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Notice of the State Intellectual Property Office on Issuing the Work Plan for "Internet plus" Protection of Intellectual Property Rights [Effective]
国家知识产权局关于印发《“互联网+”知识产权保护工作方案》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the State Intellectual Property Office on Issuing the Work Plan for "Internet plus" Protection of Intellectual Property Rights 


(No. 21 [2018] of the State Intellectual Property Office) (国知发管字〔2018〕21号)

The intellectual property offices of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Intellectual Property Office of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; all departments of the State Intellectual Property Office ("SIPO"), all departments of the Patent Office, and all entities directly under the SIPO; and all social organizations: 各省、自治区、直辖市知识产权局,新疆生产建设兵团知识产权局;局机关各部门,专利局各部门,局各直属单位、各社会团体:
For the purposes of profoundly implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era and the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, earnestly carrying out the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in relation to strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights, advancing the improvement of law enforcement forces, intensifying law enforcement, significantly increasing the cost of violation of law, capitalizing on the deterrence role of law, innovating regulatory manners for intellectual property rights, leveraging "Internet plus" related technical means to raise the efficiency and level of protection of intellectual property rights, creating a better environment for innovation, investment, and business, and effectively promoting the expansion of opening up and improvement of China's economic competitiveness, the Work Plan for "Internet plus" Protection of Intellectual Property Rights is hereby issued for your conscientious implementation. 为深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,认真落实党中央、国务院关于加强知识产权保护的决策部署,推进完善执法力量,加大执法力度,把违法成本显著提上去,把法律威慑作用充分发挥出来,创新知识产权监管方式,充分运用“互联网+”相关技术手段提升知识产权保护效率和水平,营造更好的创新、投资和营商环境,有力促进扩大开放和中国经济竞争力提升,制定《“互联网+”知识产权保护工作方案》,现予印发, 请认真贯彻落实。
State Intellectual Property Office 国家知识产权局
July 31, 2018 2018年7月31日
Work Plan for "Internet plus" Protection of Intellectual Property Rights “互联网+”知识产权保护工作方案
For the purposes of conscientiously implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in relation to strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights, leveraging "Internet plus" related technical means to innovate the methods of protection of intellectual property rights, and raising and improving the level and effect of protection, this Plan is developed. 为认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于加强知识产权保护的决策部署,充分运用“互联网+”相关技术手段创新知识产权保护方式,提升保护水平与效果,制定本方案。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. (一)指导思想。
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era shall be taken as the guidance, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be fully implemented, the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in relation to strengthening protection of intellectual property rights shall be conscientiously carried out, the "Internet plus" shall be taken as an important means to deepen the reform of methods of protection of intellectual property rights, reform measures shall be deepened, the guidance and management mechanisms for law enforcement shall be innovated, and the role of information technology, such as big data and artificial intelligence, in online identification, real-time monitoring, and source tracing of infringement and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights shall be used, so as to narrow the scope of manual investigation of the conduct of infringement and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights, minimize the impact on the normal conduct of production and operation of enterprises, heighten the efficiency, intensity, and precision of crackdown on the conduct of infringement and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights, cleanse the Internet trading environment, curb offline production and sale of infringing and counterfeit goods, scientifically advance the strict, full, quick, and equal protection of intellectual property rights, enhance the capability to govern the intellectual property right field, ensure fair and efficient protection of the lawful rights and interests of Chinese and foreign owners of intellectual property rights, create a better environment for innovation, investment, and business, and powerfully boost the expansion of opening up and improvement of China's economic competitiveness. 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,认真落实党中央、国务院关于加强知识产权保护的决策部署,将“互联网+”作为深化知识产权保护方式改革的重要手段,深化改革措施,创新执法指导和管理机制,发挥大数据、人工智能等信息技术在知识产权侵权假冒的在线识别、实时监测、源头追溯中的作用,缩小对知识产权侵权假冒行为的人力调查范围,最大程度减少对企业正常生产经营行为的影响,提升打击知识产权侵权假冒行为的效率、力度及精准度,净化互联网交易环境,遏制线下侵权假冒生产销售,科学推进知识产权严保护、大保护、快保护、同保护,增强知识产权领域治理能力,确保公正高效保护中外知识产权权利人的合法权益,营造更加良好的创新、投资和营商环境,有力促进扩大开放和中国经济竞争力提升。
2. Basic principles. (二)基本原则。
—Overall planning: The "Internet plus" shall be effectively used to strengthen the top-level design of protection of intellectual property rights, the mutual support and integration of technical means, operating mechanisms, and work and operation systems shall be promoted, and various resources inside and outside the system shall be coordinated and mobilized, so as to join work forces. --统筹规划。做好运用“互联网+”强化知识产权保护工作的顶层设计,促进技术手段、运行机制、工作运行体系间的相互支撑、相互融合,统筹和调动系统内外各类资源,形成工作合力。
— Classification guidance: Various rules and patterns of protection of intellectual property rights and network governance shall be followed; and in the implementation of the design and implementation of a plan, full consideration shall be given to the characteristics of various intellectual property rights, such as patents and trademarks, classification guidance shall be given, step-by-step implementation shall be effected, and the actual effect of the work shall be highlighted. --分类指导。遵循各类知识产权保护与网络治理的规则和规律,在方案设计实施中,充分考虑专利、商标等各类知识产权特点,分类指导,分步实施,突出工作实效。
—Combining points with whole picture: Regions or entities with good conditions shall be elected to launch pilot programs and gain experience. Regions with certain resource advantages shall be encouraged to make bold advancement based on the actual circumstances. The advancement of arrangements for and implementation of various whole-picture tasks shall be accelerated, and point-whole picture coordination and mutual promotion shall be achieved. --点面结合。选择具备条件的地方或单位先行先试,形成经验。鼓励有一定资源优势的地方结合实际,大胆推进。同时,加快推进各项全局性任务的安排落实,实现点面协调、相互促进。
—Collaborative advancement: The coordinated development of law enforcement in relation to and protection of intellectual property rights shall be advanced through "Internet plus" related technologies, and while the governance of the online conduct of infringement and counterfeiting is enhanced, the online and offline integrated collaborative regulation shall be advanced, so as to collaboratively raise the efficiency and level of online identification, real-time monitoring, and source tracing. --协同推进。通过“互联网+”相关技术推进知识产权执法维权工作的协调发展,在强化线上侵权假冒行为治理的同时,推进线上线下一体化协同监管,协同提升在线识别、实时监测、源头追溯的效率与水平。
3. Work objectives. (三)工作目标。
By 2020, the building of a technical support system for online identification, real-time monitoring, and source tracing of leads to infringement and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights will have been basically completed, the establishment of databases related to intellectual property rights as well as product and service databases will have been completed, and a guidance and management system for the law enforcement relating to and protection of intellectual property rights in the entire process will have been in smooth operation. 到2020年,知识产权侵权假冒线索在线识别、实时监测、源头追溯的技术支撑体系基本建成,知识产权相关数据库、产品和服务数据库构建完成,全流程的知识产权执法维权指导管理系统运行通畅。
The mode of "Internet plus" protection of intellectual property rights will have been widely applied throughout the system, a working mechanism for "Internet plus" protection of intellectual property rights will have basically taken shape, the level of online governance of infringement and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights will have been significantly raised, the offline source tracing will have been accurate and quick, the efficiency of law enforcement relating to and protection of intellectual property rights will have been improved, all kinds of conduct of infringement and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights will have been severely combated, and the environment for protection of intellectual property rights will have been significantly bettered. “互联网+”知识产权保护模式在全系统得到广泛应用,“互联网+”知识产权保护工作机制基本形成,线上知识产权侵权假冒治理水平明显提高,线下源头追溯精准快捷,知识产权执法维权效率显著提升,各类知识产权侵权假冒行为受到严厉打击,知识产权保护环境明显改善。
II. Main tasks   二、主要任务
1. Establishing a technical support system. (一)建立技术支撑体系。
(1) Building basic databases. The core information of authorization documents with respect to intellectual property rights shall be excerpted to build a database of profiles of intellectual property rights. A database of adjudicative information on infringement shall be established to provide the basis for artificial intelligence learning for adjudication on infringement. The transfer license database for intellectual property rights shall be used to provide data for screening for non-infringement conduct. A dynamic database of key products and services and a related market participant database shall be established to provide basic data for comparison in respect of infringement and counterfeits. 1.建设基础数据库。提取知识产权授权文件的核心信息,构建知识产权概要数据库。建立侵权判定信息数据库,为侵权判定提供人工智能学习基础。利用知识产权转让许可数据库,为不侵权行为的筛查提供数据。建立动态的重点产品和服务数据库及相关市场主体数据库,提供用于侵权假冒比对的基本数据。
(2) Establishing an intelligent detection system of leads to infringement and counterfeiting. An intelligent detection system with comprehensive functions shall be established to realize on-line identification, real-time monitoring, and source tracing of leads to infringement and counterfeiting. 2.建设侵权假冒线索智能检测系统。建设功能全面的智能检测系统,实现对侵权假冒线索的在线识别、实时监测、源头追溯功能。
Online identification models for leads to patent counterfeiting, infringement of design patents, infringement of trademarks, and infringement invention and utility model patents shall be established by classifications and interfaced with the basic databases to realize online identification of leads to infringement and counterfeiting. 分类建立假冒专利、外观设计专利侵权、商标侵权、发明与实用新型专利侵权线索的在线识别模型,与基础数据库对接,实现对侵权假冒线索的在线识别。
Through big data analysis, a directory of products and enterprises involving high risk of infringement and counterfeiting shall be determined, a directory of intellectual property rights vulnerable to infringement and counterfeiting shall be established, the directories shall be subject to active correlation monitoring, and the establishment of an infringement and counterfeiting risk monitoring platform of new commodities shall be advanced, so as to synergistically realize real-time monitoring of leads to infringement and counterfeiting. 通过大数据分析,确定侵权假冒高风险产品和企业名录,建立易受侵权假冒的知识产权名录,对名录实施关联性主动监控,同时推进建立新上线商品侵权假冒风险监测平台,协同实现对侵权假冒线索的实时监测。
An online and offline quick assisted-investigation channel shall be established to, from leads to online infringement and counterfeiting output by online identification and real-time monitoring modules, based on the information on online registration and transaction, determine information on offline production and sale sites, warehousing, and logistics, among others, and realize offline source tracing. 建立线上线下快速协查通道,对在线识别和实时监测模块输出的线上侵权假冒线索,结合线上注册和交易信息,确定线下生产销售场所及仓储物流等信息,实现线下源头追溯。
The functions to collect and retain evidence online in respect of leads to infringement and counterfeiting shall be developed, network evidence shall be fixed in time, and the fixing of network electronic evidence in intelligent detection shall be realized. 开发对侵权假冒线索的网上取证、存证功能,及时固定网络证据,实现智能检测中的网络电子证据固化。
(3) Achieving the connection between the intelligent detection system and the related system. The intelligent detection system shall be connected with the guidance and management system for the law enforcement relating to and protection of intellectual property rights, so as to realize the functions, such as launch of the detection and push of leads to infringement and counterfeiting, online case-handling guidance, and online assistance in right protection. 3.实现智能检测系统与相关系统的对接。将智能检测系统与执法维权指导管理系统对接,实现侵权假冒线索检测的启动与推送、在线办案指导、在线维权援助等功能。
2. Establishing operating mechanisms. (二)建立运行机制。
(1) Establishing detection launch and push mechanisms of leads to infringement and counterfeiting. A launch mechanism for detection of leads to infringement and counterfeiting shall be established. Owners of intellectual property rights from home and abroad may launch the detection of leads to infringement and counterfeiting through local intellectual property right protection assistance centers, protection centers, quick right protection centers, local intellectual property offices, and other law enforcement and right protection authorities. Law enforcement and right protection authorities may proactively launch detection of one or more leads to infringement and counterfeiting with respect to local advantageous industries. The State Intellectual Property Office shall, in light of actual needs, conduct nationwide detection of leads to infringement and counterfeiting in priority fields and regions and of priority intellectual property rights.

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