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Regulations on Prevention and Control of Pollution of the Sea Areas of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (2004 Amendment) [Revised]
深圳经济特区海域污染防治条例(2004修正) [已被修订]

Regulations on Prevention and Control of Pollution of the Sea Areas of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone 


(Adopted at the Thirty-sixth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Second Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on November 22, 1999; revised at the 32nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on June 25, 2004)
(1999年11月22日深圳市第二届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十六次会议通过 2004年6月25日深圳市第三届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议修正)


Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to prevent and control the pollution of sea areas, protect the environment and resources of sea areas, and promote economic development, these regulations are formulated hereby in accordance with The Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China as well as in the light of the practical conditions of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.   第一条 为防治海域污染,保护海域环境及资源,促进经济发展,根据《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》,结合深圳经济特区实际情况,制定本条例。

Article 2 Any ships and owners of the ships sailing, anchoring and operating in the Shenzhen sea areas and any units and individuals doing production and business along the coast of the Shenzhen sea areas shall abide by these regulations.   第二条 在深圳海域航行、停泊、作业的船舶及其所有人、经营人和在深圳海域沿岸从事生产、经营活动的单位、个人,必须遵守本条例。

Article 3 The prevention and control of the sea areas' pollution shall follow the principle to give priority to prevention, combine prevention with control, and hold anyone causing pollution liable.   第三条 防治海域污染实行预防为主,防治结合,谁污染谁承担责任的原则。

Article 4 The Shenzhen Municipal People's Government's (hereinafter referred to as “the Municipal Government”) responsible administrative department of environmental protection and all the districts' people's governments' responsible administrative departments of environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as “the municipal and district departments of environmental protection”) shall be in charge of the environmental monitoring of the sea areas and supervising of prevention and control of the land-sourced pollutants and coastal projects from polluting the sea areas.   第四条 深圳市人民政府(以下简称市政府)环境保护行政主管部门和各区人民政府环境保护行政主管部门(以下简称市、区环境保护部门)负责海域环境监测、防治陆源污染物和海岸工程污染海域的监督管理。

The responsible administrative department of maritime affairs (hereinafter referred to as “the maritime department”) shall be in charge of surveillance of the sea areas and supervision of preventing and controlling ships and their related operations from polluting the sea areas.

The Municipal Government's administrative department of marine management (hereinafter referred to as “the marine management department”) shall cooperate with the municipal department of environmental protection in the environmental monitoring of the Shenzhen sea areas, participate in settling of serious accidents of pollution in the sea areas.

The Shenzhen administrative agency in charge of fishery and fishing harbors shall be responsible for supervision of sewage disposal in fishing harbors and ships as well as for surveillance of the sea areas of fishing harbor regions.

The Shenzhen sub-center for maritime search and salvage (hereinafter referred to as “the salvage center”) shall be responsible for unified organization, command of control and cleaning for pollution accidents in the sea areas.

Article 5 When making economic and technological policies for the development of marine and coastal resources, development plans and major development projects, the Municipal Government and the related departments shall evaluate the possible environmental effects and also propose the policies and measures to prevent and control pollution and to protect the ecological environment.   第五条 市政府及有关行政部门在制定海洋和海岸资源开发的经济和技术政策、发展规则和重大开发计划时,必须对可能产生的环境影响予以评价,并提出污染防治和生态环境保护的对策、措施。

Article 6 The municipal department of environmental protection shall work out environmental functional divisions of the sea areas, report to the Municipal Government and proceed to implementation after approval.   第六条 市环境保护部门会同有关部门制定海域环境功能区划,报市政府批准后实施。

Chapter II Prevention and Control of Ship Pollution 

第二章 船舶污染防治

Article 7 Captains shall be responsible for prevention and control of pollution of their own ships.   第七条 船长负责本船的污染防治工作。

Article 8 Ships shall have valid certificates or documents of pollution preventing in accordance with international conventions and the laws and rules of the state.   第八条 船舶应按国际公约和国家法律、法规的规定备有有效的防污证书和防污文书。

Ships operating with oil or poisonous and harmful liquid in bulk, disposing of consumer sewage, recycling ship waste shall be on record in accordance with the related rules.

Article 9 The ship waste shall be put in containers or garbage bags, the poisonous and harmful waste or other dangerous articles shall be placed separately.   第九条 船舶垃圾应存放在容器或垃圾袋内,其中含有毒有害或其它危险物品的,应单独存放。

Article 10 The facilities of a ship for pollution preventing shall be operated, maintained and repaired by persons specially assigned to such work in order to ensure the regular usability of the facilities.   第十条 船舶的防污设备应有专人负责使用、保养、维修,确保其正常使用。

Article 11 It shall be forbidden for ships to discharge pollutants to the sea areas. If a ship has pollutants which need to be disposed of, a receiving unit with qualification shall be entrusted with accepting the pollutants, and the information of names, properties and amounts of the pollutants shall be provided for the receiving unit. If the receiving unit has to transfer and dispose of the ship pollutants in the city, it shall have approval from the municipal department of environmental protection at the same time.   第十一条 禁止船舶向海域排放污染物。船舶污染物需处理的,应委托有相应资质的接收单位接收,并向接收单位提供污染物的品名、性质和数量等资料。接收单位需在本市运输、处理船舶污染物的,还须同时取得市环境保护部门的认可。

The receiving unit shall gather the accepted ship pollutants together and transfer them to the place designated by the municipal department of environmental protection.

The receiving unit shall report such acceptance to the maritime department every month.

Article 12 If a ship coming from an epidemic-stricken port has to dispose of garbage, consumer sewage and ballasting water, it shall apply to the inspection and quarantine agency at port of entry for sanitizing treatment. Only after the sanitizing treatment may a receiving unit be entrusted with accepting the waste; if the waste has not gone through the sanitizing treatment, the receiving unit shall not accept such delegation.   第十二条 来自有疫情发生的港口的船舶,需处理垃圾、生活污水、压舱水的,应申请进出境检验检疫部门进行卫生处理。经卫生处理后,方可委托接收单位接收;未经卫生处理的,接收单位不得接受委托。

Article 13 Any unit engaged in ship refueling shall obtain an operation permit approved and issued by the maritime department in accordance with the related rules of the state, and also report to the maritime department about the names of ships, the time and sites of operation, and the quality of fuel, etc. before refueling has been in operation.   第十三条 从事船舶加油作业的单位应按国家有关规定取得海事部门核发的作业许可证,并在加油作业前,向海事部门报告船名、作业时间、地点和油品质量等资料。

Article 14 When a ship is loading or unloading at a dock or transshipping cargo at an anchorage, the ship and operator of the dock shall abide by the operation rules, assign a special person to supervise on the spot, and take effective measures to prevent pollution in the sea areas.   第十四条 船舶在码头装卸或在锚地过驳作业时,船舶和码头经营者均应遵守操作规程,指定专人现场管理,采取有效措施防止海域污染。

Article 15 It shall be forbidden for a ship with cargo in bulk to wash its polluted decks within a harbor.   第十五条 禁止装载散装货物的船舶在港内冲洗有污染物的甲板。

Article 16 The maritime department shall have the waste water discharging facilities of the following ships sealed by lead:   第十六条 海事部门对下列船舶的污水排放设备采取铅封措施:

(1) ships specialized in operations within a harbor; (一)专门从事港内作业的船舶;

(2) ships with the facilities of pollution preventing which cannot operate normally; (二)防污染设备无法正常运行的船舶;

(3) ships which has anchored in a harbor area more than 30 days. (三)在港区内停泊三十日以上的船舶。

Without approval from the maritime department, any units and individuals maynot remove the lead sealing themselves.

Article 17 It shall be forbidden for the following ships to load and unload:   第十七条 禁止下列船舶进行装卸作业:

(1) ships loaded with more than 2,000 tons of cargo oil in bulk and having no insurance for civil damage liability of oil contamination or other letters of financial guarantee; (一)载运二千吨以上散装货油的船舶未持有油污损害民事责任保险或其他财务保证证书的;

(2) ships causing more than two (including two) “serious or major” accidents of pollution within one year. (二)一年内违反规定发生两次以上(含两次)“大或重大”污染事故的。

Article 18 Any units engaged in ship repair and maintenance shall be provided with equipments and materials for preventing pollution. When ships are under repair and maintenance, effective measures shall be taken to prevent the pollution of the sea areas.   第十八条 从事船舶修造、保养的单位应配备防污设备和器材。船舶进行修造、保养时,应采取有效措施,防止海域污染。

Article 19 Before salvaging a sunken ship, the owner of the ship or operator shall provide the related information of the ship and the loaded pollutants for a salvage unit; the salvage unit shall make a plan to prevent pollution before operation and report it to the maritime department for examination and approval.   第十九条 沉船打捞前,船舶所有人或经营人应向打捞单位提供船舶的有关资料和污染物的装载情况;打捞单位在作业前应制定防治污染方案,并报海事部门审核。

When salvaging a sunken ship, the salvage unit shall keep watch on the spot, and also control the damage of pollution according to the plan to prevent pollution and clean away pollutants promptly.

Chapter III Prevention and Control of Pollution Caused by
PollutantsOriginating in Land and Coastal Projects

第三章 陆源污染物和海岸工程污染防治

Article 20 If coastal projects of new construction, reconstruction, extended construction affect the environment, evaluation reports about environmental effects shall be worked out, submitted to the department of environmental protection for approval, and the rules concerning environmental management for construction projects shall be strictly followed.   第二十条 新建、改建、扩建对环境有影响的海岸工程项目,必须按规定编制环境影响评价报告书,报环境保护部门批准,并严格遵守有关建设项目环境管理的规定。

Article 21 Sea-filling projects shall be under strict control. If a project of sea-filling is indeed necessary, in addition to complying with the procedure for examination and approval of environmental effects according to Article 20 of these regulations, it shall do enclosing in the first place and then fill in the sea, and also use the specified filling materials, in order to prevent damages to the marine environment.
   第二十一条 严格控制填海工程。确实需要进行填海工程的,除按本条例第二十条规定办理环境影响审批手续外,应采取先围后填的方式进行,并使用规定的填充物,防止海洋环境遭受损害。

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