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Order No.7 of the State Planning Commission, the State Economic and Trade Commission, and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China—Category of Industries Guiding Foreign Investments [Expired]
国家计划委员会、国家经济贸易委员会、对外贸易经济合作部令(一九九七年第7号)——发布修改后的《外商投资产业指导目录》 [失效]

Order of the State Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China, the State Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China, and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China





The revised Category of Industries Guiding Foreign Investments, as approved by State council on December 29, 1997, is hereby issued and shall come into force as of January 1, 1998.

Director of the State Planning Commission: Chen Jinhua
国家计划委员会主任   陈锦华

Director of the State Economic and Trade Commission: Wang Zhongyu
国家经济贸易委员会主任 王忠禹

Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation: Wu Yi
对外贸易经济合作部部长 吴仪

December 31, 1997

Category of Industries Guiding Foreign Investments

(Revised in December, 1997)

Category of Industries Guiding Foreign Investments 


I. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and related industries   (一)农、林、牧、渔业及相关工业

1. Reclamation and development of wasteland, waste mountains, and shallows (excluding those with military installations); transformation of middle or low-yielding fields. 1.荒地、荒山、滩涂开垦、开发(含有军事设施的除外)中低产田改造

2. Development of new strains of agricultural crops with fine quality and high yields such as sugar, fruits, vegetable, flowers and forage grass. 2.糖料、果树、蔬菜、花卉、牧草等农作物优质高产新品种、新技术开发

3. Serial production of vegetables and flowers through soilless cultivation. 3.蔬菜、花卉无土栽培系列化生产

4. Construction of forests and introduction of improved tree varieties. 4.林木营造及林木良种引进

5. Multiplication of fine animal and poultry stocks and fine stocks of aquatic products (excluding rare and valuable fine stocks peculiar to China). 5.优良种畜种禽、水产苗种繁育(不含我国特有的珍贵优良品种)

6. Breeding of famous, special and high-quality aquatic products. 6.名特优水产品养殖

7. New varieties of safe and highly efficient pesticides (with an 80 per cent insect and germkilling rate and safe to men, animals and crops). 7.高效、安全的农药原药新品种(杀虫率、杀菌率达80%及以上,对人畜、作物等安全)

8. High-concentration chemical fertilizers (potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer). 8.高浓度化肥(钾肥、磷肥)

9. Development of new technology and new products of farm sheets (fibrous sheet, photolysis sheet, multi-functional sheet and their raw materials). 9.农膜生产新技术及新产品开发(纤维膜、光解膜、多功能膜及原料)

10. Raw drugs of antibiotics for animals (including antibiotics, chemical synthetic types). 10.动物用抗菌原料药(包括抗生素、化学合成类)

11. New products and preparations of anthelmintics, insecticides and antiglobulin for animals. 11.动物用驱虫药、杀虫药、抗球虫药新产品及新剂型

12. Development of additives and protein resources for feed. 12.饲料添加剂及饲料蛋白资源开发

13. New techniques and equipment for storing, fresh-keeping, drying and processing grains, vegetables, fruits, meats and aquatic products. 13.粮食、蔬菜、水果、肉食品、水产品的贮藏、保鲜、干燥、加工新技术、新设备

14. New techniques and varieties of forestry chemical products and comprehensive use of "inferior, small and firewood" timbers and bamboo. 14.林业化学产品及林区“次、小、薪”材和竹材的综合利用新技术、新产品

15. Construction and management of multipurpose hydro-junctions (in which States assets will take a holding or dominant position). 15.综合利用水利枢纽的建设、经营(中方控股或占主导地位)

16. Manufacturing of water-saving irrigation installations with new technology. 16.节水灌溉新技术设备制造

17. Manufacturing of farm machinery and farm tools with new technology. 17.农业机具新技术设备制造

18. Projects for rectifying, harnessing and constructing bio-environment. 18.生态环境整治和建设工程

II. Light industry   (二)轻工业

1. Designing, processing and manufacturing of non-metallic molds. 1.非金属制品模具设计、加工、制造

2. Commercial pulp (with the capability of annual production of pulp-wood 170,000 tons or more, and establishing a related raw material base). 2.纸浆(年产木浆17万吨及以上,并建设相应的原料基地)

3. Post processing of leathers and hides and the manufacturing of its new technology and equipment. 3.皮革后整饰加工及其新技术设备制造

4. Manufacturing of mercury-free, alkaline-manganese disposable battery; lithiumion battery. 4.无汞碱锰二次电池、锂离子电池生产

5. Manufacturing of special-purpose industrial sewing machines with high technology content. 5.高技术含量的特种工业缝纫机生产

6. Manufacturing of torlon preservative film. 6.聚酰亚胺保鲜薄膜生产

7. Manufacturing of new-type, high efficient enzymic preparations. 7.新型、高效酶制剂生产

8. Manufacturing of composite and mono-isolate perfumes. 8.合成香料、单离香料生产

9. Research and popularization of applied techniques for replacing freon. 9.替代氟利昂应用技术研究及推广

10. Processing of diacetate fire and tows for cigarettes manufacturing. 10.烟用二醋酸纤维素及丝束加工

III. Textile industry   (三)纺织工业

1. Chemical fire wood pulp for textile use (with the capacity of annual production of 100,000 tons or more, and establishing a related raw material base). 1.纺织化纤木浆(年产10万吨及以上,并建设相应的原料基地)

2. Special textiles for industrial use. 2.工业用特种纺织品

3. Printing & dyeing and post processing of highly simulating chemical fire and high-grade fabric plus materials. 3.高仿真化纤及高档织物面料的印染及后整理加工

4. Manufacturing of assistants, oiling agents and dye-chemical materials for textile. 4.纺织用助剂、油剂、染化料生产

IV. Transportation, post and telecommunications   (四)交通运输、邮电通信业

1. Technical equipment for railway transportation: designing and manufacturing of locomotives and rolling stocks and their main parts, designing and manufacturing of track equipment, techniques concerning express railways and production of related equipment, manufacturing of equipment for monitoring communication signals and transportation safety, and production of equipment and apparatuses for electrified railways. 1.铁路运输技术设备:机车车辆及主要部件设计与制造、线路设备设计与制造、高速铁路有关技术与设备制造、通信信号和运输安全监测设备制造、电气化铁路设备和器材制造

2. Construction and management of feeder and local railways as well as bridges, tunnels and ferries (exclusive management by foreign investors is not allowed). 2.支线铁路、地方铁路及其桥梁、隧道、轮渡设施的建设、经营(不允许外商独资)

3. Designing and manufacturing of road and harbor equipment and machinery of new type. 3.公路、港口新型机械设备设计与制造

4. Construction and management of urban subways and light rails (with State property holding a controlling interest or dominant position). 4.城市地铁及轻轨的建设、经营(中方控股或占主导地位)

5. Construction and management of highways, independent bridges and tunnels. 5.公路、独立桥梁和隧道的建设、经营

6. Construction and management of public berths facilities in harbors (with State assets taking a holding or dominant position). 6.港口公用码头设施的建设、经营(中方控股或占主导地位)

7. Construction and management of civil airports (with State assets taking a holding or dominant position). 7.民用机场的建设、经营(中方控股或占主导地位)

8. Manufacturing of equipment for cellular mobile telecommunication cross connection and DCS/CDMA systems. 8.蜂窝移动通信交叉连接/码分多址(DCS/CDMA)系统设备制造

9. Production of 2.5GB/S or more optical synchronous and micro-wave synchronous digital serial transmission installations. 9.2.5千兆比/秒(2.5GB/S)及以上光同步、微波同步数字系列传输设备制造

10. Production of metering installations for 2.5GB/S optical telecommunication, wireless telecommunication and data telecommunication. 10.2.5千兆比/秒(2.5GB/S)光通信、无线通信、数据通信计量仪表制造

11. Production of equipment for asynchronous terminal mode switchboards. 11.异步转移模式(ATM)交换机设备制造

V. Coal industry   (五)煤炭工业

1. Designing and manufacturing of equipment for coal extraction, dressing and transportation. 1.煤炭采掘运选设备设计与制造

2. Mining and dressing of coal (with State property holds a controlling stake or a dominant position in case of special or rare coal varieties). 2.煤炭开采与洗选(特种、稀有煤种由中方控股或占主导地位)

3. Production of water and coal fluids, liquefaction of coal. 3.水煤浆、煤炭液化生产

4. Comprehensive development and utilization of coal. 4.煤炭综合开发利用

5. Comprehensive development and utilization of fuels with low heat value and associated resources. 5.低热值燃料及伴生资源综合开发利用

6. Pipeline transportation of coal. 6.煤炭管道运输

7. Prospecting and development of coal bed gas. 7.煤层气勘查、开发

VI. Power industry   (六)电力工业

1. Construction and management of thermal power stations with single unit's installed capacity of 300,000 kilowatts or more. 1.单机容量30万千瓦及以上火电站的建设、经营

2. Construction and management of hydropower stations which are mainly used in generating electricity. 2.发电为主水电站的建设、经营

3. Construction and management of nuclear power stations (with State assets taking a holding or dominant position). 3.核电站的建设、经营(中方控股或占主导地位)

4. Construction and management of power stations using technology of clean coal burning. 4.煤洁净燃烧技术电站的建设、经营

5. Construction and management of power stations using new energies (such as solar, wind, magnetic, underground heating, tidal and biological energies). 5.新能源电站的建设、经营(包括太阳能、风能、磁能、地热能、潮汐能、生物质能等)

VII. Ferrous metallurgical industry   (七)黑色冶金工业

1. Steel making of 500,000 tons or more super-capacity electric furnaces (equipped with refining and continuous casting outside furnaces), 500,000 tons or more converters. 1.50吨以上超高功率电炉(配备炉外精炼和连铸)、50吨及以上转炉炼钢

2. Smelting of stainless steel. 2.不锈钢冶炼

3. Production of cold-rolled silicon steel sheet. 3.冷轧硅钢片生产

4. Production of cold or hot-rolled stainless steel plates. 4.热、冷轧不锈钢板生产

5. Petroleum steel pipes. 5.石油钢管

6. Processing and treatment of waste steel. 6.废钢加工和处理

7. Mining and dressing of iron and manganese ores. 7.铁矿、锰矿采选

8. Production of direct or smelting reduced iron. 8.直接还原铁和熔融还原铁生产

9. Prospecting of high alumina, hard paste ore and production of grog. 9.高铝矾土、硬质粘土矿开采及熟料生产

10. Deep-processing of needle-shaped coke, tamped coke and coal tar. 10.针状焦、捣固焦和煤焦油深加工

11. Production of dry extinguished coke. 11、干熄焦生产

VIII. Non-ferrous industry   (八)有色金属工业

1. Production of monocrystalline silicon (with a diameter of 5 inch more) and polycrystalline silicon. 1.单晶硅(直径8英寸及以上)、多晶硅生产

2. Production of hard alloys, tin compounds and antimony compounds. 2.硬质合金、锡化合物、锑化合物生产

3. Production of non-ferrous metal composite materials and new-type alloy materials. 3.有色金属复合材料、新型合金材料生产

4. Extraction of copper, lead and zinc ores (exclusive management by foreign investors is not allowed). 4.铜、铅、锌矿开采(不允许外商独资)

5. Extraction of aluminum ore (exclusive management by foreign investors is not allowed), production of aluminum oxide with an annual capacity of 300,000 tons or more. 5.铝矿开采(不允许外商独资),年产30万吨及以上氧化铝生产

6. Application of rare earth. 6.稀土应用

IX. Petroleum, petrol chemical industry and chemical industry   (九)石油、石油化工及化学工业

1. Production of ion membranes for caustic soda. 1.烧碱用离子膜生产

2. Ethylene, with an annual output of 600,000 tons or more (in which State property taking a holding or dominant position). 2.年产60万吨及以上乙烯(中方控股或占主导地位)

3. Polyvinyl chloride resin (with State assets taking a holding or dominant position). 3.聚氯乙烯树脂(中方控股或占主导地位)

4. Comprehensive utilization of ethylene byproducts C5-C9. 4.乙烯副产品C5--C9产品的综合利用

5. Engineering plastic products and plastic alloys. 5.工程塑料及塑料合金

6. Complementary materials of synthetic materials: bisphenol A, styrenes butadiene vinylpyridine latex, pyridine, 4.4 diphenylmethane diisocyanate, methylbenzol diisocyanate. 6.合成材料的配套原料:双酚A、丁苯吡胶乳、吡啶、4.4′二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯、甲苯二异氰酸酯

7. Basic organic chemical raw materials: comprehensive utilization of derivative products of benzene, methyl benzol and xylene (para-, ortho- and meta-). 7.基本有机化工原料:苯、甲苯、二甲苯(对、邻、间)衍生物产品的综合利用

8. Synthetic rubbers: liquid butadiene styrenes rubber, butyl rubber, isoprene rubber, ethylene-propylene rubber, butadiene and chlorog\hydrin rubber, polyester rubber, acrylic rubber and chlorohydrin rubber. 8.合成橡胶:溶液丁苯橡胶、丁基橡胶、异戊橡胶、乙丙橡胶、丁二烯法氯丁橡胶、聚氨酯橡胶、丙烯酸橡胶、氯醇橡胶生产

9. Fine chemical industry: new products and technology of dyes (pigments), intermediates, catalysts, assistants and petroleum additives; processing techniques for commercializing dyes (pigments); high-tech chemicals for electronics and paper-making; food additives; feed additives; leather and hide chemicals; oilfield additives; surface active agents; water treatment agents; adhesives; inorganic fibers and inorganic powder fillings. 9.精细化工:染(颜)料、中间体、催化剂、助剂及石油添加剂新产品、新技术,染(颜)料商品化加工技术,电子、造纸用高科技化学品,食品添加剂、饲料添加剂,成革化学品、油田助剂,表面活性剂,水处理剂,胶粘剂,无机纤维,无机粉体填料生产

10. Production of chlorinated titanium dioxides. 10.氯化法钛白粉生产

11. Chemical products with coal as their raw materials. 11.煤化工产品生产

12. Comprehensive utilization of waste gas, waste liquid and waste residue. 12.废气、废液、废渣综合利用

13. Production of scavengers, catalysts and other assistants for auto tail gas. 13.汽车尾气净化剂、催化剂及其它助剂生产

14. New technology development and application of triple oil extraction to increase oil recovery rate (with State assets taking a holding or dominant position). 14.增加石油采收率的三次采油新技术开发与运用(中方控股或占主导地位)

15. Construction and management of oil and gas pipelines, oil depots, and oil docks (with State assets taking a holding or dominant position). 15.输油、输气管道及油库、石油专用码头的建设、经营(中方控股或占主导地位)

X. Machine-building industry   (十)机械工业

1. Production of welding robots and highly efficient welding production lines. 1.高性能焊接机器人和高效焊装生产线设备制造

2. High temperature-resisting insulating materials (of F and H classes) and insulating molders. 2.耐高温绝缘材料(绝缘等级为F、H级)及绝缘成型件生产

3. Manufacturing of railless mine equipment for extraction, loading and transportation, 100-ton and bigger tip trucks, mobile crushers, double inlet and outlet coal-grinders, 3,000-cubic-meters/hour and above excavators, 5-cubic-metre and above loading machines for mines, and mole excavators. 3.井下无轨采、装、运设备,100吨及以上机械传动矿用自卸车,移动式破碎机,3000立方米/小时及以上斗轮挖掘机,5立方米及以上矿用装载机,全断面巷道掘进机制造

4. Manufacturing of colour offset presses using webs, or single papers with the folio size. 4.卷简纸和对开以上单纸张多色胶印机制造

5. Manufacturing of equipment for cleansing motor-pumped electric wells and production of pharmaceutical drugs. 5.机电井清洗设备制造和药物生产

6. Production of turbine compressors and compound comminutors for complete sets of equipment with an annual output of 300,000 tons or more of synthetic ammonia, 480,000 tons or more of urea and 300,000 tons or more of ethylene (with State assets taking a holding or dominant position). 6.年产30万吨及以上合成氨、48万吨及以上尿素、30万吨及以上乙烯成套设备中的透平压缩机、混合造粒机制造(中方控股或占主导地位)

7. Production of complete sets of new-type equipment for textile, paper- making (containing pulp). 7.新型纺织机械、新型造纸机械(含纸浆)等成套设备制造

8. Development and manufacturing of precision scientific measuring instruments. 8.精密在线测量仪器开发与制造

9. Manufacturing of new technology equipment for safety production checking and environment monitoring. 9.安全生产及环保检测仪器新技术设备制造

10. New-type parts of metres and instruments and materials (mainly intellectual-type sensors, connectors fur use on instruments, soft circuit boards, new-type switches such as photo and approach switches and functional materials for use in instruments). 10.新型仪表元器件和材料(主要指智能型仪用传感器、仪用接插件、柔性线路板、光电开关,接近开关等新型仪用开关、仪用功能材料等)

11. Research centers or institutions for designing and developing the equipment of significantly fundamental machinery, fundamental components and key technological fits. 11.重要基础机械、基础件、重大技术装备等研究、设计开发中心

12. Ratio, servo-hydraulic pressure technology, low-capacity pneumatic controlling valve and stuffing static seal production. 12.比例、伺服液压技术,低功率气动控制阀,填料静密封生产

13. Production of precision dies, precision cavity dies and standard components of dies. 13.精冲模、精密型腔模、模具标准件生产

14. Production of equipment capable of treating 250,000 tons of urban waste water a day, equipment for treating industrial waste water membranes, upstream-type anaerobic fluidization equipment and other equipment for biological treatment of waste water, equipment for producing fly-ash bricks (50,000-100,000 tons/year), waste plastics recycling equipment, industrial boiler desulphrization and denigration equipment, and large-size thermostable and acidfast dusters. 14.25万吨/日及以上城市污水处理设备,工业废水膜处理设备,上流式厌氧流化床设备和其他生物处理废水设备,粉煤灰砌块生产设备(5--10吨/年),废塑料再生处理设备,工业锅炉脱硫脱硝设备,大型耐高温、耐酸袋式除尘器制造

15. Manufacturing of precision and special bearings for main engines. 15.精密轴承及各种主机专用轴承制造

16. Production of key automobile components and spare parts: brake assembly, driving gear assembly, gearshifts, fuel pumps for diesel engines, pistons (including piston rings), air valves, hydraulic jibs, axle bushes, pressurisers, filters, constant-velocity universal joints, oscillation absorbers, seat adjustors, car locks, rear-view mirrors, glass lifters, panel combinations, lighting apparatuses and bulbs and special high-strength fasteners. 16.汽车关键零部件制造:制动器总成、驱动桥总成、变速器、柴油机燃油泵、活塞(含活塞环)、气门、液压挺杆、轴瓦、增压器、滤清器(三滤)、等速万向节、减震器、座椅调角器、车锁、后视镜、玻璃升降器、组合仪表、灯具及灯泡、专用高强度紧固件

17. Production of automobile and motorcycle molds (including dies, injection mold and press molds), and clamping apparatuses (for welding and inspection purposes). 17.汽车、摩托车模具(含冲模、注塑模、模压模等)、夹具(焊装夹具、检验夹具等)制造

18. Cast and forged semi-finished products for automobile and motorcycle. 18.汽车、摩托车用铸锻毛坯件制造

19. Automobile and motorcycle technology research center and designing and development institutions. 19.汽车、摩托车技术研究、设施开发中心

20. Production of special desert vehicles for use in petroleum industry, etc. 20.石油工业专用沙漠车等特种专用车生产

21. Production of motorcycle key components and spare parts: carburetor, magneto, starter engine, lighting apparatuses and plate-like brake. 21.摩托车关键零部件制造:化油器、磁电机、起动电机、灯具、盘式制动器

22. Manufacturing of new technology equipment of water quality monitoring instruments. 22.水质在线监测仪器的新技术设备制造

23. Production of special machinery and equipment for flood prevention or control and disaster relief. 23.特种防汛抢险机构和设备制造

24. Production of machinery for excavating earth and scooping up sludge in damp soil. 24.湿地土方及清淤机械制造

25. Production of complete sets and key components and spare parts for feed processing with the capacity of 10 tons/hour or more. 25.10吨/小时及以上的饲料加工成套设备、关键部件生产

26. Designing and manufacturing of new-type instruments and equipment for oil prospecting and development. 26.石油勘探开发新型仪器设备设计与制造

XI. Electronic industry   (十一)电子工业

1. Production of large-scale integrated circuits with line width of 0.35 micron or less. 1.线宽0.35微米及以下大规模集成电路生产

2. Production of new-type electronic components and parts (including sheet-form parts) and electronic components and parts of power industry. 2.新型电子元器件(含片式元器件)及电力电子元器件生产

3. Production of photoelectric components, sensitive components and sensors 3.光电器件、敏感元器件及传感器生产

4. Manufacturing of large and medium-sized computers. 4.大中型电子计算机制造

5. Production of compatible digital televisions, high-definition televisions (HDTV) and digital cassette-recorders. 5.可兼容数字电视、高清晰度电视(HDTV)、数字磁带录放机生产

6. Development of special materials for semiconductors and photoelectronics.

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