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Notice by the Ministry of Finance of Revising and Issuing the Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for the Development of Inclusive Finance (2019) [Expired]
财政部关于修订发布《普惠金融发展专项资金管理办法》的通知(2019) [失效]

Notice by the Ministry of Finance of Revising and Issuing the Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for the Development of Inclusive Finance 


(No. 96 [2019] of the Ministry of Finance) (财金〔2019〕96号)

Public finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning; the Financial Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; and all local regulatory authorities of the Ministry of Finance (“MOF”): 各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财政局,财政部各地监管局:
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the Plan for Promoting the Development of Inclusive Finance (2016-2020) (No. 74 [2015], State Council), optimizing and improving the modes for the development of inclusive finance with financial support, maximizing the guiding and leveraging role of financial funds, effectively improving the service level of inclusive finance, promoting business startups by the public and mass innovation, serving the rural revitalization strategy, and assisting in effectively winning the tough battle of preventing and resolving major risks, the MOF has revised the Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for the Development of Inclusive Finance issued in 2015, in consideration of the work practice in recent years. The Measures are hereby issued for your compliance and implementation. 为贯彻落实《推进普惠金融发展规划(2016-2020年)》(国发〔2015〕74号),优化完善财政支持普惠金融发展方式,更好发挥财政资金引导撬动作用,切实提高普惠金融服务水平,推动大众创业、万众创新,服务乡村振兴战略,助力打好防范化解重大风险攻坚战,结合近年来工作实践,我们对2015年公布的《普惠金融发展专项资金管理办法》进行了修订。现予印发,请遵照执行。
Annex: Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for the Development of Inclusive Finance (Revision) 附件:普惠金融发展专项资金管理办法(修订稿)
Ministry of Finance 财 政 部
September 28, 2019 2019年9月28日
Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for the Development of Inclusive Finance (Revision) 普惠金融发展专项资金管理办法(修订稿)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of implementing the Plan for Promoting the Development of Inclusive Finance (2016-2020) (No. 74 [2015], State Council), accelerating the establishment of the inclusive financial service and guarantee system, and strengthening the administration of special funds for the development of inclusive finance, these Measures are developed according to the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China, the Opinions of the State Council on Reform and Improvement of the Center-to-Localities Transfer Payment System (No. 71 [2015], State Council), and other relevant provisions.   第一条 为贯彻落实《推进普惠金融发展规划(2016-2020年)》(国发〔2015〕74号),加快建立普惠金融服务和保障体系,加强普惠金融发展专项资金管理,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》、《国务院关于改革和完善中央对地方转移支付制度的意见》(国发〔2014〕71号)等有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, special funds for the development of inclusive finance (hereinafter referred to as “special funds”) means the funds of special transfer payment of the central finance for supporting the development of inclusive finance, including entrepreneurship guarantee loans with discounted interest and reward and subsidy, rewards of financial support provided to deepen the work of the cities where the pilot program of comprehensive reform of financial services for private enterprises and micro and small enterprises is implemented, and purpose-specific service subsidies for rural financial institutions.   第二条 本办法所称普惠金融发展专项资金(以下简称专项资金),是指中央财政用于支持普惠金融发展的专项转移支付资金,包括创业担保贷款贴息及奖补、财政支持深化民营和小微企业金融服务综合改革试点城市奖励、农村金融机构定向费用补贴。
Article 3 Under the principles of improving living standards, guaranteeing basic services, highlighting priorities and maintaining sustainability, special funds direct local people's governments at all levels and financial institutions to support the development of inclusive finance by comprehensively using loans with discounted interests, replacing subsidies with rewards, service subsidies and other methods, make up for market failures, guarantee the availability and applicability of basic financial services for farmers, urban low-income population, poverty-stricken people, the disabled, senior citizens, and other key service objects of inclusive finance in China, and strive to improve the level of financial services for private enterprises and micro and small enterprises.   第三条 专项资金遵循惠民生、保基本、有重点、可持续的原则,综合运用贷款贴息、以奖代补、费用补贴等方式,引导地方各级人民政府、金融机构支持普惠金融发展,弥补市场失灵,保障农民、城镇低收入人群、贫困人群和残疾人、老年人等我国普惠金融重点服务对象的基础金融服务可得性和适用性,着力提升和改善民营和小微企业金融服务水平。
Article 4 Special funds for the development of inclusive finance shall be implemented until 2022, before which, the MOF will determine upon assessment whether to continue the implementation and renew the term.   第四条 普惠金融发展专项资金实施期限至2022年,到期前财政部评估确定是否继续实施和延续期限。
Before preparing an annual budget, the MOF shall, on the basis of the implementation of policies and the work needs, carry out relevant assessment work, and improve the capital management policies on the basis of the assessment results. 在编制年度预算前,财政部根据政策实施情况和工作需要,开展相关评估工作,根据评估结果完善资金管理政策。
Article 5 Special funds shall be used and managed under the basic principles of openness and transparency, purpose-specific use, scientificity and standardization, and reasonable, safe and efficient use of funds shall be ensured to fully maximize the leverage role of financial funds and direct the extension of financial services toward the inclusive direction.   第五条 专项资金的使用和管理遵循公开透明、定向使用、科学规范的基本原则,确保资金使用合理、安全、高效,充分发挥财政资金杠杆作用,引导金融服务向普惠方向延伸。
Article 6 The MOF shall be responsible for the budget management and fund allocation of special funds, and organize budget supervision and administration and performance management of the use of funds. The provincial public finance departments shall be responsible for breaking down and allocating budgets, examining the allocation, supervising the use, and managing the budget performance of special funds, and be responsible for the compliance and effectiveness of the use of funds.   第六条 财政部负责专项资金的预算管理和资金拨付,并组织对资金使用情况进行预算监管和绩效管理。省级财政部门负责专项资金的预算分解下达、审核拨付、使用监督、预算绩效管理,并对资金使用的合规性和有效性负责。
Chapter II Policies for Entrepreneurship Guarantee Loans with Discounted Interest and Reward and Subsidy 

第二章 创业担保贷款贴息及奖励补助政策

Article 7 For the purposes of implementing more positive employment policies, promoting employment through business startup and innovation, and supporting business startups by the public and mass innovation, special funds shall arrange for expenditures for granting certain discounted interests to entrepreneurship guaranteed loans meeting the conditions specified in the policy, to relief burdens on entrepreneurs and employers, support workers to start business or find jobs on their own, direct employers to offer more positions, and advance the resolution of structural employment conflicts of groups with special difficulties.   第七条 为实施更加积极的就业政策,以创业创新带动就业,助力大众创业、万众创新,专项资金安排支出用于对符合政策规定条件的创业担保贷款给予一定贴息,减轻创业者和用人单位负担,支持劳动者自主创业、自谋职业,引导用人单位创造更多就业岗位,推动解决特殊困难群体的结构性就业矛盾。
Article 8 For entrepreneurship guaranteed loans granted to individuals and micro and small enterprises according to the Opinions of the State Council on Further Effectively Completing the Employment and Entrepreneurship Work under New Situations (No. 23 [2015], State Council), the Notice by the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of Granting Entrepreneurship Guaranteed Loans to Support the Employment and Entrepreneurship Work (No. 202 [2016], People's Bank of China), the Several Opinions of the State Council on Effectively Promoting Employment in the Current and Future Period (No. 39 [2018], State Council), and other documents, the public finance departments may grant discounted interests.   第八条 对按照《国务院关于进一步做好新形势下就业创业工作的意见》(国发〔2015〕23号)、《中国人民银行 财政部 人力资源社会保障部关于实施创业担保贷款支持创业就业工作的通知》(银发〔2016〕202号)、《国务院关于做好当前和今后一个时期促进就业工作的若干意见》(国发〔2018〕39号)等文件规定发放的个人和小微企业创业担保贷款,财政部门可予以贴息。
Article 9 Individuals meeting the following conditions may apply for support of financial discounted interests:   第九条 符合以下条件的个人可申请财政贴息支持:
(1) Key employment groups. Including registered urban unemployed persons, persons having trouble finding work (including the disabled), demobilized veterans, persons released after serving the full term of the imprisonment, college graduates (including university graduates working as village officials and overseas students returning to China from college graduates), employees of enterprises resolving excess production capacity, unemployed persons, rural migrant workers returning to their home villages to start their own business, online business operators, poverty-stricken populations whose files and cards have been created, and farmers independently starting up business in rural areas. (一)属于重点就业群体。包括城镇登记失业人员、就业困难人员(含残疾人)、复员转业退役军人、刑满释放人员、高校毕业生(含大学生村官和留学回国学生)、化解过剩产能企业职工和失业人员、返乡创业农民工、网络商户、建档立卡贫困人口、农村自主创业农民。
(2) An applicant and his or her spouse shall have no other loans, except student loans, poverty alleviation loans, housing loans, car loans, and small-sum consumption loan not more than 50,000 yuan (including credit card consumption), when filing an application for entrepreneurship guaranteed loans. (二)除助学贷款、扶贫贷款、住房贷款、购车贷款、5万元以下小额消费贷款(含信用卡消费)以外,申请人提交创业担保贷款申请时,本人及其配偶应没有其他贷款。
Article 10 Micro and small enterprises meeting the following conditions may apply for support of financial discounted interests:   第十条 符合以下条件的小微企业可申请财政贴息支持:
(1) Micro and small enterprises specified in the Measures for the Division of Micro, Small, Medium, and Large Enterprises in Terms of Statistics (2017) (No. 213 [2017], National Bureau of Statistics). (一)属于《统计上大中小微企业划分办法(2017)》(国统字〔2017〕213号)规定的小型、微型企业。
(2) Micro and small enterprises whose newly recruited employees meeting the conditions for applying for entrepreneurship guaranteed loans account for 20% of the existing incumbent employees (10% for enterprises employing more than 100 persons) and that enter into labor contracts of one year or more therewith. (二)小微企业当年新招用符合创业担保贷款申请条件的人数达到企业现有在职职工人数20%(超过100人的企业达到10%),并与其签订1年以上劳动合同。
(3) They have no credit record of serious violation of laws and regulations such as wage arrears and failure to pay social insurance premiums. (三)无拖欠职工工资、欠缴社会保险费等严重违法违规信用记录。
Article 11 With a longest loan term of not more than 3 years, the individual guaranteed entrepreneurship loans with special discounted interests shall not exceed 150,000 yuan. The interest rate may rise to a certain extent on the basis of the loan prime rate on the loan contract signing date. The specific rising standards are not more than 3 percentage points for poverty-stricken areas (including key counties covered by the national poverty alleviation program, and 14 contiguous areas in extreme poverty across the country, here and below), not more than 2 percentage points for central and western China, and not more than 1 percentage points for eastern China. The actual loan interest rate shall be determined by relevant handling banks upon consultation with the operation and management agencies of guarantee funds of entrepreneurship guaranteed loans within the aforesaid floating limits on interest rates.   第十一条 专项资金贴息的个人创业担保贷款,最高贷款额度为15万元,贷款期限最长不超过3年,贷款利率可在贷款合同签订日贷款基础利率的基础上上浮一定幅度,具体标准为贫困地区(含国家扶贫开发工作重点县、全国14个集中连片特殊困难地区,下同)上浮不超过3个百分点,中、西部地区上浮不超过2个百分点,东部地区上浮不超过1个百分点,实际贷款利率由经办银行在上述利率浮动上限内与创业担保贷款担保基金运营管理机构协商确定。
The credit line of entrepreneurship guaranteed loans for micro and small enterprises with special discounted interests shall be determined by the handling banks on the basis of the number of qualified employees hired by micro and small enterprises, and shall not exceed 3 million yuan at maximum. The loan term shall not exceed 2 years at maximum. The loan interest rate shall be determined by the handling banks with borrowers on the basis of borrowers' business operation situation, and credit information, among others. Entrepreneurship guaranteed loans for micro and small enterprises that have enjoyed discounted interest support of the public finance department may enjoy support via guarantee provided by the guaranteed funds of entrepreneurship guaranteed loans. 专项资金贴息的小微企业创业担保贷款,贷款额度由经办银行根据小微企业实际招用符合条件的人数合理确定,最高不超过300万元,贷款期限最长不超过2年,贷款利率由经办银行根据借款人的经营状况、信用情况等与借款人协商确定。对已享受财政部门贴息支持的小微企业创业担保贷款,可通过创业担保贷款担保基金提供担保形式支持。
Individuals and micro and small enterprises raising loans that are active in repayment, that have strong capacity for promoting employment, and that have good entrepreneurial projects may continue to enjoy discounted interests on entrepreneurship guaranteed loans for no more than three times accumulatively. Counter guarantee for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial projects and entrepreneurial enterprises that have obtained honorary titles at or above the municipal (districted city) level, credit micro and small enterprises, merchants and peasant households recognized upon assessment of financial institutions, secondary entrepreneurs that maintain operational stability and are faithful, and other special groups, in principle, shall be canceled. 对还款积极、带动就业能力强、创业项目好的借款个人和小微企业,可继续提供创业担保贷款贴息,但累计次数不得超过3次。对获得市(设区市)级以上荣誉称号的创业人员、创业项目、创业企业,经金融机构评估认定的信用小微企业、商户、农户,经营稳定守信的二次创业者等特定群体原则上取消反担保。
Article 12 Financial discounted interests for entrepreneurship guaranteed loans shall be calculated on the basis of the actual credit line, interest rate and interest-bearing period within the credit line, interest rate and time limit for discounted interest prescribed by the state. For entrepreneurship guaranteed loans to qualified individuals, the public finance departments shall grant full discounted interests; and for entrepreneurship guaranteed loans to qualified micro and small enterprises, the public finance departments shall offer discounted interests on the basis of 50% of the loan prime rate on the loan contract signing day. The public finance departments shall offer no discounted interest to renewed or overdue entrepreneurship guaranteed loans.   第十二条 创业担保贷款财政贴息,在国家规定的贷款额度、利率和贴息期限内,按照实际的贷款额度、利率和计息期限计算。其中,对符合条件的个人创业担保贷款,财政部门给予全额贴息;对符合条件的小微企业创业担保贷款,财政部门按照贷款合同签订日贷款基础利率的50%给予贴息。对展期、逾期的创业担保贷款,财政部门不予贴息。
With consent of the people's governments of provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning, here and below), all localities may appropriately relax the conditions for borrowers of entrepreneurship guaranteed loans and raise the ceiling on loan interest rate. The discounted interests for relevant entrepreneurship guaranteed loans shall be decided by the local public finance departments on their own. The specific standards and conditions for discounted interests shall be determined by all provinces in light of the reality. The expenditures of discounted interest funds arising therefrom shall be completely assumed by the local public finance departments. Entrepreneurship guaranteed loans with discounted interests arranged for by the local public finance departments on their own shall be separately managed from entrepreneurship guaranteed loans supported by central financial discounted interest and be accounted separately, and be subject to effective monitoring and analysis according to the requirements of the Notice by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the People's Bank of China, and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Further Effectively Completing the Monitoring and Analysis of the Policies on Discounted Interests for Entrepreneurship Guaranteed Loans (No. 107 [2018], MOF).
 经省(自治区、直辖市、计划单列市,下同)级人民政府同意,各地可适当放宽创业担保贷款借款人条件、提高贷款利率上限,相关创业担保贷款由地方财政部门自行决定贴息,具体贴息标准和条件由各省结合实际予以确定,因此而产生的贴息资金支出由地方财政部门全额承担。地方财政部门自行安排贴息的创业担保贷款,应当与中央财政贴息支持的创业担保贷款分离管理,分账核算,并按照《财政部 人力资源社会保障部 人民银行 银保监会关于进一步做好创业担保贷款贴息政策监测分析工作的通知》(财金〔2018〕107号)要求,做好监测分析工作。

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