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Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting the Formation of a New Pattern in the Large-scale Development of China's Western Regions [Effective]
中共中央、国务院关于新时代推进西部大开发形成新格局的指导意见 [现行有效]

Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting the Formation of a New Pattern in the Large-scale Development of China's Western Regions 


Strengthening efforts to promote the formation of a new pattern in the western region development is a significant decision and arrangement made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to, based on the overall situation, satisfy the new requirements for socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era and balanced development among regions in a new phase, and coordinate domestic and international landscapes. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the economic and social development in the western regions have been making historical achievements under the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core, thereby laying a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and leaving a larger space for national strategic development. In the meantime, however, the western regions are still facing a pronounced problem of unbalanced and insufficient development, hardships in further shaking off poverty, a wide gap in development between the east and the west, and onerous tasks of maintaining ethnic solidarity, social stability and national security; and the western regions remain behind in building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and realizing socialist modernization. Therefore, it is of immediate and historic significance to continue promoting the large-scale development of the western regions in a bid to strengthen the capability of preventing and dissolving various risks, boosting balanced development among regions, building a moderately well-off society, and embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. The opinions are hereby offered as follows to accelerate the formation of a new pattern of the western region development and advance the high-quality development of the western regions. 强化举措推进西部大开发形成新格局,是党中央、国务院从全局出发,顺应中国特色社会主义进入新时代、区域协调发展进入新阶段的新要求,统筹国内国际两个大局作出的重大决策部署。党的十八大以来,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,西部地区经济社会发展取得重大历史性成就,为决胜全面建成小康社会奠定了比较坚实的基础,也扩展了国家发展的战略回旋空间。但同时,西部地区发展不平衡不充分问题依然突出,巩固脱贫攻坚任务依然艰巨,与东部地区发展差距依然较大,维护民族团结、社会稳定、国家安全任务依然繁重,仍然是全面建成小康社会、实现社会主义现代化的短板和薄弱环节。新时代继续做好西部大开发工作,对于增强防范化解各类风险能力,促进区域协调发展,决胜全面建成小康社会,开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,具有重要现实意义和深远历史意义。为加快形成西部大开发新格局,推动西部地区高质量发展,现提出如下意见。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
With Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, efforts shall be made to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress as well as the 2nd and 3rd Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, coordinate efforts to implement the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy, put in place a holistic approach to national security, follow the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, uphold the new development concept, and remain committed to promoting high-quality development. There shall also be efforts to deepen the market-oriented reform and open up wider to the outside world with focus on supply-side structural reform, as well as efforts to unswervingly support the implementation of major reform measures, and prevent and dissolve serious risks and challenges in advancing reform. Stronger measures shall be adopted to fulfill key tasks and minimize weaknesses, form a new pattern of large-scale protection, large-scale opening-up and high-quality development, and promote reforms in the quality, efficiency and momentum of economic growth. Coordination between economic growth of the western regions and local population, resources and environment shall be promoted to achieve fairer, more efficient and sustainable development with better quality. By 2020, the western regions will have made remarkable improvements in relation to ecological balance, business environment, openness and innovation, and, together with the rest of the country, build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. By 2035, the western regions will have basically realized socialist modernization, will have roughly kept up with the eastern regions in public services, infrastructure accessibility and people's living conditions, and shall strive to ensure mutual support among various regions in development, two-way openness and coordination between the east and the west, prosperity, security and stability in frontier areas, and harmonious co-existence between nature and mankind. 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,落实总体国家安全观,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,坚持推动高质量发展,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,深化市场化改革、扩大高水平开放,坚定不移推动重大改革举措落实,防范化解推进改革中的重大风险挑战。强化举措抓重点、补短板、强弱项,形成大保护、大开放、高质量发展的新格局,推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,促进西部地区经济发展与人口、资源、环境相协调,实现更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续发展,确保到2020年西部地区生态环境、营商环境、开放环境、创新环境明显改善,与全国一道全面建成小康社会;到2035年,西部地区基本实现社会主义现代化,基本公共服务、基础设施通达程度、人民生活水平与东部地区大体相当,努力实现不同类型地区互补发展、东西双向开放协同并进、民族边疆地区繁荣安全稳固、人与自然和谐共生。
II. Implementing the new development concept and advancing high-quality development   二、贯彻新发展理念,推动高质量发展
1. Solid actions shall be taken to fight battles against potential risks, poverty and pollution. The three critical battles, particularly the battle against poverty, shall be deemed as key tasks in the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, so focus shall be placed on fulfilling key tasks and addressing the relevant challenges. The prominent issue of guaranteeing the basic needs of food and clothing for those living in poverty shall be resolved. Efforts shall be strengthened to alleviate poverty in extremely poor areas and particular groups affected by poverty, and reduce the number of poor populations and prevent them from slipping back to poor conditions. These efforts shall ensure that by 2020, all rural residents living below the current poverty line in the western regions will be living a better life, and poverty will be eliminated in all poor counties. The rural revitalization strategy shall be progressively promoted upon the completion of the poverty relief task to consolidate achievements made in the fight against poverty. Based on actual conditions, the western regions shall work effectively to fight the critical battle against pollution, carry out major projects on environmental protection, and build a system in which ecological environment can be managed and controlled according to different areas. Possible risks shall be precisely discerned, systems and mechanisms for risk prevention shall be further improved based on the actual conditions of the western regions, and measures for reform and innovation shall be adopted. Potential risks shall be basically identified, and be properly controlled at the source. The financial leverage ratio shall be effectively stabilized. (一)打好三大攻坚战。把打好三大攻坚战特别是精准脱贫攻坚战作为决胜全面建成小康社会的关键任务,集中力量攻坚克难。重点解决实现“两不愁三保障”面临的突出问题,加大深度贫困地区和特殊贫困群体脱贫攻坚力度,减少和防止贫困人口返贫,确保到2020年现行标准下西部地区农村贫困人口全部实现脱贫,贫困县全部摘帽。在全面完成脱贫任务基础上压茬推进乡村振兴战略,巩固脱贫攻坚成果。结合西部地区发展实际,打好污染防治标志性重大战役,实施环境保护重大工程,构建生态环境分区管控体系。精准研判可能出现的主要风险点,结合西部地区实际,进一步完善体制机制,拿出改革创新举措。坚持底线思维,强化源头管控,有效稳住杠杆率。
2. The capacity of innovation-driven development shall be constantly improved. With focus placed on the building of innovation capacity, cooperation on innovation and opening-up shall be strengthened to create regional innovation centers. The distribution of major national facilities for scientific research shall be improved, and priority shall be given to installing and establishing state-level innovation platforms and large scientific facilities in the western regions. The establishment of national innovation demonstration zones, demonstration zones for the transfer and commercialization of advances in science and technology, and other innovation facilities shall be accelerated in areas with better conditions in the west of China. The east-west cooperation on technological advances shall be further advanced to build a collaborative innovation community. A number of application-based universities and higher vocational schools shall be established in the western regions, and the country's first-class universities shall be encouraged to provide support to the western regions. Business startups and innovations shall be strengthened to promote the high-quality development of the western regions and stimulate the upgrading of entrepreneurship and innovation. The market-oriented innovation mechanism, with enterprises as the main players, integrating the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes, shall be improved to encourage various enterprises to establish scientific and technological innovation enterprises in the western regions. The National Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Guidance Fund shall be supported in establishing venture capital sub-funds in these regions. Efforts shall be made to strengthen the establishment of the intellectual property protection, application and service systems, and support international exchanges and cooperation on intellectual property. (二)不断提升创新发展能力。以创新能力建设为核心,加强创新开放合作,打造区域创新高地。完善国家重大科研基础设施布局,支持西部地区在特色优势领域优先布局建设国家级创新平台和大科学装置。加快在西部具备条件的地区创建国家自主创新示范区、科技成果转移转化示范区等创新载体。进一步深化东西部科技创新合作,打造协同创新共同体。在西部地区布局建设一批应用型本科高校、高职学校,支持“双一流”高校对西部地区开展对口支援。深入推进大众创业万众创新,促进西部地区创新创业高质量发展,打造“双创”升级版。健全以需求为导向、以企业为主体的产学研一体化创新体制,鼓励各类企业在西部地区设立科技创新公司。支持国家科技成果转化引导基金在西部地区设立创业投资子基金。加强知识产权保护、应用和服务体系建设,支持开展知识产权国际交流合作。
3. Active measures shall be taken to establish a modern industry system. The comparative strengths of the western regions shall be fully leveraged to push forward the development of clusters in industries that meet certain conditions. Bigger strides shall be made to foster new drivers for growth and upgrade traditional drivers, promote extensive use of information technologies in and greater integration with traditional industries, and build a competitive modern industry system. Further integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries shall be advanced in rural areas, and the complete industrial chain and value chain of farming and animal husbandry shall be transformed and upgraded. The establishment of high-grade cropland, modern ecological pastures, functional zones for grain production, and production and protection areas for major agricultural products such as cotton, oilseed and sugar crops shall be accelerated, and support shall be provided to develop controlled-environment agriculture that is ecologically friendly, intensive and efficient with planned land use. The production, research, promotion and application of top-quality and distinctive agricultural machinery shall be advanced at a faster pace. The development of modern manufacturing and strategic emerging industries shall be enhanced. Active measures shall be taken to develop big data, artificial intelligence, ‘smart +' industries, as well as industrial Internet. New business forms such as ‘Internet+ education', ‘Internet+ medical services', and ‘Internet+ tourism' shall be encouraged, faster and more affordable network connection shall be provided, and cross-border e-commerce services shall be expedited. A significant boost shall be given to the western regions in leveraging their strengths in ecological environment, ethnic culture and customs and unique landscape near the border, deepening cooperation with other countries in terms of tourism resources, information sharing, industrial supervision, public services, tourism safety and standard-based services, and improving the quality of tourism services. Relying on scenic spots and border tourism experimental areas, the western regions shall work vigorously to provide tourism, recreation, healthcare and other services, and develop regional pillar industries. Efforts shall be made to speed up the development of modern services, particularly specialized services, as well as to strengthen the establishment of the modern logistics service system. (三)推动形成现代化产业体系。充分发挥西部地区比较优势,推动具备条件的产业集群化发展,在培育新动能和传统动能改造升级上迈出更大步伐,促进信息技术在传统产业广泛应用并与之深度融合,构建富有竞争力的现代化产业体系。推动农村一二三产业深度融合,促进农牧业全产业链、价值链转型升级。加快推进高标准农田、现代化生态牧场、粮食生产功能区和棉油糖等重要农产品生产保护区建设,支持发展生态集约高效、用地规范的设施农业。加快高端、特色农机装备生产研发和推广应用。推动发展现代制造业和战略性新兴产业。积极发展大数据、人工智能和“智能+”产业,大力发展工业互联网。推动“互联网+教育”、“互联网+医疗”、“互联网+旅游”等新业态发展,推进网络提速降费,加快发展跨境电子商务。支持西部地区发挥生态、民族民俗、边境风光等优势,深化旅游资源开放、信息共享、行业监管、公共服务、旅游安全、标准化服务等方面国际合作,提升旅游服务水平。依托风景名胜区、边境旅游试验区等,大力发展旅游休闲、健康养生等服务业,打造区域重要支柱产业。加快发展现代服务业特别是专业服务业,加强现代物流服务体系建设。
4. The energy supply-demand structure shall be optimized. In order to improve the structure of coal production and consumption, cleaner production and more intelligent and efficient mining of coal shall be encouraged; graded, quality-based and cascaded utilization of coal shall be actively promoted; and the upgrade and demonstration of coal liquefaction, coal gasification and coal-to-olefin technologies shall be steadily advanced. Several petroleum and natural gas production bases shall be established. The exploration, exploitation and utilization of coal-bed methane shall be accelerated. The exploitation and utilization of renewable energies shall be strengthened by conducting research on large-scale energy storage projects based on the Yellow River cascaded hydropower stations and developing a number of clean energy bases. Local consumption and utilization of wind power and solar photovoltaic energy shall be increased at a faster pace. Efforts shall be intensified to continue the building of trans-province power transmission routes such as electricity transmission from the west to the east, and improve the capability of transmitting clean power. The capacity of peak regulation shall be strengthened, and the issues of unused capacity in water, wind and solar power shall be effectively addressed. Active steps shall be taken to support the upgrade of power distribution grids and rural power grids, and improve the power supply capacity in remote areas. The construction of north-to-south coal lines and large coal reserve bases shall be sped up, and more efforts shall be made to strengthen the installation of oil and gas branch lines and terminal pipe networks. A multi-level natural gas reserve system shall be established, and underground gas storage facilities shall be rapidly installed in areas that meet certain conditions. Energy-intensive industries that satisfy the requirements for environmental protection and energy efficiency shall be encouraged to gather in areas having strengths in clean energy. (四)优化能源供需结构。优化煤炭生产与消费结构,推动煤炭清洁生产与智能高效开采,积极推进煤炭分级分质梯级利用,稳步开展煤制油、煤制气、煤制烯烃等升级示范。建设一批石油天然气生产基地。加快煤层气等勘探开发利用。加强可再生能源开发利用,开展黄河梯级电站大型储能项目研究,培育一批清洁能源基地。加快风电、光伏发电就地消纳。继续加大西电东送等跨省区重点输电通道建设,提升清洁电力输送能力。加强电网调峰能力建设,有效解决弃风弃光弃水问题。积极推进配电网改造行动和农网改造升级,提高偏远地区供电能力。加快北煤南运通道和大型煤炭储备基地建设,继续加强油气支线、终端管网建设。构建多层次天然气储备体系,在符合条件的地区加快建立地下储气库。支持符合环保、能效等标准要求的高载能行业向西部清洁能源优势地区集中。
5. The integration of urban and rural areas shall be vigorously promoted. The rural revitalization strategy shall be further implemented through effective solution of the issue of ‘agriculture, farmers and rural areas' in the new era. New types of farmers shall be fostered, and the composition of agribusiness workers in the western regions shall be optimized. In order to build beautiful villages and towns suitable for living in, stronger efforts shall be made to improve living environment and service facilities in rural areas. With better protection measures, the historical and cultural resources of rural areas shall be properly utilized so as to cultivate cultural industries and brands with local and ethnic features. The layout and pattern of urbanization shall be optimized according to local conditions, the functions of national and regional central cities shall be improved and fulfilled, the high-quality development of city clusters and the establishment of a network of big, medium and small cities shall be advanced, and a number of distinctive small towns shall be cultivated. More support shall be provided for the revitalization of areas in the western regions with depleted resources. The registration of rural migrant workers as permanent urban residents shall be conducted in an orderly manner. The coverage of basic public services in urban areas shall be extended to all permanent residents so as to ensure that rural migrant workers not registered as urban permanent residents while meeting certain conditions shall have equal access to basic urban public services in their place of settlement. Experiences shall be accumulated from the reform of “converting resources into assets, capital into shares, and farmers into shareholders” in rural and urban areas, and a new mechanism for “joint enterprise, responsibilities and concerns due to joint stakes” shall be explored. The development of municipal utilities in urban and rural areas shall be coordinated in an effort to extend urban public facilities to neighboring rural areas. (五)大力促进城乡融合发展。深入实施乡村振兴战略,做好新时代“三农”工作。培养新型农民,优化西部地区农业从业者结构。以建设美丽宜居村庄为目标,加强农村人居环境和综合服务设施建设。在加强保护基础上盘活农村历史文化资源,形成具有地域和民族特色的乡村文化产业和品牌。因地制宜优化城镇化布局与形态,提升并发挥国家和区域中心城市功能作用,推动城市群高质量发展和大中小城市网络化建设,培育发展一批特色小城镇。加大对西部地区资源枯竭等特殊类型地区振兴发展的支持力度。有序推进农业转移人口市民化。推动基本公共服务常住人口全覆盖,保障符合条件的未落户农民工在流入地平等享受城镇基本公共服务。总结城乡“资源变资产、资金变股金、农(市)民变股东”等改革经验,探索“联股联业、联股联责、联股联心”新机制。统筹城乡市政公用设施建设,促进城镇公共基础设施向周边农村地区延伸。
6. The planning and construction of infrastructure shall be strengthened. The availability, convenience and accessibility of infrastructure shall be enhanced; and green and extensive development of infrastructure shall be encouraged. Efforts shall be strengthened to build transportation routes that run from east to west and from north to south, and regional development shall be extended along axial lines. The planning and construction of trunk railways in the places of resource or energy development shall be strengthened. The planning and construction of major projects such as Sichuan-Tibet railway, a high-speed railway along the Yangtze River, Chongqing-Kunming high-speed railway, Xi'ning-Chengdu railway shall be accelerated. Focus shall be placed on the coordinated development of high-speed railways and ordinary railways, and ‘slow trains' with frequent stops and lower fares shall be continuously offered. Unfinished highways and bottlenecked sections of highways shall be constructed or rebuilt, and the construction of infrastructure for access to the sea, poverty alleviation and tourism shall be supported. The development of comprehensive passenger transport hubs and cargo transport hubs (logistics parks) shall be strengthened. The distribution of national logistics hubs shall be improved in a bid to increase the efficiency of logistics operations. The construction of airports and aviation hubs shall be intensified. More traffic right arrangements shall be provided to hub airports, and active steps shall be taken to develop the general aviation industry. The coverage of information networks in rural and remote areas shall be further increased. Reasonable plans shall be made to put in place a number of major projects to protect major water resources, harness rivers and lakes, and advance large irrigation areas. Stronger efforts shall be made to build auxiliary facilities as well as modernized devices in medium- and large-scale irrigation areas, harness small- and medium-sized rivers, remove dangers from and reinforce dilapidated reservoirs, complete the projects of controlling droughts and protecting water sources, and prevent disasters from mountain torrents. Integrated water supply in urban and rural areas shall be advanced; key small standardized water supply facilities shall be promoted in loosely populated areas; and the standardization of drinking water sources shall be improved. (六)强化基础设施规划建设。提高基础设施通达度、通畅性和均等化水平,推动绿色集约发展。加强横贯东西、纵贯南北的运输通道建设,拓展区域开发轴线。强化资源能源开发地干线通道规划建设。加快川藏铁路、沿江高铁、渝昆高铁、西(宁)成(都)铁路等重大工程规划建设。注重高速铁路和普通铁路协同发展,继续开好多站点、低票价的“慢火车”。打通断头路、瓶颈路,加强出海、扶贫通道和旅游交通基础设施建设。加强综合客运枢纽、货运枢纽(物流园区)建设。完善国家物流枢纽布局,提高物流运行效率。加强航空口岸和枢纽建设,扩大枢纽机场航权,积极发展通用航空。进一步提高农村、边远地区信息网络覆盖水平。合理规划建设一批重点水源工程、江河湖泊骨干治理工程和大型灌区工程,加强大中型灌区续建配套与现代化改造、中小河流治理和病险水库除险加固、抗旱水源工程建设和山洪灾害防治。推进城乡供水一体化和人口分散区域重点小型标准化供水设施建设,加强饮用水水源地规范化建设。
7. National security and social stability shall be effectively protected. The two major issues of development and security shall be coordinated so as to better leverage the role of the western regions in protecting national security. The socialist relations of equality, solidarity, mutual assistance and harmony shall be consolidated and enhanced among all ethnic groups to encourage them to unite and jointly pursue prosperity and development. Three-dimensional security protection and control shall be further promoted in a bid to build a solid and reliable social security system. (七)切实维护国家安全和社会稳定。统筹发展与安全两件大事,更好发挥西部地区国家安全屏障作用。巩固和发展平等团结互助和谐的社会主义民族关系,促进各民族共同团结奋斗和共同繁荣发展。深入推进立体化社会治安防控,构建坚实可靠的社会安全体系。
III. Encouraging the west of China to open up wider under the guidance of the Belt and Road initiative   三、以共建“一带一路”为引领,加大西部开放力度
8. Participation in and integration into the Belt and Road initiative shall be encouraged. Xinjiang shall be supported in rapidly building itself into a core of the economic belt along the Silk Road, a traffic junction in the west, and a center for trade, logistics, culture, science, education, and medical services. Chongqing, Sichuan, and Shaanxi shall be encouraged to make use of their advantages to develop themselves into gateways of inland opening-up and development. The historical and cultural strengths of Gansu and Shaanxi shall be fully leveraged, and their functions as major routes and stops on the economic belt along the Silk Road shall be fulfilled. Guizhou and Qinghai shall be supported in further cooperating with domestic and foreign partners in ecological protection, and promoting the construction of a green silk road. Support shall be provided to Inner Mongolia for their participation of in the construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor. Opening-up and cooperation between Yunnan and the Lancang-Mekong River Basin shall be elevated. (八)积极参与和融入“一带一路”建设。支持新疆加快丝绸之路经济带核心区建设,形成西向交通枢纽和商贸物流、文化科教、医疗服务中心。支持重庆、四川、陕西发挥综合优势,打造内陆开放高地和开发开放枢纽。支持甘肃、陕西充分发掘历史文化优势,发挥丝绸之路经济带重要通道、节点作用。支持贵州、青海深化国内外生态合作,推动绿色丝绸之路建设。支持内蒙古深度参与中蒙俄经济走廊建设。提升云南与澜沧江-湄公河区域开放合作水平。
9. The construction of a large opening-up corridor shall be strengthened. Strategic demonstration projects of interconnectivity between Singapore and China (Chongqing) shall be carried out. The development of Beibu Gulf Port shall be improved, a cluster of ports with international competitiveness shall be built, and the cultivation of the modern marine industry shall be sped up, with an aim to develop a sea-oriented economy. Active measures shall be taken to support multimodal transport by speeding up the construction of railways and highways linking to ports and industrial parks. The transport capacity of railways along the Yangtze River and the cargo collection and distribution system at ports shall be improved. Relying on the Yangtze River Golden Waterway, a multimodal service model and a large logistics corridor that integrates land-ocean combined transport, air-rail combined transport, and China-Europe freight train routes shall be established. The construction of dry ports shall be supported in the western regions. The organization and operation of China-Europe freight trains shall be optimized, and the development of traffic hubs for China-Europe freight train routes shall be strengthened. The infrastructure for opening-up such as ports, cross-border transport and information transmission routes shall be further improved, and the construction of an open logistics network and a cross-border postal service system shall be expedited. The China-ASEAN Information Harbor shall be constructed at a faster pace.

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