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Regulation on the Implementation of the Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China (2018 Revision) [Effective]
中华人民共和国森林法实施条例(2018修订) [现行有效]

Regulation on the Implementation of the Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Issued by the Order No. 278 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on January 29, 2000; revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Abolishing and Amending Some Administrative Regulations on January 8, 2011 for the first time; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on February 6, 2016 for the second time; and revised for the third time in accordance with the Decision of the State Council to Amend and Repeal Certain Administrative Regulations on March 19, 2018)

 (2000年1月29日中华人民共和国国务院令第278号发布 根据2011年1月8日《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》第一次修订 根据2016年2月6日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》第二次修订 根据2018年3月19日《国务院关于修改和废止部分行政法规的决定》第三次修订)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is formulated according to the Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Forestry law").   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国森林法》(以下简称森林法),制定本条例。
Article 2 The forest resources include forests, woods and forest lands, as well as wild animals, plants and microbes whose life and survival depends on the forest, wood and forest land.   第二条 森林资源,包括森林、林木、林地以及依托森林、林木、林地生存的野生动物、植物和微生物。
Forests include arbor forests and bamboo forests. 森林,包括乔木林和竹林。
Woods include trees and bamboos. 林木,包括树木和竹子。
Forest lands include arbor forest lands with a canopy density of 0.2 degrees or more as well as bamboo forest lands, bush shrub forest lands, open forest lands, stump lands, burned areas, non-mature forestation lands, nursery lands, and land appropriate to the forestation planned by the people's government at or above the county level. 林地,包括郁闭度0.2以上的乔木林地以及竹林地、灌木林地、疏林地、采伐迹地、火烧迹地、未成林造林地、苗圃地和县级以上人民政府规划的宜林地。
Article 3 The state adopts a registration system for forest, wood and forest land according to law. The ownership to and right to use legally registered forests, woods and forest lands shall be protected by law, which shall not be injured by any entity or individual.   第三条 国家依法实行森林、林木和林地登记发证制度。依法登记的森林、林木和林地的所有权、使用权受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯。
The pattern of the certificate of ownership to forest, wood and forest land shall be prescribed by the competent forestry authority of the State Council. 森林、林木和林地的权属证书式样由国务院林业主管部门规定。
Article 4 The state-owned forests, woods or forest lands to be used in a lawful manner shall be registered in accordance with the following provisions:   第四条 依法使用的国家所有的森林、林木和林地,按照下列规定登记:
(1) An entity which is to use any forest, wood or forest land within a key state-owned forest zone as determined by the State Council (hereinafter referred to as "key forest zone") shall submit a registration application to the competent forestry authority of the State Council, and the competent forestry authority of the State Council shall prepare a register, issue a certificate after making examinations, and confirm the right to use the forest, wood or forest land as well as the user's ownership to the woods therein; (一)使用国务院确定的国家所有的重点林区(以下简称重点林区)的森林、林木和林地的单位,应当向国务院林业主管部门提出登记申请,由国务院林业主管部门登记造册,核发证书,确认森林、林木和林地使用权以及由使用者所有的林木所有权;
(2) An entity or individual who is to use any stated-owned forest, wood or forest land involving different administrative areas shall submit a registration application to the competent forestry authority of their common superior people's government, and the said people's government shall prepare a register, issue a certificate after making examinations, and confirm the right to use the forest, wood or forest land as well as the user's ownership to the woods therein; (二)使用国家所有的跨行政区域的森林、林木和林地的单位和个人,应当向共同的上一级人民政府林业主管部门提出登记申请,由该人民政府登记造册,核发证书,确认森林、林木和林地使用权以及由使用者所有的林木所有权;
(3)An entity or individual who is to use any other state-owned forest, wood or forest land shall submit a registration application to the competent forestry authority of the local people's government at or above the county level, which shall prepare a register, issue a certificate after making examinations, and confirm the right to use the forest, wood or forest land as well as the user's ownership to the woods therein. (三)使用国家所有的其他森林、林木和林地的单位和个人,应当向县级以上地方人民政府林业主管部门提出登记申请,由县级以上地方人民政府登记造册,核发证书,确认森林、林木和林地使用权以及由使用者所有的林木所有权。
The state-owned forests, woods or forest lands, right to use which has not been determined, shall be recorded, protected and managed by the people's government at or above the county level. 未确定使用权的国家所有的森林、林木和林地,由县级以上人民政府登记造册,负责保护管理。
Article 5 For any collectively owned forest, wood or forest land, the owner shall submit a registration application to the competent forestry authority of the local people's government at or above the county level, which shall prepare a register, issue a certificate after making examination, and confirm the ownership.   第五条 集体所有的森林、林木和林地,由所有者向所在地的县级人民政府林业主管部门提出登记申请,由该县级人民政府登记造册,核发证书,确认所有权。
For any wood owned by any entity or individual, the owner shall submit a registration application to the competent forestry authority of the local people's government at the county level, which shall prepare a register, examine and issue a certificate, and confirm the ownership to the wood. 单位和个人所有的林木,由所有者向所在地的县级人民政府林业主管部门提出登记申请,由该县级人民政府登记造册,核发证书,确认林木所有权。
An entity or individual who is to use any collectively owned forest, wood or forest land shall submit a registration application to the competent forestry authority of the local people's government at or above the county level, and the people's government at or above the county level shall prepare a register, issue a certificate after making examinations, and confirm the ownership to the forest, wood or forest land. 使用集体所有的森林、林木和林地的单位和个人,应当向所在地的县级人民政府林业主管部门提出登记申请,由该县级人民政府登记造册,核发证书,确认森林、林木和林地使用权。
Article 6 Any change of the ownership to or the right to use any forest, wood or forest land shall, in accordance with the law, be subject to the formalities for the modification of the registration.   第六条 改变森林、林木和林地所有权、使用权的,应当依法办理变更登记手续。
Article 7 The competent forestry authority of the people's government at or above the county level shall establish files on the management of forest, wood and forest land.   第七条 县级以上人民政府林业主管部门应当建立森林、林木和林地权属管理档案。
Article 8 For the state's key shelter forests and special-purpose forests, the competent forestry authority of State Council shall put forward opinions and report them to the State Council for approval and announcement. For the local key shelter forests and special-purpose forests, the competent forestry authority of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall give its opinions and report to the people's government at the same level for approval and announcement. For other shelter forests, timber forests or special-purpose forests as well as the economic forests or fuel forests, the competent forestry authority of the people's government at the county level shall delimit the boundaries thereof according to the state's relevant regulations on forest classification and the arrangement of the people's government at the same level, and report to the people's government at the same level for approval and announcement.   第八条 国家重点防护林和特种用途林,由国务院林业主管部门提出意见,报国务院批准公布;地方重点防护林和特种用途林,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府林业主管部门提出意见,报本级人民政府批准公布;其他防护林、用材林、特种用途林以及经济林、薪炭林,由县级人民政府林业主管部门根据国家关于林种划分的规定和本级人民政府的部署组织划定,报本级人民政府批准公布。
The area of a key shelter forest or special-purpose forest within the administrative area of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall not be less than 30% of the total forest area of the said administrative area. 省、自治区、直辖市行政区域内的重点防护林和特种用途林的面积,不得少于本行政区域森林总面积的30%。
To change an approved and announced forest category into another forest category, it shall be subject to approval of the original approval and announcement authority. 经批准公布的林种改变为其他林种的,应当报原批准公布机关批准。
Article 9 The funds drawn according to the Item (5) of Paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Forestry Law shall be exclusively used for planting timber forest used for pit prop, producing paper, etc., which shall not be appropriated for any other purpose. The audit authority and competent forestry authority shall strengthen their supervision.   第九条 依照森林法八条第一款第(五)项规定提取的资金,必须专门用于营造坑木、造纸等用材林,不得挪作他用。审计机关和林业主管部门应当加强监督。
Article 10 The forest resources supervisory authority dispatched by the competent forestry authority of State Council to a key forest zone shall strengthen its supervision and inspection on the protection and management of the forest resources within this key forest zone.   第十条 国务院林业主管部门向重点林区派驻的森林资源监督机构,应当加强对重点林区内森林资源保护管理的监督检查。
Chapter II Business Operations and Management of Forests 

第二章 森林经营管理

Article 11 The competent forestry authority of the State Council shall regularly monitor the situation of extinction and growth of forest resources and the changes of the forest ecological environment.   第十一条 国务院林业主管部门应当定期监测全国森林资源消长和森林生态环境变化的情况。
The forest resources investigations, file establishment, formulation of forest operation plans, and other tasks of a key forest zone shall be organized and implemented by the competent forestry authority of the State Council. Other forest resources investigations, file establishment, formulation of forest operation plans, etc. shall be organized and implemented by the competent forestry of the local people's government authority at or above the county level. 重点林区森林资源调查、建立档案和编制森林经营方案等项工作,由国务院林业主管部门组织实施;其他森林资源调查、建立档案和编制森林经营方案等项工作,由县级以上地方人民政府林业主管部门组织实施。
Article 12 The following principles shall be observed in creating a long-term forestry plan:   第十二条 制定林业长远规划,应当遵循下列原则:
(1) Protecting ecological environment and promoting a sustainable economic development; (一)保护生态环境和促进经济的可持续发展;
(2) Basing on the existing forest resources; (二)以现有的森林资源为基础;
(3) Being in line with the overall plan on land utilization, water and soil conservation plan, municipal plan, village and town plan. (三)与土地利用总体规划、水土保持规划、城市规划、村庄和集镇规划相协调。
Article 13 The long-term forestry plan shall include:   第十三条 林业长远规划应当包括下列内容:
(1) The forestry development target; (一)林业发展目标;
(2) The ratio of forest categories; (二)林种比例;
(3) The forest land protection and use plan; (三)林地保护利用规划;
(4) The tree planting and forestation plan. (四)植树造林规划。
Article 14 The national long-term forestry plan shall be formulated by the competent forestry authority of the State Council jointly with other relevant departments and execute the plan upon approval of the State Council.   第十四条 全国林业长远规划由国务院林业主管部门会同其他有关部门编制,报国务院批准后施行。
The long-term forestry plan at each level shall be formulated by the competent forestry authority of the people's governments at or above the county level jointly with other relevant departments and execute the plan upon approval of the State Council. 地方各级林业长远规划由县级以上地方人民政府林业主管部门会同其他有关部门编制,报本级人民政府批准后施行。
The long-term forestry plan at a lower level shall be formulated based upon the long-term forestry plan of a superior level. 下级林业长远规划应当根据上一级林业长远规划编制。
Any adjustment or modification to the long-term forestry plan shall be reported to the original approval authority for approval. 林业长远规划的调整、修改,应当报经原批准机关批准。
Article 15 The state protects the lawful rights and interests of the business operators of forests, woods and forest lands according to law. Any entity or individual is prohibited to illegally trespass upon the wood owned and the forest land used by any operator according to law.   第十五条 国家依法保护森林、林木和林地经营者的合法权益。任何单位和个人不得侵占经营者依法所有的林木和使用的林地。
The business operators of timber forests, economic forests and fuel forests be entitled to enjoy the right to operation, benefits and other lawful rights and interests according to law. 用材林、经济林和薪炭林的经营者,依法享有经营权、收益权和其他合法权益。
The business operator of a shelter forest or special-purpose forest shall be entitled to enjoy the right of compensation for forest ecological benefits. 防护林和特种用途林的经营者,有获得森林生态效益补偿的权利。
Article 16 If it needs to occupy or expropriation or requisition any forest land for a project of surveying or exploiting mineral resources, or constructing road, water conservancy, power, communication, the following provisions shall be observed:   第十六条 勘查、开采矿藏和修建道路、水利、电力、通讯等工程,需要占用或者征收、征用林地的,必须遵守下列规定:
(1) The land user entity the shall submit a land use application to the competent forestry authority of the people's government at or above the county level, and, after examination and approval, prepay forest and vegetation restoration fees according to the standards of the state and fetch a forest land use approval document. The land user entity shall, upon the strength of the forest land use approval document, go through the formalities for the examination and approval of construction use land. If the occupancy and requisition of forest land has not been examined and approved by the competent forestry authority, the competent land administration authority shall not accept the application for the land for construction use. (一)用地单位应当向县级以上人民政府林业主管部门提出用地申请,经审核同意后,按照国家规定的标准预交森林植被恢复费,领取使用林地审核同意书。用地单位凭使用林地审核同意书依法办理建设用地审批手续。占用或者征收、征用林地未经林业主管部门审核同意的,土地行政主管部门不得受理建设用地申请。
(2) For the occupancy or requisition of any shelter forest land or forest land for special-purpose with an area of 10 hectares or more, or any timber forest, economic forest or fuel forest as well as its stump land of 35 hectares or more, or other forest land of 70 hectares or more, it shall be subject to the examination of the competent forestry authority of the State Council; for the occupancy or requisition of any forest land with an area smaller than the figure as mentioned above, it shall be subject to the examination of the competent forestry authority of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. For the occupancy or expropriation or requisition of the forest land of a key forest zone, it shall be subject to the examination of the competent forestry authority of the State Council.

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