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Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Finance on Protecting and Rewarding Whistleblowers of Occupational Crimes [Effective]
最高人民检察院、公安部、财政部关于印发《最高人民检察院、公安部、财政部关于保护、奖励职务犯罪举报人的若干规定》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Finance on Protecting and Rewarding Whistleblowers of Occupational Crimes 


The people's procuratorates, public security departments (bureaus), and finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army, the Security Bureau of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee of the Central Military Commission, the finance bureau of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission; and the People's Procuratorate, the Public Security Bureau and the Finance Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

For the purposes of maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of whistleblowers and encouraging individuals and entities to submit tips about occupational crimes in accordance with the law, upon deliberation by the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and approval by the leaders of the CPC Central Committee, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Finance have jointly issued Several Provisions on Protecting and Rewarding Whistleblowers of Occupational Crimes (hereinafter referred to as the “Provisions”)for your conscientious compliance and implementation in light of the actual circumstances. 为维护举报人合法权益,鼓励个人和单位依法举报职务犯罪,经中央全面深化改革领导小组审议,并经中央领导同志批准,最高人民检察院、公安部、财政部现联合印发《关于保护、奖励职务犯罪举报人的若干规定》(以下简称《规定》),请结合实际认真贯彻执行。
1. Unifying thoughts and enhancing understanding in strict accordance with the requirements of the CPC Central Committee   一、切实按照中央要求,统一思想,提高认识
The work in relation to whistleblowing is an important part of the work of investigating and handling occupational crimes by relying on people and is also a crucial part of the fight against corruption. As a major part of efforts to implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee and establish and improve a system for punishing and preventing corruption, establishing and improving a system for protecting and rewarding whistleblowers will help better arouse and protect the people's enthusiasm for submitting tips. Moreover, it is directly related to the further promotion of righteousness in the whole society, the deepening of the fight against corruption, and the dignity of the law and the image of the Party and the country. All relevant entities shall fully understand the significance for building this system, and actively collaborate with each other and make a concerted effort by effectively making thoughts and acts conform to the arrangements and requirements of the CPC Central Committee. The procuratorial organs shall continuously innovate ideas, improve methods and mechanisms, and extend functions in cooperation with discipline inspection, public security, finance, and other departments to effectively protect and reward whistleblowers of occupational crimes. The public security organs shall assist the procuratorial organs in the effective protection of whistleblowers to ensure the personal and property safety of whistleblowers and their close relatives. The financial departments shall strengthen fund guarantee and support for the reward of whistleblowers. 举报工作是依靠群众查办职务犯罪的重要环节,也是反腐败斗争的重要组成部分。建立和完善保护、奖励职务犯罪举报人制度,是贯彻落实党的十八大,十八届三中、四中、五中全会精神,建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系的重要内容,有利于更好地调动和保护人民群众的举报积极性,直接关系到在全社会进一步弘扬正气,直接关系到反腐败斗争的深入推进,直接关系到法律尊严以及党和国家的形象。各相关单位要充分认识建立这一制度的重要意义,切实把认识和行动统一到中央的部署要求上来,积极配合、形成合力。检察机关要在纪检、公安、财政等单位的配合下,不断创新思路,改进方法,完善机制,延伸职能,进一步做好职务犯罪举报人保护和奖励工作;公安机关要协助检察机关做好举报人保护工作,切实保障举报人及其近亲属的人身、财产安全;财政部门要加强对举报人奖励工作的经费保障和支持。
2. Resolutely ensuring the implementation of the Provisions and strictly implementing all rules for protecting and rewarding whistleblowers   二、坚决抓好《规定》的贯彻落实,严格执行举报人保护、奖励各项制度
The Provisions provide in detail for the specific circumstances of “retaliation,” the division of labor for the protection of whistleblowers and confidentiality and protection measures, among others, and clarify the scope of whistleblowers to be granted rewards, the amount of rewards and the fund guarantee thereof, and the requirement for strengthening the supervision of the work of rewarding whistleblowers. All relevant entities shall conscientiously learn and understand the Provisions, and accurately grasp the specific requirements thereof. They shall effectively keep confidential the information on whistleblowers of occupational crimes and develop detailed measures for the protection of whistleblowers and their close relatives. Where the personal or property safety of a whistleblower or his or her near relatives is under threat, such measures as prohibiting specific persons from contacting the whistleblower or his or her close relatives, and taking special measures to protect the personal safety, property and residence of the whistleblower or his or her close relatives shall be taken. Accountability shall be strictly enforced. Those who violate the confidentiality provisions and fail to effectively protect whistleblowers shall be held accountable according to the disciplines and laws. The system for rewarding whistleblowers shall be implemented and improved to fully arouse the people's enthusiasm for submitting tips. At the same time, efforts shall be made to strengthen supervision over the work of rewarding whistleblowers, and any entity or individual that withholds, encroaches on, embezzles, or misappropriates the funds for rewarding whistleblowers, or grants funds for rewarding whistleblowers in violation of provisions shall be held liable according to law. 《规定》对“打击报复”的具体情形、举报人保护工作的分工、保密措施、保护措施等作出了详细的规定,明确了举报奖励的范围、奖励金额及其保障、加强对奖励工作的监督等,各相关单位要认真学习领会,准确把握《规定》的各项具体要求。要切实做好对职务犯罪举报人信息的保密工作,细化对举报人及其近亲属的保护措施。举报人及其近亲属人身、财产安全受到威胁的,应当采取禁止特定人员接触举报人及其近亲属,对举报人及其近亲属人身、财产和住宅采取专门性保护措施等。要严格责任追究,对相关人员违反保密规定和对举报人保护不力的,依纪依法追究责任。要落实和完善举报奖励制度,充分调动人民群众的举报积极性。同时,要加强对举报奖励工作的监督,对截留、侵占、私分、挪用举报奖励资金,或者违反规定发放举报奖励资金的单位和个人,依法追究责任。
3. Actively preventing and seriously dealing with the retaliation against whistleblowers   三、积极预防和严肃处理对举报人的打击报复行为
First, emphasis shall be placed on the ex-ante protection of whistleblowers. Where there is evidence that a whistleblower or his or her close relatives may be subjected to retaliation by the person in charge of the relevant entity by taking advantage of his or her power or influence, the people's procuratorate shall require the relevant entity or individual to give an explanation. Where organizational handling or disciplinary action should be taken, the people's procuratorate may refer relevant evidence and other materials to the organization department or disciplinary inspection and supervision organ, which shall handle the case in accordance with relevant provisions. Second, retaliation against whistleblowers shall be seriously dealt with. Any act of retaliating against or instigating others to retaliate against a whistleblower or his or her close relatives shall be punished according to disciplines and laws. Where any act constitutes a violation of the administration of public security, the violator shall be given a public security administrative punishment; where the violation constitutes any crime, the violator shall be held criminally liable. Where a whistleblower and his or her close relatives suffer any personal injury, reputation damage or property loss due to being retaliated against, they shall be supported in raising claims for compensation in accordance with the law. 一是要注重对举报人的事前保护。对有证据表明举报人及其近亲属可能会遭受单位负责人利用职权或者影响打击报复的,人民检察院应当要求相关单位或者个人作出解释或说明。应当给予组织处理或者纪律处分的,人民检察院可以将相关证据等材料移送组织部门和纪检监察机关,由组织部门和纪检监察机关依照有关规定处理。二是要严肃处理对举报人的打击报复行为。对打击报复或者指使他人打击报复举报人及其近亲属的行为,依纪依法给予处分;构成违反治安管理行为的,依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。举报人及其近亲属因受打击报复,造成人身伤害、名誉损害或者财产损失的,应当支持其依法提出赔偿请求。
Any situations and problems encountered by all relevant entities in implementing the Provisions shall be reported to the corresponding competent departments in a timely manner. 各相关单位在贯彻落实《规定》中遇到的情况和问题,及时对口报告。
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
Ministry of Public Security 公安部
Ministry of Finance 财政部
March 30, 2016 2016年3月30日
Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Finance on Protecting and Rewarding Whistleblowers of Occupational Crimes 最高人民检察院、公安部、财政部关于保护、奖励职务犯罪举报人的若干规定
Article 1 These Provisions are developed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and in light of actual judicial practices for purposes of safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of whistleblowers, and encouraging individuals and entities to submit tips about occupational crimes in accordance with the law.   第一条 为维护举报人合法权益,鼓励个人和单位依法举报职务犯罪,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》有关规定,结合司法实际,制定本规定。
Article 2 Individuals and entities are encouraged to submit tips about occupational crimes in their real names in accordance with the law.   第二条 鼓励个人和单位依法实名举报职务犯罪。
It shall be deemed as real-name tips if individuals and entities submit tips by using their real personal names or entity names, provide their detailed contact information, and acknowledge the fact that they have submitted tips. 使用真实姓名或者单位名称举报,有具体联系方式并认可举报行为的,属于实名举报。
Article 3 People's procuratorates, public security organs and public finance departments shall cooperate closely with each other to jointly do a good job in protecting and rewarding whistleblowers.   第三条 人民检察院、公安机关、财政部门应当密切配合,共同做好举报人保护和奖励工作。
Article 4 The lawful rights and interests of the individuals and entities that submit tips about occupational crimes to people's procuratorates in accordance with the law shall be protected by law. People's procuratorates must strictly keep confidential the content of tips and the information on whistleblowers.   第四条 任何个人和单位依法向人民检察院举报职务犯罪的,其合法权益受法律保护。人民检察院对于举报内容和举报人信息,必须严格保密。
Article 5 A people's procuratorate shall take the following confidentiality measures over tips about occupational crimes:   第五条 人民检察院对职务犯罪举报应当采取下列保密措施:
(1) The tips shall be accepted by designated persons at special premises or through a dedicated website or hotline, and unrelated persons shall not be present. (一)受理举报应当由专人负责,在专门场所或者通过专门网站、电话进行,无关人员不得在场。
(2) The clues contained in the tips shall be entered into special-purpose computers by designated persons, and be encrypted for rigorous management. Special-purpose computers shall be physically isolated from the Internet. Such clues may not be accessed by other staff members without the approval of the procurator-general. (二)举报线索应当由专人录入专用计算机,加密码严格管理。专用计算机应当与互联网实行物理隔离。未经检察长批准,其他工作人员不得查看。
(3) The materials on the tips shall be kept in places that meet the requirements on confidentiality, and unrelated persons are not allowed to enter such places. (三)举报材料应当存放于符合保密规定的场所,无关人员不得进入。
(4) When the clues contained in the tips are submitted to the procurator-general, relevant materials shall be sealed in appropriate confidentiality bags, and the confidentiality serial numbers shall also be filled out. Such bags shall be personally opened by the procurator-general. (四)向检察长报送举报线索时,应当将相关材料用机要袋密封,并填写机要编号,由检察长亲自拆封。
(5) The content of the tips and the names, addresses, phone numbers and other personal information of whistleblowers are strictly prohibited from being divulged, and the materials on the tips are strictly prohibited from being forwarded to the reported individuals or entities.

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