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Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Provisions on the State Compensation Made by People's Procuratorates [Effective]
最高人民检察院关于印发《人民检察院国家赔偿工作规定》的通知 [现行有效]


Notice of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Issuing the Provisions on the State Compensation Made by People's Procuratorates 


(No. 29 [2010]of the Supreme People's Procuratorate)


The people's procuratorates of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the military procuratorates, and the People's Procuratorate of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:


The Provisions on the State Compensation Made by People's Procuratorates have been adopted at the 46th session of the 11th Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on November 11, 2010, which are hereby issued to you for your earnest implementation. Please timely report the problems you encounter in the implementation to the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Supreme People's Procuratorate
最 高 人 民 检 察 院

November 22, 2010

Provisions on the State Compensation Made by People's Procuratorates

(Adopted at the 46th session of the 11th Procuratorial Committee of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on November 11, 2010)

Contents 目录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Chapter II Filing of Cases 第二章 立案

Chapter III Examination and Decision 第三章 审查决定

Chapter IV Reconsideration 第四章 复议

Chapter V Compensation Supervision 第五章 赔偿监督

Chapter VI Execution 第六章 执行

Chapter VII Other Provisions 第七章 其他规定

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附则


Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of guaranteeing the right of citizens, legal persons and other organizations to obtain state compensation according to law and promoting the lawful exercise of functions and the impartial law enforcement of state organs and their functionaries, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the State Compensation Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws.   第一条 为了保障公民、法人和其他组织享有依法取得国家赔偿的权利,促进国家机关及其工作人员依法行使职权、公正执法,根据《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》及有关法律,制定本规定。

Article 2 People's procuratorates shall ensure the uniform and correct implementation of the State Compensation Law by means of handling criminal compensation cases in which procuratorial organs are obligated to make compensation and by means of performing the statutory duty of supervising the decisions of the compensation committees of the people's courts and the lawsuits for administrative compensation.   第二条 人民检察院通过办理检察机关作为赔偿义务机关的刑事赔偿案件,并对人民法院赔偿委员会决定和行政赔偿诉讼依法履行法律监督职责,保障国家赔偿法的统一正确实施。

Article 3 The state compensation offices of people's procuratorates shall uniformly handle the criminal compensation cases in which procuratorial organs are obligated to make compensation and the cases in which the compensation committees of the people's courts suggest for reexamination, and the cases in which appeals are made against judgments and rulings on administrative compensation of the people's courts.   第三条 人民检察院国家赔偿工作办公室统一办理检察机关作为赔偿义务机关的刑事赔偿案件、对人民法院赔偿委员会决定提出重新审查意见的案件,以及对人民法院行政赔偿判决、裁定提出抗诉的案件。

The relevant departments of the people's procuratorates shall, in accordance with the internal division of work, assist the state compensation offices in handling the cases of state compensation according to law.

Article 4 The work of state compensation of people's procuratorates shall adhere to the principles of legality, impartiality and promptness.   第四条 人民检察院国家赔偿工作应当坚持依法、公正、及时的原则。

Article 5 People's procuratorates at higher levels shall supervise and guide the people's procuratorates at lower levels in handling cases of state compensation according to law. When handling cases of state compensation, people's procuratorates at higher levels are entitled to revoke or modify the relevant decisions made by people's procuratorates at lower levels If a higher level people's procuratorate finds any case of state compensation closed by a people's procuratorate at a lower level is definitely wrong, it is entitled to order the people's procuratorate at the lower level to make corrections.   第五条 上级人民检察院监督、指导下级人民检察院依法办理国家赔偿案件。上级人民检察院在办理国家赔偿案件时,对下级人民检察院作出的相关决定,有权撤销或者变更;发现下级人民检察院已办结的国家赔偿案件确有错误,有权指令下级人民检察院纠正。

Where a compensation claimant reports to a people's procuratorate at a higher level that a people's procuratorate at a lower level violated the law when handling a case of state compensation, the people's procuratorate at the higher level shall accept it and timely handle it according to law. Where compensation shall be made according to law but payment is refused, or the compensation claimant is retaliated against, the responsibilities of the relevant leaders and other directly liable persons shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions.


Chapter II Filing of Cases 第二章 立 案

Article 6 Where a compensation claimant files an application for compensation, the people's procuratorate shall accept it together with the following materials:   第六条 赔偿请求人提出赔偿申请的,人民检察院应当受理,并接收下列材料:

1. An application form for criminal compensation. An application form for criminal compensation shall state the basic information of the victim, the specific claims, factual grounds and reasons, and the time when the application is filed. Where the compensation claimant really has difficulty in putting the application to writing, he/she may entrust someone else to write for him/her. The claimant may also make an oral application. In case of an oral application, the relevant information shall be inquired and written transcripts shall be made and given to the claimant for signature or seal. (一)刑事赔偿申请书。刑事赔偿申请书应当载明受害人的基本情况,具体要求、事实根据和理由,申请的时间。赔偿请求人书写申请书确有困难的,可以委托他人代书;也可以口头申请。口头提出申请的,应当问明有关情况并制作笔录,由赔偿请求人签名或者盖章。

2. Identity certificates of the compensation claimant and the agent thereof. Where the compensation claimant is not the victim, it/he shall show its/his relationship with the victim and provide corresponding certification. Where the compensation claimant entrusts someone else for matters of compensation application, he shall submit a power of attorney, the original identity certificates of the agent and the principal. Where the agent is a lawyer, he shall simultaneously provide his lawyer's license and a letter of introduction of his law firm. (二)赔偿请求人和代理人的身份证明材料。赔偿请求人不是受害人本人的,应当要求其说明与受害人的关系,并提供相应证明。赔偿请求人委托他人代理赔偿申请事项的,应当要求其提交授权委托书,以及代理人和被代理人身份证明原件。代理人为律师的,应当同时提供律师执业证及律师事务所介绍函。

3. The legal instrument proving the compulsory measures taken in the original case. (三)证明原案强制措施的法律文书。

4. The legal instrument proving the handling of the original case. (四)证明原案处理情况的法律文书。

5. The legal instruments or other materials proving the damages caused by the infringement acts and the degree of damage. (五)证明侵权行为造成损害及其程度的法律文书或者其他材料。

6. Other relevant materials provided by the compensation claimant. (六)赔偿请求人提供的其他相关材料。

Where a compensation claimant or his agent submits an application form or other application materials in person, the people's procuratorate shall issue on the spot a Checklist of Received Application Materials for Compensation to which the special seal of the procuratorate shall be affixed and on which the date of receipt shall be specified. If the application materials are incomplete, the people's procuratorate shall, on the spot or within five days, explicitly notify the compensation claimant all at once of all the relevant materials that should be supplemented.

Article 7 After a people's procuratorate receives an application for compensation, the state compensation office shall fill in a Registration Form of Acceptance of An Application for Compensation.   第七条 人民检察院收到赔偿申请后,国家赔偿工作办公室应当填写《受理赔偿申请登记表》。

Article 8 If the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously, an application for compensation shall be placed on file:   第八条 同时符合下列各项条件的赔偿申请,应当立案:

1. Where compensation for the right to personal freedom is claimed in accordance with the provisions of Items 1 and 2 of Article 17 of the State Compensation Law, a decision of withdrawing the case or nolle prosequi or a judgment of acquittal has been made to terminate the criminal procedure; where compensation for the right to life and health is claimed in accordance with the provisions of Items 4 and 5 of Article 17 of the State Compensation Law, it shall be accompanied by an injury or death certificate; where compensation for property right is claimed in accordance with the provisions of Item 1 of Article 18 of the State Compensation Law, the criminal procedure shall be terminated unless the property is found to be definitely irrelevant to the case; (一)依照国家赔偿法第十七条第一项、第二项规定请求人身自由权赔偿的,已决定撤销案件、不起诉或者判决宣告无罪终止追究刑事责任;依照国家赔偿法第十七条第四项、第五项规定请求生命健康权赔偿的,有伤情、死亡证明;依照国家赔偿法第十八条第一项规定请求财产权赔偿的,刑事诉讼程序已经终结,但已查明该财产确与案件无关的除外;

2. The organ obligated to make compensation is the procuratorate at issue; (二)本院为赔偿义务机关;

3. The compensation claimant meets the requirements as prescribed in Article 6 of the State Compensation Law; (三)赔偿请求人具备国家赔偿法第六条规定的条件;

4. It is within the statute of limitations for claims as prescribed in Article 39 of the State Compensation Law; and (四)在国家赔偿法第三十九条规定的请求赔偿时效内;

5. The materials for claims are complete. (五)请求赔偿的材料齐备。

Article 9 If the conditions for the filing of a case of an application for compensation are satisfied, the people's procuratorate shall place it on file and serve a Case-filing Notice of Criminal Compensation to the compensation claimant within 5 days after receiving the application for compensation.   第九条 对符合立案条件的赔偿申请,人民检察院应当立案,并在收到赔偿申请之日起五日内,将《刑事赔偿立案通知书》送达赔偿请求人。

Approval of the head of department shall be obtained for the filing of a case.

Article 10 If the conditions for the filing of a case of compensation application are not satisfied, it shall be handled in light of the following circumstances:   第十条 对不符合立案条件的赔偿申请,应当分别下列不同情况予以处理:

1. The compensation for the right to personal freedom is claimed where no decision to withdraw the case or decision of nolle prosequi or judgment of acquittal has been made to terminate the criminal procedure, or the compensation for the right to life and health is claimed without an injury or death certificate, or compensation for property right is claimed where the criminal procedure has not been terminated, the compensation claimant shall be notified that the conditions for filing a case are not met and he may reapply for compensation after the conditions for filing a case are satisfied; (一)尚未决定撤销案件、不起诉或者判决宣告无罪终止追究刑事责任而请求人身自由权赔偿的,没有伤情、死亡证明而请求生命健康权赔偿的,刑事诉讼程序尚未终结而请求财产权赔偿的,告知赔偿请求人不符合立案条件,可在具备立案条件后再申请赔偿;

2. Notifying the compensation claimant of the right to claim for compensation to the organ obligated to make compensation if the people's procuratorate is not obligated to make compensation; (二)不属于人民检察院赔偿的,告知赔偿请求人向负有赔偿义务的机关提出;

3. Notifying the compensation claimant of the right to claim for compensation to the people's procuratorate obligated to make compensation if the present procuratorate is not obligated to make compensation, or transfer it to the people's procuratorate obligated to make compensation and notify the compensation claimant; (三)本院不负有赔偿义务的,告知赔偿请求人向负有赔偿义务的人民检察院提出,或者移送负有赔偿义务的人民检察院,并通知赔偿请求人;

4. Notifying the compensation claimant if he does not meet the conditions as prescribed in Article 6 of the State Compensation Law; and (四)赔偿请求人不具备国家赔偿法第六条规定条件的,告知赔偿请求人;

5. Notifying the compensation claimant that he has lost the right to claim for compensation if the statute of limitations for the claim of compensation has expired. (五)对赔偿请求已过法定时效的,告知赔偿请求人已经丧失请求赔偿权。

The above-listed circumstances shall be specified in the Notice for the Examination of Applications for Criminal Compensation with an explanation of the reasons. The Notice shall be served to the compensation claimant within 5 days after the application for compensation is received.

Article 11 Where any party concerned, other directly interested party or the close relative deems that the people's procuratorate has infringed upon his legitimate rights and interests or has violated any law when seizing, freezing, keeping or disposing of the money or property involved in the case, so that he complains to the people's procuratorate, and reapplies for criminal compensation after the criminal procedure ends, the complaint procedure that has not come to an end shall be terminated, and the department responsible for handling the complaint shall transfer the relevant materials to the state compensation office of the people's procuratorate against which a claim is filed for compensation for handling in accordance with the criminal compensation procedure.   第十一条 当事人、其他直接利害关系人或者其近亲属认为人民检察院扣押、冻结、保管、处理涉案款物侵犯自身合法权益或者有违法情形,向人民检察院投诉,并在刑事诉讼程序终结后又申请刑事赔偿的,尚未办结的投诉程序应当终止,负责办理投诉的部门应当将相关材料移交被请求赔偿的人民检察院国家赔偿工作办公室,依照刑事赔偿程序办理。


Chapter III Examination and Decision 第三章 审查决定

Article 12 For a compensation case which has been placed on file, the case materials shall be comprehensively examined, the materials of the relevant case files may be obtained when necessary, the original case undertaking department and undertaking persons may be investigated to verify the relevant circumstances and collect the relevant evidence. The original case undertaking department and undertaking persons shall give assistance and cooperation.   第十二条 对已经立案的赔偿案件应当全面审查案件材料,必要时可以调取有关的案卷材料,也可以向原案件承办部门和承办人员等调查、核实有关情况,收集有关证据。原案件承办部门和承办人员应当协助、配合。

Article 13 Where a people's procuratorate has not determined if an infringement existed for which a claim had been filed for compensation for the right to life and health, the state compensation office shall, within 3 days after the case is placed on file, transfer the relevant materials to the supervisory department and the malpractice and tort department of the procuratorate in question, which shall put forward their disposal opinions within 30 days and transfer them to the state compensation office.
   第十三条 对请求生命健康权赔偿的案件,人民检察院对是否存在违法侵权行为尚未处理认定的,国家赔偿工作办公室应当在立案后三日内将相关材料移送本院监察部门和渎职侵权检察部门,监察部门和渎职侵权检察部门应当在三十日内提出处理认定意见,移送国家赔偿工作办公室。

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