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Opinions of State Council on Advancing Modernization of Domestic Trade Circulation and Building a Law-oriented Business Environment [Effective]
国务院关于推进国内贸易流通现代化建设法治化营商环境的意见 [现行有效]

Opinions of State Council on Advancing Modernization of Domestic Trade Circulation and Building a Law-oriented Business Environment 


(No. 49 [2015] of the State Council) (国发〔2015〕49号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
Domestic trade circulation is one of the fields reformed and opened the earliest and most market-oriented in China, has witnessed a preliminarily formed pattern of diversified entities, diverse means, and openness and competition to date, and plays an increasingly powerful role in fundamentally supporting and leading in a precursory manner the national economy. The modern circulation industry -- a large industry in the national economy shall be made strong and may relate to production and consumption to promote structure optimization and transformation of development modes. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached immense importance to domestic trade circulation and arranged the work on the comprehensive pilot program of deepening reforms and reforming and developing domestic trade circulation. For purposes of implementing in depth the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the following opinions on advancing modernization of domestic trade circulation and building a law-oriented business environment are hereby offered. 国内贸易流通(以下简称内贸流通)是我国改革开放最早、市场化程度最高的领域之一,目前已初步形成主体多元、方式多样、开放竞争的格局,对国民经济的基础性支撑作用和先导性引领作用日益增强。做强现代流通业这个国民经济大产业,可以对接生产和消费,促进结构优化和发展方式转变。党中央、国务院高度重视内贸流通工作,对深化改革、开展内贸流通体制改革发展综合试点工作作了部署。为深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院的决策部署,现就推进内贸流通现代化、建设法治化营商环境提出以下意见。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
(1) Guiding ideology. (一)指导思想。
We shall comprehensively implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Second, Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, follow the arrangements and requirements of the State Council, voluntarily adapt to and lead the new normal of economic development, adhere to a combination of problem orientation and advance planning, of top design and basic-level exploration, and of overall advancement and key breakthroughs, accelerate legal construction, promote innovation on systems and mechanisms, optimize the development environment, improve the governance system, prompt the transformation of the development mode of domestic trade circulation, and drive China's shift from a large circulation country to a strong circulation country, and better serve economic and social development. 全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届二中、三中、四中全会精神,按照国务院部署要求,主动适应和引领经济发展新常态,坚持问题导向与超前谋划相结合、顶层设计与基层探索相结合、整体推进与重点突破相结合,加快法治建设,推动体制机制创新,优化发展环境,完善治理体系,促进内贸流通发展方式转变,推动我国从流通大国向流通强国转变,更好地服务经济社会发展。
(2) Basic principles. (二)基本原则。
Adhering to setting market-oriented reform as the direction. The decisive role of the market in allocating resources shall be fully used, regional protectionism and industrial monopoly shall be eliminated, fair competition among circulation entities shall be prompted, free and efficient flow of commodities, logistics, money and information shall be promoted, and circulation efficiency shall be raised to reduce circulation cost. 坚持以市场化改革为方向。充分发挥市场配置资源的决定性作用,打破地区封锁和行业垄断,促进流通主体公平竞争,促进商流、物流、资金流、信息流自由高效流动,提高流通效率,降低流通成本。
Adhering to setting transformation of government functions as the core. Simplification of administrative procedures and delegation of powers shall be advanced further, interim and ex-post regulation shall be strengthened, combination of decentralization and control and optimization of services shall be driven, planning and guidance shall be effectively undertaken, policies shall be improved and promoted, the capability of adjustment and control shall be enhanced, the supply of public products and services shall be increased, and information disclosure and sharing shall be propelled. 坚持以转变政府职能为核心。进一步简政放权,加强事中事后监管,推进放管结合、优化服务,做好规划引导,完善促进政策,增强调控能力,增加公共产品和公共服务供给,推进信息公开和共享。
Adhering to guidance with innovation and transformation. The development trend of "Internet plus" shall be followed, the application of modern information technology shall be accelerated, systems and mechanisms promoting innovation shall be improved, and connotative, sustainable development of domestic trade circulation shall be promoted. 坚持以创新转型为引领。顺应“互联网+”的发展趋势,加快现代信息技术应用,完善促进创新的体制机制,推动内贸流通内涵式发展、可持续发展。
Adhering to setting the building of a law-oriented business environment as the main thread. Domestic trade circulation laws, regulations, standards, credit and other institutional systems shall be improved, the effectiveness of regulation law enforcement shall be enhanced, the conduct of market participants shall be regulated in accordance with the law, and the building of a law-oriented market shall be accelerated. 坚持以建设法治化营商环境为主线。健全内贸流通法律法规、标准、信用等制度体系,提升监管执法效能,依法规范市场主体行为,加快建设法治市场。
(3) Main objectives. (三)主要目标。
In 2020, an unimpeded, efficient domestic trade circulation system featuring complete rules, unity and openness, orderly competition, and powerful regulation and a relatively sound, law-oriented business environment will have been basically created, the unified, open, innovation-driven, soundly-operating, regulated and orderly, and coordinated and efficient domestic trade circulation systems and mechanisms will have been more complete, domestic trade circulation will have made into a new engine for economic development and transformation and new forces for optimization of resource allocation, and the foundation for advancing modernization of domestic trade circulation shall be consolidated. 到2020年,基本形成规则健全、统一开放、竞争有序、监管有力、畅通高效的内贸流通体系和比较完善的法治化营商环境,内贸流通统一开放、创新驱动、稳定运行、规范有序、协调高效的体制机制更加完善,使内贸流通成为经济转型发展的新引擎、优化资源配置的新动力,为推进内贸流通现代化夯实基础。
II. Improving the unified, open domestic trade circulation development system   二、健全内贸流通统一开放的发展体系
(4) Strengthening the building of a unified national market and reducing total cost of social circulation. (四)加强全国统一市场建设,降低社会流通总成本。
Eliminating market protectionism. Various regulations and practices obstructing the unified national market and fair competition shall be reviewed and repealed. Regional protectionism in the activities in the market economy shall be prohibited, and administrative departments shall be forbidden to abuse administrative power to restrict and exclude competition. The development of a regional cooperation and coordination mechanism shall be promoted, all regions shall be encouraged to strengthen communication and discussion over cross-regional cooperative matters, and a regional cooperation interests sharing mechanism shall be explored and established. 消除市场分割。清理和废除妨碍全国统一市场、公平竞争的各种规定及做法。禁止在市场经济活动中实行地区封锁,禁止行政机关滥用行政权力限制、排除竞争的行为。推动建立区域合作协调机制,鼓励各地就跨区域合作事项加强沟通协商,探索建立区域合作利益分享机制。
Removing industrial monopoly. The anti-monopoly law enforcement mechanism shall be improved, monopolistic agreements and abusing dominant market position shall be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law, and consolidated anti-monopoly examination of businesses shall be strengthened. The collection of unreasonable charges and establishment of unreasonable trading conditions by using advantageous market position shall be prohibited, and the trading relationship between retailers and suppliers shall be regulated. 打破行业垄断。完善反垄断执法机制,依法查处垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位行为,加强经营者集中反垄断审查。禁止利用市场优势地位收取不合理费用或强制设置不合理的交易条件,规范零售商供应商交易关系。
(5) Making an overall plan for the building of a national circulation network and promoting coordinated development of regions and rural and urban areas. (五)统筹规划全国流通网络建设,推动区域、城乡协调发展。
Advancing the building of a big construction network. The consumption agglomeration, industrial service and livelihood guarantee functions of the major agglomerations of the circulation industry including the Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Shenyang-Chuangchun-Harbin, Zhengzhou-Wuhan-Changsha, Chengdu-Chongqing, and Xi'an-Lanzhou-Urumqi shall be enhanced, a group of major pillar cities connecting domestic and international markets, with great development potential, shall be built, and an unimpeded, efficient national backbone circulation network shall be formed. 推进大流通网络建设。提升环渤海、长三角、珠三角三大流通产业集聚区和沈阳-长春-哈尔滨、郑州-武汉-长沙、成都-重庆、西安-兰州-乌鲁木齐四大流通产业集聚带的消费集聚、产业服务、民生保障功能,打造一批连接国内国际市场、发展潜力较大的重要支点城市,形成畅通高效的全国骨干流通网络。
Driving integration of regional markets. The coordinated development of the circulation industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei province shall be advanced, the circulation facilities in the three regions shall be planned and established in an overall manner, and joint building and sharing shall be promoted. Depending on the Yangtze River economic belt multimodal transport corridor, a main logistics passage along the river shall be built, the formation of several regional commerce, trade and logistics centers shall be promoted, and the Yangtze River commerce and trade corridor shall be established. Relevant facilities and land needed in the circulation development shall be included in urban and rural planning, the distribution of national circulation knot cities shall be planned, and regional connection shall be strengthened. 推进区域市场一体化。推进京津冀流通产业协同发展,统筹规划建设三地流通设施,促进共建共享。依托长江经济带综合立体交通走廊,建设沿江物流主干道,推动形成若干区域性商贸物流中心,打造长江商贸走廊。将流通发展所需的相关设施和用地纳入城乡规划,实施全国流通节点城市布局规划,加强区域衔接。
Advancing the integration of rural and urban circulation networks. The functions and distribution of rural and urban commercial outlets shall be planned in an overall manner, and the efficiency of utilization of circulation facilities and facilitation of commercial services shall be raised. The resources in all aspects including business, supply and marketing, and post shall be consolidated, and the building of commercial outlets in rural areas shall be strengthened. The support for market building in poverty-stricken regions, ethnic areas, frontier areas and old revolutionary base areas shall be strengthened, and the need of residents for basic commercial services shall be guaranteed. 推进城乡流通网络一体化。统筹规划城乡商业网点的功能和布局,提高流通设施利用效率和商业服务便利化水平。整合商务、供销、邮政等各方面资源,加强农村地区商业网点建设。加强对贫困地区、民族地区、边疆地区和革命老区市场建设的支持,保障居民基本商业服务需要。
Innovating on the circulation plan compilation and implementation mechanism. The local people's governments at or above the county level shall include domestic trade circulation in the national economic and social development plan at the corresponding level, effectively connect circulation plans with local overall planning on land utilization and rural and urban planning, and ensure to advance the building of circulation facilities and projects in accordance with the laws and regulations, and all regions shall fully obtain the opinions of local circulation departments when developing or revising relevant planning. A cross-regional circulation facility plan compilation coordination mechanism and a mechanism of connection between plans of relevant departments shall be explored and established to prompt plan connection, policy interaction and resource sharing. 创新流通规划编制实施机制。县级以上地方人民政府要将内贸流通纳入同级国民经济和社会发展规划编制内容,做好流通规划与当地土地利用总体规划和城乡规划的衔接,确保依法依规推进流通设施项目建设,各地制修订相关规划时应充分征求本行政区域流通主管部门的意见。探索建立跨区域流通设施规划编制协调机制和相关部门之间规划衔接机制,推动规划对接、政策联动和资源共享。
(6) Developing an open, consolidated circulation system and improving the capability to use domestic and international markets and resources. (六)构建开放融合的流通体系,提高利用国际国内两个市场、两种资源的能力。
Implementing the circulation "heading overseas" strategy. The support for circulation enterprises making overseas investment shall be enhanced, the construction of overseas commerce, trade and logistics-oriented economic and trade cooperation zones shall be planned in an overall manner, enterprises shall be supported in building overseas marketing, payment settlement and storage and logistics networks, China's circulation channels shall be promoted in extending to overseas, and a global supply chain system shall be developed. Circulation enterprises and manufacturers shall be encouraged to "head overseas" as a conglomerate, and international cooperation in production capacity and equipment manufacturing shall be prompted. E-commerce enterprises shall be encouraged to "head overseas," and the level of internationalization of internet information services shall be raised. 实施流通“走出去”战略。加大对流通企业境外投资的支持,统筹规划商贸物流型境外经济贸易合作区建设,支持企业建设境外营销、支付结算和仓储物流网络,推动国内流通渠道向境外延伸,打造全球供应链体系。鼓励流通企业与制造企业集群式“走出去”,促进国际产能和装备制造合作。鼓励电子商务企业“走出去”,提升互联网信息服务国际化水平。
Setting up domestic and foreign trade consolidated development platforms. The "Belt and Road" strategy shall be served, the interconnection between domestic and international markets shall be promoted, and a domestic and foreign trade consolidated development network shall be built. A group of commodity trading markets whose operating and trading modes meet international standards shall be fostered. A group of large exposition platforms combining domestic and foreign trade, with powerful international influence, shall be established. A group of cross-border trade e-commerce comprehensive service platforms connecting domestic and international markets, operating in a regulated and orderly manner, shall be developed. 创建内外贸融合发展平台。服务“一带一路”战略,促进国内外市场互联互通,打造内外贸融合发展的流通网络。培育一批经营模式、交易模式与国际接轨的商品交易市场。打造一批内外贸结合、具有较强国际影响力的大型会展平台。发展一批连接国际国内市场、运行规范有序的跨境贸易电子商务综合服务平台。
Further raising the level of openness of the domestic trade circulation field to the world. The restrictions on foreign investment access to commerce, trade, logistics and other fields shall be removed, and foreign investment made in joint delivery, chained delivery, fresh agricultural product delivery and other modern logistics service fields shall be encouraged. More attention shall be paid to the introduction of advanced foreign technologies, management experience, business models and famous brands, and transnational corporations shall be encouraged to establish purchase, marketing and other regional functional centers in China. 进一步提高内贸流通领域对外开放水平。放开商贸物流等领域外资准入限制,鼓励外资投向共同配送、连锁配送以及鲜活农产品配送等现代物流服务领域。更加注重引进国外先进技术、管理经验、商业模式和知名品牌,鼓励跨国公司在华设立采购、营销等功能性区域中心。
(7) Improving the circulation facility building and management system and strengthening the construction of major infrastructures in the circulation field. (七)完善流通设施建设管理体系,加强流通领域重大基础设施建设。
Innovating on the mode of constructing basic circulation facilities. With respect to the building of public-welfare agricultural product wholesale markets, new modes of investment guarantees, operation, supervision and administration shall be developed in various forms, and the functions to respond to emergencies and abnormal market fluctuations shall be enhanced. 创新基础性流通设施建设模式。对于公益性农产品批发市场建设,通过多种形式建立投资保障、运营和监督管理新模式,增强应对突发事件和市场异常波动的功能。
The narrow-profit margin circulation facility building and guarantee system shall be improved. The policy that the area of commercial and comprehensive service facilities in a newly established community is not less than 10% of the total area of buildings in the community shall be implemented, and the need of agricultural trade markets, community food markets, and facilities of housekeeping, elderly care, and recycle of renewable resources, among others, for land shall be satisfied in priority. The systematic distribution and synergistic building of large logistics knots and public logistics delivery facilities shall be strengthened, and logistics delivery shall be made more intensive. 完善微利经营的流通设施建设保障制度。落实新建社区商业和综合服务设施面积占社区总建筑面积的比例不得低于10%的政策,优先保障农贸市场、社区菜市场和家政、养老、再生资源回收等设施用地需求。加强大型物流节点和公共物流配送设施系统性布局、协同性建设,提升物流配送的集约化水平。
The mode of guidance to the building of market-oriented commercial facilities shall be improved. Cities with good conditions shall be supported in monitoring and issuing early warning of urban commercial areas and regularly publishing information on the supply of large commercial facilities to reasonably guide market expectations. The building of large physical and virtual goods exchange markets shall be arranged in an overall manner to avoid irrational repeated constructions. 改进市场化商业设施建设引导方式。支持有条件的城市开展城市商业面积监测预警,定期发布大型商业设施供给信息,合理引导市场预期。统筹大型实体和网络商品交易市场建设,避免盲目重复建设。
III. Making domestic trade circulation more innovation-driven   三、提升内贸流通创新驱动水平
(8) Enhancing the market orientation of innovation on domestic trade circulation. (八)强化内贸流通创新的市场导向。
Promoting innovation on emerging circulation means. The "Internet plus" circulation action shall be advanced vigorously, and the building of networked, digital and smart circulation shall be accelerated. E-commerce enterprises shall be guided in expanding service fields and functions, and the development of consumer goods, means of production, life services and other various specialized e-commerce platforms shall be encouraged, so as to drive the development of sharing, synergism, integration, intensity, and other emerging modes. The development of agricultural e-commerce shall be prompted, more agricultural professionals and agriculture-related enterprises shall be guided in participating in agricultural e-commerce, and all regions shall be supported in building characteristic agricultural e-commerce industrial chains and opening new channels for the circulation of agricultural products. Auction, electronic trading and other modes of trading in agricultural products shall be promoted. E-commerce shall be vigorously advanced in rural areas, rural commercial information services shall be promoted, diversified rural e-commerce market participants shall be fostered, and the rural e-commerce delivery service network shall be improved. The entry of e-commerce into communities shall be prompted, and e-commerce enterprises shall be encouraged to integrate existing public-convenience service facilities in communities to provide relevant services supporting e-commerce.

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