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Notice by the State Council of Issuing the Framework Plan for China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone [Effective]
国务院关于印发中国(海南)自由贸易试验区总体方案的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the State Council of Issuing the Framework Plan for China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone 


(No. 34 [2018] of the State Council) (国发〔2018〕34号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
The Framework Plan for China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone is hereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation. 现将《中国(海南)自由贸易试验区总体方案》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。
State Council 国务院
September 24, 2018 2018年9月24日
Framework Plan for China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(海南)自由贸易试验区总体方案
Assigning a new mission of reform and opening up to the Hainan Special Economic Zone is a major national strategy that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally planned, arranged, and promoted. The construction of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "FTZ") is a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council with a focus on the overall development picture at home and abroad, through in-depth research, overall consideration, and scientific planning and a significant move to manifest China's resolution to open further and promote economic globalization. For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the conference to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of Hainan province and Hainan Special Economic Zone, implementing the requirements of the Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Hainan in Comprehensively Deepening Efforts of Reform and Opening, and building the FTZ according to high standards and high quality requirements, this Plan is hereby developed. 赋予海南经济特区改革开放新的使命,是习近平总书记亲自谋划、亲自部署、亲自推动的重大国家战略。建设中国(海南)自由贸易试验区(以下简称自贸试验区)是党中央、国务院着眼于国际国内发展大局,深入研究、统筹考虑、科学谋划作出的重大决策,是彰显我国扩大对外开放、积极推动经济全球化决心的重大举措。为深入贯彻习近平总书记在庆祝海南建省办经济特区30周年大会上的重要讲话精神,落实《中共中央 国务院关于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》要求,高标准高质量建设自贸试验区,制定本方案。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. The great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics shall be held high, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be comprehensively implemented, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era shall be regarded as the guidance, overall Party leadership shall be upheld and strengthened, the people-centered philosophy of development shall be adhered to, the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability shall be adhered to, a new vision for development shall be adhered to, high-quality development shall be adhered to, the overall advancement of overall layout for "economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress" and the coordinated advancement of the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy shall be effected, the supply-side structural reform shall be regarded as the theme, an open mind shall be kept, bold innovation shall be conducted, opening up first shall be adhered to, system innovation shall be regarded as the core, greater reform autonomy shall be granted, bold attempts shall be made, bold breakthroughs shall be made, independent reform shall be conducted, the reform of simplification of administrative procedures, decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization and regulation, and optimization of services shall be deepened, the formation of a law-based, international and facilitative business environment and a fair, open, unified and efficient market environment shall be accelerated, the concept of ecological civilization shall be implemented throughout the construction of the FTZ, new modes for the ecological and green development of the FTZ shall be actively explored, the integration of reform systems shall be strengthened, efforts shall be made to acquire more system innovation results, and the role as a testing ground in comprehensively deepening reforms and furthering the expansion of opening up shall be manifested. (一)指导思想。高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持和加强党的全面领导,坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,坚持高质量发展,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,解放思想、大胆创新,坚持开放为先,以制度创新为核心,赋予更大改革自主权,大胆试、大胆闯、自主改,深化简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革,加快形成法治化、国际化、便利化的营商环境和公平开放统一高效的市场环境,将生态文明理念贯穿自贸试验区建设全过程,积极探索自贸试验区生态绿色发展新模式,加强改革系统集成,力争取得更多制度创新成果,彰显全面深化改革和扩大开放试验田作用。
2. Strategic orientation. The overall advantages that the pilot program is conducted on whole Hainan Island shall be exploited, with a close focus on building a pilot zone to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, a national ecological civilization pilot zone, an international tourism consumption center, and a national major strategies serving and guaranteeing zone, a more proactive opening up strategy shall be implemented, the establishment of a new open economic system shall be accelerated, the formation of a new comprehensive opening up pattern shall be promoted, and Hainan shall be built into China's important opening up gateway directed at the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. (二)战略定位。发挥海南岛全岛试点的整体优势,紧紧围绕建设全面深化改革开放试验区、国家生态文明试验区、国际旅游消费中心和国家重大战略服务保障区,实行更加积极主动的开放战略,加快构建开放型经济新体制,推动形成全面开放新格局,把海南打造成为我国面向太平洋和印度洋的重要对外开放门户。
3. Development objectives. With international advanced rules as a benchmark, reform and exploration shall continue to be deepened, high-quality development shall be promoted with a high level of opening up, and the establishment of an open, eco-friendly and service-oriented industry system shall be hastened. By 2020, important progress will have been made in the construction of the FTZ, the international and opening up degree will have been significantly improved, the building of a high-standard and high-quality FTZ facilitative to investment and trade, with a sound rule-of-law environment, robust financial services, safe and efficient regulation, a high-quality ecology and environment, and a ripple effect, will have been finished by making every endeavor, and a solid foundation shall be laid for the gradual exploration and steady advancement of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and the establishment of a free trade port policies system by stages and phases. (三)发展目标。对标国际先进规则,持续深化改革探索,以高水平开放推动高质量发展,加快建立开放型生态型服务型产业体系。到2020年,自贸试验区建设取得重要进展,国际开放度显著提高,努力建成投资贸易便利、法治环境规范、金融服务完善、监管安全高效、生态环境质量一流、辐射带动作用突出的高标准高质量自贸试验区,为逐步探索、稳步推进海南自由贸易港建设,分步骤、分阶段建立自由贸易港政策体系打好坚实基础。
II. Building a pilot free trade zone on the whole Hainan Island   二、在海南全岛建设自由贸易试验区
4. Scope of implementation. The scope of implementation of the FTZ shall be the entire Hainan Island. The development and utilization of land and sea areas in the FTZ shall comply with state laws and regulations, meet the requirements for ecological civilization and green development, and conform to Hainan province's master plan with "plans integrated" and the requirements relating to the conservation and intensive utilization of the land and sea. If any uninhabited island is involved, the relevant provisions of the Island Protection Law of the People's Republic of China shall be observed. (四)实施范围。自贸试验区的实施范围为海南岛全岛。自贸试验区土地、海域开发利用须遵守国家法律法规,贯彻生态文明和绿色发展要求,符合海南省“多规合一”总体规划,并符合节约集约用地用海的有关要求。涉及无居民海岛的,须符合《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》有关规定。
5. Division of functions. The master plan of Hainan province requires that the development of tourism, modern service industries, and high-tech industries be dominant and that the industry layout on the Hainan Island be scientific. New areas under special customs supervision shall be established as needed for development, system innovations with investment and trade liberalization and facilitation as the main contents shall be carried out in areas under special customs supervision; international investment and trade, bonded logistics, bonded maintenance, and other business shall be mainly conducted. A new quarantine area under customs supervision shall be sited in Sanya to conduct business such as introduction and transshipment of global animal and plant germplasm resources. (五)功能划分。按照海南省总体规划的要求,以发展旅游业、现代服务业、高新技术产业为主导,科学安排海南岛产业布局。按发展需要增设海关特殊监管区域,在海关特殊监管区域开展以投资贸易自由化便利化为主要内容的制度创新,主要开展国际投资贸易、保税物流、保税维修等业务。在三亚选址增设海关监管隔离区域,开展全球动植物种质资源引进和中转等业务。
III. Accelerating the building of a new open economic system   三、加快构建开放型经济新体制
6. Significantly relaxing market access control with respect to foreign capital. A pre-access national treatment plus negative list administration system shall be fully implemented for foreign capital. The opening of modern agriculture, high-tech industries, and modern service industries shall be deepened, and the efforts to open key fields such as the seed industry, medical care, education, tourism, telecommunications, the Internet, culture, finance, aviation, marine economy, and new energy vehicle manufacturing shall be intensified. The restriction on foreign stake shall be canceled for the breeding of new vegetable varieties and seed production. The authority to approve the access of foreign capital to value-added telecommunications services shall be devolved to Hainan province, the restriction on foreign stake shall be canceled for domestic multi-party communication services, Internet access services for Internet users, and store and forward services, and foreign investors shall be allowed to invest in domestic Internet virtual private network services (with the foreign stake not exceeding 50%). The establishment of foreign-invested performing arts groups (with the Chinese party having a controlling stake) shall be allowed. The restriction on the foreign stake in a personal insurance company shall be relaxed and raised to 51%. For the design, manufacturing and maintenance of ships (including ship sections) and trunk-route, regional and general aircrafts, the restriction on foreign stake shall be canceled. The requirement that oil and gas be explored and exploited by means of executing a product sharing contract with an oil and gas company having a foreign cooperation concession as granted by the Chinese government shall be canceled. The restriction on the foreign stake in an international maritime transport company or an international shipping agency shall be canceled. A wholly foreign-funded building enterprise established in the FTZ shall be allowed to undertake a building work suited in the FTZ, not subject to the restriction on the ratio of investment by either party to a project. An overseas professional who is qualified as a Grade I registered architect or a Grade I registered structural engineer in China shall be allowed as a partner to establish an architectural engineering and design firm as required by corresponding qualification standards. The restriction on the access of foreign capital to new energy automobile manufacturing shall be canceled. (六)大幅放宽外资市场准入。对外资全面实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度。深化现代农业、高新技术产业、现代服务业对外开放,在种业、医疗、教育、旅游、电信、互联网、文化、金融、航空、海洋经济、新能源汽车制造等重点领域加大开放力度。取消蔬菜新品种选育和种子生产外资股比限制。将增值电信业务外资准入审批权下放给海南省,取消国内多方通信服务业务、上网用户互联网接入服务业务、存储转发类业务外资股比限制,允许外商投资国内互联网虚拟专用网业务(外资股比不超过50%)。允许设立外商投资文艺表演团体(中方控股)。放宽人身险公司外资股比限制至51%。取消船舶(含分段)及干线、支线、通用飞机设计、制造与维修外资股比限制。取消石油天然气勘探开发须通过与中国政府批准的具有对外合作专营权的油气公司签署产品分成合同方式进行的要求。取消国际海上运输公司、国际船舶代理公司外资股比限制。允许在自贸试验区内设立的外商独资建筑业企业承揽区内建筑工程项目,不受项目双方投资比例限制。允许取得我国一级注册建筑师或一级注册结构工程师资格的境外专业人士作为合伙人,按相应资质标准要求设立建筑工程设计事务所。取消新能源汽车制造外资准入限制。
7. Improving trade facilitation. For goods entering and leaving the Hainan Yangpu Bonded Port Area, other than those whose import and export is banned or restricted or that entail inspection or quarantine, the entry and exit administration system for goods featuring "free flow through the first line and efficient control at the second line" shall be implemented on a trial basis. The construction of international trade "single window" at international advanced level shall be accelerated, the synergy, simplification and harmonization of data shall be promoted, the collection of information on logistics and supervision, among others, in the whole process shall be achieved, and exchange of information, mutual recognition of regulation and mutual assistance in law enforcement among regulatory entities shall be realized. Based on the customs clearance and logistics status information from port administrative departments, operational information shall be integrated to form a complete comprehensive information database of customs clearance and logistics status and provide enterprises with data services in full process. The law enforcement cooperation between port administrative departments shall be strengthened, and one-time joint inspections across departments shall be promoted. The sharing of ship certificate information from maritime, transportation and ship inspection departments shall be implemented. The systemization of the average time for release and customs clearance of goods shall be vigorously advanced, and well-regulated measurement standards and transparent public disclosure mechanisms shall be developed. The scope of commodities and institutions with respect to which third-party inspection results are admitted shall be expanded. The implementation of the independent declaration system and the pre-ruling system for places of origin shall be promoted in accordance with free trade agreements and arrangements. The scope of application of the provisionally imported cargo documentation system shall be broadened, and the validity period of carnets shall be extended. Companies engaging in parallel import of automobiles may use customs clearance facilitation measures such as price pre-ruling and tax consolidation. The mode of secured release in the event of disputes over patent of export goods shall be innovated. The launch of the pilot program of customs tax guarantee insurance shall be supported. The licensing procedures for export of wild fauna and flora shall be simplified. (七)提升贸易便利化水平。对进出海南洋浦保税港区的货物,除禁止进出口和限制出口以及需要检验检疫的货物外,试行“一线放开、二线高效管住”的货物进出境管理制度。加快建设具有国际先进水平的国际贸易“单一窗口”,推动数据协同、简化和标准化,实现物流和监管等信息的全流程采集,实现监管单位的信息互换、监管互认、执法互助。以口岸管理部门的通关物流状态信息为基础,整合作业信息,形成完整的通关物流状态综合信息库,为企业提供全程数据服务。加强口岸管理部门执法合作,推行跨部门一次性联合检查。实施海事、交通、船检三部门船舶证书信息共享。积极推进货物平均放行和结关时间体系化建设,构建规范的测算标准和透明的公布机制。扩大第三方检验结果采信商品和机构范围。依照自由贸易协定安排,推动实施原产地自主声明制度和原产地预裁定制度。拓展暂时进口货物单证制度适用范围,延长单证册的有效期。平行进口汽车企业可以使用价格预裁定、汇总征税等通关便利化措施。创新出口货物专利纠纷担保放行方式。支持开展海关税款保证保险试点。简化野生动植物出口许可程序。
8. Innovating on comprehensive trade supervision modes. The qualification of enterprises in areas under special customs supervision as general taxpayers shall be researched, and the classification supervision of goods status in areas under special customs supervision shall be comprehensively implemented. The support for the implementation of bonded supervision of aircraft maintenance business in areas under special customs supervision in which parts are imported from overseas and the market is overseas shall be researched. On the premise of risk controllability, maintenance supervision modes shall be innovated, and foreign cruise ship maintenance business shall be conducted. The risk early warning and quick response mechanism for imported commodities shall be improved, safety risk monitoring shall be strengthened, and a safety issue investigation system shall be implemented. A safety traceability system for import and export of important products shall be built to achieve the traceability of the whole-process information on key and sensitive products and connect to the national important product traceability platform to realize information sharing. The export of quality agricultural products shall be exempt from inspection and quarantine certification and filing. The quarantine inspection flow for special items for experimental use in the global collaborative research and development of biopharmaceuticals shall be optimized. The layout of the international mail exchange bureaus (exchange stations) shall be improved, the construction of the International Express Mail Supervisory Center shall be strengthened, and an important cross-border e-commerce delivery center shall be built. The establishment of bonded delivery warehouses for commodity futures in areas under special customs supervision and bonded venues under supervision shall be supported.

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