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Opinions of the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange for Financial Support for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area [Effective]
中国人民银行、中国银行保险监督管理委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会、国家外汇管理局关于金融支持粤港澳大湾区建设的意见 [现行有效]

Opinions of the People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange for Financial Support for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 


(No. 95 [2020] of the People's Bank of China) (银发〔2020〕95号)

Guangzhou Branch of the People's Bank of China (“PBC”) and the central sub-branch of the PBC in Shenzhen; The Guangdong Office and the Shenzhen Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission; China Development Bank; Guangdong Office and Shenzhen Office of the China Securities Regulatory Commission; the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”) Guangdong Branch; the SAFE Shenzhen Branch; all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, and joint-stock commercial banks; the Postal Savings Bank of China and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange : 中国人民银行广州分行、深圳市中心支行,广东银保监局、深圳银保监局,广东证监局、深圳证监局,国家外汇管理局广东省分局、深圳市分局;国家开发银行,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行,中国邮政储蓄银行;深圳证券交易所:
For the purposes of implementing the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council in an in-depth manner, implementing the requirements of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (“GBA”), further promoting financial opening-up and innovation, deepening the financial cooperation between the Mainland China and Hong Kong and Macao, increasing financial support for the construction of the GBA, and enhancing the supporting and leading role of the GBA in China's economic development and opening-up, the following opinions are hereby put forward with the approval of the State Council. 为深入贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,落实《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》要求,进一步推进金融开放创新,深化内地与港澳金融合作,加大金融支持粤港澳大湾区建设力度,提升粤港澳大湾区在国家经济发展和对外开放中的支持引领作用,经国务院同意,现提出以下意见。
I. General principles   一、总体原则
1. Insisting on serving the real economy. By centering on the financial needs of realizing high-quality economic development and trade and investment facilitation, innovation on cross-border investment and financing shall be comprehensively promoted, the allocation of financial resources shall be optimized, the efficiency of financing shall be improved, the quality and efficiency of financial services shall be enhanced, and internationalization of RMB shall be steadily promoted, to provide strong financial support for the construction of a dynamic and internationally competitive first-class Bay Area and world-class urban agglomeration. (一)坚持服务实体经济。围绕实现经济高质量发展与贸易投资便利化的金融需求,全面推进跨境投融资创新,优化金融资源配置,提高资金融通效率,提升金融服务质量和效能,稳步推进人民币国际化,为建设富有活力和国际竞争力的一流湾区和世界级城市群提供有力的金融支撑。
2. Insisting on cooperation, and achieving mutual benefits and win-win results. The routes and models of financial cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao shall be innovated on, the opening up of the financial service industry to Hong Kong and Macao shall be promoted at a higher level, Hong Kong and Macao shall be supported in integrating into the pattern of national financial reform and opening up in an in-depth manner, the unique advantages of the financial system of Hong Kong under the principle of “one country, two systems” shall be maximized, the consolidation and development of the status of Hong Kong as an international financial center shall be supported, and financial complementarity, mutual assistance and interaction in the GBA shall be strengthened. (二)坚持合作互利共赢。创新内地与港澳金融合作的路径和模式,在更高水平上推动金融服务业对港澳开放,支持港澳深度融入国家金融改革开放格局,在“一国两制”方针下发挥香港金融体系的独特优势,支持巩固和发展香港国际金融中心地位,加强粤港澳大湾区金融互补、互助和互动关系。
3. Insisting on marketization orientation. The decisive role of the market in the allocation of financial resources shall be fully maximized. The reform of the financial market shall be deepened, the interconnection between the financial markets of Shenzhen and Hong Kong shall be advanced, and the convenience of financing in the GBA shall be improved, to allow the market to determine the direction and flow of funds in diversified financial intermediary channels. (三)坚持市场化导向。充分发挥市场在金融资源配置上的决定性作用。深化金融市场改革,推进深港金融市场互联互通,提升粤港澳大湾区资金融通便利度,让市场决定在多元化金融中介渠道中的资金流向和流量。
4. Insisting on preventing systematic financial risks. A regional financial regulation and coordination mechanism shall be established and improved, a system for the prevention and control of risks of cross-border capital flows compatible with financial opening-up and innovation shall be improved, various financial opening-up and innovation measures of the GBA shall be promoted in a steady and orderly manner under the premise of compliance with laws and regulations and controllable risks, and one item shall be issued upon maturity. (四)坚持防范系统性金融风险。建立健全区域金融监管协调机制,完善与金融开放创新相适应的跨境资金流动风险防控体系,在依法合规、风险可控前提下稳妥有序推进粤港澳大湾区各项金融开放创新,成熟一项、推进一项。
II. Promoting the facilitation of cross-border trade, investment and financing in the GBA, and enhancing the facilitation of the exchange between RMB and foreign currencies and the cross-border circulation and use   二、促进粤港澳大湾区跨境贸易和投融资便利化,提升本外币兑换和跨境流通使用便利度
5. Exploring the implementation of a pilot program of trade and investment facilitation at a higher level. Mainland banks in the GBA (i.e. nine cities in the Pearl River Delta) that conduct business operation prudently and develop business in compliance with the regulations shall be supported in applying more convenient measures for qualified enterprises when they handle transactions of trade balance, further simplifying the procedures for cross-border RMB business, promoting the trade and investment facilitation, and optimizing the business environment. (五)探索实施更高水平的贸易投资便利化试点。支持粤港澳大湾区内地(指珠三角九市,下同)审慎经营、合规展业的银行,在为符合条件的企业办理贸易收支业务时适用更为便利的措施,进一步简化跨境人民币业务办理流程,促进贸易投资便利化,优化营商环境。
6. Improving foreign exchange administration of new forms of trade. Mainland residents in the GBA engaging in market procurement trade, cross-border e-commerce and other new forms of trade shall be supported in opening individual foreign exchange settlement accounts with mainland banks in the GBA (i.e. banks in nine cities in the Pearl River Delta, excluding branches formed by the aforesaid banks in Hong Kong or Macao) and handling settlement and purchase of foreign exchange upon strength of relevant documents, after obtaining the right to engage in foreign trade, and undergoing the formalities of industrial and commercial registration or other formalities of providing relevant services. (六)完善贸易新业态外汇管理。支持从事市场采购贸易、跨境电子商务等贸易新业态的粤港澳大湾区内地居民在取得对外贸易经营权、进行工商登记或办理其他执业手续后,在粤港澳大湾区内地银行(指珠三角九市银行,不含上述银行在港澳开设的分支机构,下同)开立个人外汇结算账户,并凭相关单证办理结购汇。
7. Promoting the reform of capital accounts facilitation. The pilot program of facilitating revenue payment under capital accounts in mainland areas of the GBA shall be implemented in a unified manner, the exchange settlement and payment management methods shall be simplified, the operating procedures shall be improved, and interim and ex post regulation shall be strengthened. Qualified non-bank debtors in mainland areas of the GBA shall be allowed to directly handle deregistration of foreign debts with banks, and the time limit for mainland enterprises in the GBA to handle deregistration of foreign debts shall be cancelled. Mainland banks in the GBA shall be supported in directly handling domestic payment and use of cross-border RMB funds under capital accounts such as direct investments, foreign debts and overseas listing for mainland enterprises in the GBA upon strength of the receipt and payment orders placed by enterprises under the three principles of “knowing your clients, knowing your business, and due diligence.” (七)推进资本项目便利化改革。在粤港澳大湾区内地统一实施资本项目收入支付便利化试点,简化结汇和支付管理方式,完善操作流程,加强事中事后监管。允许粤港澳大湾区内地符合条件的非银行债务人直接在银行办理外债注销登记,取消粤港澳大湾区内地企业办理外债注销登记时间限制。支持粤港澳大湾区内地银行为粤港澳大湾区内地企业办理直接投资、外债和境外上市等资本项目跨境人民币资金境内支付使用时,在“了解客户、了解业务、尽职审查”三原则基础上,凭企业提交的收付款指令直接办理。
8. Exploring the establishment of an account management system compatible with the development of the GBA. Research shall be carried out for establishing a bank account system that integrates domestic and foreign currencies and is compatible with the development of the GBA, to facilitate cross-border trade and investment and financing settlement. The pilot program of opening Class II and Class III individual bank settlement accounts with residents in Hong Kong and Macao as agents and witnesses shall be implemented, and bank account opening services shall be optimized. (八)探索建立与粤港澳大湾区发展相适应的账户管理体系。研究建立与粤港澳大湾区发展相适应的本外币合一银行账户体系,促进跨境贸易、投融资结算便利化。开展港澳居民代理见证开立个人Ⅱ、Ⅲ类银行结算账户试点,优化银行账户开户服务。
9. Exploring the establishment of a cross-border financial management mechanism. Mainland residents in the GBA shall be supported in purchasing financial management products sold by banks in Hong Kong and Macao from the said banks, and residents in Hong Kong and Macao shall be supported in purchasing financial management products sold by mainland banks from mainland banks in the GBA. (九)探索建立跨境理财通机制。支持粤港澳大湾区内地居民通过港澳银行购买港澳银行销售的理财产品,以及港澳居民通过粤港澳大湾区内地银行购买内地银行销售的理财产品。
10. Implementing the pilot program of cross-border cash pooling business integrating domestic and foreign currencies. The pilot program of cross-border cash pooling business integrating domestic and foreign currencies shall be implemented in the mainland areas of the GBA, adjustment to and collection of fund surplus and deficiency in domestic and foreign currencies between domestic and foreign members by multinational enterprise groups shall be further facilitated, funds in domestic and foreign currencies in the cash pool shall be exchanged in light of actual needs, and macro-prudential management shall be implemented for cross-border cash pooling business. (十)开展本外币合一的跨境资金池业务试点。在粤港澳大湾区内地开展本外币合一的跨境资金池业务试点,进一步便利跨国企业集团在境内外成员之间进行本外币资金余缺调剂和归集,在资金池内实现本外币按需兑换,对跨境资金池业务实行宏观审慎管理。
11. Supporting banks in carrying out cross-border loan business. Mainland banks in the GBA shall be encouraged to grant cross-border loans to institutions or projects in Hong Kong and Macao under the macro-prudential framework. Mainland branches of banks in Hong Kong and Macao shall be supported in providing loan services for the construction of the GBA. (十一)支持银行开展跨境贷款业务。支持粤港澳大湾区内地银行在宏观审慎框架下,向港澳地区的机构或项目发放跨境贷款。支持港澳银行在内地的分支机构为粤港澳大湾区建设提供贷款服务。
12. Steadily expanding the pilot program of transfer of cross-border assets. Exploration shall be made for expanding the varieties of assets for cross-border transfer, and including them in the macro-prudential management of full-covered cross-border financing. Mainland financial institutions in the GBA shall be supported in handling cross-border transfer of trade financing assets and other business in a regulated manner under the principle of sustainable commerce and on the basis of satisfying the requirements for risk management. (十二)稳步扩大跨境资产转让业务试点。探索扩大跨境转让的资产品种,并纳入全口径跨境融资宏观审慎管理。支持粤港澳大湾区内地金融机构按照商业可持续原则,在满足风险管理要求的基础上,规范开展贸易融资资产跨境转让等业务。
13. Supporting the establishment of RMB overseas investment and loan funds. Institutions in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao shall be supported in cooperating in setting up RMB overseas investment and loan funds, incorporating them into the statistics of RMB overseas fund business, raising RMB funds from institutions and individuals in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, and from overseas, providing investment and financing services for Chinese enterprises' “going abroad” to make investment and conduct mergers and acquisitions, and supporting the construction of the “Belt and Road” Initiative.

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