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Notice of the Ministry of Commerce on Issuing the 13th Five-Year Plan for Foreign Trade Development [Effective]
商务部关于印发《对外贸易发展“十三五”规划》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the Ministry of Commerce on Issuing the 13th Five-Year Plan for Foreign Trade Development 


(No. 484 [2016] of the Ministry of Commerce) (商贸发〔2016〕484号)

The competent commerce departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; all entities directly under the Ministry of Commerce; and all chambers of commerce, associations and societies: 各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团商务主管部门,本部各直属单位,各商会、协会、学会:
For the purposes of implementing the Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Commerce, promoting foreign trade in adjusting structure, transforming momentum and shifting to higher price for higher quality and high-quality import and export, solidifying the position as a large foreign trade country, and advancing the progress of building a strong foreign trade country, the Ministry of Commerce developed the 13th Five-Year Plan for Foreign Trade Development, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Commerce, which is hereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation. 为贯彻落实《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》和《商务发展第十三个五年规划纲要》,推动外贸调结构转动力,向优质优价、优进优出转变,巩固贸易大国地位,推进贸易强国进程,商务部制定了《对外贸易发展“十三五”规划》,并经商务部部务会议审议通过,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。
Annex: The 13th Five-Year Plan for Foreign Trade Development (Full Text) 附件:对外贸易发展十三五规划(全文)
Ministry of Commerce 商务部
December 26, 2016 2016年12月26日
Annex 附件
The 13th Five-Year Plan for Foreign Trade Development 对外贸易发展“十三五”规划
Contents 目录
I. Review of foreign trade development during the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan and the context during the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan 一、外贸发展“十二五”回顾与“十三五”形势
(1) Review of foreign trade development during the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan (一)“十二五”外贸发展回顾
(2) The context of foreign trade development during the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan (二)“十三五”外贸发展形势
II. Guiding ideology, development ideas and main objectives 二、指导思想、发展理念和主要目标
(1) Guiding ideology (一)指导思想
(2) Putting into practice new development ideas (二)践行新发展理念
(3) Main objectives (三)主要目标
III. Main tasks of foreign trade development 三、外贸发展的主要任务
(1) Accelerating the fostering of new competition advantages in foreign trade (一)加快培育外贸竞争新优势
(2) Promoting export in developing to the high end (二)推动出口迈向中高端
(3) Improving the transnational operation ability of foreign trade enterprises (三)提升外贸企业跨国经营能力
(4) Improving the cooperation with countries along the "One Belt, One Road" in trade (四)提升与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易合作水平
(5) Prompting the innovative development of processing trade and border trade (五)促进加工贸易和边境贸易创新发展
(6) Vigorously developing new business types of foreign trade (六)积极发展外贸新业态
(7) Implementing proactive import policies (七)实行积极的进口政策
(8) Solidly advancing the "three-aspect development" (八)扎实推进“三项建设”
IV. Measures for ensuring foreign trade development 四、外贸发展的保障措施
(1) Improving the foreign trade policy system (一)完善外贸政策体系
(2) Making use of the role two-way investment in promoting trade (二)发挥双向投资对贸易的促进作用
(3) Creating a law-based, internationalized and facilitating business environment (三)营造法治化、国际化、便利化的营商环境
(4) Deepening cooperative and win-win international economic and trade relations (四)深化合作共赢的国际经贸关系
(5) Strengthening organization, leadership and the work guarantee mechanism (五)加强组织领导和工作保障机制
The 13th Five-Year Plan for Foreign Trade Development, formulated in accordance with the Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Commerce, mainly sets forth the guiding ideology and basic ideas for China to develop foreign trade during the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan, and defines the objectives, main tasks and ensuring measures for foreign trade development. This Plan serves as an important basis guiding the competent commerce departments at all levels in performing duties, and provides reference point for foreign trade enterprises in business operations. 对外贸易发展“十三五”规划,根据《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》和《商务发展第十三个五年规划纲要》编制,主要阐明“十三五”时期我国外贸发展的指导思想和基本理念,明确外贸发展的奋斗目标、主要任务和保障措施。该规划是指导各级外贸主管部门履行职责的重要依据,为外贸企业开展经营活动提供参考。
I. Review of foreign trade development during the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan and the context during the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan 


The period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan saw prominent profound impact of the global financial crisis, sluggish foreign demand, soaring cost of domestic factors, and a quite complicated context and obviously increasing downturn pressure in foreign trade. Facing with a complex international environment, weakening traditional domestic advantages, and other challenges, all regions and all departments shall conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, face difficulties head-on, push forward with a pioneering spirit, solidly advance the stabilization of growth, adjustment of structure, and all other work of foreign trade, and make positive achievements. The period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan has presented profound changes in the international environment and domestic development conditions in China's foreign trade development. New conditions and characteristics of foreign trade development must be recognized in depth and accurately grasped, opportunities shall be seized, and challenges shall be embraced practically. “十二五”时期,国际金融危机深层次影响持续显现,外需持续低迷,国内要素成本大幅上升,外贸形势十分复杂严峻,下行压力明显加大。面对错综复杂的国际环境和国内传统优势减弱等多重挑战,各地区、各部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,迎难而上、开拓创新,扎实推进外贸稳增长、调结构各项工作,取得积极成效。“十三五”时期,我国外贸发展的国际环境和国内发展条件已经发生深刻变化,必须深刻认识、准确把握外贸发展的新形势新特征,抢抓机遇,务实应对挑战。
(1) Review of foreign trade development during the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan   (一)“十二五”外贸发展回顾。
China became the world's largest trader in goods. During the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan, the total volume of China's imports and exports reached to 19.9 trillion U.S. dollars, 1.7 times that from the period covered by the 11th Five-Year Plan, meaning an average annual rate of 5.9%, and bringing the size of annual exports and imports from less than three trillion U.S. dollars to four trillion U.S. dollars. In 2013, the total volume of China's export and import rose to 4.16 trillion U.S. dollars, making it surpass the United States as the world's largest trader in goods, which is an important milestone in the development of China's open economy and a major achievement made by China by adhering to reform and opening up and participating in economic globalization. From 2013 to 2015 in a row, China topped the world as the largest trader in goods. 成为世界第一货物贸易大国。“十二五”期间,我国累计进出口总额19.9万亿美元,是“十一五”期间的1.7倍,年均增长5.9%,年度进出口规模从不到3万亿美元增长到4万亿美元的水平。2013年,我国进出口总额达到4.16万亿美元,超过美国成为世界第一货物贸易大国,这是我国开放型经济发展的重要里程碑,是我国坚持改革开放和参与经济全球化的重大成果。2013-2015年,我国连续三年保持世界第一货物贸易大国地位。
The international market share constantly increased. During the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan, China's export increased 6.5% each year on average, far higher than the average increase of world's trade. According to the statistics of the World Trade Organization, China's international market share increased by 0.6 percentage point respectively in 2013 and 2014, China's export grew much faster than those of the world and major economies in 2015, and the international market share rose to around 13.8%, up 1.5 percentage points, marking the largest expansion of China's international market share over past five years and bring an increase of 3.5 percentage points from the end of the period covered by the 11th Five-Year Plan. 国际市场份额持续提升。“十二五”期间,我国出口年均增速达6.5%,远高于世界贸易平均增速。据世界贸易组织统计,2013、2014年我国国际市场份额分别提高了0.6个百分点,2015年我国出口增速远好于全球和主要经济体,国际市场份额升至约13.8%,提高了1.5个百分点,是5年来我国际市场份额上升最快的一年,比 “十一五”末提高3.5个百分点。
New development momentum was gathering. Private enterprises emerged as an important force in foreign trade development, making up a larger part than foreign-funded enterprises in China's export for the first time, up from 7.3% in 2001 to 45.2% in 2015, and marking an expansion of 14.7 percentage points from the end of the period covered by the 11th Five-Year Plan. The innovation, brand building and marketing ability of foreign trade enterprises constantly increased, and the export of products with independent brands, intellectual property rights and marketing and sale channels, and high technology, value added and profit increased faster than that of traditional goods. The new business models of cross-border e-commerce and market procurement trade became emerging growth area of foreign trade, expanding respectively more than 30% and 60% in 2015. 新的发展动能正在集聚。民营企业成为外贸发展的重要力量,在我国出口中的比重首次超过外资企业,由2001年的7.3%提高到2015年的45.2%,比“十一五”末提高14.7个百分点。外贸企业创新能力、品牌建设、营销能力不断增强,具有自主品牌、自主知识产权、自主营销渠道以及高技术、高附加值、高效益的产品出口增速高于传统商品。跨境电子商务、市场采购贸易等新型商业模式成为新的外贸增长点,2015年增幅分别超过30%和60%。
Positive achievements were made in structural adjustment. Recent years saw a more diversified structure of international market. In 2015, developing countries and emerging markets made up 45.8% of export in foreign trade, up 5.1 percentage points from the end of the period covered by the 11th Five-Year Plan, and foreign trade with the countries along the "One Belt, One Road" topped one trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for more than a quarter of China's total volume of foreign trade. Domestic regional distribution was more balanced and export from central and western China accounted for 16.5% of that across the country, expanding 7.8 percentage points from the end of the period covered by the 11th Five-Year Plan. General trade grew fast, making up 53.5% of the export, up 7.9 percentage points from the end of the period covered by the 11th Five-Year Plan. The exported goods shifted from the consisting of majority final goods to a balanced mixture of final goods and capital goods, and the total volume of exported capital goods expanded more than 30% from the end of the period covered by the 11th Five-Year Plan. 结构调整取得积极成效。近几年国际市场结构更加多元,2015年,发展中国家和新兴市场占外贸出口的比重达到45.8%,比“十一五”末提高5.1个百分点,对“一带一路”沿线国家的进出口突破了1万亿美元,占我国外贸总额的比重超过四分之一。国内区域布局更加均衡,中西部地区占全国外贸出口的比重达到16.5%,比“十一五”末提高7.8个百分点。一般贸易快速发展,占出口的比重提高到53.5%,比“十一五”末提高7.9个百分点。出口商品结构由消费品为主向消费品和资本品并重转变,资本品出口总额比“十一五”末增长超过30%。
The quality and benefit of export and import were improved. The period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan witnessed an increase of exported railway, telecommunications, vessels, aerospace and other large equipment in complete sets at a rate of more than 10% to a total volume of more than 500 billion U.S. dollars. The prices of imported goods dropped, those of exported goods increased relatively and trading conditions constantly improved. Imported crude oil, iron ore, soybeans, copper concentrate, natural gas and other commodities saw an increase in volume and decrease in prices, and the payment made in foreign exchange reduced by 236, 5 billion U.S. dollars from 2014 to 2015, which is helpful for enterprises to increase profit, and improve international competitiveness and national welfare. 进出口质量和效益提高。“十二五”期间,我铁路、通信、船舶、航天航空等大型成套设备出口年均增速保持在10%以上,出口总额超过5000亿美元。进口商品价格下降,出口价格相对上升,贸易条件不断改善。原油、铁矿石、大豆、铜精矿、天然气等大宗商品进口量增价跌,2014-2015年减少付汇2365亿美元,有利于企业提高效益、提升国际竞争力、增加国民福利。
More contributions were made to the national economy. It was estimated that foreign trade directly and indirectly created 180 million jobs, making up 23% of the total jobs across the country. The period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan saw more than eight trillion yuan in tariff, import value-added tax and consumption tax, which was an important source of the national finance. The import of a great quantity of advanced technology and equipment, and the rapid growth of the export of high-end products played an important role in improving the benefit of and upgrading the national economy. Furthermore, "made in China" improved the welfare of global consumers and the "Chinese market" drove the development of relevant countries. 对国民经济贡献增强。据估算,外贸直接或间接带动就业人数达到1.8亿左右,约占全国就业总数的23%。“十二五”期间,关税和进口环节增值税、消费税超过8万亿元,是国家财政的重要来源。先进技术设备大量引进、高端产品出口快速增加,对国民经济提质增效升级发挥了重要作用。此外,“中国制造”增加了全球消费者福利,“中国市场”带动了相关国家的经济发展。
Foreign trade systems and mechanisms constantly improved. During the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan, the policy system supporting foreign trade development was further improved. The combination of short-and long-term targets shall be adhered to, priority shall be given to both stabilization of growth and the adjustment of structure and transformation of modes, the issuance of policies for fostering new foreign trade competitiveness, promoting the stabilization of growth of and the adjustment of structure of import and export, advancing the development of big customs clearance, improving port work, prompting the development of cross-border e-commerce and strengthening import, among others, was promoted, and a series of policies and measures in the aspects of improving the export tax refund sharing mechanism, providing more credit and insurance support, easing burdens on enterprises, improving the facilitation of trade, accelerating the development of new business types of foreign trade, and supporting the import of advanced equipment and technology, among others, were improved, so as to provide assistance in easing burdens on enterprises and create a good environment. The policy support was unprecedented and the effect was prominent. 外贸体制机制不断完善。“十二五”期间,进一步完善支持外贸发展的政策体系。坚持远近结合,既注重稳增长,也注重调结构、转方式,推动出台了培育外贸竞争新优势、促进进出口稳增长调结构、推进大通关建设、改进口岸工作、促进跨境电子商务发展、加强进口等政策文件,在完善出口退税分担机制、加大信保支持力度、减轻企业负担、提高贸易便利化水平、加快外贸新业态发展、支持先进装备和技术进口等方面出台一系列政策措施,为企业减负助力,营造良好环境。政策支持力度空前,效果明显。
Foreign trade was an important part of China's open economic system and a significant force driving the development of national economy. Despite that the period covered by the 12th Five-Year Plan presented various difficulties and challenges, progress was made in foreign trade, and it was not easy to make such achievements. 对外贸易是我国开放型经济体系的重要组成部分和国民经济发展的重要推动力量。“十二五”时期,面对各种困难和挑战,外贸工作逆势进取,成绩来之不易。
(2) The context of foreign trade development during the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan   (二)“十三五”外贸发展形势。
Since the reform and opening up, China has made full use of favorable external and external conditions and opportunities, rapid development has been realized in foreign trade, and the achievement striking the attention of the world has been made. During the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan, the world economy is experiencing zigzag recovery in the midst of extensive adjustments, China's economic development is entering new normal phase, the traditional comparative advantages are weakening, and there is already a profound change in the international environment for China's foreign trade development and domestic development conditions, which has an extensive, profound, lasting and complex impact on foreign trade development. 改革开放以来,我国充分利用内外部有利条件和机遇,外贸实现快速发展,取得举世瞩目的成就。“十三五”时期,世界经济在深度调整中曲折复苏,我国经济发展进入新常态、传统比较优势减弱,我国外贸发展的国际环境和国内发展条件已经发生深刻变化,对外贸发展带来广泛、深刻、持久、复杂的影响。
From the perspective of external demand, before the global financial crisis, the IT revolution in the United States and the financial innovation helped drive long-period prosperity of the world economy, and the international market expanded rapidly; but after the crisis, the world economy experienced extensive adjustment and faltering growth, the growth rates of developed economies and emerging markets dropped generally, the effective international demand was scant, the commodity markets and financial markets were turbulent and unstable, the world economy was challenged by a relatively high risk of downturn and was hard to resume the high growth before the financial crisis in a short term, the long-period prosperity became the present slow growth, and global trade was sluggish. During the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan, the shocks of the global financial crisis and its profound impact will continue to exist, the accelerating aging of the population, the difficulties in making new breakthroughs in the innovation on general technology, the dramatically narrowing space for the macro policies of developed economies, the looming debt risks of emerging markets, and the difficulties in fundamentally solving the structural problems in major economies will keep containing consumption, investment and supply, it is expected that world economy will maintain slow growth and needs time to enter another upswing, and it is hard for the world trade to assume the growth rate before the financial crisis. 从外部需求看,国际金融危机前,美国IT革命和金融创新助推世界经济长周期繁荣,国际市场空间扩张很快;危机后,世界经济深度调整、增长乏力,发达经济体和新兴市场潜在增长率普遍下降,国际有效需求不足,大宗商品市场和金融市场动荡不稳,世界经济下行风险较大,短期难以恢复至金融危机前的高增长,长周期繁荣已转变为当前的低速增长,全球贸易持续低迷。“十三五”时期,国际金融危机冲击和深层次影响将依然存在,人口加速老龄化、通用技术创新难有新突破、发达经济体宏观政策空间大幅收窄、新兴市场国家债务风险上升、主要经济体结构性问题难以根本解决,将继续抑制消费、投资和供给,世界经济预计维持弱增长态势,再次进入上行周期尚需时日,世界贸易难以恢复至金融危机前增长水平。
In the aspect of industry transfer, before the global financial crisis, the transfer of international industries to China accelerated, making China rapidly develop export ability; but after the crisis, developed countries turned to vigorously promote "industry comeback" and "re-industrialization," with some industries transferring to developed countries, part of the manufacturing industry in the developed countries recovered its competitiveness, emerging economies accelerated the progress of industrialization one after another and accelerated the takeover of relocated industries, international competition for investment promotion became fiercer, China's takeover of relocated international industries already slowed down, and the outward transfer of export orders and industries accelerated, which expanded from factories directly under transnational corporations to original equipment manufacturers and supporting enterprises, and from labor-intensive industries to some capital and technology-intensive industries. Transnational investment and takeover become increasingly active, international manufacturing and product supply are constantly localized, and the global value chain is slowing down its pace of expansion and plays a diminishing role in promoting the growth of international trade. 3D printing, the application of internet technology, geopolitical risks and other factors also affected the mode of division of labor in the original global value chain, and the international industrial division system is faced with reconstruction. 从产业转移看,国际金融危机前,国际产业加速向我转移,使我快速形成出口能力;危机后,发达国家转向大力推动“产业回归”和“再工业化”,部分产业向发达国家转移,发达国家部分制造业恢复竞争力,新兴经济体纷纷加快工业化进程,加快承接产业转移,国际招商引资竞争更加激烈,我承接国际产业转移已明显放缓,出口订单和产业向外转移加快,从跨国公司直属工厂蔓延到代工厂和配套企业,从劳动密集型产业发展到部分资本技术密集型产业。跨国投资并购日趋活跃,国际生产和产品供应不断向本地化方向发展,全球价值链扩张趋势放慢,促进国际贸易增长的作用减弱。3D打印技术、互联网技术应用、地缘政治风险等因素也影响了原有全球价值链分工模式,国际产业分工体系面临重构。
In the aspect of international economic and trade ties, in the past, global trade and investment became constantly liberalized and facilitated arising out of the promotion by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization. The liberalization of world trade and investment slowed down after the crisis. The reconstruction of the international investment and trade rule system is accelerating, the multilateral trade system is challenged by high-standard regional free trade systems, the Doha Round of World Trade Organization is making slow progress, developed countries are accelerating the promotion of high-standard international trade rules through large-scale regional free trade agreements, covering environment, labor, state-owned enterprises, competition, anti-corruption, regulatory consistency, and other fields, and the struggle for dominance centering on international trade rules are increasingly fiercer. Geographical game in some regions is more intense, traditional and non-traditional threats to security are intertwined, and international relations are come complex, bringing more risks and uncertainty to the world trade. Trade protectionism is heightened, the tendency to make economic and trade frictions political is increasing, China's products involved in trade remedy investigations extended from traditional to emerging industries, the launching countries extended form developed to developing countries, and the disputes extended from legal areas to policy and system areas. 从国际经贸关系看,过去,在关税与贸易总协定及世界贸易组织的推动下,全球贸易与投资不断自由化与便利化。危机后,世界贸易投资自由化进程放缓。国际投资贸易规则体系加快重构,多边贸易体制受到区域性高标准自由贸易体制挑战,世界贸易组织多哈回合谈判进展缓慢,发达国家通过超大型区域自贸协定加快推行高标准国际贸易规则,涵盖环境、劳工、国企、竞争、反腐败、监管一致性等领域,围绕国际经贸规则主导权争夺日益加剧。局部地区地缘博弈更加激烈,传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁交织,国际关系更加复杂,增加了世界贸易的风险和不确定性。贸易保护主义持续升温,经贸摩擦政治化倾向抬头,我国遭遇贸易救济调查案件涉及产品从传统行业向新兴行业延伸,发起国家从发达国家向发展中国家延伸,争执点从法律层面向政策和制度层面延伸。
In terms of comparative advantages, in the past, there were abundant surplus labors in rural China, and low prices of factors of production were the most advantageous; but currently, the cost of China's labor, land and other factors is rising, the problem of structural shortage is prominent, and the capacity of eco-environment in some regions are near to its limit. Furthermore, the space for China to catch up developed countries in technology is narrowing, and the improvement of production efficiency is slowing down. The cost of China's manufacturing industry is not obviously advantageous over some developing countries and even some regions of developed countries, and traditional comparative advantages are significantly weakened. Nevertheless, new competition advantages has not been fully developed, and the foreign trade industry is at the low and middle level of global industry and value chain, with low technology and value added. In addition, slowing domestic economic growth, adjustment of structure and difficulties in momentum shift are intertwined, there is a lack of effective demand and supply, enterprise profit is dropping, and the task of transformation and upgrading is hard. 从比较优势看,过去,我国农村富余劳动力充裕,生产要素价格低是最大优势;当前,我国劳动力、土地等要素成本不断上升,结构性短缺问题突出,一些地区生态环境承载能力接近极限。与此同时,我国技术追赶发达国家的空间收窄,生产效率提升速度放缓。我国制造业成本与部分发展中国家、甚至与发达国家部分地区相比都几乎没有明显优势,传统比较优势明显弱化,但新的竞争优势尚未完全形成,外贸产业主要处在全球产业链、价值链中低端环节,技术含量和附加值不高。此外,国内经济增速换挡、结构调整、动能转换困难交织,有效需求乏力和有效供给不足并存,企业效益下滑,转型升级任务艰巨。
It should also be noted that there are many favorable conditions for China's foreign trade development. Peace and development remain the main themes of our times, cooperation and win-win represent the general trend, and interrelation, mutual opening up and interdependency are the mega tendency; with rising comprehensive strength and international standing, China is significantly more important and influential in world economy, has clearly better ability to participate in international affairs, and has unprecedented conditions to create a good external environment for foreign trade development; China's in-depth advancement of the supply-side structural reform and the more rapid industrial upgrade and innovation bring new momentum for foreign trade development and the adjustment of structure; China has industries strongly complementary in structure to those in developed and developing countries, complete infrastructure and facilities supporting industries, human resources with relatively high quality, and relatively strong comprehensive competition advantages; there is a group of industries and enterprises with international competitiveness and entrepreneurs with international perspectives, with precious experience in developing markets and internationalized operations, and enterprises with core competitiveness in technology, standards, brands, quality and services, among others, are thriving; and The reform of the simplification of administrative procedures, the delegation of powers, the combination of decentralization and control, and service optimization has been advanced in depth, trade has been significantly facilitated, the access threshold for investment has been lowered, and a law-oriented, internationalized and facilitated business environment is increasingly improved. Especially, a series of major decisions made at the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the implementation of the "One Belt, One Road" strategy, the advancement of international cooperation in production capacity, and the promotion of the all-around cooperation between China and relevant countries bring new driving force for foreign trade development, and the space for foreign trade development is still broad. Therefore, the fundamentals that China's foreign trade development tends to be positive in a long run, the advantages complementary to developed and developing countries in industries, and the tendency of the acceleration of the adjustment of the structure of foreign trade and the shift of driving forces have not changed. 同时也要看到,我国外贸发展依然存在许多有利条件。和平发展仍然是时代主题,合作共赢是大势所趋,相互联系、相互开放、相互依存是大潮流;我国综合国力和国际地位持续上升,在世界经济中的重要性和影响力显著上升,参与国际事务的能力明显增强,比以往更有条件为外贸发展营造良好的外部环境;我国供给侧结构性改革深入推进,产业创新升级步伐明显加快,为外贸发展和结构调整增添新动能;我国与发达国家、发展中国家产业结构具有较强的互补性,基础设施完善、产业配套完备、人力素质较高,具有较强的综合竞争优势;具有一大批有国际竞争力的行业、企业和有国际视野的企业家队伍,积累了开拓市场和国际化经营的宝贵经验,拥有技术、标准、品牌、质量、服务等核心竞争力的企业蓬勃发展;简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革向纵深推进,贸易便利化水平显著提高,投资准入门槛大幅降低,法治化、国际化、便利化的营商环境日益完善。特别是党的十八大和十八届三中、四中、五中、六中全会作出的一系列重大决定,实施“一带一路”战略,推进国际产能合作,促进我国与相关国家全方位合作,为外贸发展注入了新动力,外贸发展空间依然广阔。因此,我国外贸发展长期向好的基本面没有改变,与发达国家、发展中国家的产业互补优势没有改变,外贸结构调整和动力转换加快的趋势没有改变。
It is comprehensively analyzed that the period covered by the 13th Five-Year Plan will provide solid foundations for China's foreign trade development and bring it severe challenges. The universal and general patterns of world trade and the special pattern of China's foreign trade shall be recognized profoundly, the tendency of China's foreign trade development shall be accurately gasped, the sense of urgency to ensure foreign trade work shall be enhanced, the confidence in ensuring foreign trade shall be firmly boosted, and the new normal in China's economic development shall be voluntarily adapted to. 综合判断,“十三五”时期,我国外贸发展仍具有坚实基础,但也面临严峻挑战。要深刻认识世界贸易的普遍规律、一般规律和我国外贸的特殊规律,准确把握我国外贸发展趋势,既要增强做好外贸工作的紧迫感,也要坚定做好外贸工作的信心,主动适应我国经济发展新常态。
II. Guiding ideology, development ideas and main objectives



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