局令第1号公布 根据2005年3月22日《人事部、国家工商行政管理总局关于修改<人才市场管理规定>的决定》第一次修订 根据2015年4月30日《人力资源社会保障部关于修改部分规章的决定》第二次修订 根据2019年12月9日《人力资源社会保障部关于修改部分规章的决定》第三次修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 With a view to establishing and improving a talents market system that is well-functioning, normalized in operation, excellent in services and effective in supervision, optimizing the distribution of talent resources, regulating the market behaviors of the talents markets, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the talents, employers and talent intermediary institutions, these Provisions have been formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations   第一条 为了建立和完善机制健全、运行规范、服务周到、指导监督有力的人才市场体系,优化人才资源配置,规范人才市场活动,维护人才、用人单位和人才中介服务机构的合法权益,根据有关法律、法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 The term "administration of talents markets" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the administration of the intermediary services of the talent intermediary organs, the recruitment by the employers, the seeking for jobs by individuals and other relevant activities.   第二条 本规定所称的人才市场管理,是指对人才中介服务机构从事人才中介服务、用人单位招聘和个人应聘以及与之相关活动的管理。
The term "object of service of the talents markets" refers to the various kinds of employers, the persons that have an education background of intermediate technical education or higher or other specialized technical credentials and other persons that engage in specialized technical or management work. 人才市场服务的对象是指各类用人单位和具有中专以上学历或取得专业技术资格的人员,以及其他从事专业技术或管理工作的人员。
Article 3 The talents markets shall observe the laws, regulations and policies in their activities, adhere to the principles of openness, equality, competition and selection of the better, allowing the employers to choose their own talents and the individuals to choose their own employers.   第三条 人才市场活动应当遵守国家的法律、法规及政策规定,坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则,实行单位自主用人,个人自主择业。
Article 4 The department of personnel at the county level or above is the comprehensive department of talents markets, and the administrations for industry and commerce at the county level or and above supervises and administers the talents markets within their respective functions.   第四条 县级以上政府人事行政部门是人才市场的综合管理部门,县级以上工商行政管理部门在职责范围内依法监督管理人才市场。
Chapter II Talents Intermediary Services Institutions 

第二章 人才中介服务机构

Article 5 The term "talents intermediary services institutions" as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the intermediary services organizations and other employers and the organizations that are exclusively or concurrently engaged in providing intermediary services and other relevant services to the employers and talent individuals.   第五条 本规定所称人才中介服务机构是指为用人单位和人才提供中介服务及其他相关服务的专营或兼营的组织。
The setup of talents intermediary services institutions shall conform to the demand of the economic and social development, shall be planned as whole and rationally distributed as in accordance with the demand of developing the talents markets. 人才中介服务机构的设置应当符合经济和社会发展的需要,根据人才市场发展的要求,统筹规划,合理布局。
Article 6 The following conditions shall be satisfied in the establishment of talents intermediary services institutions:   第六条 设立人才中介服务机构应具备下列条件:
1. having business sites and facilities that suit the needs of engaging in talents intermediary services; (一)有与开展人才中介业务相适应的场所、设施;
2. having a full-time staff of not fewer than 5 members that have college education background and have obtained credentials for engaging in talents intermediary services; (二)有5名以上大专以上学历、取得人才中介服务资格证书的专职工作人员;
3. having sound and feasible working regulations and rules; (三)有健全可行的工作章程和制度;
4. having the capacity to undertake independently civil liabilities; (四)有独立承担民事责任的能力;
5. having met other conditions that relevant laws or regulations request. (五)具备相关法律、法规规定的其他条件。
Article 7 When applying for the establishment of a talents intermediary services institution, an applicant may file an application with the personnel department of the people's government by way of mail, telegraph, telex, fax, electronic data exchange or e-mail, and submit the relevant certification materials (excluding academic credentials) as required in Article 6 of these Provisions. In particular, if a fixed business site for talents intermediary services is to be established, a special statement must be made.   第七条 设立人才中介服务机构,可以通过信函、电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件等方式向政府人事行政部门提出申请,并按本规定第六条的要求提交有关证明材料,但学历证明除外。其中设立固定人才交流场所的,须做专门的说明。
No talents intermediary services institution may be established without the approval of the personnel department of the people's government. 未经政府人事行政部门批准,不得设立人才中介服务机构。
Article 8 The establishment of talents intermediary services institutions shall be subject to the examination and approval of the personnel department of the people's government at the county level or above in accordance with their respective administrative functions.   第八条 设立人才中介服务机构应当依据管理权限由县级以上政府人事行政部门(以下简称审批机关)审批。
The establishment of talents intermediary services institutions by the ministries, commissions and other departments of the State Council or the public institutions thereof situated in Beijing or the enterprises under the direct control of the Central Government situated in Beijing or national social organizations shall be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Personnel. The establishment of talents intermediary services institutions by enterprises under the direct control of the Central Government situated in other places shall be subject to the approval of the administrative department of personnel on the provincial level of the place where the institution is to be situated. 国务院各部委、直属机构及其直属在京事业单位和在京中央直管企业、全国性社团申请设立人才中介服务机构,由人事部审批。中央在地方所属单位申请设立人才中介服务机构,由所在地的省级政府人事行政部门审批。
The establishment of branches by talents intermediary services institutions shall be subject to the written consent of the original approving organ and the examination and approval of the personnel department of the people's government of the place where the branch is to be situated. 人才中介服务机构设立分支机构的,应当在征得原审批机关的书面同意后,由分支机构所在地政府人事行政部门审批。
The personnel administrative department of the government shall establish a sound licensing system for the talents intermediary services institutions, and shall publish examination and approval procedures, time limits and the list of all the materials required for submission, as well as the directory of the talents intermediary services institutions that have been granted an approval of establishment. 政府人事行政部门应当建立完善人才中介服务机构许可制度,并在行政机关网站公布审批程序、期限和需要提交的全部材料的目录,以及批准设立的人才中介服务机构的名录等信息。
Article 9 The examination and approval organ shall, within 20 days from the day when it receives an application for the establishment of a talents intermediary service institution, complete the examination over it. If it cannot make a decision within 20 days, it may extend the time limit by 10 days upon consent of the person-in-charge of this administrative organ and shall inform the applicant of the reasons for the extension.   第九条 审批机关应当在接到设立人才中介服务机构申请报告之日起二十日内审核完毕,二十日内不能作出决定的,经本行政机关负责人批准,可以延长十日,并应当将延长期限的理由告知申请人。
If it approves the application, it shall issue the applicant License for Talents Intermediary Services (hereinafter referred to as the License) and shall grant or serve it upon applicant within 10 days from the day when it makes the decision. If it disapproves the application, it shall give the applicant a written notice and shall make an explanation 批准同意的,发给《人才中介服务许可证》(以下简称许可证),并应当在作出决定之日起十日内向申请人颁发、送达许可证,不同意的应当书面通知申请人,并说明理由。
Article 10 If an internet content provider wishes to be engaged exclusively or concurrently in the business of talents intermediary services through the talents information network, it shall apply for a license.   第十条 互联网信息服务提供者专营或兼营人才信息网络中介服务的,必须申领许可证。
Article 11 Any foreign company, enterprise or other economic organization that is engaged in talents intermediary services within the territory of the PRC shall run the business jointly with a Chinese talents intermediary services institution. The establishment of an equity joint talents intermediary services institution shall conform to the laws and regulations governing Sino-foreign equity joint ventures, shall be subject to the examination and approval of the personnel administrative department of the local government at the provision level, shall be granted a License, shall be reported to the Ministry of Personnel for archival purposes and shall simultaneously undergo the other formalities under the relevant provisions.   第十一条 开展人才中介或者相关业务的外国公司、企业和其他经济组织在中国境内从事人才中介服务活动的,必须与中国的人才中介服务机构合资经营。设立中外合资人才中介机构应当符合国家中外合资企业法律法规的规定,由拟设机构所在地省级政府人事行政部门审批,颁发许可证,并报人事部备案,同时按有关规定办理其他手续。
The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be applicable to the establishment of equity joint talents intermediary services institutions within the Mainland of China by investors from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan. If it is otherwise provided for by any law or regulation, this law or regulation shall prevail." 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区的投资者在内地设立合资人才中介机构,参照前款执行。法律法规另有规定的,依照其规定执行。
Article 12 A talents intermediary services institution may engage in the following businesses:   第十二条 人才中介服务机构可以从事下列业务:
1. collecting, sorting out, storing, publicizing and consultation of information about the demand and supply of talents;

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