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Provisions on the Administration of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods (2013) [Revised]
道路危险货物运输管理规定(2013) [已被修订]

Order of the Ministry of Transport 


(No. 2 [2013])

The Provisions on the Administration of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods, as adopted at the 10th executive meeting of the Ministry of Transport on December 31, 2012, are hereby issued and shall come into force on July 1, 2013.

Minister Yang Chuantang
部长 杨传堂

January 23, 2013

Provisions on the Administration of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 In order to regulate the market order of road transport of dangerous goods, safeguard the people's lives and property, protect the environment and maintain the lawful rights and interests of all parties involved in the road transport of dangerous goods, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Road Transport, the Regulation on the Administration of the Safety of Hazardous Chemicals and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为规范道路危险货物运输市场秩序,保障人民生命财产安全,保护环境,维护道路危险货物运输各方当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》和《危险化学品安全管理条例》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

Article 2 All those engaging in the road transport business operations of dangerous goods shall abide by these Provisions, but the transport of military dangerous goods shall be excluded.   第二条 从事道路危险货物运输活动,应当遵守本规定。军事危险货物运输除外。

Where there are otherwise provisions on the road transport of some special dangerous goods such as civilian explosives, fireworks and radioactive substance in any law or administrative regulation, such provisions shall prevail.

Article 3 For the purpose of these Provisions, “dangerous goods” refers to the explosive, inflammable, toxic, infectious or corrosive goods that are likely to cause personal casualties, property damage or environmental pollution and require special protection in the course of production, operation, transport, storage, use and disposal. Goods listed in the national standards- List of Dangerous Goods (GB12268) shall be deemed dangerous goods and, with regard to those not included in the List of Dangerous Goods, the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations or the results released by the relevant department of the State Council shall be the standards.   第三条 本规定所称危险货物,是指具有爆炸、易燃、毒害、感染、腐蚀等危险特性,在生产、经营、运输、储存、使用和处置中,容易造成人身伤亡、财产损毁或者环境污染而需要特别防护的物质和物品。危险货物以列入国家标准《危险货物品名表》(GB12268)的为准,未列入《危险货物品名表》的,以有关法律、行政法规的规定或者国务院有关部门公布的结果为准。

For the purpose of these Provisions, “road transport of dangerous goods” refers to the whole operational process in which goods vehicles are used to carry dangerous goods by road.

For the purpose of these Provisions, “road transport vehicles for dangerous goods” (hereinafter referred to as special vehicles) refers to the goods vehicles that meet specific technical conditions and requirements and carry dangerous goods by road.

Article 4 The classification, items, names of articles and the numbering thereof of dangerous goods shall be implemented in accordance with the national standards as prescribed in the Classification of Dangerous Goods and Numbering of Names of Articles (GB6944) and the Name List of Dangerous Goods (GB12268). The degrees of danger of dangerous goods are divided into Grades I, II and III in accordance with the Universal Technical Conditions for Transportation Packages of Dangerous Goods (GB12463).   第四条 危险货物的分类、分项、品名和品名编号应当按照国家标准《危险货物分类和品名编号》(GB6944)、《危险货物品名表》(GB12268)执行。危险货物的危险程度依据国家标准《危险货物运输包装通用技术条件》(GB12463),分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ等级。

Article 5 Those engaging in the road transport of dangerous goods shall guarantee safety and ensure lawful transportation in honesty and good faith.   第五条 从事道路危险货物运输应当保障安全,依法运输,诚实信用。

Article 6 The State encourages large-scale professional production enterprises of hazardous chemicals with abundant technical strength, equipment and transportation conditions to engage in the road transport of dangerous goods; encourages the road transport enterprises of dangerous goods to conduct intensive and professional business operations, and promotes the use of special van vehicles, tank vehicles and containers for the carriage of dangerous goods.   第六条 国家鼓励技术力量雄厚、设备和运输条件好的大型专业危险化学品生产企业从事道路危险货物运输,鼓励道路危险货物运输企业实行集约化、专业化经营,鼓励使用厢式、罐式和集装箱等专用车辆运输危险货物。

Article 7 The Ministry of Transport shall be in charge of the administration of road transport of dangerous goods throughout the country.   第七条 交通运输部主管全国道路危险货物运输管理工作。

The competent transport departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for organizing and leading the administration of road transport of dangerous goods within their respective administrative regions.

The road transport administrative organs at or above the county levels shall be responsible for the specific implementation of administration on road transport of dangerous goods.

Chapter II Licensing for the Road Transport of Dangerous Goods 

第二章 道路危险货物运输许可

Article 8 An applicant who applies for engaging in the operation of road transport of dangerous goods shall meet the following requirements:   第八条 申请从事道路危险货物运输经营,应当具备下列条件:

1. The applicant shall have special vehicles and equipment meeting the following requirements: (一)有符合下列要求的专用车辆及设备:

(1) It shall own five or more special vehicles (except trailers); or own ten or more special vehicles (except trailers) where it transports highly toxic chemicals and explosives. 1.自有专用车辆(挂车除外)5辆以上;运输剧毒化学品、爆炸品的,自有专用车辆(挂车除外)10辆以上。

(2) The technical performance of the special vehicles conform to the requirements of the national standards-General Performance Requirements and Testing Methods for Commercial Vehicles (GB18565); and the technical grade of the special vehicles shall meet the Grade I specification in the industrial standards-Division and Rating Requirements for Technical Grades of Commercial Vehicles (JT/T198). 2.专用车辆技术性能符合国家标准《营运车辆综合性能要求和检验方法》(GB18565)的要求;技术等级达到行业标准《营运车辆技术等级划分和评定要求》(JT/T198)规定的一级技术等级。

(3) The outer dimension, axle load and mass of the special vehicles shall meet the requirements of the national standards-Limits of Outer Dimensions, Axle Load and Mass of Road Vehicles (GB1589). 3.专用车辆外廓尺寸、轴荷和质量符合国家标准《道路车辆外廓尺寸、轴荷和质量限值》(GB1589)的要求。

(4) The fuel consumption of special vehicles shall meet the requirements of the industry standard- Limits and Measurement Methods of Fuel Consumption for Commercial Vehicles for Cargos Transportation (JT719). 4.专用车辆燃料消耗量符合行业标准《营运货车燃料消耗量限值及测量方法》(JT719)的要求。

(5) It shall have effective communication tools. 5.配备有效的通讯工具。

(6) Special vehicles shall be installed with GPS devices with driving recording functions. 6.专用车辆应当安装具有行驶记录功能的卫星定位装置。

(7) It shall have tank vehicles, van vehicles, pressure vessels or other special containers, if it transports highly toxic, explosive hazardous chemicals or hazardous chemicals that can be used to produce explosives; 7.运输剧毒化学品、爆炸品、易制爆危险化学品的,应当配备罐式、厢式专用车辆或者压力容器等专用容器。

(8)The tanks of special tank vehicles shall pass the test of the quality inspection department, and the total mass of a special tank vehicle after loading shall match the ratified load capacity thereof. The volume of the tank of a special tank vehicle for carrying explosives or highly corrosive dangerous goods shall not exceed 20 cubic meters, and the volume of the tank of a special tank vehicle for carrying highly toxic goods shall not exceed 10 cubic meters, but with the exception of tank containers meeting the relevant national standards; 8.罐式专用车辆的罐体应当经质量检验部门检验合格,且罐体载货后总质量与专用车辆核定载质量相匹配。运输爆炸品、强腐蚀性危险货物的罐式专用车辆的罐体容积不得超过20立方米,运输剧毒化学品的罐式专用车辆的罐体容积不得超过10立方米,但符合国家有关标准的罐式集装箱除外。

(9) The ratified load capacity of a non-tank special vehicle for transporting highly toxic, explosive or highly corrosive dangerous goods shall not exceed 10 tons, except vehicles for transporting containers meeting the relevant national standards. 9.运输剧毒化学品、爆炸品、强腐蚀性危险货物的非罐式专用车辆,核定载质量不得超过10吨,但符合国家有关标准的集装箱运输专用车辆除外。

(10) It shall have safety protection, environmental protection and fire-fighting facilities and equipment suitable to the nature of the dangerous goods transported. 10.配备与运输的危险货物性质相适应的安全防护、环境保护和消防设施设备。

2. The applicant shall have a parking ground meeting the following requirements: (二)有符合下列要求的停车场地:

(1)The parking ground has been owned or leased by the applicant for a period of more than three years, and should match the business scope and scale and be located in the municipal administrative areas where the enterprise is registered. 1.自有或者租借期限为3年以上,且与经营范围、规模相适应的停车场地,停车场地应当位于企业注册地市级行政区域内。

(2) Where the number of special vehicles and special tank vehicles that transport highly toxic chemicals and explosives is 20 or less, the area of the parking ground shall not be less than 1.5 times the orthographic projection area of such vehicles, and where the number of such vehicles is more than 20, the parking area of each exceeding vehicle shall not be less than the orthographic projection area of the vehicle; in the case of transporting other dangerous goods, if the number of special vehicles is 10 or less, the area of the parking ground shall not be less than 1.5 times the orthographic projection area of such vehicles, and where the number of such vehicles is more than 10, the parking area of each exceeding vehicle shall not be less than the orthographic projection area of the vehicle. 2.运输剧毒化学品、爆炸品专用车辆以及罐式专用车辆,数量为20辆(含)以下的,停车场地面积不低于车辆正投影面积的1.5倍,数量为20辆以上的,超过部分,每辆车的停车场地面积不低于车辆正投影面积;运输其他危险货物的,专用车辆数量为10辆(含)以下的,停车场地面积不低于车辆正投影面积的1.5倍;数量为10辆以上的,超过部分,每辆车的停车场地面积不低于车辆正投影面积。

(3) The parking ground should be closed and have clear signs established, and may not hinder the lives of residents and threaten the public safety. 3.停车场地应当封闭并设立明显标志,不得妨碍居民生活和威胁公共安全。

3. It shall have practitioners and security management personnel that meet the following requirements: (三)有符合下列要求的从业人员和安全管理人员:

(1) The drivers of special vehicles shall have obtained corresponding motor vehicle driving licenses and are below the age of 60. 1.专用车辆的驾驶人员取得相应机动车驾驶证,年龄不超过60周岁。

(2) The drivers, loading and unloading management personnel and transport escorts that engage in the road transport of dangerous goods shall have passed the examinations of the competent transport departments of the people's government at the districted city level, and have obtained qualification certificates; The drivers, loading and unloading management personnel and transport escorts that engage in the road transport of highly toxic chemicals and explosives shall have passed examinations and obtained the qualification certificates indicated as the category of “transporting of highly toxic chemicals” or “transporting of explosives.” 2.从事道路危险货物运输的驾驶人员、装卸管理人员、押运人员应当经所在地设区的市级人民政府交通运输主管部门考试合格,并取得相应的从业资格证;从事剧毒化学品、爆炸品道路运输的驾驶人员、装卸管理人员、押运人员,应当经考试合格,取得注明为“剧毒化学品运输”或者“爆炸品运输”类别的从业资格证。

(3) The enterprise shall have full-time security management personnel. 3.企业应当配备专职安全管理人员。

4. It shall have sound safety production management rules: (四)有健全的安全生产管理制度:

(1) Work safety responsibility rules for the enterprise's major person in-charge, persons in charge of the safety management department, and full-time security management personnel. 1.企业主要负责人、安全管理部门负责人、专职安全管理人员安全生产责任制度。

(2) Work safety responsibility rules for practitioners. 2.从业人员安全生产责任制度。

(3) Rules for work safety supervision and inspection. 3.安全生产监督检查制度。

(4) Rules for work safety education and training. 4.安全生产教育培训制度。

(5) Work safety management rules for practitioners, vehicles, equipment or parking ground. 5.从业人员、专用车辆、设备及停车场地安全管理制度。

(6) Rules for emergency response plans. 6.应急救援预案制度。

(7) Work safety operation rules. 7.安全生产作业规程。

(8) Rules for work safety assessment, rewards and punishments. 8.安全生产考核与奖惩制度。

(9) Rules for the report, statistics and handling of safety accidents. 9.安全事故报告、统计与处理制度。

Article 9 An enterprise or public institution that meets the following requirements may use its own special vehicles to carry out non-business road transport of dangerous goods for its own:   第九条 符合下列条件的企事业单位,可以使用自备专用车辆从事为本单位服务的非经营性道路危险货物运输:

1. Falling under any of the following enterprises or public institutions: (一)属于下列企事业单位之一:

(1) The enterprises as established upon approval of the administrative department of work safety at or above the provincial level that produce, use or store hazardous chemicals; or 1.省级以上安全生产监督管理部门批准设立的生产、使用、储存危险化学品的企业。

(2) The enterprises or public institutions of scientific research or military industry that have special demands. 2.有特殊需求的科研、军工等企事业单位。

2. The enterprises or public institutions that meet the conditions as set forth in Article 8, but the self-owned special vehicles thereof may be less than five. (二)具备第八条规定的条件,但自有专用车辆(挂车除外)的数量可以少于5辆。

Article 10 An enterprise that applies for engaging in the operation of road transport of dangerous goods shall file an application with the road transport administrative organ at the districted city level and submit the following materials:   第十条 申请从事道路危险货物运输经营的企业,应当向所在地设区的市级道路运输管理机构提出申请,并提交以下材料:

1. An Application Form for Road Transport Business Operations of Dangerous Goods, including the basic information of the applicant, the scope of dangerous goods to be transported under application (the categories, items and names thereof, and if such goods are highly toxic chemicals, “highly toxic” should be marked). (一)《道路危险货物运输经营申请表》,包括申请人基本信息、申请运输的危险货物范围(类别、项别或品名,如果为剧毒化学品应当标注“剧毒”)等内容。

2. The identity certificate of the investor or principal that is to act as the legal representative of the enterprise and the photocopies thereof, the identity certificate of the person who handles the specific matters and the photocopy thereof, as well as a written power of attorney;. (二)拟担任企业法定代表人的投资人或者负责人的身份证明及其复印件,经办人身份证明及其复印件和书面委托书。

3. The full text of the articles of association of the enterprise. (三)企业章程文本。

4. Documents for proving the condition of special vehicles and equipment, including: (四)证明专用车辆、设备情况的材料,包括:

(1) Where the enterprise does not purchase any special vehicle or equipment, it shall submit a letter of commitment on vehicles and equipment to be used, including the quantity, types, technical grades, total mass, ratified load capacity, number of axles and outer dimensions of special vehicles; the condition of communication tools and GPS devices; the tank volume of special tank vehicles; the matching of the ratified load capacity of vehicles with the total mass of special tank vehicles after loading goods; the ratified load capacity of special vehicles that transport highly toxic chemicals, explosives or hazardous chemicals that can be used to produce explosives. The commitment period shall not be more than one year. 1.未购置专用车辆、设备的,应当提交拟投入专用车辆、设备承诺书。承诺书内容应当包括车辆数量、类型、技术等级、总质量、核定载质量、车轴数以及车辆外廓尺寸;通讯工具和卫星定位装置配备情况;罐式专用车辆的罐体容积;罐式专用车辆罐体载货后的总质量与车辆核定载质量相匹配情况;运输剧毒化学品、爆炸品、易制爆危险化学品的专用车辆核定载质量等有关情况。承诺期限不得超过1年。

(2) Where the enterprise has purchased special vehicles and equipment, it shall provide vehicle license, vehicle technical grade certificates or technical inspection certificates of overall performance functions of vehicles; communication tools and GPS devices; tank inspection certificate or inspection report of a special tank vehicle as well the photocopies and other relevant materials thereof. 2.已购置专用车辆、设备的,应当提供车辆行驶证、车辆技术等级证明或者车辆综合性能检测技术合格证明;通讯工具和卫星定位装置配备;罐式专用车辆的罐体检测合格证或者检测报告及复印件等有关材料。

5. Where the enterprise is to employ full-time security management personnel, drivers, loading and unloading management personnel and transport escorts, the enterprise shall submit a letter of commitment on employment plan, and the commitment period shall not be more than one year; the enterprise that has employed such personnel shall provide their qualification certificates and the photocopies thereof as well as driving licenses and photocopies thereof. (五)拟聘用专职安全管理人员、驾驶人员、装卸管理人员、押运人员的,应当提交拟聘用承诺书,承诺期限不得超过1年;已聘用的应当提交从业资格证及其复印件以及驾驶证及其复印件。

6. The land use certificate of the parking ground and its leasing contract, a plan of the parking ground and other materials. (六)停车场地的土地使用证、租借合同、场地平面图等材料。

7. A list of relevant security protection, environmental protection and fire fighting equipment arranged. (七)相关安全防护、环境保护、消防设施设备的配备情况清单。

8. The full text of the work safety management rules. (八)有关安全生产管理制度文本。

Article 11 An entity that applies for engaging in the operation of non-business road transport of dangerous goods shall, when filing an application with the road transport administrative organ at the districted city level, submit the following materials in addition to the materials as set forth in Items (4) through (8) of Article 10:   第十一条 申请从事非经营性道路危险货物运输的单位,向所在地设区的市级道路运输管理机构提出申请时,除提交第十条第(四)项至第(八)项规定的材料外,还应当提交以下材料:

1. An Application Form for Road Transport of Dangerous Goods, including the basic information of the applicant, the scope of dangerous goods to be transported under application (the categories, items or names of article thereof, and if such goods are highly toxic chemicals, “highly toxic” should be marked). (一)《道路危险货物运输申请表》,包括申请人基本信息、申请运输的物品范围(类别、项别或品名,如果为剧毒化学品应当标注“剧毒”)等内容。

2. The certificate of basic information about an entity under any of the following circumstances: (二)下列形式之一的单位基本情况证明:

(1) A certificate for the production or use of hazardous chemicals as issued by the supervision and administrative department of work safety at or above the provincial level 1.省级以上安全生产监督管理部门颁发的危险化学品生产、使用等证明。

(2) The relevant materials that can prove the nature or business scope of a scientific research or military industry enterprise or public institution. 2.能证明科研、军工等企事业单位性质或者业务范围的有关材料。

3. The materials on explaining special transportation needs. (三)特殊运输需求的说明材料。

4. The identity certificate of the person who handles the specific matters and the photocopy thereof, and a written power of attorney. (四)经办人的身份证明及其复印件以及书面委托书。

Article 12 A road transport administrative organ at the districted city level shall implement the administrative licensing for the road transport of dangerous goods and conduct on-the-spot inspections in accordance with the procedures and time limit as specified in the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Road Transport, the Provisions on the Procedures for the Implementation of Communications Administrative Licensing and these Provisions..   第十二条 设区的市级道路运输管理机构应当按照《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》和《交通行政许可实施程序规定》,以及本规定所明确的程序和时限实施道路危险货物运输行政许可,并进行实地核查。

In the case of approval of the licensing, the road transport administrative organ shall issue to the licensee an Administrative Licensing Decision on the Road Transport of Dangerous Goods to indicated with the licensed matters, including the scope of dangerous goods to be transported (the categories, items and names thereof, and if such goods are highly toxic chemicals, “highly toxic” should be marked), the quantity and requirements of special vehicles and the nature of transportation thereof, and shall, within 10 days, issue a Road Transport Business License to the applicant for the business road transport operation of dangerous goods or issue a License for the Road Transport of Dangerous Goods to the applicant for the operation of non-business road transport of dangerous goods.

The road transport administrative organs at the districted city level should promptly inform the road transport administrative organs at the county level in writing of the licensed matters of enterprises or entities with the approval of the licensing.

In the case of disapproval of the licensing, the road transport administrative organ shall issue to the applicant a Decision on Disapproval of the Communications Administrative Licensing.

Article 13 The road transport administrative organ at the districted city level shall reissue the Road Transport Business License for a licensee that has obtained any other road transport business licensing, and shall add the newly licensed matter in the scope of business. If the original Road Transport Business License was issued by the provincial road transport administrative organ, the original licensing authority shall reissue the license in light of the aforesaid requirements.   第十三条 被许可人已获得其他道路运输经营许可的,设区的市级道路运输管理机构应当为其换发《道路运输经营许可证》,并在经营范围中加注新许可的事项。如果原《道路运输经营许可证》是由省级道路运输管理机构发放的,由原许可机关按照上述要求予以换发。

Article 14 A licensee shall, in accordance with the commitment period, purchase the special vehicles and equipment to be used.   第十四条 被许可人应当按照承诺期限落实拟投入的专用车辆、设备。

The original licensing authority shall check the special vehicles and equipment purchased by the licensee, issue Road Transport Certificates to qualified special vehicles and indicate the categories, types and names of dangerous goods that are allowed to be transported in the column of the business scope of the Road Transport Certificate, and if such goods are highly toxic chemicals, “highly toxic” should be marked; and it shall affix a Special Seal for Non-business Transport of Dangerous Goods on the Road Transport Certificate in the case of the vehicles engaged in the non-business road transport of dangerous goods.

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