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Provisions on the Hearings In Respect of Natural resources [Effective]
自然资源听证规定(2020修正) [现行有效]

Provisions on the Hearings In Respect of Natural resources 


(Order No. 22 of the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China on December 30, 2003; amended in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the Second Group of Repealed and Amended Departmental Rules adopted at the 1st executive meeting of the Ministry of Natural Resources on March 30, 2020) (2003年12月30日国土资源部令第22号公布 根据2020年3月20日自然资源部第1次部务会《自然资源部关于第二批废止和修改的部门规章的决定》修正)
Chapter I. General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 In order to regulate the administration of natural resources, to promote the administration according to law, to enhance the scientificity and democracy of the administration of natural resources, and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the citizens, legal persons, and other organizations, the present Provisions are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.   第一条 为了规范自然资源管理活动,促进依法行政,提高自然资源管理的科学性和民主性,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据有关法律、法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 The present Provisions shall apply where the administrative departments in charge of natural resources of the people's governments at the county level or above (hereinafter referred to as competent authorities) organize hearings in accordance with their respective powers or at the applications by the parties concerned.   第二条 县级以上人民政府自然资源行政主管部门(以下简称主管部门)依职权或者依当事人的申请组织听证的,适用本规定。
Article 3 A hearing shall be organized by the competent department of natural resources that is to make the decision of administrative punishment or administrative license, to formulate the regulations and normative documents, or to implement the issues that need to be reported to the government for approval.   第三条 听证由拟作出行政处罚、行政许可决定,制定规章和规范性文件、实施需报政府批准的事项的主管部门组织。
The legal department that concretely handles the hearing in accordance with the present Provisions shall be the hearing body; however, with respect to the implementation of an issue that needs to be reported to the government for approval, the body handling that issue may be the hearing body. 依照本规定具体办理听证事务的法制工作机构为听证机构;但实施需报政府批准的事项可以由其经办机构作为听证机构。
The phrase "issues that need to be reported to the government for approval" refers to the issues that come into effect upon approval of the peoples' s government at the corresponding level, but the implementation of which is carried out by the competent department of natural resources, such issues shall include the determination or modification of the base land price, organization of the formulation or modification of territorial spatial planning and the planning of mineral resources, determination or modification of the composite land parcel prices, determination of the standards for compensation and schemes for resettlement for the projects to requisition land, and determination of the schemes for the occupation of permanent basic farmland by non-agricultural projects, etc. 本规定所称需报政府批准的事项,是指依法由本级人民政府批准后生效但主要由主管部门具体负责实施的事项,包括拟定或者修改基准地价、组织编制或者修改国土空间规划和矿产资源规划、拟定或者修改区片综合地价、拟定拟征地项目的补偿标准和安置方案、拟定非农业建设占用永久基本农田方案等。
Article 4 The competent department of natural resources shall, when organizing a hearing, adhere to the principles of openness, fairness, justice, and convenience for the people, adequately seek opinions from the citizens, legal persons, and other organizations, and guarantee their rights to state their opinions, and to make cross examination and pleadings.   第四条 主管部门组织听证,应当遵循公开、公平、公正和便民的原则,充分听取公民、法人和其他组织的意见,保证其陈述意见、质证和申辩的权利。
A hearing organized in accordance with the power of the competent department of natural resources shall be held publicly in the form of hearing, except where any state secret is involved. And the hearing shall be subject to public supervision. A hearing organized at the application by a party concerned shall be held publicly, except where any state secret, business secret, or personal privacy is involved. 依职权组织的听证,除涉及国家秘密外,以听证会形式公开举行,并接受社会监督;依当事人的申请组织的听证,除涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私外,听证公开举行。
Article 5 With respect to an issue for which a hearing should be held as provided for by laws, regulations and rules, if the party concerned waives his right to hearing or an immediate decision is needed in emergency, the competent department of natural resources will not organize the hearing.   第五条 法律、法规和规章规定应当听证的事项,当事人放弃听证权利或者因情况紧急须即时决定的,主管部门不组织听证。
Chapter II General Rules on Hearings 

第二章 听证的一般规定

Article 6 Participants to a hearing include the designees of the body handling the hearing, the representatives of the hearing, the party concerned and the agent thereof, and the witnesses, expert witnesses, and translators, etc.   第六条 听证参加人包括拟听证事项经办机构的指派人员、听证会代表、当事人及其代理人、证人、鉴定人、翻译等。
Article 7 As a general principle, the hearing shall be organized by a hearing officer; and may be organized by 3 or 5 hearing officers if necessary. The hearing officers shall be designated by the competent department of natural resources.   第七条 听证一般由一名听证员组织;必要时,可以由三或五名听证员组织。听证员由主管部门指定。
There shall be a president in a hearing, who is to be chosen from the hearing officers; and the president shall be the relevant principal of the hearing body or handling body. 听证设听证主持人,在听证员中产生;但须是听证机构或者经办机构的有关负责人。
The clerk shall be designated by the president, and will assume the concrete preparation and recording work of the hearing. 记录员由听证主持人指定,具体承担听证准备和听证记录工作。
The persons handling the issue for which the hearing is to be held may not be the hearing officer or clerk, except when the issue is one for which the hearing may be held by the handling body. 拟听证事项的具体经办人员,不得作为听证员和记录员;但可以由经办机构办理听证事务的除外。
Article 8 Before the commencement of a hearing, the clerk shall verify the identities of the participants to the hearing and their presence, pronounce the disciplines of the hearing and the relevant matters of attention of the hearing place.   第八条 在听证开始前,记录员应当查明听证参加人的身份和到场情况,宣布听证纪律和听证会场有关注意事项。
Article 9 A hearing shall proceed in accordance with the following procedures:   第九条 听证会按下列程序进行:
1) The president of the hearing announces the commencement of the hearing, introduces the hearing officer(s) and the clerk, announces the issue of hearing and the facts, and inform the participants of their rights and obligations; (一)听证主持人宣布听证开始,介绍听证员、记录员,宣布听证事项和事由,告知听证参加人的权利和义务;
2) The body handling the issue for which the hearing is held presents the reasons, basis, relevant materials and opinions; (二)拟听证事项的经办机构提出理由、依据和有关材料及意见;
3) The parties concerned make cross examination and pleadings, raise the facts, reasons and basis to protect their legitimate rights and interests (the representatives of the hearing give their opinions and make inquiries with respect to the necessity, feasibility and the concrete contents of the issue under hearing); (三)当事人进行质证、申辩,提出维护其合法权益的事实、理由和依据(听证会代表对拟听证事项的必要性、可行性以及具体内容发表意见和质询);
4) The final statements are given; (四)最后陈述;
5) The hearing president announces the end of the hearing. (五)听证主持人宣布听证结束。
Article 10 The clerk shall write down all the activities into the notes, which shall indicate the following matters and be signed by the hearing officer(s) and the clerk:   第十条 记录员应当将听证的全部活动记入笔录。听证笔录应当载明下列事项,并由听证员和记录员签名:
1) Title of the issue of hearing; (一)听证事项名称;
2) Names and positions of the hearing officer(s) and clerk; (二)听证员和记录员的姓名、职务;
3) Basic information of the participants to the hearing; (三)听证参加人的基本情况;
4) Time and venue of the hearing; (四)听证的时间、地点;
5) Publicity of the hearing; (五)听证公开情况;
6) Reasons, basis and relevant materials of the issue under hearing; (六)拟听证事项的理由、依据和有关材料;
7) Views, reasons and basis of the party concerned or of the representatives of the hearing; (七)当事人或者听证会代表的观点、理由和依据;
8) Explanations for the suspension, discontinuance or termination of the hearing; (八)延期、中止或者终止的说明;
9) Handling of the relevant matters in the hearing activity by the hearing president; and (九)听证主持人对听证活动中有关事项的处理情况;
10) Other matters that the hearing president deems necessary to be recorded. (十)听证主持人认为的其他事项。
The hearing notes shall be signed or affixed with stamp by the participants to the hearing after confirmation or correction. Where any participant refuses to sign or affix the stamp without justified reasons, the relevant situations shall be recorded in and attached to the notes. 听证笔录经听证参加人确认无误或者补正后当场签字或者盖章;无正当理由又拒绝签字或者盖章的,记明情况附卷。
Article 11 Citizens, legal persons or other organizations may apply for auditing a hearing that is publicly held.   第十一条 公开举行的听证会,公民、法人或者其他组织可以申请参加旁听。
Chapter III Scope and Procedures of a Hearing Held According to Power 

第三章 依职权听证的范围和程序

Article 12 For any of the following issues, the competent department of natural resources shall organize a hearing:
   第十二条 有下列情形之一的,主管部门应当组织听证:

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