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Notice by the National Development and Reform Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Review of Price Appraisal [Effective]
国家发展改革委关于印发《价格认定复核办法》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the National Development and Reform Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Review of Price Appraisal 


(No. 1343 [2018] of the National Development and Reform Commission) (发改价格规〔2018〕1343号)

The development and reform commissions and price bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: 各省、自治区、直辖市、新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委、物价局:
For purposes of regulating the review of price appraisal and ensuring the smooth progress of relevant discipline inspection and supervision and judicial work, in accordance with the Price Appraisal Provisions, we have developed the Measures for the Review of Price Appraisal (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”), which are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. 为规范价格认定复核工作,保障相关纪检监察、司法工作的顺利进行,根据《价格认定规定》,特制定《价格认定复核办法》,现印发给你们,请按照执行。
Annex: Measures for the Review of Price Appraisal 附件:价格认定复核办法
National Development and Reform Commission 国家发展改革委
September 15, 2018 2018年9月15日
Annex 附件
Measures for the Review of Price Appraisal 价格认定复核办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For purposes of regulating the review of price appraisal and ensuring the smooth progress of discipline inspection and supervision and judicial work, these Measures are developed in light of the price appraisal practices and in accordance with the Price Appraisal Provisions (No. 2251 [2015], NDRC).   第一条 为规范价格认定复核工作,保障纪检监察、司法工作的顺利进行,根据《价格认定规定》(发改价格〔2015〕2251号)等有关规定,结合价格认定工作实际,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “review of price appraisal” means the act, as conducted by the price appraisal institution of the price department of the people's government at the higher level, of examining and making a review decision on the price appraisal conclusion or review decision made by the price appraisal institution of the price department of the people's government at the lower level, and the act of making a final review decision by the price appraisal institution of the price department of the State Council, after a discipline inspection and supervision organ, or a judicial organ (hereinafter referred to as the “requesting organ”) raises an objection to the price appraisal conclusion or review decision and requests a review when a price appraisal institution handles the price appraisal work in any case of suspected violation of disciplines and laws or any case of suspected criminal offense.   第二条 本办法所称价格认定复核,是指价格认定机构办理涉嫌违纪违法案件、涉嫌刑事案件价格认定时,纪检监察、司法机关(以下简称提出机关)对价格认定结论或者复核决定有异议并提出复核的,上级人民政府价格主管部门的价格认定机构对下级人民政府价格主管部门的价格认定机构作出的价格认定结论或者复核决定进行审核并作出复核决定的行为,以及国务院价格主管部门的价格认定机构作出最终复核决定的行为。
The “requesting organ”as referred to in the preceding paragraph includes the original price appraisal requesting organ, and other judicial organs that raise objections to the price appraisal conclusion or review decision in the cases transferred from discipline inspection and supervision organs and public security organs to the people's procuratorates for examination and prosecution or legal proceedings instituted by the people's procuratorates to the people's courts. 前款所称提出机关,包括原价格认定提出机关,以及纪检监察机关、公安机关移送人民检察院审查起诉和人民检察院向人民法院提起公诉的案件中对价格认定结论或者复核决定有异议的其他司法机关。
Article 3 The review of price appraisal shall follow the principles of “unified leadership, hierarchical administration, territorial jurisdiction, and level-by-level review.”   第三条 价格认定复核工作实行“统一领导、分级管理、属地管辖、逐级复核”的原则。
The price appraisal institutions of the price departments of the people's governments at the prefecture or city level or above shall handle the review of price appraisal. 地市级及以上人民政府价格主管部门的价格认定机构办理价格认定的复核事项。
The review decision made by the price appraisal institution of the price department of the State Council shall be the final review decision. 国务院价格主管部门的价格认定机构作出的复核决定为最终复核决定。
Chapter II Request of Review 

第二章 复核的提出

Article 4 Where the requesting organ has any objection to the price appraisal conclusion or review decision, it may, within 60 days of receipt of the price appraisal conclusion or review decision, file a review request with the price appraisal institution at the next higher level than the price appraisal institution that makes the price appraisal conclusion or review decision.   第四条 提出机关对价格认定结论或者复核决定有异议的,可以在提出机关收到价格认定结论或者复核决定之日起60日内,向作出该价格认定结论或者复核决定的价格认定机构的上一级价格认定机构逐级提出复核。
Where a requesting organ has any objection to the price appraisal conclusion made by the price appraisal institution of the price department of the State Council, it may, within 60 days of receipt of the price appraisal conclusion, file a final review request with the price appraisal institution of the price department of the State Council. 提出机关对国务院价格主管部门的价格认定机构出具的价格认定结论有异议的,可以在收到价格认定结论之日起60日内,向国务院价格主管部门的价格认定机构提出最终复核。
Where the parties to a price appraisal have any objection to the price appraisal conclusion or review decision, it may file a review application with the requesting organ within the prescribed time limit, and offer relevant reasons and basis. The requesting organ, after approving it, shall file a review request according to the relevant provisions. 价格认定事项当事人对价格认定结论或者复核决定有异议的,可以在规定期限内向提出机关提出复核申请,并提供相关的理由和依据,经提出机关认可后,由提出机关按规定提出复核。
Article 5 It is not allowed to re-apply to the price appraisal institution that has made a review decision on a price appraisal, for a review of the same. No review request shall be made more than twice, except the circumstances set forth in paragraph 2 of this Article.   第五条 对同一价格认定事项不得向已作出复核决定的价格认定机构重复提出复核。逐级提出复核次数不得超过两次,本条第二款规定的情形除外。
After the price appraisal institution of the price department at the prefecture or city level makes a review decision and the price appraisal institution of the provincial price department also makes a review decision, if the requesting organ has solid evidence to prove that the review decision made by the price appraisal institution of the provincial price department falls under any of the following circumstances, it may file a final review request with the price appraisal institution of the price department of the State Council, which shall, after finding the evidence irrefutable upon verification, accept the request for a final review: 经地市级价格主管部门的价格认定机构作出复核决定后,又经省级价格主管部门的价格认定机构作出复核决定的复核事项,提出机关有确切证据证明省级价格主管部门的价格认定机构作出的复核决定有下列情形之一的,可以向国务院价格主管部门的价格认定机构提出最终复核,经审核证据确凿的,国务院价格主管部门的价格认定机构应当受理最终复核:
(1) Non-compliance of procedures with the relevant provisions. (一)程序不符合相关规定的;
(2) Erroneous application of basis. (二)适用依据错误的;
(3) Selection of inappropriate methods. (三)选用方法不当的;
(4) Use of unreasonable parameters. (四)采用参数不合理的;
(5) Incorrect measurements. (五)测算错误的;
(6) Other circumstances that need a final review as recognized by the price appraisal institution of the price department of the State Council. (六)国务院价格主管部门的价格认定机构认可的其他需要最终复核的情形。
Article 6 If a review request is filed, the requesting organ shall submit a price appraisal review application form. The price appraisal review application form shall include the following items:   第六条 提出机关提出复核,应当提交价格认定复核申请书。价格认定复核申请书应当包括下列内容:
(1) Name of the price appraisal institution handling the review. (一)办理复核事项的价格认定机构名称;
(2) General information such as name, quantity and quality of the review subject, benchmark date of price appraisal, and price implication.

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