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Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Guidelines for the Criminal Appeal Work of the People's Procuratorates [Effective]
最高人民检察院关于印发《人民检察院刑事抗诉工作指引》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Guidelines for the Criminal Appeal Work of the People's Procuratorates 


(No. 2 [2018] of the Supreme People's Procuratorate) (高检发诉字[2018]2号)

The people's procuratorates of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army; and the People's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院,解放军军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院:
The Guidelines for the Criminal Appeal Work of the People's Procuratorates, as adopted at the 66th session of the Twelfth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on July 4, 2017, are hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. 《人民检察院刑事抗诉工作指引》已经2017年7月4日最高人民检察院第十二届检察委员会第六十六次会议通过,现予印发,请遵照执行。
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
February 14, 2018 2018年2月14日
Guidelines for the Criminal Appeal Work of the People's Procuratorates 人民检察院刑事抗诉工作指引
(Adopted at the 66th session of the Twelfth Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on July 4, 2017) (2017年7月4日 最高人民检察院第十二届检察委员会第六十六次会议通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 Criminal appeal is an important function and power conferred on the procuratorial organs by law. Correcting the erroneous judgments through criminal appeals is an important manifestation of the people's procuratorates' performance of duties of legal supervision. Strengthening the criminal appeal work is of great significance for safeguarding judicial justice, protecting the lawful rights and interests of litigants, achieving social fairness and justice, promoting social harmony and stability, and establishing and upholding the authority of the rule of law. For the purposes of regulating the criminal appeal work, and strengthening legal supervision, these Guidelines are developed according to the laws and regulations, and in light of the actual procuratorial work.   第一条 刑事抗诉是法律赋予检察机关的重要职权。通过刑事抗诉纠正确有错误的裁判,是人民检察院履行法律监督职能的重要体现。加强刑事抗诉工作,对于维护司法公正,保护诉讼当事人合法权益,实现社会公平正义,促进社会和谐稳定,树立和维护法治权威具有重要意义。为规范刑事抗诉工作,强化法律监督,根据法律规定,结合检察工作实际,制定本指引。
Article 2 The handling of criminal appeal cases by the people's procuratorates shall be governed by these Guidelines.   第二条 人民检察院办理刑事抗诉案件适用本指引。
Article 3 Criminal appeal cases shall be handled according to the basic requirements for legal compliance, accuracy, timeliness, and effectiveness. In cases in which appeals are filed or supported, full consideration shall be given to the necessity of appeal.   第三条 办理刑事抗诉案件,应当坚持依法、准确、及时、有效的基本要求。提出或者支持抗诉的案件,应当充分考虑抗诉的必要性。
Where minors are involved, cases in which adults infringe upon the personal rights of minors shall be the focus of appeal. 涉及未成年人的,应当将成年人侵害未成年人人身权利的案件作为抗诉重点。
Article 4 Criminal appeal cases shall be handled according to the case-handling and approval mechanism determined in the reform on the judicial responsibility system.   第四条 办理刑事抗诉案件,按照司法责任制改革确定的办案、审批机制运行。
Chapter II Initiation of Criminal Appeal Cases 

第二章 刑事抗诉案件的启动

Article 5 The people's procuratorates shall supervise whether the judgments and rulings of the people's courts are correct by reviewing the people's courts' judgments or rulings, acceptance of petitions, and other activities. The local people's procuratorates at all levels shall, when deeming that the first-instance judgments and rulings of the people's courts at the corresponding levels are indeed erroneous, file appeals with the people's courts at the next higher level. Where the Supreme People's Procuratorate finds errors in the judgments and rulings of the people's courts at all levels that have been legally effective and the people's procuratorates at higher levels find errors in the judgments and rulings of the people's courts at lower levels that have been legally effective, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the people's procuratorates at higher levels shall have the right to file appeals with the people's courts at the same level under the trial supervision procedure.   第五条 人民检察院通过审查人民法院的判决或裁定、受理申诉等活动,监督人民法院的判决、裁定是否正确。地方各级人民检察院认为本级人民法院第一审的判决、裁定确有错误的时候,应当向上一级人民法院提出抗诉。最高人民检察院对各级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决和裁定,上级人民检察院对下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决和裁定,如果发现确有错误,有权按照审判监督程序向同级人民法院提出抗诉。
Where a party and his or her legal representative and close relatives believe that the judgments and rulings of people's courts that have been legally effective are indeed erroneous and file petitions with the people's procuratorates, the Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Handling of Petition Cases against Effective Criminal Judgments of the People's Courts, the Provisions on the Re-examination of Criminal Petition Cases and other provisions shall apply. 当事人及其法定代理人、近亲属认为人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定确有错误,向人民检察院申诉的,适用《最高人民检察院关于办理不服人民法院生效刑事裁判申诉案件若干问题的规定》和《人民检察院复查刑事申诉案件的规定》等规定。
Article 6 The people's procuratorate may find errors in the judgments and rulings that have not come into force by the following methods:   第六条 人民检察院可以通过以下途径发现尚未生效判决、裁定的错误:
(1) After receiving a first-instance judgment or ruling of the people's court, the people's procuratorate may find an error by designating a special person to conduct examination. (一)收到人民法院第一审判决书、裁定书后,人民检察院通过指定专人审查发现错误;
(2) Where a victim and his or her legal representative refuse to accept the first-instance judgment of the people's court and request the people's procuratorate to file an appeal within five days upon receipt of the judgment, the people's procuratorate shall immediately conduct examination and submit opinions on whether to file an appeal within the statutory time limit. (二)被害人及其法定代理人不服人民法院第一审判决,在收到判决书后五日以内请求人民检察院提出抗诉的,人民检察院应当立即进行审查,在法定抗诉期限内提出是否抗诉的意见;
(3) The first-instance judgment of a case concerning duty-related crime shall be examined concurrently by the people's procuratorates at the upper and lower levels. The people's procuratorate at the same level of the people's court rendering the first-instance judgment shall be the primary responsible entity for concurrent examination, and the people's procuratorate at the next higher level shall be responsible for supervision and check. (三)职务犯罪案件第一审判决,由上下两级人民检察院同步审查。作出一审判决人民法院的同级人民检察院是同步审查的主要责任主体,上一级人民检察院负督促和制约的责任;
(4) Other methods. (四)其他途径。
Article 7 The people's procuratorate at the next higher level finding that the people's procuratorate at a lower level should file an appeal but fails to do so within the time limit for appeal may order the people's procuratorate at a lower level to file an appeal according to the law. The people's procuratorate at a lower level failing to file an appeal in a timely manner within the time limit for appeal shall, after a judgment or ruling comes into force, submit a request to the people's procuratorate at the next higher level to file an appeal under the trial supervision procedure.   第七条 上一级人民检察院在抗诉期限内,发现下级人民检察院应当提出抗诉而没有提出抗诉的案件,可以指令下级人民检察院依法提出抗诉。下级人民检察院在抗诉期限内未能及时提出抗诉的,应当在判决、裁定生效后提请上一级人民检察院按照审判监督程序提出抗诉。
Article 8 The people's procuratorate may find errors in the effective judgments and rulings by the following methods:   第八条 人民检察院可以通过以下途径发现生效判决、裁定的错误:
(1) After receiving an effective judgment or ruling of the people's court, the people's procuratorate may find an error by designating a special person to conduct examination. (一)收到人民法院生效判决书、裁定书后,人民检察院通过指定专人审查发现错误;
(2) Where a party and its legal representative, and close relatives refuse to accept an effective criminal judgment or ruling of the people's court, the procuratorial department of criminal appeal may find errors upon re-examination. (二)当事人及其法定代理人、近亲属不服人民法院生效刑事判决、裁定提出申诉,刑事申诉检察部门经复查发现错误;
(3) According to the materials forwarded and the opinions reflected by all sectors of society and the relevant departments, errors are found upon examination of an effective judgment or ruling of the people's court. (三)根据社会各界和有关部门转送的材料和反映的意见,对人民法院已生效判决、裁定审查后发现错误;
(4) In the case-handling quality examination, case re-examination and other work, an effective judgment or ruling of the people's court is found to be indeed erroneous. (四)在办案质量检查和案件复查等工作中,发现人民法院已生效判决、裁定确有错误;
(5) In the event of new evidence, an effective judgment or ruling of the people's court is found to be erroneous. (五)出现新的证据,发现人民法院已生效判决、裁定错误;
(6) During the process of handling a case, effective judgments and rulings of other cases are found to be indeed erroneous. (六)办理案件过程中发现其他案件已生效判决、裁定确有错误;
(7) Other methods. (七)其他途径。
The people's procuratorate finding that a criminal judgment or ruling of the people's court at the same level that has been legally effective is indeed erroneous shall submit a request to the people's procuratorate at the next higher level for filing an appeal. The people's procuratorate at a higher level finding that a judgment or ruling of the people's court at a lower level that has been legally effective may directly file an appeal with the people's court at the same level or order the people's procuratorate at the next higher level of the people's court rendering the effective judgment or ruling to file an appeal with the people's court at the same level. 人民检察院对同级人民法院已经发生法律效力的刑事判决、裁定,发现确有错误的,应当提请上一级人民检察院抗诉。上级人民检察院发现下级人民法院已经发生法律效力的判决或裁定确有错误的,可以直接向同级人民法院提出抗诉,或者指令作出生效判决、裁定人民法院的上一级人民检察院向同级人民法院提出抗诉。
Chapter III Circumstances for Filing and Not Filing Appeals 

第三章 抗诉情形与不抗诉情形

Article 9 Where a judgment or ruling of the people's court falls under one of the following circumstances, an appeal shall be filed:   第九条 人民法院的判决、裁定有下列情形之一的,应当提出抗诉:
(1) The facts are erroneously determined in the original judgment or ruling, resulting in obviously inappropriate conviction or sentencing: (一)原审判决或裁定认定事实确有错误,导致定罪或者量刑明显不当的:
(a) The facts determined in the criminal judgment or ruling are inconsistent with the facts proved by the evidence. 1.刑事判决、裁定认定的事实与证据证明的事实不一致的;
(b) The facts determined are inconsistent with the adjudicative conclusion. 2.认定的事实与裁判结论有矛盾的;
(c) There is new evidence proving that the facts determined in the original judgment or ruling are indeed erroneous. 3.有新的证据证明原判决、裁定认定的事实确有错误的。
(2) The evidence admitted in the original judgment or ruling is indeed erroneous, resulting in obviously inappropriate conviction or sentencing: (二)原审判决或裁定采信证据确有错误,导致定罪或者量刑明显不当的:
(a) The evidence based on which the criminal judgment or ruling is rendered is inaccurate. 1.刑事判决、裁定据以认定案件事实的证据不确实的;
(b) The evidence based on which a case is determined is insufficient to determine the facts of the case, or there is lack of necessary link between the facts of the case proved and the adjudicative conclusion. 2.据以定案的证据不足以认定案件事实,或者所证明的案件事实与裁判结论之间缺乏必然联系的;
(c) The evidence based on which a case is determined shall be excluded as illegally obtained evidence according to the law but is not excluded. 3.据以定案的证据依法应当作为非法证据予以排除而未被排除的;
(d) Evidence that should not be excluded is excluded or rejected as illegally obtained evidence. 4.不应当排除的证据作为非法证据被排除或者不予采信的;
(e) There is contradiction among the main evidence based on which a case is determined, and reasonable doubts cannot be excluded. 5.据以定案的主要证据之间存在矛盾,无法排除合理怀疑的;
(f) Other lawful and invalid evidence that is lawfully obtained and cross-examined at the court hearing is rejected due to the defendant's withdrawal of confession and the witness's change in testimony, 6.因被告人翻供、证人改变证言而不采纳依法收集并经庭审质证为合法、有效的其他证据,判决无罪或者改变事实认定的;
the defendant is found not guilty or the fact-finding is modified. 
(g) The criminal facts are clear, and the evidence is irrefutable and sufficient, but the people's court finds the defendant not guilty or modifies the fact-finding on the ground of evidence insufficiency. 
(3) The law is indeed erroneously applied in the original judgment or ruling: 
(a) The conviction is erroneous, i.e., there is an error in the judgment of thefacts of case: 
(i) a guilty person is acquitted and an innocent person is convicted; and 
(ii) the boundaries between this crime and that crime and between a single crime and plural crimes are confused, causing incompatibility between the crime and the punishment or giving rise to significant adverse impact in the judicial practice. 
(b) The sentencing is erroneous, i.e., there is incompatibility between the punishment applied and the criminal facts, nature, circumstances, and extent of social harm. For example, a serious crime is degraded or a heavier punishment is given to a light crime, causing obvious improper sentencing: 
(i) the people's court imposes punishment by exceeding the statutory sentencing range where there is no statutory sentencing circumstance; 
(ii) the determination or application of statutory sentencing circumstances is erroneous, causing failure to impose punishment within the statutory sentencing range or the obviously inappropriate sentencing; 
(iii) the sentencing of each defendant in a joint crime is obviously incompatible with or unbalanced with his or her position or role played in the joint crime; 
(iv) the type of principal punishment applied is erroneous; 
(v) the type of accessory punishment applied is erroneous; 
(vi) the exemption from criminal punishment or probation applied is erroneous; and 
(vii) the criminal injunction or commutation restriction applied is erroneous. 
(4) In the process of trial, the people's court falls under one of the following circumstances that seriously violate the legal proceedings, which is likely to affect fair judgment: 
(a) The people's court violates the relevant provisions on open trial. 
(b) The people's court violates the relevant provisions on disqualification. 
(c) The people's court deprives the party of the statutory procedural rights or restricts such rights of the party. 
(d) The composition of the trial organization is illegal. 
(e) The people's court directly admits the evidentiary materials without cross-examination in court as the basis for case determination or the people's court directly admits the evidentiary materials that are collected and subpoenaed upon application and the evidentiary materials that are obtained by the collegial panel upon investigation after adjournment without cross-examination in court as the basis for case determination. 
(f) For a case that is tried by the collegial panel, the people's court directly pronounces a judgment without deliberations of the collegial panel. 
(g) The people's court vioaltes the provisions on jurisdiction of trial. 
(h) The people's court falls under other circumstance of seriously violating the legal proceedings. 
(5) The judgment or ruling rendered for the incidental civil action is obviously inappropriate. 
(6) The ruling rendered by the people's court by applying the procedure for confiscation of illegal gains in cases where criminal suspects or defendants escape or die is indeed erroneous. 
(7) When trying a case, the judges have commited acts such as embezzlement, acceptance of bribes, practice favoritism or adjudication by bending the law, affecting the impartial trial. 
   第十条 下列案件一般不提出抗诉:
Article 10 No appeal shall be filed generally in the following cases: 
(1) The fact finding or evidence admission in the original judgment or ruling falls under one of the following circumstances: 
(a) After the defendant makes plea of guilty of a lighter crime or a plea of not guilty , or withdraws confession, contradictions between evidence for determining the criminal nature, circumstances, or conviction fail to be excluded, causing the people's court's failure to determine the charge by the prosecution or relevant criminal facts. 
(b) The charge by the prosecution is changed in the criminal judgment, causing great difference in sentencing; however, there is no sufficient evidence or legal basis to prove that the change in the charge by the people's court is erroneous. 
(c) The facts of conviction in a case are clear. Due to difficulty in identifying the relevant sentencing circumstances, the people's court imposes lighter punishment upon the defendant within the statutory punishment range. 
(d) After illegal evidence is excluded according to the law, it is proved that partial or all evidence for provingfacts of the case fails to reach the standard of accuracy and sufficiency, and the people's court does not confirm such partial facts of the case or does not find the defendant not guilty. 
(2) The original criminal judgment or ruling rendered falls under one of the following circumstances in terms of application of law: 
(a) The legal provisions are unclear or in dispute, and the legal basis for filing an appeal is insufficient. 
(b) Where there are circumstances of statutory lighter punishment or mitigated punishment, the sentencing is relatively light. 
(c) Where the defendant is a person who suffers serious illness or cannot take care of himself or herself, a woman who is pregnant or is nursing her own infant, or the sole dependent of a person who cannot take care of himself or herself, the sentencing is relatively light. 
(d) Where the defendant pleads guilty, actively compensates for losses, and is forgiven by the victim, the sentencing is relatively light. 
(3) Where the trial activities of the people's court violate the legal proceedings, the severity of such violation is insufficient to affect the fair judgment or the technical error in the judgment or ruling does not affect the substantial finding of the case, an appeal shall not be filed generally. When necessary, the people's procuratorate shall supervise the people's court's correction of its violation of law in trial activities by means of written opinions on correcting violation of law in trial activities or require the people's court to correct the errors in the legal document by written procuratorial proposals and other means. 
(4) In a case where the people's court sentences the defendant to death with a two-year suspension of execution, where it falls under one of the following circumstances, the people's procuratorate shall not file an appeal for death penalty with immediate execution generally, unless there is any serious error in the finding of facts and the application of law in the original judgment or the social response is intense: 
(a) The defendant falls under such statutory circumstances of lighter or mitigated penalty as voluntary surrender and meritorious act. 
(b) The evidence for conviction is true and sufficient; however, there is doubt in major evidence that affects sentencing. 
(c) For a case arising from an intensified marriage, family, or neighborhood dispute or a case arising from the victim's fault, the defendant sincerely shows repentance, actively compensates for economic losses to the victim, and is forgiven by the victim after the case is exposed. 
(d) After the offender is transferred to the prison for execution of penalty, he or she pleads guilty, performs relatively well in prison, and the probation period of death penalty is to be expired. 
(5) Although the penalties applied by the original judgment or ruling are different from the provisions of the law, they are in conformity with the principle of the consistency of crimes committed with penalties and social recognition. 
(6) In a case where minor commits minor criminal offense, the sentencing is relatively light. 

第四章 刑事抗诉案件的审查

Chapter IV Examination of of Criminal Appeal Cases 
   第十一条 审查刑事抗诉案件,应当坚持全案审查和重点审查相结合原则,并充分听取辩护人的意见。重点审查抗诉主张在事实、法律上的依据以及支持抗诉主张的证据是否具有合法性、客观性和关联性。
Article 11 Criminal appeal cases shall be examined under the principle of combining whole case examination and key examination, and by sufficiently requesting the opinions of defenders. The factual and legal basis of the appeal claim and whether the evidence supporting the appeal claim is lawful, objective and relevant shall be mainly examined. 
   第十二条 办理刑事抗诉案件,应当严格按照刑法刑事诉讼法、相关司法解释和规范性文件的要求,全面、细致地审查案件事实、证据、法律适用以及诉讼程序,综合考虑犯罪性质、情节和社会危害程度等因素,准确分析认定人民法院原审裁判是否确有错误,根据错误的性质和程度,决定是否提出(请)抗诉。
Article 12 To handle a criminal appeal case, the facts of the case, evidence, application of law, and judicial proceedings shall be examined in an overall and meticulous manner in strict accordance with the requirements of the Criminal Law, the Criminal Procedure Law, and the relevant judicial interpretations and regulatory documents, such factors as the criminal nature, circumstances, and extent of social harm shall be taken into comprehensive consideration, whether the original judgment is indeed erroneous shall be identified upon accurate analysis, and whether filing an appeal shall be decided according to the nature and degree of the error. 
(1) The facts in a criminal appeal case shall be examined mainly from the following respects: 
(a) Whether the motive and purpose of committing the crime are specific. 
(b) Whether the means of crime are clear. 
(c) Whether the facts and circumstances relating to the conviction and sentencing are clarified. 
(d) Whether the harm consequences of crime are specified. 
(e) Whether there is any causation in the Criminal Law between acts and consequences. 
(2) Evidence in a criminal appeal case shall be examined mainly from the following respects: 
(a) Whether the evidence for determining subjects of crime is true and sufficient. 
(b) Whether the evidence for determining criminal facts is true and sufficient. 
(c) Whether the evidence relating to the nature of crime and for determining the crime is true and sufficient. 
(d) Whether the evidence relating to the circumstances of sentencing is true and sufficient. 
(e) In a criminal case where an appeal is filed, whether the evidence supporting the appeal opinions is lawful, objective, and relevant. 
(f) Whether there is any contradiction between the appeal evidence and between the appeal opinions and the appeal evidence. 
(g) Whether the evidence supporting the appeal opinions is true and sufficient. 
(3) The application of law in a criminal appeal case shall be examined mainly from the following respects: 
(a) Whether the application of laws and citing of legal provisions are accurate. 

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