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Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Building of an Intellectual Property Right Power under New Conditions [Effective]
国务院关于新形势下加快知识产权强国建设的若干意见 [现行有效]

Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Building of an Intellectual Property Right Power under New Conditions 


(No. 71 [2015] of the State Council) (国发〔2015〕71号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
Since the implementation of the national intellectual property right strategy, the level of creation and application of intellectual property rights in China has been dramatically raised, the protection status has been significantly improved, the public awareness of intellectual property rights has extensively been heightened, and much progress has been made in the work as to intellectual property rights, playing an important role in economic and social development. Nevertheless, there exist problems urgently needing researching and resolving such as mass but weak and low-quality intellectual property rights, lax protection, frequent and extensive infringement of rights, and affecting enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship. At present, a new round of global scientific and technological revolution and industry transformation is gaining momentum, the shift of China's economic development mode is gathering pace, the trend that innovation directs development is more manifest, and the basic guarantee role of the intellectual property right system in stimulating innovation is more prominent. For the purposes of further implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, deepening the reform in the intellectual property right field, and expediting the building of an intellectual property right power, the following opinions are hereby offered. 国家知识产权战略实施以来,我国知识产权创造运用水平大幅提高,保护状况明显改善,全社会知识产权意识普遍增强,知识产权工作取得长足进步,对经济社会发展发挥了重要作用。同时,仍面临知识产权大而不强、多而不优、保护不够严格、侵权易发多发、影响创新创业热情等问题,亟待研究解决。当前,全球新一轮科技革命和产业变革蓄势待发,我国经济发展方式加快转变,创新引领发展的趋势更加明显,知识产权制度激励创新的基本保障作用更加突出。为深入实施创新驱动发展战略,深化知识产权领域改革,加快知识产权强国建设,现提出如下意见。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. By comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, according to the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy and the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the national intellectual property right strategy shall be profoundly carried out, the reform in key fields of intellectual property rights shall be deepened, the creation and application of intellectual property rights shall be effectively promoted, stricter protection of intellectual property rights shall be implemented, public services as to intellectual property rights shall be optimized, the booming of new technologies, industries and business types shall be boosted, the level of industry internationalization shall be raised, and entrepreneurship and innovation among all the people shall be guaranteed and encouraged, so as to provide strong support for the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy and lay a more solid foundation to drive the economy to grow at a medium-high rate and move towards the medium and high end and achieve the "Two Centenary Goals" and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (一)指导思想。全面贯彻党的十八大和十八届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,按照“四个全面”战略布局和党中央、国务院决策部署,深入实施国家知识产权战略,深化知识产权重点领域改革,有效促进知识产权创造运用,实行更加严格的知识产权保护,优化知识产权公共服务,促进新技术、新产业、新业态蓬勃发展,提升产业国际化发展水平,保障和激励大众创业、万众创新,为实施创新驱动发展战略提供有力支撑,为推动经济保持中高速增长、迈向中高端水平,实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦奠定更加坚实的基础。
2. Basic principles. (二)基本原则。
Adhering to strategic leadership: In accordance with strategic arrangements such as the innovation-driven development strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative, the improvement of the capability to create, apply, protect, manage and serve intellectual property rights shall be promoted, the implementation of the intellectual property right strategy shall be deepened, the quality of intellectual property rights shall be improved, a shift from large amount to excellence shall be achieved, and a new round of high-level outward opening shall be implemented, so as to boost sustained and robust economic development. 坚持战略引领。按照创新驱动发展战略和“一带一路”等战略部署,推动提升知识产权创造、运用、保护、管理和服务能力,深化知识产权战略实施,提升知识产权质量,实现从大向强、从多向优的转变,实施新一轮高水平对外开放,促进经济持续健康发展。
Adhering to reform and innovation: The improvement of the intellectual property right system with Chinese characteristics shall be accelerated, systems and mechanisms shall be reformed and innovated, the barriers that limit the development of intellectual property rights shall be removed, the focus shall be on advancing innovation and reform experiments, the knowledge-value orientation of the distribution system shall be strengthened, the critical role of the intellectual property right system in stimulating innovation and promoting the reasonable sharing of innovation achievements shall be maximized, and the improvement of quality and efficiency by enterprises and the transformation and upgrading of industries shall be boosted. 坚持改革创新。加快完善中国特色知识产权制度,改革创新体制机制,破除制约知识产权事业发展的障碍,着力推进创新改革试验,强化分配制度的知识价值导向,充分发挥知识产权制度在激励创新、促进创新成果合理分享方面的关键作用,推动企业提质增效、产业转型升级。
Adhering to a market-oriented approach: The decisive role of the market in allocating innovation resources shall be underscored, the mainstay position and leading role of enterprises in innovation shall be enhanced, and the reasonable flow and efficient allocation of innovation factors shall be boosted. The simplification of administrative procedures, decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization and regulation, and optimization of services shall be accelerated, the policy support, public services and market regulation with respect to intellectual property rights shall be strengthened, and every endeavor shall be made to create a fair, equitable, open and transparent law-based environment and market environment for intellectual property rights, so as to boost entrepreneurship and innovation among all the people. 坚持市场主导。发挥市场配置创新资源的决定性作用,强化企业创新主体地位和主导作用,促进创新要素合理流动和高效配置。加快简政放权、放管结合、优化服务,加强知识产权政策支持、公共服务和市场监管,着力构建公平公正、开放透明的知识产权法治环境和市场环境,促进大众创业、万众创新。
Adhering to coordination and all-around consideration: International and domestic innovation resources shall be coordinated, certain areas setting the pace in the development of intellectual property rights shall be built up, and China's advantages in intellectual property rights shall be cultivated. Global cooperation in open innovation shall be strengthened, the formulation and improvement of international rules of intellectual property rights shall be actively participated in and promoted, and a fair and reasonable international economic order shall be established, so as to create favorable conditions for market participants to participate in international competition and achieve fine imports and exports and mutual reciprocity. 坚持统筹兼顾。统筹国际国内创新资源,形成若干知识产权领先发展区域,培育我国知识产权优势。加强全球开放创新协作,积极参与、推动知识产权国际规则制定和完善,构建公平合理国际经济秩序,为市场主体参与国际竞争创造有利条件,实现优进优出和互利共赢。
3. Principal objectives. By 2020, defining achievements in the reform in the important fields and critical links of intellectual property rights will have been made, the granting, recognition and law enforcement protection systems of intellectual property rights will have been further improved, systems and mechanisms for intellectual property rights of clear boundaries between rights, reasonable division of labor, powers consistent with responsibilities, efficient operation, and law-based guarantee will have been formed, the capability to create, apply, protect, manage and serve intellectual property rights will have been greatly enhanced, the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship will have been further optimized, the new advantages in intellectual property rights for industries to participate in international competition will have been gradually built up, the modernization of the governance system and capacity for intellectual property rights will have been basically achieved, a group of strong provinces and municipalities in terms of intellectual property rights will have been built, the status as an intellectual property right power will have been consolidated in all aspects, and a solid foundation will have been laid for finishing building an intellectual property right power with Chinese characteristics and of world class. (三)主要目标。到2020年,在知识产权重要领域和关键环节改革上取得决定性成果,知识产权授权确权和执法保护体系进一步完善,基本形成权界清晰、分工合理、责权一致、运转高效、法治保障的知识产权体制机制,知识产权创造、运用、保护、管理和服务能力大幅提升,创新创业环境进一步优化,逐步形成产业参与国际竞争的知识产权新优势,基本实现知识产权治理体系和治理能力现代化,建成一批知识产权强省、强市,知识产权大国地位得到全方位巩固,为建成中国特色、世界水平的知识产权强国奠定坚实基础。
II. Advancing the reform of management systems and mechanisms of intellectual property rights   二、推进知识产权管理体制机制改革
4. Researching the improvement of management systems of intellectual property rights. The inter-ministerial joint conference system for the implementation of the national intellectual property right strategy shall be improved, and the leader of the State Council shall act as convener. The reform of management systems and mechanisms of intellectual property rights shall be vigorously researched and explored. Regions shall be authorized to conduct reform experiments on intellectual property rights. Regions with good conditions shall be encouraged to launch pilot programs of the reform of comprehensive management of intellectual property rights. (四)研究完善知识产权管理体制。完善国家知识产权战略实施工作部际联席会议制度,由国务院领导同志担任召集人。积极研究探索知识产权管理体制机制改革。授权地方开展知识产权改革试验。鼓励有条件的地方开展知识产权综合管理改革试点。
5. Improving the management of the service sector and social organizations with respect to intellectual property rights. The access to the service sector as to intellectual property rights shall be relaxed, the high-quality and efficient development of the service sector shall be promoted, and the construction of clusters for the service sector as to intellectual property rights shall be accelerated. The opening of the patent agency field shall be expanded, and the condition restrictions on shareholders or partners of patent agencies shall be relaxed. The launch of the pilot program of "one industry with multiple associations" among associations and organizations in the service sector as to intellectual property rights shall be explored. The practice information disclosure system shall be improved so as to promptly disclose to the public the information relating to the credit evaluation of intellectual property right agencies and practitioners. The fee rates of copyright collective management institutions shall be regulated, and the income distribution system shall be improved, so as to allow copyright owners to receive more royalty income. (五)改善知识产权服务业及社会组织管理。放宽知识产权服务业准入,促进服务业优质高效发展,加快建设知识产权服务业集聚区。扩大专利代理领域开放,放宽对专利代理机构股东或合伙人的条件限制。探索开展知识产权服务行业协会组织“一业多会”试点。完善执业信息披露制度,及时公开知识产权代理机构和从业人员信用评价等相关信息。规范著作权集体管理机构收费标准,完善收益分配制度,让著作权人获得更多许可收益。
6. Establishing a review mechanism of intellectual property rights in major economic activities. The development of an intellectual property right review policy shall be researched. The guidelines for review of intellectual property rights shall be improved, and the scope and procedures of review shall be regulated. Intellectual property rights shall be reviewed centering on the major national industry plans and major investment projects in the high-technology field, among others, an assessment system of objectives of intellectual property rights in national science and technology programs shall be established, a pilot program of review of intellectual property rights in major science and technology activities shall be vigorously explored, and a release system of reports on review of intellectual property rights in key areas shall be established, so as to improve innovation efficiency and reduce the risk in industry development. (六)建立重大经济活动知识产权评议制度。研究制定知识产权评议政策。完善知识产权评议工作指南,规范评议范围和程序。围绕国家重大产业规划、高技术领域重大投资项目等开展知识产权评议,建立国家科技计划知识产权目标评估制度,积极探索重大科技活动知识产权评议试点,建立重点领域知识产权评议报告发布制度,提高创新效率,降低产业发展风险。
7. Establishing an evaluation system of innovation-driven development with intellectual property rights as an important content. The development evaluation system shall be improved, intellectual property right products shall be gradually integrated into the national economic accounting, and intellectual property right indicators shall be included in the national economic and social development plans. Annual reports on the development of intellectual property rights shall be released. In the comprehensive evaluation and assessment of party and government headships and leaders, the focus shall be on the circumstances and achievements in encouraging invention and creation, protection of intellectual property rights, strengthening transformation and application, creating a good environment and other aspects. The establishment of an evaluation mode for state-owned enterprises that emphasizes business performance, intellectual property rights and innovation shall be explored. Rewarding items with respect to intellectual property rights shall be established in accordance with the relevant rules of the state, and the weight to the evaluation of intellectual property rights given by various national reward systems shall be increased. (七)建立以知识产权为重要内容的创新驱动发展评价制度。完善发展评价体系,将知识产权产品逐步纳入国民经济核算,将知识产权指标纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。发布年度知识产权发展状况报告。在对党政领导班子和领导干部进行综合考核评价时,注重鼓励发明创造、保护知识产权、加强转化运用、营造良好环境等方面的情况和成效。探索建立经营业绩、知识产权和创新并重的国有企业考评模式。按照国家有关规定设置知识产权奖励项目,加大各类国家奖励制度的知识产权评价权重。
III. Implementing strict protection of intellectual property rights   三、实行严格的知识产权保护
8. Increasing the efforts to punish infringement of intellectual property rights. The law-based protection of intellectual property rights shall be promoted, the leading role of judicial protection shall be used, and the protection mode of intellectual property rights in which administrative law enforcement and judicial protection complement each other's advantages and are organically dovetailed with each other shall be improved. The statutory maximum compensation for infringement of intellectual property rights shall be increased, punitive damages for malicious tort having serious circumstances shall be imposed, and tortfeasors shall be liable for the reasonable expenses incurred. The disclosure of information on cases of administrative punishment of infringement on intellectual property rights shall be further advanced. The quick enforcement mechanism of intellectual property rights shall be improved. The Customs' protection of intellectual property rights by law enforcement shall be strengthened. The law enforcement efforts in respect of intellectual property rights in international expositions, e-commerce and other fields shall be increased. Joint law enforcement with relevant international organizations and overseas law enforcement authorities shall be conducted, outward cooperation in judicial protection of intellectual property rights shall be strengthened, China shall be promoted in becoming an important place to settle international disputes over intellectual property rights, and an open innovation environment of more international competitiveness shall be built.

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