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Notice of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality on Issuing the Measures of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality for the Implementation of Online Property Auction in Bankruptcy Proceedings (For Trial Implementation) [Effective]
北京市高级人民法院关于印发《北京市高级人民法院关于破产程序中财产网络拍卖的实施办法(试行)》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality on Issuing the Measures of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality for the Implementation of Online Property Auction in Bankruptcy Proceedings (For Trial Implementation) 


No.1 Intermediate People's Court, No. 2 Intermediate People's Court and No. 3 Intermediate People's Court of Beijing Municipality; 市第一、第二、第三中级人民法院;
the people's courts of all districts: 各区人民法院:
The Measures of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality for the Implementation of Online Property Auction in Bankruptcy Proceedings (For Trial Implementation), as discussed and adopted at the 5th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on April 8, 2019, is hereby issued for your conscientious compliance and implementation. The problems existing in execution shall be reported to the No. 2 Civil Division of the Supreme People's Court of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality in a timely manner. 《北京市高级人民法院关于破产程序中财产网络拍卖的实施办法(试行)》已于2019年4月8日由市高级人民法院审判委员会2019年第5次会议讨论通过,现予印发,请遵照执行。对执行中的情况和问题,请及时报告市高级人民法院民二庭。特此通知
The Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality 


April 23, 2019 2019年4月23日

the Measures of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality for the Implementation of Online Property Auction in Bankruptcy Proceedings
(For Trial Implementation)


For purposes of regulating the administrator's disposal of the debtor's property, improving the disposal efficiency, maximizing the value of the debtor's property, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties concerned, these Measures are developed in light of the actual bankruptcy trials of Beijing in accordance with the relevant provisions set forth in the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Minutes of the National Court Work Conference on Bankruptcy Trials issued by the Supreme People's Court. 为规范破产程序中管理人对债务人财产的处置行为,提高处置效率,实现债务人财产价值最大化,维护当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国企业破产法》、最高人民法院《全国法院破产审判工作会议纪要》等相关规定,结合本市破产审判工作实际,制定本办法。
Article 1 These Measures shall apply to the public disposal of the debtor's property by the administrator by online electronic bidding through an online auction platform according to the law.   第一条 管理人依法通过互联网拍卖平台,以网络电子竞价方式公开处置债务人财产的,适用本办法。
The debtor's property means all property of the debtor when a bankruptcy application is accepted, and the property obtained by the debtor after the bankruptcy application is accepted and before the bankruptcy proceedings are terminated. 债务人财产指破产申请受理时属于债务人的全部财产,以及破产申请受理后至破产程序终结前债务人取得的财产。
Article 2 The disposal of the debtor's property shall follow the principle of “online auction first”, except otherwise decided by a resolution of the creditors' meeting, or provided for in the provisions of laws, administrative regulations, and judicial interpretations, or that the debtor's property is not suitable to be disposed of through online auction.   第二条 债务人财产处置,应以网络拍卖优先为原则。债权人会议决议通过其他方式处置,法律、行政法规和司法解释规定必须通过其他途径处置,以及债务人财产不适宜通过网络拍卖处置的除外。
Article 3 As the seller, the administrator shall, in its own name, dispose of the debtor's property through an online auction platform according to the law, and accept the supervision of the creditors' meeting and the people's court.   第三条 管理人作为出卖人,应以自己的名义依法通过网络拍卖平台处置债务人财产,接受债权人会议和人民法院的监督。
Article 4 An online auction platform shall be selected from the list of judicial online auction service providers determined by the Supreme People's Court.   第四条 网络拍卖平台应从最高人民法院确定的司法拍卖网络服务提供者名单库中选择。
Article 5 Whether to dispose of the debtor's property through online auction and the online auction plan shall be proposed by the administrator in the property appraisal plan and submitted to the creditors' meeting for discussion and voting. Where the administrator disposes of the debtor's property before the first creditors' meeting is held according to Article 26 of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, it shall submit an online auction plan to the people's court for approval.   第五条 是否通过网络拍卖方式处置债务人财产以及网络拍卖方案,由管理人在财产变价方案中提出并提交债权人会议讨论、表决。管理人根据企业破产法二十六条,在第一次债权人会议召开之前处置财产的,应当向人民法院提交网络拍卖方案,经人民法院许可。
The online auction plan shall generally include: 网络拍卖方案一般应当包括以下内容:
1. the scope of the debtor's property to be disposed of through online auction; (一)拟通过网络拍卖处置的债务人财产的范围;
2. the online auction platform to be selected; (二)拟选择的网络拍卖平台;
3. the proposed auction time, starting price or auction method determined, amount or ratio of deposit, and payment method and payment term of deposit and auction proceeds; (三)拟拍卖时间、起拍价或其确定方式、保证金的数额或比例、保证金和拍卖款项的支付方式及支付期限;
4. bidding time, bid increment, number of auctions, decrement and announcement period for each auction; and (四)竞价时间、出价递增幅度、拍卖次数、每次拍卖的降价幅度及公告期;
5. other matters requiring a resolution of the creditors' meeting. (五)其他需要由债权人会议决议的事项。
The administrator shall explain to the creditors' meeting the information of the expenses possibly generated from the auction of the debtor's property and the possible tax burdens. 管理人应就所拍卖债务人财产可能产生的费用和可能的税费负担情况向债权人会议予以说明。
Article 6 Where a creditor enjoying the right to guaranty on the particular property of its debtor applies to the administrator for exercising the priority of compensation with respect to the realization of the particular property, the administrator shall, when making the online auction plan, carefully listen to the opinions of the secured parties based on the principle of maximizing the value of the debtor's property.   第六条 对债务人特定财产享有担保权的债权人向管理人申请就该特定财产变价处置并行使优先受偿权的,管理人在制定网络拍卖方案时,应当以实现债务人财产价值最大化为原则,并充分听取担保权人的意见。
Article 7 When carrying out online auction of the debtor's property, the administrator shall fulfill the following duties:
   第七条 实施债务人财产网络拍卖的,管理人应当履行下列职责:

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