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Notice of the People's Bank of China on the Pilot Program of Canceling the Issuance of the License for Opening Enterprises' Bank Accounts [Partially Invalid]
中国人民银行关于试点取消企业银行账户开户许可证核发的通知(附:试点取消企业基本存款账户开户许可证核发业务处理办法) [部分失效]

Notice of the People's Bank of China on the Pilot Program of Canceling the Issuance of the License for Opening Enterprises' Bank Accounts 


(No. 125 [2018] of the People's Bank of China) (银发〔2018〕125号 2018年5月23日)

The Shanghai Head Office of the People's Bank of China (“PBC”); all branches and business management departments of the PBC; the central sub-branches of the PBC in all provincial capital cities (capital cities of autonomous regions) and the central sub-branch in Shenzhen; China Development Bank; all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks; and the Postal Savings Bank of China: 中国人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部,各省会(首府)城市中心支行,深圳市中心支行;国家开发银行,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行,中国邮政储蓄银行:
With the approval of the State Council, the PBC has decided to launch the pilot program of canceling the issuance of the license for opening enterprises' bank accounts, and you are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows: 经国务院批准同意,人民银行决定试点取消企业银行账户开户许可证核发,现将有关事项通知如下:
I. Objective of the pilot program   一、试点目的
Through conducting the pilot program of canceling the issuance of the license for opening enterprises' bank accounts, the account opening services for enterprises shall be optimized, and the bank account management mode shall be improved, so as to accumulate experience for the reform of bank account management rules. 通过试点取消企业银行账户开户许可证核发,优化企业开户服务,改进银行账户管理模式,为银行账户管理制度改革积累经验。
II. Principles for the pilot program   二、试点原则
(1) Giving priority to services and enhancing the degree of satisfaction. By taking the opportunity of canceling the issuance of the license for opening enterprises' bank accounts, the procedures for opening enterprises' bank accounts shall be optimized, and the enterprise account opening convenience and service satisfaction shall be effectively enhanced, so as to continuously enhance the capability of providing financial services to serve the real economy. (一)服务优先,提升满意度。以取消企业银行账户开户许可证核发为契机,优化企业银行账户开户流程,切实提高企业开户便捷度和服务满意度,不断增强金融服务实体经济的能力。
(2) Combining decentralization with appropriate control and preventing risks. When the issuance of the license for opening enterprises' bank accounts is canceled, the ex ante, interim and ex post management of bank accounts shall be strengthened, banks shall be urged to perform the obligation of identifying clients' identities, and the real-name system of bank accounts shall be effectively implemented, so as to effectively prevent lawbreakers from using bank accounts to transfer funds involved in illegal and criminal activities. (二)放管结合,防范风险。在取消企业银行账户开户许可证核发的同时,强化银行账户事前事中事后管理,督促银行履行客户身份识别义务,切实落实银行账户实名制,有效防范不法分子利用银行账户转移违法犯罪资金。
(3) Implementing step by step and making steady progress. For the purposes of maintaining the management order of bank accounts, the pilot program shall be promoted by stage in a stable and orderly manner under the principles of enterprises first and other entities afterwards, basic deposit accounts first and other bank accounts afterwards, adjusting advance examination first and strengthening interim and ex post management afterwards. (三)分步实施,稳妥推进。为维护银行账户管理秩序,按照先企业、后其他单位,先基本存款账户、后其他银行账户,先调整事前审核、后强化事中事后管理的原则,分阶段、稳妥有序推进试点。
III. Pilot regions   三、试点地区
Taizhou City of Jiangsu Province and counties (cities and districts) under its jurisdiction, and Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province and counties (cities and districts) under its jurisdiction. 江苏省泰州市及下辖县(市、区)、浙江省台州市及下辖县(市、区)。
IV. Time of the pilot program   四、试点时间
The pilot program shall be implemented as of June 11, 2018. 自2018年6月11日起实施。
V. Scope of the pilot business   五、试点业务范围
The pilot program shall cover the basic deposit account services provided by banking financial institutions in pilot regions (hereinafter referred to as “banks”) for enterprise legal persons, unincorporated enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households (hereinafter referred to as “enterprises”) legally formed within China. 试点地区银行业金融机构(以下简称银行)为境内依法设立的企业法人、非法人企业、个体工商户(以下统称企业)办理基本存款账户业务。
The basic deposit account business where banks are the depositors shall temporarily not be included in the scope of the pilot program. 银行作为存款人办理基本存款账户业务暂不纳入试点范围。
VI. Content of the pilot program   六、试点内容
(1) Canceling the issuance of the license for opening basic deposit accounts of enterprises. (一)取消企业基本存款账户开户许可证核发。
PBC branch offices in pilot regions shall change the confirmation system of banks' opening of basic deposit accounts for enterprises to the recordation system, and shall no longer issue the license for opening basic deposit accounts. Banks in pilot regions shall, after examining the authenticity of enterprises' identities and account opening willingness and the uniqueness of basic deposit accounts as required, open basic deposit accounts for qualified enterprises. The confirmation system for the subsequent modification and cancellation of the accounts shall be changed to the recordation system, under which the modification and cancellation of the accounts are not required to be subject to the confirmation of PBC branch offices. 试点地区人民银行分支机构对银行为企业开立基本存款账户由核准制调整为备案制,不再核发基本存款账户开户许可证。试点地区银行按规定审核企业身份、开户意愿真实性以及基本存款账户唯一性后,为符合条件的企业开立基本存款账户。该账户后续办理变更、撤销业务也由核准制调整为备案制,无需经人民银行分支机构核准。
(2) Strengthening ex ante, interim and ex post management. (二)加强事前事中事后管理。
Banks in pilot regions shall implement face-to-face signature system for opening basic deposit accounts for enterprises; and enter into account management agreements with enterprises to further specify the rights, obligations and responsibilities of both parties. They shall strengthen the management of payment of funds from basic deposit accounts to individuals' bank settlement accounts, and improve the mechanism for handling abnormal circumstances such as the failure to undergo the modification formalities for the change of enterprises' important information, failure to replace expired certificates, failure to cooperate in account reconciliation, and non-occurrence of payment and receipt of accounts for one consecutive year. 试点地区银行为企业开立基本存款账户实行面签制度;与企业签订账户管理协议进一步明确双方权利、义务和责任;强化基本存款账户向个人银行结算账户支付款项管理,健全企业重要信息发生变化未办理变更、证件到期未更换、不配合对账、账户连续一年未发生收付活动等异常情形处置机制。
PBC branch offices in pilot regions shall, by relying on the RMB bank settlement account management system (hereinafter referred to as the “account management system”), check the uniqueness of enterprises' basic deposit accounts and the regulatory compliance and integrity of account opening materials, and conduct on-site and off-site inspections of the management of bank accounts. Banks and enterprises which have a high error rate in business handling and violations of account management provisions shall be subject to such measures as suspending the implementation of the pilot program and administrative penalty. 试点地区人民银行分支机构依托人民币银行结算账户管理系统(以下简称账户管理系统)对企业基本存款账户的唯一性及开户资料的合规性、完整性进行核查,对银行账户管理情况开展现场和非现场检查。对于业务办理差错率高、违反账户管理规定的银行和企业,采取暂停试点、行政处罚等措施。
VII. Handling of the pilot business   七、试点业务处理
(1) Stage I. (一)第一阶段。
From June 11, 2018, where an enterprise intends to open a basic deposit account in a pilot region, it shall submit account opening application materials to a bank in accordance with the current provisions. A bank in a pilot region shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, examine the authenticity, completeness and regulatory compliance of the account opening certification documents, have a face-to-face signature with the legal representative of the enterprise or the person in charge of the entity, and after examining the uniqueness of the basic deposit account by relying on the account management system, open the basic deposit account for the qualified enterprise and deliver the basic deposit account number and the depositor's password to the enterprise. 自2018年6月11日起,企业在试点地区开立基本存款账户时,按现行规定向银行提交开户申请资料。试点地区银行按规定审核开户证明文件的真实性、完整性、合规性,面签企业法定代表人或单位负责人,并依托账户管理系统审核基本存款账户唯一性后,为符合条件的企业开立基本存款账户,并将基本存款账户编号、存款人密码交付企业。
The bank in the pilot region shall, after completing the opening of the basic deposit account, report in a timely manner the account opening information to the local PBC branch office for recordation through the account management system, and shall, within two working days, submit a copy or photocopy of the account opening materials to the local PBC branch office. 试点地区银行完成基本存款账户开立后,应当及时将开户信息通过账户管理系统向人民银行当地分支机构备案,并在2个工作日内将开户资料复印件或影印件报送人民银行当地分支机构。
The PBC branch office in the pilot region shall, within two working days of receipt of the account opening materials submitted by the bank, complete the ex post verification, and the inspection proportion shall reach 100% within three months from the beginning of the pilot program, and the follow-up requirements shall be notified separately in light of the implementation of the pilot program. 试点地区人民银行分支机构应当在收到银行报送开户资料后2个工作日内完成事后核查,试点开始起3个月内核查比例应当达到100%,后续要求视试点情况另行通知。
When an enterprise that is not required to obtain a license for opening a basic deposit account since it is included in the pilot program handles any other bank account business for which the license for opening basic deposit accounts needs to be provided in accordance with the relevant provisions, it shall provide the bank (excluding banks outside the pilot regions) with the basic deposit account number to replace the original confirmation number of the basic deposit account. 企业因纳入本次试点无需领取基本存款账户开户许可证的,在办理其他按规定需出具基本存款账户开户许可证的银行账户业务时,应当向银行(含试点地区以外的银行)提供基本存款账户编号以替代原基本存款账户核准号使用。
See the Measures for Business Handling under the Pilot Program of Canceling the Issuance of the License for Opening Basic Deposit Accounts of Enterprises (see Annex 1) for the handling of the specific business. 具体业务处理见《试点取消企业基本存款账户开户许可证核发业务处理办法》(见附件1)。
(2) Stage II. (二)第二阶段。
From December 1, 2018, banks in pilot regions shall, when opening basic deposit accounts for enterprises, in addition to carrying out the measures for business handling at stage I, increase the content of the pilot program such as improving account management agreements, increasing authentication methods, strengthening the management of “fund transfer from enterprise account to individual account,” improving the mechanism for handling abnormal circumstances, and strengthening the management of cancellation of accounts (see Annex 2). The measures for business handling at stage II will be issued in a separate notice. 自2018年12月1日起,试点地区银行为企业开立基本存款账户时,除按照第一阶段业务处理办法执行外,增加完善账户管理协议、增加身份验证方式、加强“公转私”管理、健全异常情况处理机制、加强销户管理等试点内容(见附件2),第二阶段业务处理办法另行通知。
VIII. Preparation for the pilot program   八、试点准备
(1) System reform. (一)系统改造。
(a) Account management system. On June 8, 2018, the PBC will organize the upgrading of the account management system, adding the recordation function for the opening, modification and cancellation of basic deposit accounts of enterprises handled by banks in pilot regions. PBC branch offices in pilot regions shall organize and complete the setup of operators. 1.账户管理系统。2018 年6月8日,人民银行组织开展账户管理系统升级,新增试点地区银行办理企业基本存款账户开立、变更、撤销备案功能;试点地区人民银行分支机构组织完成操作员设置。
(b) Business systems of banks. Before June 1, 2018, banks shall complete the reform of internal systems relating to the content of the pilot program at stage I. Before October 15, 2018, banks shall complete the reform of their internal systems relating to the content of the pilot program at stage II. 2.银行业务系统。2018年6月1日前,银行应当完成第一阶段试点内容相关行内系统改造。2018年10月15日前,银行应当完成第二阶段试点内容相关行内系统改造。
(2) Business preparation (二)业务准备。
(a) Business training. Before June 1, 2018, PBC branch offices and banks in pilot regions shall complete business training for bank tellers, account management personnel, customer service staff and other relevant personnel to ensure that they understand the background and significance of the pilot program, and accurately understand the provisions of the policies on the pilot program and the unified criteria for answering the relevant questions. 1.业务培训。2018年6月1日前,试点地区人民银行分支机构、银行完成对银行柜员、账户管理人员、客服人员等相关人员的业务培训,确保其了解试点工作背景、意义,准确掌握试点政策规定,以及对有关问题的解答口径。
(b) Revisions to rules and agreements. Before June 1, 2018, all banks shall complete the revision of the account management rules and internal operating procedures, among others, relating to the content of the pilot program at stage I, and report them to the PBC for recordation. Before October 15, 2018, all banks shall complete the revision of the account management rules, internal operating procedures, and agreements on the management of basic deposit accounts, among others, relating to the content of the pilot program at stage II, and submit them to the PBC for recordation. All policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, and the Postal Savings Bank of China shall report to the PBC Head Office for recordation. The branch offices of all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, and the Postal Savings Bank of China in pilot regions and local banks in pilot regions shall report to local PBC branch offices for recordation. 2.制度及协议修订。2018年6月1日前,各银行应当完成第一阶段试点内容相关账户管理制度、内部操作规程等修订工作,并报人民银行备案。2018年10月15日前,各银行应当完成第二阶段试点内容相关账户管理制度、内部操作规程、基本存款账户管理协议等修订工作,并报人民银行备案。各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、中国邮政储蓄银行报人民银行总行备案,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、中国邮政储蓄银行试点地区分支机构及试点地区地方性银行报所在地人民银行分支机构备案。
(3) Announcement on the pilot program. Before June 8, 2018, banks in pilot regions shall post the Announcement on Canceling the Issuance of the License for Opening Basic Deposit Accounts of Enterprises (see Annex 3) at each bank outlet conducting the corporate business. 3.试点公告。2018 年6 月8 日前,试点地区银行应当在每个对公银行网点张贴《关于取消企业基本存款账户开户许可证核发的公告》(见附件3)。
IX. Report on the pilot program   九、试点报告
PBC branch offices and banks in pilot regions shall report the circumstances on the pilot program in a timely manner (see Annex 4 for the template), and set up liaison officers for the pilot program (set position A and position B) to handle the problems occurred in the pilot program in a timely manner. 试点地区人民银行分支机构、银行应当及时报告试点情况(模板见附件4),并设立试点联络员(设A、B角),及时处置试点中出现的问题。
Before the implementation of the pilot program, all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, the Postal Savings Bank of China, and their branch offices in pilot regions shall report the information on their preparations for the pilot program to the PBC Head Office and local PBC branch offices respectively seven working days before the implementation of the pilot program. Other banks in pilot regions shall report the information on their preparations for the pilot program to local PBC branch offices seven working days before the implementation of the pilot program. The PBC Nanjing Branch and Hangzhou Central Sub-branch shall report the information on the preparation for the pilot program within their respective jurisdictions to the PBC Head Office five working days before the implementation of the pilot program. 试点实施前,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、中国邮政储蓄银行及其试点地区分支机构应当于试点实施前7个工作日将本银行试点准备情况分别报送人民银行总行和人民银行当地分支机构,试点地区其他银行应当于试点实施前7个工作日将本银行试点准备情况报送人民银行当地分支机构。人民银行南京分行、杭州中心支行应当在试点实施前5个工作日将辖区内试点准备情况报告人民银行总行。
In the first week after the implementation of the pilot program, banks in pilot regions shall, at the end of each business day, report the information on the implementation of the pilot program on that day to PBC branch offices, and the PBC Nanjing Branch and Hangzhou Central Sub-branch shall, before 19:00 each day, report the information on the implementation of the pilot program within their respective jurisdictions together with the Statistical Form on Basic Deposit Accounts of Enterprises in Pilot Regions (see Annex 5) to the PBC Head Office. 试点实施后第一周,试点地区银行应当于每日营业终了将当天试点情况报送人民银行分支机构,人民银行南京分行、杭州中心支行应当于每日19:00前将辖区内试点情况连同《试点地区企业基本存款账户情况统计表》(见附件5)报送人民银行总行。
From the second week to three months after the implementation of the pilot program, the rules for reporting every two weeks shall be implemented. A bank in the pilot region shall, on the last working day of every two weeks, report the information on the implementation of the pilot program to the PBC branch office, and the PBC Nanjing Branch and Hangzhou Central Sub-branch shall report the information on the implementation of the pilot program to the PBC Head Office on the next working day. 从第二周开始至试点后3个月,执行两周一报制度。试点地区银行应当于每两周最后一个工作日将试点情况报送人民银行分支机构,人民银行南京分行、杭州中心支行应当于下一工作日报告人民银行总行。
The reporting rules under the pilot program at stage II will be announced in a separate notice. 试点第二阶段报告制度另行通知。
X. Division of functions   十、职责分工
(1) PBC Head Office. It shall be responsible for the overall organization, coordination and management of the pilot work, make plans for the pilot work and measures for the handling of the pilot business, and organize the reform of the account management system and publicity of the pilot work. It shall make overall arrangements and promote the implementation of the pilot work, and conduct research and make decisions on the problems occurred in the pilot work. (一)人民银行总行。负责试点工作的总体组织、协调、管理,制定试点工作方案和试点业务处理办法,组织开展账户管理系统改造、试点工作宣传。统筹推进试点工作实施,对试点工作中出现的问题进行研究决策。
(2) PBC branch offices in pilot regions. They shall be responsible for the specific organization and implementation of the pilot work within their respective jurisdictions, make plans for the pilot work within their respective jurisdictions, direct and urge banks within their respective jurisdictions to implement the requirements for the pilot work, conduct ex post verification of the basic deposit accounts of enterprises as required, organize the publicity work within their respective jurisdictions, punish the banks and enterprises which have any regulatory violation as required, and summarize and report the information on the pilot work in a timely manner. (二)试点地区人民银行分支机构。负责辖区内试点工作的具体组织实施,制定辖区内试点工作方案,指导、督促辖区内银行落实试点要求,按规定开展企业基本存款账户事后核查,组织开展辖区内宣传工作,按规定对存在违规行为的银行和企业进行处理,及时总结并报告试点情况。
(3) Banks in pilot regions. The head offices of banks in pilot regions shall be responsible for organizing and effectively conducting their pilot work, revising the relevant rules and account management agreements, and completing the transformation of business systems. Banks in pilot regions shall conduct the pilot business as required, effectively conduct the training and publicity of the pilot business and the handling of clients' complaints, and report the information on the pilot work in a timely manner. (三)试点地区银行。试点地区银行的总行负责组织做好本银行试点工作,修订相关制度及账户管理协议,完成业务系统改造。试点地区银行按规定开展试点业务,做好试点业务培训、宣传和客户投诉处理工作,及时报告试点情况。
XI. Work requirements   十一、工作要求
(1) Organization and leadership shall be strengthened. PBC branch offices and banks in pilot regions shall fully realize the significance of the pilot work to optimizing the account opening services for enterprises and reforming the bank account management rules, and effectively strengthen organization and leadership. The PBC Nanjing Branch and Hangzhou Central Sub-branch shall establish a coordination mechanism for the pilot work within their respective jurisdictions, be responsible for the organization and management of the pilot work, and coordinate the resolution of problems on the pilot work. They shall, in light of local actual circumstances, make plans for the pilot work, specify work responsibilities, carry out work tasks, and provide sufficient human and material resource guarantee for the pilot work. (一)加强组织领导。试点地区人民银行分支机构、银行应当充分认识试点工作对于优化企业开户服务、改革银行账户管理制度的重要意义,切实加强组织领导。人民银行南京分行、杭州中心支行应当建立辖区内试点工作协调机制,负责试点工作的组织管理,协调解决试点有关问题。应当结合当地实际制定试点工作方案,明确工作责任,落实工作任务,为试点工作提供充足的人力物力保障。
(2) Good preparations shall be diligently made for the pilot work. Banks in pilot regions shall, as required, make good preparations for the reform of their internal systems, and revision of account management agreements and rules, among others. Banks that fail to complete the revision to relevant agreements or rules on schedule or of which relevant agreements or rules do not satisfy the relevant requirements shall not participate in the pilot work. (二)认真做好试点准备工作。试点地区银行应当按要求做好行内系统改造,账户管理协议、制度修订等各项准备工作。未按期完成相关协议、制度修订或相关协议、制度不符合要求的银行,不得参加试点工作。
(3) The order of the pilot work shall be regulated. PBC branch offices in pilot regions shall strengthen the guidance and supervision on the pilot business, strengthen the ex post verification of basic deposit accounts of enterprises, and maintain the order of the pilot work. A bank in the pilot region shall conduct the examination of the enterprise's account opening materials, face-to-face signature and other work as required, regulate the business of enterprises' basic deposit accounts, and accurately enter enterprises' basic deposit account information in the account management system for recordation. PBC branch offices and banks in pilot regions shall, in light of the pilot work, further optimize the account-opening process of enterprises, enhance the efficiency of examination of enterprise account opening, and reduce enterprise account opening time to the most extent. (三)规范试点工作秩序。试点地区人民银行分支机构应当加强对试点业务的指导和监督,强化企业基本存款账户事后核查,维护试点工作秩序。试点地区银行应当按规定开展企业开户资料审核、面签等工作,规范办理企业基本存款账户业务,准确向账户管理系统备案企业基本存款账户信息。试点地区人民银行分支机构、银行应当结合试点工作,进一步优化企业开户流程,提高企业开户审核效率,最大限度压缩企业开户时间。
(4) Publicity shall be actively conducted. PBC branch offices and banks in pilot regions shall actively conduct publicity on the pilot program, and adopt various means such as publicity slogans, media reports, issuance of publicity brochures, micro blog, official WeChat accounts, and mobile phone client terminals to conduct multiple forms of publicity activities that are close to the public, and create a sound atmosphere for the pilot work. At the same time, they shall strengthen public opinion collection and guidance, and handle relevant events on public opinions in a timely and appropriate manner. (四)积极开展宣传。试点地区人民银行分支机构、银行应当积极开展试点宣传工作,采取宣传标语、媒体报道、发放宣传折页、微博、微信公众号、手机客户端等方式,开展形式多样、贴近公众的宣传活动,为试点工作营造良好氛围。同时,加强舆情收集和引导,及时妥善处理相关舆情事件。
Please report the circumstances and problems encountered in implementation to the PBC Head Office in a timely manner. 执行中如遇情况和问题,请及时报告人民银行总行。
The PBC Shanghai Head Office, all branches and business management departments of the PBC, all central sub-branches of the PBC in capital cities of provinces (autonomous regions) and the central sub-branch of the PBC in Shenzhen shall forward this Notice to PBC branch offices and banks within their respective jurisdictions in a timely manner. 请人民银行上海总部,各分行、营业管理部,各省会(首府)城市中心支行,深圳市中心支行及时将本通知转发至辖区内人民银行分支机构和银行。
Annexes: 附件:
1. Measures for Business Handling under the Pilot Program of Canceling the Issuance of the License for Opening Basic Deposit Accounts of Enterprises 1.试点取消企业基本存款账户开户许可证核发业务处理办法
2. Content of the Pilot Program Increased at stage II 2.第二阶段增加试点内容
3. Announcement on Canceling the Issuance of the License for Opening Basic Deposit Accounts of Enterprises 3.关于取消企业基本存款账户开户许可证核发的公告
4. Reporting Template 4.报告模板
5. Statistical Form on Basic Deposit Accounts of Enterprises in Pilot Regions 5.试点地区企业基本存款账户情况统计表

第一章 总则

   第一条 为规范试点取消企业基本存款账户开户许可证核发业务处理,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》(中国人民银行令〔2003〕第5号发布)等规定,制定本办法。
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