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Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (1993 Revision) [Expired]
中华人民共和国商标法实施细则(1993修订) [失效]

Official Reply of the State Council on Revising the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China for the Second Time 


(Letter No. 102 [1993] of the State Council)

The State Administration of Industry and Commerce:


The revised Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China for the Second Time shall be issued by you for implementation.


Annex: Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China


The State Council



July 15, 1993


Decree of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China


(No. 14)

The Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, approved by the State Council on July 15, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on the date of promulgation thereof.

Director general Liu Minxue

局长 刘敏学

July 28, 1993

Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China


(Approved by the State Council on January 3, 1988, and secondly revised and approved by the State Council on July 15, 1993)


Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 The following Rules were formulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 42 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Trademark Law).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称《商标法》)第四十二条规定,制定本实施细则。

Article 2 Applicants for trademark registration must be enterprises, institutions, social organizations, self-employed industrialists or businessmen, individual partnerships established in accordance with the law, foreigners or foreign enterprises listed in Article 9 of the Trademark Law.   第二条 商标注册申请人,必须是依法成立的企业、事业单位、社会团体、个体工商户、个人合伙以及符合《商标法》九条规定的外国人或者外国企业。

Provisions in the Rules concerning trademarks for goods shall also apply to service trademarks.

Article 3 When applying for initial registration, assignments, renewals, name or address changes, replacement of the certificate of trademark registration or other related matters, the applicant may either entrust the process to a trademark agency approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, or shall otherwise personally handle the matter.   第三条 申请商标注册、转让注册、续展注册、变更注册人名义或者地址、补发《商标注册证》等有关事项,申请人可以委托国家工商行政管理局认可的商标代理组织代理,也可以直接办理。

When foreigners or foreign enterprises apply for trademark registration in China, or when dealing with related when foreigners or foreign enterprises apply for trademark registration in China, or when dealing with related trademark matters, all applications or other related items shall be completed by an agency designated by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Applications filed for international registration shall be submitted in accordance with the "Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks".

Article 4 Fees shall be paid in accordance with relevant stipulations for applications, assignment, renewal, alterations, replacement of certificates and examination of trademark registration, and related matters.   第四条 申请商标注册、转让注册、续展注册、变更、补证、评审及其他有关事项,必须按照规定缴纳费用。

Article 5 The Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the Trademark Office) shall establish and maintain a Trademark Register which records registered trademarks and relevant registration matters.   第五条 国家工商行政管理局商标局(以下简称商标局)设置《商标注册簿》,记载注册商标及有关注册事项。

The Trademark Office shall edit and issue the Trademark Gazette, which announces trademark registrations and related matters.

Article 6 In accordance with Article 3 of the Trademark Law, all collective and certification marks approved and registered with the Trademark Office shall be protected by law.   第六条 依照《商标法》三条规定,经商标局核准注册的集体商标、证明商标,受法律保护。

Procedures for the registration and administration of collective and certification marks shall be separately outlined by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, in conjunction with related departments of the State Council.

Article 7 All pharmaceuticals for human consumption and tobacco products listed by the State and published by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall obtain a registered trademark.   第七条 国家规定并由国家工商行政管理局公布的人用药品和烟草制品,必须使用注册商标。

Other goods required to obtain a registered trademark in accordance with stipulations of the State shall be published by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Article 8 The State Administration for Industry and Commerce shall establish up a Trademark Review and Adjudication Board responsible for final decisions and adjudications on matters submitted for reexamination in accordance with provisions of the Trademark Law and the Rules.   第八条 国家工商行政管理局设立商标评审委员会,对依照《商标法》和本实施细则规定提出的评审事宜,做出终局决定、裁定。

Chapter II Applications for Trademark Registration 

第二章 商标注册的申请

Article 9 When applying for registration of a trademark, applicants shall file the application with respect to each class of goods as outlined in the published Classification of Goods. Each trademark registration application submitted to the Trademark Office must be accompanied by an Application for Trademark Registration, 10 prototypes of the requested trademark (prototypes of colored trademarks must be submitted in the exact color), and one black and white copy of the design blueprint.   第九条 申请商标注册,应当依照公布的商品分类表按类申请。每一个商标注册申请应当向商标局交送《商标注册申请书》一份、商标图样十份(指定颜色的彩色商标,应当交送着色图样十份)、黑白墨稿一份。

Prototypes of the trademark must be clearly discernible adhesive images printed on durable paper with a smooth finish, or otherwise be a photograph. The length or width shall be between 5 to 10 centimeters.

Article 10 Application forms for trademark registration and related papers shall be completed in pen and ink, writing brush and ink, or typed. All information must be clearly written or typed.   第十条 商标注册申请等有关书件,应当使用钢笔、毛笔或者打字机填写,应当字迹工整、清晰。

The name, stamp or seal of the applicant applying for trademark registration shall be the same as that approved or registered. The subject item shall not go beyond the approved or registered scope of business. The designation of items shall be filed in accordance with the table for the classification of goods. A description must be attached for items not listed in the aforementioned table.

Article 11 Applications for trademark registration of pharmaceuticals for human consumption must bear an attached certificate issued by the administrative department for public health.   第十一条 申请人用药品商标注册,应当附送卫生行政部门发给的证明文件。

Applications for trademark registration of cigarettes, cigars or packed cut tobacco must bear attached papers indicating certified production approval by competent State authorities responsible for tobacco products.

Applications for trademark registration of other goods which require a registered trademark in accordance with the stipulations shall bear attached papers certifying the approval of relevant competent departments.

Article 12 The date of application for registration of a trademark shall be the date the Trademark Office receives the application form and related papers. In cases when the applicant has completed all required application procedures and has completed the application form and related papers in accordance with relevant stipulations, the Trademark Office shall assign the application a file number and issue a Notification of Acceptance. However, should the applicant fail to properly complete necessary procedures or in some way fail to complete the application form and related papers in accordance with relevant stipulations, the application form shall be returned to the applicant, and no date of application shall be reserved.   第十二条 商标注册的申请日期,以商标局收到申请书件的日期为准。申请手续齐备并按照规定填写申请书件的,编定申请号,发给《受理通知书》;申请手续不齐备或者未按照规定填定申请书件的,予以退回,申请日期不予保留。

In cases when application procedures are basically complete or the application form and the related papers are basically in conformity with the relevant stipulations, but there is a need for the applicant to provide necessary supplementary information or make corrections thereto, the Trademark Office shall notify the applicant to submit said information or make said changes and will require the latter to resubmit the supplementary or corrected application to the Trademark Office within fifteen days of receipt of the notification. The filing date shall be reserved if requested supplementary information of or corrected application is resubmitted to the Trademark Office within the specified time limit. However, the failure to submit requested supplementary information or corrected application by the expiration of the specified period or thereafter, the application form shall be returned to the applicant, and no date of application shall be reserved.

Article 13 Should two or more applicants apply for registration of an identical or a similar trademark for the same or similar items on the same day, they shall within 30 days after receiving notification from the Trademark Office furnish requested proof of the dates on which they began using their respective trademarks. In cases when use of the trademark began on the same date, or in other cases when a trademark is not yet in use, applicants shall be required to settle the matter through consultations, and further to submit their written agreement to the Trademark Office within 30 days. If no agreement can be reached within said 30 day period, the applicants in question shall draw lots to determine trademark rights. The Trademark Office shall either preside over the process, or shall otherwise adjudicate the matter.   第十三条 两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,以相同或者近似的商标在同一天申请注册的,各申请人应当按照商标局的通知,在三十天内交送第一次使用该商标的日期的证明。同日使用或者均未使用的,各申请人应当进行协商,协商一致的,应当在三十天内将书面协议报送商标局;超过三十天达不成协议的,在商标局主持下,由申请人抽签决定,或者由商标局裁定。

Article 14 Applicants for trademarks shall submit a Power of Attorney authorizing a trademark agency to file required applications for the registration of trademarks, or for all other matters arising concerning said trademark. The Power of Attorney shall indicate content and competent authorization. In addition, in cases when the applicant is a foreigner or foreign enterprise, the Power of Attorney shall clearly indicate the nationality of the party granting authorization.   第十四条 申请人委托商标代理组织申请办理商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜,应当交送代理人委托书一份。代理人委托书应当载明代理内容及权限,外国人或者外国企业的代理人委托书还应当载明委托人的国籍。

Foreigners or foreign enterprises shall use the Chinese language when applying for trademark registration or when handling related trademark matters. Notarization and authentication procedures for Powers of Attorney and relevant certificates shall be completed in accordance with the principle of reciprocity. Chinese translations shall be attached to the completed application form and all related papers submitted in a foreign language.

Article 15 The Trademark Office maintains the option to review claims for priority in all applications for trademark registration. Specific procedures shall be followed as prescribed and promulgated by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.   第十五条 商标局受理申请商标注册要求优先权的事宜。具体程序依照国家工商行政管理局公布的规定办理。

Chapter III Examination of Trademark Registration 

第三章 商标注册的审查

Article 16 The Trademark Office shall, in accordance with the Trademark Law, examine all applications accepted. Following the prescribed examination, distinctive trademarks which are in conformity with relevant provisions of the Trademark Law, shall receive preliminary approval from the Trademark Office and published in the Trademark Gazette. The Trademark Office shall send a Notification of Rejection to all applicant submitting rejected applications.   第十六条 商标局对受理的申请,依照《商标法》进行审查,凡符合《商标法》有关规定并具有显著性的商标,予以初步审定,并予以公告;驳回申请的,发给申请人《驳回通知书》。

In cases where requests for modifications to applications for trademark are deemed incomplete, the Trademark Office shall send an Examination Advice form to the applicant and require the latter make necessary modifications within fifteen days of receipt of said notification. Should applicants fail to submit requested modifications by the expiration date of the specified period, or modifications are submitted at a date beyond the time limit, or modified applications still fail to conform with the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law, the Trademark Office shall reject the application and send a Notification of Rejection to the applicant.

Article 17 When applying for review of rejected trademarks, applicants shall, within fifteen days of receipt of the notification of rejection, submit an Application for Review of a Rejected Trademark to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. The review application must be accompanied by the original Application for Trademark Registration, ten prototypes of the original trademark, one black and white copy of the design and the Notification of Rejection.   第十七条 对驳回申请的商标申请复审的,申请人应当在收到驳回通知之日起十五天内,将《驳回商标复审申请书》一份交送商标评审委员会申请复审,同时附送原《商标注册申请书》、原商标图样十份、黑白墨稿一份和《驳回通知书》。

The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall render a final decision and notify the applicant with a written reply. Thereafter, trademarks receiving preliminary approval shall be transferred to the Trademark Office for processing.

Article 18 Parties contesting a trademark (hereinafter referred to as Party B) which, after examination, has received preliminary approval and has been published in the Trademark Gazette, shall submit two copies of the Application for Trademark Opposition to the Trademark Office. The Application for Trademark Opposition shall indicate both the page number and the issue number of the Trademark Gazette in which the contested trademark was published, as well as the number of the preliminary approval. The Trademark Office shall send one copy of the Application for Trademark Opposition to the contested party (hereinafter referred to as Party A), requesting a rebuttal within thirty days of receipt of the notification. An adjudication will then be made on the basis of facts and relevant information submitted by the opposing parties. In the absence of a response from Party A by the expiration date of the specified period, the Trademark Office shall render an adjudication thereon and notify interested parties of the decision.   第十八条 对商标局初步审定予以公告的商标提出异议的,异议人应当将《商标异议书》一式两份交送商标局,《商标异议书》应当写明被异议商标刊登《商标公告》的期号、页码及初步审定号。商标局将《商标异议书》交被异议人,限其在收到通知之日起三十天内答辩,并根据当事人陈述的事实和理由予以裁定;期满不答辩的,由商标局裁定并通知有关当事人。

Announcements of registered trademarks published in the Trademark Gazette prior to final adjudication and entry of force of contested trademarks shall be null and void.

Article 19 Interested parties dissatisfied with the adjudication of the Trademark Office concerning contested trademarks may, within fifteen days of receipt of the notification of adjudication, apply for review by submitting two copies of Application for Review of a Contested Trademark to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board.   第十九条 当事人对商标局的异议裁定不服的,可以在收到商标异议裁定通知之日起十五天内,将《商标异议复审申请书》一式两份交送商标评审委员会申请复审。

The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall make a final adjudication, provide interested parties with written notification and transfer the case to the Trademark Office for relevant processing.

In cases when opposition to the issuance of a trademark is considered inappropriate, the Trademark Office shall, after the entry into force of the adjudication concerning a contested trademark, approve the registration of the trademark involved therein.

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