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Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration (2014 Revision) [Expired]
中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例(2014修订) [失效]

Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration 


(Issued by Order No. 156 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on June 24, 1994, and revised according to the Decision of the State Council on Repealing and Amending Certain Administrative Regulations on February 19, 2014) (1994年6月24日中华人民共和国国务院令第156号发布,根据2005年12月18日《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例〉的决定》修订),根据2014年2月19日《国务院关于废止和修改部分行政法规的决定》第二次修订)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 To validate the enterprise legal person status of companies and standardize the conduct of company registration, this Regulation is developed in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Company Law”).   第一条 为了确认公司的企业法人资格,规范公司登记行为,依据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》),制定本条例。
Article 2 Limited liability companies and joint stock limited companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “companies”) shall, in accordance with this Regulation, undergo company registration for their formation, modification, and termination.   第二条 有限责任公司和股份有限公司(以下统称公司)设立、变更、终止,应当依照本条例办理公司登记。
To apply for company registration, the applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application documents and materials. 申请办理公司登记,申请人应当对申请文件、材料的真实性负责。
Article 3 A company may obtain the enterprise legal person status only after it has been registered with the company registration authority and received a Business License for an Enterprise Legal Person as legally required.   第三条 公司经公司登记机关依法登记,领取《企业法人营业执照》,方取得企业法人资格。
A company formed after this Regulation comes into force shall not engage in any business activity in the name of a company if it has not been registered with the company registration authority. 自本条例施行之日起设立公司,未经公司登记机关登记的,不得以公司名义从事经营活动。
Article 4 The administrative agencies for industry and commerce shall be the company registration authorities.   第四条 工商行政管理机关是公司登记机关。
The company registration authorities at a lower level shall conduct company registration under the leadership of the company registration authorities at a higher level. 下级公司登记机关在上级公司登记机关的领导下开展公司登记工作。
The company registration authorities shall perform duties in accordance with the law, free from any unlawful interference. 公司登记机关依法履行职责,不受非法干预。
Article 5 The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (“SAIC”) shall be responsible for company registration across the country.   第五条 国家工商行政管理总局主管全国的公司登记工作。
Chapter II Jurisdiction over Registration 

第二章 登记管辖

Article 6 The SAIC shall be responsible for the registration of the following companies:   第六条 国家工商行政管理总局负责下列公司的登记:
(1) A company in which the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution of the State Council performs the functions of a capital contributor and any company which is formed by such a company as a shareholder holding more than 50% of the shares thereof. (一)国务院国有资产监督管理机构履行出资人职责的公司以及该公司投资设立并持有50%以上股份的公司;
(2) A foreign-funded company. (二)外商投资的公司;
(3) A company which shall be registered with the SAIC in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council. (三)依照法律、行政法规或者国务院决定的规定,应当由国家工商行政管理总局登记的公司;
(4) Any other company which shall be registered with the SAIC in accordance with the rules of the SAIC. (四)国家工商行政管理总局规定应当由其登记的其他公司。
Article 7 The administrative department for industry and commerce of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the registration of the following companies within its jurisdiction:   第七条 省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局负责本辖区内下列公司的登记:
(1) A company in which the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution of the people's government of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government performs the functions of a capital contributor and any company which is formed by such a company as a shareholder holding more than 50% of the shares thereof. (一)省、自治区、直辖市人民政府国有资产监督管理机构履行出资人职责的公司以及该公司投资设立并持有50%以上股份的公司;
(2) A company formed by a natural person which shall be registered with the administrative department for industry and commerce of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government in accordance with the rules thereof. (二)省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局规定由其登记的自然人投资设立的公司;
(3) A company which shall be registered with the administrative department for industry and commerce of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council. (三)依照法律、行政法规或者国务院决定的规定,应当由省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局登记的公司;
(4) Any other company which shall be registered as authorized by the SAIC. (四)国家工商行政管理总局授权登记的其他公司。
Article 8 The administrative department for industry and commerce of a districted city (or prefecture), the administrative department for industry and commerce of a county, a branch of the administrative department for industry and commerce of a municipality directly under the Central Government, or a district branch of the administrative department for industry and commerce of a districted city shall be responsible for the registration of the following companies within its jurisdiction:   第八条 设区的市(地区)工商行政管理局、县工商行政管理局,以及直辖市的工商行政管理分局、设区的市工商行政管理局的区分局,负责本辖区内下列公司的登记:
(1) Companies other than those as set out in Articles 6 and 7 of this Regulation. (一)本条例第六条和第七条所列公司以外的其他公司;
(2) Companies which shall registered as authorized by the SAIC and the administrative department for industry and commerce of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. (二)国家工商行政管理总局和省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局授权登记的公司。
The specific jurisdiction over registration in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the administrative department for industry and commerce of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. However, the administrative department for industry and commerce of a districted city (or prefecture) shall be responsible for the registration of joint stock limited companies. 前款规定的具体登记管辖由省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局规定。但是,其中的股份有限公司由设区的市(地区)工商行政管理局负责登记。
Chapter III Contents of Registration 

第三章 登记事项

Article 9 The contents of company registration shall include:   第九条 公司的登记事项包括:
(1) name of the company; (一)名称;
(2) domicile of the company; (二)住所;
(3) name of the legal representative of the company; (三)法定代表人姓名;
(4) registered capital of the company; (四)注册资本;
(5) type of the company; (五)公司类型;
(6) business scope of the company; (六)经营范围;
(7) duration of the company; and (七)营业期限;
(8) names of the shareholders of the company if it is a limited liability company or the promoters of the company if it is a joint stock limited company. (八)有限责任公司股东或者股份有限公司发起人的姓名或者名称。
Article 10 The contents of company registration shall satisfy the provisions of laws and administrative regulations. The company registration authorities shall not register any content which does not satisfy the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.   第十条 公司的登记事项应当符合法律、行政法规的规定。不符合法律、行政法规规定的,公司登记机关不予登记。
Article 11 The name of a company shall satisfy the relevant provisions of the state. A company may use one name only. The name of a company shall be protected by the law after it has been approved and registered by the company registration authority.   第十一条 公司名称应当符合国家有关规定。公司只能使用一个名称。经公司登记机关核准登记的公司名称受法律保护。
Article 12 The domicile of a company shall be the place of the principal office of the company. There shall be only one domicile registered with the company registration authority. The domicile of a company shall be within the jurisdiction of the company registration authority.   第十二条 公司的住所是公司主要办事机构所在地。经公司登记机关登记的公司的住所只能有一个。公司的住所应当在其公司登记机关辖区内。
Article 13 The registered capital of a company shall be denominated in RMB, except as otherwise provided for by any law or administrative regulation.   第十三条 公司的注册资本应当以人民币表示,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。
Article 14 The shareholders of a company shall contribute capital in a manner as set out in Article 27 of the Company Law, and they may not make capital contribution with labor, credit, the name of a natural person, goodwill, franchise, or property already posted as security.   第十四条 股东的出资方式应当符合《公司法》二十七条的规定,但是,股东不得以劳务、信用、自然人姓名、商誉、特许经营权或者设定担保的财产等作价出资。
Article 15 The business scope of a company shall be stated in the bylaws of the company and registered in accordance with the law.   第十五条 公司的经营范围由公司章程规定,并依法登记。
The business scope of a company shall be described by referring to the industry classification standards of national economy. 公司的经营范围用语应当参照国民经济行业分类标准。
Article 16 The type of a company shall be either a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company.   第十六条 公司类型包括有限责任公司和股份有限公司。
For a one-person limited liability company, the sole investment from a natural person or a legal person shall be noted in the registration of the company and be stated in the business license of the company. 一人有限责任公司应当在公司登记中注明自然人独资或者法人独资,并在公司营业执照中载明。
Chapter IV Formation Registration 

第四章 设立登记

Article 17 In the formation of a company, an application for the pre-approval of the name of the company shall be filed.   第十七条 设立公司应当申请名称预先核准。
Where the formation of a company must be reported for approval in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council or any item in the business scope of a company must be reported for approval before registration in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council, the company shall undergo the pre-approval of its name before filing the aforesaid report for approval, and the aforesaid report for approval shall be filed in its name as pre-approved by the company registration authority. 法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定设立公司必须报经批准,或者公司经营范围中属于法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目的,应当在报送批准前办理公司名称预先核准,并以公司登记机关核准的公司名称报送批准。
Article 18 In the formation of a limited liability company, a representative designated or an agent jointly authorized by all the shareholders shall apply for the pre-approval of the name of the company to the company registration authority. In the formation of a joint stock limited company, a representative designated or an agent jointly authorized by all the promoters shall apply for the pre-approval of the name of the company to the company registration authority.   第十八条 设立有限责任公司,应当由全体股东指定的代表或者共同委托的代理人向公司登记机关申请名称预先核准;设立股份有限公司,应当由全体发起人指定的代表或者共同委托的代理人向公司登记机关申请名称预先核准。
To apply for the pre-approval of the name of a company, the applicant shall submit the following documents: 申请名称预先核准,应当提交下列文件:
(1) A written application for the pre-approval of the name of the company as signed by all the shareholders of the company if it is a limited liability company or by all the promoters of the company if it is a joint stock limited company. (一)有限责任公司的全体股东或者股份有限公司的全体发起人签署的公司名称预先核准申请书;
(2) A certificate on the designation of a representative or the joint authorization of an agent by all the shareholders or promoters. (二)全体股东或者发起人指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明;
(3) Other documents as required by the SAIC. (三)国家工商行政管理总局规定要求提交的其他文件。
Article 19 The pre-approved name of a company shall be reserved for six months. Within the period of reservation, the pre-approved name shall neither be used for any business activity nor be transferred.   第十九条 预先核准的公司名称保留期为6个月。预先核准的公司名称在保留期内,不得用于从事经营活动,不得转让。
Article 20 In the formation of a limited liability company, a representative designated or an agent jointly authorized by all the shareholders shall apply for formation registration to the company registration authority. In the formation of a wholly state-owned company, the state-owned assets supervision and administration institution of the corresponding people's government as authorized by the State Council or the local people's government shall act as the applicant to apply for formation registration. Where the formation of a limited liability company must be reported for approval in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council, an application for formation registration shall be filed with the company registration authority within 90 days from the date of approval; and if the application for formation registration is overdue, the applicant shall report to the approving authority for confirmation of the validity of the original approval document or for a separate approval.   第二十条 设立有限责任公司,应当由全体股东指定的代表或者共同委托的代理人向公司登记机关申请设立登记。设立国有独资公司,应当由国务院或者地方人民政府授权的本级人民政府国有资产监督管理机构作为申请人,申请设立登记。法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定设立有限责任公司必须报经批准的,应当自批准之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记;逾期申请设立登记的,申请人应当报批准机关确认原批准文件的效力或者另行报批。
To apply for the formation of a limited liability company, the applicant shall submit the following documents to the company registration authority: 申请设立有限责任公司,应当向公司登记机关提交下列文件:
(1) A written application for formation registration as signed by the legal representative of the company. (一)公司法定代表人签署的设立登记申请书;
(2) A certificate on the designation of a representative or the joint authorization of an agent by all the shareholders. (二)全体股东指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明;
(3) Bylaws of the company. (三)公司章程;
(4) An eligibility certificate of each shareholder which is an entity or the identification of each shareholder who is a natural person. (四)股东的主体资格证明或者自然人身份证明;
(5) Documents stating the names and domiciles of all the directors, supervisors, and managers of the company and certificates on the relevant appointment, election, or employment. (五)载明公司董事、监事、经理的姓名、住所的文件以及有关委派、选举或者聘用的证明;
(6) The office appointment document and the identification of the legal representative of the company. (六)公司法定代表人任职文件和身份证明;
(7) A notice of pre-approval of enterprise name. (七)企业名称预先核准通知书;
(8) A certificate of domicile of the company. (八)公司住所证明;
(9) Other documents as required by the SAIC. (九)国家工商行政管理总局规定要求提交的其他文件。
Where the formation of a limited liability company must be reported for approval in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council, the relevant approval document shall also be submitted. 法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定设立有限责任公司必须报经批准的,还应当提交有关批准文件。
Article 21 In the formation of a joint stock limited company, the board of directors of the company shall apply for formation registration to the company registration authority. Where a joint stock limited company is formed by stock floatation, the board of directors of the company shall apply for formation registration to the company registration authority within 30 days after the end of the foundation meeting.   第二十一条 设立股份有限公司,应当由董事会向公司登记机关申请设立登记。以募集方式设立股份有限公司的,应当于创立大会结束后30日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记。
To apply for the formation of a joint stock limited company, the applicant shall submit the following documents to the company registration authority: 申请设立股份有限公司,应当向公司登记机关提交下列文件:
(1) A written application for formation registration as signed by the legal representative of the company. (一)公司法定代表人签署的设立登记申请书;
(2) A certificate on the designation of a representative or the joint authorization of an agent by the board of directors. (二)董事会指定代表或者共同委托代理人的证明;
(3) Bylaws of the company. (三)公司章程;
(4) An eligibility certificate of each promoter which is an entity or the identification of each promoter who is a natural person. (四)发起人的主体资格证明或者自然人身份证明;
(5) Documents stating the names and domiciles of all the directors, supervisors, and managers of the company and certificates on the relevant appointment, election, or employment. (五)载明公司董事、监事、经理姓名、住所的文件以及有关委派、选举或者聘用的证明;
(6) The office appointment document and the identification of the legal representative of the company. (六)公司法定代表人任职文件和身份证明;
(7) A notice of pre-approval of enterprise name. (七)企业名称预先核准通知书;
(8) A certificate of domicile of the company. (八)公司住所证明;
(9) Other documents as required by the SAIC. (九)国家工商行政管理总局规定要求提交的其他文件。
Where a joint stock limited company is formed by stock floatation, the minutes of the foundation meeting and a capital verification certificate issued by a legally formed capital verification agency shall also be submitted; and if the joint stock limited company formed by stock floatation offers shares to the public, the relevant approval document issued by the securities regulatory authority of the State Council shall also be submitted. 以募集方式设立股份有限公司的,还应当提交创立大会的会议记录以及依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明;以募集方式设立股份有限公司公开发行股票的,还应当提交国务院证券监督管理机构的核准文件。
Where the formation of a joint stock limited company must be reported for approval in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council, the relevant approval document shall also be submitted. 法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定设立股份有限公司必须报经批准的,还应当提交有关批准文件。
Article 22 Where any item in the business scope of a company to be registered upon application must be reported for approval before registration in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council, it shall be reported to the relevant department of the state for approval before the company applies for registration, and the relevant approval document shall be submitted to the company registration authority.   第二十二条 公司申请登记的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目的,应当在申请登记前报经国家有关部门批准,并向公司登记机关提交有关批准文件。
Article 23 Where any provision of the bylaws of a company violates any law or administrative regulation, the company registration authority shall have the authority to require the company to amend it.   第二十三条 公司章程有违反法律、行政法规的内容的,公司登记机关有权要求公司作相应修改。
Article 24 The certificate of domicile of a company means a document that can prove that the company has a right to use the domicile.   第二十四条 公司住所证明是指能够证明公司对其住所享有使用权的文件。
Article 25 The company registration authority shall issue a Business License for an Enterprise Legal Person to a legally formed company. The date of issuance of the business license of the company shall be the date of formation of the company. The company shall have its seals made, open a bank account, and apply for tax registration on the basis of the Business License for an Enterprise Legal Person issued by the company registration authority.   第二十五条 依法设立的公司,由公司登记机关发给《企业法人营业执照》。公司营业执照签发日期为公司成立日期。公司凭公司登记机关核发的《企业法人营业执照》刻制印章,开立银行账户,申请纳税登记。
Chapter V Modification Registration 

第五章 变更登记

Article 26 To modify any content of registration, a company shall apply for modification registration to the original company registration authority.   第二十六条 公司变更登记事项,应当向原公司登记机关申请变更登记。
A company shall not modify any content of registration without undergoing modification registration. 未经变更登记,公司不得擅自改变登记事项。
Article 27 To apply for modification registration, a company shall submit the following documents to the company registration authority:   第二十七条 公司申请变更登记,应当向公司登记机关提交下列文件:
(1) A written application for modification registration as signed by the legal representative of the company. (一)公司法定代表人签署的变更登记申请书;
(2) A modification resolution or decision made under the Company Law. (二)依照《公司法》作出的变更决议或者决定;
(3) Other documents as required by the SAIC. (三)国家工商行政管理总局规定要求提交的其他文件。
Where a company's modification of the contents of registration involves the amendment of the bylaws of the company, the amended bylaws of the company or the amendment(s) to the bylaws of the company as signed by the legal representative of the company shall be submitted. 公司变更登记事项涉及修改公司章程的,应当提交由公司法定代表人签署的修改后的公司章程或者公司章程修正案。
Where any modification of the contents of registration must be reported for approval before registration in accordance with any law, administrative regulation, or decision of the State Council, the relevant approval document shall also be submitted to the company registration authority. 变更登记事项依照法律、行政法规或者国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的,还应当向公司登记机关提交有关批准文件。
Article 28 To modify its name, a company shall apply for modification registration within 30 days from the day when the modification resolution or decision is made.
   第二十八条 公司变更名称的,应当自变更决议或者决定作出之日起30日内申请变更登记。

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